Cake with coconut. Isanna Chocolate Coconut Cake

Cake "Coconut" Beat the butter with sugar until fluffy, gradually adding the yolks. Add coconut flakes, peeled and diced pear, flour mixed with baking powder, mix. egg whites whip into a stable foam and mix into those ...Required: butter - 150 g, sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons, eggs - 3 pcs., coconut chips - 75 g, wheat flour - 125 g, baking powder for dough - 1/4 teaspoon, pear - 1 pc., milk - 500 g, starch - 2 tbsp. spoons, sugar - 100 g, butter - 125 g, coffee...

sand cake Rub the egg with sugar, add softened butter, add flour and knead the dough. Roll out the dough into a layer 1 cm thick, bake for 10 minutes at 200 ° C. Cool down. For the cream, beat the sour cream with powdered sugar and...You will need: egg - 1 pc., Sugar - 1/3 cup, butter - 150 g, wheat flour - 1 1/2 cups, thick sour cream - 2 cups, powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons, vanillin - on the tip of a knife, coconut flakes - 100 g, jam - 150 g, canned pineapple - 300 g

Silver Wedding Cake (11) For cream, beat chilled egg whites for 7-10 minutes, add powdered sugar and beat for another 10 minutes. Then slowly pour hot sugar syrup. Beat the mass for 5-7 minutes. Sponge cakes soak syrup ...You will need: ready-made coffee and fruit biscuits - 300 g each, sugar syrup - 1 cup, egg white - 2 pcs., sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons, powdered sugar - 1/2 teaspoon, protein cream - 200 g, pine nuts in icing sugar- 40 g, chocolate glaze - 50 g, coconut...

Carrot cake (2) 1. Rinse, peel and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. 2. Separate egg yolks from proteins. 3. Beat the yolks, gradually adding sugar and lemon juice. 4. Grated carrots, coconut flakes, flour, baking powder or soda, ...You will need: carrots - 500 g, coconut flakes - 200 g, ground hazelnuts - 100 g, coarse wheat flour - 75 g, baking powder for dough 2 tsp or 1/4 tsp baking soda, butter for greasing the mold

Cake Coconut The most important thing in this cake is high-quality coconut flakes without dyes and flavors. And also a carefully prepared biscuit. There seems to be nothing complicated, but she herself was convinced many times ... a little negligence and the biscuit is no longer the same.Required: BISCUITS: 2 eggs, 80g sugar, 100g sour cream 25%, 100g premium wheat flour, 1 tsp baking powder (7g), 1d.l. vanilla sugar(10g), 30g coconut flakes, CREAM: 350ml cream 35%, 2tbsp vanilla icing sugar, 150g cream or cottage cheese, cheese, 40g coconut...

coconut cakes Melt the butter in a water bath. The oil should not be hot and should not boil. Whisk the eggs with the sugar until they are light in color and foamy. Add butter and yogurt. In a bowl, sift flour, starch, baking powder. Instead of sifting, you can well ...Required: 150 gr flour, 100 kr starch, 100 gr butter, 100 gr coconut flakes, 100 gr sugar, 3 eggs, 2 jars of coconut yogurt (2x150 gr), A packet of baking powder, A pinch of salt, ********************** ****************, For glaze: 180 g sugar, 160 ml water...

just cake) Preheat the oven to 180 g Grease a 23 cm mold with butter and sprinkle with flour. Beat eggs with sugar until fluffy light foam. Sift flour and mix with baking powder coconut flakes. Gently fold the dry mixture into the egg mass (I mix with a mixer on the most...Required: For a biscuit: 5 eggs, 150 g sugar, 130 g wheat flour, 20 g coconut, 1 tsp. baking powder, For cream: 400 g sour cream (I have 15%), 3/4 tbsp. sugar, 1 packet of vanilla sugar, 1-2 packets of thickener for sour cream (cream), 4 medium bananas, For syrup ...

Fruit cake Biscuit - Eggs cool, beat in a separate bowl, even add sugar and beat well with a mixer. Beat for 10-15 minutes, until a thick, steep foam forms. After that, add the flour and carefully, from the bottom up, mix it into the foam. Next carefully...You will need: for a biscuit: eggs - six pieces, sugar - 1.5 cups, flour - 1.5 cups, for cream: cream 35% - 500 milliliters, sugar - 250 grams, fruit syrup- 70 milliliters, jam - to taste, for impregnation: water - 1 cup, sugar - 150 grams, for decoration: canned ...

Cake Ballerina knead the dough. Beat eggs with 1 cup sugar. add soda, sour cream 150 gr vanillin. mix and add flour. bake at 180 gr. finished cake cut into 2 parts and soak in syrup. (lemon juice, 3 tablespoons of sugar, mix and boil, cool and add ...You will need: 3 eggs, 2 cups of sugar, 150 g of sour cream, vanillin, 1 tsp of gash soda, flour 250 g, 400 g of ready-made meringue, 400 g of sour cream, walnuts 100 gr, juice of 1 lemon, 1 tablespoon of lemon liquor, 2 tablespoons of coconut flakes

Cake Kis-kiss Melt butter, add toffee. When the toffees are melted, pour the resulting syrup over the corn sticks and mix everything with a wide spatula. Put the mass on a dish, moisten your hands cold water and give the shape of a slide. Then sprinkle the cake with coconut flakes. Finished tor...Required: 2 packs corn sticks(90 g each, I took Ruzik), 150 g butter, 250 g Kis-kis toffee, coconut flakes for decoration

    Bounty cake with chocolate icing- the present paradisaic delight, which you can cook at home. I must say that this recipe is not at all complicated, so anyone can cook it. The only difficulty may arise with a biscuit, since this dough is rather capricious, but coconut custard- it's easier than ever. You can take another glaze recipe, but I like the recipe with sour cream, butter and cocoa the most. These ingredients are always in the refrigerator and this is quite an inexpensive option.


  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Flour - 100 g
  • Cocoa - 3 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 3/4 tbsp.
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 pack


  • Milk - 200 ml
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Coconut flakes - 150 g
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 pack

For impregnation:

  • Liquid cream - 8 tbsp.

or milk - 0.5 tbsp. + sugar - 3 tbsp.


  • Sour cream - 2 tbsp.
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Cocoa - 3 tablespoons
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons

Step by step photos how to prepare the recipe:

First, prepare the biscuit, because it needs time to cool. Better yet, prepare it the day before so that it acquires the desired structure overnight.

Carefully separate the whites from the yolks so that not a drop of the yolk gets into the whites. It is also important that water does not get into the protein, otherwise they will not whip.

Beat the whites in a light foam, first without sugar, but with a pinch of salt. Then gradually add sugar. On them we use half the norm of sugar, and the second will go to the yolk.

Beat until fluffy and dense foam.

  • Now we need to combine both of these masses, but very carefully so as not to destroy the delicate airy structure, therefore, the less we mix it, the better.

    Since we still have to add cocoa and flour, it is best to mix the cocoa with the yolks first.

  • Then sift the flour and vanilla sugar. Knead the dough again.

  • Lubricate the baking dish with oil and sprinkle with flour, and it is advisable to put parchment paper on the bottom. If there is no special parchment paper, then use to avoid the dough sticking to the mold.

    Fill the form with dough and send it to the oven preheated to 180 C for 40-45 minutes.

    In no case do we open the oven for the first 30 minutes, otherwise the biscuit will fall off and no longer be airy, and it will bake badly.

  • Cooking coconut custard.

    Pour milk into a saucepan, pour sugar, vanilla sugar and put butter.

    We put on fire and, stirring, wait until the butter and sugar dissolve.

  • Then add coconut flakes and stir.

    Fire is kept to a minimum. Let it simmer for a while, stirring occasionally. Coconut flakes will swell, absorb a lot of liquid and the cream will become thick. Boil until the mass becomes thick enough.

  • While the cream is cooling, soak the cakes.

    Our cream will be quite thick and dry, I would call it not a cream, but a filling, so you can’t do without impregnation.

    If you have liquid cream, then simply soak each cake with them - 5 tablespoons each. for everyone.

    And if not, then we will prepare milk impregnation. To do this, mix milk with sugar and heat. Boil for 5 minutes, stirring all the time. The sugar should dissolve and the milk will thicken a little. When it cools down a little, we soak the cakes with it.

  • Put the second cake on top and press it with your hands.

  • We pour it on the surface and sides.

  • And now everything is ready! Although the recipe turns out to be budgetary and easy, the taste will pleasantly surprise you.

  • Cut off a larger piece and taste heavenly delight!

    Probably, there are few people who have not tried the Bounty bar at least once in their life. Juicy coconut flesh, covered with a thick layer of the most delicate milk chocolate. A lot of people fall in love with it from the first bite.

    But few people know that there is not only a coconut bar, but also real cake. classic recipe he doesn’t have it, because every housewife comes up with it almost independently, following two main principles - as much coconut and chocolate as possible. The recipe here is very simple and affordable. Those who are not the first time preparing a biscuit will cope with it with ease.

    Such a delicious cake must definitely try to cook and you will definitely succeed. Of course, you can go to the store and buy some kind of dessert, but knowing all the achievements of the food and chemical industries, you cannot be sure of the usefulness of such a purchase. Indeed, even the composition indicated on the box leaves much to be desired, and many unscrupulous manufacturers, in order not to scare away their customers, do not indicate all the information on the label. Yes, and the conditions of delivery and storage can lead to the fact that the purchased product will be damaged and may cause poisoning. Take care of your family, spend some time and prepare a homemade Bounty.

    This cake will satisfy everyone's tastes. Men love it for its sweetness and pronounced chocolate flavor, women - for tenderness and airiness, and children, little sweet teeth, are very fond of coconut stuffing. If to be children's holiday be sure to prepare it. You'll see, not a crumb will be left on the table.

    Those who first come across the preparation of a biscuit should know some fundamentally basic basics of its preparation. The most important advantage of a biscuit is its splendor. It should be tall and tender. In order for it to turn out just like that, you must adhere to some rules:

    The eggs to be beaten must not be room temperature but chilled. Some cooks advise whipping whites with a pinch of salt and a drop of lemon juice. The yolks are mixed with sugar, and then everything is neatly mixed.

    1. The utensils where the eggs are beaten must be dry and fat-free. To do this, wipe it first with vinegar and dry it with a towel.
    2. Instead of sugar, it is better to use powdered or finely crystalline sugar so that it completely dissolves even at the moment of churning.
    3. Proteins with sugar are whipped for 10 minutes, until a white thick mass and persistent peaks are formed.
    4. Flour should be only the highest grade. Be sure to sift it to enrich it with oxygen.
    5. It is necessary to mix the flour into the resulting mass gradually and very carefully. Pour out small portions and mix with a wooden or silicone spatula from top to bottom. In no case do not beat with a mixer!
    6. During baking, the dough expands in volume, so fill the form no more than 3/4 of the volume.
    7. It is necessary to put the form in a well-heated oven. During baking, the cabinet door must not be opened. After the allotted time, check the readiness with a wooden skewer.
    8. To finished biscuit well taken out of the mold, leave it to cool upside down for 2-3 minutes.
  • Rate the recipe

    Who here ordered a chocolate-coconut cake from us? Since everyone in our family loves this combination, I decided not to put it off and immediately prepared this delicious and satisfying dessert. It is called Isanna cake and is made on the basis of coconut cakes, which are smeared with chocolate ganache. In fact, it turns out such a large and multi-layered Bounty bar, only much more tender, softer and, moreover, homemade.

    I will write a little about the products. First of all, coconut flakes, which are a decent amount according to the recipe, can be made independently -. Choose medium-sized chicken eggs, and choose chocolate to your liking. I used dark (72%), but you can also use milk - then the finished cake will be even sweeter. And about cream. In the original, you need 300 milliliters of fat, that is, at least 30%, but for lack of it, I took 10%, while reducing the volume to 250 milliliters.

    For those who like to count calories: according to my proportions, according to my proportions, there are 393 kcal per 100 grams in the Isanna chocolate-coconut cake recipe, but if you cook dessert with 30% cream, the calorie content rises to 429 kcal. Like this. By the way, although the cake turns out to be small in size (weighing 1100 grams), it will be enough for 10 people. He's too savory...


    Cooking step by step with photos:

    Isanna Chocolate Coconut Cake recipe includes the following ingredients: coconut flakes, chicken eggs, granulated sugar, chocolate, cream, as well as a pinch of salt and vanillin. Regarding products and replacement options, I wrote above.

    So, let's prepare the coconut base for the cake. It is difficult to call it a biscuit, rather it is tender and air filling for Bounty bars. However, we will make and bake it in the same way as a biscuit. AT suitable dishes split 3 medium chicken eggs add a pinch of salt and vanilla. We also pour 225 grams of granulated sugar there.

    Stir everything with a whisk and set to bask on water bath. Not on a minimum fire (so the eggs can curl up) directly on the stove, but on a water bath. To do this, pour water into a saucepan and bring it to a boil. We put a bowl of eggs on top - it is important that the bottom of the bowl does not touch the water. And so, with constant vigorous stirring, we heat the egg mixture to 60 degrees. I don't have a cooking thermometer, so I measure with my finger. The mass will be quite hot, but tolerable. I didn't time it, but it takes about 8-10 minutes to cook.

    Remove the bowl from the water bath and immediately beat with a mixer at high speed until a fluffy and light mass is formed, which should greatly increase in volume and cool to room temperature. Of course, you can beat the eggs with sugar with your hands using a whisk, but then get ready to do this for at least 15 minutes.

    Now we pour 190 grams of coconut flakes and with a spatula (spoon) gently mix it into the air mass in the same way as biscuit dough is mixed. That is, folding movements from the bottom up.

    We take a rectangular baking dish (ideally 20x30 centimeters), cover it with parchment paper and put the coconut dough into it. Smooth it out with a spoon or spatula.

    We bake the coconut base in a preheated oven at 180 degrees. Time in this case- the concept is extremely relative. My cake was ready in 25 minutes, but it can take from 15 to 30 minutes. The main indicator of the readiness of the base is a dense top crust that does not stick to the fingers. We take out the form from the oven and let the coconut cake completely (!) Cool down. Do not even try to cut and remove the warm cake from the paper - it is still very fragile and will simply fall apart.

    While the coconut base is cooling, prepare the chocolate ganache. To do this, pour the cream into a small saucepan or stewpan and bring it almost to a boil, that is, warm it up very well. Remove the dishes from the heat and put the chocolate in the cream, which we break into pieces in advance.

    Now we are very actively starting to mix chocolate with cream. The heat of the cream will melt the chocolate very quickly, but it is important to stir it all the time so that it does not curl up into lumps. The result is a completely homogeneous, smooth and shiny chocolate coating. At first it will be liquid - just let the ganache cool for about 15 minutes (stir a couple of times during this time) and it will thicken.

    When the coconut cake has completely cooled, it will need to be cut into 3 equal rectangles. To do this, take another piece of parchment paper, put it on top of the form with the coconut base and turn it over onto a new sheet along with the form. As a result, the cake will lie upside down. We remove the paper on which we baked the cake - it easily leaves.

    Now we put one rectangle of coconut cake on the dish or plate on which you will serve the cake. I strongly advise you to lay the dishes with 4 strips of baking paper - then the dish will remain clean.

    Lubricate the cake with a part chocolate ganache, which needs to be roughly divided so that it is enough for 1 more layer and coverage.

    • Eggs - 3 pieces,
    • Sugar - ¾ cup
    • Flour - about ¾ cup
    • Baking powder - 0.5 tsp,
    • Cocoa - 2 tablespoons,

    (a glass of 250 ml);

    Impregnation for cakes:

    • Cream 10-12 tablespoons;
    • Milk - 200 ml,
    • Sugar - 100 grams (1/2 cup)
    • Butter 100 grams,
    • Coconut flakes 150 grams.

    Chocolate glaze:

    • Milk -100 ml,
    • Butter - 50 grams,
    • Sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons,
    • Cocoa - 4 tbsp. spoons.

    Cooking process:

    To begin with, let's take biscuit dough. In a separate bowl, mix all dry ingredients: cocoa, flour and baking powder. Beat the eggs for ten minutes with a mixer.

    You should get a white thick mass.

    We remove the mixer to the side, we will not need it. Add the flour mixture to the beaten eggs and mix gently with a spoon.

    The dough for chocolate biscuit is light and airy. Now it remains to bake it. For baking, we use our assistant multicooker, but in the oven, the Bounty cake biscuit bakes twice as fast. The cooking method is up to you. We grease the bowl with butter and lay out the dough. Don't forget to level.

    The chocolate base for the coconut cake in the slow cooker is cooked on the “baking” program for 60 minutes. The baked cake should be completely cool. Then we cut it into two parts.

    For now, let's get on with the filling. I pre-soaked the coconut in milk, I was afraid that it would be dry, but everything turned out well. You can not soak it, but just cook longer. You can cook the coconut filling for the Bounty on the stove, I decided to cook it in a slow cooker. I put butter and sugar in a bowl, and added milk. She let the butter warm up and melt, and poured out the coconut flakes. Cooked in the "quenching" mode for half an hour. If the chips were not soaked, it would take more time to cook in this mode. You can speed up the process on a more powerful “baking”, stirring more often.

    When cooking, the filling should absorb all the liquid and allow it to cool before assembling the cake.

    The cakes are cut, now soak them with cream. If there is no cream in the house, soak chocolate biscuit milk. The most interesting begins. We spread the filling on the bottom cake.

    The unfinished cake looks so beautiful! The boiled coconut flakes are laid out very well, it turns out quite a lot, which is why the Bounty cake is so tasty. The coconut layer on the base must be well tamped so that it does not crumble when cutting the cake.

    We cover the filling with the second cake. What a handsome man! It remains to pour the icing and our cake will be ready.

    Let's start cooking chocolate icing. I quickly cooked it on the stove. Cocoa, sugar and butter put in a saucepan.

    As soon as it all boils, boil for about five minutes over low heat until the icing thickens. Now you need to cool it to a warm state. So it will be better for her to cover our cake.

    Bounty cake should stand for a while, it is better to send it to the refrigerator for the whole night.

    Please cut piece by piece and delight your loved ones with a delicious cake!

    Thanks to Svetlana Kislovskaya for the recipe for coconut cake in a slow cooker.

    A pleasant tea party wishes you the site Notebook of delicious recipes!

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