Persimmon variety kinglet: what is the difference between a chocolate-flavored fruit and a regular one. Persimmon kinglet, calorie content and useful properties

what is the difference between persimmon and king

  1. Kinglet is a type of persimmon. Like, for example, apples semerinka.
  2. chocolate-colored crust, usually without seeds, and the shape is different,
    more "cubic"
    chocolate persimmons were initially ridiculed and scorned by buyers who preferred the more familiar bananas, mangoes, or beautiful lychees because of their dark flesh. But, despite its savory reputation, chocolate persimmon was so fragrant, sweet and tasty that, having tasted it, people appreciated its taste and smell.
    This fruit is the closest relative of the much better known in temperate latitudes, eastern persimmon (Diospyros kaki),
    one of 400 varieties belonging to the genus Diospyros.

    When the fruits grow to size big apple, reaching a diameter of 8-12 cm, their color begins to change, taking on a brownish color.

    Ripe persimmon fruits weigh 500-900 grams. They look very beautiful against the backdrop of shiny green leaves. The color of ripe fruits becomes more pronounced, and the leaves fall off. Soon ripe persimmon shining like the sun against the blue sky.

  3. Persimmon Korolk (Chocolate Pudding, Black Apple) is a variety of berries that ripen in October on a tall tree that looks like an apple tree from the Ebony family. This Asian plant with oblong alternate leaves, dark green above and light below, by May is completely covered with single dark red flowers, pollinated by insects, mainly bees. Already in July, many ovaries are formed, gradually growing to the size of a green apple and, as they ripen, first acquiring a yellowish-orange and then brownish color and becoming softer and juicier by autumn. The spherical fruit in a ripe state becomes brown outside and inside, the pulp is converted into a powdery creamy mass, as a result of which this persimmon variety received from the Antillean Creoles (this variety is most widely cultivated in the Antilles) an offensive nickname that can be translated into Russian as chicken droppings. However, despite the offensive name, Europeans vacationing at the resort quickly and appreciated the taste and aroma of chocolate persimmon, increasing demand for the product and stimulating its export to Europe. Oriental persimmon in general, and Kinglet in particular, has also been massively grown for more than 2 thousand years in China, since the 19th century in Japan, as well as in Korea, the Mediterranean countries, the USA, South Africa, Central Asia, Crimea and the Caucasus.

    But the data on the Korolk persimmon variety are quite contradictory. So, some researchers distinguish it as a separate variety of eastern persimmon - Diospyros digyna, while another group cites the fact that chocolate persimmon appeared on trees of the genus Diospyros kaki as a result of intensive pollination by bees and favorable weather conditions. In this case, the fetus can be of various shapes: from spherical to heart-shaped-flattened. However, the general features of the variety remain greater sweetness compared to ordinary persimmon and a dark shade of pulp. Unripe coral can have a slightly astringent bitter taste due to its relatively high tannin content, which is greatly reduced or eliminated in ripe or frozen persimmons.

    Persimmon can be used as a self-sufficient fruit in fresh, dry like a fig, cook jams from it and prepare all kinds of desserts, make cider, molasses, wine, beer and sake based on Kinglet. Roasted and crushed seeds are used as a coffee substitute, and furniture and sports equipment are made from the wood of the tree in a number of countries.

The benefits of persimmon

As soon as persimmon appears on our tables, it certainly pleases everyone with its unusually delicate and sweet taste. It is also known that this fruit is a real storehouse of vitamins and useful substances that nature presents us as a gift at the end of autumn. As can be seen from practice, it is enough to eat 2-3 fruits to satisfy your hunger, therefore, nutritionists in many countries recommend eating persimmons with a wide variety of diets - the figure will not suffer from this, but the body will be of great benefit.

Persimmon contains large amounts of potassium, magnesium and carotene, which are effective means of preventing cancer. According to their content, it is not inferior even to such well-known fruits as figs, grapes and apples. Its pulp contains up to 15% fructose and glucose, vitamins A, C and P are present in significant concentrations, which maintain the elasticity of blood vessels. This fruit also contains a lot of proteins, carbohydrates, organic acids, tannins, calcium, manganese, iron and sodium. In terms of antioxidant content, it is not inferior to green tea.

What is useful persimmon? All beneficial features this healing and delicious fruit hard to count. It contains pectin substances that actively affect the intestinal microflora and have a bonding effect. It is they who give the pulp an astringent taste. It also contains a lot of iron, which is especially useful for anemia. The use of persimmon is recommended for pregnant women. For coughs and colds, it is good to gargle with the juice of one ripe fruit, diluted in 100 grams of warm water.

Persimmon has a tonic and restorative effect, increases efficiency, improves appetite, soothes nervous system. It actively nourishes the heart muscle and strengthens cardiovascular system. All this is possible due to the content of monosaccharides in the fruits. At the same time, unlike the cases of consumption of refined sugar, the level of glucose in the blood does not reach a critical level. In addition, the daily use of ripe pulp (in season) will make up for the deficiency of organic iodine, which is very useful for our thyroid gland.

Those people who are forced to take diuretics regularly will agree that they provoke the leaching of potassium from the body and to replenish its reserves, it is required to drink special potassium-containing preparations. At the same time, taking additional medications can be avoided if you include persimmons in your diet, alternating its use with apples and apricots.

Appreciated this unique product and in cosmetology. Derivatives from it are often included in shampoos, creams and masks. If desired, you can significantly improve the condition of your skin at home. To do this, the pulp of a ripe berry should be applied for 8-10 minutes on a cleansed face, then rinse warm water.

Vitamins in persimmon

This fruit is one of the richest in vitamins. It contains: vitamin C, provitamin A, vitamins A, P, citric and malic acid, as well as a number of other useful elements. Thanks to high content provitamin A persimmon is very valuable food product. The presence of beta-carotene in ripe fruits helps to rejuvenate the skin, allowing it to remain soft and silky for as long as possible. In addition, provitamin A improves the sexual functions of the male body.

Persimmon fruits contain a high concentration of carotene, which, in combination with vitamin C, improves vision more effectively. The fruits of this medicinal plant are recommended to be consumed as often as possible, since the vitamin groups contained in them stimulate the human immune system, allowing you to avoid a whole list of diseases. For example, vitamin A has long been noted by scientists as an effective prophylactic against, and vitamins C and P significantly reduce vascular fragility.

Official science has proven that when consuming products containing beta-carotene, smokers significantly reduce the risk of lung cancer, and in terms of beta-carotene content, persimmon leaves many berries and fruits far behind. Among other things, the presence of vitamin C in it well tones the body and increases efficiency.

Persimmon is rich in iodine, although not as much as seaweed. Its deficiency in the body can lead to a number of serious diseases, up to the deterioration of mental activity. In addition, iodine is one of the main components that stabilize the functions immune system. It is not produced by the body itself, so persimmon can become an indispensable source of this useful element.

It is also worth noting that it is precisely due to the high presence of iodine in the fruit pulp that their use has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Harm persimmon

By itself, this food product is not harmful, it is only necessary to take into account the recommendations of doctors for certain diseases. Persimmon should be used with caution for those people who suffer from constipation, intestinal atony, abdominal adhesions after surgery.

Moreover, the fruits must be chosen ripe enough so that the amount of astringents in them is minimal, since unripe persimmon contains a large amount of tannin, which acts like flour and, as it were, glues the particles of digested food together.

You should not use this fruit for patients with, as the fruits contain a lot of sugars. However a small amount juicy and ripe pulp can sometimes be pampered.

Persimmon will not be useful in diseases of the kidneys and bladder at the acute stage. It can cause frequent urination, which will be an additional and unnecessary burden on the patient's excretory system. In addition, this fruit is not combined with milk, which should also be considered when choosing a diet for the day.

Persimmon for women and children

The fruits of this plant are especially popular among women, because it is no secret that their calorie content is low, so they will not harm a slender female figure in the slightest. And the pulp of the fruit is good for the skin, because it contains a large amount of antioxidants that slow down the aging process.

Pounded persimmon pulp is recommended to be mixed in a 1:1 ratio with milk or cream and applied to the face for 15–20 minutes, and then rinsed with warm water. The mask is good for aging and fading skin. To achieve a lasting effect, a course of 20 procedures is required.

Another mask recipe: the pulp of one fruit should be kneaded and mixed with starch or oatmeal, apply the resulting mixture on the face for 15 minutes, then rinse with cool water. This remedy works effectively on any type of skin.

Persimmon during pregnancy

During pregnancy, many women review their diet to include foods with enough vitamins and bioactive substances that are good for their baby. And in this case, you should not disregard such a useful fruit as persimmon. It replenishes the body's need for calcium, which is necessary for the formation of the skeletal skeleton of the fetus, has a beneficial effect on digestive system pregnant women and promotes the elimination of harmful substances.

However, this is not all the useful properties of persimmon! It helps fight puffiness, removing excess fluid from the body, replenishes the loss of potassium and other vital trace elements, normalizes metabolic processes and serves as a prophylactic for anemia. Also, this fruit can be used in cosmetic purposes, because pregnant women are often tormented by problems with the skin of the face. This is a good remedy for narrowing pores and eliminating acne.

For a mask, mix the pulp of a whole fruit with egg yolk and apply for 20 minutes on problem areas of the skin.

Is it possible for a nursing mother persimmon?

Not only during pregnancy, but also during breastfeeding, many women follow a special diet - and rightly so, since foods rich in vitamins and trace elements can, in addition to benefit, harm the baby. In this regard, persimmon is also an ambiguous product. On the one hand, it helps to prevent anemia and restores the mother's immunity after the birth of a child, on the other hand, it can cause an allergic reaction in the baby.

How to be? It is clear that you should not completely exclude this healthy fruit from a woman’s diet, it just needs to be consumed with caution and in small portions. However, in the presence of diathesis in a child, it is necessary to consult a doctor about the possibility of eating fruits.

Persimmon for children

Until the child reaches the age of three, there can be no question of introducing this fruit into his diet. In the not yet fully formed gastrointestinal tract of the baby, due to the astringents of these fruits, a sticky lump can form, which will lead to intestinal obstruction.

After three years, a child can be given only one ripe fruit of medium size per day, but you should start with very small portions. If a children's body responds normally to this fruit, then portions can be gradually increased. Of course, it is best if the child starts eating persimmons from the age of ten.

If someone doubts whether persimmon is good for children, then you should always remember that excessive consumption of any food can harm the human body.

Persimmon for diabetes

Glycemic index persimmon is 45 - this is the average figure according to the GI table, in some cases it can be recommended for diabetes, but in very limited quantities, since its sugar content is quite high.

Persimmon for weight loss

In the process of studying persimmon, it turned out that it is very valuable product in dietology. Its fruits allow you to lose extra pounds more effectively and without harm to health. Nutritionists say that just one fruit supplies the body with about 60 kcal, pectin and fiber, which allows you to feel a sense of satiety and significantly dull hunger. Vitamins A, B, C and a number of useful trace elements contained in the fruits of this medicinal plant will help support the body in the process of fasting.

A diet is often used in which persimmon replaces one meal a day, at first it will be breakfast, then lunch, and at the end dinner, in other words, it is brought to the point that only persimmon is consumed from food all day. Then the alternation again begins in a circle. The rest of the meals should be filled with low-fat foods: fish, cottage cheese, boiled meat and others. Such a diet will be useful for people who are unable to withstand severe food restrictions. It should be used for a week once a month.

It is also very useful to arrange for yourself the so-called fasting days, in which persimmon will be the main food product. This will help remove various toxins and excess fluid from the body. With such a diet, one fruit should be eaten at the first feeling of hunger, but it is not recommended to consume more than 2 kg of fruit per day. Persimmon diets will be especially useful for those with a sweet tooth. They will help not only to lose extra pounds, but also to clear the skin.

persimmon calories

In spite of a large number of sugars in persimmon and a fairly high degree of satiety, the calorie content of fruits is relatively low. It is for this reason that nutritionists recommend overweight people to include this healthy fruit in their diet. After eating only 2-3 medium fruits (150-170 grams), you can feel full quickly, without worrying about extra pounds at all. The fruits, of course, must be in the stage of full ripeness.

If you still purchased an unripe persimmon, then try freezing it. After thawing, the fruit will definitely become sweeter and softer. In addition, the astringent taste will go away - the result of an excess of tannins and tannin. Unripe fruits can be kept in warm water for 10-12 hours or placed in a bag with apples, which will also speed up their ripening.

How many calories are in persimmon? 100 grams of persimmon contains from 53 to 60 kilocalories, of which carbohydrates - 16.9 g, proteins - 0.5 g, fat - 0 grams. Its pulp contains: water - 81.5 g; dietary fiber - 1.6 g; beta-carotene - 1.2 mg; potassium - 200 mg; calcium - 127 mg; magnesium - 56 mg and iron - 2.5 mg. A small portion of this healthy fruit able to tidy up the nerves, increase efficiency and improve mood.

How and where does persimmon grow?

At the sight of persimmons on the shelves of shops or markets, many people are interested in the question: where does this plant grow? unusual fruit? This plant is a deciduous tree that grows mainly in countries with a warm climate. Moreover, in the fall, after the leaves begin to fall, the fruits of this medicinal plant remain to ripen on the tree. Even the Indians told the first European conquerors that persimmons are not recommended to be consumed before the first cold weather.

Despite the fact that the plant prefers a warm climate, it does not require a lot of moisture, it is quite unpretentious and frost-resistant. Some varieties are able to withstand temperatures down to -20 ° C. The only requirement for persimmon is the special composition of the soil. Like all fruit trees, persimmon blooms quite late and brings the first ripe fruits in late autumn (depending on the variety - in October-December).

Today, the plant is widely distributed in China, Japan, Indonesia, northern India, the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, Australia and the Philippines. It is also grown in Italy, Algeria, France, Vietnam and several other countries.

How to choose a good persimmon?

Persimmon "Korolek"

One of the most favorite varieties of persimmon among the people has always been "Korolek". It is easily identified by its slightly flattened shape and orange skin color. The flesh of the fruit has a brownish color, hence the second name of this variety - "chocolate". By the way, the darker the pulp, the sweeter the taste of this fruit. A feature of the variety is that after its use in the mouth there is no sensation of viscosity.

"Korolek" is not only one of the most delicious, but also one of the most useful persimmon varieties. It contains a significant amount of pectin, dietary fiber and slow carbohydrates, which makes this fruit a good helper in the fight against indigestion. In addition, this persimmon variety is valuable dietary product. Due to its diuretic properties, it is used folk medicine to eliminate edema of cardiac and renal origin.

"Korolek" is actively grown in Japan, China, Mediterranean countries, and in addition - in South Africa, Central Asia, the Caucasus and the Crimea.

Persimmon from the bone

Among the many various ways plant propagation one of the most popular and effective is the cultivation of a tree from a bone. This method was often used in the old days and can be successfully used to obtain young shoots at home. And it doesn't require any extra effort.

How to grow persimmon from seed? To grow persimmons from the seed, you must do the following: immediately after eating the fruit, rinse and dry the seeds thoroughly, then place them in a pot of earth about 2 cm deep, cover with plastic wrap and put it in a warm place. In the winter months, a hot battery will do just fine for this purpose.

Seeds will give the first shoots in about two weeks - it makes no sense to keep them anymore. A pot covered with cellophane must be periodically ventilated and do not forget to add water as the soil dries out. Cellophane can be removed after the first sprouts appear. Young shoots can reach fifteen centimeters in height.

In some cases, a bone may remain at the end of the sprout. Since its valves are very tightly closed, the plant may die if the stone does not fall off within a few days. If this does not happen, then it is necessary to remove it yourself with thin scissors or a needle. If the bone does not give in, then it should be steamed out, after which it is removed much easier. For steaming, it is sprayed with water and placed overnight in a plastic bag.

It should be remembered that persimmon sprouts grow quite quickly and after a while they need to be transplanted into large pots. Lack of space negatively affects the root system, so the plant may die.

Contraindications to the use of persimmon

Despite all its useful properties, persimmon has a number of contraindications. Due to the high content of easily digestible sugars in it, it is forbidden to use it for people suffering from diabetes.

Also, this fruit is not recommended to be eaten in large quantities, as this can lead to the formation of bezoars (hard stones), and in the future to intestinal obstruction. Persimmon fruits should not be eaten with cold water and milk. Among other things, in some cases, individual intolerance to the product is possible or.

Education: Diploma of the Russian State Medical University N. I. Pirogov, specialty "Medicine" (2004). Residency at the Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, diploma in Endocrinology (2006).

The most common fruit in the world. First among the best. Information about the sweetness, tenderness and benefits of persimmon came to contemporaries from ancient times.

Tree of seven virtues

There are over 300 varieties of this plant. Judging by the artifacts, the area of ​​distribution of various types of persimmon covers the whole of Asia and both Americas. In the languages ​​of many peoples of the world there is a concept denoting this unique fruit.

  1. Black date - this is the exact translation of the concept from Arabic.
  2. The tree of seven virtues is a Chinese proverb.
  3. Kaki or the fruit of the fruit - the Japanese say about the berry.
  4. Totolcuitlatzaputl, black sapote or chocolate berry - called the Aztecs.
  5. There is also a Philippine variety of persimmon - mabolo, velvet apple.

Drawings depicting a red-orange fleshy fruit are found throughout Southeast Asia. Images of persimmons are immortalized in ancient Chinese and Japanese engravings. Persimmon is dedicated to one of the famous haiku of the brilliant Basho.

In the East, this most valuable fruit and economic culture has been valued since ancient times. For the inhabitants of Asia and Oceania, the indigenous inhabitants of America, persimmon is the same symbol of the harvest as grapes are for Italians. Marshmallow, wine, ink are made from fruits. The bark, saturated with tannins, is used for leather dressing. Wood, with a strong and beautiful structure, belongs to valuable species and is used for the manufacture of furniture, dishes, and jewelry.

Persimmon: a gift from the gods

In Europe, the plant is known thanks to travelers who have rediscovered the persimmon several times throughout the history of Europe. The first mention of the miraculous fruit is found in the poems of Homer, created about three thousand years ago. Herodotus, based on travel notes, compiled his descriptions, permeated with admiration. The Swedish naturalist-researcher Thunberg described this plant in the 18th century as the original Japanese one. A funny historical anecdote is known about how the North American Indians taught missionaries to eat persimmons: “To assess the maturity of the fruit,” they revealed the secret, “it should be cut off after the leaves have completely fallen off.”

But when the Europeans figured it out, they appreciated the persimmon at its true worth. Only invented names are worth something:

  1. Persimon - such an expressive name was given to the fruit by the North Americans.
  2. Sharon is a modern Israeli variety, a selection of persimmon and apple.
  3. The Swedish biologist, who first described the berry, gave the culture the term "Diospyros" - a gift from the gods.

Cultural persimmon: varieties and types

The problem was that at first, the exotic beauty refused to grow even on the sunny Iberian Peninsula. A lot of work went into adapting chocolate date to harsh conditions.

Today's persimmon - almost all - are cultivated species. Only in the middle of the 19th century was it possible to develop varieties that bear fruit in the Mediterranean. At the turn of the 20th century, this culture came to gardens on the northern coast of the Black Sea - to the Crimea and Abkhazia. Today there are hybrids that are able to bear fruit in temperate latitudes.

Persimmon fruits - large berries, weighing up to 600 g. The pulp of black dates is rich in fiber, sugars, pectins, minerals, proteins and vitamins. Consumers distinguish between two types of persimmon:

  • chocolate - nectar-jelly and sweet,
  • fiery carmine color - tart, flowing juice.

Both types of fruits can hang not only on one tree - even on one branch.

The earliest persimmon ripens in the southern regions by the end of September. However, the most delicious ripens by December.

What determines the taste of persimmon

The taste of fruits depends on many factors - the type of tree, the quality of the soil, the number of sunny days. However, most of all, the consumer qualities of berries depend on the type of pollination of flowers.

Among the many varieties, and there are more than a thousand of them in the world, there are constant and variable plants.

  1. The first group includes varieties that lay asexual ovary. Fruits reach full maturity only after maturing or freezing.
  2. Pollinated species belong to the second. The fact that flowers are pollinated affects the sweetness and astringency of the fruit pulp. Fruits with seeds - they are usually called kinglets - are always sweeter than ordinary persimmons. Interestingly, in pollinated fruits, the pulp surrounding the seeds is much sweeter than the pulp located closer to the edge.

How to choose a variety for growing in the garden

Today, scientists have received the results of new selections. These plants are predominantly hybrid type. Gardeners, including Russian and Ukrainian, have bred seedless varieties that form delicious sweet berries.

In total, three groups of varieties are cultivated on the continent. Each group is based on American, Chinese or Caucasian selection.

  1. The rootstocks of the virgin (North American) selection are distinguished by relatively small growth and good frost resistance. The height of the branches reaches 5 m. The root system can withstand a cold of the order of -11 ° C (degrees of frost). Trees on such rootstocks in the middle lane are best grown in tubs.
  2. Eastern or Chinese persimmon is more hardened: the branches withstand frosts of 23o C, and the roots - up to 18o.
  3. The most frost-resistant are Caucasian varieties. However, they are rarely used for breeding in home gardens: the crowns of the trees are a bit tall - up to 30 m, and the fruits are small - 30 g each.

The most suitable varieties for cultivation in a continental climate are Rossiyanka and Korolek. Both varieties are bred by breeders of the Crimea.

Russian woman is a constant variety. It is based on crossing the American and Chinese varieties of trees. Differs in high frost resistance. Fruits after removal must be kept for another couple of weeks. Their flesh is sweet and aromatic.

Kinglet belongs to the group of variable plants. The variety is bred from various types of Virginia persimmon. The plant withstands colds up to 30 ° C. The berries are dark brown with many seeds. Delicious immediately after removal.

Persimmon cultivation technology in the middle lane

Varieties based on oriental selection are often grown in tubs. In summer, trees are taken out into the garden, and in winter they are hidden in the cellar. For heat-loving plants, this option is optimal.

American persimmon hybrids in private gardens in the northern regions are grown in open ground at the south wall of the house. For the landing to be successful, the rule must be observed - the wall must radiate heat, that is, it should not be insulated.

How to increase the frost resistance of persimmons

The ability of trees to resist frost largely depends on the actions of the gardener. In order for the wood to mature, summer growth should be limited within reasonable limits. Too abundant harvest can also weaken the branches: part of the ovary must be removed immediately upon formation.

Mandatory activities include summer fertilizing with potassium salts and phosphates. There are recommendations for the plan:

  • if winters are accompanied by an even constant temperature, the protection of branches can be increased by treatment with cryoprotectants;
  • in conditions of frequent thaws and strong winds, try to spray the plants with a PVA solution in the fall in a proportion of 50 mg per 10 liters of water.

If all activities are carried out on time and carefully, the trees are guaranteed to survive the winter of moderate intensity. Modern varieties and hybrids are quite capable of wintering in the middle zone of the country. And, perhaps, soon enough, it will also be possible to say about our dachas in the words of Basho: the branches are decorated with scarlet persimmons at each house.

How persimmon grows, where it comes from, what happens, can it grow in our gardens - let's look at it in order, let's see the photo. Sweet juicy, bright yellow or orange fruits are the harbingers of the New Year, because they appear on store shelves shortly before the winter holidays.

What is persimmon, its features

It is also called persimon - this synonym comes from English-speaking countries. Persimmon is remarkable in that it is absolutely unique, unlike any other fruit. The size, shape, color, taste of fruits vary - it depends on the variety. It can be yellow, orange, red, brown, even green with completely black sweet flesh.

The tree on which the persimmon grows can reach 25-30 meters in height, there are also low, dwarf varieties. The taste of fruits varies from astringent tart to rich sweet. Well-ripened pulp can be eaten with a spoon, but there are some that remain firm even after ripening. There are about 300 species.

Quite often on the forums you can find the question - what is the name of the tree on which the persimmon grows? The answer is expected and prosaic - persimmon! Both the tree and the fruit are called by the same word.

Persimon belongs to the Eben family, the wood of any variety is distinguished by its density, dark color. Parquet, furniture, parts for billiards, sports accessories, musical instruments, dishes are made from it. The leaves are used to make teas such as Gamipcha or Nokchawon.

People often ask the question - what is a persimmon, is it a fruit or a berry? Opinions are often divided, because the large size of the fruit, as well as the size of the tree, hint at a fruity origin. However, juiciness, the presence of multiple large seeds tells us that this is a berry.

Fruits on a tree, photo:

According to the botanical definition, persimon is still considered a berry, however, many people refer to it as a fruit. This is not such a serious misconception, after all, the fruits grow on a large tree, so both definitions have a right to exist. These sweet berries are consumed fresh or dried. They make jam, sauces, confectionery, compotes, marmalades, even alcoholic beverages.

How persimmon blooms

This is a dioecious culture, its flowers can be male and female. There are both self-fertile and parthenocarpic varieties that do not need pollination. The flowers are quite inconspicuous, often have a yellowish-green hue, hiding in the axils of the leaves.

How persimmon blooms, photo:


In nature, there are both edible and inedible varieties. It is quite unpretentious, frost-resistant, despite the fact that it comes from countries with a warm climate. It is worth noting that some varieties can easily tolerate a drop in temperature to -20ºС and below. If we compare this culture with other fruit representatives, then it begins to bloom later than all the others, and only with the advent of late autumn does it bear fruit.

It is not only tasty, but healthy, contains vitamins, proteins, glucose, fructose, carotene, iron. Persimon is low-calorie, therefore it is an excellent dietary product.

Many of us at least once asked the question: why persimmon knits the mouth? The cell juice of this fruit contains a large amount of tannic compounds - tannins, which are characterized by a pronounced astringent aftertaste. By the way, it is unripe or unripe fruits that contain tannin; this taste is absent in well-ripened fruits. Some varieties, such as the kinglet, contain practically no tannins. If you come across an astringent fruit, place it for a couple of days in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator - its taste will improve significantly, the characteristic aftertaste will go away.

Where does persimmon grow, in what countries?

Persimon grows mainly in warm regions - India, Italy, Spain, Georgia, Tajikistan, China, France, Turkey, Africa, and other countries. It is cultivated in Brazil, Algeria, Palestine, Afghanistan, Australia, Israel, Indonesia, Korea, Japan, Vietnam, USA.

the birthplace of this solar fruit considered to be China. But he won the hearts of our compatriots. On the territory of the former post-Soviet space, persimmon is also grown and cultivated. Today, we most often sell those fruits that were brought from Abkhazia, North Ossetia, Crimea, Georgia, and the Caucasus.

Where does persimmon grow in Russia? It grows mainly in the Krasnodar Territory, the Volgograd Region, North Ossetia, the Crimea, and the southern part of Dagestan.

Despite the fact that cold snaps also occur on the Black Sea coast, this only improves the taste of the fruit. In our country, mainly frost-resistant varieties are grown. They can withstand very low temperatures(-25..-30 °C), of course, if these cold snaps are short-lived.

The taste characteristics of persimon depend not only on the variety, but also on the place of growth, soil type, humidity level and, of course, temperature indicators in the region.

Photo - how persimmon grows:

The very first frost-resistant variety was bred by scientists from the Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Nikitsky Botanical Garden). Breeders crossed two varieties (Eastern with Virginia), thereby creating a productive, frost-resistant variety, which they called "Rossiyanka".

The second brainchild was the Nikitsky variety, which was also resistant to cold, gave juicy, sweet fruits of a bright burgundy hue.

persimmon varieties

They differ not only in taste, but also in appearance: rounded, elongated, flattened like a pumpkin, heart-like, and some of them are so miniature that they resemble cherries in size. Fruits can be bright yellow, orange, brown, red, brown, even green.

Eastern persimmon

It is also called: kaki, Japanese persimon, Chinese persimmon - this is the most common type, it is most often sold on store shelves, markets. This specimen is an ornamental deciduous tree that can reach a height of ten meters. The fruits are harvested at the stage of coloring in yellow, when room temperature they can reach the state of full maturation. The weight of the fruit is approximately 50-100 g. Oriental Persimon can be frozen and stored for quite a long time (approximately 6-7 months).

Eastern persimmon, photo:


Oriental delicacy - dried persimmon is most often made from this variety. The bark, foliage, as well as the fruits can be used for medicinal purposes. This is a frost-resistant crop that can easily survive temperatures down to -17°C, but dies at -23..-25°C. It is not capricious to the ground, loves moisture (but not waterlogging, for example, marshy soils). The tree blooms around May or early summer, bears fruit in autumn - by September-November.

Velvet persimmon

It is called the velvet apple or mabolo. The fruits look very attractive, unusual - their skin is covered with velvet villi. At the initial stage of ripening, the color of the fruit has a brown color, and then becomes bright red. The flesh is pink, juicy, sweet, but the taste itself is a little specific, with a cheesy tinge. The weight of the fetus varies from 80 to 500 g. Bad smell can be removed by removing the velvety skin and then placing the fruit in freezer(for 3-5 hours). This variety is often used for making sauces, salads, stewing with various types meat. The tree can reach 20 meters in height, very productive in terms of fruiting. It is also often used as an element of landscape decoration.

Variety Velvet, photo:

Velvet (Mabolo)

Mabolo is grown in industrial scale, his homeland is the Philippines, in Taiwan, Malaysia, he is widely cultivated.

Persimmon virgin

Wild representatives of this species grow in North America. The tree is similar in size to the oriental variety, but the fruit is slightly smaller (30-50 g), but twice as sweet. The taste is sweet, juicy, characterized by a spicy rum shade. In its native open spaces, this cultivar can withstand short-term temperature drops to -27..-30°C. Virginian persimon cuttings are often used as rootstock.

Variety Virginsky, photo:


This species is considered the most frost-resistant.

Caucasian persimmon

This is the smallest persimmon, its fruits resemble grapes or cherries in size. It grows on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, in Azerbaijan, the Crimea, and Central Asia. It blooms by May, and by the end of September-beginning of October it is already bearing fruit. Small berries repeat their Eastern counterpart in everything, the difference is only in size, but it is significant. The fruit contains many seeds, tastes somewhat like a date (at the stage of full ripening).

Variety Caucasian, photo:


It is often used as the rootstock of the Eastern Persimon, after which the trees become hardy, more durable.

Persimmon Rossiyanka

This is a hybrid variety - the brainchild of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, very frost-resistant. An adult representative can withstand temperatures down to -27..-32 °C. In our open spaces, the tree grows up to 4 meters in height, gives rather large yellow-orange fruits (100-140 g), begins to bear fruit in the third year of life. This is a hardy, "hardened" variety, resistant to many diseases. A feature is the ability to bear fruit without pollination, since the flowers of the Russian woman are exclusively female. The tree loves moisture, needs frequent watering, produces a crop around the end of November.

Variety Rossiyanka, photo:

Russian woman

The fruits are harvested hard, their ripening occurs during further storage, then the fruits become especially sweet. This variety has three varieties - the first one has no seeds, and the flesh has a light color. The second subspecies has rather small grains, the third one grows in the Crimea, it has no seeds, and the peel has a reddish tint. Russian woman took best qualities from its ancestors, becoming one of the most popular and leading representatives of modern breeding.

Persimmon Korolek

This cute name combines several persimon varieties that are similar to each other. It has a mild sweet taste, almost no astringent effect. Fruits with a brownish color of the skin and pulp are called "chocolate kinglets", but there is a yellow variety of them - Honey Kinglet. Fruits ripen by October, their shape can be round, slightly flattened or resemble a heart in shape.

Persimmon variety Korolek in the photo:


While the fruit is not ripe, it contains a lot of tannin, but as it ripens, this feature disappears. The kinglet is very tasty, it is used to prepare various sweets, as well as alcoholic beverages. Dried, finely ground beans successfully replace coffee, which has spicy taste, plus it's useful.

Korolek Chocolate - a variety of chocolate color

This is Chocolate Kinglet, with a pronounced dark brown color of the pulp, it is noteworthy that the darker the shade, the sweeter its taste. According to most, this variety is considered the sweetest of all existing species. This persimon has a lot of seeds, the skin is thin, orange, through which you can see the dark flesh. The fruits grow to the size of a large apple, their weight can reach 600-800 g. Feature lies in the color of the fruit itself - if it has been pollinated, then the fruits will differ in sweetness, the presence of seeds. If pollination has not occurred, then the persimon will have a lighter shade, some viscosity in taste, it will not have seeds. Such different specimens may well coexist on the same tree.

Kaki chocolate color, a photo:

Korolek Chocolate

Harvest ripens by October or early November. This variety is grown in the warm regions of Ukraine, Russia, in the Crimea, in the Caucasus.

Black Persimmon or Black Sapota

We used to call the brown Kinglet a chocolate variety, but in nature there is another species that is worthy of attention. This exotic species deserves the name “chocolate” more than anyone else. We are talking about the Black Sapote variety, which in the Russian-language version is called Black Persimmon, Black Apple, Black Sapote. It is also called chocolate pudding, because its pulp tastes really very similar to this dessert.

Black Sapota, photo:

Black Sapoto

It comes from Mexico, where it is also cultivated. Today it is grown in the Philippines, Hawaii, Antilles (Antilles), Mauritius. The skin of the fruit has a rich green color and the flesh is completely black.

This or that variety is, as it were, the hallmark of the country where persimmon grows. Thus, the Russians can be proud of the Rossiyanka and Nikitskaya varieties, the Ukrainians of the Roman Kosh and Mider varieties, the Filipinos of Mabola (or Velvet).

If you set out to plant persimon in your home, then it is better to opt for frost-resistant varieties. If you know how persimmon grows, what care it requires, how to cover it during the winter, then the likelihood of growing sweet sunny fruits becomes quite real.

For many, persimmon is associated with a tart taste that knits the mouth. But this culture has several hundred varieties, among which you can find sweet fruits without notes of astringency. There are even dwarf species that can be grown at home. In winter, you can see different varieties of persimmons on store shelves, and in order not to be disappointed in this fruit, you need to familiarize yourself with each variety separately.

general information

Persimmon is a popular delicacy especially during the cold season. It has been known to mankind for more than two thousand years and now it is used not only as a fruit, but also used to make compotes, preserves, jams, marmalade and dried fruits. Some varieties of persimmons are even used to make wine.

This fruit grows on small trees or shrubs. To a greater extent, this crop is common in the south and southwest of Asia, but thanks to breeders it is grown in Australia and in the countries of America.

Chocolate persimmon is represented by fruits of 100-150 grams of brown-orange color. The pulp is juicy and sweet. The fruits are round in shape with a large number of seeds inside. This is one of the few varieties that can be eaten immediately after harvest in October, as the still firm fruits do not have a tart taste at all. However, the riper the fruit, the tastier and sweeter it becomes. Only harvested fruits can be distinguished from ripe ones by skin color and hardness: ripened fruits have a darker, richer skin color and are softer.

The Korolek variety is similar in appearance to a chocolate persimmon, so they are often confused, but there are still differences. The fruits of this species are larger and their weight can reach 250 grams. The skin is smooth, and its color can be from light orange to dark red. The taste is delicate and sweet even when not ripe. This variety has a high yield, and its skin remains intact even during long-term transportation.

The fruits of the Khachia species are round in shape with a sharp elongated tip, with a dark spot on the top. There are both rather large fruits up to 220 grams, and small ones - about 60 grams. It has a bright and rather dense orange peel. This variety is also called Budyonovka and Bull's heart. The fruits are tart, but when dried or placed in the refrigerator, they become sweet.

The Costata variety is distinguished by a strong astringency of the fruit when unripe. After full ripening, a certain astringency remains only in the pulp around the seeds, the rest of the fruit is sweet and tasty. In appearance, this variety has an oval shape with faces that form a quadrilateral. Intense orange color. The fruits are small and their weight can be from 50 to 120 grams.

Frost-resistant varieties

Despite the fact that persimmon is considered tropical fruit, yet there are species that are frost-resistant and can be grown in more northern regions. These include:

  • "Russian woman";
  • Virgin;
  • Mount Hoverla.