Where in Russia chicory is grown on an industrial scale. Chicory in the confectionery industry

Recently, on the shelves of coffee departments and in pharmacy supermarkets, you can increasingly find glass jars with soluble chicory. They say that chicory is an excellent coffee substitute, promotes, and in general is a very healthy and vitamin-rich drink. Let's see, is this really true?

What is chicory?

Fig.1 Chicory flowers

Chicory is a biennial or perennial plant of the Asteraceae family, or Asteraceae, with bright blue flowers, rarely pink or white. IN wild environment this grass can be found in temperate zones in meadows, forest edges, pastures, hillsides and along roadsides. But also chicory has become widespread as a sowing crop in Europe, India, Ukraine and the USA.

Composition and useful substances

The root of the plant contains about 50% inulin - a substance that stabilizes the digestive tract and normalizes metabolism. Inulin is a natural sweetener.

Chicory root is also rich in fructose, pectin, B vitamins, micro and macro elements, as well as organic, protein and tannins, carotene and resins.

Production technology

Soluble chicory is a plant root concentrate obtained by extraction.

The dried root is roasted, then an infusion is boiled on it, after which it again goes through dry hot processing resulting in a soluble powder.

Beneficial features

Chicory resembles coffee in color and taste, so it can easily replace it, but does not contain caffeine, which allows you to use it without fear. The root of the plant is rich in vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on nervous system, and, unlike the stimulating effect of coffee, chicory has a calming and relaxing effect, but at the same time invigorates and tones the body.

A drink can help in. The pectin included in the composition will reduce appetite and hunger, and inulin will help equalize blood sugar levels, neutralize the harm from malnutrition, as well as reduce cravings for it and normalize intestinal microflora, preventing dysbacteriosis and constipation.

Also, inulin, speeding up metabolism, helps to remove toxins from the body and increases the absorption of vitamins and minerals, strengthens immune system. It promotes vasodilation, and in general has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, preventing the occurrence of hypertension, tachycardia and other diseases of the circulatory system.

Chicory also has undoubted benefits for appearance. Containing many different minerals and vitamins, the drink tones and refreshes the skin, strengthens the structure of hair and nails, and accelerates their growth. As a means of external use, it promotes wound healing, helps with dermatological diseases.

Soluble chicory during pregnancy

The drink is an excellent coffee substitute, but does not contain harmful caffeine. Its useful components stabilize the work of all glands of the body, accelerate metabolic processes, which is especially important during pregnancy. Also, the beneficial properties of chicory will help get rid of heartburn.

In most cases, drinking a drink during this period is not only safe, but also beneficial for a pregnant woman.

However, one should be aware of the possible individual intolerance of the components of the drink, as well as the acceleration of all chemical reactions during pregnancy. Therefore, before taking it, it is better to consult a doctor, and if you experience the slightest discomfort, you should completely exclude chicory from your diet.

Contraindications for use and possible harm

Also, you should not drink a drink for people suffering from bronchial diseases, varicose veins and vascular diseases, stomach ulcers, malfunctions of the gallbladder. Allergy sufferers should also be wary of chicory - ascorbic acid contained in it can cause a negative reaction of the body. Excessive consumption of the drink also negatively affects the liver.

Basically, chicory has a calming effect on the entire body, including reducing appetite. However, in rare cases, the effect can be exactly the opposite - lead to nervous excitability or cause an excessive feeling of hunger.

Properties, composition, as well as the benefits and harms of these delicious fruits

Who is it useful for and how to use it?

What are the consequences for you and what are the benefits of giving up this bad habit

Chicory is a product incompatible with milk. The combination of these two products together looks natural, but in fact can be harmful to health.

How to choose instant chicory?

You can find instant chicory in almost any pharmacy, tea and coffee sections of supermarkets, in specialized stores of herbal products or goods for diabetics.

It is better to purchase the product in a transparent glass container - so you can see the contents. Pure 100% chicory powder should be uniform in color and flowability. The presence of lumps may indicate improper storage, and a diluted color may indicate additional impurities, which can affect the quality and properties of the drink.

You can also often find chicory with various useful supplements- with ginseng, hawthorn, lemon or thyme.

Storage conditions

The powder is stored in a hermetically sealed container, excluding the slightest ingress of moisture into it.

Making a drink from chicory

The cooking process is no different from brewing instant coffee- 1-2 teaspoons of chicory pour 150-200 ml of water, mix. You can add vegetable cream or soy milk. It is better to drink a sugar-free drink hot, like coffee or tea.

Soluble chicory has a lot useful properties cases of negative effects on the body are extremely rare. This largely depends on the individual tolerance of certain components of the plant root. Therefore, your choice should be guided solely by your feelings or the testimony of a doctor.

We invite you to watch a video about the benefits of chicory, its medicinal properties, use in traditional medicine and cosmetology, recipe for tea (drink) from chicory

Established production and wholesale sales. 20 companies provided goods for 2019. Natural coffee substitute contains many useful substances and vitamins. instant drink Russian production meets the standards for the content of inulin and glucose.

Nutritionists advise chicory as a product healthy eating. The powdered composition contains an extract from the root of the plant. Roskontrol checks products for taste and properties in laboratories. Research is aimed at maintaining quality and protecting consumers from low-quality samples.

Consumers of the drink note an improvement in health. Experts recommend drinking ground chicory in coffee cups. Addition of sugar, milk - to taste. Suppliers use packaging in: glass and tin can, zip packages, sticks. Transport companies deliver orders throughout Russia and the CIS.

Manufacturers invite partner stores, organizations to cooperate baby food, wholesalers. A valuable drink is useful for both adults and children. Buyers have the right to download the price list, buy in bulk, write reviews through the exhibition manager. Employees regularly update the list of products and the catalog of manufacturers.

As already mentioned, drinks that replace coffee have found many adherents and enjoy well-deserved success among the population of our country. However, in order to further improve their quality and ease of use, it is advisable to produce these drinks in the form of instant drinks, following the example of instant coffee.

Since coffee replacement drinks contain less volatile aromatic substances than coffee, you can not only dry them, but also boil them in a vacuum apparatus, and then either dry them out or release them as a paste. Due to the fact that the heat consumption for evaporation of 1 kg of moisture during boiling in a vacuum apparatus is 3-3.5 times less than during spray drying, this represents a certain economic feasibility.

In our country, soluble chicory in the form of a paste was first produced at one of the factories of the production facility. division "Rostovkofetsikorprodukt".

Technological scheme of production instant chicory shown in fig. 99.

Dried chicory is fed into the roaster 2 through scales I, roasted according to the modes adopted in the production of drinks.

KOV, replacing coffee, and reserve in the hopper 3, from where it is served as needed to the roller machine 4, where it is crushed into grains. The crushed product is separated on a mill sieving 5, obtaining grains of the following granulometric composition: passage through a sieve with a hole diameter of 7 mm - 100%, exit from a sieve with a hole diameter of 5 mm - 5%. The smaller product is used in coffee and beverages that replace it. The resulting grains are reserved in the 6 bunker. The grains are fed through the 7 scales to the 8 diffusion battery, where they are treated with water. The extract is collected in a collector 9. An aqueous extract of chicory is filtered on a filter 10 and boiled in a vacuum apparatus 11 until the extract contains 70% dry matter. The boiled extract is pumped into collection 12. The finished product can be packaged in half-liter glass jars or aluminum tubes.

The extraction of fried chicory grits is carried out with the Robert extraction battery (Fig. 100).

The battery consists of 12 diffusers and 12 heaters. All diffusers and heaters are interconnected by pipelines of hot water, chicory water extract and the so-called bypass pipeline, which makes it possible to exclude any diffuser with a heater from operation.

Steam can be supplied to the heater coils to heat the chicory extract transferred from the extractor to the extractor.

Battery operation is as follows. Initially, four diffusers are loaded with fried chicory grits - 12 kg each. The diffuser covers are closed and water is supplied to the first one. Water, having passed the diffuser, extracts water-soluble substances from chicory grains. The extract is squeezed out with water into the next diffuser, passing through a heater, which maintains the required temperature, then from the second diffuser the extract enters the third and fourth. It takes 20 minutes to fill four diffusers. Then the liquid in four extractors

It is kept for some time for a more complete extraction, and through the fourth diffuser they begin to select the finished extract, checking it for the content of extractive substances (density). When the density of the outgoing extract is 8-10%, its selection is stopped and two more are connected to the working diffusers, filling them with chicory grits and extract from the fourth diffuser (supplying water to the first diffuser). After holding the filled additional diffusers, the extract is again taken and this is repeated until all 12 diffusers are filled.

During the filling of diffusers, water is constantly supplied to the first diffuser (tail) at a pressure of 0.2-0.3 MPa. Each diffuser holds 12 kg of chicory grits and 84 liters of water.

After filling the entire diffuser battery and extracting the extract from the twelfth diffuser, the first two diffusers (tail diffusers) are disconnected from the battery communications. The liquid remaining in them with a content of 1.5-2% of solids is poured into a special collector and then pumped instead of water from the tail diffusers. From the disconnected diffusers, the cake is unloaded through the lower hatch and evacuated from the room to the waste collector with a special auger. Diffusers are filled with fresh chicory grains and put into operation as head diffusers. The cycle of unloading and unloading is repeated every 20 minutes.

Due to the fact that the intervals between unloading and loading are small, the extraction process approaches continuous.

It has been established that the extraction of chicory should be carried out at a water temperature of 85-90°C. In this case, with the greatest transition of extractive substances into solution, the optimal ratio of inulin and fructose (3:2) is observed in the extract. At higher temperatures, the hydrolysis of inulin goes deeper and a significant amount of fructose accumulates, which reduces the taste. finished product. When the temperature of the water supplied for extraction is below 85°C, the transition of solids into the extract is significantly reduced, and, consequently, the yield of the finished product.

As a result of the operation of the diffuser battery, a chicory extract is obtained, the concentration of which to a content of 70% of solids is carried out in vacuum apparatuses at a temperature not exceeding €5°C.

With some reconstruction for the extraction of chicory, the extraction battery described above (see Fig. 95) can be used.

Ready chicory extract is a dark brown paste, easily and without sediment soluble in hot water. To get a drink of sufficient strength, it is necessary to dissolve 2-3 g of chicory in a glass of water (less than half a teaspoon).

The consumption rates of raw materials in the production of instant chicory are set on the basis of yield measurements. They depend on the degree of roasting of chicory, the extraction process, and the loss of raw materials and materials at the stages of the technological process.

At present, the consumption of roasted chicory per 1 ton of soluble chicory is assumed to be 1200 kg.

Where V is the volume occupied by the material, m3;

VM - own volume of material, m3.

Studies have found that at a drying agent temperature of 150°C, the duration of drying to a moisture content of 10% is from 8 to 14 minutes, depending on the layer thickness. The temperature of the drying agent above 150°C causes browning of the product, so this temperature increase is unacceptable.

At a temperature of 150°C and a grain layer height of 120 mm, the following data were obtained: the total layer resistance at the beginning of drying 774 Pa, at the end of 608 Pa, drying time - 14 minutes, specific load 99.0 kg / m2, productivity 1 "M2 of the grate 424 kg/h

The cereal was of high quality. Thus, the swelling coefficient was equal to 2.5 instead of 2.3 for cereals dried in the Evrika dryer, the duration of boiling was 12 minutes instead of 20 minutes.

Chicory is herbaceous plant, which appearance very similar to cornflower flowers. On the territory of our country, chicory grows almost everywhere, except for the northern regions. Chicory powder is one of the most famous coffee substitutes, which, in addition to the taste similarity with such a popular drink, has a mass positive qualities. Namely, it tones, improves immunity, strengthens the protective functions of the body.

It is worth noting that chicory has a wider range of applications. In addition to the drink itself, it is used in the confectionery industry, to create cocktails and soft drinks. Such a wide range of applications creates all conditions for the creation and development of a business for the production of chicory. At the same time, the equipment allows it to be produced both in a dry and in a liquid state.


The room should be chosen outside the city or in an industrial area. Since the production of chicory is related to food, a fairly significant number of requirements will be presented to the premises itself. This is compliance with sanitary standards, fire safety, the complete absence of pests, and so on.

The size of the premises will start from 200 m2, but will depend on the planned production volumes. The entire area will need to be divided into warehouse, administrative and production departments. The manufacturing area itself should also be divided into sections. This preparatory stage, where the raw materials are being cleaned, a zone for frying and separately for cooling, grinding the product. By fulfilling these conditions, you can get a really high-quality, competitive product.

Also. The room should have light, water, gas and heating in winter period. For the organization and rental of premises, it will be necessary to allocate at least $ 800 per month.


For the manufacture of chicory, the following devices are needed:

1. Burat (allows you to clean raw materials from impurities) - $ 1.4 thousand;
2. Roasting machines (with a capacity of 140 kg per 1 hour) - $ 7 thousand;
3. Installation for cooling a semi-finished product - about $ 2 thousand;
4. Roller machines (grind the semi-finished product) - $ 400;
5. Belt conveyor - $ 600;
6. Filling and packaging equipment - $2.5 thousand.

It is worth noting that it is better not to save on equipment. Since, the whole technology of making chicory involves the use of manual labor. And if you choose inexpensive roasters, then, among other things, you will need to hire staff who will monitor the quality of the roasting of the semi-finished product. And this will be an additional expense item. Therefore, for purchasing necessary equipment and devices you need to have an amount of at least $ 14 thousand.

Raw material.

For the manufacture of chicory, a special variety of plant is used, namely the root subspecies of common chicory. It is grown in rural farms, which will have to be addressed.

For this, only the root of the plant is used. Although unscrupulous manufacturers use different varieties chicory, resulting in a cheaper, but lower quality product. In addition, manufacturers are now using other additives to chicory that enrich taste qualities product, his healing properties and make the drink more attractive to the consumer. It can be hawthorn, mint, lemongrass, sea buckthorn. Or fruit supplements like apple or pear. It is worth allocating about $3,000 for the purchase of raw materials.


It will be necessary to invite about 20-25 people to work at a chicory plant. These will be technologists, line operators, laborers, an accountant, an equipment adjuster, a driver, a secretary, a manager. The staff will work in two shifts. The production of chicory involves a lot of manual labor, but there is no need to hire personnel with great experience or higher education. It does not swing technologists. Therefore, in order to pay all salaries at such an enterprise, it is necessary to have an amount of 6.5-8 thousand dollars.

You can offer your products to consumers through all known media. It can be advertising on the Internet: creating a website and renting advertising space. Publications in popular magazines or newspapers for leisure, the most diverse direction. If you have a rather impressive budget, then you can create your own video on a local TV channel. You can also use outdoor advertising to attract buyers. If your choice is an extensive marketing strategy, then it will be necessary to make a discount on the product, hold a series of tastings in crowded places, and hold an action. It is necessary to allocate about $ 400 for advertising activities.

Basic costs.

The main cost group includes the following items:

1. Rent of premises - $800;
2. Purchase of equipment - $14 thousand;
3. Purchase of raw materials - 3 thousand $;
4. Hiring of personnel - 6.5-8 thousand dollars;
5. Advertising strategy - $400.

The total budget for starting a chicory business will be about $26,000.

Profit and payback period.

The productivity of the equipment will be the production of 43 tons of raw materials in one month. The cost of the product will vary greatly. For example, if you are making chicory (or part of it for industry), then the cost of 1 kg will be about $ 4. And if you offer chicory to the end consumer in a colorful package, then you offer the product at $ 9 per 1 kg. Sometimes more if you have added an herbal or fruit extract supplement to the chicory. The average profit of the enterprise per month will be about $60,000. That's just the return on investment should be expected not earlier than in a couple of years.

Clients and business development.

Consumers will be wholesale and retail stores, as well as a confectionery or food industry. As a business development, you can experiment with the form of presentation (offer goods in packages of different sizes, including sticks), as well as with additives (you can put powdered milk, cream, chocolate or natural coffee). In the future, you can start making condensed milk with chicory or an extract in liquid form.

Read also:

Usage: in the food concentrate industry. The essence of the invention: the method involves cutting, drying and roasting chicory roots, extracting with water at a temperature of 90 - 95 o C when dispersing liquid carbon dioxide in the extraction mixture, separating the extract, concentrating it by freezing moisture on a cooled one at a rate of 0.2 - 0.3 o C/min surface and freeze drying under vacuum at -28 - -33 o C.


The invention relates to a technology for the production of coffee substitutes and can be used in the food concentrate industry. A known method for the production of powdered soluble chicory, including cutting, drying and roasting of its roots, extraction with water at a temperature of 90 95 o C, separation of the extract, its concentration to a solids content of 35 40% by weight in vacuum evaporators and drying in spray or foam dryer
The disadvantage of this method is the low yield of the finished product. The objective of the invention is to increase the yield of the finished product. The problem is solved by the fact that in the method for the production of powdered soluble chicory, including cutting, drying and roasting of its roots, extraction with water at a temperature of 90-95 o C, separation of the extract, its concentration to a solids content of 35-40% by weight and drying, according to the invention during extraction, liquid carbon dioxide is dispersed in the extraction mixture, the extract is concentrated by freezing on a chilled surface at a cooling rate of 0.2 0.3 o C / min, and drying is carried out by sublimation under vacuum at a temperature of -28 -33 o C. This allows increase the yield of the finished product by increasing the depth of extraction and reducing the loss of extractives. The method is implemented as follows. The washed chicory roots are dried, cut into cubes, a small fraction of scraps is sieved, dried, crumbs are sifted, roasted and extracted with water at a temperature of 90-95 o C, which ensures maximum solubility of the target components of the extractives. During the extraction process, the liquid phase of carbon dioxide is dispersed in the extraction mixture, which partially dissolves in water to form carbonic acid, which accelerates the hydrolysis of chicory polysaccharides and intensifies their transition into the extract. Since the extraction temperature exceeds the critical temperature of carbon dioxide, its water-dispersible liquid phase almost instantly transforms into a gas phase with the generation of shock waves with epicenters in the gas phase formation zones. The resulting bubbles float in the extraction mixture, carrying out its mixing, which accelerates the process of renewal of the phase contact surface and intensifies the extraction. Shock waves generated in the extraction mixture with an acoustic frequency contribute to the destruction of chicory cell membranes, which leads to a sharp drop in the diffusion resistance of the raw material, the development of the phase contact surface, the acceleration of hydrolysis and an increase in the depth of extraction simultaneously with its intensification. Next, the extract is separated from the solid phase by one of the known methods, such as filtration. It was found that due to the high gas saturation, the viscosity of the extract is lower than in the prototype method. As a result, its separation from the meal is facilitated, and the loss of extractives with the meal is reduced by 60%.
The separated extract is concentrated by freezing water on a surface cooled at a rate of 0.2-0.3° C./min. At this cooling rate, the loss of extracted substances during concentration is not more than 3% by weight against 58% of the prototype. Concentrated to 35-40% by weight of dry substances, the extract is dried by sublimation under vacuum at a temperature in the range of -28-33 o C. With this embodiment of drying, the loss of extractives does not exceed 5% against 12-15% according to the prototype. The dried powder has a dark brown color and dissolves easily in both cold and hot water without the formation of sediment. The taste, color and aroma of the resulting drink is identical to those of the drink prepared from the powder obtained by the prototype method. At the same time, the dissolution rate of the powder obtained by the proposed technology is higher than that of the base object. Thus, the proposed method allows to increase the yield of the target product by increasing the depth of extraction and reducing the loss of extractives, and also improves the consumer properties of the finished product by increasing the rate of its dissolution both in hot and in hot water. cold water when preparing a drink from it.


A method for the production of powdered soluble chicory, including cutting, drying and roasting of its roots, extraction with water at 90 95 o C, separation of the extract, its concentration to a solids content of 35 to 40 wt. and drying, characterized in that during extraction, liquid carbon dioxide is dispersed in the extraction mixture, the concentration of the extract is carried out by freezing water on a cooled surface with a cooling rate of 0.2 0.3 o C / min, and drying is carried out by sublimation under vacuum at a temperature of - 28 -33 o C.