How many calories in plums of different varieties? Plum calories, useful properties.

There are over 1,000 plum varieties worldwide. All of them differ in winter hardiness, yield, taste, size and weight of fruits. Given such a variety, it is impossible to say exactly how much one plum weighs. We have to focus on averages.

How many plums in 1 kg, in 100 gr.

All weight tables indicate that one plum weighs 30 grams. But apparently these tables were compiled a very long time ago, when there were no large-fruited varieties of this crop. Thanks to the tireless work of breeders, plum trees are now growing in our gardens, the fruits from which are pulled by 60-70 gr. This is already the mass of a small apple.

Only after all, the old varieties have not disappeared anywhere and small cream of 30 grams each grows on them. As a result, the average weight of plums ranges from 20 to 60 grams.

Thus it turns out that:

  • On average, one plum weighs about 35 - 45 grams.
  • In 100 grams there will be 2 large or 3 small plums.
  • In 1 kg. 20 to 30 plums, depending on the size of the fruit.

Many are interested in how much a plum stone weighs. I must say that the bones are very light and this indicator can be neglected. A pitted plum weighs almost the same as a pitted plum.

  • The weight of the plum stone is only 6-7% of the weight of the fruit.

How many calories in a plum

100 grams of plums = 42 kcal.

Considering that plum fruits differ significantly in their size, we can say:

  • In 1 large plum 18 - 21 kcal.
  • In 1 small cream 11 - 14 kcal.

Different varieties of this crop have approximately the same calorie content, but if someone is interested in how many calories are in a blue or black plum, then this can be seen in the table below.

Calorie table of different varieties of plums, per 100 grams of product:
The nutritional value

In 100 g of product

  • Proteins - 0.8 g
  • Fats - 0.3 g
  • Carbohydrates - 9.6 g
  • Organic acids - about 1 gram
  • Mono and disaccharides - 9.45 g
  • Dietary fiber - 1.51 g
  • Water - 86.29 g

How many plums can you eat per day

This fruit is very useful and healthy people can eat it without restrictions. The fruits contain many vitamins A, B, C, and E, as well as proteins, carbohydrates and organic acids that speed up the metabolism. With all the richness of nutrients, this product contains few calories, which is important for people who want to lose weight, but love to treat themselves to something delicious.

According to nutritionists, the daily norm of fruit for an adult is 200-300 g.

How many years after planting does a plum tree start to bear fruit?

The beginning of plum fruiting largely depends on the variety of the seedling, on its precociousness. If you decide to grow a tree from a stone, then under the most favorable conditions, you will try the first harvest only after 5-7 years.

When buying a seedling in a nursery, you can hope for fruiting in 3-4 years. To speed up fruiting, a crown of a seedling with a limited number of skeletal branches should be formed. Simply put - the fewer branches on the seedling, the sooner the tree will begin to bear fruit. At the same time, do not forget to provide it with good nutrition and timely watering.

Plum bears fruit for an average of 20 years. After this period, the branches begin to dry, and this means that you need to take care of changing the tree.

How many plum fruits can be harvested from one tree, from 1 ha.

This crop is one of the most fruitful of all stone fruits. Under favorable weather conditions and a high level of agricultural technology, up to 100 kg can be collected from one tree. fruits.

Hungarian Caucasian is recognized as the most productive variety, the yield of which reaches 258.5 c/ha. Other varieties are also quite productive and allow you to collect 200 - 246 centners / ha. delicious fruits. Of course, the yield varies from year to year, it is influenced by both external factors and the biological characteristics of the varieties.

Plum is a fruit plant common in summer cottages, which is valued by many gardeners for its good yield and unpretentiousness. Depending on the region of growth, its fruits may have a different taste - sweet or sour, but their calorie content is quite low. This determines the high popularity in dietetics and proper nutrition.

Plum is a natural hybrid of blackthorn and cherry plum. This fruit shrub is distributed mainly in the Caucasus and Altai, but the crop is also grown in more northern regions. The plum inherited only positive characteristics from its "parents" - the taste and juiciness of the cherry plum, as well as the ability to endure even severe cold - from the blackthorn.

Today, it is in almost every garden and household plot, while there are a huge number of varieties of plums. Depending on the variety, the flesh of the fruit can vary from white and yellowish to purple and green. Fruits can be both soft and hard, which is mainly influenced by climatic conditions of growth.

Plum with green flesh Fresh plums are very low in calories due to their juiciness and high water content. Per 100 grams, it has only 42 kcal, which are mainly carbohydrates:

  • proteins - 0.8 g;
  • fats - 0.4 g;
  • carbohydrates - 9.6 g.

But such a low calorie content is only in fresh fruits; in dried prunes, it is significantly higher and amounts to 240 Kcal. That is why nutritionists recommend mainly using fresh fruits in the diet, and not overusing dried fruits. The norm of prunes is 3-4 dried fruits per day.

Composition of plums and useful properties

Plum is a well-known garden plant, so it, like the familiar and unknown bird cherry, has great benefits for the body and health. This benefit is due to the unique composition and a large number of useful substances.

The fruits of the plum tree contain:

  • vitamin C;
  • vitamins of groups B, E, PP and provitamin A;
  • free organic acids (malic, oxalic, succinic and citric);
  • coarse dietary fiber;
  • coumarins, pectins, fiber;
  • micro and macro elements - chromium, phosphorus, calcium, fluorine, sodium, copper, potassium and others.

All useful substances contained in the pulp of the fruit have a unique healing effect. They have a beneficial effect on all organs and tissues, which is why they are always advised to be included in the daily diet, along with other fruits and vegetables, by many nutritionists.

Plum, like lettuce, has a low calorie content. Therefore, it is desirable to use it mostly fresh. In addition, plum has other beneficial properties for the human body:

  1. It helps to reduce pressure and strengthens blood vessels due to the presence of vitamin PP in the composition. This substance is preserved in fruits even during heat treatment.
  2. The high content of potassium up to 214 mg / 100 grams in the pulp has a beneficial effect on the state of the body. This substance improves the permeability of impulses along the nerve fibers, ensures proper contraction of muscle tissue and maintains the work of the heart and acid-base balance. Potassium helps to remove urine from the body, excess water and salt, and also stimulates the outflow of bile.
  3. It has a good hematopoietic effect, leads to blood purification and the removal of dangerous toxic substances, radionuclides.
  4. Plum, like prunes, has a mild laxative effect, so it is used to prevent and treat chronic constipation.
  5. Pectins and fiber stimulate intestinal motility, so the use of plum tree fruits regulates the digestive tract.
  6. Removes dangerous and harmful cholesterol from the body.
  7. Strengthening the immune system, improving vision, toning the nervous system.

Reduces pressure

Improves the permeability of impulses along the nerve fibers

Improves eyesight

Removes excess fluid

Fresh fruits of the plum tree not only have a unique vitamin composition, but also help in the treatment of many diseases. It is recommended to use it for hypertension, atherosclerosis, intestinal diseases, gout, violations of the secretion of gastric juice, pathologies of the kidneys, as well as the heart.

If you want to lose weight, low calorie watermelon will help you. But no less valuable product is the common plum. It is sweet, soft, juicy and ideal for eating not only fresh, but also for preparing various dishes - appetizers, salads, hot dishes and desserts.

Low calorie causes the absence of excess fat, which can affect the increase in the waist and hips. But you also need to be careful with plum fruits, since they only contain carbohydrates in their composition. When consumed in excess, they can form fats in the body and similarly lead to weight gain.

Low calorie plum promotes weight loss

Therefore, for dietary nutrition and weight loss, it is advisable to consume any fruit in the morning and carefully calculate the total caloric content of the diet.

In this case, the plum can be used for fasting days. But do not use this fruit in large quantities for patients with diabetes or gastrointestinal diseases.


Plum is a healthy fruit that contains many vitamins and minerals. But the pulp of these fruits also has a large amount of carbohydrates, including glucose substances, so they are not recommended for use in diseases:

  • gastrointestinal tract;
  • diabetes mellitus.

Contraindicated for use in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

With diabetes

Regular consumption of these fruits can increase the acidity of gastric juice, therefore, in the presence of any diseases of the intestines and stomach, they can lead to adverse consequences. And glucose leads to a sharp increase in blood sugar, so draining is prohibited for diabetics.

Young children are also not recommended to consume this fruit, as it can cause increased gas formation, lead to discomfort and flatulence in the intestines. It can also provoke diarrhea, so you need to use the plum in the diet very sparingly.

Plums should not be eaten by patients with gallstones, as they have a choleretic effect. The use of plum tree fruits can cause an exacerbation of the disease and the presence of severe pain.

The calorie content of plums is quite low, which is why it has found wide distribution in the diet.

In addition to its importance for weight loss, it has a beneficial effect on the state of the whole organism, as it helps to cope with various diseases - the liver, kidneys, heart, stomach and intestines.

The plum belongs to the almond subfamily. The tree reaches a height of up to 5 meters.

The plum belongs to the almond subfamily. The tree reaches a height of up to 5 meters. According to many researchers, the plum is one of the oldest fruits known to mankind. The place of initial distribution and origin is considered to be the territory between the Caucasus and Altai mountains. In European countries, the fruit appeared thanks to the inhabitants of Syria. Plum quickly became popular and became widespread.

Today, many varieties of plums are grown. It is noteworthy that the fruit takes root in different climatic conditions, so gardeners from different countries are happy to grow it. It is best to use the plum in its natural, fresh form. It is poorly suited for baking, but compotes and jams from it are simply amazing.

Plum blossoms with white or pink flowers, consisting of 5 petals. The fruit itself is a drupe with a relatively large bone. Plum differs in density and color. There are denser and softer varieties, dark and light, more round and elongated.

The plum tree can be seen not only in Asian countries, but also in the vastness of our country. The plant is unpretentious in cultivation, does not require particularly careful care, adapts well to various soils and climates, gives an excellent harvest.

There are several varieties of plums. They come from such botanical species: domestic plum, Chinese-American plum hybrids, Ussuri plum, blackthorn, thorn plum.

Plum: calories and composition

Plum is a unique source of vitamins and minerals. The fruits contain a lot of trace elements, namely: calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, nickel, phosphorus, manganese, copper, chromium, potassium, boron. Vitamin composition: B1, B2, C, A, R. Fruits are rich in natural sweeteners - glucose, sucrose, fructose, and the total amount of sugars is 9-17%. The plum also contains organic acids: malic, salicylic, oxalic, citric. The fruits contain nitrogenous, pectin, and tannins.

In addition to the pulp, plum pits are actively used. Fatty oils are obtained from them, which are as common as almond oil. The bones contain up to 42% oil, as well as amino acids and flavonoids. Plum fruits are used to make tasty and healthy dried fruits - prunes. From it prepare the first, second courses, desserts, compotes and many other things. Prunes are just as popular as fresh plums, if not more so.

The leaves and fruits of the plum tree contain unusual substances - coumarins, known for their unique ability to treat thrombosis and prevent its occurrence. They can also dilate the blood vessels of the heart.

Plum leaves contain phytoncides, carotenoids, vitamin C. In addition, scopoletin, a substance similar to coumarin, was found in them. The resin from the bark of this tree includes galactose, rhamnose, xylose, arabinose.

Plum calories per 100 grams - 42-49 kcal. The amount of proteins - 0.8 g, fats - 0.3 g, carbohydrates - 9.6 g.

Plum calorie content of 1 piece - 12 kcal. 1 plum weighs approximately 30 grams. At the same time, 1 prunes weighing 9 grams is equal to 20 calories. As you can see, the calorie content of fresh plums is much less than that of dried or dried plums. Prunes, although they belong to useful products, are considered quite high-calorie. It is best used as a dessert and eaten in limited quantities.

Useful properties of plums

Plum is useful both fresh and dried. It increases appetite, improves the functioning of the digestive system. Plums and prunes have a laxative effect, so they are indicated for people suffering from chronic constipation. Prunes are also used as an antipyretic.

Plums are used for heart and vascular diseases. Kissels and compotes from these fruits are recommended for people who suffer from kidney diseases, gout, rheumatism, and atherosclerosis.

Prunes and fresh plums are used as a mild laxative, they perfectly help with intestinal atony, constipation, which have arisen for various reasons. Plum juice and compote also have a similar effect. Dried and fresh fruits reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol, promotes its removal from the body.

Plum is useful for hypertension and kidney disease. Since the plum contains potassium, which gives a diuretic effect, eating the fruit helps to remove excess water from the body and cope with swelling. This is especially useful for those people who suffer from fluid retention in the body.

If we consider the plum from the point of view of usefulness, then it is not so important in what form to use it. It must be remembered that prunes have a fairly high calorie content, so they are not suitable for people with diabetes and obesity. It is also worth limiting the consumption of prunes to lactating women, since this product can have a negative effect on the baby. It is worth the mother to eat a plum or prunes, and the crumbs have colic, diarrhea, rumbling in the stomach.

Plums have an excellent hematopoietic effect, they enhance the process of blood purification, remove toxic substances from the body, and in general have an excellent effect on the composition of the blood. The fruits help cleanse the stomach and liver, and are also indicated in the treatment of diseases that are associated with excessive bile secretion.

In order to prepare a laxative from plums, it is necessary to pour boiling water over them. Do not put on fire and boil the drink. Also, do not add sugar, as this will only reduce the effect. In addition to the drink, you can use fresh fruits, consuming them in small quantities in the morning on an empty stomach. With frequent constipation, it is useful to take a decoction of plums and oats.

Plum leaves have been used in medicine. In crushed or steamed form, dried leaves are used to heal wounds and ulcers. They must be applied to the affected areas of the skin. For the prevention and treatment of stomatitis from the leaves, it is necessary to prepare a decoction. The composition is boiled for 1 hour, then strained, and diluted with water to the original volume.

For cosmetic purposes, masks are prepared from plums, which have a rejuvenating effect, increase the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin. Owners of dry and normal skin need to add heavy cream or fatty sour cream to the plum. For oily skin, it is useful to make a mask based on plums and whipped egg white. To achieve good results, you need to make 15-20 masks.

The place of plums in the diet of losing weight

The calorie content of plums is low, but it should be borne in mind that fruits also contain sugars, which can be deposited in large quantities in the form of fat. Most vitamins, minerals and valuable trace elements are found in fresh fruits. Plum is more useful to eat in its natural form, also due to the fact that it is not very suitable for creating culinary delights. For baking, prunes are usually used. Despite its high calorie content, it tolerates heat treatment better and gives the dish an amazing taste. Interestingly, sweet prunes go well with meat. It is added to chicken, beef, pork, lamb. Prunes are also combined with potatoes, smoked meats, and vegetables. Fresh plum can be added to smoothies, jelly, cottage cheese casserole, ice cream. The undisputed favorite is plum compote. He is adored by adults and children.

As for the calorie content of plums that have undergone heat treatment and turned into jam or compote, it all depends on the amount of added sugar and other ingredients. Plum jam contains approximately 288 kcal per 100 g of product. If you add 1 teaspoon of plum jam to porridge or cottage cheese, then this will not affect the figure in any way, but if you eat it with tablespoons, then this will definitely affect the weight.

The calorie content of plum compote is approximately 96 kcal per 100 g of drink. If you reduce the amount of sugar, then the calorie content will be even less. Those who do not like sweet drinks can do without the addition of sugar. In this case, the calorie content of compote will be only 21 kcal per 100 g. To improve the taste and quality of the drink, you can combine plums with other berries and fruits, such as currants, apples, peaches, apricots, gooseberries. Depending on the composition, the compote will turn out to be sweeter or sour.

Thus, if you adhere to proper nutrition and watch your figure, then eating plums and even plum jam will not affect your weight in any way. It's all about the amount and presence of sugar in the product. If you are at the stage of losing weight, then it is better for you to eat fresh fruits and no more than 8 pieces of prunes per day. If you just maintain weight, then you can cook compotes and desserts with plums, but eat them in the morning and in limited quantities. Everything is very simple.

Harm plum

Plum has not only useful, but also harmful properties. You need to know that frequent and excessive consumption of plums leads to an increase in the acidity of gastric juice. For this reason, the fruit is contraindicated in people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and high acidity.

Plum is not always good for children. In babies, it can cause increased gas formation, discomfort, cramps, diarrhea. To avoid unpleasant consequences and take all the best from the fetus, you need to thoroughly wash the fruit and give it to children in limited quantities.

Since plum has choleretic properties, it is contraindicated in people who have gallstones. In this case, the use of plums can cause an exacerbation.

Elevated sugar levels in plums can be harmful to people with diabetes. For the same reason, people who are obese should stop eating sweet fruits.

Plum is contraindicated for gout and rheumatism. If a person suffering from this disease eats fruits, then he needs to drink more water. This is due to the fact that plum removes excess water from the body.

Diet plum salad

Even the most useful and harmless product can harm the body if consumed in excessive amounts. This rule also applies to fruits. If you want to enjoy something sweet without harming your figure, then prepare yourself a delicious salad. You will need the following ingredients: apples, plums, and pears. Rinse the fruit thoroughly, peel their seeds, finely dice and mix. As a dressing, use natural low-fat yogurt without additives. Refrigerate the salad for 10-15 minutes before serving. You can pamper yourself with such a salad at least every day, if you have no contraindications. Prunes can be added to cereals, pastries, meat dishes. There is even a diet based on the use of low-fat yogurt and prunes for several days.

Plum is a good fruit, as it is endowed with a low calorie content. This product is ideal for a non-strict diet. How many calories are in a plum? What benefits does it bring to the body? This fruit has many beneficial properties and has a positive effect on the digestive and diuretic systems.

This fruit is very popular in our country. The climate favors the cultivation of various varieties of plums. This product is recommended for use in any form. A lot of minerals and vitamins are stored for a long time, regardless of what kind of plum it is, and whether it is fresh or dried. Only its calorie content changes, which will be discussed.

How many calories are in a plum?

Plum calories are not able to accumulate in the body, and thanks to this indicator, they do not affect weight gain. This product is good to use during a diet, as the plum supports the body's performance and prevents its depletion. How many calories are in a plum? On average, this figure is 40 units of kcal. The fruit improves the functioning of the cardiac system, favorably affects the nervous system, and maintains the acid-base balance. The constant use of plums will help to strengthen the immune system as much as possible, and thus a person will protect himself from many diseases.

Plums can be consumed both fresh and dried, and their useful properties do not decrease.

red plum calories

How many calories in Compared with other varieties, red is less calorie. The bottom line is that in red varieties, the stone is slightly larger, and, accordingly, the juicy mass is somewhat less. But it is worth paying attention to the fact that the ripe plum of this variety has a pronounced sour taste of the skin of the fruit. This factor is explained by the fact that it contains less fruit sugar. So, the calorie content of red plum is about 46-49 kcal. It is ideal for people who are on a strict diet.

blue plums

How many calories are in blue plum? This variety is very useful due to its set of vitamins and minerals. The blue plum is the most common. This species is endowed with vitamin P, which is able to normalize blood pressure and, accordingly, strengthen blood vessels. If we talk about calories, then it is the most suitable for a diet, as it contains only 42 kcal per 100 grams. It is very useful from this type to use various compotes and juices from it.

Another variety

How many calories are in black plums? This is a common product from which many different dishes are prepared. Black plum is very useful for the digestive system, especially when dieting. It is able to remove toxins from the body, which very often interfere with digestion. The calorie content of black plum is 49 kcal per hundred grams. It is very useful in every way. The berry contains a huge amount of vitamins that can restore the body.

fresh berries

How many calories are in fresh plums? They belong to the category of low-calorie foods, but at the same time they are very valuable due to the minerals and vitamins that are so necessary for the human body. Plum helps to cleanse the body and helps to normalize bowel function. That is why it is recommended by many nutritionists. But it is worth noting the fact that in dried fruits the indicated calorie content is twice as high. During drying, the plum loses 85% of the water, but at the same time retains all its vitamins and nutrients.

yellow plum calories

How many calories are in yellow plum? We all know that the amount of vitamins and nutrients in fruits directly depends on the conditions under which they are grown. It is important that the territory where fruits grow has enough moisture, light and, of course, clean air. It is in this way that a healthy and useful product can be grown. In turn, these factors also affect this variety. This variety is slightly larger than black. Her skin does not have a pronounced sourness. Yellow plum differs from other varieties not only in appearance, but also in a set of useful properties. It is probably one of the most high-calorie, this figure is 49-51 kcal per hundred grams. Plum tastes very sweet. High calorie content depends on the fact that the bone is small, and the proportion of pulp is greater than that of other species.

How many calories are in prunes?

How many calories are in a plum? Prunes - this is which has a number of useful properties. It is worth remembering that, unlike ordinary fresh plums, prunes can be several times more high-calorie. This is explained simply: an ordinary plum is very juicy, but after drying it loses 85% of its moisture, respectively, only sweet pulp remains. maybe 100 kcal per hundred grams, as you can see - twice as much as fresh.

People who are very strict about their weight, it is better to use only fresh plums. How many calories are in a plum? Any variety does not contain more than 60 kcal. And this indicator quite satisfies the norm for the diet. But still, if it is very important, then it is better to pay attention to red and blue. These varieties are easier to acquire, but if you have the opportunity, it is better to grow your own. This fruit is very easy to take and grows quickly, after a few seasons you can enjoy this wonderful and healthy product.

The use of other varieties is also allowed, as they, of course, also have their own value. If you pay attention to the content of vitamins and minerals in different varieties, you can see that each has its own beneficial properties.

For people who just want to normalize the work of the intestines, the usual blue plum is ideal, which can solve the problem of the digestive tract very quickly. At the same time, the body will receive a large amount of vitamins and minerals, which will have a good effect on the internal state of a person. In particular, plums have a good effect on the cardiovascular system.

Various varieties of plums are actively used in the preparation of desserts. A very popular delicacy is jam, which will probably be more high-calorie compared to dried plums, since sugar will most likely also be included in the composition. In a diet, it is probably better not to use it, but if for other purposes, then you can. The jam retains a high proportion of useful trace elements. If you choose - chocolate or jam, then the second will be more useful. It is also good to use fresh plums in the preparation of other desserts, while it will provide not only benefits, but also great taste. Plum is a very useful and tasty product.

Plum is a terrific fruit that has not only a delicate taste, but also useful properties.

Plum Benefits

Plum has a very rich composition, it contains vitamins, minerals and substances that are necessary for a healthy body. Thanks to the vitamin P contained in the plum, declining elevated blood pressure, as well as vessels are strengthened. Vitamin P is retained in plums even after heat treatment, such as in sauces, juices and jams.

Fresh plums, as well as prunes, have mild laxative effect thanks to the pectin and fiber it contains, which will be useful for those who have a lazy intestine. Plum also easily copes with excretion of cholesterol from the body with regular use and has a beneficial effect on kidney health, and this can slightly reduce the risk in hypertensive patients. Potassium compounds have a mild diuretic effect and promote removing excess fluid.

For cardiovascular body systems are very useful potassium, which in contained in large quantities in plum: in 100 gr. about 215 mg, which is one and a half times more than in a banana. This will allow heart muscle be in good shape and have a beneficial effect on metabolic processes, remove toxins. Plum also stimulates the secretion of gastric juice and increases appetite. There are cases when the use of plums lowered the temperature with a cold.


Plum must carefully be used with diabetes, pregnancy and lactation. Due to the fact that the plum removes excess fluid, it is taken for gout and rheumatism, but in this case it is important not to forget about the use of fluid and use clean water in moderation. AT small quantities plum can be injected inchild's diet if you exceed the norm, it is fraught with intestinal upset, the same applies to people who have any diseases gastrointestinal tract, for example, a weak stomach or sensitive intestines may not take the plum very well and cause unpleasant consequences. Also doctors do not recommend eat a plum people, obese.

Plum calories

Fresh plums are not high in calories, but dried plums (prunes) increase the number of calories many times over.

Average 1 plum weighs 30 grams, and correspondingly, calories 1 plum is 12.6 calories.

Calorie cooked plums

Plum and diet

The beneficial properties of the plum, which are listed above, make it the main character mono-diet. But such a diet not only saturates the body with useful substances and elements, but also brings a lot of inconvenience due to its laxative effect on the intestines, which makes this diet a very extreme type of weight loss. Much healthier will use a couple of teaspoons of the mixture made from dried fruits, nuts, honey and lemon. Such a mix will have a very good effect on health and after a while it will be possible to easily lose a couple of kilograms, without any inconvenience.

Plum in cooking

This fruit is perfectly "friends" as with sweet foods, and with meat.

  • Plums make delicious desserts and drinks: juices, jams, purees, preserves.
  • Sauces for garnish and meat: Georgian tkemali sauce.
  • Dried plums or prunes: a mixture of dried fruits, compote, adding to meat or pilaf.