How to cook cherry compote on a leg. Positive qualities of cherries

Cherry is considered low-calorie product, but it is very nutritious, as it contains a lot of healthy carbohydrates. This berry has a dark red or just red color, sweet and sour taste. The fruit pulp contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. It contains malic, salicylic, citric and other acids, it also contains magnesium, iron, calcium and a large number of copper. In addition to the pulp, fruit seeds are used, containing essential oils and a glycoside. Cherry is a versatile product, it can be eaten in different ways: fresh, canned or dried. Jams, jams, liqueurs, compotes and fruit waters are very tasty. Even the leaves are used in cooking: tea is made from them, put in pickles and jams.

If you have cherries, sugar, and water, you can make a wonderful compote for the whole family. The advantages of this drink are that even a beginner can prepare it, and if you have never prepared compotes for the winter, you will not have any problems.

Ingredients for 3 liters:

  • Ripe cherries (one and a half kg)
  • Sugar - 400 grams
  • Water - 2-2.5 liters

How to cook cherry compote

  1. We sterilize jars. To do this, you need to wash it thoroughly, best with dishwashing detergent. Then place the washed (but not dry) jars in an already preheated oven (160 degrees) and wait 15 minutes. All droplets on the container must dry. Take out the dishes carefully, as they may still be hot. You can sterilize the container in microwave oven, but this method is suitable for small volumes. For this method, you need to draw water (1-2 cm) into the container and turn it on at maximum power for 5-10 minutes. In this way, steam cleaning will take place.
  2. We put the water on a large fire in a regular saucepan.
  3. We wash and sort cherries. Do not use rotten or unripe cherries. You need to wash the cherries with tails, because if you pick them, the juice will flow out. Next, you need to dry the cherry by throwing it on a sieve. When it is a little dry, you need to clean the berries from the tails.
  4. We fall asleep fruits in jars. They should cover a third of the container.
  5. At the time when we are dealing with cherries, the water should already boil. Pour it into containers for fruits. Cover with lids and wait 5-6 minutes.
  6. Drain the water from the cherries back into the saucepan. Add sugar, cook until boiling. You need to constantly stir with a wooden spoon so that there is no precipitation and the sugar does not burn.
  7. Pour the finished syrup to the berries.
  8. We roll up the jars, put them upside down, wrap them in a warm blanket or blanket and put them in a dark place until they cool completely.
  9. The drink is ready!

Cherry and raspberry compote "Scarlet Idyll"

Raspberry is a berry that everyone knows. In her useful properties no one can doubt. The beauty of raspberry is that it can be collected in the forest or in the country, it grows quickly and densely. Not only berries can be used, but also leaves. Raspberries are especially useful for people with reduced immunity. Cherries, like raspberries, have a slightly sour taste. Such a drink is pleasant to drink at dinner or in order to increase the appetite.

Ingredients for 3 liters:

  • Cherry - one and a half kilograms
  • Raspberries - 2-3 cups
  • Sugar - 400 grams

How to make cherry compote:

  1. We sterilize jars. In addition to the usual methods of sterilization in the oven, there are several more interesting ways. One of these is cleaning in an air grill. Not everyone has an oven in the country, but there is an air grill. For such disinfection, you need to place clean jars on the lower grate with the bottom up. Take out after 15 minutes. In a similar way, you can sterilize an already filled container.
  2. We sort through and wash the cherry. Berries should be washed with tails so that the juice does not leak. You should choose as dark berries as possible, which means that they are the sweetest and healthiest. If the fruits are sticky or too soft, then this means that they were not stored correctly. Fresh cherries should not have dry cuttings.
  3. Wash and clean raspberries. You need to carefully check the berries for the presence of insects or worms. If you pick raspberries yourself, then you should not do this near the road or in the city. These berries absorb chemicals very quickly and can bring not good, but harm.
  4. Put all the berries on the bottom of the container. They should cover from a third to a half of the container.
  5. Pour boiling water over the ingredients and wait about seven minutes.
  6. Drain the water from the jars back into the pot in which the water was simmering. The bottom of the dish should be thick.
  7. Add sugar to the liquid. Stir constantly so that everything is well dissolved. After boiling, boil the syrup for a few more minutes.
  8. Pour the liquid into a jar. Roll it up with lids, put the lids down. You need to roll the jars in a blanket or blanket and put them in a dark place.

Cherry and gooseberry compote "Kryzhochok"

gooseberry - amazing berry. Not everyone knows, but these fruits make delicious delicious compote, they also make jams, preserves, wines, add to salads and even to meat dishes. Useful gooseberry drink for people with kidney disease, heart and stomach. Gooseberries and cherries are a great combination. The first will add piquancy to the drink, and the second - sweetness with sour notes. Such a union is a storehouse of vitamins. If you drink cherry and gooseberry compote in winter, you can protect yourself from colds and metabolic disorders.

Ingredients for 3 liters:

  • Cherry - kilogram
  • Gooseberries - 3 cups
  • Sugar - 350-400 grams

How to close cherry compote for the winter:

  1. We sterilize jars. Three-liter bottles are best cleaned in an oven or with steam. If you decide to roll up small jars (1 liter, for example), then you can do this with boiling water. Just put the washed jars in a pot of water (should completely close the container). Put on slow fire(on a large dish may crack). After boiling, keep the container in water for a few more minutes. You need to take it out with forceps. No wiping required, just let dry on your own.
  2. We wash and sort cherries. You need to carefully check it so that there are no worms. Worms are a good indicator, but only when it is a worm in one berry for two kilograms. When buying fruits, you need to break one open and see what is inside. good cherries elastic to the touch. Wormy berries are soft and as if empty inside.
  3. Wash and peel gooseberries.
  4. Put the berries on the bottom of the cleaned dish.
  5. Pour boiling water over fruits. Close and wait about 10 minutes.
  6. Drain the water into a saucepan, bring to a boil and add sugar. Stir with a wooden spoon throughout the cooking.
  7. Pour the resulting mixture into the rest of the ingredients.
  8. Roll up, turn over, wrap in a blanket until completely cool.

Cherry compote with cranberries "Little Miracle"

Lingonberries are small incredibly tasty and healthy berries. A drink made from lingonberries and cherries is suitable for everyone, it is useful for children to drink it to strengthen immunity. Also, this compote is useful for people suffering from arthritis, kidney disease, low hemoglobin, and it also has a diuretic effect. Preparing such a cocktail is simple and quick, and in winter you can drink it chilled.

Ingredients for 3 liters:

  • Cherry - one and a half kilograms
  • Lingonberries - 500 grams
  • Lemon zest - two tablespoons
  • Sugar - 400 grams

Cooking process:

  1. Sterilize containers. This can be done dry in the oven, or with steam. You can sterilize the container in boiling water, but this is not entirely suitable for three-liter bottles.
  2. We wash and sort cherries. You should choose dark red berries, but not soft, but harder. Check carefully for worms. You can use frozen cherries, but it won't be as useful.
  3. My cranberries. Berries need to choose either red or pink. If you collect it yourself, you should avoid places with high level radiation, since these berries accumulate it well. The fruits themselves should be dry and not soft.
  4. Place all the berries in a jar so that they overlap half. Place the lemon zest in there.
  5. Pour boiling water into a container. Hold it for a few minutes.
  6. Drain the water into a saucepan with thick walls and a bottom. Bring to a boil and gradually add sugar. You need to constantly stir the syrup with a wooden spoon.
  7. Pour the resulting mixture into a bowl with berries.
  8. Roll up with clean lids. Turn over, wrap in a blanket or blanket and place in a cool place.

If after cooking you still have berries, then you can cook from them, and, instructions for the manufacture of which we also included in our piggy bank of recipes on the site.

Compote of cherries with pits, as well as apples "Bulk apple"

Not a single suburban area can do without trees such as apple and cherry. These plants are not whimsical, and the fruits are incredibly tasty and healthy. From these ingredients, you can cook not only compote for the winter, but simply compote, jams, jams, seams.

Ingredients for 3 liters:

  • Cherry - kilogram
  • Apples - 5 pieces
  • Sugar - 350-400 grams

Cooking process:

  1. We sterilize jars. To do this, wash them well and put them in the oven at 160 degrees. The oven should already be preheated.
  2. We sort, clean and wash the cherry. It is better to choose sweeter and more.
  3. Wash apples, no need to cut the peel. We cut the apples into 4 parts, remove the core, cuttings.
  4. We put the fruits and berries in the prepared container and pour boiling water over it.
  5. We are waiting for 5-7 minutes.
  6. Drain the water directly into a saucepan with a solid bottom and bring to a boil over a fairly high heat. Reduce heat, add sugar. Cook until boiling, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon. After the syrup has boiled, you need to cook it for a few more minutes.
  7. We merge ready mix into the vessels.
  8. Roll up, wrap with a blanket and put in a cool place until chilled.

Cherries can be stored for a very long time if they are frozen. Fresh cherry remains for 3 days, especially in hot summers. Avoid direct sunlight, both on the berries themselves and on winter preparations. It is best to store compote in a dark and cool place.

Ingredients for 3 liter jar:

  • cherry - 300-400 g
  • granulated sugar (fine) - 280-430 g
  • lemon - ½ pc.
  • water - 2.7 l

How to cook cherry compote for the winter

For a cherry compote for twisting, you need a good ripe cherry - berries from pale red to bright burgundy color, which are considered a little overripe, are suitable.

We sort through the cherries, wash only under cold water, after boiling water, part of the juice may be lost. Separate the branches, lay out in a flat plate, dry. We do not take out the bones, they will give a taste of almonds.

We sterilize three-liter jar traditional way, above the ferry. Together with the jar - a lid. You can hold the dishes in a wide saucepan on the stove, turning the neck down - from 3 to 7 minutes, boil the lid there for a couple of minutes. It is very important not to miss this moment, because the compote will not be sterilized.

We put cherries in a prepared 3-liter jar, but in a special way(this little secret will allow you to get a beautiful ruby ​​\u200b\u200bcolor even from a small amount of berries): we prick each cherry wooden skewer. It is not at all difficult to take “by the side” and shift.

When all the berries are laid, they occupy the bottom and a row a little higher, cover the jar with a lid and leave it for a while - boil the syrup.

The syrup will require water, sugar, lemon, and you can add some thyme if you like a subtle hint of herbal seasoning. The amount of water will need a little less than 3 liters. Sugar can also be adjusted to taste: the less, the more acidic the compote.

Bring the water in a saucepan to a boil, add sugar, put the lemon and thyme, stir until the sand is completely dissolved - the syrup is ready. It must be poured immediately, very carefully so that the jar does not crack, preferably with a ladle.

Pour the syrup to the top, with a small margin, twist the lid. Using only once boiling water, we will save all the useful things that the cherry will give. We wait until the spin cools down a little, turn it over on the lid, shake it a couple of times. Be sure to cover with a woolen blanket, the warmth of which will replace sterilization with boiling water.

A couple of hours later still warm cherry compote gives an amazing ruby ​​color. But the blanket can be removed after the jar has completely cooled - this is 8-12 hours, then the color will be as bright as possible.

Let's leave our preparation until the winter, so that later we can get a "hello" from the summer!

It's berry season here. Strawberries, raspberries, currants, cherries!

We ate strawberries fresh, the children ran to the garden and tore themselves. They even froze it for the winter.

The cherry is ripe now. You can’t eat a lot of it fresh, so I decided to cook something out of it. Well, first of all, our family loves . And secondly, in the heat you want to drink a lot, and not just some water, but something tasty. So I decided to cook.


Compote of cherries and other berries

It would seem that there is nothing easier. But I remembered myself at the beginning family life, even such a task how to cook compote, gave me trouble. Therefore, especially for those who do not know how to cook compote, I decided to talk about it in detail.

How to cook compote?

For compote we need berries, water and sugar. Basically, everything.

I cook compote in the following proportions:

I pour berries into the pan by 1/4 or 1/3 (if there are a lot of berries), pour water to the top of the pan. When it boils, add sugar to taste.

Well, something like this:

500 g cherries per three-liter pan and 1 incomplete glass of sugar.

Of course, it always turns out differently. How much we add sugar to the compote depends on the type and number of berries.

I'll tell you step by step How do I make compote?

1. Prepare the berries.

I had cherries and some raspberries. I also decided to trim some apples so that there was enough for a five-liter pan.

You can use the berries you have: cherries, strawberries, raspberries, currants. You can add apricots, apples. In general, it all depends on your imagination.

You can also use frozen berries, then delicious and flavored drink will delight you not only in summer, but also in winter!

But now we have a fresh cherry just from the tree, so we wash it well in running water.

2. Wash and cut apples.

3. Put the prepared cherries and apples in a saucepan.

4. Pour water to the top of the pan.

5. Put on a strong fire, cover with a lid, bring to a boil.

Then add sugar, stir and taste. If everything suits, we keep it on low heat for another 5 minutes, turn it off, cover and insist.

I cook compote from cherries (generally compote from berries) in the evening and insist until morning, that is, I just leave it on the stove until morning.

This is how our finished compote looks like:

You can drink with the addition of ice cubes.

Or bottle and refrigerate.

We do not throw away half-liter bottles from mineral water, but pour our compote into it.

You can boil a 10 liter pot, bottle it and IN THE FREEZER! It is convenient to do this in the summer, when it is very hot, and you often want to drink a lot. We immediately prepare a lot of compote and, as necessary, namely, as the compote is drunk, take out a bottle in advance, thaw in the refrigerator and drink chilled.

I hope now you will not have any difficulties and it has become clear how to cook or other berries.

Here is my video recipe How to cook compote.

Tell us in the comments what kind of compote you like and how you cook it.

If something is not clear, you can ask a question in the comments.

I wish you a wonderful mood! Be always positive!

With love for you

Irina Zhukova

Making cherry compote for the winter is a very simple task, which requires only a few ingredients. The main ones are: water, granulated sugar and cherries. Some prefer to include citric acid and various spices - depends on the taste and imagination individually. But do not get carried away too much, as you can kill the main taste of the berries.

The main convenience in harvesting is the cheapness of the main component. If a can of lingonberry or can cost a pretty penny, then cherry can be made from fruits growing in a summer cottage.

So, for the conservation of cherries, first of all we prepare three-liter jars (they are the most convenient) and metal lids. You can not do this procedure without a seaming key. In order to maintain the proportions given by the recipe, we need scales.

Having prepared all the main components of the preservation process, we proceed to the sterilization of dishes. The lids must be thoroughly boiled, and the jars must be heated over steam or rinsed thoroughly with boiling water. These steps must be completed in advance, because then you will need to act quickly, and there will simply be no time for extraneous processes.

Cherry compote recipe for the winter

To prepare this wonderful house drink we need the following ingredients: sugar (100 g per liter will be needed), water and cherries. The jar is filled with fruits by 1/3, after sorting them out and rinsing them under running water. It is recommended to filter the water for the syrup.

We put cherries in sterilized jars, and pour boiling water on top (it is worth leaving room for sugar, 1/5 of the jar). We leave the blanks in this state for 15 minutes. During this time, the cherries will give their taste and aroma to the water, and also warm up. After that, drain all the liquid from the jar into the prepared pan. And already there we pour granulated sugar into it. If the cherry is sour enough, you can increase the amount of sugar.

On the stove, bring the future compote to a boil. This requires regular stirring. As soon as the compote boils, pour it back into the jars. They should be filled to the very edges of the neck. We roll up the lids with a key. You can also use screw caps that are simply twisted by hand. In both cases glass container should be turned upside down, put on a floor insulated with a cloth and covered with a warm blanket. We leave it in this position for the night, after which we wipe it with a damp cloth and send it for storage in a cellar, basement or other cool room.

Cherry compote for the winter with strawberries and currants

A fairly simple way to make cherry compote, for which we need:

  • 200 g cherries;
  • 200 g of sugar;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 100 g strawberries;
  • 100 g currants.

We sort and wash all the berries. Pour cherries into jars, then strawberries. We lay currants on top, which can not be removed from the branches.

Next, pour sugar into jars. Then pour all the ingredients with boiling water for 2/3 of the container. We take a spoon and carefully mix all the contents with it until we achieve complete dissolution of granulated sugar. After that, fill the jars with boiling water to the very brim. We roll up the lids and traditionally turn the jars upside down, as in the first recipe. This is followed by the same steps as above.

Cherry compote is quite concentrated, so it is recommended to dilute it before use. a small amount water.

In this uncommon way, you can use it when preserving any other berry: raspberries, plums, black and red currants, as well as making or apricots. Everything is quite simple even for an inexperienced hostess!

Bright, beautiful cherry berry contains great amount beneficial trace elements and vitamins. Its versatility in cooking allows you to cook a lot of good, tasty, unique dishes. Learn how to cook an excellent compote that will not only quench your thirst, but also heal your body.

How to cook cherry compote

Many housewives know that compote cooked with red berries is extraordinary product, preserving all the benefits of fruits, vitamins, useful material, trace elements that are so necessary for our body. If your child is very fond of lemonade, then it is easy to replace it with a healthy drink. To date, there are many recipes for making this wonderful drink. It can be made with fresh or dried fruits, with the addition of various fruits, lemon, mint, etc. Choose your cooking method and delight your family and friends with such a delicious, bright drink.

With fresh berries

Cooking an unusual drink with the help of fresh berries will not be difficult even for novice housewives. The drink turns out to be rich, very bright, tasty, wonderful. With it, you can satisfy the whims of even the most demanding guests. To do this, you will only need a little time and a minimum of ingredients:

  • water - 2.5-3 l;
  • berries - 500-700 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1 cup.

How to cook everything:

  1. The fruits must be sorted out and washed thoroughly.
  2. The water must be brought to a boil.
  3. Dip the fruits in it and cook for about five minutes.
  4. At the end, add sugar. Its amount depends on the taste and on the acid of the berries themselves.
  5. Let it simmer a little more, remove from heat. The drink needs to be cooled, you can put it in the refrigerator.

From frozen berries

V winter time I especially want something warm, beautiful, summery. This period pleases us with such a wonderful drink, which is brewed from frozen cherries. It is very easy to prepare it in the cold season, and it does not take much time. You just need to know how to do everything right to get a rich, full-fledged taste. You will need the following ingredients:

  • water - 3 l;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • half a lemon;
  • berries - 2 cups.

How to cook:

  1. Water must be brought to a boil.
  2. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon, you can directly into the pan.
  3. Pour a glass of sugar, with or without a slide.
  4. At the very end, add berries. They do not need to be washed and thawed in advance.
  5. After everything boils, remove the pan from the heat and let the drink brew.

Cherry compote for the winter

In winter, we feel a lack of vitamins, bright summer colors, so it's so nice to open a jar of a beautiful drink with red fruits and please your body with not only tasty, but also healthy drink. Red cherry compote is perfect for this time of year. The special sweet and sour taste of berries, wonderful color will not leave anyone indifferent. It is ideal for holiday table as well as daily use. Cooking for the winter without sterilization - perfect option for those who do not really like to devote a lot of time to conservation, freeze.

With cherries and apples

fruit drink- a great substitute for tea and sweet soda. The combination of red berries with apples will delight lovers of summer juices with its unusual taste. This drink is ideal for lovers of something exceptional, new, sweet. You need the following ingredients:

  • water - 3 l;
  • fresh cherry- 300 g;
  • apples - 5 pcs.;
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. spoons (to taste)

Cherry compote recipe:

  1. Water must first be brought to a boil.
  2. Wash the apples thoroughly and cut into thin slices, while peeling them is not necessary.
  3. Sliced ​​apples are sent to boiling water.
  4. Add the washed red berries to the apples.
  5. Cook for 5 minutes and add sugar.
  6. We are filming ready drink from the fire and pour into jars prepared in advance for clogging.

Cherry compote in a slow cooker

The recipe for a delicious, bright drink in a slow cooker is very simple, it will suit even those who have started using this technique quite recently. Suitable for this drink fresh berries, and frozen, dry. Dark cherry compote in a slow cooker is very easy to cook. For this you will need the following ingredients:

  • cherry - 900 g;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • water - 1 l.

The process of creating a drink:

  1. We prepare a three-liter jar for clogging: rinse thoroughly, pour over with boiling water, wipe dry.
  2. We sort the berries, wash them, let them dry.
  3. We put them in a jar very tightly, while you can shake it a little.
  4. In a bowl, boil water and sugar in the "Cooking" mode at 160 degrees, about 5 minutes.
  5. Pour the finished syrup into a pre-prepared jar with fruits.
  6. Pour water into the bowl again, set it to the same mode, sterilize the finished jar for 10 minutes.
  7. We cork berry drink for the winter. If desired, it is easy to repeat the recipe with apples.

Strawberry and cherry compote

Summer is a period of harvesting, conservation, when you need to have time to freeze fruits, greens, and stock up for the winter. It will not be difficult for you to close cherry compote for your relatives, friends, friends, the main thing is to know great recipe. The combination of these fruits will please gourmets, and lovers of sweets will be delighted with it. Required products:

  • water - 2.1 l;
  • cherry - 600 g;
  • strawberries - 350 g;
  • sugar - 500 g.

Compote preparation:

  1. Strawberries must be sorted out from the stalks, washed.
  2. We sort out the cherry berries, wash them well, clean them from the stones.
  3. We prepare a sterilized three-liter jar.
  4. We put red berries in it.
  5. Separately, bring water to a boil and pour the fruit.
  6. Cover with a lid, let stand for 10 minutes, then pour back into the pan.
  7. Add sugar to the water, bring to a boil, cook for 3 minutes.
  8. Pour fruits with ready-made syrup, roll up.

Video: how to cook cherry compote