Winter preparations from horseradish for the winter. How to make blanks from horseradish root for the winter: a selection of original and traditional recipes

In the winter stocks of every housewife there are dishes concocted with fuck. Due to the presence of a large amount of vitamins and essential oils in the vegetable, this root has healing properties. There are hundreds how to cook horseradish. The root crop is widely used in cooking. Consider the basic methods of harvesting horseradish for the winter.

Did you know? Horseradish root contains more vitamin C than lemon. It contains sulfur, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, sodium.

Dried horseradish is popular with spice lovers. The root is the main source of nutrients. It is in dried horseradish that the maximum amount of useful substances is preserved. Before transgressing to drying horseradish for the winter, you need to wash and thoroughly clean the root of the skin. Then we cut the horseradish into thin narrow strips.

We spread it on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and set it to dry in the oven at a temperature of 60 degrees with the door slightly ajar for 1.5 hours.

Important! To save all the useful substances in horseradish, drying time should be minimal.

When the roots are dry, they are ground to a powder using a coffee grinder or other methods. You need to save dried seasoning in a glass container with a hermetically sealed lid. Before using for food, take the right amount of ready-made powder and soak in warm boiled water. Dried horseradish is used to prepare preserves, pickles and marinades.

Frozen horseradish roots

Another way horseradish for the winter is freezing. Stored in the freezer, the root will not lose its beneficial properties. All that is required of you: thoroughly wash the roots, clean them, wipe moisture with a paper towel and grind to the desired size for ease of use. We place the workpiece in containers of the desired size and put in the freezer. In this form, root crops retain useful substances for up to a year.

Did you know? Pureed horseradish retains useful properties for only a week.

How to grate horseradish roots at home

Almost all winter recipes use chopped horseradish. Our main task is to understand how to grate horseradish without tears. In order for the root crop to become juicier and easier to pray, you need to soak it for a day in cold water.

The main problem when grinding a root crop is the release of essential oils by the plant, which irritate the nasal mucosa. If you have a good blender in your kitchen, leave the job to him. We put the peeled roots in a blender and voila - the horseradish is crushed. If you grind horseradish with a meat grinder, use the old-fashioned way: put a plastic bag on the outlet, it will significantly reduce the contact of your mucous membranes with this fragrant product.

Important! So that when grinding the essential oils of the root do not irritate the eyes and nasal mucosa, it must be sent to the freezer for an hour.

Horseradish preparations in combination with other vegetables and root crops

At home, preservation using horseradish has an incredible taste. There are many recipes for harvesting horseradish with other vegetables. We bring to your attention the most common and favored among gourmets.

Horseradish in its purest form

Classic horseradish recipe. We wash and clean the root crop from the peel. We grind horseradish by methods known to us. We put the ground horseradish in a sterile jar. Sprinkle with salt or sugar on top, add a little cold boiled water, close tightly with a lid and put in the refrigerator. If you plan to store the seasoning for a long time, then add vinegar and water to everything, sterilize the jars with the workpiece for several minutes and cork with lids.

Did you know? Horseradish belongs to the cabbage family and is considered a vegetable.

It is considered traditional recipe for horseradish with beets. Let's figure out how to cook horseradish root with beets at home. We will need: 300 grams of horseradish, 200 grams of beets. We thoroughly wash the root crops, clean and grind the products into a separate container. Put a teaspoon of sugar and salt in a bowl with beets.

We put horseradish in jars of 0.5 liters to half, pour in 1 glass of boiling water, then add beets. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and add vinegar to the jars, close the lids. Cooked seasoning can be stored in the cellar or refrigerator.

Horseradish with tomatoes and garlic

Horseradish seasoning used to prepare spicy tomato dressing - light. For dressing, we need: 300 grams of horseradish, 100 grams of garlic and 1 kilogram of tomatoes. We clean the components, wash them, scroll through a meat grinder, add salt, sugar to taste. We lay out the workpiece in jars, adding 1 tablespoon of vinegar to each. Seal jars with lids and store in the refrigerator.

Important! Horseradish should not be abused. There are a number of diseases in which the use of horseradish is prohibited: gastritis, ulcers, kidney and liver diseases.

You can make a delicious salad out of horseradish, carrots and apples. Once you try it, you will want more. The secret is simple - horseradish gives spice to vegetables.

To prepare a salad, we take 150 grams of carrots, 150 grams of sour apples, 1 horseradish root for a half-liter jar. For brine: water 1 liter, salt 70 grams, sugar 100 grams, vinegar 20 ml. Carrots and horseradish, peeled and seeds of apples, three on a coarse grater. We stir everything and put it in jars, pour hot brine, cover with lids and send it to be sterilized. Banks with a capacity of 0.5 liters are sterilized for 5 minutes.

Spicy appetizers with a vigorous taste that knocks out a tear always have their fans. Did you recognize yourself? Then this section of the site, which tells about recipes for horseradish root preparations, is definitely for you. The leaves and root of the plant are widely used in pickling and pickling cucumbers, tomatoes and other vegetables. Horseradish rhizome is very spicy. This feature is of paramount importance in the manufacture of seasonings at home. Who does not know the famous Horseradish Appetizer, Horseradish or Horseradish from the roots of a tomato plant? The underground part of horseradish is often used as an auxiliary ingredient for other preparations for the winter. The root itself is also the main object of conservation. In addition, it is stored in cellars, frozen, dried. How to make horseradish blanks - tell the recipes on this page of the site.


The best recipes with photos

The last notes

Physalis fruits look like small yellow cherry tomatoes. And to taste, pickled physalis, prepared according to this homemade recipe, is no worse than canned tomatoes. It turns out such an appetizing pickled snack “for one tooth”.

A good hostess prepares a sleigh in the summer. During the harvest period, you need to seize the moment and prepare as much as possible of a variety of conservation. And now cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini and salads are placed in jars. It remains only to prepare a savory snack. Harvesting horseradish at home for the winter is what will warm us on a winter evening.

Consider all possible options

Russian cuisine is famous for its traditional dishes. For some reason, in winter, housewives often cook jelly. And it is customary to serve it only with mustard or horseradish. Recently, store products leave much to be desired. To be sure of the quality of the product used, you need to prepare it yourself.

Horseradish bushes are unpretentious and grow in our latitudes. The leaves of the plant are traditionally used for preservation. But if you want to cook a spicy, burning and savory snack, you will need horseradish root. The rhizome should be juicy, without damage, with a uniform color.

Harvesting horseradish for the winter without sterilization can be carried out in several ways:

  • fresh;
  • freezing;
  • drying.

We preserve the original taste properties of horseradish

Few people know that horseradish can be stored in its pure form without conservation and exhausting sterilization. To do this, before the onset of the first frost, we need to work hard in the garden and dig out the rhizome of horseradish. It is then carefully peeled like a potato. Only the top skin needs to be removed to a minimum. Then the horseradish rhizome is placed in boxes and sprinkled with clean sand without impurities, clay and debris.

It is better to store horseradish in this form in the basement. The temperature regime can vary from 0 to +40°. In order for the horseradish root to retain its sharpness and crunchiness, periodically the surface of the sand must be sprayed with clean water.

Freezing by all means

It turns out that horseradish root is perfectly stored in the freezer. Surprisingly, as a result of exposure to low temperatures, this vegetable becomes even more vigorous and spicy.

To freeze horseradish, you will need plastic bags and the product itself. It is not necessary to wash the root, excess moisture is useless. Horseradish is peeled from the upper skin and chopped into cubes.

Read also:

In this form, the vegetable is laid out in bags and sent to the freezer. Frozen horseradish root can be used to make snacks or as a condiment. It does not need to be thawed before use.

Spicy dried seasoning

The variety of spices and seasonings on the market today is simply “off the charts”. If you want to cook a spicy seasoning yourself, horseradish root is ideal for this purpose.

First, it is cleaned and rubbed on a grater. In an open oven, the chips are dried and then ground in a coffee grinder to a powder consistency. Such a seasoning with peppercorns will take pride of place among its spicy counterparts.

If you want to cook canned seasoning, then you have the cards in hand. Choose any recipe. You can preserve horseradish in its pure form or with the addition of an original marinade to taste. And the shavings will acquire a rich raspberry color thanks to beets.

Hot seasoning in a hurry

Horseradish prepared according to this recipe must be stored in a refrigerator. You can eat it in just a couple of hours after preparation. This method of harvesting horseradish seduces with its simplicity: you do not need to boil the marinade and sterilize the jars.


  • 0.2 kg of horseradish roots;
  • 0.5 st. water;
  • 1 st. l. vinegar with 9% concentration;
  • 1 tsp finely ground salts;
  • 1 st. l. granulated sugar.


  • In the garden, you have already done a great job. Now you need to clean the horseradish root. The easiest way is to scrape off the skin with a knife.
  • For greater certainty, it can be washed, but dry thoroughly after that.

  • We install a small nozzle on the meat grinder. A little trick: we tie a plastic bag on top with an elastic band. So we keep the juiciness and piquancy of the vegetable.

  • We skip horseradish through a meat grinder. Here is the preparation we have made.

  • Now let's tie the bag tightly so that the caustic fumes don't evaporate.

  • Let's start preparing the marinade.
  • Put finely ground salt and granulated sugar in a separate bowl.

  • Add water and mix everything thoroughly. The salt and sugar crystals should completely dissolve.

  • Pour everything with marinade, actively shake the jar and send it to storage in the refrigerator.

Delicious adjika and more

Harvesting horseradish for the winter without additives is tasty, spicy, but too familiar. And I want something unusual. We offer you a recipe for horseradish adjika. The composition of this snack includes celery and currants. Such a blend of vegetables and berries will saturate your body with an unprecedented portion of vitamins and useful elements.


  • 5 pieces. horseradish rhizomes;
  • 1 tomato;
  • 3 pcs. hot peppers;
  • 0.2 kg of celery root;
  • 150 g garlic cloves;
  • refined vegetable oil;
  • salt to taste;
  • 100 g blackcurrant.


  • You already know how to properly peel a horseradish root.
  • Currants can be used both fresh and frozen.
  • We chop the tomato into slices and fry in refined vegetable oil for literally 2-3 minutes.
  • We will do the same with currant berries.

  • We also pass the celery root through the meat grinder.

  • Next, we send hot peppers and peeled garlic cloves to the meat grinder. The latter can be crushed through a press.

  • Now put the chopped ingredients in a deep bowl. Add fried tomato pieces.

  • Mix everything thoroughly and season with salt.
  • Then we need to grind adjika with a blender.

  • We decompose the resulting snack into sterilized containers, close tightly with lids and send it to the refrigerator for storage.

Most often, housewives cook horseradish with beetroot juice. If you decide to preserve the horseradish root, then you need to follow the following rules:

  • sterilize containers and lids;
  • bring the marinade to a boil;
  • add vinegar at the very end;
  • keep the workpiece warm until completely cooled.

It is simply impossible to convey the flavor of Russian cuisine without such seasoning as horseradish. From time immemorial, our ancestors have harvested a burning root, using it in cooking and in the treatment of ailments. Harvesting horseradish for the winter at home is a troublesome process, the aroma of the product alone is worth something! But the burning spice contains vitamins, minerals, essential oils, phytoncides, which help strengthen the immune system. Therefore, you should definitely stock up on this fragrant helper. Horseradish storage methods are detailed below.

When and how to harvest, preparation for storage

Horseradish is a typical perennial that propagates by root cuttings. The vitality of this plant is amazing - adult specimens develop even from tiny pieces of the root and they are not afraid of severe frosts. There are also cultural forms that are especially common in Europe.

Do you know that…

Gardeners note the rapid growth of adults, so they try to enclose the area for growing with plastic or slate dug around the perimeter of the garden.

For harvesting horseradish for the winter, roots aged 2-3 years are used. The young shoots are not so pronounced characteristic taste, and the old rhizomes are too coarse.

They dig them out in the fall, before the first frosts, focusing on the climatic conditions of their region. If you miss the required time, the roots will become brittle, which will affect the safety.

It is permissible to harvest in the spring, but this must be done before the flower stalks are laid. Otherwise, the plant will begin to use reserves to form seeds, which will affect the nutritional and beneficial qualities.

Algorithm for harvesting and preparing for storage:

  1. Remove foliage, set aside for recycling.
  2. Using a shovel or pitchfork, dig a bush at some distance.
  3. Carefully remove the roots, scrape off the soil, being careful not to damage the skin.
  4. Lay out the dug roots to dry in a dry, warm room with good ventilation.
  5. Carry out a culling, selecting horseradish with a diameter of more than 10 mm for storage. Make sure there are no damages, areas of decay, cut off the remains of the tops.

A quality product has a white cut, juicy fleshy structure

When buying from the market, follow the rules described above. Damaged root crops unsuitable for long-term storage, set aside for processing.

Storage methods

How to store horseradish root? Each hostess can choose a convenient way that will ensure the keeping quality of a useful product:

  • laying in the cellar, basement;
  • cold storage;
  • freezing;
  • drying;
  • preservation, preparation of sauces, appetizers.

Let's consider each of them in more detail.

How to store in the cellar, basement

The best way to preserve the freshness, benefits and pungency of fragrant roots is to lay them in the cellar, basement. The storage should be pre-prepared by disinfecting the shelves and walls with a solution of bleach, blue vitriol or sulfuric checker.

Optimal cellar storage conditions:

  • humidity 85-90%;
  • good ventilation;
  • temperature background 0-2 °C.

Wooden boxes and clean, damp sand, perlite or vermiculite are suitable for storing horseradish in the cellar (see):

  1. Sprinkle a layer of filler on the bottom of the container.
  2. Form the next layer from selected unwashed roots, which must be laid out at some distance from each other.
  3. Fill the box in layers so that the filling is on top.

The roots will keep fresh for 10-12 months, just periodically inspect to remove spoiled specimens and moisten the substrate from the spray bottle once a week.

If the box was not found, you can similarly form a pyramid right on the cellar floor. Also, an alternative to boxes will be a bucket filled with garden soil. The earth should be slightly moistened and the roots deepened at a distance from each other. The storage technology is identical.

Tip of the day

Put fragrant roots in one box with. Phytoncides will protect carrots from spoilage.

How to keep vegetables fresh in the apartment

How to store horseradish at home if there is no cellar:

  • If there is a balcony, sand laying technology is used on the balcony.
  • To prevent severe frost from spoiling the harvest, cover the container with the roots with a blanket, felt.

To preserve the pungency and flavor of horseradish, it is better to store it fresh and process it as needed.

Storing Whole Roots in the Vegetable Compartment of the Refrigerator

In the absence of equipped storage, you can put horseradish in the refrigerator. In the vegetable compartment, the temperature and humidity are suitable for storing small crops.

How to store horseradish in the refrigerator? There are two ways:

  • Wash the roots thoroughly, dry on a paper towel. After drying, put the roots in a plastic bag and tie tightly. You can use an airtight food container. Harvest freshness will last 8-10 weeks.
  • Wrap the unwashed roots peeled from the soil one by one with cling film. Make a few ventilation holes, put on a vegetable shelf. The shelf life will be about 5 months.

When pulling out seasoning for cooking, inspect for spoilage. By the end of the shelf life, use the spice for blanks.

Do you know that…

When rubbing horseradish, the space is disinfected. Horseradish phytoncides, flying around the room, kill the malignant pathogenic microflora, so it is better to prepare a fragrant seasoning during the approaching epidemics of acute respiratory infections.

Freezing horseradish roots

Mistresses are wondering if it is possible to freeze horseradish root. Of course! This method is practical, it allows you to save the beneficial properties, aroma and taste of the product for a period of 10-18 months.

Freezing tips:

  • Before storage, horseradish roots should be soaked overnight in cold water, and then thoroughly washed, dried and peeled.
  • You can immerse in the freezer compartment both whole or chopped roots, as well as chopped in a meat grinder, grater. Whole or chopped horseradish is suitable for canning, while grated horseradish is ideal as an addition to, marinades, sauces.
  • When using electric grinders, the power of the device should not be less than 700 watts. A low-power device is unlikely to cope with a hard rhizome.
  • Pieces and whole roots are pre-frozen on a baking sheet, and then transferred to individual ziplock bags or plastic containers.
  • You can freeze horseradish for the winter in the form of cubes. To do this, chop the root crop on a grater or twist it in a meat grinder. Spread the workpiece into molds, freeze. After freezing, remove the cubes and transfer to an airtight container.
  • Pack the frozen semi-finished product in small portions, monitor the integrity of the packaging.

You can immediately add your favorite ingredients to the pureed root and freeze the sauce in cubes. For example, equal parts chopped root vegetable and season with lemon juice. A few cubes, without defrosting, wipe with in a blender - a great sauce is ready!

Do you know that…

Keeping horseradish in the freezer has a "side effect" - freezing "tames the anger" of the roots. When grinding and further processing, the product will not cause irritation of the mucous membranes.

Drying horseradish roots

Some housewives prefer to use dried spices. They do not take up much space, retain the aroma. But the typical hotness and useful properties during heat treatment will be partially lost.

Before drying the horseradish, the roots should be washed as soon as possible so that they do not have time to absorb water, and then chopped in any way - in circles, straws, small cubes.

You can dry:

  • outdoors;
  • in the oven;
  • in an electric dryer.

Drying time depends on the thickness of the cut. Temperature regime 40-60 °C. If drying in the oven, keep the door ajar.

Seasoning is ideal for seasoning soups. It is stored up to 2 years in a closed glass jar, which excludes the penetration of moisture. If you want to get a sauce like mustard, pour the powder with water, and after swelling, add spices and.

Tip of the day

Grated horseradish is better not to use for drying because of the pungent odor. Grind the root crop after drying with a coffee grinder.

Preservation for the winter

Another popular way to save horseradish for the winter is conservation. If vinegar, spices to taste are added to the mashed rhizome and the mass is decomposed into sterilized glass jars, freshness will last for 3-4 months. When sterilizing the mixture for 20 minutes and sealing in sterilized jars for 2-3 years.

Basic marinade recipe for 1 kg of peeled grated roots:

  • 250 ml of water;
  • 120 ml of table vinegar (9%);
  • 1 tablespoon and salt.

Prepare the marinade by mixing water with spices. Boil, add vinegar. Mix the marinade with horseradish, arrange in sterilized jars. After twenty minutes of pasteurization in a water bath, roll up the lids.

There are a lot of recipes for preserved horseradish, but the most popular appetizer is called. It is also called the Ural chili, "Spark". In addition to roots, the classic recipe includes spices and vinegar. Such an appetizer is stored for up to six months without heat treatment (in this case, pour 1 cm over the mixture) and 2-3 years after sterilization.

Horseradish variations are prepared using various ingredients - plums, carrots, beets

Tip of the day

Don't confuse crap with crap. Khrenovukha (khrenovka) is a bitter tincture with honey and fragrant root, used in Russia for the treatment of colds since ancient times.

How to store leaves

The leafy mass of the plant is rich in carotene, vitamins, essential oils, phytoncides. The leaves have long been used to make salads, marinades, and preserves.

You can prepare horseradish leaves for the winter by drying or freezing. Wash and dry leaves thoroughly. After grinding, process in the chosen way.

  • Frozen foliage will lie for 9-12 months, suitable for canning.
  • The dried product is usually crushed, used for dressing soups, marinades. Shelf life is up to six months, then the leaves turn pale and are thrown away.
  • Fresh leaves in an airtight bag will remain on the vegetable shelf for 2-3 weeks.

Do you know that…

The plant is used for early forcing to get vitamin greens for salads.

To prepare healthy roots, there are many different ways. Choose the right option, and the fragrant seasoning will strengthen your immunity, protect against diseases, and give the dishes an interesting flavor.

Store properly and be healthy!

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Horseradish is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the genus Horseradish, Cabbage family. It found its greatest purpose in the preparation of dishes as seasonings, sauces, additives for preservation during sauerkraut, pickles and home-made preserves. To enhance the sharpness, it is combined with mustard, garlic, pepper.

Useful properties of horseradish

The plant has a high content of substances necessary for the human body:

  1. Several types of essential oils.
  2. Phytoncides
  3. Fiber.
  4. Vitamin composition C, B1, B2, B3, B6, E.
  5. Folic acid.

Also includes macro, microelements potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, arsenic. The rhizomes of the plant contain sugar, amino acids, organic compounds, the protein substance lysozyme, which gives horseradish bactericidal properties.

Note! Thanks to volatile substances - phytoncides, the plant is endowed with bactericidal activity, the ability to destroy microbes that cause diseases.

To date, the useful and healing quality of the plant has been proven by official medicine.

Rules for harvesting and preserving horseradish for the winter

They start harvesting the plant from August to September, the roots can be prepared in the spring in stocks, this will not affect the quality.

After collecting a certain amount of horseradish leaves, they are washed well, dried away from the sun, finely cut. Store in a glass jar with a tight lid.

For harvesting and drying the lower part of the plant, two methods are used:

  • the first. A box of dry sand is prepared, then horseradish roots are poured into it. So it is stored for a long time, without losing freshness and qualities;
  • second. Grind on a grater, in a coffee grinder, dry in a warm oven. Glass jars with tight lids are suitable for storage.

Horseradish roots can also be preserved. They take a kilogram of products, peel them, grind them in a meat grinder. Marinade preparation:

  • water 400 gr.;
  • vinegar 9% 200g. (if desired, it can be replaced with citric acid);
  • sugar 1 tbsp. l. with a slide;
  • salt 1 tbsp. l. with a hill.

The brine is prepared in such a way that salt and sugar are dissolved in boiling water, then vinegar is poured in and the saucepan is immediately removed from the stove. Prepared glass containers must be sterilized.

Note! In a separate bowl, mix the finished brine with horseradish, then arrange it in jars, put it on pasteurization for 20 minutes, cork.

How to grate horseradish roots at home?

Usually, those who cook it use a meat grinder or a blender to reduce "tearing". If you use a grater, then the vapors released will interfere with the process. It will take good endurance so as not to end the event halfway through.

Put a polyethylene bag on the meat grinder, from where the grated mass will come out, fix it with an elastic band, and begin to quickly process the product. Speed ​​is needed so that horseradish does not lose its taste, sharpness.

For the grated product, a small glass container with screw-on lids, plastic containers are used.

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive a large harvest with large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get the desired result.

Often plants lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase yield by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get good harvest even on low-fertility soils and in adverse climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

Horseradish for the winter - recipes

For lovers of savory seasonings, pickled horseradish roots prepared for winter supplies will enhance the taste of meat and fish dishes.

To prepare the product, the hostesses will need:

  • Horseradish roots - 1 kg.
  • Water - 200 gr.
  • Salt 1 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar 1 tbsp. l.
  • Lemon 1 pc. (juice).
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon and chopped nutmeg.
  • Clove sticks - 2 pcs.
  • Mustard seeds quarter tsp.

Let's start cooking:

  1. peel all root crops from the skin, pour cold water over, let stand for 30 minutes;
  2. to grind the product, an accessible method is used, a blender, a meat grinder, a grater;
  3. marinade is prepared in a saucepan, water is brought to a boil, pour all the ingredients into it, at the end pour in lemon juice. The resulting liquid is slightly cooled;
  4. grated product and brine are mixed in a separate bowl, then laid out in sterilized jars;
  5. jars are covered with lids, placed in a prepared basin, poured with warm water for sterilization, 20 minutes.

Note! Then the jars are clogged, covered with a warm blanket, and the cork, which has cooled down after a few days, is taken out to the pantry. Housewives can experiment, add or remove ingredients.

Classic recipe

It is very easy to prepare the most ordinary horseradish seasoning, as everyone is used to seeing and buying in the store. Only home cooking will be a hundred times tastier. It is necessary to decide on the color, will the seasoning be white or red? The classic recipe is the preparation of a mixture with beetroot and vinegar.

We take:

  • Horseradish root 1 kg.
  • Beetroot 1 pc. (added on request)
  • Salt 40 gr.
  • Sugar 80 gr.
  • Water 800 gr.
  • Vinegar 100 gr. (added for long-term spiciness).

Cooking: the roots are cleaned, crushed. The marinade is being prepared, ingredients are poured into boiling water, a slightly cooled brine is poured into the mass, mixed, distributed in jars, insisted for a day.

Seasoning Horseradish

A very tasty condiment suitable for almost all dishes. Having prepared any of it, the hostess will receive approval not only from family members, but also from invited guests.

To prepare it, you need the following products:

  • 1 kg. tomato;
  • 100 gr. horseradish;
  • 100 gr. garlic;
  • sugar 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt 1 tbsp. l.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Wash tomatoes, pat dry, cut in half and remove stems.
  2. The roots are cleaned, passed through a meat grinder.
  3. Garlic is peeled.
  4. A bag with a ground plant is set aside, tomatoes and garlic are passed through.
  5. Horseradish, sugar, salt are added to the resulting mass, mixed.

Note! The seasoning is transferred to prepared jars, which are sterilized if it is prepared for winter stocks. The seasoning is infused for a day, after which it is ready for use, it is advisable not to store rolled up jars for more than six months, otherwise the taste will be lost.

Stories from our readers!
“I am a summer resident with many years of experience, and I started using this fertilizer only last year. I tested it on the most capricious vegetable in my garden - on tomatoes. The bushes grew and bloomed together, the harvest was more than usual. And they didn’t get sick with late blight, this is the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives more intensive growth of garden plants, and they bear fruit much better. Now you can’t grow a normal crop without fertilizer, and this top dressing increases the number of vegetables, so I am very pleased with the result."

Horseradish seasoning with walnuts

The seasoning prepared according to this recipe is not stored for a long time and can rather be attributed to sauces.

Required products:

  • medium horseradish root;
  • 1 st. l. Sahara;
  • 1 st. l. vinegar;
  • 50 gr. cream;
  • nut kernels 5 - 6 pcs.

Cooking steps:

  1. The spine is cleaned and rubbed.
  2. Nuts are crushed.

Note! Sugar, cream, vinegar are added to the mass of grated horseradish, everything is mixed very well until a homogeneous mass with foam is obtained, after it settles, chopped walnuts are added. This condiment is prepared before consumption.

Horseradish with sweet pepper

Having tried this seasoning once, you will never forget, who loves “spicy”, will be satisfied with it and will always do it.

Required Ingredients:

  • fresh tomatoes - 3 kg;
  • horseradish root on - 150 gr.;
  • sweet pepper - 1 kg .;
  • medium bitter - 3 pcs.;
  • garlic - 3 medium heads;
  • salt, sugar, ground black pepper to taste.

Note! These products are washed, cleaned and passed through a blender or meat grinder in turn, thoroughly mixed in one large bowl. They are laid out in jars and infused for a day. The seasoning is stored in the refrigerator.

Horseradish with garlic and tomatoes

A good recipe, reminiscent of adjika, but due to the addition of horseradish, it turns out especially tasty. Required products:

  • ripe tomatoes - 1 kg .;
  • large garlic - 1 head;
  • horseradish roots - 100 gr.;
  • vinegar - 30 gr.;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

How to cook: the root is cleaned, crushed. The garlic is crushed in a mortar. Tomatoes are peeled, twisted in a blender.

In a saucepan, all the ingredients are mixed, add the juice of one lemon, then put on fire, bring to a boil. The hot mixture is laid out in sterilized jars, corked.

Horseradish seasoning with beetroot juice

To prepare this recipe, we take:

  1. 400 gr. cleaned, washed, ground, roots.
  2. Beets 2 - 3 pcs.
  3. Salt 1 tbsp. l.
  4. Sugar 1 tbsp. l.
  5. Lemon 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  • first, beet juice is done, for this it is ground in a meat grinder, rubbed on a grater, it is possible through a juicer;
  • the resulting liquid is defended for 20 minutes;
  • ground horseradish is put in a liter jar, sugar, salt, lemon, beet juice are added and everything is mixed well.

If the seasoning turned out to be thick, it is diluted with boiled water, stored in a cold place or in the refrigerator.

How to freeze horseradish for the winter?

For those who prefer the product in its natural form, the freezing option is suitable. Whether the storage will be in a whole or in a frayed form, everyone decides for himself.

But still, it is better if the product is always ready for use, then you do not have to wait for it to “thaw” in order to use it.

We send the grated product to the freeze, which can be placed in bags or in food containers.

Note! Cooked seasonings based on or with the addition of horseradish will decorate any table and add a special taste to dishes. The dried product also contributes to the preparation of preservation.