Currants with sugar for the winter proportions. "Live" blackcurrant recipes

Pureed blackcurrant with sugar - simplest way prepare berries for the winter. The recipe is completely labor-intensive and includes only two ingredients - berries and sugar. This harvesting method saves amazing taste and the aroma of fresh currants. Plus, it is ideal for those who do not want (do not know how, do not like) to mess around with cooking jam. After all, you just need to fill a clean berry with sugar, knead it with an ordinary wooden crush and stir several times before closing, watching the miraculous transformation of the berry-sugar mass into a homogeneous one, thick jam jelly-like consistency. Try it! It is really very, very tasty!


  • blackcurrant - 1 part (1 kg),
  • sugar - 1.5 parts (1.5 kg).

How to prepare pureed blackcurrant for the winter

Let's start with the preparation of currants. So that the jam does not ferment and retains its freshness for as long as possible, the ground berries must be fresh and clean. We sort through the currants, remove twigs, spoiled berries and debris, rinse well under medium pressure warm water and send them to a colander in order to let the berries dry. You can spread the currants on paper (paper or clean waffle towel) - so it dries faster, plus it's more convenient if you have a lot of berries.

Next, we will grind the dried berry with sugar. Do it in batches. To do this, place a part of the berry in a suitable size vessel (made of glass, plastic or enameled). Sprinkle some of the sugar on top of the berries.

We arm ourselves with a wooden pusher and begin to knead / grind the berry with sugar. After we add a new portion of berries and sugar and grind again.

As a result, you will get a sweet mass of grated berries with noticeable grains of sugar. If some berries do not fall under the crush and remain whole, it does not matter. To me, it tastes even better. But if you are going to harvest grated currants in large volumes, you can use a faster option: twist the berry with a meat grinder or mash with a blender.

Then you need to wait until the sugar dissolves. To do this, we cover the container with the berry mass with gauze, a towel or cling film, be sure to pierce it in several places so that the jam “breathes”, and leave it to stand for 2-3 days.

We do not remove the jam in the refrigerator, we leave it to stand in the room. Every 5-8 hours we look into the container and stir the jam. Already at the first stirring, it becomes noticeable that the sugar dissolves perfectly, and the jam itself acquires the consistency of jelly. But it's too early to close it.

After a couple of days, the consistency of the jam becomes homogeneous, and its color is bright and saturated. My jam stood on the table in the kitchen for 2.5 days.

And now it can be laid out in jars. Be sure to sterilize the jars and let them dry. We take ordinary nylon lids, boil them and also let them dry.

We lay out the jam in jars, filling them approximately to the shoulders.

The rest of the space is filled with sugar. You should get a sugar layer 1-1.5 cm thick.

Do not worry, this sugar will not make the jam sweeter. Within a few hours, this sugar will be saturated with syrup and crystallize, forming a kind of dense “cork” that will protect the jam from fermentation.

Such raw jam will be perfectly stored both in the refrigerator and on the shelf in the pantry (in the refrigerator, however, longer).

From 1 kg of currant I got 2 jars of 500 ml and one small bowl for tea.

Berries of red and black currants are very useful because they are rich in vitamins. In addition, there are currant bushes in almost every summer cottage. However, many gardeners underestimate this common berry, and some do not like its sour taste. But currants can be used to make an amazing fragrant and vitamin-rich dessert - currants grated with sugar. The recipe for this preparation for the winter is very simple, and the dish does not require special storage conditions.

Dish properties

fresh berries currants are not a product stored for a long time, so it is best to prepare them for the winter. There are an immense number of recipes for fragrant currant preparations. However, the simplest solution is to grind the berries with sugar. This recipe will be possible even for those who are not experienced chefs. In addition, the preparation of currant grated with sugar does not take much time. Yes, you will need kitchen tools. minimal amount. But such simplicity and convenience does not make the delicacy less tasty. Currant grated with sugar has an incomparable aroma and delicious taste.

Blackcurrant contains a small amount of oxidative enzymes, thanks to which vitamin C is better preserved in it. It is this property that makes it possible to use currant blanks as a vitamin-rich product that has excellent taste. In addition, in order to prepare wonderful raw currant jam, you do not need to resort to heat treatment, which will also preserve the valuable properties of currants. Properly mashed and frozen currants will remind you of summer in winter cold. It can also be preserved or rolled up in another way.


Currant is a berry crop that is widespread in Russia. Which is not surprising, because its berries abound in useful substances and have a high nutritional value. The berry is exceptionally rich in ascorbic acid or vitamin C, which is known for its antioxidant properties. Black currants are richer in vitamin C than red or white currants. In terms of the content of this vitamin, the berry is inferior only to rose hips. Only now the wild rose is inedible, and the currant is not only edible, but also extremely tasty and fragrant. amazing a small amount of currants (about 20 berries) can provide the human body daily allowance vitamin C.

Ascorbic acid is important for providing normal functioning organs, it strengthens immune system and enhances the body's defenses. That is why currants are advised to use for colds. In addition, in blackcurrant berries high content vitamins B1, B2, B9, K, trace elements, essential oils, sugar, organic acids and other useful substances needed human body for normal operation.

The berry is used as a multivitamin and tonic, it also improves the absorption of various nutrients.

Also in these miraculous in their own way healing properties Berries contain a number of substances that help prevent the onset of senile dementia. And currant tea is often used as a fairly strong diuretic. All these properties of the substances contained in the currant make the berry an indispensable product in the diet of people with the most various diseases. In addition, vitamins E and D contained in all varieties of currants allow you to keep the skin young, protect it from the aggression of free radicals. And B vitamins help the body fight various stresses and overloads.

Also, this common berry culture is rich in potassium. Especially in this respect, red and white currant. Potassium is indispensable for the transmission of nerve impulses, it ensures the normal functioning of the kidneys and adrenal glands. It is also necessary for the regulation of water-salt balance in the body.

So, if swelling bothers you, then pay attention to white and red currants. In addition, potassium improves the acid-base balance in the body.

If you are trying to lose weight, then you should understand some of the properties of currants that can help you in the difficult process of losing weight. It contains alimentary fiber(pectin), which, once in our body, swell, absorbing moisture. Thus, they increase in volume and fill the digestive tract. At the same time, a person experiences a feeling of satisfaction of hunger. In addition, currants are completely non-caloric, so people who care about their figure should think about including this berry in their diet.

Currant is extremely rich in useful substances necessary for the normal functioning of our body. Its use often helps to solve various health problems. Therefore, it is extremely important to stock up on such a valuable source of essential vitamins so that you can take care of your beauty and health all year round.


Currant has numerous beneficial properties, but still, the use of this berry should be treated with some caution. Firstly, there are a number of diseases in which the use of fresh currants and various dishes of it may be undesirable. These include thrombophlebitis. The reason is that the use of currants can cause an increase in blood clotting. And this is contraindicated for those people who have a predisposition to thrombosis. It is also not recommended to include this berry in your diet if you have problems with stomach acidity, because in this case rich in vitamin C currant can only exacerbate the disease.

Secondly, currants can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, it is best to carefully consider its use. It is unreasonable to consume the fruits of the currant or any dishes from it in excessive quantities, and, of course, with special care, it is worth introducing currants into the diet of children.

Less allergenic are varieties of white and red currants, but they also contain less useful substances than black currants.

Composition and calories

Dish Ingredients:

  • currant berries (you can use both black and red currants, or you can mix them) - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5-2 kg.

Servings: 24.

Single serving for one person: 80-100 grams.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

  • calories - 221 kcal;
  • proteins - 0.5 grams;
  • fats - 0.2 grams;
  • carbohydrates - 53.5 grams.

How to cook?

The recipe for grated currants with sugar is amazingly simple. However, pay attention to the fact that you need to carefully monitor the observance of proportions. If there is not enough sugar in the currant prepared according to this recipe, then it will simply deteriorate. Therefore, carefully weigh the berries and sugar before you start cooking. First you need to prepare the berries. They need to be carefully sorted out, because only intact berries are suitable for cooking. It is also necessary to sort out currants because various debris (twigs, beetles, scraps of cellophane, etc.) can get into it. It is necessary to remove all leaves and small twigs from the berries.

Then you need to rinse the berries under running water. To do this, you can use a colander or a sieve. It is best that the water under which you wash the berries is cold. When all the berries are washed, they must be carefully spread out in a thin layer on a paper or plain cloth towel. They should dry well, because if there is too much moisture, then there is a high probability that currant jam that does not require cooking will deteriorate. When the berries are dry, they can be ground with a fork or passed through a meat grinder. To grind them and turn them into a homogeneous mass, you can use a blender.

Before starting the grinding process, you need to make sure that the fork, meat grinder or blender bowl is clean and dry.

When the homogeneous berry mass is ready, add sugar and mix thoroughly. Sugar, saturated with berry juice, will begin to dissolve. But this process is not instantaneous. Leave the mixed mixture in the room for 2-3 hours so that the sugar dissolves completely. While the sugar is dissolving, you can start sterilizing the lids and jars into which you will pour currants grated with sugar. When time passes and the sugar dissolves, you should again mix the currant mass well. Before proceeding with the process of packaging wonderful jam, you need to prepare the tools. It is most convenient to use a ladle and a funnel. They must be scalded with boiling water, then you can start pouring into jars.

When the jars are filled with sweet-scented berries, don't miss one more important detail. It is necessary to pour a small amount of crystals citric acid over currant dessert. It will help raw jam not spoil even longer. If there is no citric acid, then you can pour a layer of granulated sugar over the jam. In this case, if the jam is covered with a film, or you find mold under the lid, then you will only need to remove the top layer of sugar. After that, it is necessary to tightly close all the jars with nylon caps. Amazing currant grated with sugar is ready. Send it to be stored so that later you can get a vitamin treat in the fall or winter and enjoy the amazing taste.

How to store?

Store containers with fragrant currant, grated with sugar, you can in any cool place: a refrigerator, a cellar, and a basement will do. And if you increase the concentration of sugar in a currant vitamin treat, then the product can be stored at temperatures up to +8°C. But still, it is better to allocate some space in the refrigerator for such a valuable source of vitamins and minerals for the winter, since it is undesirable to increase the concentration of sugar without a strong need. Sugar is still far from being a healthy nutrient.

Step by step recipe with photo and video

To harvest blackcurrants mashed with sugar for the winter without cooking, prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Wash the currants in cold water.

Strain and dry thoroughly.

Sort the currants, removing all crumpled, spoiled berries, leaves and stalks.

Place prepared currants in a blender bowl and add sugar. The required amount of sugar depends on the conditions and temperature of storage of the workpiece. Under the condition of storing blackcurrant, grated with sugar, in a refrigerator or a cool room, at a temperature of 0 to +8 degrees, the proportion of currants and sugar can be 1:1 - i.e. for every kilogram of currants, 1 kilogram of sugar is added. If it is assumed that blackcurrant, mashed with sugar (without boiling), will be left for the winter at room temperature or in conditions of a possible temperature difference, it is better to increase the amount of sugar to 2 kilograms for every kilogram of berries.

Beat the berries with sugar in a blender for a few minutes, until you get homogeneous mass. If a blender is not at hand, the berries can be chopped with a meat grinder, grind in a mortar, and then add sugar to the resulting fruit puree.

Pour the mixture into a bowl and leave at room temperature for several hours. During this time, stir the mass every 30-60 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved.

As the sugar dissolves, the mass will become thicker and acquire a jelly-like consistency. If you have a powerful enough blender, the sugar can dissolve even in the process of beating the berries - in this case, you can skip the step of infusing the berry mass and immediately proceed to the next step.

When the sugar has dissolved, place the mixture in chilled, sterilized jars, filling the jars to the top.

Add a few tablespoons of sugar to each jar so that the sugar layer completely covers the surface of the berry mass and the so-called sugar cork is obtained.

Cover the jars with sterilized plastic or metal lids and place in the refrigerator or darkened cool storage area.

Blackcurrant, grated with sugar (without cooking), is ready for the winter!

Blackcurrant is the queen of berries, which has no analogues in chemical composition and in terms of taste. This miracle berry is saturated with B, E, D, K vitamins, ascorbic acid, pectin, glucose, organic acids and other useful substances. When processed, currants do not lose useful properties and tolerates freezing well. However, when boiled, vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is destroyed, while taste qualities become even brighter.

It is necessary to cook currants immediately after harvesting, because when lying down, the berries become sour and tasteless. Also, currants can quickly ferment. Goodness exist various ways to save the berry for consumption in winter period. great way save the berry for the winter - this is a "live" blackcurrant jam or currant jam. Cooked without heat treatment jams, jellies and preserves are perfectly stored at home for at least six months, while the berries do not lose their fresh taste, and most importantly vitamins and useful material. And them in blackcurrant great amount- this is vitamin C, and pectin, and trace elements.

Today we have collected for you the best and simple recipes blanks of blackcurrant for the winter. Each of these recipes uses only blackcurrants and sugar.

Blackcurrant for the winter - simple recipes without cooking

One of the most delicious and healthy sweet dishes from this berry is blackcurrant prepared for the winter with sugar without cooking. This simple harvesting method does not require much time. Such a delicacy can be used both as a separate dessert for tea, and as a filling for pies and cakes.

Three most popular recipe blanks of blackcurrant for the winter without cooking:

  1. blackcurrant twisted (mashed) with sugar
  2. whole black currant
  3. blackcurrant jelly without cooking

So all the recipes are in order.


  1. blackcurrant - 1 kg
  2. granulated sugar - 1.5 kg

Currant berries should be sorted out, cleaned of twigs and roots, washed and discarded in a colander to drain the water. Use only ripe berries, otherwise the jam will be sour. Place the berries in a deep bowl and blend thoroughly with an immersion blender until smooth. You can use a regular blender or meat grinder. Add required quantity granulated sugar and mix thoroughly. Leave the currants with sugar for 12-24 hours until the sugar is completely dissolved. From time to time, stir the currant mass with a clean spoon. Prepare sterile jars. Spread the finished currants, grated currants with sugar in jars with a clean spoon. Pour a 1 cm layer of sugar on top of each jar. You need to close such a “live” jam with clean plastic lids. Such jam can be stored in the refrigerator or in a cold cellar for at least six months. In order for blackcurrant mashed with sugar to be stored at room temperature, it is necessary to put sugar in a ratio of 2: 1. That is, for 1 kg of currants, you need to take 2 kg of sugar.


  1. blackcurrant - 1 kg
  2. sugar - 125-150 gr

Put the washed blackcurrant berries in a bowl, add sugar and heat to 60 ° C. If there is no thermometer, you need to watch the berries: when the mass starts to stir, mix it from the edges to the middle and remove from heat. You can not bring the mass to the appearance of foam. Arrange the jam in sterilized hot jars and roll up with canned iron lids. Store in a cool place. This method of preparing blackcurrants for the winter is also useful because it does not require a large number sugar, which makes this delicacy less caloric.

Delicious blackcurrant jelly without cooking

Jelly is one of the most delicious and beautiful blackcurrant treats. Currant berry jelly retains a maximum of useful substances, such as vitamin C, A, B, pectin, glucose, fructose, flavonoids, trace elements - magnesium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, calcium. And according to the content of vitamin C, blackcurrant is a champion among other berries. To make the jelly a homogeneous delicate consistency, use for cooking powdered sugar. You can make it in a coffee grinder or buy it ready-made in a store.

To make blackcurrant jelly, you will need the following ingredients:

1 kg blackcurrant

1 kg of granulated sugar or powdered sugar

Sort and rinse the berries thoroughly, and then grind in a blender until smooth. Then put the mass in a colander with small holes. Grind the currant mass to separate the juice from the skins and seeds. After that, pour powdered sugar into the currants in small portions, constantly stirring the mass. Put the mass on the fire and heat it to 60 ° C (in no case bring it to a boil). Shift currant jelly in clean pre-sterilized jars. Banks must be rolled up with sterile canning lids.
Blackcurrant jelly may not be heated on fire, but in this case it will be necessary to store “live” jelly only in the refrigerator and not for long. Close jars with plastic lids or baking paper.

Blackcurrant jelly for the winter - a hot way

Another way to harvest blackcurrants for the winter is to make hot jelly. Such jelly can be stored for a very long time in a rolled up form. Dessert prepared in this way has a unique color and taste.


  • 1 kg blackcurrant
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 1-1.5 glasses of water

Pour the washed blackcurrant with sugar and then crush with a crush, leave until the sugar is completely dissolved for about 10-12 hours. After that, grind the whole mass through a small colander or sieve. Transfer the mass to an iron pan, add water and bring to a boil. Boil blackcurrant jelly for 5-7 minutes, then place hot in sterile jars, roll up with iron lids and let cool. You can store such jelly prepared in a hot way not only all winter, but also until the next currant harvest. Such jelly can also be stored in the refrigerator, closed with plastic lids.

Blackcurrant jam jelly-like

We offer another recipe for preparing blackcurrant blanks for the winter - jelly-like jam. Gelated blackcurrant jam is also easy to cook, you just need to be a little patient. We will measure the ingredients with glasses.


  • 8 cups black currants
  • 8 glasses of granulated sugar
  • 1 glass of clean boiled water

Sort currants, rinse and dry. Transfer the berries to an iron container, pour in a glass of water and boil over low heat for about 5 minutes. During cooking, currants must be constantly stirred. Then add sugar and continue to cook for another 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Ready-made jelly-like blackcurrant jam in jars and roll up. You can store such jam in any cool place and even at room temperature.

Five-minute blackcurrant jam (recipe in glasses)

We are offering to you the best recipe, perhaps the most popular five-minute blackcurrant jam among housewives, which is perfect for long-term storage for the winter.

In this recipe, we will measure the ingredients not by weight, but by glasses, because this method is more convenient if there are no scales.


  • blackcurrant - 7 cups (about 1 kg)
  • sugar - 6 cups (about 1.2 kg)

Cooking time - 30-40 minutes, output - 4 half-liter jars.

Currants need to be cleaned of twigs and leaves, rinsed thoroughly and put in a container, then covered with sugar. Leave the mass for 14-24 hours to form the juice. We put the container on the fire and wait until the mass begins to boil. In the process of cooking, you need to constantly stir the jam and remove the foam. Cook jam for 5 minutes. We pour the prepared sterilized jars into the hot mass, after which we roll it up and wrap it with a blanket for a day. This five-minute blackcurrant jam can be stored for a long time even at room temperature. You can enjoy these desserts all winter and until the next currant harvest.

Make preparations for the winter from summer berries- it's not at all troublesome if you like to cook. In fact, it only seems that for cooking delicious berry desserts Winter takes a lot of time and effort. If you have never made blackcurrant jam, jellies or jams, try it once and you will love it. You will definitely do it again next year.

Enjoy your meal!

How can you cook blackcurrant with sugar? Of course, making jam is delicious and fragrant. Currant jam good for everyone, except for one nuance. It is no secret that during cooking, many vitamins (C, A, E) are almost completely destroyed.

There are more delicious ways sugar berries without cooking - such currant preparations for the winter are not only tasty, but also healthy. Blackcurrant grated with sugar completely retains all vitamins. And also - a wonderful aroma, thanks to which even in winter evening you can remember the hot, green summer.

Proportions for 1 liter jar:

  • 2 kg of sugar;
  • 1 kg of berries.


Step 1. We wash the berry and remove leaves, twigs and debris.

Step 2. Weigh, measure 1 kg.

Step 3. Then we transfer the berries to ceramic dishes and begin to crush - with a wooden spoon or a potato masher, adding sugar in small portions (gradually).

It is advisable not to use metal containers and devices when grinding currants, because upon contact with air and metal, the beneficial substances of the berries begin to actively oxidize - i.e. collapse. This means that in order to get maximum benefit it is necessary to use ceramic, wooden, enameled or plastic dishes.

Step 4. After that, we lay out the banks.

Banks must first be sterilized. It can be done traditional ways(10-15 minutes over water vapor, i.e. over boiling water, or in an oven at a temperature of 180 ° C). Another option is to sterilize in the microwave (hold for 3-4 minutes in the oven, turned on at full power).

Lids can be used in a variety of ways, including metal screw caps. They are also sterilized.

And one more important point - do not fill the berry mixture to the top. A small space must be left. The fact is that sugar will increase in volume as it dissolves, so the mass level will rise slightly.

Currant grated with sugar is ready in a few days.

Blackcurrant with sugar (preparation for the winter)

You can store mashed currants in the refrigerator, in the cellar or even on the loggia. That is, it does not require cold as such, but light coolness and shading are a must. Such a berry is stored without cooking for one season, and after opening, the jars are stored only in the refrigerator for a week.


Fanatically crushing each currant is not worth it. First, it is very long and tedious. And secondly, it is always nice to bite into a sour berry to feel the fresh taste against the background of general sweetness. And of course, whole berries can be used to decorate cakes and pastries.

Currants mashed with sugar for the winter: a five-minute recipe

Of course, the described process can be accelerated by using labor mechanization tools - a meat grinder, a juicer or an ordinary blender. In addition, currants twisted into a meat grinder or blender are cooked very quickly.

So, the blender literally turns the berries into a homogeneous mixture in just 20 seconds. In addition, it contains practically no metal parts, with the exception of the knife (the blender bowl is usually made of plastic).

In the five-minute recipe, the ratio of currants and sugar is exactly the same: for 1 kg of berries we take 2 kg of sugar.

Recipe instructions:

Step 1. As always, wash, sort through the berries, remove all unnecessary.

Step 2. We grind them in a blender or turn them in a meat grinder.

Step 3. We fall asleep part of the sugar (half) and mix. Then you can go about your business for an hour, then pour in the remaining sugar and place it again - then it will dissolve much better in the mixture.

Then pour the mixture into pre-sterilized jars and put it in the refrigerator or on the loggia.

Of course, sometimes it is better to see once than to hear 100 times. Therefore, in addition to the description, you can see the process in the video - how to cook currants rubbed with sugar for the winter.

Blackcurrant for the winter with sugar: recipe with lemon

For some gourmets, such a treat may seem tasty, fragrant, albeit a little sweet. To interrupt the obvious dominance of sugar shades, you can add to finished product lemon or orange juice.


For 1 kg of berries, you can take 1 small lemon or 2 small oranges.


Step 1. First, we sterilize the jars and prepare the berries as usual.

Step 2. Then grind it with a wooden spoon or a potato masher. Again comes to the rescue with a meat grinder or a blender: we put berries, half of the sugar into the bowl, grind.

Step 3. After an hour, add the remaining half of the sugar to the twisted currants, mix again. And as soon as the sugar crystals completely disintegrate, add the freshly squeezed juice of a couple of oranges or 1 lemon. It will not be a mistake to mix these components - take 1 lemon and 1 orange.

It turns out not just currants twisted with sugar, but very fragrant dessert, which will smell not only of currant aromas, but also of citrus fruits. Tasty and healthy.


Of course, everyone will be happy to just taste a spoonful of such a blank for the winter and just like that, but blackcurrant mashed with sugar can also be used in tea. But you should not put this delicacy in boiling water (again, to preserve vitamins) - it is better to pour warm water.

Another option is to use a mixture for cooking fragrant pie with currant. True, heat treatment will reduce the benefits of the product, but here pleasant taste fragrant berries will definitely remain.

Finally, the berry mass can also be used to decorate the cake. By the way, for these purposes it is better to leave a few berries whole and freeze until better times.

Enjoy your meal!