How to make rose petal jam. How to cook jam from roses with rosehip petals. Raw rose petal jam.

Roses are grown everywhere for landscaping megacities and towns, household plots and health resorts, parks and gardens. Rosary is called the best decorative composition. But, every plant on our planet keeps not only decorative appeal, but also carries certain properties - cosmetic, gastronomic or healing. And the rose is no exception to this rule.

Rose is a famous plant that has been used in everyday life since ancient times. The chronicles of civilizations confirm that since ancient times, rose oil, extracts and petals have been used for bathing, preparing skin lotions and other cosmetics, brewing tea, and also eaten.

Today it is customary to make jam from roses. It treats angina and bronchitis in adults and children, is considered a useful remedy for stomach ulcers and gastritis, helps with bleeding gums and stomatitis. Rose petal jam works well chronic fatigue, helps to cope with vegetovascular dystonia, insomnia and irritability.

This food strengthens nervous system and prescribed after the transfer of serious illnesses and with beriberi. Yes, just rose jam is fragrant and very tasty. In addition, it is useful for sweet rolls and baklava.

Rose jam - preparing dishes

Sieves, sieves and colanders are used to remove pollen from the petals. It is customary to leave roses to be candied in porcelain or enamelware. The dishes are prepared as for cooking any other jam, compote or syrup. Banks are usually rolled up with metal lids hermetically.

Rose Jam - Preparing the Petals

Rose jam requires a special variety of roses - pink in color and small in size. In addition to the tea rose, petals of freshly blossomed red rose buds and wild rose are used in cooking. It is important not to be late with the collection of petals, as the flowering hour is very short. It is recommended to pluck the petals in the early morning, then the jam will have a special taste and delicate aroma.

If there is a small tea rose bush, and it is difficult to collect a sufficient number of roses at a time, you can harvest them as they bloom for 3-4 days, placing them in a plastic bag and tying them tightly so that the aroma does not evaporate. Raw materials must be stored in the refrigerator.

When a sufficient number of roses has been collected, the petals should be separated: for this, all the petals are gathered together with one hand, and the sepals are twisted and torn off with the other. The resulting mound of petals should be stirred a little on the table to eliminate excess pistils-stamens. Then the petals are sent to a colander, hair sieve or sieve, sifted and freed from pollen.

Rose jam - recipe 1

It is recommended to take the petals of a fragrant red Pancake week rose - 200 grams, 2 cups of water, 1 kilogram of sugar, 1 teaspoon of tartaric acid. Traditionally, the stamens should be removed and the white hard part should be trimmed with scissors. Then a liquid syrup is prepared from water and sugar, and the petals fall there. Jam should be boiled until the syrup is ready on a strong flame, after which you need to add tartaric acid and boil for a few more minutes.

Rose jam - recipe 2

To make jam according to this recipe, you will need half a kilogram of rose petals, one and a half kilograms of sugar, 1 glass of water, half a lemon. From one-time roses, you need to remove the petals and remove the white particles, chop them finely, mix with 0.5 kilograms of granulated sugar and insist in this form for two days. From a kilogram of sugar and water, you need to cook syrup with the addition of lemon juice. Dip the candied rose petals into the hot syrup. The jam is cooked until tender on a slow flame.

Rose jam - recipe 3

According to the recipe, it is worth taking a kilogram of tea rose petals, 6 kilograms of sugar, 8 grams citric acid. The white part of the petals is cut off with scissors, dried petals are removed, pollen is separated. The petals prepared in this way are washed in frosty water, sent to the basin and filled with water. For 1 kilogram of petals, it is supposed to take 2 liters of water. Then the mass is brought to a boil and cooked for 5 minutes. Then the petals are covered with sugar and boiled until tender.

As with syrup, you can add petals of simple bright red roses to the jam, but only a handful, and no more, as they are rough and remain harsh in the jam. But a handful will not be noticeable, but this will give the jam a more saturated color.

Experienced chefs recommend trying the petals on the tooth when cooking rose jam in order to boil them longer if necessary. But you should not be zealous, because with prolonged cooking, vitamins are lost, and the color deteriorates.

To preserve the natural color of the petals and avoid sugaring, it is recommended to add citric acid to the jam during the cooking period. Ready jam can be separated directly into syrup and petals, which can be put as a filling in confectionery, or make liquor out of them.

Petals must be collected from flowers that have already blossomed. To be honest, it's a pity to cut off such beauty.

Can be collected for several days and put into plastic bag, tie it tightly and store in the refrigerator for three days. If the bush is large, this number of petals is enough for one 0.5-liter jar of rose jam. The weight of dried flowers is approximately 150 g.

Flowers must be sorted out so that there is no debris, and only tender petals remain. Rinse in a colander under cold running water.

Fold wet (no need to dry) in an enameled bowl or pan and cover with a glass of sugar. This is necessary for the flowers to release juice. Let stand for at least 3 hours.

Then make a syrup from the remaining sugar and 100 ml of water, at the end add citric acid. Can be replaced with lemon juice (1 tablespoon). Pour the mass with flowers and sugar with this syrup. Put on fire, bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat and boil for about 5-10 minutes, but so that the mass barely gurgles.

During this time, sterilize glass jar in a way convenient for you. Fill with ready-made hot jam, close with a tight polyethylene lid and let cool. Keep refrigerated.

As you can see, the recipe does not require a long fuss at the stove; rose petal jam will delight with its taste winter evenings. I really like to soak in pink syrup biscuit cakes, especially tasty in combination with butter and curd cream.

It is the jam that we will now do. Tea rose petals, always pink or red, are used for jam. The tea rose (Rosa odorata) is one of the most ancient groups of cultivated roses. Experts are still arguing about where this name came from. Some believe that because of the smell, reminiscent of the smell of tea; others speak of "tea clippers" that brought tea from China and brought the said rose along the way; those who associate the custom of drinking tea with it, nod at China, and the shape of a rosebud resembles a bowl

Be that as it may, as a rule, mainly tea roses, or rather, their petals, go to jam. Rose jam is also fanned with romance, it is prepared extremely delicately, as required by the most delicate raw material - rose petals. The jam itself is endowed with all sorts of healing qualities, and the treat with the participation of pink jam is distinguished by sophistication and sophistication.

For jam, you can take, in addition to a tea rose, also half-blown rosehip buds or some red, not tea, roses. It should only be remembered that the petals of red roses are somewhat tougher than pink ones. Therefore, it is best to make jam from them separately, or, if you do decide to mix the petals, do not lose sight of this detail when you determine the degree of readiness of the jam. In the finished jam, the petals do not float, but fall down, and become soft and tender.

It is most advisable to collect roses for cooking jam at dawn, when there is no fatigue in the roses of a hot day. This will also affect the aroma of the finished jam, which will be especially subtle if the jam is made from dawn roses.

You can collect roses for several days, and store the collected buds in the refrigerator, in a tight bag or vessel, tightly closed to preserve the aroma. When required amount roses will be collected, it is necessary to pick the petals, in each of them remove the lower part, which has a white color, and shake off the pollen. To shake off the pollen, pour the petals into a sieve and shake, allowing the pollen to crumble.

Further preparation of the petals is as follows: the petals are placed in a colander and doused with boiling water. As soon as boiling water has flowed out of the colander, it, together with the petals, immediately falls into a wide bowl with cold water. After holding the petals a little in the water, they are taken out along with a colander, and the water is allowed to drain. Then boiling water comes into play again, and so - twice. After that, the petals are left alone, giving them the opportunity to dry in the air.

An old recipe for rose jam, gleaned from cookbook last century


Sugar, 1 kg;

Freshly squeezed lemon juice, 2 tablespoons;

Water, 1 glass.

Let's take a closer look at how to cook rose petal jam according to old recipe.

1. Throw sugar into the water and start cooking the syrup.

2. As soon as the syrup starts to really boil, take the prepared dried rose petals and pour them into the syrup. Let the syrup with petals begin to boil again, then you need to remove it from the heat and leave for 12 hours.

3. After that, it must be heated again and gradually brought to a boil, then remove the foam from the surface and cook the contents for 25 minutes. During cooking, it is necessary to stir the jam quite often. The syrup will begin to thicken, and at this time it is necessary to pour the juice from the lemon into it.

4. After that, we wait again for boiling, cook for 3 minutes, then pour into prepared sterilized jars and roll up.

Jam from rose petals "Ladies' delicacy"


Sugar, 600 g;

Water, 6 faceted glasses.

1. Take 2 tablespoons from the total amount of sugar indicated in the recipe and sprinkle them with rose petals, then rub them well with your hands. As a result of this procedure, juice will stand out, which must be carefully poured into another bowl.

2. Pour the rest of the sugar into the water and start boiling the syrup. After the boiling of the syrup comes into full force, and this will take several minutes, it must be cooled and filtered.

3. Pour the grated rose petals with cold syrup, put the dishes on high heat in order to bring the syrup containing the petals to a boil.

4. As soon as the jam begins to boil, immediately reduce the fire to low, and continue cooking for another 6 minutes. All this time, you must not leave it unattended, remove the foam and stir.

5. After 6 minutes, pour the juice obtained by grinding the petals into the jam. The process of quiet cooking should be continued for another 15 minutes. During this time, the jam will gradually begin to thicken.

6. Prepare sterilized dry jars, pour jam into them and roll up.

Tea rose jam "Temptation", classic,


Tea rose petals, pink and red, 500 g;

Sugar, one and a half kilograms;

One lemon, juice from it;

Rose oil, 2 drops;

Water, 1 glass.

Cooking classic jam from the petals of a tea rose has its own characteristics. Let's consider them in order.

1. We take a sufficiently voluminous dish, enameled or porcelain, put the prepared and dried rose petals there, pour them with lemon juice, sprinkle with 1/6 of the sugar put according to the recipe, and leave it in this form for several hours, from 4 to 6.

2. From water and sugar, which has not yet been used, boil the syrup and remove the foam from it.

3. Put the rose petals containing lemon juice and sugar into the boiling syrup, cook over low heat for 15 minutes, stirring the jam slightly.

4. After 15 minutes, we begin to check the jam for readiness. The petals should be soft and sink down, although before that they floated on the surface.

5. When you consider that the jam has reached the standard, add 2 drops of rose oil to it so that it has a stronger aroma. If you do not like anything excessive, then you should not add these 2 drops.

6. Arrange the jam in jars, previously sterilized and dried, and seal them with lids, also sterilized.

Jam from rose petals "Bulgarian style"


Rose petals, prepared and dried, 1 kg;

Sugar, 4.5 kg;

Water, one and a half liters.

Bulgaria is a blessed country, only in it could a recipe for rose jam be born, for which the petals go in kilograms. So, let's start preparing jam from rose petals in Bulgarian.

1. Put the petals in enamelware. We separate 600 g from the total amount of sugar put according to the recipe. Sprinkle the petals with this sugar and rub the petals well with our hands. After the juice stands out, squeeze the petals, and drain the juice into a separate bowl.

2. Put the squeezed petals into a glass jar and sprinkle them with sugar, in the amount of 200 g. Pour in the freshly separated juice, and leave this whole mixture untouched for the whole day.

3. When the planned day has passed, grind again, squeeze and drain the juice into another bowl.

4. From the water and sugar left unused, boil the syrup, boil it for a while, about 5-7 minutes, after which we dip the squeezed petals into it.

5. Stir the jam, cook it quietly and slowly until cooked. Add the previously drained juice, mix and continue to cook for another 5 minutes. You should end up with a puree-like brew. If so, then you did everything right.

6. We take jars sterilized in advance, put boiling jam in them and close them with separately sterilized lids.

Jam from rose petals "Lazy"


Rose petals, prepared and dried, 300 g;

Citric acid, one and a half teaspoons;

Sugar, 600 g;

Water, 3 faceted glasses.

Consider the process of making "lazy" jam from rose petals.

1. We take enamelware, or glass, or faience and place rose petals in it. Sprinkle them with citric acid in the amount of one teaspoon. We crush the petals with a wooden or porcelain pestle.

2. Separately cook the syrup in a saucepan. To do this, pour water into it, add all the sugar and the remaining half a teaspoon of citric acid.

3. As soon as the syrup reaches the point of boiling, put the petals crushed with citric acid into it.

4. Cook jam for 15 minutes, pour into sterilized jars, prepared in advance, and roll up.

Crushed rose petal jam


Rose petals, prepared and dried, 500 g;

Sugar, one and a half kilograms;

Juice from half a lemon;

Water, 1 faceted glass.

The preparation of this jam is somewhat different from the methods listed in previous recipes.

1. Let's start with the petals. They are already prepared and dried, so we just grind them. Sprinkle the crushed petals with sugar, for this we take half a kilogram from the one and a half declared in the recipe.

2. Mix the petals with sugar and leave to infuse for the next two days.

3. When the petals are sufficiently infused, we continue to prepare the jam. We take water, lemon juice and the remaining sugar, pour it into a saucepan and boil the syrup.

4. When the syrup boils for several minutes, dip the candied crushed rose petals into it. Cook the jam in a quiet mode over low heat. The question arises: how much to cook rose jam? It turns out that the process should go on until the syrup begins to noticeably thicken.

5. Lay out ready jam into jars, pre-sterilized, and roll up.

Jam from tea rose petals with lemon,


Rose petals, prepared and dried, one and a half kilograms;

Lemons of medium size, with a thin skin, 2 pieces;

Sugar, one and a half kilograms;

Water, 1 liter.

Consider how to make jam in which rose petals and lemons are organically combined.

1. My lemons, wipe dry, cut off the ends and grind together with the peel. How to grind them? You can, of course, skip lemon slices with peel through a meat grinder, or grate whole fruits on a grater, or, finally, finely chop by hand.

2. Mix crushed lemons with rose petals.

3. Pour water into the mixture, put the container with it on the fire and wait until it boils. Slowly cook for 10 minutes, set aside from the fire and leave to infuse for 1 day.

4. The next day, take the cooled mass, filter and squeeze. We throw away the squeezes, and put the sugar that has remained unused into the syrup, cook until it thickens, then put it in jars and roll it up.

Rose petal jam with tartaric acid


Rose petals, prepared and dried, 125 g;

Sugar, 1 kg;

Tartaric acid, 1 tsp;

Water, half a litre.

Preparation of jam from rose petals with tartaric acid.

1. First of all, we begin to cook the syrup. To do this, heat a pot of water with sugar over high heat, after boiling, remove the gray foam.

2. Dip the rose petals into the boiling syrup. Stir and boil the jam until thickened in one go.

3. Note that the color of the jam is not very pleasant, with greens. In order to improve the situation, pour 1 teaspoon of tartaric acid into the jam, and the color immediately becomes beautiful, changing the old greenish tint to a new, pink one.

4. Cook the jam for another 3-5 minutes after adding tartaric acid to it, put the jam in jars and roll it up.

Rose petal jam "Dietary",


Rose petals, prepared and dried, 700 g;

Sugar intended for petals, 700g;

Sugar intended for syrup, 500 g;

Lemon acid;

Water, 1 faceted glass.

Consider how to cook diet jam from rose petals.

1. Take an enamel bowl and put all the petals in it. Sprinkle them with one hundred grams of sugar taken from the sugar intended for the petals, mix and immediately begin to grind with a wooden or porcelain pestle, or a wooden spoon.

2. Pour the sugar intended for the syrup into a glass of water and boil the syrup so that it boils for about 5 minutes.

3. The gruel, which was obtained by rubbing rose petals with 200 grams of sugar, is supplemented with the remaining sugar intended for the petals, mix well and pour into boiling syrup.

4. We heat the jam until it boils, and cook it for 10-12 minutes, then immediately pour it into sterilized jars and roll it up.

Rose jam with honey or rose honey

Rose jam with honey is prepared in case of a cold or lung problems that can be expected in winter time. We prepare it for approximately the same purposes as pureed raspberries or viburnum with sugar. Kalina helps to get rid of coughs, raspberries - from colds, and pink honey is used not only for the same purposes, but also as a tonic and remedy, as well as tonic.


Rose petals, prepared and dried, 80 g;

Honey, light colors, 100 g;

Water, half a faceted glass.

Let's start making rose honey.

1. Pour water into an enameled saucepan, boil and dip rose petals into boiling water. Let it sweat on a small flame for 15 minutes, then remove from heat and leave on the table for a day.

2. In a saucepan with rose petals put honey, heat over low heat until boiling, boil, so that the mass in the saucepan becomes homogeneous.

3. Take small sterilized jars, place rose honey in them and seal with sterilized lids.

4. Take in winter for colds or as a general tonic daily 1-2 teaspoons three times a day, for a month.

Rose jam with lemon and orange juice,


Rose petals, prepared and dried, pink or red, 50 g;

Sugar, 250 g;

Lemon juice, purchased or squeezed from the fruit, 1 tbsp. l;

Orange juice, purchased or squeezed from the fruit, 1 tbsp. l;

Water, 50 ml.

We begin to prepare jam from rose petals with lemon and orange juice. It takes a few steps to prepare it.

1. Mix in enamel saucepan water and sugar and make syrup by adding lemon and orange juice.

2. When the syrup has been boiling for several minutes, put rose petals into it and cook everything together with occasional stirring for about half an hour. During this time, the syrup should thicken.

3. Arrange the jam in jars, pre-washed and sterilized, and roll up.

Jam from rosehip petals


Rosehip petals, prepared and dried, 600 g;

Sugar intended for petals, 600 g;

Sugar intended for syrup, 700 g;

Citric acid, 2 g;

Water, 300 ml.

Now let's explore how real rosehip jam is prepared.

1. Take an enameled bowl, put the prepared rosehip petals in it and add the sugar intended for the petals. Grind the mixture of petals and sugar to end up with a homogeneous mass.

2. We prepare this syrup from water and sugar intended for syrup.

3. After the syrup boils for 5-7 minutes, add the crushed rosehip petals to it, heat the mixture again until it boils, and cook for 10-12 minutes, until cooked.

4. When the jam is actually cooked, add a little citric acid to it, 2 g, as indicated in the recipe.

5. Quickly remove from heat, try to cool as quickly as possible. We do not roll up this jam, but put it in clean, dry jars and close with plastic lids. It must be kept cold.

raw jam from rose petals


Rose petals, prepared and dried, 300 g;

Sugar, 600 g

Consider the process of making raw jam from rose petals in more detail.

1. Put the washed and dried rose petals in an enamel bowl, sprinkle with sugar and remember to rub them with your hands so that the juice begins to stand out.

2. Take a clean dry jar, put the petals with the released juice into this jar, pressing its contents tightly.

3. Close the jar using a plastic lid and place in a cool room or refrigerator. With such jam it is cozy and good to drink tea on long winter evenings.

Raw rose jam, whipped in a blender


Rose petals, prepared and dried, 100 g;

Sugar, 2 faceted glasses;

Juice of one lemon.

Making jam according to this recipe is not very different from the previous one, but there is still a difference.

1. Take an enameled bowl, put the washed and dried rose petals there, pour all the sugar required by the recipe into them and pour in the juice of one lemon.

2. Mix the petals well, which contain sugar and lemon juice, and leave it for 6 hours so that the mixture is infused. Don't forget to stir it occasionally.

3. Then beat this mass with a blender to get a homogeneous substance.

4. The resulting mass must be folded into a dry, clean jar, covered with a lid, nylon or polyethylene, and put in a cold place.

Dry jam from rose petals


Rose petals, prepared and dried, 400 g;

Sugar, 2.5 faceted glasses, or 2 tea glasses;

Powdered sugar.

Preparation of dry rose jam is as follows. Let's consider the steps.

1. In a glass or enamel bowl, rub the washed and dried rose petals with sugar until we get a homogeneous mass.

2. Put the dishes on slow fire and boil the contents until a state of stickiness appears.

3. We shift the hot mass onto a smooth baking sheet and dry it slightly in the oven. The process should be very slow and go until complete drying.

4. Remove from the oven ready dry jam, sprinkle it on if desired. powdered sugar. We put it in molds made of metal or cardboard, after sprinkling them with sugar.

Fragrant syrup of rose petals and rose hips

Ingredients, all at a glance:

Rose petals, prepared and dried;

Granulated sugar.

The syrup is very easy to prepare. It is based on the same rose petals, washed and dried.

1. We take a clean, dry jar and begin to lay out in layers on the bottom either a thin layer of petals or sugar. After each layer, firmly press the contents with a spoon.

2. Put a jar of rose petals sprinkled with sugar in the refrigerator. After a while, noticing that the syrup stood out in the jar, pour it into a separate container.

They say that such a syrup is incredibly useful, and its taste qualities generally beyond praise. You can make it from both roses and rose hips.

Among these " delicacies" you can also find jars of rose jam. Of course, it’s better not to talk about the benefits of purchased jam, preferable making such a jam yourself, which is not difficult enough.

Rose jam benefit and harm

In fact, rose jam is not only tasty, but also healthy. After all, it contains many vitamins and essential trace elements, such as iron, copper, iodine, vitamins C, B, selenium. Due to its properties, the consumption of such a treat can help in:

  • regulation digestive tract;
  • warm jam soothes a sore throat;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • combating infectious diseases;
  • removal of allergic reactions and inflammation;
  • promotion performance liver and kidneys;
  • regulation of the circulatory system.

Do not use sweets intolerance roses. Also, jam should not be abused, this can lead to diabetes.

petal jam recipe roses

It is better not to buy rose jam, and indeed any, in stores or markets, although the likelihood that you will buy homemade products in the market is very high, but the best thing is to cook such a delicacy yourself.

In no case should you make jam from purchased roses, only from home ones, collected in the yard or in the country. Shop flowers are processed with different chemistry, and sometimes they are painted with paints. The white parts of the petals, at the base, need to be cut off, because they give sourness. The most delicious jam is obtained from tea roses and petals of red and bright pink.

Jam without cooking

What is necessary :

  • 350 g petals;
  • 2.5 glasses of granulated sugar.

How to cook :

  1. Wash and dry roses.
  2. Combine with sugar and stir until juice appears.
  3. Transfer the mixture to a jar, close and put in the refrigerator. It is kept there.

Strawberry with roses

Ingredients :

  • 150 g of strawberries and roses;
  • 2.5 glasses of granulated sugar;
  • 250 ml of water;
  • 1 ⁄4 tablespoons of citric acid.

How to cook :

  1. Mix the berries with 1.5 glasses of sugar, leaving for a couple of hours.
  2. Two hundred before boiling water, then add sugar and boil the syrup, adding citric acid.
  3. Combine the same amount of acid with rose petals, slightly knead.
  4. Pour berries and roses into the heated syrup, heat to a boil and boil for 5-7 minutes.
  5. Cool and boil again for 10-15 minutes. Repeat 2-3 more times.
  6. roll up in sterilized banks.

Honey jam

Composition :

  • 100 g petals;
  • 1 ⁄4 glasses of water;
  • 100 g honey.

How to cook :

  1. Put roses and water in a saucepan and boil for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Cover the pan with a towel, leaving for a day.
  3. Put honey and boil over low heat, pour juice, sprinkle with sugar and mix everything, leaving for 7 hours.
  4. Beat with a blender until smooth.
  5. Store in the refrigerator in a glass jar.

Every year, I open the harvesting season in early spring, experimenting with jams from different plants, flowers, petals, etc. These are dandelions, acacia and elderberry flowers, green walnuts ...

This year I opened the harvesting season rose petal jam.

I have two huge bushes of the Crimean tea rose.

I tried a lot different recipes, and now I cook according to an old recipe - simple and tasty. Not even like this, but like this: it doesn’t taste better! And without much hassle - 40-50 minutes and the jam is ready.

O healing properties rose petals can be read on the Internet, so I will not distract you with this information, but I recommend that you read it for general development, for motivation and just for a good mood.

For 200g of rose petals, you need 250-300ml of water (a glass or a little more is a matter of taste), 600g of sugar and about a teaspoon of citric acid.

We cut off the rose petals. How fresh flower, the more beautiful the jam. I cut the flowers once every two days, or even every day. And be sure to early in the morning, at this time of day the petals contain the largest number essential oils, and the jam turns out fragrant, magical.

We weigh the plucked petals, pour them into a saucepan, pour the prescribed amount of water and cook for 15 minutes until the petals become soft. I immediately fill it with boiling water (after boiling water in the kettle), it's faster. After the petals are cooked, pour the water in which the petals were boiled into another bowl, add sugar and boil the syrup. It's prescription. But, over the years, experimenting and gaining experience, I realized that this is not necessary.

I do this: after the petals are cooked, I pour sugar into the same bowl and stir until the sugar dissolves.

Cook on low heat for 30 minutes.

During the cooking process, add a teaspoon of citric acid. After a few seconds, the acid will dissolve and you will get a beautiful pink jam. If the magic did not take place, add another half a spoonful of acid. After the expiration of the required 30 minutes, while hot, pour the jam into jars and twist.

Highlights: The syrup should not be very thick. When hot, it even seems watery (as for jam). Let it not bother you. When the jam has cooled, you will be sure that everything is fine.

This jam can be used all year round. We love ice cream with rose petal jam - this is in the summer (I recommend it!), And in the winter - this is, of course, tea. In both cases, you will enjoy the aroma, color, taste, get your dose of vitamins, minerals and good mood.

Enjoy your meal!

A few facts for information.

In Russian folk medicine preparations from rose petals are classified as mucous, slightly astringent and are used for diarrhea, abdominal pain, lung diseases, catarrhs ​​of the upper respiratory tract, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, with jaundice and even with cholera, with influenza and respiratory diseases, in the form of rinses and rinses of the oral cavity; finely crushed powder of rose petals is sprinkled on ulcers, it is applied to places affected by erysipelas.

Rose preparations are taken orally for pain in the stomach; in combination with vinegar - with infected wounds; rose petals infused with wine - for indigestion and gynecological diseases; fresh petals - externally with erysipelas; petals mixed with honey - for gum disease, and in combination with honey water - as an antipyretic.

Rose petals are used as a C-vitamin and antihelminthic. It is recommended to take with diarrhea, hemorrhoids and as a general tonic, as well as for the preparation of confiture.

Rose petals are used for diseases of the liver, heart. In the old days, rose petals were used in pharmacies to prepare rose water, rose honey, canned food, rose syrup and rose oil. Rose water was used in the form of lotions for eye diseases.

AT Food Industry rose petals flavor tea, confectionery, non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks, jam is made from the petals.

From rose water and gelatin, the therapeutic drug Rosanol was created, which relieves intestinal spasms, enhances the secretion of bile and destroys gallstones. Application of pink essential oil eliminates severe heart rhythm disturbances (arrhythmia), as a result of its action scars of connective tissue disappear after myocardial infarction.

Rose oil is superior to all antispasmodics, relieves swelling, increases the tone of the heart vessels. Under the influence of rose water and rose oil, the amount of cholesterol in bile decreases, which indicates a decrease in the risk of stone formation.

Recipe shared by Valentina Nivina

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