The most delicious biscuit cake. Headings: Biscuit cake.

April 25, 2016 724

Biscuit can be called the foundation of the world confectionery art. A lot of recipes for cakes, pastries and other desserts based on it have been developed. You can work with biscuit dough at home. The main thing is compliance with the dosage and technology.

Simple biscuit cake

To make the most ordinary biscuit cake, a minimum set of products is required.


  • Flour - 450 g;
  • Sugar - 2 cups;
  • Eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • Baking powder - 1 pack;
  • Starch (regular potato) - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Turmeric - 1 tsp;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Vanillin - 15 gr or 1 sachet;
  • Sunflower oil (plant) - for lubrication;
  • Homemade sour cream - 0.7 l.

Let's take a look at the recipe step by step. First you need to grind the flour with baking powder.

Separate chilled eggs. We interrupt the whites, gradually increasing the speed of rotation of the whisk. When they become a snow-white mass, gradually add half the sugar.

You can pre-grind it into powder, then the dissolution process will be faster.

We remove the protein mass in the refrigerator and proceed to the yolks. We act according to the same scheme. In a separate bowl, mix all the dry ingredients. Turmeric is required in order for the color of the biscuit to be more saturated, which is important if the eggs are with pale yolks.

The starch will help the cakes rise and hold their shape.

Carefully mix the egg masses with a special spatula. Add dry ingredients and mix well.

For the cream, beat the prepared sour cream with sugar until completely split. If you have store-bought sour cream, first drain the whey from it by immersing it in a sieve with gauze and pressing down with a heavy load.

We activate the baking function on the oven and set it to 180 ° C.

We take detachable form, line the bottom with oiled vegetable tracing paper, cut off the excess in a circle. We rub the sides of the container with oil so that the biscuit does not stick during baking. But do not be too zealous, otherwise the excess oil will not allow the dough to rise.

Pour the finished mass and immerse bake for one hour. Do not look into the oven until the end of the process: the cake may fall from a sharp temperature drop. Readiness can be checked by pressing on the surface with a wooden spatula.

If the pastry has returned to its original shape, it is ready. We take it out, cover it with a clean towel and let it cool for about 10 minutes. Cut it into three parts with a special knife, coat it with plenty of sour cream.

Biscuit cake with condensed milk

Incredible delicious pastry obtained by adding condensed milk to the composition, biscuit cake is no exception.


  • Flour - 600 g;
  • Condensed milk - 1 can;
  • Soda - 1 tsp;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • Vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Milk - 7 tbsp. l.;
  • Vanillin - a bag;
  • Sugar - 250 g;
  • Butter (fatty) butter - 250 g;
  • Nuts - 200 g;
  • Water - 5 tbsp. l.
  • Cocoa - 3 tbsp. l.

We beat cold eggs in a blender glass, in this case it is not necessary to separate the whites and yolks. The dough will rise well slaked soda. We add sand. The egg mixture doubles in size before our eyes.

Warm the milk, pour into the egg mixture. We continue to interrupt. If you do not like too sugary (sweet) pastries or such a cream is supposed, then the dose can be halved.

Add salt, vanilla and crushed flour. The dough will be sparse. In a spoon, extinguish the soda with vinegar and add the foam to the finished mixture.

Grease a special baking dish with oil, pour the dough into it. We tighten the surface with foil and immerse in a preheated oven to 195 ° C. After 40 minutes, remove the cover and leave to bake for 10 minutes.

Soft butter cut into pieces in a glass bowl. We interrupt with a combine until the volume increases and add condensed milk in a thin stream, continuing the whipping process. thick cream sent to the refrigerator.

Any nuts can be used: walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts. Peel off the shell, grind lightly with a rolling pin.

In an iron bowl, combine purified water, cocoa and cold milk. Pour 2 tablespoons of sand and cook the glaze, stirring all the time, not letting it boil. Cool and add a little butter.

We take out the cake from the mold, cut it with a thread into equal three parts. We generously coat all the cakes with cream and sprinkle with nuts. Pour the topmost layer with glaze and let it soak for two to three hours.

wonderful recipe for Sunday lunch.

ice cream at home. Most delicious recipes favorite children's treat.

You have no idea how many delicacies you can simply cook at home. Do you know what candied fruits are made of? from pumpkin, watermelon, oranges or other fruits.

Chocolate biscuit cake

Chocolate is one of the most demanded products in the confectionery business. The introduction of cocoa into the dough will give it the appropriate taste and color.


  • Flour - 450 g;
  • Sugar - 200 g;
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • Cocoa - 4 tbsp. l;
  • Liquor - 100 g;
  • Baking powder - 1 pack;
  • Instant coffee - 1 stick;
  • Water - 1 glass;
  • Chocolate butter - 250 g;
  • Coconut chips - 100 g;
  • Powdered sugar - 1 pack;
  • Butter (fatty) oil - for lubrication.

In a deep glass bowl, we make eggnog from eggs and sugar, add crushed flour with cocoa and baking powder. V hot water Dissolve the coffee, pour into the dough and mix quickly.

Lubricate the baking dish with butter and pour the dough. Send to bake for 40 minutes. We don't look into the oven.

Chop soft butter into slices in a separate container, add powdered sugar and beat into a thick airy mass.

Take the cake out of the oven, let it cool. We divide into two parts. We soak all cakes with liquor (any available). We coat the cakes chocolate cream and decorate with coconut flakes.

Biscuit cake with fruits

When the season comes fresh fruit, it is impossible not to take the opportunity and not prepare delicious biscuit for dessert.


  • Flour - 3 cups;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • Cream in an aerosol - 1 bottle;
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • Starch - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Soda - 1 tsp;
  • Turmeric - 1 tsp;
  • Kiwi - 2 pcs.;
  • Raspberries - 1 glass;
  • Strawberries - 1 glass;
  • Lemon - 1 pc.;
  • Water -1 glass;
  • Vanillin - 1 pack.

Beat sugar with eggs with a combine at high speed until you get a stable and dense eggnog.

Sprinkle the crushed flour with starch, soda, turmeric and vanilla. The mass will come out quite thick. We heat the oven to 180 ° C. We cover with tracing paper, carefully lay out the dough.

The mold will have to be shaken slightly from side to side so that the mass spreads evenly. Keep in the oven for 45 minutes.

We wash the fruits and wipe them with paper kitchen towels. We chop slices.

We cut the lemon into two parts, randomly pierce the pulp with a fork and squeeze out the juice. If there is a special press, this will make the task easier.

We add water, three tablespoons of sugar to the juice and put it on the burner, stir and remove after the formation of a homogeneous lemon syrup.

We take the biscuit out of the oven, divide it into two parts. Saturate with syrup, let lie down for 10 minutes. Arrange fruit on top of each cake, drizzle with cream. We let it soak for 4 hours, and preferably all night.

Biscuit cake in a slow cooker

In this indispensable electrical appliance, you can not only cook soups and meat dishes but also delicious desserts.


  • Flour - 350 g;
  • Egg - 5 pcs.;
  • Soda - 1 tsp;
  • Vanillin - 1 sachet;
  • Kefir - 0.5 l.;
  • Sunflower oil (plant) - 100 ml;
  • Milk - 0.5 l;
  • Sugar - 2 cups;
  • Butter - 150 g;
  • Chocolate - 1 bar.

At room temperature, pour kefir soda, let stand until bubbles appear. Pour in vegetable oil, an egg, one glass of sugar and crushed flour. We mix everything well. Activate the appliance for the baking function. Pour the dough into a special bowl and bake for one hour.

We collect milk in an iron bowl, add the remaining eggs, sugar and put on fire. Boil until thickened, stirring occasionally, otherwise the cream will burn and it will have a bitter aftertaste. Remove, let cool slightly, pour in vanillin and softened butter.

Divide the biscuit into three parts, generously coat custard, tightly squeezing the cakes. Sprinkle with grated chocolate on top: you can combine black and white varieties.

What other creams can saturate a biscuit: recipes

Cottage cheese cream for biscuit cake

Cream based on cottage cheese is considered the most low-calorie and light.


  • Low-fat cottage cheese - 600 g;
  • Powdered sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • Cream - 150 ml;
  • Vanillin - 1 sachet.

We pass the cottage cheese through a sieve, it can also be done in an electric meat grinder. Transfer to a mixer. Sprinkle vanilla and powdered sugar. Slowly pour in the chilled cream, continuing the whipping process. When the mass has tripled, immerse in the refrigerator for an hour.

Cake cream based on milk jelly

Moderately sweet and quite easy to prepare sponge cake cream.


  • Starch - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • Milk - 5 cups;
  • Sugar - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • Vanillin - 1 pack;
  • Butter (not spread) - 1 pack.

Boil sugar with 3 cups of milk. Separately, combine the remaining milk and starch and vanillin. Mix well so that no lumps form. Pour the cold liquid into the hot and boil for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Let cool, add butter and beat until thickened.

Yoghurt sponge cake cream

Unusual and just right custard made from natural yoghurt.


  • Homemade yogurt - 1 cup;
  • Gelatin - 1 pack;
  • Water - 50 ml;
  • Fatty cream - 200 ml;
  • Sugar - 150 g.

Dilute gelatin in chilled water in a small bowl. Let's stand for 10 minutes. We bet on gas stove, stir constantly and cook for 7 minutes. Remove, let cool. Beat the chilled fresh cream with a mixer, gradually increasing the speed.

In a separate bowl, beat yogurt with sugar, pour in the cooled gelatin. Carefully add the whipped cream with a wooden spoon. Mix everything well and place in the refrigerator.


In the preparation of biscuits, not only the component base is important, but also the equipment. In a good oven with an even temperature distribution and no “drafts” caused by a loose door, the cakes will come out tall and airy.

Delicate and airy biscuit cake is loved by many, but not every housewife undertakes to cook it. But in vain. There is nothing complicated in making such a cake. If you know the basic secrets of its preparation, then a wonderful dessert and compliments from guests will be guaranteed.

Cooking a biscuit cake takes very little time. First, all the ingredients are whipped, and then one cake is baked in a preheated oven. The cooled cake remains cut into two or three parts, smear with cream and decorate as desired.

The classic biscuit consists of eggs, flour and sugar. You can choose a recipe for such a cake with the addition of baking powder and various additivescoconut flakes, nuts, poppy or cocoa. Any biscuit cream can be made. Perfect optionoil cream with the addition of condensed milk. Biscuit cakes are also combined with cottage cheese, sour cream and custard.

To make the biscuit airy and porous, the flour for it must be sifted through a fine sieve. Eggs need to be beaten into a stable foam. Make sure that no water or fat gets into the bowl, otherwise the egg mass will not become fluffy and will not increase in volume.

It is better to prepare the cake pan in advance. It should be lined with oiled paper to finished biscuit did not sink to the bottom. The dough should be sent only to a preheated oven, because the biscuit does not like temperature changes. The most important thing during baking is not to open the oven for the first 20 minutes of cooking.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in baking a biscuit. You just need to stock up necessary products, patience and desire to please your loved ones with a gentle and light culinary masterpiece.

How to make a delicious biscuit cake? Biscuit is rightfully considered a classic in the confectionery direction, since the dough consists of minimum quantity available ingredients, but the simplicity of the process obliges cooks to strictly follow the consistent instructions for making biscuit cakes.

The term biscuit is borrowed from the Italian word "biscotto", which means "baked twice". Baking a tender and silky biscuit at home is a matter of skill.

For baking biscuit cakes it is especially important to prepare the right batter, which is based on eggs, sugar and flour. Classical preparation technology biscuit dough- this is a neat and scrupulous process, in other words, you should beat the egg-sugar mixture well to an airy foam. Next, gradually add flour to it, gently mixing with a spatula from the bottom up. biscuit dough to keep it airy.

How to soak a biscuit and what cream to use? No less important in the preparation of homemade biscuit cakes is the choice of impregnation of biscuit cakes. The cakes themselves are so neutral that you can pick up any color to your taste for the layers: lemon impregnation, berry jam, pieces of berries, jelly or. Respect candied fruits, nuts or the taste of cinnamon - feel free to add as you wish. Also, for the preparation of biscuit cakes, to add sweetness, use a special cream based on sour cream, condensed milk, or cream.

In our section you will get acquainted with all the wisdom biscuit baking and learn recipes: how to bake, how to make, how to bake with or even how to cook from biscuit dough. We also have a large selection of recipes for biscuit baking.

Biscuit Cakes - reviews

Delicious and lush biscuit cake at home is always honorable and welcome guest on any festive table, whether it is a family celebration with relatives, a child's birthday or an important corporate event. Almost everyone loves such a delicacy, and any self-respecting hostess tends to learn how to bake delicious biscuit cakes at home. Step by step recipes Cooking a biscuit cake will undoubtedly help any culinary specialist to pleasantly surprise his guests and loved ones.

Hello, I was looking for a cake for my daughter's birthday, she turned 17 years old. As usual, I wrote on the Internet: a biscuit cake recipe with a photo. Some interesting cakes fell out. Among them, in my opinion, on page 2 was the Bride biscuit cake, well, just specifically for my daughter. I immediately went to your site. I went over the recipe, figured out how to make a Bride biscuit cake. Nothing complicated. The cake is beautiful and easy to make. In general, in short, I made the cake from adequate products, everything was at home. I liked the decoration of the cake very much, it is done simply, but it looks like a million. My daughter really liked the cake, she already asked how to make a biscuit. So I make fun of her, I say: write on the Internet - recipes for biscuit cakes with photos. You will find there what you like. I bow to you from me from my daughter and from her friends. True, it turned out to be a tall, tasty and beautiful cake.

Came across your site by accident. Through a culinary group in some social. networks. Fell in love at first sight. Spent 2 or 3 hours on the site. Couldn't break away. I found a recipe for a biscuit with a photo and a video, I was very interested, such a tall one. I asked Emma a few questions. She answered right away. The next day I started making biscuits. Not everything went smoothly, I’m not very good with cakes at all, and the biscuit has always been something cosmic. In general, I immediately realized that, like Emma, ​​I would never succeed, everything was clever with her, but my hands were not there. But I still tried. Well, the biscuit turned out, not as tall as Emma's, of course, but delicious. This first experience with biscuit was not in vain, I asked Emma a few more questions. And started the second attempt. And then to the third. But now I bake biscuit cakes, it always turns out, my husband says that it’s even better than Grandma Emma’s. Thank you all so much for helping people.

I have never had a biscuit. But it was necessary to make a biscuit cake. Well, it is necessary, it is necessary. The main assistant is the Internet. wrote a cake biscuit recipe with a photo or a recipe for a biscuit cake with a photo, I don’t remember exactly. I followed the recipe exactly, and you won't believe it - I got a biscuit. Cut into 3 parts, cooked butter cream. I made an Inspiration cake, it turned out very tasty, now I want to try to cook the Bride cake, it is very spectacular. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and telling how to make a biscuit that anyone can make.

I wanted to cook biscuit roll. I didn’t know if the usual biscuit dough would work, or if I needed something else. After all, the biscuit should be thin. Well, where, except not on your website, can you find a biscuit cake recipe with photos and videos? I have been using your site for a long time - everything always turns out 100%. Well, this time, of course, I found thin butter biscuit recipe with photo and video, as always, exact proportions, competent Russian speech and accessible explanations. The roll turned out delicious and beautiful. The only thing is, I dried it out a little, and it broke, but then it got wet and everything fell into place. Thank you very much for your work.

On the culinary forum, I wrote a request to the girls, I want, they say, a recipe for a delicious biscuit cake with a photo. Got a link to your site. Thank you so much girls for the link and you for the recipe. I have such a tasty cake it turned out that it’s not in a fairy tale to say or write with a pen.
I don't know how to make a biscuit at all. For me it is better to clean the apartment. They always fall with me, and what to do when the biscuit has sat down. In the trash all the products and work and money in the trash, it's better to buy a ready-made cake.

Sorry Grandmother Emma, ​​I must be stupid, I didn’t succeed. Here you write - everything is simple, but it’s not easy for us, I fiddled all day and nothing came of it. Of course, it’s easy for you, you have a combine for 100 thousand and an industrial oven, but what should we do?

Hello dear Grandma Emma. I sometimes read not very flattering words addressed to you. You don't get upset. Bad dancers always get in the way. You might think that you have always had such a mixer and bake, or you have never baked cakes before. The result always depends on the quality of the products, equipment and the skill of the cook, it is the skill of the cook that is the main thing, and then the rest. Because good cook will not cook from bad products and will always pick up essential tool. Grandmother Emma, ​​bow to you, be healthy and please us for many more years. Your admirer.

How to cook a biscuit is not a question. The question is how to cook a biscuit so that it is airy, soft and tall. How to cook a biscuit so that it does not burn? There are still a lot of questions for which I did not find answers on this site. How to cook a biscuit so that it does not sit down? Everyone knows that you need to beat the eggs and mix with flour, but where are the subtleties? In general, I have more questions than I received answers. I didn’t like the site, I won’t use it, there is little information - this is not a master class on making a biscuit, but just like that.

How to cook a biscuit cake at home quickly and tasty? Our recipe makes it easy! It will take you only 30 minutes, and you will be able to invite guests to the table and listen to compliments.


For the biscuit dough:
Eggs - 3 pieces;
Sugar - 1 cup;
Sour cream - 0.5 cups;
Flour - 1 cup;
Baking powder - 1 teaspoon.

For cream:
Condensed boiled milk- 1 bank;
Butter - 200 grams.

Homemade biscuit cake recipe

1. First, prepare the dough - put the eggs, sugar, sour cream, flour and baking powder into a food processor and mix until smooth.

2. Lubricate the baking dish with fat and lay out the biscuit dough.

3. Send to the oven preheated to 200 ° C for 20 minutes.

4. Now you should prepare a cream for biscuit cakes - beat the boiled butter.

5. After removing the biscuit from the oven, we check for readiness with a torch. Cool and cut lengthwise into two pieces.

6. Lubricate with cream.

7. We decorate the biscuit cake with what is at hand from the confectionery.

Helpful Hints

1. Warranty fluffy biscuit this technique will serve you: separate the squirrels from the yolks, put the latter into the dough according to the recipe, but beat the squirrels to stable peaks and, before sending the cake to bake, gently add to the mixture, stirring with a spoon.

2. If you do not have the desire or opportunity to wait until the cake is soaked, before greasing the cakes with cream, soak the biscuit with compote, juice, sweet syrup or milk.

3. Adding raisins, dried apricots, dates, prunes, nuts, berries, cocoa, poppy or chocolate chips, you diversify a boring simple biscuit.

4. Any cream can be used. Even jam, or jam is not forbidden. For example, spreading a biscuit with sour cream, you get a classic. Fantasize freely!

5. A special piquant touch to a home-made biscuit cake will be given by the filling between the cakes in the form of your favorite fruit, marshmallow or meringue.

Friends! We have a small anniversary today - exactly one hundred articles are posted on the site. And on this occasion, from all the prepared recipes, I chose this one - a biscuit cake, a very tasty and simple recipe. The basis of the dessert is a regular biscuit soaked in syrup. A layer of butter cream with condensed milk, and the cake is decorated with biscuit crumbs and ready-made colored beads. Decor can come up with another, more elegant. I baked the biscuit in the oven. In my opinion, the recipe for biscuit dough with the addition of baking powder is very successful. Cake layers are always lush, soak quickly and taste wonderful.

I made the recipe for a biscuit cake as detailed as possible. It is bulky, but nothing complicated. I'll show you how to make a biscuit for a cake and make a cream. And you can decorate the dessert to your taste.


To make homemade sponge cake you will need:

  • eggs - 4 pcs;
  • granulated sugar - 180 g;
  • wheat flour - 150 g;
  • fine salt - 2 pinches;
  • baking powder - 1.5 tsp.
  • softened butter - 200 g;
  • powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. l;
  • fine sugar - 2 tbsp. l;
  • condensed milk - 0.5 cans;
  • jam syrup for impregnation - 9-10 tbsp. l.

Biscuit cake - a very tasty and simple recipe with photos step by step

One of the main conditions for a fluffy biscuit is well-beaten yolks and whites. The more air bubbles, the lighter the dough will be and the better it will rise. Before cooking, I take the eggs out of the refrigerator, wipe them with a damp sponge. I take two containers, both deep and not very wide. I carefully break the shell, separate the yolks from the proteins. I clean the dishes with proteins in the refrigerator.

Advice. If you haven't gotten your hands on this yet, break an egg into your palm and pass the egg white between your fingers. Place yolks and whites in separate bowls.

Pour about half of the sugar into a bowl with yolks. I'll add the rest while whipping.

Gradually increasing the speed of the mixer to a maximum, beat the yolks and sugar. When the mass begins to lighten, add the deferred sugar and bring to a creamy lush consistency. The mass will increase several times.

I wash the whisks, wipe dry. I take out the squirrels from the refrigerator, throw in two pinches of salt, beat until fluffy, snow-white foam. At the beginning of whipping, the proteins will be liquidish, transparent, but after about three minutes they will begin to turn white and thicken. You will get a dense, but very gentle lush foam filled with air bubbles. If you raise the whisks, tubercles, “hard” peaks will remain on the surface - you need to beat to this consistency.

For convenient mixing, I transfer the yolks with sugar to a spacious bowl. I add whipped egg whites.

I mix in slow circular motions, picking up from below and, as it were, wrapping up. The photo clearly shows how lush, weightless the basis for biscuit dough turns out.

Combine flour with baking powder, sift through a fine sieve into the egg mixture.

I combine very carefully, stirring with a spoon from the bottom up until all the flour is combined with the egg mass.

Advice. You can not use a mixer at this stage - the biscuit dough will “tighten”, it will not rise well in the oven.

The result is a very fluffy air dough for the biscuit. It will slowly drain from the spoon in a wide wave, loose in structure, filled with air bubbles.

I use a detachable form, 22 cm in diameter. I put a circle of baking paper on the bottom, I don’t lubricate the walls with anything. I pour out the dough, scroll the form several times to disperse it from the center to the edges, otherwise a “dome” may form during baking.

I preheat the oven, set the temperature to 180 degrees. I place the form on the middle level on the wire rack, bake for 35-40 minutes. I check the readiness with a skewer - the finished biscuit is pierced easily, the skewer comes out dry.

Advice. When baking a biscuit, do not open the oven door for the first half hour. From sudden change temperature regime The dough may fall and not rise again.

I don’t immediately take out the finished biscuit from the mold, I let it stand for 15-20 minutes. Then I run a knife along the walls, remove the bezel. I cool the biscuit on the wire rack for several hours. He needs to stand for some time to get stronger, dry, otherwise, when cutting, the cakes will crumble. I usually leave it until the next day.

I cut into three cakes with sharp knife with a thin long blade (a knife for cutting bread with cloves is also suitable). I cut off a small bulge from the top cake, I will make crumbs from the scraps for sprinkling the top.

Cooking butter cream for sponge cake. I take out the butter in advance, it should be very soft, plastic, so that it whips easily.

Beat with a mixer until smooth, shiny mass. After about five minutes, the oil will become more magnificent, it will resemble a cream.

I add powdered sugar and sugar. A little sugar is added to this recipe for a simple biscuit cake, and the sweetness of the cream can be adjusted by adding condensed milk.

I beat the butter, gradually adding condensed milk. You can add less than in the recipe if you do not like a very sweet cream. In any case, it's best to try.

Butter cream for biscuit will turn out lush, thick, homogeneous. While whipping, you can add vanilla sugar for flavor or a spoonful of cognac.

To soak the biscuit, I used syrup from apricot jam by adding some water. Each cake took about three tablespoons of syrup.

Advice. You can soak the cakes with canned fruit syrup, sugar or lemon syrup, sweet cherry juice.

Now you can collect the biscuit cake. I put one cake on a flat plate (the most unsightly goes down). I spread a portion of a cream.

I smear evenly, the layer is about 1-1.5 cm. It is convenient to level the cream with the flat side of a knife or spatula.

I cover with a second cake, again a layer of cream. The top cake should be smooth, without dents and tubercles. Usually this is the middle of the biscuit.

I also smear the top and sides with cream. I apply the cream on the walls with a spatula, level the top with a spatula.

Since I made the simplest biscuit cake, I also decorated it in a simple way. I dried the scraps of cakes, crushed them into crumbs. Not quite in the dust, you need to come across pieces of different sizes.

Advice. Instead of biscuit, you can crush cookies. Or any nuts: walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts.

Sprinkled the top and sides of the cake. It is convenient to throw crumbs on the sides with a brush, pressing against the cream. And just sprinkle the top in an even layer.

Ideally, a biscuit cake should stand for a day so that the cakes are soaked and become juicy. Or at least 10-12 hours. I leave until the morning room temperature then I put it in the fridge. That's when you get an amazing biscuit cake! A very tasty and simple recipe for this dessert, I hope you will like it, it has long been my favorite. Happy baking, delicious cakes and desserts! Your plush.