What extinguishes soda. Fritters with slaked soda in milk

Properly prepared, that is, quenched soda will excellent ingredient if you want to make a fluffy, airy and delicious baked treat. Yes, it is soda (as a variation - baking powder) that gives the dough a porous, light, friable texture during baking; Allows the dough to rise and keep its fluffy shape. Therefore, it is important to know how to extinguish soda, how to extinguish it, what proportions to observe and when to add to the dough. We'll talk about this.

Extinguish soda correctly

Soda decomposes when an oxidizing agent is added to it. This decomposition produces water, carbon dioxide and salt.

How to extinguish soda

Usually soda is quenched with vinegar (9%). regular vinegar replace wine or apple, you can replace the usual lemon juice.

How to extinguish soda with vinegar

The procedure is simple. Better to do it over the test. Put on a tablespoon (you can use a teaspoon, but you can see it better on a tablespoon) required amount soda (what is indicated in the recipe is usually a teaspoon without a slide). And drip vinegar on the soda. If you are afraid to overdo it, pour a little bit of vinegar into a glass or a tablespoon. Soda will begin to foam (the same carbon dioxide is released). As soon as all the soda foams, immediately put it in the dough and mix.

Why put out the soda

It would seem, why all these manipulations at all, I threw soda into the dough, and okay. It is the process of carbon dioxide release that is decisive in giving baking porosity and splendor. Of course, if the dough already contains an oxidizing agent (kefir, lemon juice, cottage cheese or sour cream), then soda can be mixed with flour and added to the dough. Soda will enter into a chemical reaction with acidic components right in the dough.

Many cooks believe that extinguishing soda in a spoon is a pointless exercise, because all the carbon dioxide will evaporate, and only “ash” will remain in the dough, which will not give the baking the desired splendor. Therefore, it is recommended to use the soda quenching method, where it is mixed with flour and sent to liquid ingredients, among which there is the same oxidizing agent (kefir, sour cream, etc.). In this case, the dough will definitely turn out lush and airy.

If you decide to stick with classic way extinguishing soda (in a spoon), then knead the dough quickly enough, carbon dioxide should not escape before you start baking.

Alternative to soda

Today, soda can be replaced with baking powder (baking powder). The simplicity of its use is that it is not necessary to extinguish or dilute anything. As part of baking powder(baking powder): soda, lemon acid and flour (or starch, or powdered sugar). The ratio is specially calculated so that the soda reacts. The result is the same.

Baking soda slaked with vinegar modern recipes preparation of confectionery or pancake dough, it is very often recommended as a baking powder. According to the recommendations, not vinegar and soda should be added to the dough (on their own), but the product of their interaction - sodium acetate, since it is this substance that is formed in the process of extinguishing soda with vinegar. sodium acetate ( food supplement E262) is used in food production as a preservative or acidity regulator, but not as a leavening agent. Sodium acetate has a sufficiently high thermal stability and does not decompose into gaseous products under baking conditions, i.e. It doesn't loosen the dough!

Then why extinguish soda with vinegar?

Let's try to understand this issue more carefully (from the point of view of a professional chemist). By the way, take a look at the article. Until then, let's continue.

In 1 medium teaspoon without a slide, 8 g of baking soda is placed. If you pour vinegar (9% solution of acetic acid) or vinegar essence (70% solution of acetic acid) into this teaspoon (to the brim), then their mass will be approximately 4 g. Thus, in order to completely extinguish 1 teaspoon of food soda with acetic acid, you will need about 71 g (16 teaspoons) of vinegar (9%) or 8 g (2 teaspoons) vinegar essence (70%).

- “scoop soda into a spoon and drop vinegar there, the soda will hiss, I mix it a little. All! The soda is off!";

- “For 1 teaspoon, add 4-6 drops of 9% vinegar”;

- "how to extinguish soda with vinegar: mix 1 tablespoon of soda with 1 tablespoon of vinegar";

- in the most daring advice, it is recommended “to ½ tsp. drinking soda add 1 dessert spoon of vinegar. IN 1 dessert spoon fits 2 teapots, i.e. this tip recommends using only 4 teaspoons of vinegar to extinguish 1 teaspoon of soda, and not 16, as required by the calculation.

The conclusion is obvious - the dough is loosened by the baking soda that remains after the completion of the spectacular experience of extinguishing it with vinegar. When the dough is heated, the baking soda decomposes with the release of carbon dioxide, which gives the dough a certain porosity.

2NaHCO 3 → Na 2 CO 3 + CO 2 + H 2 O

The whole point of pre-extinguishing soda with vinegar is that the cook gets the opportunity to admire impressive results. chemical experience, during which a "pop" is obtained.

Please note that when baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is thermally decomposed, sodium carbonate (Na 2 CO 3) remains in the dough. This substance is called soda ash or just soda, in everyday life it is used for washing clothes or for treating currants from powdery mildew.

Cooks (who have forgotten chemistry) claim that when soda is quenched with vinegar, the unpleasant taste of soda decreases in the finished baking. This is correct to some extent, because as a result of the quenching reaction, the soda content in finished product decreases somewhat. However, the soda flavor will remain until all of the sodium carbonate has been destroyed by the acids found in the products used to knead the dough. If there are no such acids or there are few of them, the taste of soda will remain.

The reaction of soda and vinegar has the form of the following equation

NaHCO 3 + CH 3 COOH → CH 3 COONa + CO 2 + H 2 O

soda and vinegar chemical reaction

If the chemical reaction of vinegar + soda goes completely, then there will be no soda left in the dough, which gives the finished product an unpleasant “soapy” taste.

In order for the dough to be well loosened and not have a pronounced taste of soda, it is necessary to add acid and soda to the dough in correct sequence and in the right proportion.

How to replace baking soda with vinegar?

Instead of acetic acid, any food acid (lactic, citric, malic, tartaric, etc.) or acid salts approved for use in food production can be used to neutralize soda in the dough.

Citric acid (food additive E330) is very convenient in this regard. Citric acid does not have a strong odor and goes on sale in a crystalline state (in the form of a monohydrate, in which there is 1 molecule of water per 1 molecule of acid: C 6 H 8 O 7 ∙ H 2 O).

It takes 6.7 grams (1.5 teaspoons) of crystalline citric acid to completely "quench" 8 grams (1 teaspoon) of baking soda.

Here is a recipe for early ripening pancakes published over 100 years ago (1901).

Please note that for 2.7 kg of dough in this recipe it is recommended to use only 1 teaspoon of soda, to neutralize which 1 teaspoon of citric acid is used. Acid and soda dissolve in water separately in different glasses! First, an acid solution is added to the dough, stirred, and only then a soda solution is added. With this sequence of adding ingredients, the reaction between acid and soda proceeds directly in the test. Carbon dioxide quickly and evenly loosens the entire volume of dough, and does not entertain the hostess with meaningless hissing and “bubble” in a teaspoon.

With the ratio of citric acid and baking soda recommended in the recipe, the decomposition reaction of baking soda proceeds quite fully, but not completely. Part of the soda remains outstanding. This is very important condition for a good loosening of the dough. The carbon dioxide released during the interaction of citric acid and baking soda loosens the pancake dough during its preparation. Excess baking soda breaks down during the baking process of pancakes and gives them additional porosity.

Surprisingly, our great-great-grandmothers knew chemistry much better than us and knew how to use it correctly and quite meaningfully.

Let's sum up what has been said.

Extinguishing soda with vinegar before adding them to the dough does not make culinary sense, since the carbon dioxide released during this reaction does not enter the dough, but escapes into the air. The dough is unnecessarily contaminated with sodium acetate. For normal loosening of the dough, the reaction of decomposition of soda with the release of carbon dioxide must proceed directly in the dough, and soda must be evenly distributed throughout its volume.

Many housewives know that for lush baking you need to use soda and vinegar. What does slaked soda give? Due to the chemical reaction between these two substances, carbon dioxide is formed, which seems to “loose” the dough, making it lush and porous, so it is important not to make a mistake with the amount of soda. The excess can simply break the final product, making it loose: the dough will quickly rise, but also quickly fall off, become sticky.

However, vinegar may not always be at hand, so you will have to look for a way to replace it. How to extinguish soda if there is no vinegar? You can use a wide variety of products: lemon juice or ascorbic acid, which is familiar to many. By the way, the most delicious pancakes are obtained from a dough in which soda is quenched with a simple boiled water.

Why do you need baking soda at all?

Soda is a versatile product. It is used for baking, and for cleaning surfaces from dirt, and for sterilizing cans. Of course, many successfully replace soda and vinegar with baking powder for dough, but many prefer to cook the old fashioned way - it's much more interesting that way. And the end result is much better.

However, you cannot use soda alone, as it gives the dish a soapy taste. It must be quenched in an acidic environment, most often "accompanied" is 9 percent vinegar.

It is quite spicy in taste, so it is better to use it for not sweet pastries, for example, pies with meat fillings. For rich options, they often take Apple vinegar, it is more tender in taste and does not spoil the finished dish.

Making cakes or cupcakes

For delicious dessert Be sure to use baking soda and vinegar. But there are a number of rules here. For example, you cannot immediately extinguish pure soda: it is mixed with flour, vinegar is diluted with water, and then everything is combined together. Gradually, soda reacts with vinegar and flour, creating a dough that is beautiful in its structure.

However, it is not always necessary to use 9- percent vinegar, and you can also do without apple. To do this, you need to make sure that oxidizing elements are already present in the test. For example, kefir or lemon juice.

Lemon acid. How to use?

How to extinguish soda if there is no vinegar? The most common option is the use of citric acid. By its properties, this substance has much in common with vinegar, but is a milder analogue. That is, you can use it for sweet pastries, pancakes, children's desserts.

How to extinguish soda with citric acid? It is necessary to maintain the correct ratio of ingredients. For example, one teaspoon of baking soda has one and a half teaspoons of citric acid.

Another great way- extinguish soda directly in the dough. This option provides excellent results - it turns out lush pastries. To do this, take 5 g of soda, 3 g of citric acid and 12 g of flour. By combining these three components, you can get the baking powder familiar to many for the test.

How can you extinguish soda if there is no vinegar? In the recipe, it can be replaced with the well-known ascorbic acid. Ascorbic tablets familiar to many need to be crushed into powder, and only then added to soda. You can slightly dilute the ascorbic acid with water so that it reacts faster with the rest of the ingredients.

Lemon - natural acid for baking

How to extinguish soda if there is no vinegar? Great option, which is an analogue of citric acid, is ordinary lemon juice.

For 250 g wheat flour usually you need to take a teaspoon of baking soda and a couple of teaspoons of lemon juice.

Extinguish soda with lemon can be the same as with vinegar. By the way, not many people know that putting soda on a spoon, pouring acid on top, and only then sending the whole mass into the dough is a bad idea. All processes for the formation of carbon dioxide take place outside the dough, so it will not come out so magnificent.

How to extinguish soda?

For proper preparation test, you need to separate the soda and lemon juice. They are mixed with the rest of the ingredients separately. What does it look like? Soda crystals are mixed with dry ingredients, such as flour, granulated sugar. Lemon juice is mixed with liquid ingredients, it can be eggs, water, milk, and so on. A similar method is used when using diluted citric acid or vinegar.

Soda and dairy products

Kefir is another great option for quenching soda besides vinegar. Another catalyst can be sour cream. The acid contained in fermented milk products also reacts well with soda.

To do this, it is not necessary to specifically extinguish the soda, it is simply added to the dough, and during the kneading process, both products react. A noteworthy fact: if you use fermented milk products to prepare the dough, then the dough turns out to be more porous.

Soda slaked with boiling water: recipe

To get delicious choux pastry, often use boiling water. This simple ingredient and extinguish the soda. To do this, it is enough to use half a glass of water per teaspoon of soda. The latter is placed in a glass, poured with boiling water, and then poured into the dough. Everything must be done as quickly as possible so that the dough does not curl up and turn out to be porous.

What can be cooked in this way? Pancakes! To prepare one of the options for this baking, you need to take:

  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 80 ml vegetable oil without smell;
  • 10 g of soda;
  • 200 ml of boiling water;
  • 30 g of granulated sugar;
  • salt - about 10 g;
  • 150 g wheat flour;
  • berries for serving - to taste;
  • 600 ml milk.

To begin with, both eggs are broken into a bowl, sugar, salt are added, milk is added and everything is beaten with a mixer. It is worth noting that the amount of sugar can be changed to your liking: who loves more sweet option- add, for unsweetened pancakes, this amount of granulated sugar is enough.

Add flour to the liquid mixture, mix as thoroughly as possible. Quench the soda with boiling water and add to the rest of the ingredients. Then put vegetable oil, mix. To prevent the dough from curdling, it is thoroughly and quickly mixed.

Pour a little vegetable oil into the pan, heat it up and bake thin pancakes frying them on both sides. The dough for pancakes should turn out to be liquid, but quite viscous, like liquid sour cream. The finished dish is decorated with berries to your liking. Sour cream can also be an excellent addition to pancakes.

When is it not necessary to extinguish soda?

Are there situations when soda quenching is not necessary at all? Yes. These include the preparation of winter period. Many housewives process baking soda jars before rolling vegetables.

AT this case just sprinkle jars, and then thoroughly wash it off with boiling water. This combination perfectly corrodes and cleans all impurities. True, after that you still need to sterilize all the jars.

Without carbon dioxide, it is difficult to get baked goods that are truly porous in structure, which is why many housewives actively use soda.

Remember that using only this ingredient will add an unpleasant soapy taste and bitterness to the baked goods. It is for this reason that vinegar is traditionally used to extinguish soda, which helps to get delicious pastries with an ideal test structure.

How to extinguish soda if there is no vinegar, we have already learned: citric acid is used, both in the form of crystals and in the form of lemon juice. It can also be replaced with ascorbic acid. An excellent option in case there is nothing is boiling water.

By following these simple rules, you can always cook delicious pastries.

Oh, how sometimes you want to please your loved ones with a chic hand-made delicacy: a pie or cookies, a cake or pancakes. But in almost all recipes there is such a phrase: "Repay half a teaspoon of soda."

But often young housewives are just interested in the question of how to extinguish soda. Usually such a moment is present in the recipes for making various kinds baking. Soda is used to make the cake or cake crust turn out to be lush, and not a hard “sole”.

Of course, for this you can do just fine with baking powder bought at the store. By the way, it is created on the basis of elemental soda and acid, which interact when in contact with a liquid. The chemical process is practically no different from how the hostess herself can extinguish the soda, without extra spending on baking powder.

If the recipe indicates that soda should be taken at the tip of a knife, then the quenching process can generally be omitted. When more sodium dioxide is needed, about a teaspoon, then you need to neutralize it. During this reaction, the soda and acid interact with the release, which "lifts" the product, creating the splendor of the product. The acid itself turns into water. Therefore, it is very important to keep the proportions correctly, otherwise either acid or soda may remain unused, which may affect the taste of the product.

Considering the fact that soda is neutralized not only when exposed to acids, but also at high temperatures, it is not scary if there is a little less acid than is required for a complete reaction: the soda residue will decompose already in the process of preparing the dish. But the excess acid will remain there, giving the product not quite the taste that the hostess is counting on.

So, we came to the conclusion that the less acid, the better. Since you can extinguish soda with any acid that can be eaten, you should use vinegar (wine, apple, fruit or diluted or fermented milk products, lemon juice, or Why it is recommended to use diluted vinegar, and not essence, can be understood from the beginning of the article. After all it is rather difficult to determine the exact amount of concentrated acid, and it is easy to “overdo it.” For the same purpose, it is better to use not a teaspoon, holding it directly over the dough, but a glass placed on the table.

The amount of acid is determined empirically, gradually adding it to a glass of soda and stirring. As soon as the soda begins to boil, actively releasing carbon dioxide, the mixture is poured into the dough and mixed. But no better way how to extinguish soda "dry" by mixing it with flour. It is recommended to add acid to liquid ingredients, for example, to milk, water, kefir - those components that are included in the recipe. During the mixing of the products, a chemical process will take place, and the question of how to extinguish the soda will disappear by itself.

You can also use a similar option by replacing liquid dry acid, which can always be purchased at a supermarket for mere pennies.

This method, of course, is more convenient, since it is not entirely correct to extinguish soda in air. After all, the very carbon dioxide that we need to loosen the dough, almost all goes into the air. Thus, the process loses its significance. This is probably why many housewives prefer to use purchased baking powder. Because it is in them that dry acid and soda have the ability to interact with each other, being “inside” the dough, which creates maximum splendor and tenderness for the product.

And in order not to spend money on buying baking powder, make it yourself by pouring it into flour right amount soda and a pinch of citric acid. This will save the hostess from the problem of extinguishing soda, from the need to measure out the acid and dilute the essence, achieving the desired concentration.

To make yeast-free pastries tender and fluffy, culinary specialists use slaked soda in the recipe, which is an analogue of ordinary baking powder. When interacting with the dough, this chemical compound releases carbon dioxide, due to which ready product acquires the necessary porous structure. For those who do not know how to extinguish soda with vinegar, our article will help, which describes the main subtleties of using such a component.

For making crumbly shortcrust pastry, pizza, as well as various puff pastries cooks use exclusively yeast-free dough. With the wrong kneading without the addition of baking powder, the finished dish can turn out to be “squat” and tasteless.

The carbon dioxide produced by combining the dough with yeast dilutes the dense texture of the pastry, making it more airy. To achieve a similar result in a no-track recipe, you need to add slaked soda, which acts like yeast or baking powder.

When combined with vinegar, baking soda releases very small bubbles of gas. Thanks to this interaction, as a result, the hostess receives airy porous pastries with incredible taste.

Theoretically, soda, even without a quenching reaction, is able to give the test the necessary porosity, however, added undiluted, it causes bad taste at ready meal. This is because without an acidic environment, even at a high temperature, the reaction is not complete, and the released carbon dioxide is not enough to give the baking the necessary friability.

What kind of vinegar is needed in order to extinguish soda

Novice cooks quite often ask themselves the question of how to extinguish soda with vinegar in order to ready-made pastries turned out soft and fluffy. Experienced chefs It is advised to use any vinegar to loosen the dough.

For cooking, it is recommended to choose not only table, but also apple or wine product. The main purpose of the component is to give the medium sufficient acidity, in which a full-fledged chemical reaction will occur with the formation of the smallest gas bubbles.

In addition to vinegar, it is also used:

  • boiling water;
  • lemon juice or acid;
  • dairy products.

How to extinguish soda with vinegar: step by step instructions

If the dough is prepared using kefir or sour cream, it is not at all necessary to extinguish the soda powder with essence. It is enough to add quite a bit of soda so that a complete reaction occurs during the interaction of the powder with an alkaline medium.

Note to the hostess: use for cooking the amount of powder indicated in the recipe. Otherwise, shortage or excessive amount component in an alkaline environment may not give the desired loosening effect.

Still don't know how to quench soda with baking vinegar? Follow the instructions below and delight the household with tender, melt-in-your-mouth pastries.

The most efficient way:

  1. Combine all liquid ingredients for dough in a bowl.
  2. Next, add a pinch of soda to the mixture, then pour in a couple of drops of vinegar essence. Gently mix all ingredients until smooth.
  3. After the quenching reaction occurs, pour in the remaining flour and mix the resulting mass thoroughly again.

Classic method:

  1. Combine the dry products included in the recipe with the powder.
  2. Separately, whisk all the liquid ingredients, then pour a couple of drops of vinegar into the mixture.
  3. Next, mix the dry ingredients with the resulting liquid mass. As a result, in the process of kneading the dough, carbon dioxide is formed, giving the mass the necessary porous texture.

Inefficient way:

Soda powder is separately diluted with vinegar, and then the foaming mixture is poured into the dough. This method is considered less effective, since most of the carbon dioxide formed evaporates during the kneading stage.

Often, housewives add products “by eye”. Gas bubbles form much later when the alkali reacts with sodium bicarbonate under high temperature.
If the required amount of components is not indicated in the recipe, then soda powder is used and acetic acid in proportions 2:1.

Is it possible and how to extinguish soda with apple, 70 percent, balsamic vinegar

For cooking, it is recommended to choose apple or 9 percent vinegar. But often at the housewives in the house you can find only 70 percent essence, which is characterized by an increased concentration and in the wrong dosage can harm the human body.

To avoid negative consequences, before using vinegar, its concentration must be reduced with water (combine 1 tsp of vinegar and 7 tsp of water).
Concerning balsamic vinegar, then cooks do not recommend using the product to extinguish soda.

Under the influence of high temperature, the essence loses its taste qualities, so it is best to use this vinegar in pure form for refueling various salads. Each housewife decides for herself whether it is worth adding balsamic to baking in order to give it the necessary friability. For 4 tsp. vinegar is used 1 tsp. soda.

What to do if there is no vinegar at home

A full-fledged chemical reaction will occur only if an alkaline environment is created that promotes the formation of tiny bubbles. In addition to vinegar, freshly squeezed lemon juice or regular citric acid is also suitable. For 250 g of flour, use 1 tsp. soda and 9 tsp. acids. Recently, culinary specialists have been using boiling water, which is poured with soda.

If the recipe calls for adding fermented milk products, then instead of vinegar, put yogurt, kefir, sour cream or yogurt in the dough. In some cases, citrus fruit juice or regular honey is used.