What to buy: yogurt or kefir? Dairy products: which are healthier. What is the difference between fermented baked milk, curdled milk and yogurt

Yogurt and kefir belong to the group of natural fermented milk products. They are popular due to their healing properties. Both products are quickly absorbed, contribute to weight loss, they are recommended for dietary nutrition.

starter cultures

Kefir sourdough is a product of symbiosis of many strains of lactic acid bacteria ( bifidobacteria Bifidobatteri, streptococci Streptococcus termophilus and Streptococci lactis, several dozen species of lactobacilli Lactobacilli and other beneficial microorganisms).

There are only two components in yogurt starter - Bulgarian stick Bulgaricus Lactobacillus and thermophilic streptococcus Streptococcus termophilus.

Both ferments synthesize useful enzymes and substances, but the fermentation processes themselves in kefir and yogurt are very different from each other. In yogurt, only lactic fermentation occurs, while in kefir, due to the presence of natural yeast, alcohol fermentation is added to lactic acid fermentation.

Shelf life and taste

In one-day kefir, the percentage of carbon dioxide, acidity and alcohol is minimal. Every day these figures are growing, endowing kefir with tonic properties.

In the gentle, slightly sour taste of kefir, towards the end of its shelf life, a characteristic taste of yeast appears. The taste of yogurt does not depend on the length of storage, remaining soft, smooth and creamy throughout the shelf life.

Consistency, additives and calories

The consistency of yogurt is denser and more homogeneous than that of kefir if it was produced by the thermostat and without additives.

Some manufacturers add taste and appearance improvers to yogurt - sweeteners, preservatives, thickeners, emulsifiers, colorants. Such products are not recommended to be consumed regularly. It is better to give preference to natural yoghurts, which, in addition to milk and sourdough, may contain only natural berries or homemade jam.

The calorie content of kefir is 32-57 kcal, while for yogurt this figure reaches 90 kcal.

Impact on the human body

Kefir and yogurt also act differently on the human body. Kefir bacteria form colonies on the intestinal walls, restoring its microflora. The mission of yogurt cultures is to cleanse the intestinal tract of pathogens. The Bulgarian stick stamp promotes the rapid absorption of useful components and the removal of harmful substances from the body, killing Staphylococcus aureus and dysentery bacillus.

Kefir takes care of the health of the teeth and strengthens the gums. natural yogurt without additives has the same properties, but excessive consumption of sweetened yogurt can damage tooth enamel.

Kefir boosts immunity and yogurt also strengthens immune system. Yogurt is good for the skin and kefir masks are widely used in folk cosmetology.

quality requirements

Kefir should contain at least 3 g of protein per 100 g of product, the protein content in yogurt is slightly higher - up to 5%. The fat content of fermented milk products ranges from low fat (0.5% fat) to full fat (from 3.2 to 9% fat). When choosing fermented milk products, you need to pay attention to packages with the shortest shelf life at a storage temperature of 4 to 6 ° C.

The indicator of colony-forming units of lactic acid bacteria in both kefir and yogurt should be at least 107 CFU per 1 g of the product.

Console " BIO" in the name of yogurt and kefir indicates the addition of a probiotic culture concentrate with high content bifidobacteria (up to 1012 CFU/g).


Many people believe that since yogurt and kefir are fermented milk products, there is no difference between them. big difference. This is not true. The differences between yogurt and kefir range from differences in how they are made and the types of bacteria they contain, to different effects on human health.

Differences between kefir and yogurt when cooking

There are two types of yogurt: mesophilic and thermophilic.

mesophilic yogurt means that it is cultivated at room temperature.

thermophilic yogurt during manufacture, it requires a certain temperature range for the incubation of bacteria. A special yogurt maker Dnepropetrovsk will help you make thermophilic yogurt at home. In it, during the preparation of yogurt, a certain temperature is maintained, which contributes to the right process cooking.

Kefir - mesophilic culture, made at room temperature.

There is also a difference in what is used to make a new batch of product.

New party yogurt is being prepared by adding not a large number yogurt from the previous batch fresh milk. You can also make yogurt from dry sourdough.

Kefir is produced with the help of milk fungus (kefir grains). The number of gelatinous grains of this fungus will increase with each new batch of kefir. When kefir is ready, these grains are simply removed from the fresh batch and added to fresh milk to make the next batch. Kefir grains can also be purchased in the form of dry sourdough.

What contains more bacteria - Yogurt or Kefir?

Yogurt and kefir differ in the types of bacteria they contain. And the drinks themselves differ in their effect on the body, they perform different tasks.

Yogurt contains two types of bacteria: Bulgaricus Lactobacillus and Streptococcus termophilus.

Kefir contains dozens of different types of lactic acid bacteria:

lactobacillus acidophilus
- Lactobacilli brevis
- Lactobacilli casei
- Lactobacilli casei subsp. Rhamnosus
- Lactobacilli casei subsp. pseudo-plantarum
- Lactobacilli paracasei subsp. paracasei
- Lactobacilli cellobiosus
- Lactobacilli delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus
- Lactobacilli delbrueckii subsp. lactis
- Lactobacilli hilgardii
- Lactobacilli johnsonii
- Lactobacilli kefiri
- Lactobacilli kefiranofaciens
- Lactobacilli kefirgranum
- Lactobacilli parakefir
- Lactobacilli lactis
- Lactobacilli plantarum
- Bifidobattery
- Lactococci lactis subsp. lactis
- Lactococci lactis var. diacetylactis
- Lactococci lactis subsp. Cremoris
- Streptococci salivarius subsp. Thermophilus
- Streptococci lactis
- Leuconostoc cremoris
- Liveiti
- Acetobacter aceti
- Acetobacter rasene

bacteria in yogurt help cleanse the digestive tract, yogurt is easy to digest and is food for the bacteria that inhabit a healthy gut.

Bacteria pass through the gastrointestinal tract without staying there.

bacteria in kefir on the contrary, they can settle in the intestine, colonize it.

Kefir also, in addition to a large number of beneficial bacteria, also contains yeast, which benefit the body. But yeast produces a small amount of alcohol, so kefir contains up to about 0.07% alcohol.

What tastes better yogurt or kefir?

Yogurt has a tart creamy taste and smooth texture.

Kefir also has a tart taste, but may still have a subtle taste of yeast and alcohol.

We all know that yogurt is eaten with spoons, and kefir can be drunk even through a straw. Yogurt has a thicker consistency than kefir for the same fermentation time.

CONCLUSION. Yogurt and kefir are useful fermented milk products that perform different, different, useful tasks in the body. π

The benefit of "sour milk" lies in the large number of bacteria contained in it. They have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, and increase immunity. Of the variety of such products, kefir and yogurt are in first place in popularity. Delicious and low-calorie, they are easily absorbed by the body and have virtually no contraindications. They may even be recommended for use by people who are allergic to milk sugar. Many do not see any difference between kefir and yogurt, as they are equally healthy. And yet there is a difference.

  • First, it's taste. Kefir is a sour drink, sometimes it can be slightly carbonated by the end of its shelf life, while yogurt most often has a thick texture with a delicate taste.
  • Secondly, despite the fact that both fermented milk products are made from milk in the same way - fermentation, the process itself is different. In yogurt, only lactic fermentation occurs, while in kefir, due to the presence of natural yeast, alcohol fermentation is added to lactic acid fermentation.
  • Thirdly, the difference in leaven. For kefir, kefir fungus starter is used, which contains several dozen milk bacilli. They are able to settle on the intestinal walls, restoring the microflora well. Therefore, kefir is often prescribed as remedy after infections and the use of antibiotics. Only two types of bacteria are added to yogurt: Bulgarian bacterium and Streptococcus thermophilus. Once in the body, they pass through the intestines, removing toxins with them. So if you need to quickly and well cleanse yourself of harmful toxins, you should give preference to yogurt.

There is no single answer to the question of what is more beneficial for the body, kefir or yogurt. Here everyone decides for himself. Today, on the shelves of stores you can see a large assortment of fermented milk products. And in all this diversity, it is sometimes difficult to find a really high-quality product. What should I pay attention to when choosing kefir and yogurt?

“First of all, look at the label and read the ingredients. The number of live beneficial bacteria in real yogurt and kefir must be at least 107 CFU (colony-forming units of lactic acid bacteria) per 1 g of the product throughout its shelf life. The amount of yeast CFU in 1 g of kefir should be at least 104 CFU / g, - says Irina Salkova, head of the laboratory of the agro-industrial holding Brothers Cheburashkins. Family Farm”, – The protein content per 100 g of product in kefir should be at least 3 g, and in yogurt – 3.2 g. mass fraction fat in products can be different - from 0.1 to 10%. Shelf life also indirectly indicates the naturalness of the product: the shelf life of natural yogurt and kefir is no more than 2 weeks at a temperature of tо = 4 ± 2 ° C.

It has been proven that with the use of only 200 grams of fermented milk products per day, the body's protective functions against viruses and infections increase significantly. However, it is good if daily ration will include several different drinks. For example, yogurt is great for breakfast or as a small snack during the day, while kefir is best for dinner. You can use them as pure form, so with various additives. Kefir goes well with fresh vegetables, especially green, yogurt - with dried fruits, muesli, cereals and nuts. Also fermented milk are good addition to cereal dishes: cereals, bran. In this combination, they enhance the processes of cleansing the body of harmful substances. But with proteins of a non-dairy group, you should not use sour-milk ones, since they do not interact with each other in any way. Therefore, it is better to avoid combining kefir and yogurt with eggs, fish, seafood and meat.

In addition, kefir and yogurt are increasingly used for making desserts and as a base for salad dressings. Similar dishes are different original taste and ease.

Yogurt vegetable salad dressing

Ingredients: 450 ml natural yogurt, 1 cucumber, 2-3 garlic cloves, 1 tbsp. olive oil, half a teaspoon of dried mint.

  1. Combine yogurt, oil and mint and garlic. Whisk in a blender.
  2. Cucumber peeled, chopped small cubes, add to the mixture and stir.
  3. Add chilled sauce to salads.

Kefir dessert (kefir ice cream)

Ingredients: 0.5 l of kefir, 1/3 of a glass of low-fat sour cream, half a glass of sugar, 1 tbsp of gelatin, a little vanilla sugar.

  1. Soak gelatin in half a glass of water, let it swell. Then heat over a fire, stirring constantly until completely dissolved, but do not let it boil. Cool down.
  2. Beat the rest of the ingredients well with a mixer (about 3 minutes). Then add the cooled gelatin and beat the same amount again.
  3. Pour the resulting mass into molds and refrigerate for 3-4 hours.
  4. Decorate the finished dessert with berries, chocolate, nuts, mint leaves

looking around store shelves with fermented milk products, every time we face a difficult choice: what to buy - yogurt or kefir? Everyone knows that both products are extremely useful. But, perhaps, the benefits of one of them are still greater? By what criteria to evaluate the effect of kefir and yogurt on our health? Let's try to resolve the dilemma between kefir and yogurt.

Thanks to their healing properties both kefir and yogurt are essential elements of proper nutrition. Made from natural milk, they contain all its useful substances in a form more accessible to humans. They take much less time to digest. Vitamins and trace elements from yogurt and kefir are absorbed much faster than from milk.

Kefir and yogurt are recommended even for those people for whom milk is a taboo due to lactose intolerance. They have no analogues in dietary nutrition, there is nothing to replace them in health-improving diets, they are equally useful for both adults and children.

Kefir is called a gift from heaven, and the ancient translation of the word yogurt means long life. The fact that the age of the centenarians of the Caucasus often exceeds the age mark is largely due to the traditional fermented milk products that form the basis of the local cuisine.

Preparation of yogurt and kefir

Irina Salkova, Head of the Cheburashkin Brothers. Family farm":

– To obtain kefir in whole or skimmed milk after pasteurization and cooling to the fermentation temperature, kefir ferment on live kefir fungi is added. It is a symbiosis of lactic acid microorganisms and lactic yeast. It is they that start the process of lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation, as a result of which kefir is obtained, which contains lactic acid, carbon dioxide, B vitamins (B2, B3, B6, B9, B12), micro and macro elements, enzymes, easily digestible proteins, polysaccharides and other useful substances.

It is important that kefir can be used for the treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal diseases, since the microorganisms that make up kefir starter culture are antagonists of pathogenic and opportunistic microflora.

In the production of yogurt, whole or normalized pasteurized milk is made with a starter culture containing Lactobacillus bulgaricus and streptococcus thermophilus (Streptococcusthermophiles). The bulgarian stick is an indispensable component of real yogurt. The microorganisms of the Bulgarian stick produce vitamins and amino acids in the process of fermentation, which are involved in the processes of suppression of the pathogenic intestinal microflora.

Kefir and yogurt: which is healthier?

So, the differences in the processes that cause kefir and yogurt in the body are dictated by different composition their starters. In yogurt, lactic fermentation occurs, and in kefir, due to the presence of acetic acid bacteria, alcohol is added to it.

Carbonic acid and acidity of kefir endow it with tonic properties and invigorating spicy taste, but make it unsuitable for people with hyperacidity stomach. For those suffering from gastritis or stomach ulcers the best option there will be yogurt. Its delicate creamy taste and the absence of yeast microorganisms neutralize the acidic environment and soothe the stomach.

Yogurt and kefir equally positively affect the immune system. They stimulate cardiac activity and metabolic processes, soothe nervous system and reduce blood cholesterol levels, improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

With the help of beneficial bacteria that can settle on the inner surface of the intestine, kefir restores its microflora and eliminates dysbacteriosis acquired, for example, as a result of antibiotic treatment.

Yoghurt bacteria, unlike kefir bacteria, do not form colonies of beneficial microorganisms, but perfectly cleanse the intestinal tract from harmful pathogenic microbes, such as dysentery bacillus or a strain of Staphylococcus aureus.

More than a hundred years ago, a microbiologist, Nobel Prize winner Ilya Mechnikov experimentally established that the Bulgarian bacillus is the most active and viable of all known lactic acid bacteria. Due to its effect, an acid is produced that suppresses putrefactive processes inside the intestines.

Considering the Bulgarian stick as the main tool in the fight against aging, Mechnikov still believed that it was necessary to alternate kefir and yogurt. He explained this by the fact that long-term use of one product leads to “acclimatization” of bacteria of one type in the intestine and, accordingly, to a weakening of the therapeutic and preventive effect.

How to buy natural yogurt and kefir: read the label

The number of live beneficial bacteria in real yogurt and kefir must be at least 107 CFU (colony-forming units of lactic acid bacteria) per 1 g of the product throughout its shelf life.

The amount of yeast CFU in 1 g of kefir should be at least 104 CFU/g. The protein content per 100 g of product in kefir should be at least 3 g, and in yogurt - 3.2 g. At the same time, the mass fraction of fat in products can be different - from 0.1 to 10%.

Shelf life also indirectly indicates the naturalness of the product: the shelf life of natural yogurt and kefir is no more than 2 weeks at a temperature of 4±2°C.

When choosing products, many focus on texture. As kefir is stored, it becomes more heterogeneous, but the more homogeneous consistency of yogurt does not change over time, maintaining a constant density.

The calorie content of yogurt can reach up to 90 kilocalories, and the energy value kefir usually does not exceed 60 kcal.

When choosing between kefir and yogurt, you need to remember that both products improve health, but their sweetened options reduce this positive effect to zero. For example, the beneficial substances of kefir and yogurt strengthen the gums, and the sweetener in yogurt destroys tooth enamel.

Kefir is often produced without additives, and yogurt manufacturers like to “decorate” it with dyes and flavor enhancers, thickeners and emulsifiers, sweeteners and additives from pieces of berries and fruits.

A reasonable and thoughtful buyer will never buy a kefir product, yogurt or biogurt instead of real kefir and yogurt, no matter what original jar or bright box the product itself is packed in. The same marketing ploy - the words "eco", "super", "max", "fresh", "green", "rustic".

When making your choice between kefir and yogurt, take the advice of the authoritative "kefir guru" Ilya Mechnikov - alternate these products in your diet, and then their cumulative benefits will increase.


Indeed, why decide which is better, you need to buy both. The more varied the food, the better.
My son loves the plant very much, it is really healthy and tasty. But recently he began to agree to kefir, if sugar is added. So we grow and go to a varied diet :)

08/18/2016 09:41:57 PM, vita4i

I don’t like kefir, since childhood I can’t stand its smell and taste, so I buy only plain and drinking yoghurts. I choose yogurts with a minimum sugar content, so they do not harm my body.

Comment on the article "What to buy: yogurt or kefir? Dairy products: which is more useful"


I do everything in the same way as the girls write, but I don’t add kefir, but sourdough starter - it has 10 times more beneficial lactic acid bacteria, so it really looks like yogurt as a result, even more than kefir.

boil 0.5 liters of milk. cool to room temperature, pour into a jar. add 2 tablespoons of kefir (the freshest) and 1 teaspoon of sour cream. cover the jar with gauze and leave it in the kitchen, do not wrap anything. just don't leave the kitchen window open. after 10-12 hours, stir well and put in the refrigerator. The next kefir can be fermented with this kefir. I only home and sing.

About kefirs and yoghurts. Nutrition, the introduction of complementary foods. A child from birth to one year. Today I watched kefir and yogurt in the store. Immediately 3 questions: Is it too early for kefir from 8 months.


I tried from 9 months to instill a love for kefir, I don’t want to in any ((

From the age of 8 months, I started giving kefir, from 10 I tried to introduce yogurt, but I became allergic to it, and I tried Krepysh, Tema, and Agusha. Kefir eats from Agushi, although it is sour for my taste, but Tema and Krepysh also gave dermatitis on the pug. And so the Subject is tastier than Agushi, and Krepysh is tastier than both of them.

Is there kefir 0% or yogurt? Need advice. Weight loss and diets. Is there kefir 0% or yogurt? According to medical testimony, all fat in products was ordered to be reduced to an absolute minimum.

From whom to make kefir? Nutrition, the introduction of complementary foods. What is the best kefir? Are there special children's rooms? Or is it better to still get that girlfriend who last time I ...

Yogurt is usually one or two, sometimes three types of beneficial bacteria. Kefir fermented with the help of kefir fungi - several dozen types of FRIENDLY lactobacilli...


I have been fermenting yogurt in a yogurt maker for many years. Started for my daughter breast milk- for example, put yogurt for all of cow's milk and 1-2 jars for the daughter from the breast (I marked the jars). We introduced complementary foods with yogurt for digestion from 6 months. instead of kefir. For sourdough, I used to take bifidobacterin-forte (dry), then after 2 years I did 1 time bifidum, 1 time lactobacterin, now I ferment any sourdough, you can even "Narine", you can use bio yogurt without sugar, fruits, dyes (daughter is now 9 years old).
A few tips: 1. jars and all used utensils must be sterile (you can rinse with boiled water after washing) - otherwise it is not known what will grow instead of bifido. 2. milk should be cold (from the refrigerator) 3. if you put on cow's milk, then take milk in UHT, otherwise - barrel, unpasteurized should be boiled and then cooled. Breast milk expressed in a sterile bottle should not be boiled, only cooled. 4. Dilute the bacteria in one jar with a small amount of milk, then pour into the total amount of milk. If we make 1-2 jars on breast milk, then carefully separate 1/6 of the bacteria powder and knead with a tiny amount of breast milk, on cow's - separately. 5. The required amount of powder and starter is determined by simply dividing the dose. For one bookmark in a yogurt maker (1 liter or 1 liter 150 ml) there is 1 bottle or 1 bag of bacteria - in my opinion, 5 doses. 6. The fermentation time is determined only individually, depending on the yogurt maker and the quality of the milk - I started checking somewhere after 6 hours. Breast milk ferments faster. 7. Sugar and fruits can be added to the finished product immediately before consumption. Of course, never add anything to breast milk yogurt.8. finished product Keep refrigerated. When you need to give your child yogurt, you need to get it out of the refrigerator in 1-2 hours, set aside the required amount and warm it with warm water. Not in the microwave, otherwise all the bacteria will die!!! Zhenya has been eating yogurt all his life, and we have never had dysbacteriosis or problems with the flora. Very helpful.

12/13/2005 03:40:05 PM, Zhenya's mother

Currently, the range of dairy products is quite diverse. Although the main characteristics of almost all are similar, there are still differences: in composition, in the method of manufacture, in palatability and in appearance. In order to choose the right product, you need to go deeper into the nuances of the manufacturing process and the use of products.


Yogurt, kefir and fermented baked milk are fermented milk products and have a beneficial effect on the human body, improving its general condition and increasing immunity. All three subspecies are made from milk by fermenting it with various microorganisms under regulated production conditions.

Positive characteristics of all natural fermented milk products:

  • are sources of vitamins and microelements;
  • contribute normal functioning digestive system, improving metabolism;
  • are used in various diets to remove toxins and toxins and contribute to the fight against excess weight.

The established algorithm for manufacturing all three types of product at industrial enterprises includes the following main points:

  1. the process of cleaning milk and optimizing the fat content in it;
  2. dispersion and homogenization of the milk composition;
  3. carrying out the pasteurization procedure of the liquid and its subsequent cooling;
  4. implementation of the fermentation process at a certain temperature;
  5. cooling the composition to 10-12 degrees and subsequent infusion of the product (lasts from 12 hours to a day);
  6. bringing the liquid to a temperature equal to 4-6 degrees;
  7. packaging of the finished product.

Used when carrying out this process similar food processing equipment, consisting of:

  • equipment for receiving raw milk;
  • a special container for its storage, fermentation and further infusion of fermented milk products;
  • heat exchange device;
  • unit for mixing and dispersion of raw materials;
  • food pumps;
  • equipment for homogenization and pasteurization of milk composition;
  • a special installation for packaging in containers in which the final product will be sold.

The conditions and terms of storage of all three products are the same, they need to be kept in refrigerators for no more than 5-7 days. We are talking about natural, "live" products.

Ryazhenka is also related to Varenets and Turkic katyk, matsoni and yogurt without additives. Products such as koumiss and ayran are more similar to kefir due to the addition of special fungi.



What is the difference?

There is a difference in the properties of all these products, which lies in the individual characteristics given below.


Bulgaria is considered the birthplace of yogurt. When fermenting this product, we use different kinds bacillus bulgaricus and thermophilic streptococcus. The composition of most yogurts implies the presence of milk powder in it, which in itself also has useful features and promotes the survival of the right bacteria during the manufacture and storage of the product.

The sourdough elements that are used in the yogurt making process are most efficient in fermenting lactose. It is for this reason that the product is suitable for use by people whose body does not digest milk well or at all.

And also this fermented milk product is less than others susceptible to the effects of gastric juice, so that beneficial bacteria can survive to enter the human intestinal tract.

If we talk about taste, then natural yogurt is quite neutral, but fruit fillers brighten up this fact. Another difference is the high content of protein, in the same kefir its amount is much less.


Homeland is the North Caucasus. This subtype of fermented milk product is obtained by adding a rather complex fungal starter, which is a symbiosis of lactic acid microorganisms and yeast. Kefir is infused a little longer than other products (from one to three days). The product has the property of inconstancy even during use, since fresh kefir tends to have a laxative effect, and three-day - on the contrary.

One of the most useful properties- the content in the composition of bacteria that are able to settle on the walls of the intestine and put in order its microflora, to establish the process of digestion.

Most often, kefir is made without the use of food fillers, so it has a characteristic sour taste. The product goes well with meat, fish, poultry, eggs and other dishes that contain proteins. Kefir can form clots and gas-forming elements, as a result of which it is not recommended for people with sensitive gastrointestinal tracts.


The homeland of the product is Ukraine. The main difference between ryazhenka is that it is based on baked milk. That is why it has a characteristic creamy hue. The fermentation process of the product is carried out by adding thermophilic lactic streptococci and pure cultures of the Bulgarian stick to the milk.

During the manufacturing procedure, a large amount of water is evaporated from the product, as a result of which the concentration of useful elements in it is higher than in other fermented milk products. But ryazhenka is much more high-calorie and fatter than kefir, as a result of which it is not suitable for diet food. The product has a delicate and sweet taste. The formation of milk foam is allowed. Pairs well with various fruits and berries, as well as bread without yeast.

What is more useful?

All dairy products have positive influence on the body, improve metabolism. It is impossible to say exactly which product is better and healthier: yogurt, fermented baked milk or kefir. It all depends on individual preferences and needs. For example:

  • for diet food, natural yogurt or kefir is more suitable due to its low calorie and fat content;
  • kefir is not recommended for people who suffer from diseases of the stomach or intestines due to the content of gas-forming elements;
  • kefir has a high calcium content, which is well absorbed and promotes the absorption of other foods, rich in other trace elements (fluorine, iodine, copper);
  • the microorganisms contained in kefir can stop the reproduction of harmful microbes and remove toxins;
  • in the composition of fermented baked milk, the concentration is higher useful substances due to the evaporation of a large amount of water during heat treatment, it contains vitamins and other useful elements such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur and iron;
  • ryazhenka can be consumed even by people with high acidity of the stomach;
  • natural yogurt has the ability to rid the human body of streptococci, typhoid bacilli and staphylococci;
  • yogurt without extra additives has large quantity vitamins, organic and rich fatty acids, mono- and disaccharides, micro- and macroelements.

Special recommendations for the use of these products in childhood are also available. So, kefir can be given even to small children, but after the introduction of cereals and various baby purees. Infants up to 8-9 months are still not recommended for use because of their composition. For example, casein (milk protein) can cause an allergic reaction, and the intestines of a very small child simply cannot cope with it.

The use of such a product implies an increased burden on the kidneys and digestive system. Premature introduction of a fermented milk product into a child's diet can contribute to the development of diarrhea and anemia.

Give children yogurt start with a daily dose of 20-30 ml, gradually increasing it to a volume of 200 ml. Should not be purchased ordinary product, and for children, the composition of which is adapted to only a developing organism. Natural yogurt without unnecessary additives and preservatives can be given to children in its natural form or fruit (berry) puree can be added. Recommended daily dose for a child aged 8-9 months is 100-150 ml.

Here are a few important tips on the acquisition and use of fermented milk products.

  • A one-day yogurt will relieve constipation, and a three-day one is suitable for people suffering from gastritis with low acidity and chronic colitis (accompanied by diarrhea).
  • You should buy all fermented milk products only with a shelf life of no more than 5-7 days, since beneficial microorganisms live very little.
  • It is necessary to replace yogurts with dyes, preservatives and various flavoring additives with natural ones with the addition of fresh fruit, since only such a product will bring due benefits.
  • It is possible to freeze kefir at home to obtain natural cottage cheese when defrosted, since at negative temperatures milk protein coagulation begins to occur. The curd is soft and fluffy.
  • All fermented milk products are recommended to be consumed during intensive antibiotic treatment. This will help several times reduce the negative impact on the body of strong medicines and support the vital activity of beneficial microorganisms.
  • In case of poisoning with heavy metals, it is also necessary to use dairy and sour-milk products to remove toxic substances.
  • All products can be prepared at home if you purchase a special composition for fermentation at the pharmacy. Such products will be even more useful.

Thus, all fermented milk products will be useful, but individual intolerance to the body and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should be taken into account. When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to the shelf life and composition, which should not contain unnecessary components.

About what fermented milk product should always be in your refrigerator, see below.