Is it necessary to stir the mash during the fermentation process? Correct mash: temperature regime for fermentation.

This question is often raised by novice moonshiners who rely primarily on speed. Moonshining is a craft in which haste is simply inappropriate. I immediately want to ask a counter question - is it necessary to stir the mash during fermentation!? This is a process in which living microorganisms - yeast - work without human intervention, and I tell you personal experience I will say more - the calmer the mash sits, the better and more completely it will ferment without stirring! And now, in order and with detailed explanations.

Why is it not necessary to stir the mash during fermentation?

It is recommended to interfere with mash on many resources on the Internet, and the authors give strict instructions to use alcohol yeast, and only “turbo”, and only those sold in a specific store “with delivery to best price" Let's turn to physics - my favorite science, which is capable of in simple language explain complex phenomena. So, what is the fermentation process - what happens in the mash?

  • Yeast is a living fungus that begins to actively divide in favorable conditions, and in the absence of oxygen, it processes sugar, releasing byproducts - alcohol and carbon dioxide
  • The yeast is evenly distributed throughout the mash due to boiling - carbon dioxide rises in small bubbles from the bottom and walls, as in a bottle of champagne or other carbonated drink, so the mixing process occurs by itself. These bubbles carry yeast particles from the lower layers to the upper layers
  • Gradually the yeast begins to descend to the lower part, and top part the mash is clarified - this is not just normal, but extremely necessary, and stirring the mash at this moment means slowing down the fermentation process

The final point probably needs further clarification. So, the density of alcohol is lower than the density of water, which means that in the common container in the mash it rises to the top, while the sugary liquid goes down. And we, experienced moonshiners, already know that yeast dies in an environment with increased content alcohol Gradually, the yeast also sinks to the bottom - which is why they eventually precipitate, since their activity in the mash already saturated with alcohol decreases, and they die. That is, by lifting sugary liquid from the bottom of the fermentation tank and mixing it with the upper layers saturated with alcohol, you do not speed up, but on the contrary, slow down the process.

And why shouldn’t you stir the mash?

You shouldn’t stir the mash for one more reason - to do this you will at least have to open the container periodically. But you cannot let air into the fermentation tank, since this increases the concentration of oxides in the mash, or, more simply, vinegar. That is, by believing that you are speeding up the fermentation process, you are simply killing it. Yes, it will end faster, because part of the mash due to such “aeration” will turn into acetic acid, and some into alcohol. But this acceleration will not give you more output. Therefore, the fact that stirring speeds up fermentation is a misconception. The duration of fermentation is reduced due to losses resulting from the processing of raw materials into vinegar. Some craftsmen place some kind of special devices to keep air out. True, I have never seen in practice that this gives a greater yield or actually shortens the fermentation period.

If you want to ensure complete yield and save time during the fermentation stage, then take better care of the optimal conditions for this process, namely:

  • Ensure that the container is completely sealed under the water seal.
  • Try to keep the mash in a room with a temperature of +25 C o, in which there will be a minimum of vibrations
  • Use practice-tested yeast, do not violate the proportions at the preparation stage
  • Do not drain the mash ahead of time - it is better to let it sit longer than less. Optimally - at least 7-8 days

And most importantly, do not interfere with the mash “playing” calmly - without your participation it will ripen much better, and you will be able to get a good yield of a high-quality product, into which the soul of a patient craftsman, and not a hasty alcoholic, will be invested. IN as a last resort, if the issue of time is very acute, just remove the mash earlier - I sometimes had to do this when I needed to transfer a parcel to friends or relatives in other regions. The output will be slightly lower, but the quality will be at the proper level.

Making mash? The process is simple and accessible to everyone. If you have the necessary tools and ingredients, it won't take much time.

Almost all vegetables, fruits, and grains containing sugar and/or starch are suitable as a base for mash. Old jam and honey are perfect for grouting. Starchy products are first saccharified, then the mash is mixed. Sugar? the main component in mash wort, since alcohol is formed precisely from the combination of yeast and sugar.

Making mash from sugar and dry yeast

When mixing wort from fruits and vegetables, it is difficult for a beginner to determine the consumption of sugar, yeast and the volume of moonshine at the exit. But there is a simple, proven recipe with guaranteed results. To implement it, you need to prepare the following products:

  • water;
  • sugar;
  • yeast.

The amount of ingredients is determined based on purely personal needs for moonshine.

Proportions of the classic recipe to obtain 10 liters. moonshine:

  • water? 30 l
  • granulated sugar? 8 kg
  • dry yeast? 150-200 gr.

It is believed that 1 kg of granulated sugar will yield 1.2 liters. moonshine.

Some winemakers insist on the ?rule of 10? (10 kg of sugar yields 10 liters of 40-45° moonshine):

  • water? 40 l
  • granulated sugar? 10 kg
  • dry yeast?300 gr.

The amount of yeast is always approximate, since its activity depends on the expiration date and the manufacturer.

Sugar is added to the mash without additional processing. There is no need to turn it into syrup. It will dissolve well in warm water.

Water can be taken from the tap, but it needs to be allowed to stand for half a day. Boiled water unsuitable for fermentation. Yeast in such water will not work at full strength.

By classic recipe The mash is prepared by simply mixing all the ingredients. Sugar is poured into the water, stirred, and diluted yeast is added.

What yeast to use

Yeast is one of the main components in the preparation of mash substrate. They are presented in different

  • pressed;
  • bakery;
  • alcohol;
  • pubs;
  • wine

Wine yeast is very expensive and is used to ferment wine. Beer houses are used more in cosmetology and medicine. Pressed or live? The product is perishable, you can find them at bakeries and in specialized stores. For regular grocery stores? this is a rare product.

The most commonly used are dry alcohol or baker's yeast, but marked ?for baked goods and drinks?. Such yeast is more viable. But it’s difficult to predict how they will behave. This may be a violent fermentation within 15-20 minutes, or their activity will manifest itself after a few hours.

How to prepare mash for moonshine

The mash is prepared in food-grade plastic containers, aluminum flasks, and barrels. The main condition is that the material does not succumb to oxidation. Therefore, galvanized and copper utensils are not suitable. Would it be desirable for the canisters to have a wide neck? they are easier to clean after distillation. The volume of the container depends on the desired amount of moonshine.

During vigorous fermentation, the foam rises head-on, so the vessel must be filled so that a quarter of it remains free. When the foam escapes from the container, the mash can be poured into another container and then drained back. After 2–3 days, active fermentation will end and go into a passive stage, which will last another 8–10 days.

At this stage, a water seal is installed on the container. The following facts speak in its favor:

  • it is convenient to monitor the maturation of the mash by the gas bubbles released;
  • the smell in the room becomes less;
  • a water seal prevents souring.

Optimal temperature for fermentation

Temperature compliance? important condition fermentation. Temperature range should
stay around 20?28°. Will lowering the temperature slow down the yeast? high temperatures are completely detrimental to them.

It should be taken into account that in the first days, during rapid fermentation, the temperature of the liquid rises, so there is no need to additionally insulate the mash.

In the following days at low room temperature, the container with mash can be wrapped to keep warm. Old blankets and outerwear are suitable for this.

During the heating season, do they place the vessel near the radiators or resort to using a special device? thermostat. This device is used to heat water in aquariums. Alternating operation of the thermostat avoids the boiling effect. You just need to take into account that if the mash is very steep, particles of wort can burn to the walls of the device.

Is it worth stirring the mash during fermentation?

At the first stage of fermentation, when the foam bursts out, there is no need to knock it down and stir the mash. This will only make the situation worse. It will be enough to pour out some of the liquid.

During?quiet? Maturation sometimes requires heating. When using a thermostat, the mash must be stirred for uniform heating, since the device heats and displays the temperature of the top layer.

In general, there is no need to stir the mash. This will not speed up the ripening process and will not affect the strength. Natural process fermentation will do everything itself. The spent yeast will settle to the bottom, and stirring will only disturb it and interfere with determining the readiness of the drink.

How to determine the readiness of mash

It is important to determine the right moment for distillation. Premature distillation will reduce the yield of moonshine and lower its strength. The mash left over for more than two weeks may turn sour.

The readiness of the product for distillation is determined in several ways:

It would be better if there were results for several indicators at once.

Is it necessary to remove sediment?

Opinions among winemakers are divided on the issue of removing the mash from the sediment or not. This largely depends on the design of the distillation cube of the moonshine still. In simple distillation devices, the container with mash itself is used as a cube. In this case, it is not necessary to remove it from the sediment. It is believed that this causes the moonshine to lose its strength.

For preparing alcohol in devices of a more complex design or industrial production It would be better to get rid of the yeast sediment, since it can burn to the walls during the heating process
distillation cube, especially if the wort was prepared from fruit raw materials.

You can remove the mash from the sediment using a flexible hose with a diameter of about 1 cm. It is not advisable to use a pipeline with a smaller diameter, as it will become clogged. The end of the hose is lowered into the mash and secured 2–3 cm from the sediment. The mouth draws air from the hose to start the movement of the liquid.

Lightening is also an optional step. This procedure is carried out to free the mash from the remaining suspension. It is believed that this will improve the taste of moonshine and in the future it will take less time to clean it.

Most common method? clarification with white clay. Clay (1 tbsp) is diluted in 500 g. warm water and pours into the vessel. A day later, the mash is again removed from the resulting sediment.

The mash mashed with fruit is clarified with gelatin. The gelatin packet is poured with water overnight, then added to the drink. The flakes precipitate after 2–3 days. Braga is ready for distillation.

Braga as an alcohol-containing product has been known for a long time. Even before they learned how to make moonshine, it was consumed in its pure form. Now, mash is required for making moonshine. Making mash is not at all difficult, the main thing is that you have all the necessary components on hand, and the cooking process itself will not take much time. Any sugar-containing fruits and vegetables are suitable for creating mash wort. A good result comes from grain mash, you can also add candied jam or honey to the wort.


Aluminum flasks, plastic canisters marked for food products, glass bottles. The main condition is that the container should not oxidize and therefore zinc utensils cannot be used. It is also desirable that the containers have a wide neck, so that they will be easier to clean later. The capacity of the container is determined by the desired volume of moonshine.

During the period of intense fermentation, a lot of foam is formed and therefore When pouring the mash blank, the container is left a quarter empty. If it happens that the foam comes out through the top of the vessel, then the mash being prepared can be poured into a larger container. The active fermentation cycle continues for about three days, after which the ripening process begins, lasting approximately ten days.

Installing a water seal

After active fermentation is complete, a water seal is placed on the neck of the container. Its advantages are the following:

  • Gas bubbles indicate the degree of maturation of the mash.
  • There is no specific smell in the room.
  • Prevents the product from souring.

If during intense fermentation strong foam rises, you should not stir the mash, this will only make it worse. It would be better to pour it into two containers.

At the second stage, when the mash is in the process of ripening, heating may be required and if you use a thermostat, it is advisable to stir to achieve the same temperature at all levels.

Well, if everything goes according to plan, there is no need to interfere with the mash during the fermentation process, the product ripening occurs naturally. On the contrary, disturbed yeast sediment will interfere with the determination of readiness.

How do you know if the mash is ready?

The fermentation process, on average, can take ten days, but the readiness of the product should not be determined by this factor, since depending on the incoming components, the ripening period may increase or, conversely, decrease. If you put unripened mash into distillation, you will not get the planned amount of moonshine and its quality will be much to be desired, but if it is overexposed, the drink may simply turn sour.

There are several ways to determine the readiness of the mash:

  • In terms of taste. This is the main way to determine readiness. The taste of the finished mash is bitter and sour. This fact means that the yeast has completed its task and all the sugar has been converted into alcohol. If the mash tastes sweet, the fermentation process continues. It may also turn out that for some reason the yeast has lost its strength or too little of it has been added and fermentation has stopped. In this case, you need to restore fermentation by adding a new portion of yeast.
  • Color. At the end of fermentation, the yeast sinks to the bottom and the liquid becomes lighter.
  • A lit match. A match is lit in the container and if it does not go out, then carbon dioxide is not released and the fermentation process is complete.
  • In peas. If fermentation continues, the peas dropped into the mash will float on the surface and turn over.
  • By water seal. There are no bubbles - the fermentation process is complete.
  • Hydrometer allows you to determine the readiness of the mash by sugar; if the indicator is less than one, then you can start distilling. An alcohol meter (a type of hydrometer) will help determine the readiness of the mash by alcohol content - if the readings of the device do not change for several days, then the product is ready.

There is no consensus on this issue, but it can be said that alcohol mashine, manufactured in a factory, it is better to fill the mash without sediment, since organic particles will burn to the bottom of the tank.

You can separate the mash from the sediment using a hose - one end is lowered into the container and is not brought to the suspension by about two centimeters, through the second end we pump the air out of the hose with our mouth so that the movement of liquid begins.

Clarifying mash

Clarification is not a necessary procedure, but many claim that this makes the moonshine better. Quite often, the mash is clarified with white clay (bentonite); it can be bought at the pharmacy. The clarification process is carried out as follows: one tablespoon of clay is mixed with the floor liter of water, and the resulting mixture is poured into mash. A day later, it is again removed from the sediment.

You can also use gelatin - the contents of the package are allowed to swell in warm water, then I put it in the mash, after three days the clarification process will be completed.

How long can the mash be stored before distillation?

The finished mash can be stored in a cool place for quite a long time( about 2 months). So if you can’t distill it right away, there’s no need to worry, just put the product in a cool place and it will calmly wait its turn. But it is worth remembering that the longer the mash sits, the harsher its taste will be.

Beginner distillers should know that the production of a quality product does not tolerate fuss and haste. A prerequisite for achieving a positive result is compliance with the wort preparation technology. Learn about the ingredients used for the wort, the optimal temperature for making it, whether you need to stir your mash during fermentation, and how to determine when it's ready.

Why do they interfere with the brew?

Moonshiners' opinions regarding the need to stir the wort vary. Some experts argue that this is a mandatory measure, others, on the contrary, say that the calmer the conditions in which the mash is produced, the better it will ferment.

Important! If there is a need to stir the wort, remember that this must be done without oxygen access to the mass. Accordingly, you won’t be able to use a wooden spoon or stick to do this to an alcohol-containing liquid.

There are several ways to mix the mash:

  1. Using a magnetic stirrer. A special magnetic capsule is placed in a vessel with mash, the container with mash is hermetically sealed and placed on a special mixing platform. Mixer models are also available that are also equipped with a wort heating function.

Important! Magnetic stirrers are small in size; therefore, there are restrictions regarding the weight installed on their surface.

  1. Using the factory water seal.
  2. Use an aquarium pump or a pump from a washing machine. There is no agreement among moonshiners regarding the first device. There is an opinion that such a pump does not mix the liquid, since it is intended for use in clean water.
  3. Use a special vibration installation, which, according to its principle of operation, resembles a concrete mixer.
  4. Some craftsmen use ultrasonic washing machines.
  5. By shaking the container with the wort.

The main disadvantages of mixing

The main disadvantages of stirring mash during fermentation include:

  1. Access of oxygen to the mash. Inexperienced distillers can stir the wort with a stick by simply opening the container with it, and accordingly allowing oxygen access to the mash.
  2. During fermentation, the resulting carbon dioxide, like the boiling process, evenly and easily mixes the entire alcohol-containing mixture, and also lifts the yeast that has settled to the bottom of the container from the bottom layer and mixes it with the alcohol in the top layer. In this case, the fermentation process slows down significantly, since upon direct contact of yeast with alcohol, the former die.
  3. When interacting with oxygen, part of the mash turns into acetic acid.

You can stir the mash twice: at the beginning, so that all ingredients are evenly mixed, and at the end, just before distillation. This is done in order to remove remaining carbon dioxide from the mixture. The presence of carbon dioxide causes increased foaming during distillation, which, in turn, leads to the fact that the taste of the final product will be spoiled. Gas can be removed from a liquid by communicating vessels, as well as by filtering the liquid without raising the sediment. Next you need to get rid of the bubbles. This is done by heating or stirring the liquid.

You can speed up the fermentation of the wort in other ways, without preventing it from quietly “winning”:

  • hermetically seal the container with alcohol-containing liquid;
  • support optimal temperature air in the room with the wort (22–25 degrees);
  • use quality ingredients: yeast, sugar, fruit, grain.

The production of any product requires a certain amount of time and does not tolerate fuss. Having started the fermentation process, you should not speed it up in any possible way. Everything has its time. If there is an urgent need for moonshine, the mash can be removed earlier and distilled. At the end you will take a smaller amount of product, but at the same time it will be taste qualities will not be harmed.

If the mash stops playing: reasons, solutions.

To prepare mash, a sweet solution (water with sugar, diluted jam, fruit juice, candied malt...) and yeast are used. Yeast is added to warm wort (25-30°C), normal fermentation temperature for most yeasts is in the range of 20-30°C. A few hours after adding yeast, it becomes noticeable that the mash has begun to sparkle - foam appears, carbon dioxide begins to be released (this can be noticeable if fermentation occurs under a water seal or a medical glove).

Beginning moonshiners often encounter the fact that after 2-3 days all signs of fermentation disappear, but the mash remains sweetish in taste. Ready mash It should not be sweet, because the yeast must convert all the sugar into alcohol. How to restart fermentation that has stopped?

Let us list the reasons why fermentation stops.

Incorrect hydromodule selected (too much/too little sugar per volume of water).

The normal hydraulic ratio for yeast is approximately 4-5:1. This means that for 20-25 liters of water you need 5 kg of sugar. If there is too much sugar, the excess begins to hinder fermentation, and if there is too little sugar, the yeast does not have enough food.

Solution: dilute the mash with drinking (unboiled) water or add sugar to correct the hydromodule.

Advice: use to quickly calculate the correct hydraulic module.

Not enough yeast added.

As a rule, for preparing regular sugar mash use alcoholic or regular baker's yeast. Dry yeast for 4-5 liters requires 15-20 g, fresh - 70-100 g. The amount of turbo yeast or special wine yeast see the instructions.

Solution: check if the correct amount of yeast has been added and adjust the proportions. Before adding, ferment the yeast in small quantity warm water.

Poor quality yeast was used.

If the yeast is old, improperly stored, or simply purchased from an unscrupulous manufacturer, it may not revive even in a properly prepared sugar solution. It is often recommended to ferment the yeast before adding it to the wort. To do this, dissolve the yeast in a small amount of warm water and wait half an hour to an hour. If the yeast is good, foam will form on the surface.
Fresh baker's yeast should not smell moldy, smear like plasticine, or crumble. Be sure to check dry yeast for expiration date. It is better to buy special yeast from trusted manufacturers.

Solution: Check the expiration date, try fermenting the yeast you used. Add other yeast to the wort in the required proportions.

For fruit mash - too much acid in the raw material.

If you made mash based on fruit juice from apples or sour grapes, then fermentation may be too weak due to large quantity acids in juice.

Solution: Add a little sugar to the mash. Usually 1 liter apple juice add 40-50 g of sugar.

Advice: To prepare mash from apple or grape juice use - this yeast absorbs acid well.

Bacteria have entered the mash.

Braga is a nutrient medium not only for yeast, but also for other microorganisms. If cleanliness was not maintained during cooking, bacteria could enter the mash, making the environment unsuitable for yeast to thrive.

Solution: You can try to repopulate the flora with fresh yeast cultures. Add, after fermenting them in a small amount of warm water. This yeast starts any mash well.

Advice: Use clean dishes and tools for making mash. Close the container with mash hermetically; use a water seal or a medical glove with punctures to remove carbon dioxide.

Incorrect temperature for fermentation.

Most yeasts ferment well in the 20-30°C range. Some types of yeast are very sensitive to the correct temperature conditions; yeast can withstand quite sharp temperature changes.

Solution: check the instructions for the yeast you use to see what the optimal fermentation temperature is for it. If there were sudden changes in temperature and there are no signs of fermentation, then the yeast has died. Add a new batch of yeast and monitor the temperature.

Advice: use to constantly monitor the temperature in the mash tank. If the room is cold, use an aquarium heater to keep it warm.

Signs of fermentation are simply invisible.

Some types of yeast are distinguished by slow and not violent fermentation. If you have met all the conditions for successfully preparing mash, but fermentation has stopped outwardly, it is possible that you just need to wait.

Solution: To check, shake the container with the mash or try stirring it. If air bubbles rise up, it means fermentation is underway. Check the instructions for your yeast to see how long fermentation should take.
If you can tell if fermentation is happening by the bubbles in the water seal, make sure it is installed correctly. If it is not installed tightly, carbon dioxide can escape through the cracks, and in this case there will be no bubbles.