How to make yogurt at home. Therefore, add the filler before eating, or in extreme cases, before putting the yogurt after fermentation in the refrigerator. Choosing ingredients for making homemade yogurt.

kisenaru:| December 2nd, 2016 | 8:00 pm

Once, my friend and I wandered into a new candy store in our city. I was about to take some cake, when my eyes fell on a showcase with beautiful glass jars. It turned out that they also sell natural yoghurts. I couldn't resist and bought it. The taste just blew me away. So tender and melting, almost not sweet and with a slight sourness. Rather, it was not even sourness, but simply a natural taste.
But every day you will not go to the pastry shop for yogurt. In addition, it is located far from my house. So I decided to make my own yogurt. Of course, I'm not a great cook, but why not try. I ordered a starter for yogurt (I chose Russian manufacturer Bakzdrav), I bought milk and after 7 hours my yogurt was ready. And now I know exactly what natural yogurt is. The one I tried at the cafe was very similar to mine. I was so happy that I immediately called a friend and told her. She also said that today we are not going to the confectionery, but to my house to taste my masterpiece.
Answer: kisenaru, thanks for the magical story :) Like a New Year's fairy tale! :)

Yogurt with vanilla

Whether you have yogurt or not, you can make this easily. Ingredients: 1 liter of milk, medium probiotic and some sugar. You don't need a lot of sugar because they're not that acidic, but if it's true that by taking a spoon, they make it easier for bacteria to grow because they feed on those sugars.

Heat the milk with sugar, but do not exceed 40 degrees. Blend well with a blender, add prebiotic when warm and blend again. Fill pre-sterilized jars. It is very important that you do not touch them with your hands and any tools you use. If you have yogurt, you will leave them for twelve hours to make yogurt and then another six hours in the refrigerator. Remember, when you make prebiotic yogurt, you can make two more batches of yogurt with just the yogurt you made, you won't be throwing out probiotic milk here.

wave:| March 26th, 2014 | 6:43 pm

probably delicious thanks

Anna:| October 5th, 2013 | 7:21 pm

I made yogurt in my bread maker on the dough setting. there, the temperature is about 40 C, I just pulled out the stirrer, of course =)) 2 modes - this is about 4 hours. I got it all right during this time. tasty and simple =)) and I also forgot to add sugar - it turned out a little sour, but with delicious jam!)) thank you very much! very tasty and easy!

By the third, it loses microbacteria and needs to be renewed. In turn, close the source with Albal and put a rag. While you are doing this, you can preheat the oven to 100 degrees. Then turn off and leave the "yogurt" in the oven for 12 hours. As you can see in the photo, you can also make it right in the tetrabrick if you have yogurt. This is great if you're traveling and want to safely transport yogurt to give to kids without spilling anything.

When buying yogurt, read the label

You can do this with all types of milk, but whole cow or semi-organic is best. Vegetable yogurts come out very rich, but thicker than cow's milk, you will get more liquid, although with all the properties. They last in the refrigerator for five or six days, although they are so good that no expiration date will be accepted. It's much cheaper than probiotics and probiotics sold at Super, it's more healthy to eat something that you prepared yourself and that ad said: homemade feel better and taste the glory.

Julia:| June 19th, 2013 | 4:54 pm

Thanks a lot for the recipe. Everything turned out (in a thermos). But I have a question, how to make yogurt for 2 liters of milk? More sourdough, longer time?

Answer: more sourdough and sugar, same time. I'm very glad it worked out!

Nadia:| May 31st, 2013 | 1:15 pm

And I made it easier - I also boiled milk and added a couple of tablespoons of live yogurt to the warm one, but I didn’t know what to keep at 40 degrees, I just left it overnight, but the yogurt came out anyway, and very tasty

Homemade yoghurt with lemon and rosemary flavor

It also explains how to make homemade yogurt, a very simple recipe and a highly recommended practice with many benefits. Preparing homemade yogurt is very easy, simple, economical and highly recommended. The content of commercial yogurt is added to a liter of organic or reliable milk. To do this, you must choose natural yogurt, which contains only milk and dairy enzymes in the ingredients. It can be dispensed in glass containers or in pots according to the format in which it will be used.

Nastya:| January 16th, 2013 | 5:59 pm

Homemade dairy is great! in general, now I don’t take anything in the store)) I cook in a thermos! filled and closed! keeps the temperature well and evenly... As for the search for starter cultures!.. I found a company that has 7 types of starter cultures and yogurt with a Bulgarian stick, and cottage cheese, and kefir, and fermented baked milk, sour cream... in short, now I only order from them!!

Let stand at room temperature for 1 night. After about 12 hours, depending on the temperature, there may be a little more, the yogurt is already obtained. Homemade yogurt can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week. You can make homemade soy yogurt using vegetable drink instead of milk and use soy yogurt containing the ingredients in the ingredients. If you want to get rich with calcium, you can add a few teaspoons of sesame seeds.

homemade yogurt flavor recipe

Optional: 4 soup spoons of casserole or unrefined sugar or stevia sweetener. Photo of homemade yogurt flavored with lemon and rosemary.

Developing Homemade Rosemary Flavored Yogurt

Prepare the Romero infusion: Turn off the heat while boiling the water, toss in a piece of Romero, remove and cover.

fluffy mom:| November 14th, 2012 | 5:34 dp

The article is certainly very useful, but it is very frighteningly written! it feels like the author lives in a deep village where it is difficult to buy yogurt that can be used as a starter! and the conditions for choosing the starter culture are slightly exaggerated. I personally used activia prunes yogurt (not only a filler, but also a little bit of bad stuff! I’m not boasting, but just stating a fact. It’s not so easy to find yogurt without filler on Sunday evenings). and the phrase "It is more difficult to prepare yogurt at home than, for example, cottage cheese or cheese." totally killed! O_O by this you scare away those who want to try making yogurt themselves! In fact, everything is very simple and fast!
as already mentioned above, it is really better to take the fattest milk, and if you add cream it will be even tastier!
and sugar is not for the speed of fermentation! this is, roughly speaking, "food" for yogurt!
Well, the ways ... I tried two. this is an oven + water and a battery. so the battery is simpler. and more yogurt uniform consistency! only you need to take smaller jars, otherwise the yogurt from below will be thick (I put it directly on the battery), and as you move away from the battery it will be more liquid ...

Benefits of homemade yogurt

Let the rosemary rest in the infusion water for 5 minutes and remove the herbs from the liquid so that it is not bitter. If rosemary is allowed to stand for too long, the infusion becomes bitter. Give cooling water for infusion. Prepare the ground almonds: You can buy them from stores or make this at home by crushing about 120 grams of raw and dry almonds.

Once the infusion is warm or cold, mix the infusion with ground almonds and lemon zest. If desired, sugar or sweetener may be added at this stage. Beat with an electric mixer. Then slowly add the yogurt, gently stir with a spoon.

But in general, everything is simple and very very tasty! :-) make your own yogurt!! :-)

Answer: You guessed it :) The author lives in a deep village where it is difficult to buy yogurt that can be used as a starter.

Anastasia:| October 5th, 2012 | 11:07 am

The hands have not yet reached the yogurt, it seems a lot of trouble with it. And there is nowhere to put extra appliances in the kitchen.

Recipes for cooking at home in a yogurt maker and without

Refrigerate and consume after about 6 hours because when the almonds are hydrated, they slightly increase in creaminess and thicken. This is a delicious yoghurt with lemon and rosemary flavors. These two flavors, lemon and rosemary, work together beautifully, as shown in these lemon and rosemary cookies.

Properties and benefits of homemade yogurt

This is a very simple recipe and easy to prepare. Among the advantages of preparing yoghurts we have. It's very simple and quick recipe for cooking more economical than buying yoghurts individually. More environmentally friendly because when you make yogurt at home with larger containers, less plastic containers are used, transportation is saved, etc. more nutritious because if natural flavors are added, it contributes principles such as ursolic acid rosemary, antioxidants such as lemon flavonoids, etc. according to the herbs used, they provide digestive properties ideal for dessert. It's great if you avoid added sugar or sweeteners and consume natural yogurt or only with natural ingredients: chopped fruits, spices, cinnamon, etc. This recipe can be made with other variations.

Tatyana:| August 23rd, 2012 | 12:52 pm

yeah, and Bulgarian sourdoughs for yogurt are now sold on the Internet - lactin and genesis, I myself have never tried it, I read only in reviews that lactin is more acidic, and genesis is more neutral

NATALIE:| July 3rd, 2012 | 11:38 am

The pharmacy sells the so-called. CANADIAN YOGHURT, in capsules, they drink it with dysbacteriosis. I put two capsules per liter of warm milk. Open them, they are gelatinous and inside the powder, so I pour it into milk. I take baked milk, it turns out very tasty. The only thing is that this jar of pharmacy yogurt needs to be stored in the refrigerator, because. live bacteria. We have a jar of 60 capsules costs 4-5 dollars approximately.

Home Yogurt for Osteoporosis

It has been very popular among the people that yogurt is very rich in calcium and therefore good for osteoporosis. As a result, there are "bone yogurts and osteoporosis" on the market that have twice the calcium of normal yogurt. Unfortunately, they are usually accompanied large quantity sugar or artificial sweeteners, not to mention their high cost.

Starter for homemade yogurt

For we can also make yoghurts very rich in calcium at home, moreover, better than any commercial product, by adding sesame seeds to milk. In addition to "calcium", we will promote other principles that are also very good for health and bones, such as magnesium, vitamin E or omega.

Natalia:| July 1st, 2012 | 6:28 pm

Yogurt can be perfectly made in a slow cooker.

Although, of course, not everything that is sour, and we like it in appearance and taste, is precisely yogurt. But I think it's just conventions

Dasha:| June 12th, 2012 | 1:15 pm

I live in Thailand for half a year a year, and there it’s generally tight with milk - it’s expensive and the choice is small. I got used to making yogurt at home. For some reason it just made it easier for me.
A 2-liter bottle of milk was bought (a bottle made of hard plastic, more like a canister), 2-3 tablespoons of yogurt were put into it (it was not possible to read the ingredients of yogurt. Ordinary, in a small plastic cup 200 ml, and vanilla and coconut and even strawberry). It was covered with a lid and placed in the kitchen in the shade. The air temperature there is about 30 degrees. If you put it in the evening, then by lunch the next day (after 16 hours), the yogurt was ready. The consistency is tight-flowing. The taste is sweetish-sour (probably due to the presence of sugar in the sourdough yoghurt).
I crumbled fruits into yogurt - pineapples, bananas, mangoes, apples, pears ... I insisted for another 2 hours in the refrigerator and it turned out amazingly tasty!

Benefits of making yogurt at home

Making homemade yogurt is a very easy and recommended recipe, both for nutritional value this food, and the importance of reducing the environmental impact of consuming so many products in plastic. In addition, he invites us to discover new natural ingredients, try new recipes, and experiment with healthy food, away from the artificial flavors of industrial yogurts, often sweetened, sweetened with industrial jams or sweet fruits.

Marina:| June 11th, 2012 | 12:51 pm

I usually ferment with activia yogurt, plain, no additives. It turns out 1 cup per liter of milk.
How do you usually eat it? I'm interested in the time of day. And how does yogurt perform compared to kefir? Does a fresh one weaken and does not a standing day strengthen and more?

Answer: We eat yogurt, like other dairy products, at different times of the day and a lot. Every day for breakfast, afternoon tea and dinner is a must - milk, cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt, kefir. So I can't track exactly how the body reacts to yogurt.

Making yogurt at home. Four simple recipes

Undoubtedly homemade yogurt is a healthy choice. Earlier this month in economic cuisine we talked about a product that is often bought, but it is very easy to make at home and the results are excellent. Today we're moving on to another one of those foods: yogurt. This is possible thanks to lactic acid bacteria that consume lactose, leaving behind lactic acid residues. Lactic bacteria make yogurt a living product that is reproducible and especially healthy. Especially when we cook it at home!

Raw materials, you think, are essential to getting a good end product. You can make yogurt with all types of milk, although our advice is that you use whole milk, if possible, fresh pasteurized. If we don't like overly acidic yogurt, we can add honey, vanilla extract, or sugar while mixing. There are different methods to keep milk at a good temperature for fermentation. Electric yogurt makers are the best known, but they are not the only ones and they are not the best. Incubators or thermoses - very a good choice and thermomix. Another option is to use a low temperature oven. In summer, you can make yogurt outdoors in many Spanish cities. It is important to remember that bacteria die at 50 degrees. During fermentation, we must avoid moving the mixture. The longer the fermentation time, the more acidity and consistency the yogurt will have. Many recipes include milk powder. Add milk powder if you want more consistency without being so acidic. Another reason for adding powdered milk is to increase the amount of protein in case the milk used is not of optimum quality. If you are going to add fruit to yogurt, you must do the previous homemade pasteurization process. In any case, fruits, cereals and other foods affect the fermentation process, so we recommend mixing with already fermented yogurt. Once the fermentation time is over, we will put the yogurt in the fridge to stop the process. Yogurt can last 3 weeks in the refrigerator. From the same yogurt you made, you can get more yogurt, but not indefinitely. From the third play it is better to start again.

  • The best way to control the temperature of milk is a kitchen thermometer.
  • They can be found from 10 euros and are a very useful tool in the kitchen.
It's a magic formula incredible recipe for you to learn how to make branded homemade yogurt or liquid without yogurt.

Elena:| May 31st, 2012 | 7:46 dp

And what about "Nerina", will it do? Here they write: fermented milk product, 2% fat, composition: milk, lactic ferment, incl. acidophilic cultures and bifidobacteria. I've heard they make yogurt out of it, but I haven't tried it myself yet.

Answer: I have not tried Nerina. According to Russian laws (technical regulations), only a fermented milk product with high content dry skimmed milk substances, produced using a mixture of starter microorganisms - thermophilic lactic streptococci and Bulgarian lactic acid bacillus. Now, if they are in the composition, then this is yogurt. And everything else may be similar to it, but not the same.

Among them is yogurt, as it is very versatile and has excellent benefits for our body. If we consume it in ideal amounts and with the right combinations, we will absorb calcium, lower our cholesterol, and even act as a generator to create lactose tolerance.

Classic yogurt in a thermos

And everyone, absolutely everyone claims to be the “best”. I finally decided to prepare a recipe that would allow me to make a solid or liquid yogurt that is quick, with less effort and ingredients and more importantly; without ruining my kitchen.

Julia:| May 30th, 2012 | 6:21 pm

Great instructions, I'm just thinking about buying a yogurt maker!
1. What commercial yogurt did you use for your starter culture? (Yes, the moderators will not consider it for advertising :))
2. Is sugar required for sourdough, or is it just to taste?
3. Is it necessary to boil milk, or can it be warmed up in the microwave (all bacteria, in theory, should die there)
Thank you

Answer: Producer - Savushkin product. It was called "Yogurt with bifidobacteria without sugar", 2% fat. Sugar is optional, but the process goes a little faster with it. Milk can be warmed up in the microwave, this is also an option.

Tanit:| May 30th, 2012 | 4:33 pm

Dasha, why are you adding sugar? Then, in cities, pasteurized milk is usually sold, which does not need additional. Boiling.
And it would also be worth mentioning that you can only ferment yogurt with the remains of the previous one a limited number of times. In different sources, from 3 to 10 times, then the culture is “survived” by the locals. And I’ll add that increasing the fat content of milk (adding high-quality dry or cream) contributes to obtaining a thicker product.

Answer: I add sugar to ferment faster. When I first made yogurt according to the instructions, it was in the recipe. And so I continue to do so. But it is possible without it.

About boiling. I buy village whole milk, so I always boil it. Pasteurized is also better to boil - it's not sterile.
Thanks for the addition about the number of times.

To make yogurt or kefir, you need milk and sourdough.
One of the main conditions for the preparation fermented milk product is to maintain a constant temperature of milk during fermentation, and this is about 40-45 degrees. Maintaining temperature is very important.

Other important condition is the duration of fermentation. It takes 6-8 hours for the yogurt to thicken. Do not overexpose kefir in a warm place, otherwise a lot of whey will stand out, and the product itself will be sour. But even earlier you can’t put it in the refrigerator, it can be watery. After 4-5 hours, check the yogurt for readiness. It should acquire a thick consistency, if the yogurt is still liquid, wait until it thickens.
A yogurt maker is good for this, some microwaves or ovens that have a mode in which a given temperature is maintained at which fermentation occurs.

But you can use a glass or ceramic jar, a thermos.
General rules for the fermentation of fermented milk products.
In no case should you cook yogurt in aluminum dishes.
The quality of yogurt depends on the initial temperature of the milk, the constant fermentation temperature, the quality of the milk, and the quality and quantity of the starter culture.
Do not allow the starter or milk mixture to be heated to temperatures above 45-50 degrees (bacteria die at high temperatures).
Sourdough in milk should multiply at 40-45 degrees. If the temperature is lower, you will get tasteless yogurt. liquid consistency. If the temperature is higher, then fermentation will not occur, or the process will be greatly delayed.

Use only clean dishes (dishes into which milk or sourdough is poured must be thoroughly washed and scalded with boiling water (including spoons). The thermometer must be wiped with alcohol.
Milk can be used both pasteurized and sterilized, preferably with a fat content of 3.2%. You can also prepare it from powdered milk (a well-known German company), dilute it according to the norm and then ferment it.
Do not use sour milk to make yogurt.

In order not to get thin yogurt, it is better to prepare thick milk. Pour it into an aluminum pan (in which only milk is boiled) and bring to a boil, then keep it on very low heat, uncovered for 3-4 hours, or boil it at a temperature of 90 degrees. When the volume of milk decreases by a third, remove from heat, cool and ferment.

And you can try to add a couple of tablespoons of powdered milk during fermentation, or at worst a spoonful of starch.
It is convenient to ferment in liter jars closed with polyethylene lids. Then wrap the dishes with milk in a cotton blanket for 8-12 hours. In this case, you can not rearrange the product, "disturb" it.

Any "live" yoghurt is suitable as a starter, in which there are a lot of "live" bifidobacteria and with a short (2-3 days) shelf life and without any fillers. It is advisable to start with "Danone", and then use your own sourdough. According to the state standard, yogurt must contain at least 107 million lactic acid bacteria per milliliter of product.

You can use special starter cultures, such as Narine, Acidophilus, Yoghurt, etc. They are sold dry, in a pharmacy or in specialized institutes. One serving of starter is enough for 1 liter of milk, i.e. for one course of sourdough. The main thing is that you need to dilute the powder very well and the time for making yogurt (or other fermented milk product) will need to be increased. You can also use fresh sour cream, kefir as a starter.

For 1 liter of milk, you need 100 g of yogurt, a tablespoon of sugar (it is possible without it).
Cool the milk to 40-45 "C. If there is no thermometer, the temperature of the milk can be determined with your finger. It should be hot, but do not burn your finger. If it does not burn, then you can start fermenting.

Mix yoghurt separately a small amount milk, mix well and pour into a saucepan with milk, mix. Cover the dish with a lid, wrap it in a thick cloth or place it near a heat source (for example, in the kitchen near the stove or near the radiator).
Keep warm for 6-8 hours, then move to the refrigerator.
Ready yogurt is stored in the refrigerator. Shelf life 4-5 days.
Save some starter for next time (put in a clean jar and store in the fridge). Gradually, after several fermentation cycles, you will identify your mistakes and you will succeed. good yogurt. In such natural yogurt, you can add - fruits, berries, jam.
If, despite following the recipe exactly, the yogurt doesn't work out for you, the yogurt you used as a starter may not be alive.

And here is a very light version.
There is such a culture - "milk fungus", usually you can take it from friends. He's like tea mushroom also reproduces and divides. Refueling regular milk. And after 12 hours, real kefir is obtained, which is also very useful.

From yogurt, incl. and failed, you can make the most delicate cottage cheese.
The yogurt omelet is delicious.

Recipe homemade cottage cheese for kids.
Bring half a liter of milk to a boil, add half a glass of kefir, stir and continue to boil (do not stir anymore) until the curd mass separates and the liquid becomes slightly greenish. Drain the liquid through a kapron sieve, which is placed over a saucepan. Put a towel or gauze 2-3 layers on a sieve and pour yogurt there. Gradually, the whey passes down, the yogurt thickens. In 4-8 hours, an excellent curd of various density is obtained. And you can hang the bag over the sink.
Such cottage cheese can be eaten with both fruits and herbs (finely chopped, mixed, you can add a little softened butter, garlic and spread on bread).

homemade cheese
Boil half a liter of milk and cook cottage cheese. Drain the liquid and curd mass wrap in a gauze bag in three layers and tighten tightly, squeezing out the remaining liquid. Pour cool boiled water into a jar, salt (to your liking) and place a tightly tied bag in water overnight and in the refrigerator.

homemade kefir
You will need a little natural yogurt for sourdough, preferably not store-bought, but bought on the market.
Boil milk, pour into a jar and leave to cool until a finger can be kept in milk without burning. Stir the sourdough to make it thinner, pour into milk, stir quickly, put in a warm place, covered with a warm blanket, and do not touch or move until morning (half a liter of milk - half a glass of sourdough),

Yogurt in a thermos (1.6 l)
For 1 liter of milk 3.2% - 150 g of live yoghurt 1%
Warm up the milk (you can sterilize it), check the temperature with your finger, then dilute the yogurt with a small amount of milk, mix well and pour into the milk. Then pour into a thermos (with a glass flask) and leave for 8 hours. Do not move, do not shake. Pour the finished yogurt into a jar and refrigerate for 2-3 hours. It turns out a very thick and tasty fermented milk product.
It is very important to maintain sterility. Wash the flask with a special brush.

Homemade yogurt can be used instead of sour cream for vegetable and fruit salad dressings.
If you add 2-3 tsp to the sourdough. natural juice, then the finished yogurt will acquire a pleasant fruity taste.

At the next fermentation " thick milk"old yogurt, stir in milk along with sourdough 50 g of any fruit or berry puree, as well as grated beets or carrots, by all means good quality and scalded with boiling water before rubbing. You can use mashed apples, plums, cherries, bananas, currants, strawberries, raspberry and blackberry juice, homemade tomato paste. The resulting yogurt will be tastier and healthier than store-bought.

A significant part of lactic calcium remains in the strained whey, the yellow-green color of the whey indicates the presence of vitamin B2 (growth factor), the serum contains the most valuable milk proteins, vitamin B1 and a number of other vitamins and microelements.
Serum quenches thirst well, it can be drunk or used for baking (instead of milk or water), take a bath with it to moisturize the skin and rinse your hair with it.