How many minutes to cook semolina. Thick semolina porridge with milk: recipe

Dear friends, today I want to tell you how to cook semolina milk is correct. You can argue as much as you like about the benefits and harms of semolina porridge and whether it is worth giving it to children. But let's be honest: there are people who hate semolina porridge in any performance, and there are those who like it. And it is very difficult to convince both the first and the second, and by and large it is not necessary.

Moreover, there are lovers of semolina porridge, like its opponents, both among children and adults. Let's assume by default that this post is for those who like this dish, but who want to know how to cook semolina - proportions, time, some nuances of this process.

I really won’t prove to you that semolina is delicious, but I’ll be happy to tell you how to cook semolina porridge - liquid or rather thick, to your taste. And I will definitely reveal all the secrets of the right semolina porridge: without lumps. We don’t need lumps in this dish at all, right? So we cook semolina porridge in milk without lumps - quickly and very simply. Let's go to the kitchen?


  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 6 tablespoons of semolina with a slide;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 4 teaspoons of sugar (to taste);
  • 20-30 g butter.


  • fresh berries to taste.

How to cook semolina porridge in milk:

First of all, choose a pan in which to cook porridge. For this, a small stainless steel saucepan is best suited, always with a thick bottom - so that the porridge does not burn. IN enamel saucepan porridge will burn through, stick to the bottom, it will have to be stirred constantly, without ceasing, which will complicate the process.

Rinse the pot in which we will cook porridge cold water, necessarily wetting the entire surface of the bottom. This procedure is necessary so that the milk does not burn. Pour milk into a saucepan and put on fire. We heat the milk to a hot state - a steam is already beginning to curl over the milk, but we do not bring it to a boil.

While stirring milk, pour semolina- gradually, in a small stream. At the same time, since milk is still quite far from boiling, lumps will not form at all.

Over medium heat, stirring, bring the milk to a boil. We put salt and sugar.

Reduce heat to low and cook, stirring occasionally. It is difficult to say exactly how long it takes to cook semolina porridge in milk, but it usually takes me 5-6 minutes: until the cereal swells completely.

IN ready porridge put a piece of butter and mix. You can immediately spread the porridge on plates, put pieces of butter there as well.

You can serve semolina porridge with fruit, honey or jam - to your taste.

With the indicated proportions of the ingredients, the porridge turns out to be of medium density (during cooking, the porridge seems more liquid, while cooling it becomes thicker). Many people wonder how to cook semolina porridge in milk for a child. If we are talking about a baby, then it is worth preparing a more liquid porridge - based on 1 liter of milk, 3-4 tbsp. cereals. Then such porridge can be given to a child even through a pacifier. This is with regard to the question of how to cook semolina porridge in liquid milk. If you love very much thick porridge, put 8 tablespoons of semolina.

How to cook semolina in milk to get the best porridge in the world - tasty, fragrant, just delicious? There are a few tricks to making this simple dish, as well as many recipes - simple and with a twist.

How to cook semolina porridge in milk without lumps?

We all come from childhood. And if today you are still looking for a recipe for that porridge that “as in kindergarten”, so you were fed the right semolina there. If, with the word “semolina”, you remember a liquid slimy mass full of uncooked lumps, this indicates that something went wrong with your porridge ...

To avoid lumps, it must be properly brewed. Remember the lessons of physics: the particles of the surface substance, instantly getting wet, cease to move the liquid into the grains. And the fine-grained semolina just leads to the fact that the grains are “welded” in one lump, boiling water speeds up the process. Knowing the clumping mechanism, it’s easy to guess: in order to avoid lumps, you need to either pour the semolina into a cold or warm liquid and stir a little, or pour it in, as advised cookbooks, its thin stream into boiling water, stirring constantly, better forming a funnel of milk in a saucepan.


What proportions should be maintained to prepare the perfect milk porridge?

The density of porridge depends on the proportion of milk and cereals. To prepare porridge of medium density, 6 tbsp is usually taken. spoons of cereals per 1 liter of milk. Salt and sugar are added to taste. If you need a more liquid porridge, milk can be added.

If, however, we take the recipes of the famous Soviet culinary guide - “Books on Tasty Healthy Food”, published in 1964, as a sample of the ratio, then the proportions should be as follows:

  • 1 glass of semolina;
  • 5 glasses of milk;
  • salt - half a teaspoon;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Old soviet recipe advises to cook porridge for 10-15 minutes, stirring continuously until it thickens. And add salt and sugar after turning off the fire, like butter.

Cooking time

How much to cook semolina? Cooking times may also vary. Some cook just a couple of minutes after boiling, but it is customary to boil the classic semolina porridge over low heat for 5-7 minutes from the moment of boiling.

Delicious semolina porridge without terrible lumps is the pride of every housewife. To cook this popular porridge with milk correctly, the following tips and a recipe proven by many generations will come in handy.

6 secrets of perfect semolina porridge with milk

If you are on your way to gaining experience in culinary arts, cooking semolina porridge is better to start by studying the features technological process. Sometimes, these details are often missed, so the porridge is not quite tasty.

  • Secret number 1: To make the dish tender and fragrant, with a delicate creamy aftertaste, milk must be included in its recipe. If you are trying to limit this product, it is perfectly possible to dilute it with water. Even a ratio of milk and water of 1:3 will improve the taste of porridge several times.
  • Secret number 2: Although semolina seems a simple dish, which do not require compliance with a strict dosage, this is not entirely true. So that its consistency is not too liquid and moderately thick, a certain ratio of products will have to be adhered to. The perfect combination is 6 tbsp. l. cereals per 1 liter of liquid.
  • Secret number 3: You need to be able to pour semolina into milk in time. Groats always fall only into boiled milk, this must be done very slowly and be sure to stir the porridge at the same time. This will prevent the appearance of tasteless lumps. You can do it in another way: moisten the porridge with a little cool water, then pour boiled milk into it and cook until tender.
  • Secret number 4: Improve the taste of semolina. Salt and sweetener should be added only at the moment of boiling milk. And oil, dried fruits, berries and other additives are sent to porridge after it is ready.
  • Secret #5: Boil milk properly. It tends to burn while cooking porridge. To prevent this from happening, before pouring it into the pan, rinse it with very cold water. After that, the porridge will not burn.
  • Secret number 6: Do not cook porridge for too long. It will be ready in 5-7 minutes. After that, you can add oil and beat the semolina porridge with a whisk. Believe her delicate taste you will find excellent.

Step-by-step recipe for semolina porridge with milk

Now you can start cooking semolina porridge. What you need for this:

  • Milk - 500 ml.
  • Semolina - 3 tbsp. l. with top.
  • Granulated sugar - 2.5 tsp.
  • Salt is a small pinch.
  • Butter - 1.5-2 tbsp. l.
  • Berries, jam, cocoa or other filler - to taste.

So, how to cook delicious semolina porridge:

  • Rinse the container ice water, add milk, bring to a boil. At this stage, if desired, it can be diluted with water.
  • Add salt and also sweeten the milk.
  • In a thin stream, start introducing semolina, not forgetting to stir the porridge.
  • Cook the dish for 5-6 minutes over medium heat. During this time, semolina will swell well.
  • Now you just have to put the butter, beat the porridge and pour it into bowls.

Semolina porridge with milk can be served with your favorite jam, fragrant jam or melted chocolate. In the summer season, fresh or grated berries with sugar can be added to the porridge, and in winter - dried fruits. Bon appetit!

A couple of decades ago, semolina was considered almost the main porridge for infants. Times are changing and medical opinions are changing. Today, semolina is no longer considered a substitute for mother's milk and suitable food for a baby. Mainly because of its features and because of the insufficient maturity of the intestines of the newborn.

Semolina porridge - to eat or not to eat? That is the question…

Reasons for abandoning semolina in infancy

Why a baby of 6-7 months should not be introduced semolina into the diet? Manka - Pretty healthy porridge for an adult whose body is adapted to this world and the food available in it. But the components of the product that are useful for an adult can harm the baby. These components are gluten, gliadin and phytin.

Depending on the nature of the baby's stool and the rate at which they gain weight, complementary foods should be started with vegetable puree or porridge boiled in water. You can start with the following cereals:

  1. buckwheat;
  2. corn;
  3. rice.

Three words against semolina

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  • Gluten is a healthy plant protein called gluten. However, in infants, it leads to gluing of the villi of the immature intestinal epithelium, and this can lead to malabsorption of beneficial compounds and inflammatory processes. It can also act as an allergen. Therefore, it is better to give preference to buckwheat or corn grits.

Modern pediatrics advises the first thing to introduce into the diet is not semolina, but buckwheat porridge. It has a gentle effect on the weak gastrointestinal tract

Rice porridge it is quite possible to feed a baby, but it should be remembered that rice is a natural sorbent, it removes microelements from the body, including useful ones, and also has fixing properties, so you should not get carried away with it.

  • Gliadin is a glycoprotein, a component of a protein nature, thanks to which the adhesion and necrosis of the villous epithelium of the intestine occurs, as a result of which celiac disease can develop in children with a predisposition to this disease. In the future, according to a number of experts, chronic inflammation can be transformed into an oncoprocess.
  • Phytin is an excellent antioxidant that helps the liver function. However, there is also harm - it is believed that it interferes with the absorption of zinc, calcium and magnesium, which are necessary for a growing organism. In this case, the process of assimilation of iron can be disrupted, and problems with vitamin D arise. As a result, the child develops rickets. This is a controversial issue, so far nutritionists have not agreed on this issue. In addition, there is very little phytin in semolina, but as an additional factor it can play a role.

The benefits of semolina for children older than a year

The cereal, beloved by many, of course, has its advantages for child's body. The benefits of porridge:

  • Contains essential B vitamins that strengthen nervous system, as well as vitamin E - the key to the growth and development of the little one (50% daily allowance in 100 gr. for a baby from 1 year old).
  • Contains trace elements such as magnesium and potassium, which have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system, as well as silicon, which strengthens tooth enamel.
  • Improves digestion by enveloping the gastrointestinal tract and relieving spasms.

At what age can semolina be introduced?

Semolina porridge should be given to a baby at the age of at least 8 months, when the intestines begin to develop their own defense mechanisms. However, it is better to postpone complementary foods with this cereal for a year or later.

Despite such an unflattering characteristic, semolina porridge is useful and even required product from a certain age. From how many months is it better to introduce semolina porridge to the baby in this case? Approximately from 11-12 months, that is, after 1 year. There is an opinion that it is possible to give semolina to 8-month-old peanuts in liquid form, but it is better to postpone its introduction to a later date.

In one single situation, this should be done at such an early age - when the baby does not get very much in weight:

  1. This product is very useful for children who are not gaining weight well, because of its calorie content. Even on liquid porridge the slimmest baby will recover.
  2. There is a lot of vegetable protein in semolina, there are trace elements and vitamins, as well as starch, which the body transforms into bioenergy.
  3. This porridge does not require long cooking, thanks to which it is quite a large number of vitamins in it will be preserved during cooking.

Even after the gastrointestinal tract of the baby and its enzymatic system have reached maturity, you should not be zealous with semolina. It is desirable to cook it infrequently - no more than 1 time per week, or even less often, up to 3 years of age.

Like any other food, you need to introduce semolina carefully and carefully, watching the reaction of the baby. If there are signs of an allergy (most often this is skin rashes), the product should be immediately excluded from the diet of the little one and try to repeat its introduction after a few months.

Rules for making semolina porridge

In order for the porridge to turn out tasty and benefit the crumbs, you need to know not only how many months to give it to your child, but also how to cook it correctly. Porridge can be boiled liquid so that the baby can suck it like milk from a bottle, or thick. By the age of one, the child is big enough to eat it the same way as any other porridge - with a spoon, so it can be made thicker.

In order to cook semolina (whether thick or liquid) it will not take more than 15 minutes. First you need to boil water, then pour semolina in a thin stream into the water brought to a boil (you can do this with a paper or plastic funnel), stirring constantly. This method of introducing cereals will avoid the formation of lumps.

Cook the cereal for 8-10 minutes, then add milk and, if necessary, sugar, let it boil and remove from the stove. In semolina, to make it tastier, you can add fruits or berries. To obtain liquid (5%) or viscous (10%) porridge, different proportions of the liquid are taken - 1:5 and 1:3.5, respectively. Here are some simple recipes.

simple recipes

Semolina porridge 5%

Boil 120 ml. water, stirring, enter 1 tsp. cereals, as described above, and, stirring constantly, cook over low heat for about 8 minutes. Then add 60 ml. hot (70 °C) unboiled milk and ¼ tsp. Sahara. Bring the semolina to a boil and then simmer over low heat for a couple more minutes.

Semolina porridge 10%

Combine 120 ml. water and 100 ml. cold milk, boil. Enter 1 tbsp. l. cereals and cook for 8-10 minutes (as described above). Then add 50 ml. milk ½ tsp warmed up to 70°C sugar and simmer over low heat for a couple more minutes. In the finished porridge put 5 gr. butter.

Semolina porridge in a slow cooker

Place in the multicooker bowl:

  • 30 gr. decoys;
  • 2 tsp Sahara;
  • 150 ml. water;
  • 250 ml. milk;
  • 7 gr. butter.

In the slow cooker, select the "Milk porridge" mode, the timer is 10 minutes. To avoid lumps, you need to gently mix the porridge in the middle of the program (5 minutes before the end of cooking).

Semolina porridge with pumpkin

cook porridge in the usual way(by analogy with the second recipe for 10% porridge) - for this you will need: 1 tbsp. l. semolina, 60 ml. water and 150 ml milk. For pumpkin puree you need 100 gr. pumpkin pulp - cut into thin slices and boil until soft in a small amount water. Rub the finished pumpkin through a sieve, add ½ tsp. sugar and mix. Combine the ingredients and add 5 gr. butter.

Semolina soufflé with jam

A child over 1.5 years old can be pampered with a small portion of the new dessert dish and cook him a semolina soufflé. What you need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. decoys;
  • 150 ml of milk;
  • 60 ml. water;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 tsp butter;
  • 2 tsp jams;
  • ½ tsp Sahara.

Boil the cereal classic recipe(10%). Add 1.5 tsp to the finished slightly cooled porridge. butter, yolk mashed with sugar, and whipped protein. Mix the mass well and put in a mold, previously greased with the remaining butter. Bake in preheated oven for 20 minutes. Drizzle the finished portion of soufflé with jam.

Everyone knows what semolina is. Her mother cooked her for breakfast, she was forced to eat up in kindergarten and in elementary school. About how tasty and healthy it is, literally all ears buzzed from early childhood. But all these words were broken on a rubber cake, flaunting on a plate, or on a lumpy mess, which is even disgusting to take into your mouth.

It often happened, but all this has nothing to do with real semolina. Before we start talking about milk, we’ll tell you a little about what kind of cereal this is so mysterious, and whether it has anything to do with the very one that the Jews, led by Moses through the desert, ate for 40 years. Doesn't have. Semolina is obtained by crushing grains durum varieties wheat. That is, we can say that this cereal is unground flour. ABOUT useful properties We will not talk, because everyone is aware from early childhood. And we will tell you about how to cook semolina in milk.

First of all, let's focus on proportions. Many inexperienced cooks, when trying to cook porridge, end up with either a monolith that cannot be pierced with a spoon or slurry. This suggests that they took the wrong ratio of milk and cereals. Ideally, for every tablespoon of semolina, you need to take one glass of milk (200 ml). This is not a dogma, but just an approximate proportion. Having filled your hand and having learned thoroughly how to cook semolina in milk, you can change this ratio in accordance with your own tastes. However, for the first few times it is better to stick to it.

Milk must be fresh, however, like all ingredients. Semolina also has its own shelf life, so pay attention to it when buying, and there’s nothing to say about butter.

How to cook semolina in milk

measure out right amount cereals and milk. And start cooking. A pinch of salt, vanillin will improve taste qualities decoys. Don't neglect them.

There are two ways to cook porridge. In the first of them, pour the cereal in a thin stream into boiling milk with continuous stirring. Mastering this art is not easy. Almost everyone gets porridge for the first time with lumps. However, with due diligence, you will master the art of how to cook semolina in milk, but you will have to absorb the results of training alone.

Not everything is so bad. There is also an easier way. You pour all the cereal into cold milk, put the saucepan on the fire and stir until it starts to boil. It's boring, but you won't find a single lump as a result. I guarantee it to you. By the way, you are not at all obliged to be chained to the stove for those 5-10 minutes until the porridge deigns to boil. However, it is still better not to leave her unattended for more than a minute.

Now let's say how much to cook semolina in milk. To your great relief, within a minute after boiling, you can turn off the stove. Add sugar to the finished porridge and butter to taste, cover it with a lid and leave for 20 minutes to “reach”. Now you know how to cook semolina in milk without lumps, and you can please your loved ones, pamper yourself delicious porridge. Just do not get carried away too much, do not forget about the volume of the waist.