How to cook milk buckwheat porridge? Buckwheat porridge with milk: how to cook in a saucepan, slow cooker and for babies.

All of us have been familiar with buckwheat since childhood - our mothers fed us buckwheat porridge with milk. This cereal is enriched with vitamins and microelements, fiber and polyunsaturated fats.

Listed useful substances many properties that reduce cholesterol, increase immunity, stabilize metabolism and strengthen strength. To save all the useful properties, buckwheat should be cooked properly.

How much to cook different buckwheat?

Before answering the question: how to cook buckwheat, you will have to understand its types. There are two types of buckwheat called prodel and unground buckwheat. The first is a halved kernel, and the other is a whole grain.

  • "Live" green buckwheat is cooked for 10-15 minutes.
  • For cooking went through enough to boil it for 20 minutes.
  • The core is being prepared 30-40 minutes.

During cooking, the cereal increases in volume and boils soft. Today they make from buckwheat healthy cereal and flour, which does not require cooking. It is enough to fill them with boiling water.

Much can be said about the benefits of buckwheat. It helps with cardiovascular diseases, promotes weight loss and blood sugar. If you know how to cook cereals correctly and tasty, it will be impossible to break away from it.

  1. Before cooking cereals, they are first sorted out, although many manufacturers assure the quality of the product.
  2. During cooking, the porridge does not need to be stirred.
  3. The optimal proportion of grain and water is 1:2.
  4. It is better to cook cereals in dishes with thick walls or a cauldron with a round bottom. This will allow the buckwheat to swell evenly.
  5. It is necessary to fill up buckwheat in cold water to speed up the cooking process.
  6. Knowing how to cook buckwheat, first they put it on a strong fire, and then it is reduced to medium.

How to cook tasty and crumbly buckwheat in a pot?

If necessary, buckwheat is sorted out from garbage, washed several times with water. Then it should be dried and fried in a pan with the addition of a small amount of butter.

Boil two cups of water separately, salt and shift the cereal to them. After boiling the porridge, the foam is removed from it. Buckwheat languishes over low heat for about 15 minutes without opening and stirring.

The dish will be ready when all the water has evaporated from the bowl. The butter is thinly cut and laid out on top of the porridge. The pan should be covered with a napkin, covered with a lid and wrapped in something warm. An hour later, delicious crumbly porridge!

How to cook buckwheat in water?

Many are interested in how to cook buckwheat in water correctly?

  1. Most simple option is to use a multicooker, but this option is not available to everyone. Most people like to eat buckwheat cooked on the stove. Before cooking, the cereal is washed, and to enhance the taste, it is fried in oil.
  2. It is important to use high quality water. If it contains a lot of chlorine, crumbly and delicious side dish will not work. A spoonful of any oil or four tablespoons of milk helps to soften hard water.
  3. You can start the cooking process: cereals and water are sent to the dishes, and then salted to taste. The foam that appears is removed after boiling, and then the fire is reduced. The dishes are covered with a lid and porridge is cooked. After 15 minutes, you can open the lid - the dish is ready!

How to cook buckwheat in milk?

  1. You can cook cereals by the previous method, but add milk to it. More tasty dish obtained by adding milk during cooking. This makes the porridge very tender.
  2. For a serving, it is enough to take 0.5 cups of buckwheat and a glass of milk and water. For taste, you need a spoonful of sugar and salt.
  3. The grits are brought to a boil, salt and sugar are poured in, the heat is reduced and boiled for 15 minutes so that the water boils away. Then cool milk is poured in, and when it boils, turn off the stove. Cover the pot with a lid and let it brew for a couple of minutes. You can add oil if you wish.

How is boiled buckwheat served?

This unique cereal serves as a suitable side dish for almost every dish. An excellent combination are: mushrooms, meat dishes, onion, boiled eggs. A chic flavoring addition to buckwheat is tomato sauce With bell pepper and carrots.

Cooking buckwheat is allowed with mushrooms fried with onions. The dish turns out amazing!

Variety of buckwheat dishes

If traditional recipe already tired of buckwheat porridge, you can try something new. If the option with milk seems too banal to you, it is possible to make pancakes from cereals by adding buckwheat flour.

Come out of buckwheat delicious meatballs if you add spices and an egg to the cereal. If desired, meat or mushrooms are combined with them. There are also many recipes for cabbage rolls, pilaf and cutlets, which are based on buckwheat.

Asian countries have made rice the basis of their diet, and it is this culture that is remembered when they hear about the eastern region. In our area, buckwheat (buckwheat) has assumed the role of branded cereals, because wheat is grown everywhere, and dark triangular grains are exclusively Russian know-how. Many foreigners who are familiar with Russian cuisine for the first time consider it their duty to try buckwheat porridge in addition to borscht. However, not everyone likes the specific taste and smell of the dish, so buckwheat, unlike other Russian products, did not become an international treat and did not acquire such wide fame.

But true fans of hearty food can put themselves a big plus. Buckwheat is a real "elixir" that contributes to the overall strengthening of the body's strength. The classic combination of buckwheat with liver, beef or veal from time immemorial has helped to cope with anemia and reduced immunity. Hot porridge with dairy products (cream, milk or butter) perfectly warmed during hypothermia and gave a person enough energy for vigorous activity.

In the old days, seriously ill people were made buckwheat "crush". To do this, the groats were simmered until cooked in the oven and rubbed with a pestle, adding a little honey. Then the gruel was diluted to the state of a thick broth with hot milk, from which the cream was previously removed.

There are several forms of buckwheat. The most widely distributed is the core, which is made from whole grains of buckwheat that has passed heat treatment. There are steamed and not steamed cereals, chopped and crushed into small grains. In Western Europe, green, not fried buckwheat is used as exotic. Usually it is an integral part of stews or salads.

In Russian cuisine, buckwheat is used to make porridge. On a fragrant rich broth with meat and vegetables for lunch, and with milk, dried fruits and other goodies - for breakfast or dinner. From the recipes below, you can learn how to cook regular milk porridge or cook it in the oven sumptuous dish with a ruddy creamy crust.

Classic buckwheat porridge with milk

Ordinary porridge is cooked in different ways: thick or liquid "slurry", crumbly or viscous, sweet or slightly salty. It all depends on the type of cereal and the amount of liquid added. The dish can be enriched with chopped nuts, dried fruits, honey. When using the given amount of products, moderately sweet porridge of medium density is cooked.


  1. Milk - 1 l.
  2. Buckwheat - 2 tbsp.
  3. Butter - 100 g.
  4. Salt.
  5. Honey or sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

Way cooking:

  • Rinse buckwheat and remove unshelled black grains.
  • Boil salted milk over medium heat.
  • Pour the cereal and, removing the foam if necessary, cook until fully cooked. It is not necessary to cover the pot with a lid.
  • Ready porridge flavor large piece butter and mix a couple of times so that the fat is evenly distributed.
  • In some recipes, it is advised to season already ghee but it's better not to. Fresh solid butter has a much more pleasant taste.
  • Now the dish can be covered with a lid so that it is slightly infused. If desired, you can darken it in the oven for 10 minutes.
  • Serve porridge to the table hot, along with black or white bread.

Buckwheat porridge with milk Polessky

This rustic recipe cooking very hearty porridge. It is not boiled, but actually languishes in the oven or oven. The components are absolutely identical to the list in the previous method, but since the processing of cereals is different, the taste of the dish is completely different.


  1. Buckwheat - 2 tbsp.
  2. Butter - 100 g.
  3. Milk - 800 ml.
  4. Salt.
  5. Honey or sugar to taste.

Cooking method:

  • Rinse buckwheat in several waters. Remove unshelled black grains and husks.
  • Melt 100 g of butter in a frying pan over medium heat and fry the grits in it for 5-8 minutes. Buckwheat should not be fried to a crisp and golden brown. It needs to be well oiled.
  • Transfer the processed buckwheat together with all the oil into a ceramic pot or high enamel pan with lid.
  • Pour boiled salted milk (so as not to run away in the oven), season with honey or sugar.
  • Put in an oven heated to 160-170 degrees. Since cereals are different, they are prepared in different ways. The contents of the pot should be checked after 30-40 minutes. If the cereal is already soft, then increase the heat to 200 degrees for 10 minutes, then turn off the stove.
  • Serve the porridge hot.

Baked buckwheat porridge with condensed milk

Here is a secret village recipe that many grandmothers used to tempt their grandchildren into good behavior. By and large, the final result can be called rather not porridge, but a casserole, since it is cut into pieces. Such a “casserole” is prepared not only from buckwheat. Any cereal is used, except barley and legumes. Most often it is millet, but rice, semolina, wheat and corn chips are also in use.

To get delicious porridge, at the first stage, you need to properly boil the cereal until half cooked. It should not be fast-cooking varieties. All grains should remain whole and crumbly. At the end of baking, a small brown crust may form on the bottom. This is fine. Additional sweetening of porridge is not required, since condensed milk already has the necessary taste.

The only negative in cooking is the need to constantly monitor it. It is worth not watching a little and the porridge instantly burns. Previously, it was languished in the oven, now they use the oven or microwave.


  1. Buckwheat - 2 tbsp.
  2. Concentrated milk - 1 can.
  3. Condensed milk - 0.5 cans.
  4. Water - 1 l.
  5. Salt.
  6. Butter - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  • Boil buckwheat in salted water until half cooked. To the touch, the grains should be elastic, but not hard. Drain all water thoroughly.
  • Transfer porridge to enamelware with a wide mouth, evenly distribute and pour a can of concentrated milk.
  • Can be filled and regular milk, but then you won’t get a special “melted” milky taste. The liquid should be half the volume of the cereal. That is, to reach the middle.
  • On low heat, stirring often, cook very thick porridge and transfer it to an oiled baking dish.
  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and put the container there without covering it with a lid. Dry for 10-15 minutes, then grease with a layer of condensed milk and keep inside until golden brown.
  • Serve porridge to the table in the bowl in which it was baked.

Buckwheat is very tasty and healthy. In our diet, it takes part in various forms, most often it is a core - a whole grain from which they prepare crumbly garnish and added to soups. There is also a prodel - crushed grain added to minced meat for cutlets, meatballs and even baked goods. And on sale you can find buckwheat flour, from which they make fragrant pancakes, dumplings, dumplings and bread. Undoubtedly, each of these dishes deserves special attention, but in today's article we will not talk about them, but about how useful buckwheat porridge with milk is, and consider recipes for its preparation.

The benefits of buckwheat porridge with milk are under a big question mark, and nutritionists do not get tired of arguing about whether it is worth eating this dish.

Let's talk about ingredients

So, buckwheat with milk. This dish has only two components, if you do not take into account the sweetener, and at the same time each of them is known for its great benefits for the body.

Buckwheat contains:

  • vitamins - E, PP, H and group B;
  • minerals - manganese, magnesium, potassium, calcium, copper, zinc, selenium, iron;
  • proteins;
  • amino acids;
  • lecithin;
  • pectin substances;
  • fiber.

Thanks to this complex of biologically active substances, buckwheat has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, helps cleanse the body of toxins, toxins and other harmful components, and supports the functions of the pancreas. Among other cereals, buckwheat stands out quite high level iron content. Thanks to this element, this product has a unique ability to normalize the activity of the heart muscle. Plus, it helps to improve the blood formula, increase the level of hemoglobin and normalize the process of hematopoiesis.

Buckwheat contains essential amino acids, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the whole organism. A alimentary fiber- fiber, take care of the digestive system and, in particular, the condition and functions of the intestines. It is cleansed of harmful substances and the microflora is normalized.

Important! Buckwheat contains a special amino acid - tryptophan. This substance is the main assistant in the construction of new cells, which makes it indispensable for such complex pathologies as cancer of the stomach and intestines!

The use of buckwheat porridge has a positive effect on metabolism and accelerates metabolism

Milk contains:

  • vitamins - A, C, D, H, PP and group B;
  • minerals - calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, chlorine;
  • organic acids;
  • saturated fatty acids;
  • mono- and disaccharides.

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Berry of youth, male and women's health- sea buckthorn and its properties

By drinking milk, we provide positive influence to the functioning of the organism as a whole. Thus, B vitamins contribute to the renewal of epidermal cells and improve hair structure. Micronutrients help improve performance nervous system relieve headaches and improve the quality of sleep. Calcium and phosphorus are the main building blocks for bones and teeth.

Milk is useful both for maintaining excellent health and for maintaining an attractive appearance.

Is there any benefit to this combination?

The debate about the benefits and harms of buckwheat with milk has not subsided for quite a long time. Although it is worth noting that for many years our grandmothers cooked this dish and fed the whole family, and at the same time everyone felt great and was full of health and had excellent physical shape. However, despite this, many modern nutritionists insist that mixing these two products is highly discouraged and voice the following reason: milk is an independent product and does not tolerate any neighborhood with cereals, especially buckwheat - in most cases, such a tandem leads to indigestion . However, here again one can argue, since many people quite often consume milk buckwheat porridge, feed their babies with it and do not know digestive problems.

Recommendation! IN this case, you simply need to take into account the characteristics of your body, and if yours does not react very well to this dish, then you just need to cook buckwheat and drink milk separately from each other!

This version of nutritionists has an explanation. Buckwheat contains a record amount of iron in its composition, which interferes with the normal absorption of calcium in milk. Plus, normal fermentation of milk buckwheat porridge is impossible. This is due to the fact that different enzymes are needed to digest milk and buckwheat, and it is this feature of the body that explains frequent indigestion and other digestive problems after eating this dish. In other words, when buckwheat milk porridge enters the digestive tract, the body begins to intensively get rid of fat and cholesterol, which are in milk, and it simply does not have enough resources for healing and assimilation of nutrients.

But if after using this appetizing dish you feel great and do not experience discomfort, and there are quite a lot of such people, then you should not deny yourself pleasure.

Milk buckwheat porridge can become not only a nutritious breakfast, but also an excellent dinner that will provide a comfortable sleep and a pleasant easy awakening

And for you, we have prepared several recipes for making buckwheat porridge with milk.

Read also:

The best recipes for ruddy buckwheat pancakes: on yeast, yeast-free dough and on buckwheat porridge

Cooking buckwheat milk porridge

This dish is good because it does not require any special culinary skills. Cooking it is very simple, and if you connect your imagination, then from the simplest products you can create several different culinary masterpieces.

So let's start. We sort through the buckwheat, remove all the black grains and debris found. Fry it in a dry frying pan for several minutes until the smell characteristic of this cereal appears. This technique allows you to make buckwheat more fragrant. Now we proceed directly to the preparation of porridge. There may be several options here.

  1. Pour water into the pan, the volume of which will be twice the volume of buckwheat - if you have one glass of buckwheat, then two glasses of water should be poured into the pan. Bring it to a boil, add a little salt and add the cereal. Cook it until tender, then pour milk and add sugar or honey to taste. Milk buckwheat porridge is ready!

    On a note! The convenience of this cooking option lies in the fact that cereals can be diluted with both hot and cold milk - everything here will depend on your desire!

  2. The second cooking method is to boil the cereal in water and baked milk, which should be taken in the same ratio. As a result, you will get a very tender porridge with pleasant taste. A baked milk will make the dish incredibly fragrant. It is advisable to serve it to the table 20-30 minutes after cooking, so that the porridge is infused and thoroughly absorbs the liquid base.
  3. Buckwheat can not be boiled, but steamed in a thermos. Only in this embodiment, the preliminary calcination of cereals is carried out in the oven, spreading it in a thin layer on a baking sheet. There she should spend about a third of an hour at a temperature of about 180 ° C. After that, we shift the buckwheat into a thermos, pour boiling water over it and tightly cork the lid. After half an hour, pour the porridge with hot milk and add sugar to taste.
  4. You can steam buckwheat porridge in another way. We take large frying pan with high sides and calcine buckwheat in it along with a small piece of butter. After the appearance of a characteristic aroma, pour everything with boiling water, add a little salt and cook over low heat for several minutes, then close the lid, send it to a well-heated oven and leave for an hour and a half to soak. Before serving, pour the porridge with milk.
  5. If you want buckwheat porridge to turn out crumbly, as they say, grain to grain, then this can be done in the following way. Bring lightly salted water to a boil, spread the cereal and, with a low gas supply, boil it until half cooked. Then add a small amount of butter, close the lid and send to the oven preheated to 190 ° C for a quarter of an hour. We lay out the finished porridge on portioned plates and fill it with fresh milk.

Add crushed nuts and fruits to the porridge, and you will get a new original dish!

Milk buckwheat porridge in a slow cooker

For some it may be topical issue how to cook buckwheat porridge in milk in a slow cooker. In general, such a cooking recipe is not much different from traditional way, but at the same time, the slow cooker allows you to save the hostess time, since you do not need to constantly monitor the porridge.

We set the “Baking” or “Frying” mode on the multicooker, calcine the cereal for several minutes. Add water, salt a little and turn on the "Buckwheat" mode. Cook the cereal until cooked and after the multicooker signal, fill it with milk.

Again, if you wish to viscous porridge, then in this case, water should be mixed with milk initially, and the cereal should be cooked in the “Milk porridge” mode. In this case, it will take more time to cook, since the dish will be cooked at a low temperature.

On a note! If you turn on the "Buckwheat" mode with such a recipe, then the milk will "run away" through the steam outlet with a strong boil!

Despite everything, buckwheat porridge with milk remains a favorite dish of many adults and children. It is advisable to eat it at least from time to time, just keep an eye on how you feel. And if you cook this porridge according to the rules and observe moderation, you will definitely get great pleasure from eating it and bring exceptional benefits to your body.

Everyone knows that buckwheat is healthy, tasty and hearty product. Buckwheat is usually distinguished by the integrity of the grains. For example, the best whole grain is called the kernel. Those grains, the integrity of which is violated, are a failure. Crushed grains are sold under the name Smolensk groats. Is there some more buckwheat flour from which amazingly delicious thin pancakes, dumplings and dumplings.

But most often we use whole grains of buckwheat and cook porridge from them, or cook buckwheat soup. And, few people know that from the greens of buckwheat, its young shoots, you can cook excellent salads, add leaves to tea leaves. Chopped buckwheat can be added to minced meat. Cutlets are airy, tender and very tasty.

All these goodies deserve a separate discussion. And today we will talk about something else very popular dish. Let's find out how delicious buckwheat porridge with milk is prepared, the benefits of which are confirmed by nutritionists. Although there are other opinions. We will also talk about this. But first, let's find out how useful buckwheat is, from which we will cook our porridge.

The benefits of buckwheat

Buckwheat does not contain a large number carbohydrates, unlike other cereals. But at the same time, it has a lot of useful amino acids. This cereal contains a lot of iron. In addition, it contains calcium, phosphorus, iodine. As for vitamins, buckwheat contains vitamin B (B1, B2, B6), as well as PP, R. There is a routine in it that is very necessary for health.

There are many natural fibers and fiber in cereals, which not only contributes to the effective cleansing of the intestines from harmful substances and deposits, but also stimulates metabolic processes in the body. Nutritionists recommend that you definitely eat buckwheat, as it contains the amino acid tryptophan, which is very important for health. This substance is involved in the restoration, construction of new cells, but most importantly, it prevents the development of oncological tumors of the stomach and intestines.

It has also been found that buckwheat has the ability to lower blood sugar levels. This makes buckwheat porridge useful for everyone who suffers. diabetes. It should also be included in the diet. healthy people for the prevention of this disease.

Is buckwheat with milk healthy?

Nutritionists are still arguing about whether it is harmful or beneficial to eat buckwheat porridge with milk. Although, it must be said that our ancestors regularly prepared this dish and felt great, differed good health and physical strength. But modern nutritionists (of course, not all) say that any milk porridge, including buckwheat, is harmful. Since milk in general is an independent product and cannot be mixed with anything. And especially they do not recommend milk to adults, since it is not absorbed by their body.

But I must say that these disputes have been going on for a long time, and people continue to cook cereals with and without milk. They feed their children and eat them themselves. You just need to take into account the characteristics of your body. After all, some people love milk, drink it in liters and it does no harm to them. They, of course, can eat buckwheat porridge with milk without any fear for their health. Well, for those whose body does not tolerate dairy products, you should not combine buckwheat with milk, but cook porridge with other products (mushrooms, vegetables, etc.).

Well, for those whose body tolerates the combination of cereals with dairy products, and there are still the majority of such people, I suggest preparing delicious buckwheat porridge with milk according to this recipe:

Cooking buckwheat with milk!

To cook porridge, we need the following products: for 1 cup of buckwheat - 400 ml of kernels. milk, a piece of butter, salt, sugar at your discretion.

How to cook:

To make the porridge crumbly and tasty, you need to correctly calculate the amount of cereal and water. For simplicity, we will measure products 200 gram glass. So, pour 1 cup of buckwheat into an enameled pan. Sort out the cereal beforehand, rinse. You can fry it in a dry frying pan. Fill the cereal with water, turn on the stove. When it boils, add salt, if you want, then also sugar, mix. Reduce heat to low and continue to simmer for about 15 minutes. Do not forget that the pan must be closed with a lid.

When all the water has evaporated, the porridge will be ready. It is at this point that cold milk should be poured in. Now do not cover with a lid, slightly increase the heat, wait until the milk boils. Remove the pan from the stove, cover with a lid, wrap it with something warm, let it stand for 10 minutes.

If everything is done according to the rules, it will turn out very tasty, fragrant porridge that will appeal to all members of your family. When you pour it on plates, put a piece of butter in each serving.

Buckwheat with milk and cauliflower

You can also cook such a healthy, tasty dish. The recipe requires: 1 cup of cereal, 200-300 g of cauliflower, 2 cups of milk, a little butter, salt.

How to cook:

Wash the cabbage, divide into sprouts, cut and distribute in one layer along the bottom of the pan. Then pour buckwheat (washed), evenly distribute. Pour milk, add salt, turn on the stove. When it boils, reduce the heat to a minimum, cook for 10 minutes. Then remove the pan from the stove, wrap it with something warm, leave to steam for 15 minutes.

Ready meal divide into portions, add butter. Bon appetit and stay healthy!

Buckwheat is a useful and favorite product for Russian housewives. Groats are famous for their useful properties, as it contains a lot of iron, vitamins and amino acids. Recipes for buckwheat porridge are varied: with milk, water, meat or fat. In this article, we will talk in detail about the simplest and favorite way to cook treats - buckwheat porridge with milk.

Where to begin?

Ingredients needed for cooking:

  • Cow's or goat's milk, per 100 grams of cereal / 200 ml;
  • Buckwheat (we advise you to take a simple loose cereal);
  • Butter or ghee 50 grams;
  • Salt on the tip of a spoon;
  • Sugar or its substitute, honey 2 teaspoons;

To prepare milk porridge from buckwheat, you need grain good quality without debris and mustiness. When choosing cereals for your dish, take the one that is darker and harder. The darker the color of buckwheat, the less it will boil.

If the cereal is light, then before cooking it can be fried for butter. But make the fire slow, otherwise the cereal will burn and the porridge will have an unpleasant bitter taste. When all the ingredients are collected, we start cooking.

Recipe and preparation

Not all housewives know correctly how to cook buckwheat porridge. The dish has its own subtleties of preparation. Buckwheat porridge in milk will be tastier if the cereal is left overnight in boiling water before cooking. To do this, open the package and pour the buckwheat into the pan.

Rinse it with several waters. Boil water in a kettle and pour in the grain. Close the lid and leave to stand until morning. If you assume that the preparation of buckwheat porridge will take place in, you do not need to soak in advance.

The recipe for buckwheat porridge from the chef of Russian cuisine includes the following steps:

  1. Milk dilute hot water½ or take lean, less than 1.5%.
  2. Pour milk over the cereal 3-4 cm above the edge.
  3. Add granulated sugar and salt to the dish and put on slow fire.
  4. How much to cook buckwheat depends on what consistency and hardness you prefer. Cook no more than 25 minutes, do not interfere. The lid must be closed.
  5. Then turn off the heat and add oil to the porridge, mix and wrap in a warm blanket. In the bath, the dish should stand for at least 40-60 minutes.

The porridge will be soft and fragrant. Serve a dish to the table with fruit or fresh berries.

The subtleties of cooking a delicious and aesthetic dish. A few tips that will help the most inexperienced housewife cook delicious buckwheat porridge with milk will not hurt.

How to cook buckwheat from the chef

  1. Milk should always be diluted with water, otherwise foam will appear on top of the porridge, which will give the dish a sloppy look.
  2. Before cooking, buckwheat must be sorted out from black and rotten grains, otherwise solid particles will occur in the porridge.
  3. You can not cook porridge at the maximum temperature, if the dish boils strongly, then the milk will evaporate, and the cereal will not have time to boil.
  4. You can not use porridge in bags for cooking in milk, or they must be removed or boiled in advance.
  5. In a slow cooker, the most delicious buckwheat porridge is obtained, as cereals are cooked at a high and constant temperature. Buckwheat or Cereals mode 20 min.
  6. Add oil to the dish at the very end of cooking, otherwise it will mix with milk and the cereal will be less fragrant.
  7. Before cooking, the cereal is washed several times in water, otherwise garbage and dust may get into the dish.

WITH bon appetit, .