"Dishes from meat cutlet mass". Preparation of minced meat for meatballs

Dishes from cutlet mass


dish cutlet zraza meat

The range of dishes from natural minced meat is quite wide and varied. There are many types of steaks, schnitzels, zrazy, cutlets, meatballs, rolls from various types of meat.

The theme of my work is "Dishes from cutlet mass"

For further description, I chose two main dishes most often used in catering establishments, cutlets with mashed potatoes and zrazy with buckwheat porridge in order to know the technology of their preparation and learn how to cook correctly and tasty. These dishes are not only tasty but also healthy for example:

The main benefit of meat is that it is an indispensable supplier of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, a number of vitamins, minerals that contribute to the secretion of gastric juice. Another benefit of meat is that it lowers blood cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Meat is also the most valuable food product, the importance of which for a growing organism can hardly be overestimated. Meat proteins are used by the body to form its own proteins, in addition, they play an important role in maintaining nitrogen balance.

Potato contains a whole range of essential amino acids, thanks to which you can eat this unique product for a long time and not experience the slightest feeling of hunger. In addition, potatoes also contain a variety of micro and macro elements, vitamins, as well as nicotinic and pantothenic acids, and starch. Potatoes also contain regulators of fat and cholesterol metabolism: methionine, choline, aspartic and glutamic acids. Under their influence, the total cholesterol content in the liver decreases and the production of beneficial intestinal bacteria of vitamins increases. Almost all potato dishes do not burden the gastrointestinal tract, and fiber and pectins normalize bowel function.

There is a lot of folic acid in buckwheat porridge - it stimulates blood formation, increases the body's endurance and resistance to many diseases, increases muscle strength, strengthens blood vessels, is recommended for metabolic disorders, obesity, diabetes, lowers cholesterol.

1.Technological process of cooking

1 Reception and storage of the main raw materials

When accepting products, you need to check the integrity and dryness of the packaging.

Storage of perishable products should be provided both in the warehouse and in the workshop by means of cooling.

A packaging unit of perishable products must be accompanied by a certificate of the established form for this type of product with the obligatory indication of the storage t and the deadline for sale.

Storage of food products must be carried out in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documentation, with the appropriate parameters of t, humidity and light for each type of product.

During storage, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules of the cook neighborhood and storage standards.

It is forbidden: to store products near water and sewer pipes, heating devices, outside storage facilities, as well as storage of bulk products on the floor.

It is forbidden: joint storage of raw products and semi-finished products together with ready-made food products, storage of household materials together with food products, etc.

All products in warehouses, refrigerated chambers, utility rooms, etc., must be stored on racks, pallets, and underwares.

Meat products, etc., should be stored in the supplier's containers; for air circulation, wooden slats should be placed between them.

Meat is allowed for acceptance only if there is a veterinary stamp and a document confirming the inspection and conclusion of the veterinary supervision.

Chilled meat (carcasses and half carcasses) is stored in a suspended state on hooks so that the carcasses do not come into contact with each other, with the walls and floor of the room.

Frozen meat can be stored on racks or underware.

Storage of bulk products (buckwheat, etc.) should be carried out in dry, clean, well-ventilated rooms, not infected with barn pests, with a relative humidity of no more than 75%. Bulk products are stored in bags in stacks on racks, at a distance of 50 cm from the walls, with a gap between stacks of at least 75 cm.

Salt is stored separately from other products. Guaranteed shelf life of iodized salt is 6 months from the date of production. After the expiration of the specified period, the salt is sold as ordinary food.

Fresh fruits and vegetables (potatoes, etc.) are stored in packaged form, in specially ventilated warehouses, without natural light, with proper temperature and humidity conditions. The storage temperature of vegetables and fruits, depending on their type, ranges from 3 to 12 degrees, with a relative humidity of 70 to 95%.

When laying eggs for storage for a long period, the following requirements must be observed.

Eggs must be cooled as soon as possible after laying, kept clean and only dry (do not wash with water).

Eggs should be kept with the sharp edge down in a clean, disinfected room in advance, without excessive dryness of the air. The most reliable way to store eggs is in the cold in a clean container without foreign odors, at a temperature of about 1 degree. In such conditions, the eggs are fresh for 4 - 6 months.

Eggs with damaged shells, as well as dirty ones, should not be placed in the refrigerator, as microorganisms easily invade them.

Eggs are kept in the refrigerator in special plastic closed packages. Before putting them in the refrigerator, they are cooled in advance for at least a day.

An increase and decrease in t against the norm are not desirable. Humidity in the refrigerator should correspond to temperature indicators. At 0 C it should be 72 - 75% at + 3C - 57 - 59%. Eggs stored in the refrigerator at low t must be heated before use.

Below are other ways to store eggs that are more affordable.

At the bottom of a box or other container, a layer of ash or bran is poured and a row of eggs is placed so that they do not touch, then again a row of eggs and. etc. The top layer of ash should be thicker. With this method, the eggs are stored in a cool room for 2-3 months, but they partly dry out.

Eggs are treated with a thin layer of petroleum jelly and stored wrapped in paper or covered with sand, etc. In this case, they are stored for up to six months. Instead of Vaseline, paraffin, neutral fats and oils can be used.

Eggs are stored in a solution of slaked lime, which perfectly protects them from spoilage by microorganisms. The layer of lime water above the eggs should be about 20 cm. For the solution, 300 - 400 g of lime are taken per bucket of water. For preservation, the eggs are placed in the dishes with the sharp edge down. They remain in lime mortar for 6-7 months.

The shelf life of summer and autumn fruits and vegetables differ significantly.

Onions are harvested in the cold autumn periods, in a state approaching biological maturity. They can be stored for a little longer than two - five days, sometimes several weeks. Long-term storage of 1-2 months or more, all types of vegetables and fruits can be carried out only in specialized refrigerated storage facilities at temperatures close to 0C, without freezing. Storage containers are boxes or baskets. Onions are stored in separate loosely installed stacks four to five boxes high. Each batch of accepted raw materials is stored separately, a label is attached to one of its boxes indicating the delivery time, for the order in which raw materials are submitted for processing.

2 Food preparation

For the preparation of minced products, both with and without the addition of bread, the following pieces of pulp are used: beef - the pulp of the neck, flank and trimmings obtained when cutting the carcass, as well as the cut from the carcass of the 2nd category; lamb, goat meat, veal - the pulp of the neck and trimmings; pork - trimmings. All pieces of pulp must be stripped of tendons and coarse connective tissue. Such meat is called cutlet. To improve the taste and juiciness of finished products, raw fat (5-10%) is included in the composition of lean cutlet meat. In pork cutlet meat, the content of adipose tissue is allowed no more than 30% and connective tissue - no more than 5%. In cutlet meat from beef, lamb and veal, the content of fatty and connective tissue should not exceed 10%.

To prepare products with the addition of bread, meat minced in a meat grinder is combined with stale wheat bread of the 1st or highest grade, previously soaked in milk or water, salt, pepper (sometimes onions) are added and mixed. And form cutlets oval - flattened shape. Ready-made semi-finished products are laid out on a frying pan heated with fat and fried on both sides until golden brown. Then roasted in an oven.

Potato processing begins with sorting, rotten, crumpled ones are removed, sprouted potatoes are also not used, because a toxic substance, solanine, accumulates in it. After sorting by size, the potatoes are washed and sent for cleaning. In small businesses, potatoes are peeled by hand.

Before cooking, the core is sorted out. Rinse if there is dust in it. Grains can be lightly fried beforehand. They fall asleep in boiling salted water, and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally until thickened; then, in order for the porridge to ripen, the pan with porridge should be tightly covered with a lid and put in the oven.

Eggs are ovoscopic before use on a special device. Placed in wire baskets and washed in baths with 0.2% sodium hydroxide solution or 0.5% sodium carbonate solution having t 30-40 degrees for 2 minutes.

The eggs are then rinsed with tap water. After rinsing, eggs are placed on wire racks for 15 - 20 minutes to dry.

For stuffing with zrazy, hard-boiled eggs are used.

Dip the eggs prepared for cooking in boiling water so that the water completely covers them, cook for 8-10 minutes.

Hard-boiled eggs have a dense protein and yolk. If they are used for cooking, then at the end of cooking they must be placed in cold water so that it is easy to separate the shell during cleaning.

Then the eggs are finely chopped for filling for zrazy.

Peel the onion, cut into small cubes, fry in a pan and combine with eggs.

1.3 Cooking technology, shelf life, serving temperature, quality requirements

Dishes from cutlet mass

Products from cutlet mass are prepared in fried, stewed and baked form. In order for the products to be lush, tasty and juicy, they are fried immediately before the holiday on both sides and brought to readiness in the oven. Readiness is determined by the appearance of white bubbles on the surface of the products, t in the center of the products should be at least 90 degrees. Losses during heat treatment are 19%. When you leave the products poured with melted butter, meat juice or pour the sauce.

Cutlets with mashed potatoes

To prepare p / f, pork meat is cut into pieces, combined with raw fat, stale wheat bread of the 1st or highest grade, previously soaked in milk or water, raw onions, chopped in a meat grinder, add water or milk, salt, pepper , mixed. Form cutlets oval - flattened shape with a pointed end.

Prepared p / f cutlets are placed on a baking sheet or a frying pan heated with fat, fried until a crispy crust is formed, put in an oven and brought to readiness. On vacation, a garnish is placed on a portioned dish, next to it is a cutlet, poured with melted butter or red, onion, red sauces with onions and gherkins, tomato, sour cream or sour cream with onions are added. Serve with a simple or complex side dish.

The patty should hold its shape and be breaded in a thin layer. The surface is without cracks and breaks, smooth, covered with a ruddy crust. The taste is moderately salty, without the taste of bread, the smell of meat. Consistency - juicy, lush, homogeneous on the cut without separate pieces of meat, bread and tendons, pink-red tint is not allowed.

To prepare mashed potatoes, put the peeled potatoes in boiling water, then add salt.

Readiness is checked with a fork or knife; the tip should easily pierce the vegetable.

When the potatoes are cooked, leave a small amount of liquid, then knead until smooth, gradually pouring in the broth, butter, egg.

When vacationing, put mashed potatoes on a plate, put a pattern on the surface with a spoon, pour over with butter, sprinkle with chopped.

Puree can be served with sautéed onions or boiled chopped eggs mixed with vegetable butter. Most often, mashed potatoes are used as a side dish for meat and fish dishes.

Mashed potatoes should be of a thick consistency, the mass is lush, homogeneous, without lumps, the color is from cream to white, without dark inclusions.

It is allowed to keep main dishes on a hot stove for no more than 2 - 3 hours. In case of forced storage, the remaining food is cooled and stored for no more than 12 hours at a temperature not exceeding 8 degrees. Before being released for distribution, chilled food is tasted by the production manager. With satisfactory taste, it is subjected to secondary heat treatment. The implementation period after heat treatment should not exceed 1 hour. Serving temperature not lower than 65 degrees Output: 75/150/5

Chopped zrazy with buckwheat porridge

To prepare p / f, cut pork meat into pieces, combine with raw fat, stale wheat bread, pre-soaked in milk or water, add salt, pepper and mix. The resulting cutlet mass is divided into parts. Separately prepare the filling; chop the hard-boiled eggs, cut the onion into small cubes and fry until golden brown. Combine onions with eggs.

Beat off the cutlet mass and give it the shape of a cake, put the minced meat in the middle, roll the stuffing inside at once, close the edges and give it the shape of a brick.

Prepared zrazy are placed on a baking sheet heated with fat, fried until a crispy crust is formed and brought to readiness in an oven.

On vacation, a garnish is placed on a portioned dish, next to zrazy (1-2 pieces per serving), poured with oil or poured with red or onion sauce.

Loose cereals are prepared in water or broth, less often with the addition of milk; from buckwheat, rice, barley, millet and other cereals. Serve as an independent dish, or as a side dish.

Salt and prepared cereals are introduced into boiling water, boiled, removing hollow grains from the surface, stirring until thickened. Oil is added and cooking is continued at low heat until the cereal is completely steamed. Loose buckwheat porridge is served with butter or milk, or sugar, or with sautéed onions and chopped boiled eggs. Porridge is served as a side dish to roast pig, lamb, goose, meat zrazy and other meat and fish dishes. Used as mincemeat.

In the finished friable porridge, the grains should be well swollen, but retain their shape. Easily separated from each other.

Implementation period 2 - 3 hours from the moment of their distribution. The serving temperature is not lower than 65 degrees. Yield:140/100/50

2.Organization of jobs when performing this task

For the primary processing of meat and the preparation of semi-finished products from them, which are then used to prepare dishes from natural minced mass, a meat workshop is organized at the pope.

Jobs in the meat shop are organized for two technological processes: for processing cattle meat; and for poultry, game, and offal.

The meat should be delivered to the shop already thawed. In medium and small enterprises, it is washed with brushes, for which there should be a special bath in the meat workshop.

To divide the carcasses into parts, there should be a cutting table; for large pops, a band saw is used. For cutting and cutting, the workplace must be equipped with a butcher's ax and knives - cutters.

A cutting table is needed for deboning, stripping and cutting meat. Sides should be provided for metal table tops. Under the covers of the tables, install drawers for tools and inventory.

For cutting, beating and breading portioned semi-finished products, separate workplaces equipped with production tables are organized. Tables can be used ordinary and specialized. Next to the usual it is necessary to install a refrigerator. In a specialized one, the lower part of the table is provided, and the upper one is a shelf. Mobile racks can be provided for short-term storage and transportation of p / f. The workplace for the preparation of minced meat and p / f from it is equipped taking into account the performance of several technological operations: preparation of minced meat, dividing it into portions and molding p / f.

In large enterprises for the preparation of minced meat, meat grinders, cutters, meat mixers with an individual drive are installed, in small workshops - universal drives with interchangeable mechanisms. In small enterprises, desktop meat grinders are used. They are installed on the same table where meat is deboned and semi-finished products are prepared.

At the workplace for the preparation of semi-finished products, there should be bench scales, medium knives, cutting boards and grills for meat grinders, a mortar and pestle, breading utensils, containers for semi-finished products.

At the workplace for mechanized molding of cutlets, a cutlet-forming machine is installed, to the right of it - a mobile bath with a finished cutlet mass, and to the left - a table for accepting the laying of cutlets on a baking sheet, as well as a mobile rack. Workplace for manual dosing and shaping of minced meat products - schnitzels, cutlets, meatballs, etc. are organized on an ordinary or specialized production table of the same type as for cutting lumpy semi-finished products.

Refrigeration cabinets must be provided for the storage of ready-made meat semi-finished products in the workshop.

The number of equipment in the workshop and the need to equip it with equipment is determined by the amount of raw materials processed per shift. The calculation of the required number of workers is carried out according to the production rate of approximately 20 kg / hour. Based on the required number of workers in one shift, it is determined, as already indicated, the length of the desktops.

For the preparation of p / f dishes, it is necessary to provide a hot shop, which should be located in close proximity to the cold shop and the dispensing room.

For the most perfect organization of workplaces in a hot shop, modular equipment is considered the best. Its linear arrangement along the walls provides the necessary sequence of technological process operations, which saves production space and labor costs for cooks.

Above the heating equipment it is necessary to install ventilation pumps that remove vapors and products of combustion, as well as grease filters.

The equipment can be assembled from the required number of standard modules produced by the industry, depending on the capacity of the enterprise and the expected number of finished products. Electric or gas stoves, ovens, a barbecue oven with skewers, a deep fryer for frying potatoes, electric frying pans with thermostats, and cooking boilers can be provided.

Also important is the correct selection of dishes by volume and purpose. The dishes must meet the following requirements: be made of non-oxidizing metal, have a flat bottom, smooth walls, firmly attached handles, marking indicating the capacity.

In addition, sufficient equipment is required with various scoops, spatulas, sauce spoons, skimmers, forks, and other small implements.

For serving dishes, it is convenient to install distributing racks with table heating, a heating cabinet and a food warmer for sauces.

Production tables should be equipped with racks, shelves, built-in baths, a mobile bath for washing cereals can be provided.

3. Equipment operation, safe working conditions when working on machines

The most important measure aimed at preventing accidents is the mandatory conduct of production briefings. Food preparation and distribution facilities use different types of electrical equipment, which requires employees to have a good knowledge of the basics of electrical safety.

Since improper use of electrical equipment can lead to serious injury. Rubber mats and posters or inscriptions should be placed in front of the switches and machines.

Meat grinders are designed for grinding meat and fish. NaPOP widely used meat grinders MIM-82 and MIM-105. MIM-82 is a desktop machine with individual mounting. It consists of a body, a processing chamber, a loading device, an auger, working elements, a drive mechanism and a push-button control of the machine.

The cast-iron body of the meat grinder is lined with stainless steel sheets, in which there are holes for cooling the electric motor.

The working chamber of the machine has screw cuts on the inner surface, which improve the supply of meat and exclude its rotation together with the auger. On the upper part of the body there is a loading device, above which a safety ring is installed, which excludes the possibility of hands accessing the working bodies of the machine. The meat grinder is equipped with three grids with a hole with a diameter of 3, 5, 9 mm, a scoring grid and two double-sided knives. When assembled, the knives and grates are tightly pressed against each other with the help of a thrust ring and a pressure nut.

Inside the working chamber there is an auger, which is a single-thread worm with a variable pitch of turns, serves to capture the meat and feed it to the knives and grates. On the one hand, the auger has a shank through which it receives rotation from the drive; on the other hand, it has a finger with two chamfers, on which knives and grates are mounted. The installed grids remain motionless in the working chamber, and the knives rotate with the auger.

The scoring grate is installed first, which has three knives, cutting edges outward. The second is a double-sided knife, cutting edges counterclockwise. The third is a large grill on either side. Next, install a second double-sided knife, a fine grate, a thrust ring and a pressure nut. The meat grinder drive consists of an electric motor and a two-stage helical helical gearbox. There are two control buttons on the side of the meat grinder. start and stop .

Before turning on the machine, make sure that the meat grinder body is securely fastened and the pressure nut is not tightened. After checking the grounding and turning on the electric motor, screw the nut until it clicks. Meat or fish is pre-cut into pieces of 50-200g. and cleaned of tendons and bones are pushed with a wooden pusher into the loading neck. In this case, it is forbidden to press the products strongly against the auger, as this can cause overload and damage to the electric motor. The feeding of meat should be uniform, without much effort. When working for a long time, the meat grinder must be stopped periodically, and the knives and grates should be cleaned of tendons.

It is forbidden to allow the meat grinder to run idle and it is not recommended to grind crackers, sugar or salt in it.

Do not work without a safety ring and leave the machine unattended during operation.

After the end of the work, the machine is turned off and disassembled. A special hook is used to remove the auger, knives and grates from the working chamber. All parts are cleaned of minced meat, washed with hot water and dried.

After drying, the auger, knife, grates and working chamber are lubricated with unsalted edible fat.

During assembly, special attention is paid to the correct installation of the working bodies. It must be remembered that if the pressure nut is tightened, then the knives are strongly pressed against the grate, rubbing against each other, which leads to its failure.

It is undesirable to loosely tighten the pressure nut, in this case a gap will form between the knife and the grate, and the cutting of meat will be of poor quality.

Do not overload the machine chamber with products, push meat. When working on a universal drive, it is possible to remove and install interchangeable mechanisms only when the electric motor is turned off after the machine has completely stopped, to control the heating of the machine.

Roasting cabinets are designed for frying meat and fish products, as well as baking vegetable and cereal dishes. Baking cases are intended for baking of small bakery and confectionery products. Roasting and confectionery cabinets differ in the number and dimensions of working chambers, t in the chamber and specific surface power of the heater.

Currently, ovens ShZhESN-2K, ShZhE-0.85, ShKE-051, ShZhE-1.36, ShK-2A and baking ovens ShPESM-3, ESH-3M, KEP-400 are in operation at POP. In cabinets of ShZhE type, heat treatment of products is carried out in functional containers with a height of not more than 65 mm.

ShZhESM-2K consists of two unified frying sections of the same type installed on an inventory cabinet-stand with height-adjustable legs. Each chamber consists of inner and outer boxes, the space between which is filled with heat-insulating materials.

Sections are made of steel sheets and are equipped inside with shelves for baking sheets. The doors of the sections are mounted on hinges, with the help of springs they are tightly pressed against the body and open down.

The sections are heated by heating elements installed in the inner box, 3 pieces from above and below. The upper heating elements are open, the lower ones are closed with a hearth sheet. Vapors and gases formed during the heat treatment of products are removed through the vent, which is regulated by a slide gate. On the right side in a special compartment is a block of electrical equipment. On its front panel, separately for each section, there are: two packet switches for separate control of the upper and lower heaters. Limbs of thermostats and signal lamps, as well as the handle for turning the slide gate.

Holes are provided in the lower part of the front panel for cooling electrical equipment.

Persons who know its structure and safety regulations are allowed to work with the cabinet. Every day, before turning on the cabinet, check the serviceability of grounding and sanitary condition, as well as the serviceability of ballasts. Then set the thermostat dial to the required temperature, connect the cabinet to the mains and, using package switches, turn on the working chambers for high heat. At the same time signal lamps light up. As soon as the chamber warms up to the set t, the signal lamps go out, indicating that the cabinet is ready for operation. Carefully open the doors, set the trays with food. When t decreases, the heating elements are turned off and the cabinet is allowed to cool to the desired t. After that, the thermostat dial is transferred to a lower degree of heating and the heating elements are turned on.

The amount of escaping steam that forms during baking products is regulated using a vent, depending on the requirements of the technological process of cooking.


It has long been considered the most honorable occupation to teach, heal and feed. In France in the last century, an artisan could not become a nobleman, but an exception was made for the cook, since his work was equated with art. The work of a talented cook is close to the work of a painter and sculptor, it requires artistic taste, especially a sense of light and form. It is necessary to remember with a kind word the Russian chefs who work in the semi-dark cellars of taverns, the unknown workers who created the culinary art as a legacy for us. Without them, there would be no our modern cuisine, there would be no dishes that are now the pride of Russian cuisine.

The appearance in the service sector of the service of a chef with a professional culinary education has saved many people from the problem of preparing dinner or a festive dinner. The cook will save you not only from cooking, but also from buying groceries. At your request, the chef can prepare a dish from the cuisine of any country, vegetarian dishes.

A good cook must be able to set the table, have the skills to organize various celebrations and banquets.

The chef will save you from the daily inventing of dishes, he knows and prepares them all the time.

A professional and experienced chef is in great demand in big cities. Usually, people who use the services of an experienced chef try to turn to him next time. Therefore, the services of a good chef are highly valued.

The profession of a cook is becoming popular among young people. There are a growing number of companies providing services such as house calls as people find it difficult to balance work and household these days. The profession is becoming in demand and well paid, which is why I chose it.


The range of dishes from natural minced meat is quite wide and varied. There are many types of steaks, schnitzels, zrazy, cutlets, meatballs, rolls from various types of meat.

The topic of my test work is "Dishes from cutlet mass".

For further description, I chose two main dishes most often used in catering establishments, cutlets with mashed potatoes and zrazy with buckwheat porridge in order to know the technology of their preparation and learn how to cook correctly and tasty. These dishes are not only tasty but also healthy for example:

The main benefit of meat is that it is an indispensable supplier of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, a number of vitamins, minerals that contribute to the secretion of gastric juice. Another benefit of meat is that it lowers blood cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Meat is also the most valuable food product, the importance of which for a growing organism can hardly be overestimated. Meat proteins are used by the body to form its own proteins, in addition, they play an important role in maintaining nitrogen balance.

Potato contains a whole range of essential amino acids, thanks to which you can eat this unique product for a long time and not experience the slightest feeling of hunger. In addition, potatoes also contain a variety of micro and macro elements, vitamins, as well as nicotinic and pantothenic acids, and starch. Potatoes also contain regulators of fat and cholesterol metabolism: methionine, choline, aspartic and glutamic acids. Under their influence, the total cholesterol content in the liver decreases and the production of beneficial intestinal bacteria of vitamins increases. Almost all potato dishes do not burden the gastrointestinal tract, and fiber and pectins normalize bowel function.

There is a lot of folic acid in buckwheat porridge - it stimulates blood formation, increases the body's endurance and resistance to many diseases, increases muscle strength, strengthens blood vessels, is recommended for metabolic disorders, obesity, diabetes, lowers cholesterol.

1. Technological process of cooking

1.1 Reception and storage of the main raw materials

When accepting products, you need to check the integrity and dryness of the packaging.

Storage of perishable products should be provided both in the warehouse and in the workshop by means of cooling.

Each packaging unit of perishable products must be accompanied by a certificate of the established form for this type of product with the obligatory indication of storage t and the deadline for sale.

Storage of food products must be carried out in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documentation, with the appropriate parameters of t, humidity and light for each type of product.

During storage, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules of the cook neighborhood and storage standards.

It is forbidden: to store products near water and sewer pipes, heating devices, outside storage facilities, as well as storage of bulk products on the floor.

It is forbidden: joint storage of raw and semi-finished products together with ready-made food products, storage of household materials together with food products, etc.

All products in warehouses, refrigerated chambers, utility rooms, etc., must be stored on racks, pallets, underwares.

Meat products, etc. must be stored in the supplier's container, for air circulation it is necessary to place wooden slats between them.

Meat is allowed for acceptance only if there is a veterinary stamp and a document confirming the inspection and conclusion of the veterinary supervision.

Chilled meat (carcasses and half carcasses) is stored in a suspended state on hooks so that the carcasses do not come into contact with each other, with the walls and floor of the room.

Frozen meat can be stored on racks or underware.

Storage of bulk products (buckwheat, etc.) should be carried out in dry, clean, well-ventilated rooms, not infected with barn pests, with a relative humidity of no more than 75%. Bulk products are stored in bags in stacks on racks, at a distance of 50 cm from the walls, with a gap between stacks of at least 75 cm.

Salt is stored separately from other products. Guaranteed shelf life of iodized salt is 6 months from the date of production. After the expiration of the specified period, the salt is sold as ordinary food.

Fresh fruits and vegetables (potatoes, etc.) are stored packed in specially ventilated warehouses, without natural light, with proper temperature and humidity conditions. The storage temperature of vegetables and fruits, depending on their type, ranges from 3 to 12 degrees, with a relative humidity of 70 to 95%.

When laying eggs for storage for a long period, the following requirements must be observed.

Eggs must be cooled as soon as possible after laying, kept clean and only dry (do not wash with water).

Eggs should be kept with the sharp edge down in a clean, disinfected room in advance, without excessive dryness of the air. The most reliable way to store eggs is in the cold in a clean container without foreign odors, at a temperature of about 1 degree. In such conditions, the eggs are fresh for 4 - 6 months.

Eggs with damaged shells, as well as dirty ones, should not be placed in the refrigerator, as microorganisms easily invade them.

Eggs are kept in the refrigerator in special plastic closed packages. Before putting them in the refrigerator, they are cooled in advance for at least a day.

An increase and decrease in t against the norm are not desirable. Humidity in the refrigerator should correspond to temperature indicators. At 0 C it should be 72 - 75% at + 3C - 57 - 59%. Eggs stored in the refrigerator at low t must be heated before use.

Below are other ways to store eggs that are more affordable.

1. At the bottom of a box or other container, a layer of ash or bran is poured and a row of eggs is placed so that they do not touch, then again a row of eggs and. etc. The top layer of ash should be thicker. With this method, the eggs are stored in a cool room for 2-3 months, but they partly dry out.

2. Eggs are treated with a thin layer of petroleum jelly and stored wrapped in paper or covered with sand, etc. In this case, they are stored for up to six months. Instead of Vaseline, paraffin, neutral fats and oils can be used.

3. Eggs are stored in a solution of slaked lime, which perfectly protects them from spoilage by microorganisms. The layer of lime water above the eggs should be about 20 cm. For the solution, 300 - 400 g of lime are taken per bucket of water. For preservation, the eggs are placed in the dishes with the sharp edge down. They remain in lime mortar for 6-7 months.

The shelf life of summer and autumn fruits and vegetables differ significantly.

Onions are harvested in the cold autumn periods, in a state approaching biological maturity. They can be stored for a little longer than two - five days, sometimes several weeks. Long-term storage of 1-2 months or more, all types of vegetables and fruits can be carried out only in specialized refrigerated storage facilities at temperatures close to 0C, without freezing. Storage containers are boxes or baskets. Onions are stored in separate loosely installed stacks four to five boxes high. Each batch of accepted raw materials is stored separately, a label is attached to one of its boxes indicating the delivery time, for the order in which raw materials are submitted for processing.

1.2 Food preparation

For the preparation of minced products, both with and without the addition of bread, the following pieces of pulp are used: beef - the pulp of the neck, flank and trimmings obtained when cutting the carcass, as well as the cut from the carcass of the 2nd category; lamb, goat meat, veal - the pulp of the neck and trimmings; pork - trimmings. All pieces of pulp must be stripped of tendons and coarse connective tissue. Such meat is called cutlet. To improve the taste and juiciness of finished products, raw fat (5-10%) is included in the composition of lean cutlet meat. In pork cutlet meat, the content of adipose tissue is allowed no more than 30% and connective tissue - no more than 5%. In cutlet meat from beef, lamb and veal, the content of fatty and connective tissue should not exceed 10%.

To prepare products with the addition of bread, meat minced in a meat grinder is combined with stale wheat bread of the 1st or highest grade, previously soaked in milk or water, salt, pepper (sometimes onions) are added and mixed. And form cutlets oval - flattened shape. Ready-made semi-finished products are laid out on a frying pan heated with fat and fried on both sides until golden brown. Then roasted in an oven.

Potato processing begins with sorting, rotten, crumpled ones are removed, sprouted potatoes are also not used, because a toxic substance, solanine, accumulates in it. After sorting by size, the potatoes are washed and sent for cleaning. In small businesses, potatoes are peeled by hand.

Before cooking, the core is sorted out. Rinse if there is dust in it. Grains can be lightly fried beforehand. They fall asleep in boiling salted water, and cook over low heat, stirring occasionally until thickened; then, in order for the porridge to ripen, the pan with porridge should be tightly covered with a lid and put in the oven.

Eggs are ovoscopic before use on a special device. Placed in wire baskets and washed in baths with 0.2% sodium hydroxide solution or 0.5% sodium carbonate solution having t 30-40 degrees for 2 minutes.

The eggs are then rinsed with tap water. After rinsing, eggs are placed on wire racks for 15 - 20 minutes to dry.

For stuffing with zrazy, hard-boiled eggs are used.

Dip the eggs prepared for cooking in boiling water so that the water completely covers them, cook for 8-10 minutes.

Hard-boiled eggs have a dense white and yolk. If they are used for cooking, then at the end of cooking they must be placed in cold water so that it is easy to separate the shell during cleaning.

Then the eggs are finely chopped for filling for zrazy.

Peel the onion, cut into small cubes, fry in a pan and combine with eggs.

1.3 Cooking technology, shelf life, serving temperature, quality requirements

Dishes from cutlet mass

Products from cutlet mass are prepared in fried, stewed and baked form. In order for the products to be lush, tasty and juicy, they are fried immediately before the holiday on both sides and brought to readiness in the oven. Readiness is determined by the appearance of white bubbles on the surface of the products, t in the center of the products should be at least 90 degrees. Losses during heat treatment are 19%. When you leave the products poured with melted butter, meat juice or pour the sauce.

Cutlets with mashed potatoes

To prepare p / f, pork meat is cut into pieces, combined with raw fat, stale wheat bread of the 1st or highest grade, previously soaked in milk or water, raw onions, chopped in a meat grinder, add water or milk, salt, pepper , mixed. Form cutlets oval - flattened shape with a pointed end.

Prepared p / f cutlets are placed on a baking sheet or a frying pan heated with fat, fried until a crispy crust is formed, put in an oven and brought to readiness. On vacation, a garnish is placed on a portioned dish, next to it is a cutlet, poured with melted butter or red, onion, red sauces with onions and gherkins, tomato, sour cream or sour cream with onions are added. Serve with a simple or complex side dish.

The patty should hold its shape and be breaded in a thin layer. The surface is without cracks and breaks, smooth, covered with a ruddy crust. The taste is moderately salty, without the taste of bread, the smell of meat. Consistency - juicy, lush, homogeneous on the cut without separate pieces of meat, bread and tendons, pink-red tint is not allowed.

To prepare mashed potatoes, put the peeled potatoes in boiling water, then add salt.

Readiness is checked with a fork or knife; the tip should easily pierce the vegetable.

When the potatoes are cooked, leave a small amount of liquid, then knead until smooth, gradually pouring in the broth, butter, egg.

When vacationing, put mashed potatoes on a plate, put a pattern on the surface with a spoon, pour over with butter, sprinkle with chopped.

Puree can be served with sautéed onions or boiled chopped eggs mixed with vegetable butter. Most often, mashed potatoes are used as a side dish for meat and fish dishes.

Mashed potatoes should be of a thick consistency, the mass is lush, homogeneous, without lumps, the color is from cream to white, without dark inclusions.

It is allowed to keep main dishes on a hot stove for no more than 2 - 3 hours. In case of forced storage, the remaining food is cooled and stored for no more than 12 hours at a temperature not exceeding 8 degrees. Before being released for distribution, chilled food is tasted by the production manager. With satisfactory taste, it is subjected to secondary heat treatment. The implementation period after heat treatment should not exceed 1 hour. Serving temperature not lower than 65 degrees Output: 75/150/5

Chopped zrazy with buckwheat porridge

To prepare p / f, cut pork meat into pieces, combine with raw fat, stale wheat bread, pre-soaked in milk or water, add salt, pepper and mix. The resulting cutlet mass is divided into parts. Separately prepare the filling; chop the hard-boiled eggs, cut the onion into small cubes and fry until golden brown. Combine onions with eggs.

Beat off the cutlet mass and give it the shape of a cake, put the minced meat in the middle, roll the stuffing inside at once, close the edges and give it the shape of a brick.

Prepared zrazy are placed on a baking sheet heated with fat, fried until a crispy crust is formed and brought to readiness in an oven.

On vacation, a garnish is placed on a portioned dish, next to zrazy (1-2 pieces per serving), poured with oil or poured with red or onion sauce.

Zraza should retain its shape and be breaded in a thin layer. The surface is without cracks and breaks, smooth covered with a golden crust. Taste - moderately salty, without taste of bread; smell - meat. The consistency is juicy.

Loose cereals are prepared in water or broth, less often with the addition of milk; from buckwheat, rice, barley, millet and other cereals. Serve as an independent dish, or as a side dish.

Salt and prepared cereals are introduced into boiling water, boiled, removing hollow grains from the surface, stirring until thickened. Oil is added and cooking is continued at low heat until the cereal is completely steamed. Loose buckwheat porridge is served with butter or milk, or sugar, or with sautéed onions and chopped boiled eggs. Porridge is served as a side dish to roast pig, lamb, goose, meat zrazy and other meat and fish dishes. Used as mincemeat.

In the finished friable porridge, the grains should be well swollen, but retain their shape. Easily separated from each other.

Implementation period 2 - 3 hours from the moment of their distribution. The serving temperature is not lower than 65 degrees. Yield:140/100/50

2. Organization of workplaces when performing this task

cutlet perishable product storage

For the primary processing of meat and the preparation of semi-finished products from them, which are then used to prepare dishes from natural minced mass, a meat workshop is organized at the pope.

Jobs in the meat shop are organized for two technological processes: for processing cattle meat; and for poultry, game, and offal.

The meat should be delivered to the shop already thawed. In medium and small enterprises, it is washed with brushes, for which there should be a special bath in the meat workshop.

To divide the carcasses into parts, there should be a cutting table; for large pops, a band saw is used. For cutting and cutting, the workplace must be equipped with a butcher's ax and knives - cutters.

A cutting table is needed for deboning, stripping and cutting meat. Sides should be provided for metal table tops. Under the covers of the tables, install drawers for tools and inventory.

For cutting, beating and breading portioned semi-finished products, separate workplaces equipped with production tables are organized. Tables can be used ordinary and specialized. Next to the usual it is necessary to install a refrigerator. In the specialized one, the lower part of the table is provided, and the upper one is a shelf. Mobile racks can be provided for short-term storage and transportation of p / f.

The workplace for the preparation of minced meat and p / f from it is equipped taking into account the performance of several technological operations: preparation of minced meat, dividing it into portions and molding p / f.

In large enterprises for the preparation of minced meat, meat grinders, cutters, meat mixers with an individual drive are installed, in small workshops - universal drives with interchangeable mechanisms. In small enterprises, desktop meat grinders are used. They are installed on the same table where meat is deboned and semi-finished products are prepared.

At the workplace for the preparation of semi-finished products, there should be bench scales, medium knives, cutting boards and grills for meat grinders, a mortar and pestle, breading utensils, containers for semi-finished products.

At the workplace for mechanized molding of cutlets, a cutlet-forming machine is installed, to the right of it - a mobile bath with a finished cutlet mass, and to the left - a table for accepting the laying of cutlets on a baking sheet, as well as a mobile rack. Workplace for manual dosing and shaping of minced meat products - schnitzels, cutlets, meatballs, etc. are organized on an ordinary or specialized production table of the same type as for cutting lumpy semi-finished products.

Refrigeration cabinets must be provided for the storage of ready-made meat semi-finished products in the workshop.

The number of equipment in the workshop and the need to equip it with equipment is determined by the amount of raw materials processed per shift. The calculation of the required number of workers is carried out according to the production rate of approximately 20 kg / hour. Based on the required number of workers in one shift, it is determined, as already indicated, the length of the desktops.

For the preparation of p / f dishes, it is necessary to provide a hot shop, which should be located in close proximity to the cold shop and the dispensing room.

For the most perfect organization of workplaces in a hot shop, modular equipment is considered the best. Its linear arrangement along the walls provides the necessary sequence of technological process operations, which saves production space and labor costs for cooks.

Above the heating equipment it is necessary to install ventilation pumps that remove vapors and products of combustion, as well as grease filters.

The equipment can be assembled from the required number of standard modules produced by the industry, depending on the capacity of the enterprise and the expected number of finished products. Electric or gas stoves, ovens, a barbecue oven with skewers, a deep fryer for frying potatoes, electric frying pans with thermostats, and cooking boilers can be provided.

Also important is the correct selection of dishes by volume and purpose. The dishes must meet the following requirements: be made of non-oxidizing metal, have a flat bottom, smooth walls, firmly attached handles, marking indicating the capacity.

In addition, sufficient equipment is required with various scoops, spatulas, sauce spoons, skimmers, forks, and other small implements.

For serving dishes, it is convenient to install distributing racks with table heating, a heating cabinet and a food warmer for sauces.

Production tables should be equipped with racks, shelves, built-in baths, a mobile bath for washing cereals can be provided.

3. Operation of equipment, safe working conditions when working on machines, according to dishes on assignment

The most important measure aimed at preventing accidents is the mandatory conduct of production briefings. Food preparation and distribution facilities use different types of electrical equipment, which requires employees to have a good knowledge of the basics of electrical safety.

Since improper use of electrical equipment can lead to serious injury. Rubber mats and posters or inscriptions should be placed in front of the switches and machines.

Meat grinders are designed for grinding meat and fish. NaPOP widely used meat grinders MIM-82 and MIM-105. MIM-82 is a desktop machine with individual mounting. It consists of a body, a processing chamber, a loading device, an auger, working elements, a drive mechanism and a push-button control of the machine.

The cast-iron body of the meat grinder is lined with stainless steel sheets, in which there are holes for cooling the electric motor.

The working chamber of the machine has screw cuts on the inner surface, which improve the supply of meat and exclude its rotation together with the auger. On the upper part of the body there is a loading device, above which a safety ring is installed, which excludes the possibility of hands accessing the working bodies of the machine. The meat grinder is equipped with three grids with a hole with a diameter of 3, 5, 9 mm, a scoring grid and two double-sided knives. When assembled, the knives and grates are tightly pressed against each other with the help of a thrust ring and a pressure nut.

Inside the working chamber there is an auger, which is a single-thread worm with a variable pitch of turns, serves to capture the meat and feed it to the knives and grates. On the one hand, the auger has a shank through which it receives rotation from the drive; on the other hand, it has a finger with two chamfers, on which knives and grates are mounted. The installed grids remain motionless in the working chamber, and the knives rotate with the auger.

The scoring grate is installed first, which has three knives, cutting edges outward. The second is a double-sided knife, cutting edges counterclockwise. The third is a large grill on either side. Next, install a second double-sided knife, a fine grate, a thrust ring and a pressure nut. The meat grinder drive consists of an electric motor and a two-stage helical helical gearbox. On the side facing of the meat grinder there are two control buttons “start” and “stop”.

Before turning on the machine, make sure that the meat grinder body is securely fastened and the pressure nut is not tightened. After checking the grounding and turning on the electric motor, screw the nut until it clicks. Meat or fish is pre-cut into pieces of 50-200g. and cleaned of tendons and bones are pushed with a wooden pusher into the loading neck. In this case, it is forbidden to press the products strongly against the auger, as this can cause overload and damage to the electric motor. The feeding of meat should be uniform, without much effort. When working for a long time, the meat grinder must be stopped periodically, and the knives and grates should be cleaned of tendons.

It is forbidden to allow the meat grinder to run idle and it is not recommended to grind crackers, sugar or salt in it.

Do not work without a safety ring and leave the machine unattended during operation.

After the end of the work, the machine is turned off and disassembled. A special hook is used to remove the auger, knives and grates from the working chamber. All parts are cleaned of minced meat, washed with hot water and dried.

After drying, the auger, knife, grates and working chamber are lubricated with unsalted edible fat.

During assembly, special attention is paid to the correct installation of the working bodies. It must be remembered that if the pressure nut is tightened, then the knives are strongly pressed against the grate, rubbing against each other, which leads to its failure.

It is undesirable to loosely tighten the pressure nut, in this case a gap will form between the knife and the grate, and the cutting of meat will be of poor quality.

Do not overload the machine chamber with products, push meat. When working on a universal drive, it is possible to remove and install interchangeable mechanisms only when the electric motor is turned off after the machine has completely stopped, to control the heating of the machine.

Roasting cabinets are designed for frying meat and fish products, as well as baking vegetable and cereal dishes. Baking cases are intended for baking of small bakery and confectionery products. Roasting and confectionery cabinets differ in the number and dimensions of working chambers, t in the chamber and specific surface power of the heater.

At present, ovens ShZhESN-2K, ShZhE-0.85, ShKE-051, ShZhE-1.36, ShK-2A and baking ovens ShPESM-3, ESH-3M, KEP-400 are in operation at POP. In cabinets of ShZhE type, heat treatment of products is carried out in functional containers with a height of not more than 65 mm.

ShZhESM-2K consists of two unified frying sections of the same type installed on an inventory cabinet-stand with height-adjustable legs. Each chamber consists of inner and outer boxes, the space between which is filled with heat-insulating materials.

Sections are made of steel sheets and are equipped inside with shelves for baking sheets. The doors of the sections are mounted on hinges, with the help of springs they are tightly pressed against the body and open down.

The sections are heated by heating elements installed in the inner box, 3 pieces from above and below. The upper heating elements are open, the lower ones are closed with a hearth sheet. Vapors and gases formed during the heat treatment of products are removed through the vent, which is regulated by a slide gate. On the right side in a special compartment is a block of electrical equipment. On its front panel, separately for each section, there are: two packet switches for separate control of the upper and lower heaters. Limbs of thermostats and signal lamps, as well as the handle for turning the slide gate.

Holes are provided in the lower part of the front panel for cooling electrical equipment.

Persons who know its structure and safety regulations are allowed to work with the cabinet. Every day, before turning on the cabinet, check the serviceability of grounding and sanitary condition, as well as the serviceability of ballasts. Then set the thermostat dial to the required temperature, connect the cabinet to the mains and, using package switches, turn on the working chambers for high heat. At the same time signal lamps light up. As soon as the chamber warms up to the set t, the signal lamps go out, indicating that the cabinet is ready for operation. Carefully open the doors, set the trays with food. When t decreases, the heating elements are turned off and the cabinet is allowed to cool to the desired t. After that, the thermostat dial is transferred to a lower degree of heating and the heating elements are turned on.

The amount of escaping steam that forms during baking products is regulated using a vent, depending on the requirements of the technological process of cooking.

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1. Power value 3

2. Commodity characteristics of raw materials 5

3. Assortment and technology of cooking dishes from meat cutlet mass 9

4. Technological maps 19

5. Product quality 28

6. Sanitary requirements 30

References 31

1. Power value

The importance of nutrition for the human body: supporting biological life, ensuring a constant exchange of matter and energy between the body and the environment. The use of nutrients by the body for growth and development, maintaining physical condition, working capacity and protective capabilities.

Components of normal human life: a balanced amount of energy and building material (proteins).

Life is based on a combination of three streams: matter, energy and information. To ensure these flows, the source material must come from the external environment, to a large extent with food substances.

The main food substances include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, water, vitamins, minerals, phytoncides and some others.

Food proteins include 20 amino acids, of which 8 are essential, that is, they are not synthesized in the human body (unlike the other 12 amino acids). True, in the full sense of the word, essential amino acids do not exist.

In everyday life, a person most often uses mixtures of food proteins of both animal and vegetable origin in nutrition. The biological value of such a mixed protein diet is about 70% of the value of an ideal protein. If we proceed from the average norms of protein intake for an adult (1 - 1.5 g / kg of body weight), it becomes clear that the more defective the consumed proteins are, the more they should be consumed. However, you should be aware that the degree of absorption of proteins by the body depends not only on their usefulness, but also on the general composition of food and the presence of vitamin C in it - about 1 mg of vitamin is required for each gram of incoming protein; if this requirement is not met, then the part of the protein remaining due to vitamin deficiency rots in the large intestine, which leads to digestive and metabolic disorders.

The set of amino acids of animal proteins is closer to the needs of the human body than vegetable proteins. Apparently, at a certain stage of evolution, it was the consumption of animal proteins that played a certain role in the fact that a person became a person. However, at that time he consumed the raw meat of hunted animals. Since then, the situation has noticeably changed, and people stopped eating animal raw food a long time ago (and now it is unsafe because of the possibility of pathogens entering the animal body). During heat treatment of food already at 46-48 ° C, folding (coagulation) of proteins occurs, when the bonds between them and other nutrients (carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, etc.) are broken. A protein that has lost its structure is digested much worse than a protein that has not undergone heat treatment.

It should also be taken into account that 42 g of water per 1 g of protein is required to remove the breakdown products of animal proteins from the body, while carbon dioxide and water are the end product of the breakdown of carbohydrates and fats; consequently, due to excessive consumption of oxen, the load on the kidneys and heart noticeably increases.

A number of unfavorable factors affect the state of animal proteins eaten by modern man. In particular, the consumption of meat is dangerous not only from infected, but also from overworked, emaciated or weakened animals. When meat is stored under the action of its own enzymes, autolytic processes occur in it, leading to the accumulation of harmful, slag substances, which in their action resemble strychnine.

2. Commodity characteristics of raw materials

Benignly chilled meat has a dry crust on the surface of the carcass, the color is from pale pink to red (when pressed with a finger, the dimple quickly levels out). Frozen meat on the surface and cuts has a pink-red color with a grayish tint due to ice crystals, the consistency is solid (makes a sound when tapped); It has no smell, but when thawed, the smell of meat and dampness appears.

Table 1

meat characteristic

Potato - the tuber is covered with bark, a peel is formed on the surface, there are eyes on the surface. Potatoes contain 70-80% water, 12-25% starch, 0.2-1.3% fiber, 0.5-2% minerals, vitamins C, B 1, B 2, B 6, PP.

Parsley is a white, gray root. They contain essential oils that give the dishes a spicy taste. Parsley is divided: root and leaf. At the root, the root and leaves are used. The root contains 85% water. Foxes contain vitamin C, E, carotene and essential oil.

Onions - an onion and a green feather are used for food. Onion vegetables contain sugar - 9%, proteins - 3%, minerals - 1.2%, vitamins C, B 1, B 2. The presence of essential oils and glycosides give onion vegetables a spicy taste and aroma, causing appetite and promotes better absorption of food. They also contain phytoncides with bactericidal properties.

Pickled cucumbers - for pickling, short-fruited cucumbers with solid flesh, green in color are used. By quality, pickled cucumbers are divided into grades 1 and 2. Cucumbers of the 1st grade - whole, mashed with solid crispy pulp up to 110 mm long. In grade 2, ugly-shaped cucumbers with slightly crispy texture are allowed. The salt content in cucumbers of the 1st grade should be 2.5–3.5%, 2nd grade 2.5–4.5%.

Lettuce is an early vegetable. Serves as a source of vitamins C, P, K, groups B, carotene. Cultivates leaf, rocked lettuce and Romaine use lettuce only fresh, for making salads and other cold appetizers, side dishes, as well as for decorating dishes.

Eggs contain all the nutrients necessary for human life. Chicken eggs contain 74% water, 12.6% proteins, 11.5% fats, 0.6 - 0.7% carbohydrates, 1% minerals, vitamins A, E, B 1, B 2, B 6, RR. Energy value 100 gr. Chicken eggs is 157 kcal or 657 kJ.

Table eggs, depending on the method and period of storage, are divided into fresh, refrigerated and limed. An egg consists of a shell, yolk and protein.

Meat - meat and meat products are the most important food products, since they contain almost all the minerals necessary for humans; the physiological norm of meat consumption per person per year is 75 kg. The composition of the meat includes: water 52 - 78%, proteins 16 - 21%, fats 0.5%, carbohydrates 0.4 - 0.8%, extractives 0.7 - 1.6%, fermeline, vitamins A, D , PP, group B. the energy value of meat, depending on the type, age of the animal, averages 90 - -489 kcal; or 377 - -2046 kJ.

Sugar - consists of pure sucrose, is a valuable food product and raw material for the confectionery industry. Energy value 100 gr. Sahara. 375 kcal, or 1569 kJ. A person needs 100 grams per day. Sahara. Sugar is easily absorbed by the body, restores strength, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, but its excess is harmful. The sugar industry produces granulated sugar and refined sugar. It is obtained from sugar beets.

Milk is one of the most important food products. It contains more than 200 easily digestible substances necessary for human life, including proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins. All components are well balanced, so they are easily and completely absorbed by the human body. Milk contains water 85 - 89%, proteins 2.8 - 4%, fat 2.9 - 6%, milk sugar residue from 10 to 15. Energy value 100 gr. milk with a fat content of 3.2% - 58 kcal or 243 kJ.

Salo is of great importance in human nutrition. It has a high energy value - in the daily diet of a person should be about 30% of its calorie content, they are a source of a number of biologically active substances necessary for a person.

Tomatoes have a special place in the diet because of the high content of acids, mainly malic and citric. Malic and citric acids are necessary for the body if they are in an organic state. They have a positive effect on blood formation, improve metabolic processes in the body. In order for the nutrients contained in tomatoes to benefit, it is very important to combine tomatoes correctly with other products and not heat them. It is recommended to consume them only in raw form, and preferably in season.

Lemons are called pantries of ascorbic acid. Lemons contain a large amount of potassium, the largest amount of citrine, which, in combination with ascorbic acid, strengthens and makes the walls of small blood vessels elastic, actively participates in redox processes.

Since apple cider vinegar activates the metabolism and final digestion of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, reduces the amount of toxins in the body, it is successfully used in the treatment of obesity.

The strength of natural apple cider vinegar is 4-5%, and synthetic - as a rule, 9%. On the label with natural apple cider vinegar should be the inscription: "ingredients: apple cider vinegar." On synthetic, as a rule, we read: "composition: acetic acid 9%, flavor, dye." And, finally, natural apple cider vinegar is much more expensive than synthetic - two or more times.

The set of sugars contained in grape vinegar is much richer than apple cider vinegar, it is also not inferior in richness to organic acids - tartaric, succinic, oxalic, formic, salicylic, etc. By the way, organic acids are the main healing factor of natural vinegars.

According to its chemical composition, grape vinegar is somewhat similar to women's milk. Hence its pronounced restorative and restorative effect.

3. Assortment and technology of cooking dishes from meat cutlet mass

Homemade cutlets

Cutlet meat of beef or pork with the addition of pork or beef raw fat is passed through a meat grinder, add onion, egg, water, soaked and squeezed bread, salt, pepper, crackers, mix and again pass through a meat grinder. The resulting cutlet mass is well kneaded. From the lush mass we form cutlets and fry in a pan until cooked. Serve with a side dish, drizzle with butter, or margarine, or sauce.

Products for 5 servings: 200 g of beef (cutlet meat), 100 g of pork (cutlet meat), 10 g of raw pork fat, 20 g of onion, 20 g of crackers, 1/2 egg, 50 g of wheat bread, 100 ml of water, salt, pepper, 50 g melted animal fat, 750 g garnish, 250 g sauce or 50 g butter or margarine.


We cut schnitzels from the pulp of the back leg of veal, or lamb, or goat meat. We beat off portioned pieces, loosen (we make many punctures with the end of a knife or a fork), moisten in a lezon and bread in breadcrumbs. Breaded schnitzels are fried on both sides in a pan.

When serving, put the schnitzel on a side dish, pour over with melted butter and put a slice of lemon without peel on top. Garnish - all kinds of potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, fried eggplant.

Products for 5 servings: 700 g of veal hind leg pulp, or 750 g of lamb or goat meat, 1 egg, a pinch of salt and 60 ml of water for lezon, 150 g of crackers, 60 g of rendered animal fat, 750 g of side dish, 50 g of butter , 5 circles of lemon.

Meatballs baked in Cossack style

We prepare the cutlet mass, from which we form meatballs with moistened hands, bread them in breadcrumbs and fry in a pan until half cooked. We prepare crumbly rice porridge, mix it with sautéed tomato puree and butter, put it on a greased pan, put the meatballs fried until half cooked on top, pour sour cream sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in the oven.

Products for 5 servings: 400 g of beef (cutlet meat), or pork, or lamb, 100 g of wheat bread, 120 ml of water or milk, 50 g of breadcrumbs, 30 g of melted animal fat, 250 g of rice cereal, 500 ml of water, 50 g margarine, 50 g tomato puree, salt, pepper, 500 g sauce, 20 g cheese (grated).

Moscow Liver Schnitzel

We thoroughly wash the liver, cut out large blood vessels and separate the films covering it. We cut the processed liver into wide pieces about 1 cm thick, slightly beat off with the blunt side of the knife, but so that the pieces retain their shape, salt, pepper and bread in breadcrumbs, not very finely ground. We fry the schnitzel in melted lard in a frying pan. Serve with mashed potatoes or bean puree, put browned onions on top of the schnitzel.

Products for 5 servings: 850 g of raw unprocessed beef liver, 100 g of crackers, 80 g of melted bacon, 750 g of garnish, 100 g of browned onions, salt, pepper.

Schnitzel chopped

Cut beef cutlet meat into small pieces and, together with pork fat, pass through a meat grinder, add salt, pepper, water or milk and knead.

From the resulting mass, we form oval-shaped cakes 7-8 mm thick (one piece per serving), sprinkle with salt and pepper, moisten in an egg, bread in ground breadcrumbs and fry on a stove in a pan. Drizzle with butter or margarine when serving, serve with fried potatoes.

Products for 5 servings: 700 g of pork (cutlet meat) or 600 g of lamb, 100 g of raw lamb fat or 600 g of beef (cutlet meat), 100 g of pork or raw beef fat, 60 ml of water, 1 egg, 100 g of crackers, 60 g melted animal fat, 750 g garnish, 50 g butter or margarine, salt, pepper.

Cutlets, meatballs, schnitzels

Cut beef cutlet meat into small pieces and pass through a meat grinder, add salt, pepper, water or milk and knead. From this mass, wetting our hands in water, we form products of an oval-flattened shape with a pointed end (cutlets) or a round-flattened shape with a thickness of 2–2.5 cm (meatballs) or a flat-oval shape with a thickness of 1 cm (schnitzels).

Cutlets, meatballs and schnitzels can be cooked with the addition of onions and garlic. The molded products are breaded in breadcrumbs and fried as described in the heat treatment methods. Serve with a side dish, drizzle with butter, or margarine, or sauce.

Side dishes - crumbly cereals, boiled pasta and legumes, stewed cabbage, mashed potatoes, fried potatoes. Sauces - tomato, sour cream, sour cream with tomato, sour cream with onion. If desired, you can put in a mass of 50 g of onion and 3 cloves of garlic (5 g). By this amount, water or milk should be reduced.

Products for 5 servings: 400 g chopped cutlet meat of beef, or pork, or lamb, 90 g of wheat bread, 120 ml of water or milk, 50 g of ground crackers, 30 g of melted animal fat, 750 g of garnish, 250 g of sauce or 40 g butter.

Hedgehog meatballs

Grind cutlet meat in a meat grinder, add salt, pepper, finely chopped sautéed onion, boiled friable rice, mix and form meatballs in the form of balls of 3-4 pieces. per serving. Bread the balls in flour, fry in a pan, transfer to a shallow dish in 1 - 2 rows, pour sauce with water and simmer for 20 - 25 minutes.

Serve the meatballs with a side dish and the sauce in which they were stewed. Sauce - tomato or sour cream with tomato. Side dishes - boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes.

Products for 5 servings: 400 g of beef (cutlet meat), or pork, or lamb, 60 ml of water, 150 g of boiled rice, 60 g of sautéed onions, salt, pepper, 40 g of flour, 40 g of melted animal fat, 400 g of sauce , 100 ml water, 600 g garnish.

Country style cue balls

We pass the beef together with raw beef or pork fat through a meat grinder with a large grate, add finely chopped raw onions, water, salt, sprinkle with pepper and mix. We form meatballs from minced meat (1 piece per serving), bread them in flour, fry, put on a saucepan, pour sauce (onion or mushroom with onions) and simmer for 10-15 minutes, adding broth as necessary. Serve with stewed potatoes and the sauce in which the cue balls were stewed.

Country-style cue balls are prepared in a different way. We put part of the browned onion on the bottom of the saucepan, put boiled dried or fresh mushrooms and fried chops on top, again a layer of onions and mushrooms, pour mushroom broth and simmer until tender.

Garnish preparation: cut the potatoes into large cubes, fry until tender, then mix with carrots, cut into medium cubes and fried separately also until tender, raw finely chopped onion, sautéed with tomato puree, pour broth and simmer until tender. At the end of the stew, add bay leaf, pepper and salt.

Products for 5 servings: 750 g of beef meat, 100 ml of water, 100 g of onion, 25 g (1 tablespoon) wheat flour, 25 g of raw fat, 750 g of garnish.

For the sauce: 25 g of dry mushrooms, 250 ml of mushroom broth, 200 g of onion, 100 g of tomato paste, 25 g of fat for sauteing, pepper, bay leaf. Products for 5 servings of garnish: 750 g potatoes, 100 g carrots, 150 g onions, 50 g tomato paste, 50 g fat, salt, spices.

Meatballs in tomato

Prepare minced meat, add finely chopped green onions (previously sorted and washed) or a head of grated onion to it and mix it all well. Then cut balls weighing 20 - 30 g each from minced meat, roll them in flour and fry on all sides in oil in a heated frying pan.

Place the fried meatballs in a shallow saucepan, add tomato puree, a glass of meat broth, 1 - 2 bay leaves, 5 - 6 peppercorns (or 1/10 capsicum), 2 - 3 cloves of garlic mashed with salt, cover the pan with a lid and stew meatballs on low heat for 10-20 minutes, then season with salt, a spoonful of spicy tomato sauce and, when serving, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley. Garnish with boiled rice, buckwheat porridge, fried potatoes or mashed potatoes. For 500 g of meat (pulp) - 100 g of green onions or a head of onion, 1/2 cup of tomato puree, 100 g of white bread, 2 tablespoons of flour and 2 tablespoons of oil.

Hare meatballs in sour cream with onions

We cut off the meat from the carcass of the hare, clean it from films and tendons, sprinkle with salt and pepper and pass it through a meat grinder along with bread soaked in milk and lard (fat). We mix everything well and form meatballs, which we bread in flour.

We put the meatballs in a pan with warmed ghee, put raw, chopped onion around them and fry the meatballs, stirring the onion. Fried meatballs and onions, without removing from the pan, pour sour cream and boil.

When serving as a side dish, put the meatballs with onions, pour over the sour cream in which they were cooked. Sprinkle the dish with parsley or dill. Side dishes - boiled or mashed potatoes or boiled pasta.

Products for 5 servings: 600 g of rabbit meat, 100 g of wheat bread, 150 ml of milk, 100 g of pork fat, salt, pepper, 30 g of flour, 300 g of onion, 50 g of melted butter, 150 g of sour cream, 750 g of garnish , greenery.

Rabbit cutlets

Wash the carcass of the rabbit, separate the meat from the bones, cut it into pieces and pass it through a meat grinder along with internal lard or lard. We combine the chopped meat with bread soaked in water or milk, put salt, pepper, mix well and pass through a meat grinder again, after which we knock out the mass. From the resulting cutlet mass, we form cutlets, bread them in breadcrumbs and fry on both sides in a pan, bring to readiness in the oven.

Serve cutlets with a side dish and sauce or pour over melted margarine. Side dishes - crumbly cereals, boiled green peas, mashed potatoes. Sauces - tomato or milk with onions.

Products for 5 servings: 600 g of rabbit meat, 20 g of internal fat or bacon, 150 g of wheat bread, 200 ml of water or milk, salt, pepper, 100 g of ground crackers, 50 g of margarine, 750 g of garnish, 250 g of sauce or 50 g margarine.

Zrazy chopped

Cutlet meat of beef (pork, veal) with the addition of pork or beef raw fat is passed through a meat grinder, add an egg, water, soaked and squeezed bread, salt, pepper, crackers, mix and again pass through a meat grinder. We form cakes 1 cm thick from the cutlet mass. Put minced meat in the middle of the cake (chopped sautéed onions and herbs, chopped boiled eggs). After that, we connect the edges of the cake, bread in breadcrumbs, give them an oval-flattened shape and fry. Serve with garnish and sauce. Side dishes - crumbly cereals, mashed potatoes, boiled vegetables with butter. Sauces - tomato or sour cream.

Products for 5 servings: 400 g of beef (cutlet meat), or veal, or pork, 100 g of wheat bread, 100 ml of water or milk, salt, pepper, 50 g of rendered animal fat, minced meat: 300 g of onion, 40 g of fat baked animal, 1 egg, 20 g parsley (greens); 60 g ground crackers, 500 g garnish, 250 g sauce.


Cutlet meat of beef (pork, lamb) with the addition of pork or beef raw fat is passed through a meat grinder, add water, soaked and squeezed bread, salt, pepper, mix and again pass through a meat grinder. Add chopped sautéed onion to the prepared cutlet mass (you can add green onions). Next, mix and form in the form of balls of 3 - 4 pcs. per serving, breaded in flour, fry to a crust on all sides in a pan, transfer to a shallow dish in 1 - 2 rows, pour sauce diluted with water, and simmer for 20 - 25 minutes.

Serve the meatballs with a side dish and the sauce in which they were stewed. Side dishes - crumbly cereals, boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes. Sauce - tomato or sour cream with tomato.

Products for 5 servings: 400 g of beef (cutlet meat), or pork, or lamb, or goat meat, 80 g of wheat bread, 120 ml of milk or water, 120 g of onion, 20 g of melted fat (for sautéing onions), 40 g flour, salt, pepper, 40 g melted animal fat, 400 g sauce, 100 ml water, 500 g garnish.

Cutlets baked with milk sauce

We prepare the cutlet mass, form cutlets from it and, without breading, put them on a greased baking sheet or a large frying pan. We make a deepening along the length of the patty in the middle, fill it with a thick milk sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese, drizzle with butter and bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes. Serve cutlets with a side dish and pour tomato sauce on the side. Side dishes - boiled potatoes, boiled vegetables with butter.

Products for 5 servings: 400 g of beef (cutlet meat) or veal, 100 g of wheat bread, 120 ml of water or milk, 300 g of minced meat - thick milk sauce, 50 g of butter or margarine, 20 g of cheese (grated), 500 g garnish, 250 g tomato sauce, salt, pepper.

As you know, the cutlet mass is prepared from the pulp of the meat of the shoulder blades, neck, flank, as well as from scraps of other parts of the carcass. Of course, the nutritional, dietary value of the cutlet mass increases if parts of the carcass that contain little connective tissue proteins are used for its preparation. In any case, the meat used to prepare the cutlet mass is stripped of tendons, fascia and bruised areas. The semi-finished product necessarily prepared in this way is passed through a meat grinder twice, and in some cases three times. Moreover, each subsequent grating should have smaller holes than the previous one. If the cutlet mass is not intended for diabetic patients, then wheat bread soaked in water and then squeezed is added to it. Stale wheat bread is most suitable for this purpose. Minced meat and bread are well stirred and again passed through a meat grinder with a medium grate. According to diets No. 7, 10, salt is not added to the cutlet mass. Steamed cutlets, meatballs, schnitzels, zrazy, meatballs and rolls are most suitable for dietary purposes, i.e. when these products are cooked on the grate of a steam pan. If, according to especially strict diets, it is required to remove nitrogen-containing extractive substances and purine bases from the cutlet mass as much as possible, then it is advisable to boil products from such a mass in boiling water.


Cutlets, meatballs, schnitzels, zrazy with garnish. Ready p / f spread on a heated pan with fat, fry on both sides, bring to readiness in the oven. When serving, pour meat juice, oil.

Dishes - a small dinner plate or a metal dish.

Side dishes - crumbly cereals, boiled pasta, boiled potatoes, fried from boiled or raw, boiled vegetables with butter, pea puree, vegetable stew, stewed cabbage.

Sauces - red, onion, tomato, sour cream, sour cream with tomato.

Roll with pasta. D To prepare cutlet mass, take less bread. On a moistened napkin or gauze, the mass is laid out in the form of a rectangle 2-1.5 cm thick, minced meat is placed in the middle of it along the length. The mass is connected with a napkin so that one edge of the mass is slightly on the other, shaped into a loaf and shifted seam down from the napkin onto a greased baking sheet. The surface of the roll is smeared with ice cream, sprinkled with breadcrumbs, and punctures are also made so that cracks do not form during heat treatment.

For minced meat, you can use boiled pasta seasoned with oil, vegetable, mushroom minced meat, boiled egg.

The prepared roll is baked for 30-40 minutes in an oven at a temperature of 210-220 degrees in an oven. The finished roll is cut into portions. Warm up.

When on vacation, 1-2 pieces of roll are placed on a portioned dish or plate and poured over with red or onion sauce, you can pour over meat juice.

Meatballs with garnish. Prepared p / f meatballs are placed on a baking sheet in one row, fried on a stove or in an oven, poured with red, tomato or sour cream sauce with tomato and stewed for 10-12 minutes in an oven. Meatballs can be deep-fried, then put in a shallow dish in 1-2 rows, pour over the sauce and simmer.

On vacation, they put a side dish in a lamb or a plate - crumbly rice, buckwheat porridge or mashed potatoes, next to meatballs, pour over the sauce in which they were stewed, sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Meatballs. Prepared semi-finished products are placed on a baking sheet in one row, fried on a stove or in an oven, poured with red, tomato or sour cream sauce with tomato and stewed for 10-12 minutes in an oven.

On vacation, they put a side dish in a lamb or a plate - crumbly rice, buckwheat porridge or mashed potatoes, meatballs next to it, pour over the sauce in which they were stewed, sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Cossack meatballs. Loose rice porridge is seasoned with sautéed tomato and placed on a portioned frying pan greased with fat, two fried meatballs are placed on the porridge, poured with sour cream or sour cream sauce with tomato, sprinkled with grated cheese and baked. They are released in the same portioned pan in which they were baked, sprinkled with chopped parsley when released.

offal dishes

Kidneys fried in breadcrumbs (brooch). Veal kidneys are stripped of excess fat and capsules, washed, dried, cut lengthwise and unfolded (like a book). Then they are breaded in flour, moistened in lezon and breaded in breadcrumbs. Prepared kidneys are chopped off with a skewer made of wire or a splinter, deep-fried and roasted in an oven. Before vacation, the skewer is replaced with a figured one. Garnish - potatoes fried in fat (straws). The dish is decorated with lettuce. Green oil is placed on top of the kidneys.

Fried liver. The liver is cut into 1-2 pieces per serving, sprinkled with pepper, salt, breaded in flour and fried until a crispy crust is formed, brought to readiness in the Oven. Garnish - fried potatoes, mashed potatoes, pour over with oil when serving. When frying, you need to ensure that the liver is not overcooked, because when | As a result, the quality of the food deteriorates drastically. The liver is served with fried onions or poured with sour cream sauce.

Liver Stroganoff . The liver is cut into sticks 3-4 cm long, sprinkled with salt, pepper, fried in a well-heated pan with fat for 3-4 minutes, browned onions, sour cream sauce are added, brought to a boil. Released with fried, boiled, mashed potatoes.

Brains fried . Brains are boiled in salted and acidified water, dried, cut into slices, salted, breaded in flour, moistened in lezon, breaded in breadcrumbs and deep-fried. They release the brains by pouring oil over them with a piece of lemon and parsley, or boil lemon juice with oil and parsley and pour over the brains. Garnish - fried potatoes, mashed potatoes, green peas. You can fry brains with a small amount of fat. To do this, they are breaded only in flour.

Liver stewed in sauce . The liver is cut into portions, sprinkled with salt, pepper, breaded in flour and fried on both sides until half cooked (5-10 minutes). Then fill the liver with sauce (sour cream, sour cream with onion, sour cream with tomato and onion) and stew for 15-20 minutes. Side dishes - crumbly cereals, boiled or fried potatoes, mashed potatoes, boiled vegetables with fat.

Heart, lung and other offal in sauce . The heart, lung and other offal are boiled separately with the addition of vegetables until tender, cut into pieces (20-30 g) and fried, put in a saucepan, poured with red sauce and stewed for 15-20 minutes. Garnish - fried potatoes, boiled pasta, etc.

Braised tripes . Prepared scars are placed in cold water (3 liters per 1 kg), roots, salt, spices are added and boiled for 4-5 hours. Cooked scars are cut in the form of noodles, browned carrots, onions, parsley, a bouquet of spices, lemon juice are added, poured white or tomato sauce and stew for about half an hour. Release the scars with boiled potatoes, sprinkle with herbs.

Kidneys in Russian . Boiled beef or raw lamb, veal and pork kidneys are cut into slices and fried, then they are poured with the main red sauce, browned carrots, onions, white roots cut into slices are added, and after 5-10 minutes - fried potatoes. At the end of the stew, pickled cucumbers, peeled from the skin and seeds, are put, seasoned with crushed garlic. Potatoes can be fried and stewed separately.

Offal dishes have high nutritional value and good taste. Some offal contains more protein than meat. They are rich in vitamins, minerals and have a high calorie content. When preparing dishes from offal, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules of sanitation and hygiene, since if the rules are violated, offal can serve as a medium for the development of microorganisms.

Prepared by-products are immediately subjected to heat treatment. They are most often boiled and then fried or stewed. Some offal is immediately used for frying.

Boiled tongue. Prepared tongues are placed in hot water, brought to a boil, raw carrots, parsley, onions are added and boiled at a low boil for 2-3 hours, salt is added at the end of cooking. If salted tongues are used for cooking, then they are placed in cold water, as this contributes to a more complete extraction of salt. The boiled tongues are placed in cold water for several minutes and the skin is removed from the hot tongues. Tongues are cut into portions, poured with a small amount of broth and brought to a boil. Until the holiday is stored in the broth.

They release it on a plate or a la carte dish, first put a side dish - mashed potatoes or green peas, put the tongue next to it, pour it with red sauce, red with onions and cucumbers, sour cream with horseradish.

Beef tongue 126, or lamb 143, or pork, or veal 127, carrots 4, onions 4, parsley 3, garnish 150, sauce 75 Yield 300.

Kidneys in Russian. The processed kidneys are soaked, poured with cold water, brought to a boil, the broth is drained, the kidneys are washed, poured again with cold water and boiled for 1-1.5 hours at a low boil. Ready kidneys are washed and stored without broth, covered with a damp cloth.

Lamb, veal or pork kidneys are raw, and beef kidneys are pre-cooked, cut into slices and fried. Pickled cucumbers are peeled, cut into diamonds or slices and stewed. Potatoes - sliced ​​\u200b\u200band cubes, fried. Browned vegetables are combined with cucumbers, browned tomato is added and stewed for 10-15 minutes. Then diluted flour sauté is introduced, fried kidneys, potatoes, peppercorns, bay leaf are put and stewed for 20-25 minutes.

Kidneys in Russian can be cooked in red sauce. In this case, fried kidneys, potatoes, browned vegetables, poached cucumbers are put in a deep bowl, poured with red sauce and stewed. When stewing, add bay leaf, peppercorns.

When on vacation, put in a lamb or a portion pan, sprinkle with finely chopped garlic and herbs. If a dish is prepared in large quantities, then the potatoes are not put during stewing, but they are used as a side dish when on vacation.

Kidneys fried in sauce. Pork, lamb and veal kidneys are raw, and beef kidneys are pre-boiled, cut into slices or circles, sprinkled with salt and pepper, put in a frying pan heated with fat and fried for 5-6 minutes, poured with red, onion, tomato or sour cream sauce and bring to a boil.

When on vacation, fried potatoes or crumbly porridge are placed in a lamb or a portioned pan, next to them are kidneys and sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Brains are boiled. The processed brains are placed in a bowl in one row so that they do not deform, they are poured with cold water so as to cover only the surface of the product, carrots, parsley, onions, peppercorns, bay leaves, salt are added and vinegar is poured in. Water is acidified in order to improve the taste and color of the brains, as the proteins coagulate better and the brains acquire a denser texture. Bring to a boil, cover the dishes with a lid and cook for 25-30 minutes at low heat without boiling. Store them in the same decoction. Boiled brains are portioned.

When on vacation, boiled or stewed rice, mashed potatoes or green peas are placed on a plate or a la carte dish, brains are nearby, boiled champignons or porcini mushrooms, cut into slices, are placed on top and poured with steam or white sauce, you can let go without mushrooms.

Brains are fried. The boiled brains are cooled, cut into slices, sprinkled with salt and pepper, breaded in flour, put on a frying pan heated with fat and fried until golden brown.

On vacation, a side dish is put on a portioned dish: fried potatoes, mashed potatoes, stewed vegetables, a complex side dish consisting of 3-4 types of vegetables, next to them are brains, pour them with melted butter and lemon juice or put a slice of lemon, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Free brains. Boiled brains in halves or whole are sprinkled with salt, pepper, breaded in flour, moistened in lezon and breaded in ground breadcrumbs, deep-fried until a crispy crust is formed, removed from fat, placed in a frying pan and heated in an oven.

When on vacation, fried potatoes, mashed potatoes, green peas or a complex side dish are placed on a portioned dish, brains are nearby, poured with melted butter or tomato sauce is served separately.

Fried liver. The liver, cut into portions, is sprinkled with salt, pepper, breaded in flour (it can be scalded before breading), placed on a baking sheet heated with fat, fried at high heat until a crispy crust is formed, and brought to readiness in the oven. It is impossible to overcook the liver, as its quality worsens (it becomes tough).

When on vacation, fried or boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes are placed on a portioned dish or plate, next to it is the liver, pour it with melted butter, you can put fried onions on top.

Liver stewed in sauce. The semi-finished product prepared for frying is placed on a baking sheet heated with fat, fried, then poured with sour cream or sour cream sauce with onions and stewed for 15-20 minutes.

When on vacation, boiled or fried potatoes, mashed potatoes or crumbly porridge are placed in a lamb or a plate, next to it is a liver, poured over it with sauce.

Beef liver 127, or lamb, or pork, or veal 119, wheat flour 5, melted animal fat 7, sauce 75, garnish 150. Yield 300.

Liver Stroganoff. The liver, cut into sticks 3-4 cm long and weighing 5-7 g, is placed on a frying pan heated with fat with a layer of 1-1.5 cm, sprinkled with salt, pepper and fried for 3-4 minutes. Then pour sour cream sauce with onions, add browned tomato puree, sauce "South" and bring to a boil. The dish can be prepared without Southern sauce.

On vacation, the liver, along with the sauce, is placed in a lamb or a portioned pan, sprinkled with chopped parsley. Garnish - fried or boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes, boiled pasta - served separately or together with the liver.

Tripes in sauce. The treated scars are rolled up, tied with twine, put in a bowl, poured with cold water, salted, brought to a boil and boiled for 4-5 hours at a low boil. 30 minutes before the end of cooking put raw vegetables, bay leaf and pepper. When the scars become soft, they are taken out, freed from twine, cut into noodles, combined with red, onion or tomato sauces and stewed for 15-20 minutes. When on vacation, a side dish is put in a lamb or a la carte dish - boiled potatoes or stewed rice, scars are placed next to them in sauce, sprinkled with herbs.

Heart or lung in sauce (goulash). The heart or lung is pre-boiled, cut into pieces in the form of cubes weighing 20-30 g, lightly fried, then put in a deep bowl, sautéed onions are added, poured with red sauce and stewed for 15-20 minutes. Finely chopped garlic is placed in the finished goulash.

When on vacation, a side dish is put in a lamb or on a plate - boiled or fried potatoes, mashed potatoes, boiled pasta, crumbly porridge, next to it - goulash along with sauce.