Why don't you make pancakes from buckwheat flour. Pancakes from buckwheat flour: cooking recipes with photos

Once they were the most beloved in Russia. Not all of our ancestors could afford wheat. Millet, pea, oat and buckwheat pancakes. And no one complained, because they turned out very tasty. Now such dishes are a delicacy for us, because we don’t get to try such exotic things so often. And not many people know that making pancakes from buckwheat flour at home is a simple matter. This article will present two recipes for preparing this delicious dish.

How to cook and what to serve?

First of all, do not try to make buckwheat flour yourself by grinding the groats in a coffee grinder. You still won’t achieve the desired effect, so it’s better to find finished product on the shelves of the nearest store. In addition, such buckwheat flour contains little gluten. Therefore, wheat must be mixed into it so that the pancakes do not fall apart. Sugar can be added to the dough, focusing on your own taste or the quality of the filling. Keep in mind that pancakes were not stuffed in Russia. They were served with "snacks": caviar, salted fish fillet, eggs and cottage cheese. Everyone chose a product to their liking. Then he dipped his stuffed pancake in melted butter and used to bite ice-cold vodka with it. But how could it be otherwise, because pancakes made from buckwheat flour have long been considered festive dish. They were often fried on Maslenitsa.

Pancakes with milk. Ingredients

Even the most delicious wheat dishes can get boring in a whole week. Therefore, let's thoroughly prepare for the upcoming holiday and learn how to make pancakes from buckwheat flour. Cooking recipes usually prescribe the use of such products:

  • milk - 500 milliliters;
  • butter - 70 grams;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • chicken egg - 2 pieces;
  • buckwheat flour- 150 grams;
  • wheat flour - 100 grams;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon.

Pancakes with milk. Cooking method

All products should be at room temperature immediately before use. Only under this condition, pancakes made from buckwheat flour will turn out rosy and appetizing.

  1. First of all, combine wheat and buckwheat flour in one container and add salt and sugar to them. All ingredients must be mixed well.
  2. Then you need to add chicken eggs and a couple of tablespoons of milk to the resulting mixture.
  3. After that, all products should be thoroughly mixed again to avoid the formation of lumps.
  4. Now you need to gradually (one tablespoon) add milk to the mass to knead homogeneous dough. It is important to do this carefully, diligently stirring all the ingredients together.
  5. The output should be enough batter to which melted butter should be added.
  6. Then again, all products must be carefully stirred. After this, the test should be allowed to brew: it should be put aside for twenty-five to thirty minutes.
  7. Then you can start baking pancakes. This must be done in a dry frying pan. It is necessary to pour a ladle of dough into it in one go, and then quickly distribute it over the entire surface of the dish.
  8. You need to fry pancakes from buckwheat flour on both sides, making sure that they are well browned.
  9. Ready treats must be folded into a neat pile. In addition, each pancake should be generously lubricated butter.

The danger of gluten

Modern realities force people to turn to ancient, time-tested recipes. Nowadays, some patients suffer from celiac disease - an intolerance to gluten (gluten), which is found in a variety of cereals. It is found in barley, rye, oats and wheat. Modern methods of processing grain into flour cause this dangerous disease in people, which manifests itself in the form of an allergic reaction to food and various problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Such patients are shown a gluten-free menu. So is it really impossible for them to enjoy a traditional treat on Olive Week? There is an exit. Gluten does not contain buckwheat flour. Pancakes from this product will be an excellent alternative to wheat. But, as mentioned above, it is impossible to make them without a binder. However, potato starch may well replace gluten. How to cook buckwheat pancakes without wheat flour will be written below.

Pancakes without gluten. Ingredients

In order to cook such pancakes, you will need the following products:

  • buckwheat flour - 50 grams;
  • rice flour - 50 grams;
  • potato starch - 50 grams;
  • vanilla sugar- 5 grams;
  • sugar - 30 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 30 milliliters;
  • salt - 5 grams;
  • milk - 500 milliliters;
  • chicken egg - 1 piece.

Pancakes without gluten. Cooking method

  1. To begin with, sugar, egg, vanilla sugar, salt, butter and baking powder must be mixed together.
  2. After that, you need to combine rice and buckwheat flour in one container.
  3. Then half of the flour mass should be combined with the egg mixture. All ingredients must be mixed well.
  4. Next, the milk needs to be heated a little. The product should not be brought to a boil.
  5. Now 120 milliliters of milk is required to be poured into the pancake dough. Then add the rest of the flour to it. All products should be mixed well again.
  6. After that, you need to add the rest of the milk to the dough. The ingredients must be brought to a homogeneous state.
  7. It should be remembered that buckwheat flour has a special property, recipes (pancakes) from which are discussed in this article. In the process of kneading the dough, it swells a lot. Therefore, the consistency of the resulting product must be constantly monitored. If necessary, it can be diluted with a little milk.
  8. It is better to bake pancakes from buckwheat flour on cast iron pan with thick walls. It must be constantly lubricated with sunflower oil. Ready treats are usually stacked on a plate.

The dish is ready! Of course, real pancakes cannot do without a suitable filling. For her, you can use: minced boiled chicken mixed with chopped cheese; cottage cheese with raisins; rice with dill and eggs and others delicious food. Pancakes can be eaten without filling, dipping them in butter or sour cream. It all depends on your tastes and preferences.


Now you know how to make pancakes from buckwheat flour. Recipes for creating dishes do not differ in variety. The main thing is to knead a homogeneous dough from certain products, which must include flour, butter, eggs, sugar and salt (to taste). The product can be stirred with both milk and purified warm water. And, as you already know, it is important to use some kind of binder in cooking: starch or wheat flour. Pancakes are a dish that every Russian person has loved since childhood. And to learn how to cook this dish is the task of each real hostess. Enjoy your meal!

How to cook buckwheat pancakes recipe without wheat flour - Full description cooking to make the dish very tasty and original.

Buckwheat flour pancakes - recipes

Recipes for pancakes made from buckwheat flour will not appeal to everyone. The taste of such pancakes, like that of ordinary buckwheat, has an appropriate aroma, and the color is much darker than that of products made from the usual wheat flour. But such pancakes also have their fans, it is for them that we decided to put together some of the most interesting variations.

Pancakes from buckwheat flour - a recipe for kefir

For those who have not yet tried buckwheat pancakes, we recommend mixing pure buckwheat flour with a small amount of whole grain flour to smooth out the pronounced buckwheat taste.

  • whole grain flour - 65 g;
  • buckwheat flour - 65 g;
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • kefir - 230 ml;
  • water - 110 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 35 ml.

The scheme for preparing such pancakes is no different from kneading regular pancakes on wheat flour. First of all, both types of flour are combined together, you can add a little salt to them. Separately, the eggs are beaten with water and kefir. If you do not want to grease the pan with oil during frying, then splash a small amount of it directly into the dough. Mix dry ingredients with liquids and leave the dough to stand for half an hour so that the flour absorbs moisture and the pancakes do not tear during frying.

Lean pancakes made from buckwheat flour

These buckwheat pancakes are already prepared without wheat flour, and therefore they turn out to be more fragrant and have a dark color. Among other things, they are ideal for Lenten menu. as they do not contain animal products.

  • buckwheat flour - 210 g;
  • ground flax seeds - 10 g;
  • starch - 5 g;
  • honey - 15 g;
  • water - 590 ml.

Mix about half a glass of water with ground flaxseeds and leave for a few minutes until the mass becomes thick and viscous. Mix flour with a little cornstarch. In the rest of the water, dilute honey or any other sweetener of your choice. Pour the liquid into the flour, then add the flaxseed mixture and mix the ingredients together well. Fry the finished dough in portions, after wiping the heated pan with a napkin soaked in oil.

Pancakes on buckwheat flour without yeast

Another way to smooth bright taste buckwheat flour - mix it with wheat flour, and also sweeten a little. In the company of honey, such pancakes will appeal to everyone.

  • buckwheat flour - 110 g;
  • wheat flour - 45 g;
  • milk - 235 ml;
  • water - 210 ml;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • butter - 35 g;
  • sugar - 5 g.

First, mix both types of flour together. Separately, beat the eggs, adding a little sugar to them and adding melted butter. Combine water and milk. Pour the egg mixture into the dry ingredients, followed by the liquids. It is better to add liquids in portions to avoid the formation of lumps. Ready-made pancakes made from buckwheat flour in milk should stand for at least 15 minutes, after which you can start frying.

Recipe for pancakes made from buckwheat flour with milk

If you want to make sweet pancakes, then beat the eggs with a little sugar, otherwise you can add a pinch of salt or leave the base bland altogether. Pour oil into beaten eggs. Dilute the milk with water and add the egg mixture. Pour the resulting liquid in portions to the buckwheat flour, stirring constantly. When all the liquid has been added, and there are practically no lumps left in the dough, start frying the buckwheat pancakes in portions on a well-heated surface. Ready-made pancakes can be supplemented with any desired filling or eaten just like that.

Buckwheat Pancakes: Cooking Basics

If you want something unusual, then try baking pancakes from buckwheat flour - this dish will appeal to homemade people and will appeal to even those who do not like buckwheat porridge. They are easy to prepare, and the taste is very interesting. A little trick: if you don’t have buckwheat flour, but you need to cook the dish urgently, then grind it in a coffee grinder required amount clean dried buckwheat.

Buckwheat yeast pancakes

  • buckwheat flour - 1.5 cups;
  • low-fat milk - 1 cup;
  • yeast - 10 grams;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • vegetable oil (for greasing the pan) - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt and granulated sugar - to taste.
  1. Let's knead the dough. To do this, mix all the ingredients, except for half the milk, half the butter and yeast. Dilute the yeast in the remaining milk and add to the dough. The consistency of the dough should be standard - like liquid sour cream. Now you need to cover the dough with a clean, dry cloth and let it brew in a warm place for about one hour.
  2. Bake yeast pancakes best in a small pan, because the yeast will make the dough fluffy, and the pancakes themselves will look like pancakes. Don't forget to heat the pan and grease it with the remaining oil before each pouring of the dough!
  3. Such yeast pancakes best served with fermented milk dressings - cream cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream or yogurt. It is best if the yeast pancakes remain slightly warm, but not hot.

Buckwheat pancakes without yeast

  • buckwheat flour - 1 cup;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • milk - 1.5 cups;
  • butter - 50 grams (a quarter of a pack);
  • salt and granulated sugar - to taste;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon (for greasing a hot pan).
  1. In different dishes you need to cook beaten eggs and melted butter.
  2. We add the ingredients to the egg foam in the following sequence: flour, milk, spices, butter. Ate it turned out thick, just a fraction of milk or boiled water.
  3. You can bake pancakes according to this recipe immediately after kneading the dough, and not wait like yeast. Heat the frying pan at almost maximum power, grease with oil and start baking. It takes 20-30 seconds on each side to wait for the “grasping” of the pancake.
  4. You can serve buckwheat pancakes without yeast with sour-milk toppings, or with any other to taste. Try to treat homemade pancakes with salmon and herbs - they will definitely like it.

Buckwheat kefir pancakes

  • buckwheat flour - 1 cup;
  • wheat flour - 1/4 cup;
  • kefir of any fat content - 1 cup;
  • boiled chilled water - 1 glass;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - to taste;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons.

I will immediately make a reservation why wheat flour is present in this recipe. The fact is that buckwheat has very low binding properties, and it is very, very difficult to turn over a kefir buckwheat pancake without spoiling it. If you have a frying pan with a small diameter (about 10 cm), then you can try not to add ordinary flour, then the pancakes will turn out to be rich brown in a delicious hole.

  1. Cooking dough. Beat the eggs into foam and, stirring, add the ingredients in the following sequence: kefir, sugar and salt, buckwheat flour, wheat flour, half the oil. Add water in a thin stream until the dough resembles very liquid sour cream.
  2. Now the process of frying. As with baking any pancakes, the dough should only be poured into a very well-heated frying pan, greased with oil. I lubricate with a special brush, dipping it in the oil poured into a cup.
  3. Pancakes are best served with sour cream or yogurt; with sweet toppings, buckwheat pancakes taste like “an amateur”.

Diet buckwheat pancakes

  • buckwheat flour - 1 cup;
  • cooled boiled water - 1 cup;
  • egg - 2 proteins;
  • honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • olive (sunflower) oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • soda ( baking powder) - at the tip of the knife.
  1. Let's prepare the dough. Beat only the proteins until a homogeneous white foam is obtained and add all the ingredients, constantly stirring with a whisk or fork. Don't forget to leave half the oil for greasing the pan! By the way, if you use not boiled, but mineral water, then the pancakes will turn out more magnificent and delicate.
  2. fry pancakes in the usual way: heated the pan, greased with oil, poured the dough, waited 30 seconds, turned over and waited another 20-30 seconds.
  3. Since pancakes are dietary, it is better to serve them with low-fat yogurt. If you cook buckwheat pancakes without yeast, milk, wheat flour and milk, then they certainly will not harm the figure.

If you need to cook for a large family, then just double the amount of ingredients needed in the recipes. Although sometimes you may have to triple, because buckwheat pancakes (from flour or cereals) are crushed at a frantic speed! And try experimenting with toppings by serving them in a separate dish of your choice.

Pancakes from buckwheat flour: cooking recipes. Buckwheat pancakes with kefir or yeast

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Pancakes made from buckwheat flour are a dish that Russian cuisine has been famous for for centuries. tender, thin pancakes beautiful coffee shade - a great alternative to the usual pastries. At the same time, buckwheat pancakes retain everything beneficial features. for which buckwheat is valued. It's not hard to cook them classic pancakes. Try it once, enjoy original taste om - and you will want to bake buckwheat pancakes again and again. You can choose the recipe based on your preferences and the products that are available.

Buckwheat pancakes without yeast

Mix the sifted wheat and buckwheat flour. Add salt and sugar. Rub this mixture with eggs and pour in a few tablespoons of milk. Mix thoroughly to get rid of lumps. Gradually, in small portions, pour in the remaining milk, thoroughly kneading each time. You should get a fairly liquid, homogeneous dough.

In already ready dough add melted butter, mix again and leave to stand for about 30 minutes.

It is best to bake buckwheat pancakes without yeast in a dry pancake pan. They perfectly "fly" over it, quickly frying to a golden brown color and not sticking at all.

Remove each pancake from the pan and brush with butter. In this case, stacked pancakes will not stick together.

Buckwheat yeast pancakes

We begin to cook yeast buckwheat pancakes with dough. To do this, heat the milk to 38-40 ° C and pour it into a large bowl. We breed yeast in this milk, add all the sifted wheat flour and pour 3 tbsp. spoons of buckwheat flour. Thoroughly knead the resulting mass, cover the bowl with a towel and leave in a warm place for about an hour.

When the dough is suitable, add the remaining milk to it (preheat it to 40 ° C), salt and sugar, yolks, melted butter and all the buckwheat flour that remains. Again, knead very carefully, cover and leave for another hour and a half.

Whip the egg whites into foam, add to the risen dough and gently mix from top to bottom in homogeneous mass. Now yeast buckwheat pancakes are ready for baking!

Bake them by pouring a small portion of the dough into a hot, greased pan over medium heat. Flip carefully: there is no gluten in buckwheat flour, so pancakes made from it are very fragile. Fry each side until golden brown and serve pancakes while warm.

Buckwheat pancakes "Princely"

Of course, these buckwheat pancakes without wheat flour are adapted to modern ingredients. In particular, yeast is used in the recipe. But in general, it is quite possible that it was precisely such pancakes made from buckwheat flour that the Russian princes treated guests at their feasts.

  • buckwheat flour - 150 gr;
  • milk - 1.5 cups;
  • dry yeast - 1 teaspoon;
  • melted butter - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • salt - 1/3 teaspoon.

Pour yeast and sugar into a glass of warmed milk. Leave for 5-10 minutes to swell the yeast, then mix the mass until smooth.

Pour the yeast base into a wide bowl and pour in the flour. Add sour cream and grind so that there are no lumps. Wrap the bowl tightly in a blanket and leave in a warm place for 2-3 hours. Consider in advance the volume of the container, because the dough will actively rise.

When the dough is ready, add the egg yolk, salt and oil to it. Stir until smooth and dilute with the remaining milk. The result should be a batter, from which thin pancakes will turn out.

The last step remains: beat the egg white into a thick foam and carefully introduce into the dough.

Bake in a hot pan, greasing ready-made pancakes butter.

Such pancakes made from buckwheat flour are crispy and quite dense.

Buckwheat pancakes on kefir

Separately, beat the eggs in a bowl. Add kefir, salt and sugar to them. Mix everything well and add the sifted buckwheat flour. Rub so that there are no lumps. Gradually add water, mixing the whole mass each time. The result should be a fairly liquid pancake dough.

Gradually grease the hot frying pan with fat and bake pancakes. If it seems to you that buckwheat pancakes without wheat flour are not elastic enough, add it in a 1: 1 ratio with buckwheat.

Whatever recipe you choose, buckwheat pancakes can be cooked with filling - sweet or meat, mushroom, vegetable fried. Can be served as independent dish, when baking, stacking. When the whole pile is ready - call your family to the table, taste an unusual dish - fragrant and invariably delicious Russian buckwheat pancakes!

Do you want to surprise even more? Bake French buckwheat pancakes. Surprisingly easy to prepare, they are amazingly delicious!

Pancakes from buckwheat flour: recipes for yeast and yeast-free pancakes

Pancakes are a forbidden word for many of us, despite all our selfless love for them. This is flour, they get fat from it! And here is optional. Buckwheat flour is an exception to many rules. And buckwheat pancakes on your table, the recipes of which we offer, are not a threat to the waist, but a pleasure with health benefits.

History reference

historical background about the origin of buckwheat can rather be called historical conjectures. For to this day there is no reliable information about this. According to some reports, Greece is considered the birthplace of buckwheat (maybe the reason for this is its name). According to others, the foothills of Altai, Southern Siberia are called the botanical homeland.

As soon as the plant was not named in different countries- black wheat brown rice, pagan grain, etc. Its further history unfolded over more than two millennia. Buckwheat received the main distribution in the places of Slavic settlements. As a result, porridge made from such cereals has become an original Russian national dish.

Benefit plus safety

If we listened more to the advice of nutritionists and adherents of all kinds healthy eating, then buckwheat flour would have long ago replaced wheat flour in our kitchen. And buckwheat cakes, respectively, would appear on our table much more often than traditional ones. What is the use of buckwheat and products with its use?

Low calorie, gluten free, high content iron, zinc, beneficial amino acids, a complete set of B vitamins - the list is far from complete. A very serious plus is environmental friendliness. Buckwheat crops are not treated with pesticides and other synthetic fertilizers - this is the peculiarity of the cultivation of this plant.

Secrets of buckwheat pancakes

Recipes for pancakes made from buckwheat flour may include wheat flour, but can do without it. Buckwheat pancakes are cooked with yeast and yeast-free basis, on milk, on kefir and on water, with and without filling, sweet and unleavened, thick and thin - there are many options.

But buckwheat pancakes are not as simple as they seem. Their preparation may present some surprises. Therefore, a few words about the secrets and pitfalls of this dish.

  • If the recipe for buckwheat pancakes is based on yeast dough, you need to wait for bubbles to appear on its surface. If they never appeared, then you probably won’t see delicious buckwheat pancakes this time either.
  • Do not put a whole egg in the dough for buckwheat pancakes. Proteins need to be beaten well separately from the yolks until a stable foam. You need to add them at the very end.
  • If the number of yolks is increased, the pancakes will turn out to be less brittle. You can also add a slice of butter for this purpose, having previously melted it.
  • Before putting the dough into the pan, it must be very well heated.
  • Grease the bottom of the pan completely. If there is no special brush, use half an onion by sticking a fork into it.
  • Use sifted and dry flour.
  • If the recipe for pancakes made from buckwheat flour contains water, salt it - the dough will be less lumpy.
  • If you do not have ready-made buckwheat flour, you can make it at home by carefully grinding ordinary buckwheat.
  • If you want to make pancakes with filling, pour less dough into the pan. Otherwise, you will not be able to fold them due to brittleness. Wrap hot.

Buckwheat pancakes: a recipe without adding wheat flour

The absence of gluten in buckwheat flour greatly complicates the process of baking pancakes. Finished goods are more brittle, it is difficult to wrap something in them. To facilitate the process, many recipes for buckwheat pancakes prescribe replacing some of the buckwheat flour with wheat flour. This solves the problem, but is not always acceptable. Therefore, we offer a recipe for gluten-free buckwheat pancakes.

  • 1 st. buckwheat flour;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sugar - optional;
  • 1/4 tsp. baking powder and baking soda;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • honey for serving.
  1. Separate the yolks from the whites. Remove the proteins in the cold.
  2. Mix milk well with yolks, baking powder, soda and flour and let stand for at least half an hour. Buckwheat flour absorbs liquid for a long time.
  3. Whisk the egg whites into a fluffy foam.
  4. Add carefully to the dough. If the finished dough seems thick, add a little milk. It is not necessary to knead strongly, otherwise the whipped protein will lose its splendor.
  5. Fry in oil in a very hot skillet. Make sure that there are no residues from the previous pancake on it. If the pan has a high-quality non-stick coating, you can try frying buckwheat pancakes without oil.
  6. Serve drizzled with honey.

Buckwheat pancakes with yeast

  • 1 st. buckwheat flour;
  • 1 st. wheat flour;
  • 2 tbsp. milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 10 g dry fast acting yeast;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 0.5 tsp salt;
  • vegetable oil.
  1. Separate the proteins, beat them with sugar in the foam.
  2. Mix the yeast with flour of two types, add warm milk.
  3. Add yolks, soft butter. Wait until bubbles rise to the surface.
  4. Add whipped egg whites, let stand a little more and fry. Fry the first side under the lid, the second - open.

Buckwheat pancakes with baking

Pancakes are prepared with baking in the same way as ordinary pancakes, but the filling is laid out on the second side. It can be mushrooms, fried onions, greens, finely chopped ham, etc.

After the bottom is browned, turn the pancake over with the filling down. You need to bake the second side very quickly.

  • 1 st. buckwheat flour;
  • 1 st. wheat flour;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 1 tsp dry yeast;
  • 1/2 tsp salt.

Cooking is similar to traditional buckwheat pancakes with yeast.

Recipes for buckwheat pancakes are simple and varied. Having mastered the main rules for their preparation, you will quickly acquire the skill of working with this flour. useful variety. Buckwheat pancakes will help out on a weekday and delight you on a festive day. And with caviar and red fish, it’s not a shame to serve guests on the table!

Read other interesting articles

Buckwheat Pancakes without wheat flour and gluten free will perfect breakfast and a replacement for conventional wheat pancakes. My recipe contains only useful and natural ingredients, no added sugar. Well, the result speaks for itself - such pancakes are eaten at the speed of the wind!

When I first met my Janu, I still ate wheat flour and, one might say, simply charmed him with Russian wheat pancakes, which he ate on both cheeks.

Then came the time when I began to try to avoid wheat. And the question about pancakes remained open. I've tried making them with arrowroot, gluten-free flour mix, coconut and rice flour. I think everyone understands that final result significantly different from the usual harmful wheat pancakes and left much to be desired.

About a month ago, I remembered how once in a French restaurant I ate delicious buckwheat pancakes. And I decided that I could experiment and cook pancakes for my Janu, which not only will not differ much in taste from wheat ones, but will also not contain Gluten.

It took me a couple of tries to get this recipe to perfect proportions. Trust me, you won't regret making these Wheat-Free, Gluten-Free Buckwheat Pancakes! . They are very easy to turn over, do not fall apart, are soft and very tasty.

Dip them in whole, "raw" raw honey, maple syrup, sour cream or eat the way you like best. For example, I love them very much with plain butter.

Eggs- this is a real super product for the content of vitamins, minerals and useful substances necessary for our body.

Green buckwheat is good source Manganese, Copper, Magnesium and Phosphorus. Rich in phytonutrients, especially Rutin and Lignans. And of course it is a great substitute for wheat flour as it is naturally gluten free.

coconut and Creamy oils are healthy fats with unique properties.

Buckwheat Pancakes Gluten Free

Recipe Type: Breakfast

  • Eggs - 6
  • Buckwheat flour, ground from green buckwheat - 1 + 1/4 cup
  • Milk, coconut/unpasteurized cow's milk - 1 cup
  • Water - 1 glass
  • Lemon juice / kombucha / homemade kefir, for fermentation - 2 tablespoons
  • Butter / ghee / coconut oil, melted - 2 tablespoons
  • Sea/Himalayan salt - a pinch
  • Vanilla extract - 1 teaspoon
  1. In the evening, in a ceramic or glass bowl (I use my blender), mix freshly ground buckwheat flour, salt, milk, water, lemon juice / kombucha / homemade kefir and healthy fat to choose from. Mix well. Cover and leave to ferment overnight.
  2. Before baking pancakes, add eggs and vanilla extract to our flour mixture and mix.
  3. Bake over medium heat in a pan greased with ghee or coconut oil until the ends of the pancake begin to brown. Turn over carefully. Fry until browned.
  4. We stack the pancakes on top of each other, not forgetting to grease each with butter.

* Pancakes made from brown (roasted buckwheat) will have a different consistency and a very strong smell characteristic of such buckwheat.

Recipe for pancakes made from buckwheat flour without the use of yeast

In addition to wheat flour, you can use various ground cereals in pancakes - corn, rice, oats, millet, buckwheat. Only buckwheat flour (as well as from other cereals) is desirable to use in a mixture with wheat, approximately equal proportions so that the cakes are strong and have a traditional pancake texture (although you can use it in pure form). Pancakes made from buckwheat flour can be baked different recipes- with the addition of milk, kefir, butter. Each recipe has its own appearance and special taste, so you can cook something original. These kitchen experiments are not only simple, interesting, but also useful - buckwheat is very nutritious and healthy. Pancakes from buckwheat flour - recipes without yeast.

Ingredients, a glass should be taken per 250 grams:

  • 100 grams of buckwheat flour (half a cup)
  • 100 grams of wheat flour (a little less than half a glass)
  • one and a half glasses of milk (any, fresh, pasteurized or boiled, you can even take a little sour for pancakes, this does not really affect the taste)
  • 2 chicken eggs(if you take quail, then more, with the calculation of five quail per one chicken)
  • half a teaspoon of salt (salt can be adjusted to taste, if there is a sweet or salty filling, then you can take less)
  • half a teaspoon of sugar (can be substituted powdered sugar)
  • a pinch of soda (on the tip of a teaspoon)
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil (it is better to take refined sunflower oil).
  1. We mix wheat and buckwheat flour (you can mix another type of flour, for example rice, oatmeal, but by reducing the amount of buckwheat, the total amount of flour should be preserved).
  2. In warm milk, mix salt, soda, eggs.
  3. While stirring, add flour to the milk-egg mixture in small portions (preferably one tablespoon with a slide).
  4. Add vegetable oil.

We bake in a frying pan, which needs to be greased with a small amount of vegetable oil.

Recipe for buckwheat pancakes without yeast, cooked in butter. Ingredients:

  • one glass of buckwheat flour
  • one glass of wheat flour
  • half a liter of milk
  • baking soda - half a teaspoon
  • citric acid - a pinch (1/4 teaspoon) (can be replaced lemon juice, one teaspoon)
  • 3 medium sized eggs, if the eggs are small, you can take another one
  • butter - 4 tablespoons
  • 2 spoons of sunflower oil
  • a pinch of salt.
  1. A mixture of wheat and buckwheat flour is diluted with milk.
  2. Separately, beat the salted eggs and add them to the flour with milk, mix well.
  3. Mix citric acid in a tablespoon with soda and pour a little water into the same spoon. Add this soda-lemon mixture to the dough.
  4. We heat the butter, mix it with sunflower oil and add this creamy vegetable fat to the dough, stirring with a spoon.

We bake pancakes in a pan without fat, as there is enough of it in the pancakes themselves.

Ingredients for kefir pancakes:

  • 1.5 cups buckwheat flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 2 cups of kefir (can be replaced with yogurt)
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • a pinch of salt
  • a pinch of soda.
  1. Add sugar, salt to the eggs, mix with a mixer.
  2. You need to add soda to kefir (kefir needs to be heated in a water bath to a slightly warm state), pour in the kefir-soda mixture to the eggs.
  3. Add buckwheat flour in small handfuls to the kefir-egg mass, stirring, making sure that there are no lumps.
  4. Add vegetable oil.

We bake, after frying, you can grease with melted butter.

Buckwheat pancakes with milk and kefir. Ingredients:

  • 1/2 cup wheat flour (you can use any grade, from the highest to the second)
  • 1/2 cup buckwheat flour
  • 1.5 cups milk (warm or boiled cooled to lukewarm)
  • 1/2 cup kefir
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons refined sunflower oil
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon soda
  • a pinch of salt.
  1. Pour the sifted flour with milk, stirring constantly.
  2. Separate the yolks and whites, add the yolks to the dough, leave the whites for later.
  3. Salt, add sugar and vegetable oil.
  4. Add soda to warm kefir, then add it to the dough and mix.
  5. Beat the egg whites and gently fold into the batter with a spoon.

Bake pancakes until golden brown.

  • one glass of buckwheat flour
  • one glass of kefir (can be replaced with yogurt)
  • one glass of water
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil.
  1. Beat eggs, pour kefir into them, add salt, sugar, mix.
  2. Add flour, stir.
  3. Add water little by little while stirring.

Lubricate with vegetable oil in a hot pan and bake on vegetable oil about one minute on one side, and half a minute on the other.

Now it has become very fashionable to eat gluten-free products. But keep in mind that gluten is a very useful substance that is in wheat grain. Only about one percent of the population is intolerant of this organic substance, and the rest can safely eat gluten (of course, as a natural supplement, and not a separate product).

  • 6 eggs
  • 1.5 cups buckwheat flour (preferably green buckwheat for this recipe)
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 1 cup water (boiled or drinking, room temperature, maybe a little warm)
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice (if not, you can take one tablespoon of vinegar, apple cider vinegar is better)
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • sachet vanilla sugar(you can concentrate vanilla, but both are synthetic chemistry, natural vanilla not available in our stores)
  • a pinch of salt.

Cooking. We start cooking in the evening - mix well, mix buckwheat flour with milk, water, lemon juice, salt, butter and leave overnight at room temperature. When preparing the dough, you need to remember that first mix liquid products, and then pour flour into them in small portions, constantly stirring. This way you can avoid lumps. In the morning, add eggs and vanilla sugar.

Bake in butter.

Interesting facts about buckwheat:

  • the yield of buckwheat is considered very low among cereals (about 10 times lower than rice), so it is rarely sown in Europe, where there is a shortage of agricultural land;
  • in Japan they are very fond of dishes from angular cereal grains, partly national cuisine this island nation is buckwheat noodles under the name "soba";
  • if buckwheat is fried before cooking, its taste will change, so this procedure can be done if you want to make the taste of a regular side dish original.
  • there is a lot of protein in grains (18 amino acids, which are the components of this useful organic matter), which is similar in composition to egg and milk proteins, and this protein is easily digested;
  • among cereals, buckwheat is the most dietary, because on average it has twice as many vitamins, a charge of numerous useful organic compounds and mineral trace elements than in other cereals, it helps to speed up the metabolism in the body, which contributes to weight loss in the body (of course, in combination with mobile way of life, only very naive people can think that you can lose weight by eating);
  • buckwheat is popular among vegetarians, as well as those who, for health reasons, do not eat meat while on a diet or fasting, because it contains almost half of the amino acids important for the body (there are still none, so this diet should also not be abused, especially for children and pregnant women );
  • among beneficial substance- vitamins of the PP group (strengthen blood vessels), various beneficial acids- malic, citric, oxalic, they regulate the acid balance in the gastrointestinal tract, which contributes to the removal of salts from the body;
  • lipotropic substances help in the functioning of the liver, have a good effect on the pancreas and the cardiovascular system;
  • useful for diabetics, as it positively affects blood sugar levels;
  • promotes the removal of cholesterol from the body.
  • iron, the concentration of which in grains is quite significant, helps in the treatment of anemia;
  • buckwheat could not be genetically modified, but you need to follow the news, perhaps this will be done in the future and it will no longer be as natural as it is in our time;
  • among the microelements there is boron, aluminum, chromium, they can be found only in rice grains, and selenium, strontium, vanadium and titanium in general from cereals are found only in buckwheat;
  • I recommend a diet based on this cereal for the following diseases - liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, ulcers, gastritis, hypertension, atherosclerosis, edema, diabetes mellitus, osteoporosis;
  • there is a lot of rutin in cereals, which is a strong natural antioxidant that positively affects the metabolism in the body, and also enhances useful action other substances, such as vitamin C.

Harm and contraindications:

Lush milk pancakes without yeast recipe

Baking dough based on cereals retains the vitamin benefits of the core and a pleasant aroma. Many gourmets like buckwheat pancakes for their delicate and porous structure. In addition, the delicacy has an unusual chocolate color and memorable taste. At the same time, it is permissible to combine the most dissimilar recipes, adding both sweet and satisfying fillings to pancakes. And they are very good for losing weight and diabetics, as they consist of buckwheat flour and are gluten-free.

From this article you will learn:

Yeast-free buckwheat pancakes: different recipes

To create truly thin pancakes and not spend too much time in the kitchen at the stove, the easiest way is to arm yourself classic version from the products that any housewife has. And if you want to surprise your loved ones, then take note of the “more interesting” pancake recipes.

Classic buckwheat pancakes

Combine 100 g with 150 g of ground kernels and pour a large spoonful of sugar into it. Add a heaping teaspoon of salt and rub the crumbly mixture with 2 eggs. Pour in a couple of tablespoons of milk so that the dough seizes slowly, but does not consist of lumps.

After repeated mixing in small doses, add another half a liter of milk. Pour 70 g of melted butter into a homogeneous and liquid mixture. The prepared dough is usually infused for at least 30 minutes.

Which is included in recipes, makes pancakes dark. Therefore, they can be considered baked when the surface becomes golden coffee. In this case, the oven is on a dry frying pan.

Recipe for buckwheat pancakes

Buckwheat pancakes with yeast

This recipe is all about creating fluffy and filling pancakes that are great for eating without adding extra toppings. The main thing in this case- make the right brew. To create it, 200-300 ml of milk is slightly heated and 20 g is stirred in it. fresh yeast. Sifted wheat flour (100 g) and a couple of tablespoons of ground buckwheat are placed in the mixture. The ingredients are thoroughly kneaded and put the pan with a blanket or towel in a warm corner for an hour.

When the dough rises slightly, another 150-200 ml of warm milk, a pinch of salt, a spoonful of sugar are added to future buckwheat pancakes. Also put in the dough 2 tablespoons of melted butter, 3 chicken yolks and 300 g of unground flour. Now the workpiece is kneaded again, covered and left for 1-1.5 hours.

A fully risen dough requires only a single product - egg white in the amount of 2 pieces. Proteins are first whipped into a foamy mass, and then introduced into the dough and gently mixed from top to bottom. You can make your own pancakes hot pan with fat. They need to be turned over very carefully, otherwise they will tear.

Recipes for pancakes with dairy products

If you want to make almost not sweet, but at the same time air pancakes, sour cream will come to the rescue. In combination with this product, as well as yeast, buckwheat flour allows you to create an old Russian dish- princely pancakes.

Princely pancakes

Pour a teaspoon of dry yeast and a spoonful of sugar into a glass of warm milk. Leave the mixture for 10 minutes, and then stir to achieve uniformity. Pour the mass into a large bowl, adding 150 g of buckwheat flour there. Then put a spoonful of sour cream and rub until all lumps disappear. Cover the dishes with a blanket and send to a warm place for 3 hours to raise the dough.

After increasing the dough, add one yolk, a large spoonful of melted butter and a third of a small spoonful of salt to it. Stir the dough and achieve its uniformity, then add half a glass of milk. At the last stage, beat the protein into foam and carefully add to the liquid mass. The result is crispy and thin buckwheat pancakes.

Boyar pancakes with cream

There is also a recipe boyar pancakes, which differ in composition by the presence heavy cream, which are whipped and combined with protein foam at the final stage. For 2 cups of warm milk, you need 3 cups of ground buckwheat and 30 g of yeast. After the dough has approached, the same amount of milk and 5 yolks, ground with a full glass of sour cream, are added to it. 100 g of butter, a little salt and sugar, 2 cups of wheat flour are also placed in the dough. Following the re-increase of the dough, cream with proteins is added to the mass and the dough is not disturbed for another 20 minutes.

Pancakes made from buckwheat flour are also prepared with the addition of kefir, which makes the dough fluffy without yeast. You should beat 2 eggs, combine them with 2 tablespoons of sugar and salt, pour in a glass of kefir. While stirring the mass, you need to carefully introduce a glass of buckwheat flour so that sticky lumps do not appear. At the end, slowly add a glass of water. From such liquid dough come out not very elastic, but pleasantly crispy pancakes.

Original pancakes

To surprise the expected guests, you can try buckwheat pancakes with a sweet filling and an unexpected hoppy aroma. Light beer speeds up the rise of the dough in minutes and successfully replaces the yeast base.

Pancakes made from buckwheat flour

Tender pancakes with beer

To begin, mix 200 g of wheat flour with 120 g of ground ground kernels. Put a pinch of salt, break 2 eggs in the center of the dry mixture and pour it all over with 300 ml of warmed milk. It is best to beat the dough with a whisk or mixer, and then add 300 ml of beer to it. As a result, the mass will look like liquid sour cream.

After 60 minutes, the dough will reach the desired volume, and 50 g of butter, which was previously melted, can be poured into it. Prepare pancakes in the standard way.

Treat friends like this the most delicate delicacy can be combined with ice cream balls and powdered sugar. It will also be a great addition. sweet filling from toasted pears with cinnamon, sugar, lemon juice and citrus zest.

Hearty with spinach

If you like more hearty pancakes with buckwheat flour, try spinach-based dough. So, 125 g of leaves are finely cut and put into a mixture of 115 g of flour, 1 egg and 300 ml of milk. After half an hour, a couple of teaspoons of vegetable oil can be poured into the mass.

The best filling for such pancakes is crab meat combined with curry, coriander, mango chutney, yogurt and mayonnaise. It is recommended to spread warm hearty pancakes on plates with lime slices and emerald leaves of young lettuce.

Video: how to cook pancakes with buckwheat flour

What kind of pancakes are not baked by skillful hostesses on Maslenitsa: from wheat and rye flour, from corn and pea, rice, oatmeal. And the traditional delicacy, which from time immemorial in Russia was respected and served as a real decoration of the table, were buckwheat pancakes.

Today they are considered almost a delicacy and are rarely prepared. On the one hand, this is due to the fact that you can’t always find buckwheat flour on a shelf in a store, and you shouldn’t grind cereals in a coffee grinder on your own. On the other hand, for some reason, not every cook succeeds in pancakes made from buckwheat flour. But if you follow the entire cooking technology, then the pancakes will turn out well: lush, soft, with holes.

  • It is noteworthy that it is unlikely that buckwheat pancakes can be cooked without wheat flour. Buckwheat flour does not contain the right amount gluten, and a pancake just from it will simply fall apart. That is why almost every recipe includes an equal amount of wheat and buckwheat flour.
  • In all other respects these are amazing delicious pancakes dark-colored ones differ little in terms of cooking technology from others: they are made from both fresh and yeast dough, on milk, water or kefir.

Delicious buckwheat pancakes should definitely be cooked for Maslenitsa, when you get tired of ordinary wheat pancakes. They can be served with a salty filling, mushroom, fish or meat, or with a sweet one, for example, with fruit or jam.

Buckwheat pancakes with milk

Traditional buckwheat pancakes are cooked in milk, always with the addition of yeast. In this case, they turn out not only soft, but also “spongy”, lush.

In Russia, they were served most often with a salty filling, for example, sour cream and mushroom sauce, or they were not stuffed at all, but they laid out a high hill of pancakes in front of the guests and gave everyone the opportunity to choose on their own how to flavor the dish: caviar, cottage cheese, salted fish.



Ready-made pancakes are best lubricated with butter on top, and served separately from the filling. Best of all they are combined with caviar, sour cream, with salted mushrooms. If the filling is sweet, then it is better to add more sugar to the dough in advance.

How to cook buckwheat pancakes - video

Advice! It is best to fry buckwheat pancakes in a pan with a non-stick coating, without lubricating it with oil at all, and add the latter by a spoonful to the dough as it decreases, but in no case stirring. If used cast iron skillet, then it must be thick-bottomed, and oil should not be poured on it, but smeared with a thin layer using a silicone brush. And so that the pancakes are not brittle, when frying on the first side, it is best to cover the pan with a lid.

Lean buckwheat pancakes

Buckwheat pancakes on the water can be eaten during Pancake Week, and after it, when it comes Great Lent because they are made without eggs or milk. They turn out no less tasty, delicate, crispy. It will take a lot of time to cook, more precisely, it is better to prepare everything in the evening, and fry the pancakes in the morning.



Serve such pancakes with tea, not forgetting honey and jam.

Pancakes with buckwheat

Pancakes with buckwheat can be prepared if only cereals are at hand, but flour has not been found. It should be said right away that they practically do not differ in taste, but for their preparation you will need a blender.



Breton pancakes with apples

Buckwheat dishes are typical not only for Russian cuisine. For example, the inhabitants of the French province of Brittany are also not averse to eating it, but they do not cook porridge at all, but use buckwheat flour and bake pancakes or crepes from it, as they are called in France.

The recipe for French buckwheat pancakes is quite simple, and the dish is suitable for both breakfast and hearty snack during the whole day. These pancakes are prepared both sweet, for example, with apples or pears, and with meat or egg additives.



The filling for such pancakes can be prepared from pears, plums, or by mixing these and other types of fruits. And excellent additions to dessert will be a scoop of creamy ice cream or chocolate icing.

Buckwheat pancakes with mushroom sauce

Pancakes with pripekom - this is in itself satisfying and full meal, and high-calorie ingredients are most often used as fillings: eggs, vegetable mixes, minced meat, mushrooms. Buckwheat pancakes with mushroom seasoning are a typical dish of classical Russian cuisine. You can cook them with forest mushrooms(white, mushrooms, boletus), and with champignons.



Similarly, do any buckwheat mushrooms with a hint, for example, with boiled egg and green onions. They are best served with sour cream sauce, necessarily with hot sweet tea.

Buckwheat pancakes with cottage cheese

Pancakes with cottage cheese are loved by adults and children, of course, because this delicious dessert. And if you add more to the filling fresh berries or fruits, then you get just overeating. The dough for such pancakes made from buckwheat flour is best made with kefir, then even without adding yeast, they will turn out lush and soft.



The finished dessert can be decorated with powdered sugar, pour over melted chocolate, put a few leaves of fresh mint on top.

As they say, the devil is not as terrible as he is painted, so buckwheat pancakes are not at all as demanding on the cooking process as they seem. If you use the appropriate recipe, then you can please your loved ones with this traditional old delicacy. Sweet or meaty, lean or fatty - everyone will like buckwheat pancakes, especially on Maslenitsa.

Especially useful are buckwheat pancakes. Such a dish is prepared from buckwheat flour, which means it is less harmful to the figure. It can be included in your diet even during a diet.

Buckwheat pancakes - a classic recipe with milk

Ingredients: 1 tbsp. buckwheat flour, the same amount of high-grade wheat flour, 3 chicken eggs, 3.5 cups of milk, half a glass of filtered water, 7 g fast yeast, salt, sugar to taste.

  1. 2/3 of all milk is brought to a boil. The rest of it just warms up a little.
  2. First, water is poured into the sifted dark flour, and then boiled milk.
  3. Yeast dissolves in warm milk. The mixture is poured to the components from the second step. The mass is mixed with a mixer, after which it is left warm for a couple of hours.
  4. The yolks are rubbed with sugar. Together with melted butter, they are poured into the risen dough. That's where the white flour goes.
  5. Salt and separately whipped proteins are added to the mixture. The dough will infuse for a couple more hours.

Pancakes from buckwheat flour on kefir

Ingredients: 320 g of buckwheat and 90 wheat flour, half a liter of fatty kefir, 2 chicken eggs, small. a spoonful of soda, sugar, salt to taste.

  1. In a deep bowl, all dry ingredients are immediately mixed.
  2. Kefir is poured into the mixture. That's where the eggs are. It is best to use a mixer to mix the components.

Buckwheat pancakes are baked on kefir in a well-heated frying pan with a small amount of fat.

Custard cooking method

Ingredients: a full glass of water, 280 g of buckwheat flour, 12 g of fresh yeast, ½ teaspoon of granulated sugar, a pinch of salt, a full glass of milk.

  1. First, buckwheat flour is sifted into a capacious bowl. Next, freshly boiled water is poured into it. The mass must immediately begin to actively interfere so that lumps do not form.
  2. AT a small amount slightly heated milk dissolves the yeast. That's where the sugar comes in. When the bubbles start to rise on the mixture, you can pour it into the dough base from the first step.
  3. Next, the remaining components are added to the mass. After thorough mixing, the dough is removed in a place without drafts for 80-90 minutes.