Healthy. How to make rice flour at home

It is no secret that recently many, even moderately picky, consumers are dissatisfied with the quality of the proposed bread products, which are sold in supermarkets and specialized stores. Not to mention the one that is offered at the bazaar, as a rule, of unknown composition and origin. In addition, some of us are increasingly beginning to monitor their own health. But, according to some nutritionists and practitioners traditional medicine, finely ground wheat flour, and even with various additions, represents some harm to human body. What to do in this case, if you want, as they say, to eat more correctly? Of course, there is a way out of this situation. And if a person does not want to consume, in his opinion, not quite useful product, then whole grain flour deserves his attention, from which it is possible to produce (including independently) tasty and healthy pastries. How to do it correctly is described in this article.

Let's define terms

First of all, you need to figure out what whole grain flour is and what it is eaten with, so to speak. There is a concept in cooking "one-time grinding of grain." So, whole grain flour is obtained just as a result of such a process. Cereal grains (or seeds of other edible crops) are crushed once, not sieved, but used as is, whole. Whole-grain single-grain flour consists of large, cereal-like particles and looks like, for example, semolina. The particle size reaches 1.5 millimeters, but mostly they are smaller, about 0.5-0.7 millimeters.

Main differences

Of course, the differences between such flour and other members of the family are obvious. Fine wheat flour, for example, is milled several times and sieved to separate particles of different sizes. And this flour, used by housewives for baking, looks like a white refined powder. But other flour - coarse grinding, also quite actively used in culinary business, is often confused with single grinding (whole grain).

A bit of history

In ancient times, people, having learned to grow cereals and use their grains for food, produced just such a whole grain flour for food. This was done with the help of various devices based on the effect of friction: mortars and grain grinders of various calibers. Immediately, the resulting product, without sifting, was put into food: they cooked porridge, baked bread from it, without using any additives. Probably, every people engaged in agriculture in ancient times has its own recipes and devices, called differently. But the essence remained the same: to get coarsely grated grain and use it for food in boiled or baked form.

In Russia

It is interesting that in Russia, in some mills, coarse grinding of grain was used right up to the 19th century, without sifting in the future. And the division of flour into varieties was already carried out in bakeries and bakeries. However, usually the mills still selected bran (the outer shell of the grains), and coarse grinding was considered "poor man's flour." Traditionally, by the way, one-time flour was also used to distill alcohol from grain, to prepare stillage - mash from ground grains.


A completely different attitude to a similar product in the modern world. Whole grain flour is put on a worthy pedestal by many followers proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. It is widely used by naturopaths, raw foodists, vegans. They make porridge from it old recipes, bake bread without additives (fortunately, home bread machines are now quite common). And many try to make such a product on their own with the help of small home mills, which can also be bought, or can be built from improvised means (following the example of our ancestors).

Whole grain flour at home

How to make it yourself? And it is quite simple to produce this healthy raw material in your kitchen, if there is a desire. Of course, the ideal and most fast option- home mill for grains and legumes with nuts. But we are not looking for easy ways! So, if there is no money to purchase an electric mill, do not rush to get upset. A special attachment for a mixer or blender, already available on the farm, will help in business. By the way, if the blender is really powerful, then it is quite professional to grind all grains and legumes, as well as nuts, into single-grind flour. In the end, a regular coffee grinder (only charge a little, in small portions) or an electric food processor will do. Well, for lovers of "manual sunset" there are mortars, millstones, manual coffee grinders. Here already, with appropriate efforts, you can feel yourself in the role of an ancient farmer.

Whole grain flour. Dish recipes

And finally, here are a couple of recipes from a similar product you have just prepared. It's the most in terms of healthy eating. In fact, there are a lot of such recipes - both modern and ancient.

  1. Bread. It's the first thing that comes to mind when you want to make whole wheat pastries. We will need (for 2 loaves): a glass warm water peeled, sachet fast yeast, a glass of milk, a third of a glass of honey, a little vegetable oil, a little less than a kilo of whole grain flour, a spoonful of salt. Yeast mixed with warm water. When they are activated, pour in honey, milk, butter. Add flour, stirring, salt. Knead the dough first with a mixer (to break up lumps), then with your hands. When it stops sticking to your hands, it's ready. Let the dough rise in the bowl for an hour and a half (it will double in size). We bake traditional way in the oven or bread maker. Whole grain rye flour can also be used to make bread. It has even more useful substances.
  2. Porridge. From the main product you can cook both tasty and healthy porridge. Only it will take a little longer to cook than usual. And it’s better not to even cook, but to languish in the oven (imitating a Russian oven) or on steam bath. So you save the maximum benefit contained in the flour. The recipe for cooking is the same as for ordinary porridge. In ready for taste, you can add a spoonful of ghee. It will turn out to be a very useful dish!

Rice flour is one of the best products for people who are intolerant to gluten. Although it is not as popular as its analogue from wheat, there are a lot of options for preparing dishes from it. The benefits of such a product are also indicated by its use as a natural thickener for baby food from vegetables and meat.

Product benefits and scope

Rice flour has a high content of protein and beneficial starch. The absence of gluten makes products made from this flour easily digestible. The rich vitamin and mineral composition will pleasantly surprise people who maintain a healthy lifestyle. The product contains larger quantities calcium, potassium, phosphorus, folic acid.

In addition to being used in products for children, this valuable product grain grinding can be mixed with wheat groats. It makes baked goods crispier. Traditionally rice flour is used in the East.

It is added to ice cream, condensed milk, ketchup, mayonnaise. AT pure form it can be used as a crispy breading for meat and fish.

How to make with blender

Step-by-step instruction how to do rice flour at home:

  • Choose rice for making flour (white and brown). In the first case, the product will be universal and suitable for preparing both sweet dishes and any other. At brown rice there is a specific flavor that will set off the dishes. This product is for everybody. This must be taken into account when choosing the main ingredient.

  • You need to purchase a blender that has a grain grinding function. Without this option, a conventional device will not be able to grind rice into flour.
  • Pour one to four cups of cereal into a blender. It is undesirable to use more than this amount, as this will affect the quality of the final product.
  • It remains to press the button and beat the cereal for a long time until it becomes the desired powder consistency.
  • Ready flour should be used immediately, or poured into an airtight container, as the product is able to absorb odors and become damp. Without a tightly closed container, rice flour can become moldy.

How to make rice flour in a coffee grinder

If you don’t have a powerful blender with a grinding option at hand, buy one unusual flour there is no way, then there is always an old Soviet coffee grinder at home. With it, the product can be obtained as follows:

  • Sort and fill rice grains with water.
  • Wait about two hours and dry the rice on a paper towel. This procedure will make the rice more brittle, which will increase the speed of the grinding process and help to avoid damage to the knives.

  • Put a portion of cereal into the grinder.
  • Grind rice into powder, and then sift it into a container through a sieve.
  • Try squeezing the powder with your fingers. If it sticks together, then excess moisture needs to be removed from it. To do this, it must be heated in a pan with a thick bottom, stirring constantly. Flour when heated should not change its color, i.e. do not fry it.

In such a simple way, with your own hands at home, you can cook rice flour both in a blender and in a coffee grinder. To the delight of loved ones, you can cook pancakes, jelly and thicken various sauces from a gluten-free product.

  • Add more liquid and eggs to pastries made from such flour, as this product absorbs a lot of water. Under these conditions, baking and bread will not turn out dry.
  • After the baked products are prepared from the product, they should also be stored in a tightly closed container to maintain their normal moisture content.
  • Rice flour should not be combined with yeast. Due to its stickiness, the dough simply will not rise.

About how to cook Berry pie with rice flour, you will learn from the following video.

The dream is to bake real homemade bread, fresh homemade flour, we had a very long time ago. Already five years ago we were looking for how to grind whole grains at home. Then they found a single food processor, for which it was possible to purchase a special attachment separately, but there was no feeling that the grain would grind into flour. Now I’m sure that it would be ground there approximately the same way as grain is ground in a coffee grinder - it’s still not flour.

Approximately six months ago home mill FOUND! Moreover, what kind - made of solid wood, German-made, small, compact, and relatively inexpensive - given the number of years we have been waiting for it, and the uniqueness of the offer, because there are no analogues. Is it possible to build a large mill, but it is not known how to approach this.

It grinds not only grain, but also spices: cloves, black and allspice pepper, anise and fennel, cumin and coriander. Freshly ground, they have a completely different flavor than purchased ground ones. When you grind grain with spices, there is a special amazing aroma at home, it is difficult to convey in words. By the way, even just freshly ground grain is fragrant, it smells like fresh bread, and the flour comes out of the mill after the millstones warm.

The range of home mills is huge, so we did not choose right away. We chose one thing, but the seller advised a slightly different mill, which we agreed to. She has a 10 year warranty. The body is an array of beech, stone millstones, there are two options for power, we took a more powerful one, 600 W, it grinds more than 200 g of flour per minute, that is, it grinds a kilogram or more in a few minutes. We have Octagon 2:

The degrees of grinding are different, for bread I usually grind at 1.5, the finest grinding is 0.5, the largest is 9 (it's just a grain in half), 4-5 or 6 is good for cereals.

Also there is raclette machines, baker aids, muesli grinders, pasta and noodle machines any form, blenders, and much more. There are also combi grinder, immediately with muesli crusher. There are also dehydrators and hand mills that don't need electricity.

Article about hand mills. About dehydrators (dryers for vegetables and fruits, mushrooms and berries.).

With delivery, everything is simple: after ordering and paying (you can use electronic money), the package will arrive in 2-3 weeks, delivery is inexpensive: we ordered a mill, a blender and a grain crusher for muesli, delivery of all this cost 50 euros, in addition to the cost of goods. No customs duties, etc. no, the parcel just comes to your mail.

The mill weighs about 10 kg, so the parcel can be safely brought home from the post office, there are mills larger or smaller depending on the model, there are also hand mills. True, I like the electric one much more, since you have to grind quite a lot of flour, and by hand it takes longer and, in general, is not so easy. There are very small mills in which it is possible to fill up for grinding at a time not 1300 g of grain, as in the Octagon, but many times less, and probably such mills weigh less. Octagon, etc. good for a family, small - for one or two people.

Yeast is not needed here. Better make a starter. Bread on it takes about the same time, but there is no doubt whether it is useful or not - of course it is useful!

We take ready-made sourdough, in a bowl, add a little salt, whole flour (you can grind it with spices - coriander, cumin, dill seeds.), Water, and knead the dough. I like to make it not very thick, that is, I don’t interfere with my hands, with a spoon. Let's add a spoonful of honey. Lubricate baking dishes with oil (we were disappointed in silicone, so we bake in glass or ceramics), sprinkle flour on top of the oil, spread the dough. Before this, set aside part of the dough in a bowl - for the next baking.

Transferred to the form, put in heat, covered with something. It should come up in 3-5 hours, depending on the temperature, etc. Raised - into the oven. A loaf almost the size of a store is baked at 180 degrees for 55-60 minutes (even if put in a cold oven), in a preheated oven - 50-55 minutes. They took it out, covered it, it will cool down - take it out of the mold and cover it, preferably with a linen cloth, so as not to dry. You need to eat the next day, not earlier!! It can keep for a long time. Such bread is soft, even the crust.

Deferred dough can lie for several days, choose a cooler place, in the refrigerator - it can stand for a long time. It is necessary to bake bread - they took it out, kneaded it, put aside a part again, etc.

After you have been eating such bread for some months - half a year, then you will not be able to eat store-bought. He is different. Especially in the consequences for the body. 🙂

Considering that incomparable gingerbread, poppy seed cakes, cookies are also easily baked. then it remains only to find where to buy good grain! One of the options where to buy grain for flour is here. Now Diamart also sells grain.

In the same place where mills are sold, there is a lot of useful stuff on sale. For example, earthenware - molds for baking bread and baking molds for various products, more details here - clay pots, clay dishes. There are some very important things for homemade bread- in fact, forms (round and loaf) and various clay bread bins.

An article about grain (wheat), classes and types is here:

The most delicious bread

A house filled with the smell of freshly baked bread invisibly becomes many times more comfortable and warmer. Especially if this bread is yeast-free, baked with your own hands, carefully and with love, from whole grain flour, which you yourself ground before.

Bread made from freshly ground grain brings great benefits. It contains fiber, vitamins, complex carbohydrates, minerals and other useful elements. Significantly different from bread various additives. Since it is very nutritious, you won’t eat much of it, and the feeling of satiety will last for a long time.

Much has been said and written about the benefits of whole wheat flour over regular flour. If this topic has not yet been disclosed for you, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the articles

Here we will discuss how you can make flour yourself at home, what tricks and devices exist for this, how to use and store freshly ground flour, and how to bake the most delicious bread with it.

The oldest tools for grinding grain were a grain grater and a mortar, then stone millstones, set in motion by hand. Millstones consisted of two flat round stones with a diameter of about half a meter. On the lower stone in the middle stood a peg into which the upper stone was inserted. Grain was poured into the hole in the upper millstone and the handle was slowly turned, which set the upper stone in motion. In this way, the grain was ground, and the flour was poured onto a cloth laid under the stones.

With the development of technology came to the creation of water mills. Later, in the Middle Ages, windmills began to be built, the grinding device of which continued to be millstones. In the middle of the 19th century, grinding between metal (rotating at different speeds) rollers was invented ... And now the whole difficult process milling wheat grain in a modern high-quality mill is aimed at separating the endosperm as best as possible (from which flour is now obtained) from the germ, shield, aleurone (enzyme) layer, shells (bran) - that is, the most valuable and playing exclusively important role in human nutrition, grain components are removed as unnecessary and sent to animal feed.

Modern equipment for the production of flour

The time of the mills has long passed, and now we associate this image with the good old fairy tale, although more recently it had a much deeper and more important meaning.

The mill is a combination of the eternal (circle) and the temporal, earthly (the quadrangular “body” of the mill), and only in their joint work, through the elements of nature, is the bread necessary for life born.

Mills have always been surrounded by an aura of mystery, covered with poetic legends, tales and superstitions. It was believed that abandoned water mills are the habitat of mythological characters, that a water man lives under the mill wheel, and mermaids wash their hair at the mill ...

And at the same time, mills have always acted as some kind of cultural centers for all people, at any time and in any country - where, in anticipation of grinding, peasants from different villages met and exchanged news, and economic discussions flared up.

When did the first mills appear?

In a poem dated 98 - 90 years. BC, Antipart welcomes the appearance of the first water mills: “Give rest to your hands, O workers, and sleep peacefully. In vain will the rooster announce to you that morning has come. Deo entrusted the work of the girls to the nymphs, and now they easily jump on the wheels, so that the shaking axles rotate along with their spokes and make the heavy millstone rotate. In the era of Charlemagne, in 340, as a borrowing from Rome, a water mill appeared in Germany, on the Moselle River. At the same time, the first water mills appeared in Gaul (France).

In Russia, water mills appeared no later than the 12th century. On flat rivers, the pressure of water necessary for the operation of the mill was provided by dams. The blades of the water wheel are lowered into the water and set in motion by the flow of the river.

It turns out that earlier there was rarely a mill on any river. In the countryside, she was something special. This is the grinding of grain into flour, groats, and crushing of oatmeal, and obtaining linseed oil. A quick-witted miller could arrange both flour sifting and a fuller in the mill barn. Carts with grain were drawn from the nearest district to the mill, and back - the same carts with fresh flour.

At the end of X - beginning of XI century. windmills appeared in France and England, and then in Holland, in which since that time they have become an integral part of the landscape. Many improvements to windmills were made in Holland. So, here peculiar braking devices appear, with the help of which it was possible to stop the rotating millstones very quickly.

In Russia, windmills began to be built at the end of the 15th - the middle of the 17th century.

Russian carpenters created many different and ingenious variants of mills. Already in our time, more than twenty varieties of their constructive solutions have been recorded. Of these, two fundamental types of mills can be distinguished: “pillars” and “shatrovki”. The first were common in the North, the second - in the middle lane and the Volga region. Both names also reflect the principle of their device.

Pillar mills: a - on poles; b - on the stand; c - on the frame.

Shatrovka mills: a - on a truncated octagon; b - on a straight eight; c - octagon on the barn.

In the first type, the mill barn rotated on a post dug into the ground. The support was either additional pillars, or a pyramidal log crate, chopped “in cut”, or a frame. The principle of the smock mills was different - their lower part in the form of a truncated octahedral frame was motionless, and the smaller one top part spinning with the wind. And this type in different areas had many options, including mill-towers - four, six and eight.

All types and variants of mills amaze with precise design calculations and the logic of cuts, which withstood strong winds. Folk architects also paid attention to the external appearance of these only vertical economic structures, the silhouette of which played a significant role in the ensemble of villages. This was expressed both in the perfection of proportions, and in the elegance of carpentry, and in the carvings on pillars and balconies.

Today, old mills are abandoned or turned into museums, and grain is processed in factories where this process is completely mechanized ...

At home, you can grind any flour from grains and cereals: wheat, rye, barley, buckwheat, corn, millet, peas, lentils, chickpeas and others.

For the preparation of flour, it is better to take raw and unpolished grain. Take a good look at the grains, remove the dark and rotten ones. Rinse, without soaking, the grain in several waters: first twice in warm, and then in running cold water.

On paper or cloth, dry the grains or cereals thoroughly. Do not use newspaper - the harmful chemical constituents of the paint may be absorbed into the grains. The room should be well ventilated, especially if you are making flour in large quantities.

Grinding and drying flour

There are several ways to grind grain at home.

  1. Buy a flour grinder. This is a machine that grinds grain at home. It works from an electric drive. Inside the flour grinder are two stone millstones that grind the grain into flour. Do not grind seeds, nuts and other grains containing a lot of oil in a flour grinder.
  2. Use your home grinder. There are manual and electric grinders. Electric grain grinds faster, but if you need to a small amount of flour - up to 1-2 kg, then a hand mill is enough.

When choosing and buying a flour grinder or a home mill, if possible, you should give preference to stone millstones, and not metal or something else.

  • Grind the grain in a meat grinder with a fine grate. This method is good for germinated grains or for bran, because. as a result of grinding in a meat grinder, flour and grain shell are mixed in homogeneous mass.
  • You can grind the grain with a blender. But the blender cannot be used for a long time in operating mode, so you will not get a lot of flour in this way.
  • Get a coffee grinder. If the coffee grinder grinds grain with knives, then besides coffee, it is better not to grind anything in it, otherwise it will quickly fail. And in a coffee grinder with millstones, you can process different cereals: buckwheat, wheat, rice and others.
  • Use a mortar and pestle. This is perhaps the most ancient way of grinding grain at home. This is a labor intensive process that requires time and patience. It is well suited for coffee beans or spices.
  • Use a wooden mallet and a thick natural fabric in the form of a bag. Pour the grains into the bag, tie it tightly, make sure that there is no excess air in it. Tap the bag with a hammer for a few minutes. This method can be used if you need to grind grain in field conditions, where there are no food processors and coffee grinders at all.
  • Put the finished flour on a dense white paper(fabric is inappropriate here) with a layer of 2 cm and dry for two to three days. Remember to mix the flour gently. Well-dried flour will not stick to your hands, and its color will become lighter.

    The purpose of grinding grain is to get fresh flour for baking. It makes no sense to grind the grain so that later it lies somewhere for 3 months. This is how they do it at factories, because flour is sold through stores and it is not clear how much it will lie there. And at home, with a flour grinder, nothing prevents us from making flour as needed, i.e. just before baking.

    Storage and use of flour

    For proper storage flour, the optimum air humidity should be - 60-70%, and a favorable temperature - from +5 to +18 ° C. When long-term storage the recommended temperature should be from +5 to -15 ° C. It is important to remember that a sharp fluctuation in air temperature and humidity has a bad effect on the storage of flour. Flour with high content fat, which includes wheat flour of the second grade, soy flour, corn, oatmeal, is stored for a shorter period of time. For example, oatmeal is not more than 3 months. Rye flour also has a relatively short shelf life compared to wheat flour.

    Flour is stored in a dry and clean room, where there are no strong foreign odors, since the flour quickly absorbs them.

    The quality of flour is easy to determine organoleptically: sour or bitter taste is left on the tongue by stale flour; specific, bad smell stale flour emits, and finally, if you touch the flour with your hand and there is a feeling of cold, this means that it has high humidity, which leads to rapid deterioration, and this means that it is time to dry it urgently.

    Homemade Whole Wheat Bread Recipe

    Bread is baked with sourdough.

    Sourdough preparation. Pour a couple of tablespoons of homemade whole flour (wheat or rye anyway) with clean water, you can add a little honey or raisins, cover with a napkin, put in heat. After about a day, we will feed: add flour and add water, until the density of sour cream. Let's leave it, this time it will fit faster, in half a day. Then we feed again and leave, you can continue many times, the sourdough will only get better.

    We take the finished sourdough, into the container where the dough will be kneaded, add a pinch of natural rock salt, whole flour (you can grind it with spices - coriander, cumin, dill seeds, etc.), water, and knead a not very thick dough that can be kneaded with a spoon. Let's add a spoonful of honey. Lubricate baking dishes (glass or ceramic) with butter, sprinkle with flour on top of the butter, spread the dough. Before this, set aside part of the dough in a bowl - for the next baking.

    Transferred to the form, put in heat, covered with something. Should come up in a few hours (3-5), depends on the temperature, etc. Raised - into the oven. A loaf almost the size of a store is baked at 180 degrees for 55-60 minutes (even if put in a cold oven), in a preheated oven - 50-55 minutes. They took it out, covered it, it will cool down - take it out of the mold and cover it, preferably with a linen cloth, so that the bread does not dry out. The bread is very soft and can be stored for a long time.

    The reserved dough can lie for several days, choose a cooler place, for example, in the refrigerator. We decided to bake bread - we took out the dough, kneaded it, put aside a part again, and so on.

    After you eat such bread for several months, you won’t be able to eat store-bought bread later. He is different. Especially in the consequences for the body.

    Considering that incomparable gingerbread, poppy seed cakes, cookies are also easily baked. it remains only to find where to buy good grain.

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    how to grind flour?

    Everything is fine, if not for one thing, but: how, in what to grind?

    Pound in a mortar - you'll go crazy.

    How to be? Maybe there is already some simple and ingenious answer to this question.

    maybe in a coffee grinder?

    oh, I lied. I just grinded in a coffee grinder. I'll fix it now)

    Oh, I wanted to write about the same topic. Does chickpeas also make normal flour in a coffee grinder? *

    Are you asking me? I have no idea))

    chickpeas can break the grinder. and the flour turns out terrible - with pieces. much better to buy besan in store

    Maybe it depends on the coffee grinder?

    I ground oven-dried milk thistle grains - they are VERY hard - ground to a powder!

    perhaps the key is the nuance "dried in the oven."

    Before drying, milk thistle was even softer, and the moisture disappeared and the grains became stone on the tooth)

    But you can try

    It takes a long time to grind in a coffee grinder!

    There is such a thing - a mill for cereals, as one of the bonuses to a food processor. True, she has not yet acquired.

    Well, there are separate mills in their own right, but I haven’t seen them in Russia either, and by order it’s expensive.

    Secondly, from a purely technical point of view, making bread from such flour is VERY DIFFICULT. It will not rise well, will be dense, unusual and even, perhaps, tasteless for those who are used to store-bought bread.

    I would advise you to simply try, if possible, to find RELATIVELY FRESH flour in the store, preferably coarse. And learn how to bake bread from good LJ magazines, fortunately, such magazines now exist.

    There must be some hand grinders. For spices, there seems to be such. But I tried searching online and couldn't find anything.

    As for the endless chain, I agree, of course. I just reached the link along this chain, beyond which I can no longer move.

    but to grind flour, bake cakes from it immediately and eat them for several days - does not seem to me something out of the ordinary.

    There are shredders - like the bullshit for the coblayan described above, only a separate device.

    It differs from a coffee grinder in an increased volume and a more powerful motor / knife.

    There are 2 types of coffee grinders: with a knife and millstones. The knife quickly fails if you grind something other than coffee, but the millstones are much better. Look at this Bork coffee grinder. It is for all spices. You can set the grinding size from 3 offered. I bought a long time ago. Enough for a family. A good thing. ml

    She, of course, makes flour without problems. I cannot guarantee the finest grinding, but coarse grinding is fine.

    oh super, thanks for the introduction to the science of coffee grinders)

    you need to look for exactly which one is for grain.

    oh that's great, thanks!

    Might this fit? I use very tasty.

    Producer: KFK "Belovodie", Russia.

    Unlike varietal grinding, when only the central

    the sound part of the grain, the so-called. wallpaper coarse grinding, the grain is ground

    When consuming such bread, the activation of one's own

    human microflora, digestion processes are accelerated,

    the digestibility of other products, and therefore such bread is valued by the people.

    Energy value: 330 kcal, proteins 9.5g, fats 1.1g, carbohydrates 71g.

    Energy value - 330 kcal.

    Shelf life 6 months.

    I saw it, yes.

    but they write that whole grains are not stored for long, precisely because all living nutrients are not removed from it. I'm afraid to buy stale or even worse with some preservatives.

    therefore, I say that it is easier, it seems to me, to grind it yourself. especially if, as they say above, special devices have already been invented for this)

    You know better 🙂 I have already bought 10 packs always fresh term validity, good quality No preservatives are listed on the package. But after all, grain can be pickled with something, irradiated. I just don’t like extra units in the kitchen - small :-)))

    I understand that these mills are small, you can easily put them in the closet, and that's it.

    Terms. It works from the drive. Inside the flour grinder are two stone millstones that grind grain into flour. Do not grind seeds, nuts and other grains containing a lot of oil in a flour grinder.

    Grind grain in a home mill. There are also electric mills. In electric mills, grain is ground faster, but if you need a small amount of flour - up to 1-2 kg, then a manual mill is enough.

    Grind the grain in a meat grinder with a fine grate. This method is good for germinated grains or for bran, because. as a result of grinding in a meat grinder, flour and grain shell are mixed into a homogeneous mass.

    Use a wooden mallet and a heavy plastic bag. Pour the grains into the bag, tie it tightly, make sure that there is no excess air in the bag. Tap the bag hard with a hammer for a few minutes. You can use this method if you need to grind grain on camping trips, where there are no food processors and coffee grinders at all.

    Get a coffee grinder. If a coffee grinder grinds grain with knives, then coffee, it’s better not to grind anything in it, otherwise it will quickly fail. And in a coffee grinder with millstones, you can process different cereals: buckwheat, wheat, rice and others.


    • Processing grain into flour

    Ground nuts, rich beneficial substances, are used by housewives for making salads, cakes and other pastries. You can grind nuts in various ways using household appliances or kitchen utensils.

    You will need

    • - coffee grinder;
    • - blender;
    • - food processor;
    • - meat grinder;
    • - manual grinder;
    • - cutting board;
    • - kitchen hammer;
    • - rolling pin;
    • - knife.


    You can grind nuts in a coffee grinder using various ways grinding from coarse to fine. Before you put nuts in any household appliances, be sure to peel them from the shell. After 1 grinding, stir the nuts with a spoon until they become buttery. Then gently wipe the grinder bowls and rinse the lid with water.

    An alternative to a coffee grinder can be a blender equipped with a special nozzle and able to grind nuts well. The blender allows you to make almond milk from almonds, which you can drink. Peel the almonds and keep them in water for about 5-8 hours before grinding, then pour them into a blender mold, add water from the following calculation: 3 parts of water fall on 1 part of nuts. Grind the nuts to the desired consistency, and then strain the resulting liquid to remove any residue and crumbs. Almond milk good for the heart, helps manage weight, makes skin look radiant, and strengthens bones, hair, and teeth.

    If you want to get a homogeneous nut mass, then use a meat grinder for this purpose. An electric meat grinder will help to cope with the task quickly and easily.

    The food processor is also equipped with a variable grind function to help you grind nuts. Thus, a blender, food processor, meat grinder and coffee grinder help to grind nuts well and do not require time and effort, but if you do not have this household appliance, then you can use other methods.

    How to grind grain at home and get healthy and real whole grain flour?

    The possibilities of Maikuk are so unlimited that having this kitchen machine at home is like having 10 different food processing plants at home.

    Maykuk is also a household flour mill.

    So, Maikuk kitchen appliances - a whole mill for 30 cm of the kitchen table, a home mini mill for grain and flour. Freshly ground whole grain flour especially valuable because it is fresh and does not have time to oxidize, such flour is also called "live" and it breathes. In Maykuk, flour preparation takes only 1-3 minutes. And how long will it take to go to the store and buy flour?

    This kitchen robot is a home mini mill that can easily grind grain into flour in a few minutes, and in just a few seconds grind sugar into powdered sugar. What can I say, even the strongest nuts are tough for him. Remember how much work it takes to grind nuts, for example, to decorate a cake, for salad, for breading.

    That housewives just don’t use coffee grinders and blenders for this, who pound in a mortar. But the coffee grinder can break. But this problem is not for Maikuk. Within just a few minutes, you will have walnuts, almonds, pine nuts ground almost into flour ...

    Now about cereals and flour. By controlling the time and speed of grinding, it is possible to obtain both cereals and flour from whole grains.

    For grinding flour, usually high rotation speeds are used - speeds of 8-10.

    Any grain - wheat, rye, barley, corn, buckwheat - can be ground into flour in the Maikuk kitchen robot, while maintaining purity.

    A specially designed jug and lid will not allow the grits to “run away” when the machine is running at high speeds. For cleanliness of work with fine grinding, the use of a steam basket is also provided.

    Maikuk will need only 2-3 minutes to get flour from 0.5 kg of grain, 1-2 minutes to grind coffee.

    And yet, with the help of this miracle robot, you can get great amount homemade seasonings, combining all sorts of dried vegetables.

    Here is an example of a condiment that you can easily prepare: dried carrot, turmeric and 1 tsp. nautical edible salt. Place everything in a Maikuk jug and grind for 1 minute. This seasoning is perfect for soups, sauces, salads.

    And you can come up with a huge number of such options for seasonings. And some of the spices will be only your know-how, which will make your dishes uniquely delicious.

    Well, washing a food processor - a home flour mill, after such dusty tests will not be difficult at all.

    Watch the coffee grinding video. Maikuk - home mini mill and coffee grinder. Grinding coffee in Maykuk.

    Do you want to buy such a food processor?