How to cook a berry pie from cottage cheese with chokeberry - a homemade photo recipe. Recipes for blanks and dishes from chokeberry: a complete guide

If you want to improve your health, support immunity and do it exclusively by natural means, you should definitely pay attention to chokeberry or chokeberry. Recipes with this juicy berry were known to the American Indians! Yes, and in Russia they knew how to cook a tasty and healthy delicacy from chokeberry.

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Useful properties of chokeberry

A low-growing shrub, strewn with glossy blue-black berries, began to be cultivated in North America long before the white man set foot there. With the help of chokeberry juice, Indian tribes successfully coped with wounds and skin diseases, fever and stomach ailments, and treated a good dozen different ailments. In the 17-19 centuries, this plant was also mastered in Russia - first as an ornamental shrub for the garden, and then as a festive table dish. Soaked and dried mountain ash, in honey and sugar, in pies and liqueurs ... In the days of the USSR, juice, tinctures and chokeberry extract began to be actively used in diets for gastritis, they were used to treat hypertension and atherosclerosis.

Today, chokeberry is a time-tested and recognized by official medicine medicine, a vitamin food supplement and just a delicious dessert for a sweet tooth. And let it not be used as widely as the more common raspberries or strawberries! Over the long centuries of acquaintance with this berry, the hostesses have invented many recipes with chokeberry, both simple and more complicated. Once you try a fragrant berry pie, fruit drink or homemade chokeberry wine, and you will surely burn with a desire to continue your culinary experiments with this strong sweet and sour berry. And the recipes collected in this article will help you cook easily and with pleasure.

Aronia jam

What will you need?

  • 1 kg of berries. You will need to prepare them for use first. Tear off the berries from the brushes, sort, wash, put in a suitable dish and hold in an oven preheated to 80 degrees for 3 hours.
  • 1 kg of sugar.
  • 500 ml of water.
  • 200 g of freshly squeezed juice from any fruit or berry.
  • 100 g of citric acid.

Remove the berries from the oven and drain the juice. Combine it with water, sugar and prepared fruit juice, boil until thick. Pour the berries set aside into the resulting syrup, reduce the heat and continue to keep the mixture on the stove until the rowan berries become transparent. Add citric acid to the jam, mix well. Turn off the stove, wait five minutes and remove the pan from the heat. It remains only to roll the jam into jars or let it cool and start tasting.

Chokeberry syrup

Two small, but such useful berries - mountain ash and hawthorn - work wonders. Under their imperceptible, but positive influence, the heart and blood vessels are noticeably healed, the circulatory and nervous systems are strengthened, cholesterol decreases and the manifestations of atherosclerosis decrease. Microbes and viruses attacking the body retreat, and overall well-being improves. If you have seen hawthorn syrup with chokeberry in a pharmacy or on store shelves, then you probably know how healthy and tasty this product is. But you can make it at home, by making some changes to the process of cooking rowan jam!

Pour a glass of washed hawthorn berries with an equal amount of boiling water, keep on fire for another 5 minutes, set aside from the stove and let it brew under the lid for 2 hours. Prepare chokeberry berries in the oven as described above. Then combine mountain ash, infusion and hawthorn fruits with 1 kg of sugar and half a liter of water in one saucepan. Boil the liquid until it becomes syrupy, then strain. The content of nutrients in each spoon will just roll over!

Try this syrup with oat bran pancakes for breakfast, and you can enjoy the magical taste without fear of extra waist creases.

Compote from chokeberry

Drinks from chokeberry are quite peculiar in taste: sweet, but quite tart and with a noticeable sourness. So that every member of your family is guaranteed to like the future compote, cook mountain ash along with sweet varieties of apples.


  • 1 kg of aronia berries;
  • small lemon;
  • 2-3 large apples;
  • half a kilo of sugar;
  • 3-4 liters of water.

Rinse the berries. Peel the apples, cut into quarters and remove the core. Wash the lemon with a hard sponge and cut into large circles. Boil water, add fruits, berries and all sugar to it. Boil for another 15 minutes, turn off the stove and let the compote cool without removing it from the burner. Apples and chokeberry together wonderfully complement each other: excess astringency disappears, sourness becomes less pronounced, but the incomparable aroma and taste of mountain ash remains. And due to the short heat treatment, the compote will retain most of the vitamins.

Kissel from chokeberry

To make a thick, rich and healthy jelly for the stomach, you almost do not have to change the classic recipe. Prepare:

  • 500 g chokeberry berries;
  • 200 g of any fruits and berries to slightly muffle the strong taste of chokeberry;
  • 300 g of sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. starch;
  • 2 liters of water.

Bring water with berries and sugar to a boil. In a thin stream, with constant stirring, pour into the compote 3 tbsp. l. potato starch. Wait until it boils again without stopping stirring. And remove the finished jelly from the fire.

Pie with chokeberry

Recipes with chokeberry are not limited to drinks alone. If you have a desire, a glass of mountain ash and 40 minutes of free time, it doesn’t cost you anything to make a quick fluffy cake. Would need:

  • 200 g of kefir;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 150 g flour;
  • a glass of chokeberry;
  • half a teaspoon of soda;
  • lemon or apple cider vinegar;
  • butter.

Mix kefir, eggs and sugar with a mixer. Pour flour into the mixture. Quench the soda with lemon juice or vinegar, add to the dough. Send the washed and towel-dried rowan berries there and mix everything well again. If the mixture seems runny, add a little more flour. Lubricate the form with oil, lay out the dough, level it and send the cake to bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. After 20 minutes, an appetizing smell of delicacy with a slightly unusual, but pleasant aftertaste of chokeberry will spread through the kitchen. The recipe does not require any culinary skills or special diligence from you. Even the most inexperienced hostess will cope with this task effortlessly!

Pleasant moment: remember that the basis of the dough for this pie is the lightest product - kefir. And if the kefir diet helps many women lose weight, then with kefir pie you have every chance not to get better. Just try not to eat it whole in one sitting!

Chokeberry tinctures

A big plus of aronia berries is that they tolerate freezing well and can patiently wait in the wings all winter in the freezer or even on the balcony. However, there is one subtlety. If you are preparing a drink from frozen chokeberry, try to drink it within 2 days, otherwise compotes and fruit drinks will lose most of their vitamins. However, rowan delicacies are unlikely to stagnate in your kitchen.

But this rule does not apply to preservatives, and, moreover, to liqueurs and tinctures. Sweet, "spirited", with a unique subtle bitterness, they will be stored indefinitely, saving you from colds, viruses and simply decorating the table during the holidays.

You will need:

  • chokeberry;
  • vodka.

Fill the bottle in which you are going to make the tincture with strong, in no case crumpled berries, after sorting them out as well. Fill the mountain ash with vodka, close the bottle tightly and put it in a cool, dark place for a month. Keep in mind that during the first week, the berries will absorb alcohol and the amount in the bottle may decrease slightly. In this case, be sure to add vodka to the top. After a month, strain the infusion, squeeze the berries and pour the drink into a container of suitable size. It remains only to wait for a reason to surprise your guests with chokeberry liqueur.

If you did not manage to stock up on fresh berries in time, this is not a problem. They can be easily replaced by dried fruits, and such a substitution will not affect the quality of the final product. So, to prepare a tincture of dried chokeberry berries on vodka, rinse, dry and mince the prepared dry fruits of chokeberry. At 23, fill a bottle with ground berries, fill with vodka and leave to infuse for 4-5 months. The tincture will be strong and fragrant.

You can make a more noble drink, spending a little more time. You will need:

  • 1 kg of aronia berries;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 500 ml of vodka;
  • a handful of cherry and currant leaves.

Wash and mix the berries and leaves. Pour in water, bring to a boil and leave on fire for a quarter of an hour. Wipe the cooled broth through gauze to squeeze the juice from the berries. Return the pan to the fire again, adding sugar to it, boil the liquid and continue to cook for another 20-25 minutes, not forgetting to stir the thickening syrup. Take the pot off the heat, cool. Mix syrup with vodka, pour into a bottle and send to a cool dark place to infuse. In a month, sweet chokeberry liqueur will be ready to drink.

There is also such a variant of this drink: replace sugar with 500 g of honey, dissolving it in a cooled broth of berries and combine with vodka. Wait at least a month and get a liqueur with a honey and berry flavor and smell.

Chokeberry: Juicing

Difficulty of preparation: Easily

Time for preparing: up to 1 hour

Vegetarianism: ovo

Kitchen: Home

Servings: 8 servings

Dish type: Bakery products

Ingredients for chokeberry pie for 8 servings:

Step by step chokeberry pie recipe

I was not particularly familiar with such a berry-rowan before. And then I came across a saleswoman with these berries in the market, the price was more than pleasant ... I decided to take a chance and buy it. And now, not in vain, because, as it turned out, with chokeberry (and with ordinary red) mountain ash, you can cook a delicious pie, moreover, from a minimum amount of products. So, what products are useful.

First you need to beat the eggs with sugar with a mixer until a fluffy cream is formed. Add vanilla sugar (you can use vanilla flavor, vanilla essence), beat a little more.

Sift the flour into the egg mixture, mixing with a mixer. The resulting dough should be thick, like sour cream.

Rinse the rowan, wipe with a paper towel and roll in a spoonful of flour. This will prevent the berries from sinking to the bottom of the cake.

Add berries to the dough, mix with a spoon.

Grease a pie mold with butter.

Lay out the dough, smooth it out.

Bake the cake for about 40 minutes at 180 degrees. Here is such a handsome man turned out πŸ™‚

Allow the cake to cool slightly, then sprinkle with powdered sugar for decoration and serve with coffee or tea. Very tasty, pleasant, rowan sour contrasts interestingly with sweet dough ... Bon appetit!

Analysis of a dish based on ingredients







Wheat flour of the highest grade

total in the dish:

Aronia (chokeberry) - plant for decor and garden and apartment:
In late spring and early summer, the bush is sprinkled with clusters of white inflorescences.
In late summer, blue-gray berries look beautiful among rich green foliage. And a little later, each bush becomes the "dream" of the colorist. In winter, you can admire bouquets of dried flowers with chokeberry branches.

Photo 1.

Before preparing the filling from frozen chokeberry, you need to freeze this same chokeberry in the fall. The optimal time for collecting chokeberry is the end of September, the beginning of October.

But I have to fight for the harvest of this beautiful berry - for several generations of starlings who have settled nearby, my two bushes have been considered theirs. They eat only ripe berries, so I learn about the ripening time of the chokeberry by the howling of feasting birds. Alas, not every year I am a winner. This year I had to "beg neighbors" and even buy a couple of kilos.

Part dried, the rest froze for the winter. Both are very easy to do, especially freezing. It is enough just to remove the branches, rinse from dust, dry a little with towels or a cold hair dryer. Pour a thin layer into trays and freeze. Transfer to tight bags for storage. Very good (closable) ones are sold in IKEA - they are called ISTAD, they can be used several times. I use each pack for at least two seasons. Pack of 50 in two sizes. A little more than a kilogram of small berries is placed in large ones, 300 grams can be put in small ones. I have been using it for 5 years already, there was something to compare with - these turned out to be the best in terms of price / quality ratio.

Photo 2.

Thawed chokeberry becomes less tart, but I still prefer to "dilute" it with something more neutral in taste.

The simplest assorted for fillings turned out like this:
frozen chokeberry - 5 parts
frozen blackcurrant - 1 part;
frozen apple slices 4 parts;
a pinch of chopped nutmeg and a little granulated sugar.

Blackcurrant got into this mixture by accident - once she mixed up packages with frozen berries. It took root, now this combination of the bright taste of currants and the light tartness of powdery mountain ash has become a favorite. Well, apples are always a good companion for any berries and fruits.

Sugar is added to this filling to taste.
Since I freeze apple slices, previously slightly aged with sugar sand and lightly squeezed, it is not necessary to thicken the filling with flour or starch. Only currants give juice, but there is only 10% of it in the filling, so it is not able to spoil the cake.

Heat milk (0.5 liters) to 40 C, add granulated sugar (100 grams) and yeast (small bag),
leave for 20 minutes in a warm place.
Pour a third of the flour (300 grams) and salt (half a teaspoon), stir, leave warm for 40 minutes.
Add oil (100 ml of vegetable oil or 80 grams of butter) and slightly beaten eggs (3 pcs.), Mix, add the sifted flour and knead thoroughly. Put in a warm place for 2 hours.
Knead again, cover with a towel and let rise. As a rule, it is another 1.5 hours.

From this amount of dough, I get a large baking sheet of buns-patties and one large closed pie with filling.

This is enough for my small family for 3 days, and then they ask for something else from yeast dough. Therefore, in the arsenal of a housewife, recipes for fillings should be many and different.

Good pastries always cheer up the household. This recipe for a magnificent pie is a real miracle for a family tea party. The product is tender, crumbly, soft. The dough is not hard to make. In a few minutes it will be ready, and a pie with chokeberry and apples is also baked very quickly. For the sweet tooth, this pastry will be a great joy.


  • 4 eggs
  • 250 g butter or margarine
  • 250 g granulated sugar
  • 10 g baking powder
  • 1.5 g vanillin
  • 350 g baking flour
  • 150 g chokeberry
  • 1 apple
  • a pinch of cinnamon.

How to cook a pie with chokeberry and apples:

1. It is necessary to break eggs into a deep bowl.

2. Take butter or margarine and melt it in a water bath.

3. Beat the eggs with a whisk. Pour sugar into them. Mix the mass with a whisk, pour in the baking powder. Add vanillin. Thanks to this component, the taste of future baking will become more tender and soft.

4. Pour the melted and slightly cooled butter into a bowl with all the products.

5. Add flour. Gently mix the dough.

The mass should be thick, with a viscous texture.

6. Rinse chokeberry berries. Put them in a bowl with dough. Mix well.

7. Cut the apple into slices. Sprinkle the pieces with cinnamon.

8. Transfer the dough into a mold. Arrange apple slices on top. Place the product in a hot oven. Bake at 180 degrees, 40-45 minutes. Readiness to check with a dry wooden torch.

In 2012, I went with my wife to visit my father in the city of Lipetsk. It didn’t work out much to rest, but they managed to collect various berries for preparations for the winter. I described in detail in the recipe for Japanese quince jam immediately upon arrival in Samara. Then they brought with them Japanese quince, barberry, wild rose and chokeberry (chokeberry).

He dried the wild rose with barberry, processed the Japanese quince (northern lemon), and made pies from chokeberry and froze some of the berries. Today, I just want to tell and show one simpler recipe for making a quick aronia pie with chokeberry on kefir with a minimum amount of products and a minimum of time spent.

To prepare a pie with chokeberry you will need:

3 chicken eggs, 1 glass of kefir, 1 glass of sugar, 2 glasses of flour, 400 g chokeberry, one teaspoon without a slide of soda quenched with vinegar, oil for lubricating the form (in the photo above it is vegetable, but it is better to use creamy and dust the form with semolina ).

Pie with chokeberry - recipe

Combine sugar with eggs and beat well.

In beaten eggs with sugar, pour kefir and beat into a homogeneous mass.

In the finished dough, add baking soda slaked with vinegar and add chokeberry. Mix the dough together with the quenched soda and rowan berries well, and you can start baking the pie.

Lubricate the baking dish for the aronia cake with oil, transfer the dough into it and level it with an even layer. The layer of dough in the form should not exceed 1.5 centimeters in height.

The best way to avoid the dough from sticking to the mold is to grease it with butter and sprinkle with semolina. How to do this, see the photo in the recipe for blackcurrant pie. Send the form or baking sheet with the dough to the oven preheated to 200 degrees for 20-25 minutes. A quick pie with chokeberry for tea, cooked on kefir according to a photo recipe, is ready.

You can cook such a quick cake for tea on kefir both with fresh chokeberry, and with rowan berries frozen since autumn. From quick pies using berries, I also make quick pies with frozen blackcurrants. From savory pies, you can watch the preparation of a pie with canned fish and the preparation of a chicken with potatoes and pork.

Pies are a classic type of confectionery that can be cooked indefinitely, so that's all for today. Have a nice tea party with chokeberry pie and see you soon on the Recipes.rf website.

For dessert, watch a video about the benefits of chokeberry (chokeberry):

Sour cream charlotte with chokeberry and apples

1 cup sour cream (yogurt, kefir, curdled milk),
- 1 glass of granulated sugar,
- 1 cup flour
- 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil,
- 1 egg,

- 2-3 apples,
- 0.5 teaspoon of soda,
- cinnamon.

Cooking method:

Turn on the oven to preheat. Grease the mold with butter and sprinkle with flour. Cut the peeled apples into slices, lay on the bottom of the mold, sprinkle with cinnamon. Mix sour cream with sugar, vegetable oil and egg. Add flour with soda, berries and mix quickly. Pour apples with dough and bake charlotte at 180 Β° C for 40-45 minutes.

Biscuit charlotte with chokeberry and apples

200 g flour
- 200 g of sugar,
- 3 eggs,
- 1 glass of chokeberry,
- 1 apple (preferably sour).

Cooking method:

Preheat the oven. Grease the form with oil and sprinkle with flour. Peel the apple and cut into slices, mix with berries. Beat eggs with sugar, add flour and mix well. Pour the third part of the dough into a mold with a thin layer, put apples with berries on top, pour the remaining dough. Bake at 180Β°C for 40-45 minutes. If the splinter remains dry when piercing the charlotte, you're done.

Quick chokeberry pie

400 g chokeberry berries,
- 1 cup of kefir (can be replaced with sour cream or yogurt),
- 1 cup of sugar,
- 2 cups flour, 3 eggs,
- half a teaspoon of soda.

Cooking method:

Turn on the oven to heat up to 175-180 Β° C, prepare the form - grease it with oil and sprinkle with flour. Mix flour with soda. Beat the eggs with sugar and kefir, add the chokeberries and flour with soda. Mix well with the berries and pour into the mold. Bake for 25-30 minutes.

Cupcake with chokeberry

2 cups of flour,
- 1 cup brown sugar
- 1 glass of apple juice,
- 50 g butter,
- 2 eggs,
- 1.5 cups of chokeberry,
- 1.5 teaspoons of baking powder,
- salt on the tip of a teaspoon.

Cooking method:

Turn on the oven to heat up to 175-180 Β° C, prepare the form - grease it with oil and sprinkle with flour. Mix flour with sugar, salt and baking powder. Beat the softened butter, eggs and juice with a mixer until smooth. Add flour to it and stir. Pour into a mold and place in the oven. The cupcake is baked from 45 minutes to 1 hour, keep an eye on its readiness with a wooden skewer (or toothpick) - when the dough does not stick to it, the cupcake is ready. If desired, the finished cake can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Muffins with chokeberry

For the test

● 2 cups chokeberry berries,
● 100 g butter,
● 100 g of sugar,
● half a glass of milk,
● 2 eggs,
● 200 g flour,
● 2 teaspoons of baking powder,
● 2 teaspoons of vanilla sugar.

For glaze

● 100 g of powdered sugar,
● half a glass of chokeberry berries.

Cooking method:

Turn on the oven to preheat to 200 Β° C, grease muffin tins with oil or put paper tins in them. Mix flour with vanilla sugar and baking powder. Beat the softened butter and sugar until fluffy, add the eggs one at a time, then the flour, and finally the berries. Pour the batter into the molds two-thirds of the way up and bake for about 20 minutes. Finished muffins after cooling, cover with icing.
For the glaze, crush the berries (this is convenient with an immersion blender), add a tablespoon of water and strain through a sieve. Mix with powdered sugar until creamy.

Curd cheesecake with chokeberry

For the test

● 1 glass of sour cream (kefir, yogurt),
● 200 g flour,
● 1 egg,
● 4 tablespoons of sugar,
● 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil,
● half a teaspoon of soda,
● a pinch of salt.
- For filling
● 1 glass of chokeberry berries,
● 400 g of cottage cheese,
● 2 eggs,
● 1 tablespoon starch,
● half a glass of sugar.

Cooking method:

Turn on the oven to heat up to 175-180 Β° C, prepare the form - grease it with oil and sprinkle with flour. Mix flour with soda and salt. Beat sour cream with sugar and eggs, add flour and knead soft dough. Put it in the form, forming the sides.
Mix cottage cheese with eggs and sugar, add starch and berries. Spread over dough and bake for 35-40 minutes.