Do-it-yourself cat magnet from coffee beans. DIY New Year's coffee magnets

To create the "Coffee Trio" I used many different materials, tools and decorative elements. But the beauty of this master class is that you can use not all of the above, but only a part, or vice versa, something in addition to what will be on the list, and as a result, you will make exclusive coffee fridge magnets with your own hands.

So, in my work it was useful:

  • Scissors
  • Glue "Moment Crystal"
  • Magnetic vinyl
  • Pigment ink sponges in brown and light brown
  • Oil paint, color - mars brown dark
  • Beige linen lace
  • Cappuccino stretch lace
  • Wooden and plastic buttons
  • Red iris threads
  • Big eye needle
  • Narrow satin ribbons, brown and red
  • jute twine
  • Matt acrylic lacquer
  • Brush
  • Double sided tape
  • Cardboard 2 mm thick
  • piece of paper
  • A pen
  • Coffee beans
  • Ground coffee

I only had linen in a rather gray shade, and I wanted to bring it closer to the color of coffee so that they look more harmonious next to each other. To do this, I diluted three teaspoons of instant coffee in boiling water and soaked the fabric in it for an hour. Then she rinsed it under running water and put it on a very hot battery. As a result, the color of the linen became more brown, and there were also "burnt" - I really liked this effect.

Then I cut out a template in the shape of a heart from paper and made three blanks from thick cardboard 2 mm thick on it.

Coffee magnet (master class No. 1)

I glued the first blank with double-sided tape, and glued linen on top.

You should not cut the fabric according to the template, and then try to glue it evenly onto the workpiece. It is much easier, more convenient and more accurate to first glue a piece of linen to the cardboard, and then cut off the excess along the edges.

Then, using Moment glue (you can use both hot glue and any other transparent superglue), I laid out and fixed the coffee beans around the perimeter of the heart in one row. I stacked the grains with both flat and rounded sides up in random order, fitting them tightly to each other.

Then I covered the end of the workpiece with two turns of jute twine to hide the not-too-beautiful cut of cardboard and traces of glue between the coffee beans and the workpiece. The twine is also fixed with Moment glue.

Next, she laid twine along the inner perimeter of the heart from coffee beans, shaping the ends in the form of a bow.

I decorated two round wooden buttons with the red thread "Iris", a needle with a large eye helped me with this.

The edges of the buttons were tinted with pigment ink sponges. First I walked with a light brown sponge, and then a darker brown one.

The cardboard on the back of the heart was also tinted with pigment ink, so that it would be nice to look at the craft from the inside.

I glued a piece of magnetic vinyl.

And in the end, on the front side, under the bow, I glued pre-prepared buttons.

So I made the first coffee magnet heart with my own hands!

Coffee magnet (master class No. 2)

The second blank, like the first, I pasted over with linen and laid out coffee beans around the perimeter. And then I applied glue along the inner perimeter, poured instant coffee granules, gently pressed them with my fingers, just shook off the extra, not stuck, granules and left the glue to dry completely.

Instead of instant coffee, it is better to use ground natural coffee to create a coffee magnet with your own hands. It can be varnished so that the pieces hold tighter, do not crumble and do not crumble. With instant coffee, coating with varnish or glue is not possible.

I decorated the ends of this heart with beige linen lace, fixing it with Moment glue.

Then I tinted the lace with oil paint. It was possible to use pigment ink, as with the first magnet, but in this master class I wanted to show different materials and methods so that everyone could choose what is more affordable.

For tinting, I needed Sonnet oil paint, Mars dark color, a piece of sponge for washing dishes and a piece of cardboard. I squeezed a drop of oil onto the cardboard, then dipped a corner of the sponge into it and began to smear the oil from the sponge onto the cardboard. Only when the sponge leaves a dry NON-GREAS trace of paint, you can begin to tint the lace, touching the lower edge of the heart with light movements.

Instead of a sponge for dishes, you can use a cosmetic sponge - the smaller the pores, the better. But it should be remembered that after such use the sponge will be damaged, so the sponge is cheaper.

After tinting, the heart resembles a chocolate cake with butter cream :)

I made a bow out of a narrow brown satin ribbon, added a plastic flower button and decorated the second coffee heart with this composition! 🙂

Coffee magnet (master class No. 3)

I did not paste over the third blank with linen, but completely covered it with coffee beans. I glued the first layer with the flat sides of the grains down.

And I glued the second layer mixed, tightly laying the grains one to one, in some places even attaching them sideways.

After the glue dried, I saw that in some places between the grains it glitters, and I did not like it. Therefore, I covered the entire front of the heart with Sonnet matte acrylic varnish. On a bright sunny color, the heart shines a little, but now evenly.

I decorated the ends of the third heart with cappuccino-colored stretch lace, fixing it with Moment glue. This lace is stretchy. And due to the tension, it tightly wraps around the heart, wrapping on the front side, which is what I needed.

Over the lace, I glued a narrow brown satin ribbon. It turned out very tasty! 🙂

I decorated the wooden flower button with red thread, as well as the round buttons for the first heart.

Good mood everyone! Feel the New Year is already somewhere close! And the closer we are to January 1, the brighter the aromas of the holiday are felt. Fresh needles from Christmas tree markets, just brought from the store and immediately eaten by a tangerine. And here comes the smell of coffee (perhaps even with cinnamon): fresh, hot, so cozy, inspiring ...

Perhaps it's time to continue to reveal the theme of New Year's gifts and souvenirs! And on the agenda we have coffee Christmas tree magnets and horseshoes🎄. These fragrant beauties are not just a cute decor for a refrigerator or something, they are a whole repository of New Year's mood. And also a very cool, albeit modest size (but most importantly, with a soul!), A present that many can do.

Coffee bean magnets are a very convenient option for New Year's souvenirs. With a small investment of time and money for the purchase of materials, we get really handmade and unique gifts that will be appreciated by your guests, relatives, friends, and especially those who cannot imagine a day without a cup of coffee☕. Although, from experience, even non-coffee lovers are very pleased to receive such a little thing.

No less pleasant is the manufacturing process itself. What a fragrance while the seeds are picking up! Clay Moment doesn't count 😀

Today I will show three options for making New Year's magnets from coffee beans. And of course you can come up with your own design. We are waiting for:

But first, let's look at the materials:

  • millboard;
  • brown (and also white) acrylic paint;
  • coffee beans;
  • glue Moment Crystal or tart glue;
  • leg-split;
  • magnet;
  • decor: burlap, metal balls, bells, star anise, etc.
  • acrylic outline "Gold".

As well as a stationery knife, pencil, ruler, sponge.

A few words about the choice of materials

Cardboard it is worth taking a dense, gray, as for cardboard. Dye preferably artistic, glossy, of good quality (if the paint is building, after drying, the surface must be protected with varnish).

For a decoupage magnet, we will also need acrylic varnish, a napkin with a small motif, and a flat brush.

Concerning glue- you can use both Moment "Crystal" and hot glue. I prefer the first, despite its smell, because. Although hot glue is more pleasant to work with, after hardening it becomes more noticeable among the coffee beans, and the beans themselves sometimes fly off.

New Year's magnets from coffee beans

So, let's start with the base. For all types of New Year's magnets from coffee beans, it is done the same way.

We draw Christmas trees and a horseshoe on cardboard. Cut them out with a utility knife.

Next, you need to tint the surface on both sides. To do this, we use a sponge and acrylic paint and a favorite technique of a smacking brush))) We'll have to wait a while. Until the paint dries well, first on one side, then on the other.

Attention❗One of the Christmas trees (which is for decoupage) is completely painted over only on one side. Next, I'll show you why y.

Coffee magnet Christmas tree with burlap

We will decorate the first coffee magnet - the Christmas Tree with the help of burlap. We cut out a triangle from this material, slightly smaller in size than the base. With the help of the “Crystal” Moment, we paste it on cardboard.

Lubricate the stump with the same glue on both sides and, starting from the bottom, wrap the twine around it. We haven't cut it yet.

We apply glue around the perimeter and carefully fix the twine around our coffee tree.

It's the turn of the grains. I like to alternate coffee beans on magnets so that it looks natural, somewhere you can see a beautiful groove, somewhere - a rounded back. We select the grains in size and gradually glue them. It's better not to feel sorry for Clay here.

It remains to add strokes, namely a beautiful star anise and tinting. We tint the twine along the edge and the stump with brown paint, and then we go a little with gold paint along the top of the asterisk and the stump.

Magnet - a horseshoe made of coffee beans

Next, consider the creation of a fragrant horseshoe. This coffee bean magnet is made no more complicated than the previous one, by analogy and even simpler.

From the burlap we cut out two small pieces in the shape of a horseshoe (one of them is shown in the photo). Along the perimeter of the horseshoe we glue a thread of twine, as well as pieces of burlap.

We select and paste coffee beans, closing the gaps with paint.

We connect two metal decorative bells. From twine we make a small neat bow (there is a master class on this topic). And all this is glued from below with the help of either hot-melt adhesive or the “Crystal” Moment.

The horseshoe magnet made of coffee beans is almost ready!

Coffee magnet Christmas tree with decoupage

And here is another beautiful idea for a New Year's coffee magnet - decorate it with decoupage. We have already considered in the article the creation of an interesting little thing, decorated in this technique (who has not seen it, take a look, do not be lazy). Here we are interested in the New Year theme.

So, remember, at the beginning of the master class, I talked about tinting the base on only one side. But what about the other? We tint the other side only along the edge. And after drying, we cover the corner on which the drawing will be pasted with white paint.

We tear out the desired motive from the napkin, after which we separate the top layer. We place it on the white part.

Now let's take varnish. We drip a decent drop in the center of the motif and very quickly smear it over the surface to the edges.

After the varnish dries, you can slightly sand the bumps on the napkin with a zero, if they suddenly turned out. And then we apply brown paint so that, firstly, to close all the white gaps, and secondly, to give a neat look to the edges of the napkin. To do this, with a sponge, go to the napkin itself, creating a rounded outline. We leave to dry.

Before sticking the coffee beans on the future magnet, let's add some accents with the help of an acrylic outline. I made a spiral on a stump and circled dotted circles. After that, the surface is covered with another layer of varnish.

It remains to stick the grains and add a few small beads-balls.

Another New Year's coffee bean magnet is almost ready! Almost - because the most important touch remained - the magnet itself.

We place the magnets in the center of our Christmas trees and horseshoes (from below), glue them using the “Crystal” Moment.

And now it's definitely ready! Let's consider:

In the second photo you see another Christmas tree coffee magnet, such a rocker one with a guitar🎸. But the branded magnet 16+))) ⬇

In general, as you can see, there are options for every taste and color! And for one aroma - the aroma of coffee! 😉

I hope you found it useful and interesting today! The Christmas theme is one of the most inspiring ones. So why give purchased magnets with standard animals when you can make your own unique masterpiece! Try! I have collected even more New Year's ideas with a soul for you in this article:.

And if you are not indifferent to twine, welcome to a special review of ideas and twine workshops → :.

Good luck, great inspiration and joy from the process!

And all the best and brightest!

Your brownie Elena.

Do-it-yourself crafts made from coffee beans are not only pleasing to the eye, but also have a pleasant smell of coffee. These little things decorate our lives, give a good mood, and improve the atmosphere in the house. The master class does not require large material costs, we will tell you how to make such crafts from coffee beans.

An interesting stand for spices A cat from coffee beans can be made in one evening. A cat decorated with coffee beans, with a garden and a fence made of ice cream sticks or medical spatulas will definitely decorate your kitchen. It can be used as a spice holder or coffee jar and napkin holder. You can make a flower stand. The composition is decorated with lavender decor. A master class with decoupage elements is not difficult. We will decorate our home with such a cute coffee-scented craft.

For work you will need:

  1. Cardboard.
  2. Ice cream sticks or medical spatulas.
  3. Cotton swabs.
  4. Threads.
  5. Coffee beans.
  6. white and brown.
  7. PVA glue or glue gun.
  8. Napkins or a printout on a laser printer of a pattern with lavender.
  9. Scotch tape.

First, print out, or draw by hand. Choose the size of the template yourself.

The template must be cut out and transferred to thick cardboard. Circle and cut out.

We glue the cardboard sides to the stand, and fix it around with adhesive tape on top.

We take cotton pads and apply to the product.

Then we fix, that is, we tie everything with threads.

There is another option: cut out the silhouette from dark fabric, and stick it on the workpiece. And already directly on the fabric to glue coffee beans. Choose which option you like best. It seems to us that the fabric option is simpler and faster. Then we take brown acrylic paint, and paint over the Cat before gluing the grains. We let the paint dry, and only glue coffee beans on the dried surface. If you work with a hot glue gun, then you need to glue quickly, as the glue dries quickly.

This is how the product looks from the wrong side, if there were threads, then we cut them off.

This is what it looks like from the front side. A bit like a front garden.

We make a napkin holder out of cardboard, securing the edges with tape. Then we decorate it with decoupage - using napkins, printouts, or postcards with a lavender pattern.

We put the cover from the napkin holder on top, and glue it, securing it with tape on the sides.

It is better to cover the napkin holder with white acrylic paint, wait for the paint to dry, and then do the decoupage.

To decorate a coffee jar, you need napkins and white acrylic paint. We take a sponge and apply acrylic paint to the jar. We are waiting for complete drying.

We make decoupage with lavender napkins. Napkins or pictures can be any you like. If you have a laser printer, you are lucky, you can print any image.

Carefully remove one layer from the napkin, coat the napkins with a brush with PVA glue. That is, first we coat with glue the place where we planned to glue the drawing, and then we cover the drawing with glue on top. Here's what happens in the end.

Professionals almost always cover decoupage with varnish on top, but we think that in this case it is unnecessary.

As you can see, nothing complicated, but as a result we have an interesting decor for the kitchen.

I won’t reveal a secret if I say that original souvenirs are made from twine and coffee beans, for example, fridge magnets. You can make such a fragrant cat for yourself, or as a gift. After all, now many people collect magnets for the refrigerator, so such cats can be very expensive for someone. The master class uses various materials, and you can add something besides this, it all depends on your imagination.

For work you will need:

  1. Coffee beans.
  2. Cardboard.
  3. Burlap, or other cotton fabric of dark color.
  4. Leg-split.
  5. Acrylic paint brown.
  6. Brush or sponge.
  7. PVA glue.
  8. Scissors, paper, pencil.
  9. Glue gun or glue Moment.
  10. A piece of magnetic tape (cut from an old advertising magnet).
  11. Eyes ready, or homemade.

We print or draw by hand a template on a piece of paper. Transferring to cardboard. Please note that the distance between the paw and the tail is only 0.3-0.5 cm. - this is important, since in the future we will need to connect the tail and paw. We do this in order not to break the tail, because it is thin. There should be 2 cardboard parts, since we need a dense base.

We glue 2 parts of cardboard, we get a dense base.

On the inside, we glue the base to the burlap with PVA glue, first smearing the workpiece well.

It is advisable to put the workpiece under the press for a day. The burlap after gluing will become rigid and will not crumble. We cut off the excess.

We paint the front side of the product with brown paint. In the future, we will stick coffee beans on the brown side.

Let the workpiece dry.

We draw glue along the cut of the workpiece to glue the twine and hide the ugly cut of cardboard.

We glue the twine on the cut of the workpiece, slightly pulling it.

We make two turns of twine - close the cut with glue.

Glue coffee beans on the front side with a hot gun or glue Moment.

We completely close the workpiece with coffee beans.

Glue on the inside of the pieces of the magnet. As an option, you can not stick, but close the corners of the magnet with tape. Check if the magnet is holding on to the refrigerator.

We decorate the cat's face: glue the eyes, which can be made from an empty package of pills, and a pea, painted with a black marker. We put a pea in the recesses from the tablets, drop a drop of glue into the “eyes”, and glue it with white paper on top. You get wonderful eyes.

We make a cat mustache from twine, fix it with glue. Nose made of coffee beans.

We glue the eyes, tie a bow from a ribbon or lace.

What a great magnet.

In this short tutorial, you will see how to quickly and easily make an original fridge magnet. Such a magnet can be used as an inexpensive and unique one, or you can leave it in your collection of magnets decorating the door of a home refrigerator.

Materials for the master class:
- a foam tray (usually sold in fruit or cookie stores);
- coffee beans and spice - cloves;
- glue Moment;
- acrylic paints of brown and pearl color;
- stationery knife;
- brushes;
- pencil;
- magnet.

So let's get started:
1. On a foam tray, draw a heart with a pencil, if it turns out to be uneven, you can easily correct it.

2. Using a clerical knife, cut out the heart.

3. We cover it with brown acrylic paint.

4. Slowly, paint over the heart from all sides, paying special attention to the sides.

5. We attach coffee beans on top of the heart with glue Moment.

6. First, we mark the contour of our heart in a circle with coffee beans, then fill the core with them. As a result, the entire surface of the heart should be covered with coffee beans.

7. Now the small voids between the coffee beans need to be filled with cloves. If the legs of the carnation are too long, you can break them off a little.

8. We smear the legs of the carnation with glue.

9. And glue the carnation between the coffee beans.

10. We paint the heads of the carnation with mother-of-pearl acrylic paint.

11. We take a magnet. We apply Moment glue on one of its sides and wait 5 minutes.

Master class on needlework. Coffee magnet "Kitten with a ball"

This master class is intended for educators, teachers, older preschoolers, younger students, as well as those who like to decorate the interior with their own hands, create original gifts. A kitten made according to this master class can be a wonderful gift or interior decoration, taking pride of place on the refrigerator.
Target: obtaining the skills of making a coffee magnet "Kitten with a ball".

- teach how to make crafts from coffee beans;
- develop fine motor skills, creative imagination, fantasy, aesthetic taste;
- cultivate perseverance, accuracy, interest in working with coffee beans.

The kitten is fiddling with a ball:
That creeps up to him secretly,
Then he will start throwing himself at the ball,
Push him, jump to the side...
Can't guess at all
That this is not a mouse, but a ball.

Barto A.L.
For work we need:
- paper,
- thick cardboard
- brush,
- jute twine,
-coffee beans,
-glue "Moment-crystal",
- nail polish (pink color),
- eyes,
- decorative ball
- satin ribbon or organza
- paint in a can (silver color),
- glue gun

Today I bring to your attention MK for the manufacture of a coffee magnet "Kitten with a ball"
To create it, you need to draw a pattern on a piece of paper and cut it out.

Then transfer the pattern to thick cardboard

Cut out

We cover all the details with watercolor on both sides, mixing brown with black, trying to choose a shade close to coffee beans. This is necessary so that there are no gaps when gluing the grains.

While the paint dries, you can spend a physical minute with the children:

That will rot
It will arch your back
The paw will be pulled forward -
It makes charging
Our Marquis -
Fluffy cat.
He scratches himself behind the ear,
He blinks his eyes and growls.
Marquis is fine.
Claws, hair and appetite.

We glue all parts of the cat and start decorating with coffee beans. We lay the grains with a strip up, trying to pick them up in size so that the gaps between them are minimal

Here's what happened

To create a mustache on the muzzle, we glue sisal. You can also use string

Next, from two coffee beans, turned upside down with a strip, we make cheeks. We glue them on the mustache

Glue the spout

and cover it with nail polish

Glue eyes

We attach a bow to the tail, we give a ball to the paws of the cat. I covered it with spray paint to make it brighter. The glomerulus is best planted on hot glue, it will be more reliable. If desired, the bow and ball can be decorated with sparkles, which I did.

It remains to attach the magnet to the inside with a glue gun

And the kitten is ready!

Cats may be different, but everyone has a unique coffee aroma!

Thank you for your attention!
Creative success to you!