Linseed oil for the face. Flaxseed oil for the face and other cosmetic purposes: reviews and recipes

Literally every modern fashionista has in her arsenal great amount cosmetics.
Most of them are innovative developments of scientists. However, sometimes we completely forget about folk remedies, from time immemorial helping women to fight for beauty and youth, first of all, to get rid of wrinkles. Flaxseed oil, which will be discussed in this article, also belongs to such means.

The use of linseed oil in cosmetic purposes started in ancient India. It was there that the locals first began to grow flax. They proposed to use the oil for food, as well as to actively use it as a medicine for many diseases.

All the Benefits of Flaxseed Oil

Linseed oil- a substance obtained from flax seeds. For this, the cold pressing method is used. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3, omega-6) in combination with phosphorus, as well as a vitamin-mineral complex, turn the product into a storehouse of useful substances for human body. Vitamin E is essential for the skin.

Linseed oil in cosmetology is a source of beauty for hair and skin. It is effective for skin diseases, all kinds of rashes, in the fight against the first wrinkles. Regular use of oil in the form of masks and compresses helps to improve the overall condition of the hair, restore their silkiness and natural shine.

If you want to achieve the maximum effect, then you should use flax seed oil not only in the form of masks and lotions, but also ingest.

How to use linseed oil correctly

In many ways, the benefits of using flaxseed oil for the skin depend on the correct use of it. This is a product that is quite easy to work with, because it can be used both in its pure form, rubbing into the skin and hair, and as an additive to cosmetic products e.g. face or hand cream.

At the same time, it is important to remember that when in contact with air, as well as when heated, linseed oil oxidizes rather quickly. That is why it must be stored closed in a dry and cool place, avoiding direct sunlight. After opening the package, do not delay using it, which takes no more than a month.

Linseed oil in the fight for the beauty of the face

Linseed oil for facial skin effective remedy dealing with many problems. If you still doubt it, just take a look at it. unique composition. Unsaturated fatty acids, primarily oleic and linoleic acids, promote cell regeneration and rejuvenation. Thiamine helps to smooth the skin, give it a healthy glow. Folic acid is aimed at fighting against external influences on the skin. All kinds of inflammation on it. Phylloquinone copes well with the elimination of age spots, whitens the skin of the face, and choline soothes, relieves irritation and dryness. Flaxseed oil for the face is a faithful assistant to all those who experience various skin problems.

Numerous recipes for masks that can be prepared at home and rave reviews from all those women who have already tried them on themselves only confirm this.

Dry skin care mask

If you add a little sour cream to flax oil, you can prepare an excellent mask for dry skin care. We will need a tablespoon of sour cream, cucumber puree, as well as a few teaspoons of flax oil. All components must be thoroughly mixed, after which, using a cosmetic brush, apply to the face and hold for 10-15 minutes.

Mask for oily skin

A mask with the addition of cottage cheese is directed against oily sheen. tablespoon low-fat cottage cheese must be mixed with a couple of teaspoons of flaxseed pomace. If desired, mix a little sour cream and egg white into the mixture, then apply to the face and hold for 15 minutes.

How effective is flaxseed oil in fighting acne?

If you are experiencing skin problems, struggling with constant rashes, then you should definitely take a closer look at flax oil. Flaxseed oil for acne has been used since antiquity. Its excellent regenerating properties are aimed at fighting rashes. Numerous reviews on the Internet indicate that flax-based masks and lotions really work wonders. If you are tired of fighting acne and blackheads, use simple recipes masks and lotions for daily care of problem skin.

Purifying mask

To prepare it, you need to mix 3 tablespoons of kefir, a little flour, a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice and linseed oil. This mask is recommended to be used at least several times a month with an exposure of 15 minutes.

Scrub mask

The soft texture of the scrub copes well with inflammation on the skin. For its preparation, it is necessary to mix in equal volume oat flakes and linseed oil. Before use, the skin of the face must be cleansed and slightly moisturized. It is recommended to apply the scrub along the massage lines, leave it as a mask for 15-20 minutes. Rinse off the scrub mask is recommended warm water.


To prepare the lotion, you will need cream, egg yolk and linseed oil itself. To the listed ingredients, add an infusion of lemon peel, as well as a little lemon juice. The lotion perfectly copes with inflammation on the skin, relieves redness and irritation. It must be applied daily: morning and evening. After 15 minutes after wiping the face with this product, be sure to wash with warm water.

Fighting the first signs of aging

Linseed oil is used in cosmetology as effective remedy against wrinkles. The most effective is a mixture made from linseed oil and milk thistle seeds.

So, milk thistle seeds should be crushed, and then poured with flax pomace (4 tablespoons of seeds are required per glass). This mixture must be allowed to brew for 10 days. After this time, the composition must be filtered and applied to the skin in a fairly thin layer.

Another recipe for wrinkles is to mix 1 tablespoon of flaxseed pomace with 1-2 drops of any of the following essential oils - orange, sandalwood or rose. Apply the mixture directly to areas of skin with wrinkles 1-2 times a day.

Strengthening eyelashes

If you are looking for an effective eyelash growth product, then you have come to the right place. Flax pomace is rich in vitamins, microelements, non-fatty acids necessary for the growth and strengthening of eyelashes. It covers each eyelash with a protective film that prevents the release of protein from the eyelash structure.

Caring for the skin of the eyelids

You can use flaxseed oil for the skin around the eyes - it does an excellent job with " crow's feet". Because

the effect on the skin of the eyelids should be long enough, you can not only lubricate the skin, but put a tissue napkin on your eyes and lie down relaxing for half an hour or an hour.

However, do not abuse this procedure! Flax oil is quite “heavy”, and the skin of the eyelids is tender and sensitive. Therefore, if you do not have the most advanced case and wrinkles are just emerging, use lighter oils - almond, grape seeds, wild rose, peach.

Is it possible to help the skin by taking flaxseed oil internally

As already noted, if you want to improve your body, help your skin and hair, then do not forget about the use of pomace from flax seeds inside. You need to take it in the morning on an empty stomach, because this way you will still help your body fight against overweight, as well as normalize the work of cardio-vascular system. What is useful for flaxseed oil when taken orally - see the video

Hello dear readers! By chance, I ended up in a large supermarket, which is just not there - my eyes run wide. There are no such stores in our village, so I walked up to my heart's content. I was most fascinated by the counter with oils - such a variety! Prices range from 70 rubles to several thousand. The names are the most incredible - it would seem, from such products, from which it is generally impossible to make oil.

But what caught my attention was a modest little bottle of linseed oil. I, after all, know that linseed oil is used in cosmetology for wrinkles. And this turned out to be enough to buy a 200-gram bottle of a magical remedy with a very short shelf life - for a very reasonable price, by the way.

Important! If you decide to buy flaxseed oil, be sure to look at its stated expiration date. For a natural product, it should not exceed several months. Otherwise, you're getting an oily cocktail of preservatives.

From this article you will learn:

Composition and properties

Compared to other natural vegetable oils, flaxseed oil is the leader in the content of substances that are beneficial for the skin and health as such. Here's what it contains:

  • Vitamins A, E, F - in quantities that are simply off scale, incredible, huge benefits for the skin of the face and body.
  • Fatty acids from our skin's favorite class, polyunsaturated acids. Namely, the famous Omega-3 and Omega-6. And by the way, there are more Omega-3s here than anywhere else. vegetable oil and, even more than in (but he is still out of competition!). What does it mean? This means that we receive substances that increase cellular activity, which means that the skin's ability to regenerate better.
  • The most important component of the composition is phytoestrogens, substances that contain some herbs, including flax. They are like female sex hormones. When applied externally, they smooth and rejuvenate the skin, eliminate sagging and dryness, and fight wrinkles.

Note: our body is not able to independently produce polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, we get them only from the outside.

All because of the same phytohormones, the attitude to linseed oil is twofold: some venerable doctors believe that its use can change hormonal balance organism, and this is a dangerous business. And, according to others, the opposite is true. This group of scientists claims that phytoestrogens are incredibly beneficial and even treat cancer.

In any case, their effect on the skin is undeniable: after all, these are the hormones of youth and female beauty. I am going to use the oil for external use. And here flaxseed oil has another advantage: it absorbs and dries incredibly quickly, so it is convenient to use it at home as a cream.

Application methods


Nutritionists recommend drinking a tablespoon of this wonderful product every morning, and of course, on an empty stomach. If you can’t drink such a not-too-tasty “medicine” in its pure form, it will be absorbed quite well in a salad.

The result of this should be a general improvement and, as a result, restoration of the skin, reduction of flabbiness, reduction of wrinkles. Minus - for me, in any case: it is not a fact that the effect of phytoestrogens on the body will necessarily be favorable.


As a cream, rubbing, in a warm compress. Improves the skin of the face and body, eliminates wrinkles and fights sagging on the neck, smoothes even deep wrinkles on the forehead.

Attention! Do not apply to the skin around the eyes! This is way too strong.

Body cream. Flaxseed oil is perfectly absorbed, nourishes the skin, activates cell growth and skin renewal, so it can be perfectly used as a body cream.

Masks. Well, there is no limit to the imagination. You, I think, understand me - I love all kinds of masks.

Beautician advice: in the composition of masks, if the ingredients are correctly selected, their action is mutually enhanced. And this means that the rejuvenating effect of linseed oil will appear faster if you mix it with other “rejuvenating” products.

Before we start looking at beauty recipes, watch the video. In it, in addition to an overview of the benefits of our today's hero, there are also recipes:

Masks, creams, beauty

From wrinkles and sagging

This mask is especially good for the neck. The recipe is simple:

  • honey spoon,
  • oil spoon,
  • one yolk.

Leave on face for 20-25 minutes. The course of such a lifting is about three months, provided that you make masks twice a week.

Important! Linseed oil deteriorates extremely quickly, rancid, so do not store it longer than the expiration date indicated on the vessel with this magical remedy.

Oil compress

Add to linen equal proportions olive and nut oils, heat up to 40 degrees and, having soaked gauze folded in several layers in the mixture, apply on the face. 20 minutes - and you are beautiful. This compress is quite a strong remedy, in any case, I myself observed a pronounced “before and after” effect from it.

Vitamin nourishing mask

Great mask for late spring - early summer. A spoonful of sour cream, a spoonful of butter, a couple of large strawberries mashed into puree - and 20 minutes of relaxed rest. Do not forget to think about how beautiful and renewed you will feel after this mask, then its effect will double.

With rice flour

And I take my leave on this, until the next article, my dear readers, subscribe to updates and invite your friends to this blog.

In the article we discuss flaxseed oil for the face. You will learn how oil is useful, how to use it correctly, what are the contraindications, and how to prepare various cosmetic masks based on it.

The healing properties of flaxseed oil have been known since before our era. In cosmetology, various nourishing, moisturizing and anti-aging creams and masks for all skin types are made on its basis.

The oil is obtained by cold pressing from flax seeds. Thanks to this technology, the product retains all its useful material and medicinal properties.

Biochemical composition:

  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • natural antioxidants - phytoestrogens;
  • tocopherol;
  • retinol;
  • folic acid;
  • vitamin K;
  • minerals: zinc, potassium, manganese, magnesium, copper, iron, phosphorus.

Flaxseed oil has the following beneficial properties for facial skin:

  • improves skin tone and elasticity;
  • activates the production of its own collagen;
  • relieves puffiness, helps to get rid of bags under the eyes;
  • softens, nourishes and moisturizes the skin;
  • heals microcracks;
  • has bactericidal properties;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect in acne;
  • slows down the processes of aging and wilting;
  • has a rejuvenating and tightening effect;
  • removes toxins and improves complexion.

Flaxseed oil for the face can be used at any age. In young girls, it helps to reduce the production of subcutaneous fat and cope with acne. At a more mature age, it has an anti-aging effect, retains moisture in the skin and saturates it with nutrients.

Thanks to vitamins and a complex of polyunsaturated fatty acids flaxseed oil significantly reduces the number of fine mimic wrinkles around the eyes, and with regular use smoothes deep wrinkles in the forehead and nasolabial folds.


To rejuvenate and nourish the skin of the face, linseed oil is used in this way:

  • add a few drops of oil to cosmetic creams;
  • make oil compresses for the eyelids;
  • prepare nourishing, rejuvenating and moisturizing oil-based masks;
  • added during cooking homemade scrub and cosmetics;
  • wipe the face with a cotton pad soaked in oil;
  • use oil for cosmetic massage.

To increase the rejuvenating effect and comprehensive recovery of the whole organism, flaxseed oil is taken orally as a dietary supplement.

You can use the oil in its pure form to wipe the skin of the face daily, especially with dry and aging skin, prone to inflammation and flaking.

Face masks

Before applying the mask on the face, pre-cleanse the skin with a soft scrub and steam it a little.

Use linseed oil for masks room temperature. Don't heat it up. When heated, the chemical composition of the oil changes, and it loses its healing properties.

Below are the cosmetic linseed oil face masks that you can make at home.

dry skin mask recipe


  1. Flax oil - 2 tsp
  2. Fatty cream - 1 tbsp.
  3. Fresh cucumber - ½ pc.

How to cook: Take half a small cucumber, peel it and use a blender to grind it into a pulp. Mix room temperature cream with flaxseed oil and cucumber pulp in a non-metallic bowl.

How to use: Apply the mask on your face and keep it on for 15 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water. It is necessary to apply the mask at least twice a week, especially in the cold season, when skin prone to dryness needs to be moisturized and nourished.

Result: After several applications of the mask, the skin acquires a healthy color, tightens, dryness and peeling disappear.

Oily skin mask recipe


  1. Flax oil - 2 tsp
  2. Sour cream - 1 tsp
  3. Cottage cheese - 1 tsp
  4. Egg white - 1 pc.

How to cook: Beat the egg white with a whisk, mix it with the rest of the ingredients in a non-metallic bowl. Cottage cheese and sour cream can not be heated to room temperature, but can be used immediately from the refrigerator.

How to use: Apply the mask on your face, avoiding the eye area. Keep the mask on for 15 minutes. Rinse off the mask with warm water and apply any matting cream to the skin. Apply the mask twice a week.

Result: With regular use of the mask, oily sheen disappears and pores narrow, the skin acquires a healthy color and noticeably tightens.

acne mask recipe


  1. Flax oil - 5-6 drops.
  2. Bodyaga - 15 g.
  3. Parsley seeds - 3 g.
  4. Green tea.

How to cook: Brew green tea. Grind the parsley seeds and bodyaga in a non-metal bowl with a mortar and mortar. Dilute the resulting powder green tea until thick slurry and add linseed oil. Stir the resulting mixture thoroughly.

How to use: Apply the mask to your face with a cotton pad or brush, avoiding the eye area. Keep the mask on for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water and treat acne any acne remedy.

Result: The mask heals and reduces acne, nourishes the skin with vitamins and microelements.

eye mask recipe

Ingredients: Flax oil.

How to cook: Pour a small amount of oil in a non-metal bowl. Prepare two cotton pads.

How to use: Before applying the mask, completely remove eye makeup and wipe the skin with micellar water. Soak cotton pads in linseed oil. Squeeze out excess oil. Close your eyes and put cotton compresses on your eyelids. Keep the mask on for 20 minutes.

Result: With regular use, mimic wrinkles around the eyes are smoothed out, puffiness of the lower eyelids and dark circles under the eyes disappear.

Scrub recipe

This scrub is suitable for all skin types.


  1. Flax oil - 1 tsp
  2. Oatmeal - 1 tbsp. l.
  3. Honey - 1 tsp
  4. Water.

How to cook: If using thick honey, then take ⅔ teaspoon and dilute it with warm water. Grind oatmeal in a blender. Fill them with a little clean water and let them swell a little. Squeeze out excess moisture from the flakes and mix all the ingredients in a non-metallic bowl.

How to use: Cleanse your face from cosmetics. Apply the scrub to your face and neck, avoiding the eye area. Rub the scrub into the skin in circular motions, then massage gently. Try to move along the massage lines - from the center of the face and neck towards the back of the head. Use the scrub no more than once a week.

Result: The scrub gently cleanses the skin of dead cells of the epidermis, nourishes and softens it. With regular use, the pores narrow, the skin tightens and acquires a healthy appearance.

Possessing unique properties, which our great-grandmothers noticed, linseed oil is widely used in the treatment of various ailments, as well as in cosmetology.

Soft natural effect on the skin of the face improves its general condition, gives youth and beauty.

The composition and beneficial properties of linseed oil for the face

An unrefined product (only it is valuable) is rich in substances necessary for the skin, such as vitamin E, A, F. These components do an excellent job of nourishing and moisturizing the skin, which, in turn, prevents its early aging.

Flaxseed oil is a "champion" in terms of the content of unsaturated fatty acids, which, as you know, prolong youth not only for the skin, but for the whole body. The lack of these substances provokes such common problems as dryness, peeling and itching, as well as psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema.

According to many women, flaxseed oil for the face is indispensable for dry skin. It softens, nourishes and rejuvenates as well as possible. In addition, the healing product smoothes wrinkles, tightens the oval of the face, improves the elasticity of the skin.

Thanks to the healing components of the product, the skin with regular nourishment, as they say, acquires a second youth. Flaxseed oil has: firstly, an antioxidant, secondly, a regenerating, and thirdly, an anti-inflammatory and healing effect.

Flaxseed oil for the face - reviews

Flax seed oil is used as an independent medicine, and as a basic component in the composition of aromatic mixtures. The product goes well with sandalwood, apricot and jojoba oil.

Reviews of some of the fair sex about linseed oil for the face indicate the maximum effectiveness of the product.

My grandmother always made compresses and lotions on her face using flax seeds. Even in extreme old age, my grandmother's wrinkles looked "noble".

I have been using flaxseed oil for a long time. I add it to food, put it on the skin of the face. The effect pleases me. The skin radiates freshness, it is always moisturized, and wrinkles are not visible.

The oil keeps my skin from being super dry.

I share the recipe for a chic wrinkle mask: combine a spoonful of white clay with a spoonful of sea buckthorn and linseed oil. Add a couple of drops of lemon oil to the composition (I buy it at a pharmacy). Keep the composition for 20 minutes and after a short time you can enjoy the result.

How to use flaxseed oil for wrinkles

Flaxseed oil is ideal for all skin types. There are simple and more complicated recipes cooking medicinal product from wrinkles.

1. Care for aging skin involves the daily application of a natural vitamin product - linseed oil. Carefully process not only the face, but also visible places: neck, décolleté.

2. Flaxseed oil can be added to any cream. In this way, the effectiveness of the cosmetic product can be increased.

3. The composition has an excellent anti-aging effect, which is quite simple to prepare: chop the peel of lemons. Enough 2 fruits. Pour the powder into a glass of boiling water. Let the mixture sit for about 10 hours. Then strain the composition, add a small spoonful of honey, linseed oil, lemon juice (from peeled lemons), a couple of tablespoons of milk and 3 tablespoons of cologne.

Apply a healing cream on the skin of the face daily, trying not to touch the area around the eyes, where an excess of the product can cause such a cosmetic defect as swelling. Keep the cream for no more than 2 weeks, because it is completely devoid of the presence of chemical preservatives.

4. To help get rid of wrinkles, especially dry skin is able to use a nutrient mixture, which is prepared as follows: mix a small spoonful of linseed oil and honey, 1 egg yolk. Heat the container with the mixture (a cup with hot water) and then apply to the face.

5. Flaxseed oil is indispensable in the care of oily skin. Rub a spoonful of cottage cheese with sour cream and egg white. Add a couple of small tablespoons of flaxseed oil to the mixture. Mix everything and enjoy the effect of a healing mask, keeping it for 15-20 minutes.

6. How to properly use flaxseed oil for wrinkles normal skin faces? Mash the tomato, add the yolk, a teaspoon of flour and 2 teaspoons of linseed oil. The resulting mixture is healing, fighting skin aging.

7. Good and more advanced mask. It is ideal for facial skin with obvious signs of aging. Combine a spoonful of yeast with milk. Mix well. Add a small spoonful of linseed oil, honey, sour cream and lemon juice. Healing mask is ready!

8. Perfectly tones, nourishes and moisturizes such a mask: rub an egg yolk with lemon peel powder. Mix the composition thoroughly and leave to stand for about 15 minutes. After the allotted time, add a small amount of linseed oil to it. Mix everything again and use as a mask.

9. The skin around the eyes is especially sensitive. Therefore, care for her should be as delicate as possible. Prepare a mixture of linseed, sandalwood, rose and lemon oils. The base here is flax seed oil, so it's more - 1 tablespoon. The rest of the components, drip 1-2 drops and apply with light movements on delicate areas.

10. Fights wrinkles, tones and rejuvenates the skin of the face mask, which includes nettle. Pour boiling water over the leaves and grind them. Combine 2 tablespoons of raw materials with a large spoon of linseed oil. Apply the resulting mixture on the skin of the face.

11. Smoothes wrinkles, moisturizes and softens the skin of the face such a composition: combine a large spoonful of softened cottage cheese, 2 tablespoons of milk (fat) and 1 large spoonful of linseed oil. The resulting mixture is a healing mask for wrinkles.

12. How to use flaxseed oil for wrinkles for women, who over ...? Mix a spoonful of sour cream with grated cucumber. Add a small spoonful of flaxseed oil to the mixture and apply on the face.

13. Tired skin with noticeable wrinkles will be supported by a mask with aromatic oils, where the main component is a linen product. Put 1 drop each of rose, sandalwood, chamomile, orange oil into a large spoonful of flax seed oil. Apply the composition on clean and steamed face skin.

14. Effective method getting rid of wrinkles: rub a large spoonful of flaxseed oil with yolks (3 pcs.). Add cream or fat milk(1 glass). grind lemon peel and fill it with boiling water (1 cup) for 2 hours. Then strain and add squeezed lemon juice (the one that was peeled), honey (1 spoon). Connect both compositions.

Inject 150 ml of camphor alcohol and water into the liquid. You should get only 500 ml of the healing mixture. Store it in a cool place and shake before use. Shelf life - a week.

Linseed oil for wrinkles - how to use and apply healing masks

In order for the effect of applying any selected mask to please you, you should know some rules:

Apply the treatment composition only on cleansed skin.

Avoid the eye area

Apply the mask with light movements along the well-known massage lines.

Steam your skin before using the mask.

After application medical composition lie down and relax, allowing the face to be immobilized

Remove the mask without stretching the skin

At the end of the procedure, wipe the skin with lotion and apply your favorite cream.

Keep the mask, as usual, for 15-20 minutes

The mild tonic, smoothing effect of flaxseed oil for facial skin makes it indispensable at the first or obvious signs of aging. Rich vitamin composition product gives the skin firmness, elasticity, freshness.

Greetings, my dear readers! Recently I found out what is the secret of the beauty of the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt. When caring for the skin of the face and body, they used "living water". No, no, it's not living water"from the fairy tale" About rejuvenating apples "... 🙂 This is flax oil. It is still appreciated today, and is often used in cosmetology. For example, they use flaxseed oil for wrinkles on the face - the reviews of those who tried it on themselves advised me to write this article.

The opinion on how to use such a miracle remedy in reducing wrinkles is very diverse. You can see some of them for yourself:

Vika : Add a teaspoon of oil to skim cheese. I noticed after a month that my stomach began to work better.

Marina : I have dry skin, especially in winter some kind of horror. I do so. I steam 2 teaspoons of seeds and grind them with a blender. I do a compress for 10 minutes. The skin is awesome.

Lenchik: After applying the oil, a greasy film remains on the skin. I started to get flaky and dry. Now I only add to the scrub for peeling or massage. And in general, the same tool can not be constantly used. After such procedures, I reanimated my skin with moisturizing creams for a long time.

Daria : My hair and nails have stopped peeling. No more than a teaspoon per day. Satisfied with the result. I actually do it every other day. The liver does not want to load

Veronica: Oils must not be used undiluted. They dry out the skin! It is better to buy creams with oils or oil serums.

Natasha: Oils clog pores. I put it on my body olive oil, and I smear my face with a mixture of shea and olive. I don't do it more than once a week. And after the skin needs to be well moisturized.

Katia : Spread at night on the face and around the eyes. Wrinkles are gone, like the eyes themselves, just slits. The face is all swollen. It didn't work for me.

Here is another short video about the use of oil as part of a facial mask:

Well, I’ll tell you more about masks, and now I’ll tell you more about linseed oil itself.

What are the benefits of flax oil for skin

It is obtained by cold pressing from seeds. And to judge the benefits of this product is possible only after considering it. chemical composition. This miracle remedy is rich in such components:

  • , which have a rejuvenating effect;
  • , for the smoothness of our skin;
  • , which removes redness and strengthens the protective barrier of the skin;
  • phylloquinone, which whitens our skin;
  • tonic;
  • which soothes irritated skin.

Oil selection and storage

In general, flax oil is very capricious. If stored or used incorrectly, such a product will turn into poison. It is very dangerous! When buying, make sure that it is really fresh. This is easy to do: look at the date of manufacture. Try not to buy a product older than 1-2 months.

After opening the bottle, store it only in a cool place. The container must be well sealed. Also, do not use the product if the bottle has been opened for more than a month.

Maslice may lose its beneficial features exposed to direct sunlight. To avoid this, keep valuable product in dark glass containers.

Flaxseed oil should only be eaten raw. Add to salads, curds, ready meals. By the way, in no case should it be subjected to heat treatment or frying on it. It is advisable to use this product regularly. So the body will quickly absorb all the valuable components present in this remedy for the benefit of the cells. The course lasts an average of 2-3 weeks, then they take a two- or three-week break and continue taking it again. But I recommend that you consult with your doctor.


Application in cosmetology

In general, the use of flaxseed oil in in kind must be justified, as with any oil and fat component. Oils do not contain moisture, but retain it. Oils are especially useful for dry and unprotected skin in the autumn-winter season.

Thanks to its omega-3 anti-inflammatory component, flaxseed oil helps to minimize skin irritation, redness and inflammation of any kind. But again here you need to use this tool not every day. If used on an ongoing basis, it will dry out the skin.

Why is flax oil used in cosmetology for face care?

  • increase the tone of aging skin;
  • lightening freckles and age spots;
  • prevention and reduction of wrinkles.

After the penetration of molecules into cell membranes, intracellular pressure increases. Well, this leads to an increase in skin elasticity and smoothing wrinkles. But, unfortunately, such "rejuvenation" is temporary. That is, while the oil is in the skin, the effect persists, and then everything passes.

Since this product can cause an allergic reaction, I advise you to test it before using it. Apply just a few drops to the crook of your elbow. After half an hour or an hour, carefully inspect this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. If there is no redness reaction, you can safely use this product.

Amazing scrub

How can wrinkles be smoothed out without cleansing the skin before? This is where we need a scrub. It is very easy to prepare. You will need the following products: 1 tbsp. coffee grounds, 8 drops of linseed oil, 2-3 drops essential oil cocoa. Mix the ingredients and apply the gruel on the prepared face. For literally 1-2 minutes, gently massage the skin. After that, leave the mixture for 5-10 minutes, and then wash with warm water.

For eyelids - flax seeds

In general, flax oil is heavy for the delicate skin under the eyes, so it is better not to use it. I propose to replace this remedy with a decoction of flax seeds. Take 2 tsp. flax seeds + 150 ml of water.

Having carefully studied and studied a bunch of material on the use of oils for wrinkles, I came to the conclusion. One mono-remedy will not replace a moisturizer, nourishing masks and special products for the eyelid area. Flaxseed oil can be included in a home remedy kit, but not a substitute for basic care. It is most suitable for dry skin with age-related changes. For this type of oil, they are very suitable for use, but only as “one-time” procedures.

For oily and combination with inflammatory manifestations or acne, the use of oils can be difficult for the skin. There is a high probability of aggravation of inflammatory processes or their appearance.

  1. thoroughly clean the skin before the procedure. Wash your hands first and then remove all makeup from your face. You can use foam or gel. I use foam cleanser. Best for my sensitive skin.
  2. Oil solutions should be applied only after moisturizing the face. It may or may not be mineral. This is an indispensable tool for moisturizing, especially during the heating season. The oil will nourish and prevent moisture from evaporating.
  3. Carry out the procedure of oil compresses no more than 1-2 times a week. And look at how your skin feels.
  4. Do not keep pure oil on the skin for more than 5 minutes. Be sure to remove all residues of this product with a cleansing foam or gel.
  5. Do gymnastics for the face. The more often you do such exercises, the better the tone of the facial muscles will be. This means there will be fewer wrinkles.

Many dermatological companies have micellar oils in their arsenal. For example, Vichy cosmetics (which I am currently testing) have Serum Neovadiol. It contains a concentrate of shea butter, rice germ, rice bran, safflower oil and tocopherol (vitamin E) and extract capsicum. Agree, an interesting concentrate healthy oils in one medium. According to the reviews, the girls are satisfied with the result. Try it, read the reviews and write me your impressions.