How to make living water at home? How to make living and dead water yourself.

To the number alternative ways medicine with full confidence can be attributed to living and dead water, which seemed to have descended from the pages of Russian folk tales. In fact, these are liquids obtained in the process of electrolysis, endowed with medicinal properties. This article will show you how to make living water and how to use it most effectively.

What it is

So, living water is a negatively charged liquid, characterized by an alkaline structure (pH - 9-12). And dead, sour, has a positive electrical potential. Both fluids are widely used in alternative medicine.


Let's find out what beneficial effects these liquids had. Live (ZHV) is a true biostimulant that has a whole range of effects on the body:

  • Improving immunity.
  • Stimulation of metabolism.
  • Acceleration of wound healing.
  • Rejuvenation.

Dead water (MW) is no less useful:

  • Has a bactericidal effect.
  • Treats colds.
  • Disinfects.
  • Helps fight fungus.

Such a wide range of useful properties has become the reason for the popularity of liquids in traditional medicine. Next, we will learn how to make living water using electrolysis.

Required accessories

On sale there are special devices called water activators, with their help you can easily prepare the desired liquids. However, you can assemble the simplest installation on your own. Consider how to make living water. This will require the following:

  • The water itself. It is better to take a spring, but if there is none, then ordinary tap water, which has previously settled for at least 24 hours, will do.
  • Two glass cups.
  • Two forks (stainless steel).
  • Diode.
  • Lamp (approximately 20-25 W).
  • Cotton wool.
  • Bandage.
  • Wire with plug.

These items are sure to be found in every home. If not, they are easy to buy.


Let's continue to consider how to make water alive at home. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Place the forks in the cups with their tines up.
  2. Attach a diode to one of them, connect its other end to the wire.
  3. Strengthen the structure with electrical tape.
  4. Connect the other end of the wire to the second plug.

The installation is ready, to check its performance, it is enough to connect the plug to the network and lean the diode against the lamp - if it lights up, then everything is normal, you can turn it off from the network for a while. Next, a kind of “bridge” is made for the ions from cotton wool wrapped in gauze.

Now you should pour water into both cups, approximately equally. Dip the cotton "bridge" into the liquid and place it so that it becomes a link between the containers. The device for obtaining living and dead water is completely ready. Now it is reconnected to the network and wait for 10 minutes, this time is enough to separate the electrodes.


After 10 minutes, the device is turned off from the outlet, the cotton bridge is removed. In the cup in which the diode was attached to the plug, the water has a positive charge, that is, it is dead water. And in the second - alive with a negative charge.

Please note that you can remove the plugs from the vessels only after turning off the device from the outlet, otherwise an electric shock is inevitable. In such a simple way, you can make water alive at home.

Melt water

Let's consider how quickly. As a result, a very useful liquid will turn out, of course, by no means living water (as some unscrupulous authors position), but also necessary. It can be used for drinking, as well as for the preparation of ZhV and MV according to the described method. The first stage in the preparation of such water from ordinary tap water is to clean it with a filter. In the absence of such, the liquid should be allowed to stand for at least 12 hours. Next, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Heat the water, but do not bring it to a boil, this will help get rid of some of the harmful impurities.
  2. Allow the liquid to cool down room temperature.
  3. Freezing in a conventional freezer helps purify the water of harmful deuterium. These structures freeze at much higher temperatures than the beneficial constituents of water. That is why the first ice should be thrown away, it contains only deuterium and is harmful.
  4. The purified liquid is re-introduced into freezer, the formed ice of two types will be gradually noticeable - transparent at the edges and white in the center. These are harmful impurities, which are easy to get rid of: just pour boiling water on the central part of the container, they will quickly melt. It remains to pour the resulting water, leaving white clean ice. Water quality indicator - full transparency.
  5. The remaining ice is transferred to room temperature. You need to wait until it thaws and use for drinking or washing.

You should not boil melted water, it loses its qualities.


Let's get acquainted with some recipes for the use of living and dead water. In case of allergies, it is indicated to gargle MB for 3 days after eating. 10 minutes after rinsing, you should drink half a glass of ZhV. ½ cup live will help and solve the problem of constipation. Besides:

  • By rubbing the face with dead liquid, pimples, rashes and acne can be cured. The course is at least 6 days.
  • With sore throat 10 minutes before meals, gargle 5 times a day for 5 days, use MB. After that, drink ¼ glass of ZhV.
  • Diarrhea can also be cured with an unusual liquid. To do this, first drink half a glass of dead, then wait for 60 minutes, if there is no result, drink another half a glass.
  • Inflammatory processes in the liver. Unique liquids will help in this case too. The treatment regimen is as follows: on the first day, use ½ cup of MB four times. Then, for the next 6 days, drink ½ cup of ZhV 4 times a day.
  • MV will help you quickly get rid of migraines, in just 30 minutes (maximum - an hour), the result will be noticeable. It is enough to drink half a glass of this liquid.
  • Gastritis. In this case, a JV is required. It is necessary to drink 30 minutes before meals three times a day as follows: the first day - ¼ cup. The second day (and all the rest, from 3 to 7 days) - ½ cup.

Another recipe for using live and dead water will help solve the problem with pressure. At low levels, ½ cup of ZhV is crushed twice a day, at high - MV, the duration of the course is no more than 7 days. It is better to use freshly prepared liquids.

The concept of "Living Water" is different for everyone. Some people think that we are talking about prayed water, others consider it important that water helps the body cope with everyday work.

Artem Khachatryan, Chief Physician of the Clinic of Professor A.P. Khachatryan, helped to figure out what makes water “alive” and useful and how to determine it. The founder of the clinic, Ashot Khachatryan, has been studying the effect of water on the body for 30 years and talks about three main characteristics.

What are we made of

Nutrition, diseases and the way we lead affect life expectancy. People are looking for a panacea in expensive medicines and clinics, but they forget about the main thing. We are 70% water and its quality and quantity in the body fundamentally affects our health and well-being.

Man is born in water, but with age, the liquid content decreases

In a person weighing 65 kg. contains up to 40 liters of water. The cause of many diseases is its chronic lack. Water provides vital processes in our body and spends about 2 liters per day on it:

  • humidifies the inhaled oxygen;
  • regulates body temperature. When we are too hot, it cools, due to the release and evaporation of sweat;
  • promotes metabolism and promotes absorption beneficial vitamins and minerals;
  • removes toxins from the body;
  • provides water-salt process.

That is why during the day you need to help the body and make up for the lack of water. If the water level in the body drops by:

2% - Feeling worse, nausea, drowsiness appear;

6-10% - headache, shortness of breath, impaired thinking, loss of concentration;

11-20% - causes deterioration of hearing and vision, there may be muscle spasm;

25% - death occurs.

Dry skin, wrinkles indicate the absence of water in the cells - the water balance of the intracellular and extracellular fluid is disturbed. Cells age, oxidize, and eventually die. This is the same as depriving a plant of watering - it will gradually dry out and die.

Technologies are developing in two directions: moving away and bringing people closer to nature. Getting closer to nature, technologies have appeared that make it possible to bring water to ideal natural conditions - alkaline pH, negative redox potential and make it structured.

Artem Khachatryan

Chief Physician of Professor Khachatryan's Clinic, naturopath

1. pH of water

The pH of water is the main constant, a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of an organism. Fluid in the body, except for gastric juice, has an alkaline pH.

The alkaline environment protects the body. It does not develop viruses, bacteria and, most importantly, cancer cells do not form. But almost all human activity is reduced to acidification. Much of what we eat and drink is highly acidic:

  • meat, fish, poultry;
  • bakery products and pastries;
  • dairy products;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • sweets and chocolate;
  • alcohol.

Slags that clog the digestive tract are also acidic. All this acidifies the body and it has to “think” about how to balance the excess of acidic foods. If this fails, health problems begin.

Every two or three years, cells are renewed in the organs, if the body is acidified, more atypical cells are formed.

Nobel Prize for their findings on the relationship between pH and cancer. 1932

Otto Warbug

Biochemist, doctor and physiologist

How to determine the pH of water

You will need PH strips for the test. They can be found in any pharmacy. Dip the strip in water for 2 seconds and measure its color. There is usually a scale on the packaging that is checked by color and the PH level is determined.

PH of tap water (1), boiled (2), bottled (3) and for resonance - Coca-Cola (4). tap water with an almost neutral ph, while boiled and bottled are acidic. And the cola is almost extremely acidic liquid.

Your body's pH can be checked by measuring saliva pH. To do this, a piece of litmus paper should be moistened with saliva no earlier than 2 hours after eating. If the result is above 7, you are healthy, below - not everything is safe in the body and the body should be alkalized.

I measured the PH of saliva, wow, everything seems to be normal in the body

How to make alkaline water at home

1. Water with lemon
Make it a habit to drink in the morning, on an empty stomach, a glass warm water with lemon. Despite the acidity of lemon, it alkalizes the body well. Add a slice of lemon 1-2 cm thick to a glass of water. You can drink water with lemon not only on an empty stomach, but also throughout the day.

2. Water with soda
Soda creates an alkaline environment in which cancer cells, viruses, and bacteria cannot live and multiply. The method is simple, but it is necessary to take precautions and consult with your doctor.

It is better to drink water with soda as a preventive measure, when there are no contraindications, 1-2 times a week, focusing on sensations. Start with the lowest dose - at the tip of a knife. Turn off the soda hot water and top up cold water to a full glass. It is recommended to drink on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals.

2. Redox potential

All life on earth, that which grows and develops, has a negative charge. Everything that dies this charge gives up and becomes positive. The most important, but most unclaimed and unknown process is the redox potential. It is he who determines the life of our cells.

ORP of tap water, filtered, bottled drinking water from +150 to +400 mV, that is, almost always greater than zero.

ORP of body water is −70, −100 mV.

The water in the body is not compatible with the water we drink. One has to expend enormous energy to make the water weakly alkaline, negative, and only then assimilate it. If the body does not have enough energy and it cannot turn the water into a minus, failures begin: it is poisoned, sick, dehydrated. Hence the increase in cancer and allergic diseases. The body is straining and working to the limit.

WHO recommends ORP estimation as a control method

The potential of water and the human environment must have biological compatibility, be close in their values

The higher the ORP value, the more acidic the body is.

How to determine the ORP of water

To determine the redox potential of water, you need a device - an ORP meter. It shows the level of electron activity with a plus or minus sign. To measure, lower the electrode into the water and stir the water a little with the instrument. The ORP meter will show the exact figure in 2-3 minutes.

It would seem that filtered water, but ORP +277. The filter purifies water from impurities and hardness salts, but the charge remains positive.

With the water ionizer, the ORP dropped to -0.53. The body will not expend energy on its absorption.

How to make negatively charged water at home

In nature, there is little such water and it retains its properties for only 1-2 days. But there are several ways to turn water with a + sign into negative.

1. Oatmeal drink
Oat grains during soaking and tincture change ORP from positive to negative.

Grains (150 gr.) Rinse several times from impurities, place in a jar and pour 2 liters of drinking water. Clog the jar plastic wrap and leave in the dark for 10-12 hours. After some of the grains sink to the bottom, keep another 11 hours in the refrigerator. The drink is ready when a pleasant smell appears. Shelf life - 3 days in the refrigerator.

2. Water ionizers
Saturate the water with active hydrogen ions, in the process of electrolysis, the water becomes negatively charged.

There are several models:

Stationary ionize tap water, in a stream of water and in large volumes. Valid for 10 years.

mineral stick- portable ionizer and water structurizer. Saturates with magnesium, calcium, zinc ions. Designed for a bottle of water. Convenient to take with you. Valid for 6 months.

Electronic ionizer activates not only water, but also smoothies, tea, juices, soups. Charges from USB or outlet, the charge is enough for 7 days. Valid for 7 years.

Free radicals VS antioxidants

A person consists of cells, where their own logistics system is clearly built. To understand the relationship between water and a person, let's look at the example of a cell, free radicals and antioxidants.

Cell mitochondria work on the principle of a power plant - they process the energy generated during the combustion of food into ATP energy. Just as electricity is a universal source of energy in our everyday life, so ATP is a universal source of energy for cellular enzymes. But this process has a side effect.

The more ATP is produced, the more waste products - free radicals - appear in the mitochondria.

These are positively charged, aggressive, non-full particles that attack and deform the structure of the cell and the nucleus, in which the human DNA is embedded. The cell is destroyed and perceived as foreign, starts the process of self-destruction and dies.

Free radicals attack a healthy cell and destroy its structure

The cell is destroyed and perceived as foreign, starts the process of self-destruction and dies.

Free radicals are one of the main causes of aging and acidification of the body. The more of them, the less the cell lives. Could live 2 years, and lived 2 months.

Antioxidants are negatively charged particles that neutralize the attack of free radicals. They restore the negative charge of cells necessary for the body, protect against harmful effects and oxidation. There are too few of them in food to resist free radicals, so cells need an additional source of antioxidants.

Living, negatively charged water is rich in free electrons. But the water that we are used to drinking comes with a + sign and carries very few antioxidants, it is more difficult for them to cope with free radicals.

The number of electrons depending on the redox potential:

Redox potential Number of electrons
+400 1
+341 10
+282 100
+223 1 000
+164 10 000
+105 100 000
+46 1 000 000
-13 10 000 000
-72 100 000 000
-131 1 000 000 000
-190 10 000 000 000
-249 100 000 000 000
-308 1 000 000 000 000
-367 10 000 000 000 000
-426 100 000 000 000 000
-485 1 000 000 000 000 000
-544 10 000 000 000 000 000
-603 100 000 000 000 000 000
-622 1 000 000 000 000 000 000
-721 10 000 000 000 000 000 000

Negative ORP water carries with it billions, trillions of antioxidant electrons that can protect the body and cells from free radicals.

3. Surface tension of molecules or the structure of water

The force of adhesion between water molecules in the body - 75 din per cm
The indicator of water that we drink is one and a half times lower - 43 din per cm

The surface tension parameter affects the penetration of extracellular water - the one that we drink - into the cell. Intracellular water is more liquid, it has fewer molecules, it is more structured. But such water is scarce in nature. These are only high-altitude springs and springs. Therefore, even drinking 2 liters of ordinary water, the body spends energy primarily on diluting the water, and only after that it penetrates the cells and nourishes them.

The body spends a lot of energy to reformat the molecules of ordinary water to the indicator of water in the cell and allow them to penetrate inside

Water with the same surface tension interacts more easily and is instantly absorbed by the body without consuming energy.

How to make structured water at home

The main advantage is the crystal structure. Due to its high penetrating properties, it cleanses the cells and does not require additional energy for its transformation and assimilation. It can also be washed to improve the condition of the skin of the face.

Melt water
Freezing water does not change the ORP, but allows you to get rid of harmful impurities and structure the water molecules. It is better to freeze from already purified distilled or filtered water.

Pour water into a silicone or plastic, but not iron form, after dousing with boiling water. Put it in the freezer for a while until the water freezes around the edges and in the center remains liquid. Heavy metal salts are collected in it, so we drain the “bad” water. Let the water thaw and put it back in the freezer. Repeat 2-3 times, after which the water can be drunk. After several frosts, the ice crystal becomes transparent and structured.

The freeze-thaw process can take 1-2 days.

How much water to drink

There is a way that will determine without counting and glasses how much water to drink per day. It's pretty personal, but it works. Focus on urine.

Light, odorless- you're doing well, drink enough, keep up the good work.

Dark, with a pungent odor- drink more, much more and more often.

Tips to help you remember to drink water:

Get 2 liters of bottled water and take it with you when you leave the house, so as not to forget about the drinking regimen. By the end of the evening, you will understand how much you drank or did not finish.

Install a reminder app to a phone that sends a notification when it's time to drink water. Convenient and always at hand.

Water helps you lose weight

Many people think that to lose weight, you need to drink less water, but this is misleading. We wash greasy dishes with lye fairies and comets. live, alkaline water- That's what it is detergent for the body:

  • normalizes weight;
  • regulates metabolism and speeds up metabolism;
  • removes toxins and excess fluid.

Water is a natural diuretic, so if you drink it correctly, you can lose weight and not be afraid of swelling. 3 tips that will help connect the water to the fight against excess weight.

  1. Start your day with a glass of lemon water on an empty stomach.
  2. Instead of sweet soda and coffee, drink 2 liters of pure living water per day.
  3. Drink water 30-40 minutes before and after meals.

Drinking regimen during weight loss is especially important, because the feeling of hunger that we experience sometimes arises from thirst. Water dulls this feeling and saves from overeating.

Slows down skin aging

Early wrinkles are an indicator of dehydration in the body, and aging is the first sign of how the cell is filled with water. Due to the lack of living water in the body:

  1. live and healthy water- alkaline, with negative ORP;
  2. The alkaline environment in the body prevents the appearance and development of cancer cells;
  3. Negative ORP water helps protect the body from free radicals;
  4. Drink water an hour before and after meals, but not on time;
  5. A sufficient amount of water for the body accelerates metabolism and metabolism;
  6. Water delays the appearance of the first wrinkles.

And for dessert, we have prepared 3 services for you that will help you change your attitude to food and once again prove the need for drinking for the body. Enter your email and click the download button ↓ and get a portion of useful tips.

The age of technological progress leaves its mark on modern man. More and more people are using filters or built-in water purification systems. As a rule, such equipment is quite expensive, for these reasons experienced housewives looking for alternatives. One of effective ways purification is the preparation of "living" (structured) water. According to its characteristics, the composition is a melted liquid without heavy impurities.

Method number 1. Freezing in pots

  1. As a rule, the preparation of "living" water is not particularly difficult. At first, the process may seem impossible, but over time you will get used to it.
  2. Running water contains isomers and heavy impurities. One of the "pests" is considered to be deuterium - a component that makes water heavy. It freezes the very first (temperature regime is about 3.7 degrees).
  3. Further, light isomers, which are also contained on the surface, freeze. Temperature regime for their freezing varies within 1-1.2 degrees. For human body The most useful are water molecules that freeze at a temperature of -1-0 degrees.
  4. To start cooking, purchase bottled water or pass the liquid through a household filter. Pour water into a saucepan, send to the freezer. When a thin crust of ice forms on the surface, it means that the deuterium has solidified. The liquid has reached a temperature of 3.7 degrees, you need to get rid of this crust of ice.
  5. Pour the remaining water into the second pan and put it back in the freezer. The liquid will begin to solidify, wait until 2/3 of the total volume of water freezes. In the inner part, ultralight isomers will remain, which are not useful for the human body. Get rid of the liquid concentrated inside, it contains all the impurities.
  6. The remaining 2/3 of the ice is "living" water, which is optimal for human consumption. Melt it at vivo, pour into a clean bottle, store in the refrigerator for no longer than a day. Take one glass before meals or during meals.

Method number 2. Freezing in glasses

  1. If you do not have the time and desire to bother with the preparation of water in two stages, do otherwise. Prepare several glass or ceramic glasses, fill them with filtered water. Step back from the edges of the dishes by 1.5-2 cm.
  2. Send containers with liquid to the freezer, wait until it completely hardens. After that, remove the prepared ice from the glasses / mugs, rinse the block under the tap with cold water. Thus, you will get rid of heavy impurities that solidify in the first place.
  3. Move the ice that you have already rinsed into a deep bowl. Let melt by 2/3. In the middle you will have a small piece of ice, resembling in size Walnut. Throw away the middle (not melted piece), it contains salts and metals.
  4. Melted ice is nothing but structured water. To make it more useful, put the bowl on the windowsill, leave it under direct sunlight. After 15 minutes, start pouring water from one bowl to another to fill it with oxygen.
  5. The prepared liquid retains useful qualities for 24 hours if stored at a temperature of 7-10 degrees. When heated, the composition loses its precious properties and becomes unusable (“dead water”).

Method number 3. Freezing in a container

  1. If you prepare structured water in this way, you will see that the liquid has become crystal clear. This indicates the complete removal of heavy metals and salts from the water structure. The technique is suitable for those who wish to freeze water for a large family.
  2. Prepare a two-liter plastic container for storing food or heating dishes in the microwave. Fill it with water, stepping back from the edges by 2 cm. Wait for the liquid to harden, as a rule, the period is 10 hours.
  3. You need to freeze ¾ of the composition, in the core of the container you will see unfrozen liquid, you need to remove it. To do this, heat a knife over a fire or a lighter, pierce a block of ice. Pour out the "dirty" water, let the remaining ice melt.
  4. Periodically open the freezer and make sure that the ice does not freeze completely. Thanks to such manipulations, salts and impurities will accumulate in the middle of the ice, and useful water will freeze on the sides.
  5. If you believe the myths, you can pierce the ice with a heated tablespoon. Sages say that sharp objects destroy energy. It all comes down to personal preference, do as you please. The resulting water should be consumed within a day.

Method number 4. Freezing in a plastic bottle

  1. The option is suitable for everyone without exception, it does not require skill and special skills. cook plastic bottle any volume (preferably 1 or 2 liters). Fill the container with tap or pre-filtered water by 85%, tightly cork with lids.
  2. Line the freezer with cardboard or parchment paper, place water bottles in the cavity. Wait for the liquid to completely freeze, then remove the container and open the lids. Leave at room temperature until thawed.
  3. First, the liquid will start to freeze around the edges, pour out 10% of the water. Next, you need to wait for complete thawing, and then proceed to use. Such a composition is good for health, but there is important feature. You can not drink all the water from the bottle, salts will settle at the bottom, about 130 ml. the remaining liquid must be poured out.

There are several options for preparing structured water, we examined each of them in order. Choose the method you like, proceed to translate it into reality.

Video: how to make living water without a distiller


Many of us have long been accustomed to using a water filter, because this is how we, at least a little, but purify tap water from various harmful impurities, and turn"dead" water into "live". But water filtrationis not the only way to make "living" water, there are many more ways to filter more efficiently, and we'll talk about these methods today.

According to numerous studies of scientists, it has been proven that the most useful water for humans is melted water or structured water. You probably immediately thought about boiling, because it is customary for us that boiled water is the healthiest, but far from it. Yes, boiling kills all harmful substances present in water, but it also contributes to the appearance of various mechanical particles in the water, as well as salts, chlorine, heavy metals and viruses. Besides, boiled water It is considered "dead" water, and such water will not be able to bring benefits. So let's look for another way to structure water.

As we have already said, melt water is very useful for our body, in addition, frozen water acquires its original structure. And if we also freeze filtered water, we will get a real natural elixir of health, youth and beauty.

So, anyone who has a freezer or freezer can make melt water, and there is a freezer in every home. First filter the water, then pour it into an enameled cup or pan, place it in the freezer and watch for a small ice crust to appear on the surface of the water, which must be removed. Then wait until 2/3 of the water freezes, wash the hole in the ice and drain the water that remained unfrozen at the bottom. Then defrost the ice, and you can enjoy clean, and most importantly, "living" water. But remember that melt water cannot be boiled and frozen again, so it will lose all its beneficial features. Also, melt water cannot be stored for a long time.

There is another way to make "living" water, this method is easier to use, but no less effective. Pass the tap water through the filter, and then pour a tablespoon of holy water into the clean water. Thus, you will not only make the water “alive”, but also sanctify it, giving it useful properties. It has been proven that a tablespoon of holy water can turn 5 liters of plain water into holy water.

We know about living water from fairy tales. She could heal and even revive people. It turns out that not everything in fairy tales is fiction. Living water exists. Nothing is known about the revival of people, but living water can contribute to the treatment of certain diseases, and positively influence the whole. How to make living water at home?
Method one. Take a deep cup, fill it with water and put it in the freezer. After a while, a crust of ice will build up on top. Remove it and leave the container until completely frozen. Ready ice remove and put to thaw, but not completely. When there is a piece of ice, about half a glass in size, remove it. The remaining water is living water. Together with ice, you will get rid of harmful substances. The properties of water are also influenced by positive emotions. If you are irritated and in a bad mood, do not make water.

The second method, the production of living and dead water, at home, requires basic knowledge of electrical engineering. If you live in a city, then first pass the water through a filter or let it settle. IN glass jar place two stainless electrodes through the cover. Supply power to one electrode diode D231 or D232. To the other electrode - directly. Place the cathode in a canvas bag. It can be sewn from a fire hose. The water in the jar should be below the edge of the bag. Plug in 220 volts, the process has begun. Never bring to a boil. After a few minutes (from 5-30, depending on the strength), turn it off. Remove the bag carefully so as not to mix with other water. This is living water, let it stand for 30 minutes and you can use it. Shelf life is not more than two weeks. Dead water remained in the jar.

Living and dead water has many features and healing qualities. This is a rare and universal remedy that can help in the fight against various diseases.

Before you start treatment with these products, you need to diagnose the body. It is recommended to consult a doctor and undergo the necessary medical examinations.

Activated water is a good adjuvant in the treatment of a wide range of diseases. The liquid stores useful qualities for only a couple of days, because its benefits are quickly lost.

In old Russian fairy tales, living water could only be obtained from healing springs, but in reality such a liquid is formed by simple chemical processes. Its preparation takes place with the help of special devices.

In them, the liquid undergoes electrolysis, due to which the water receives a positive (dead) or negative (live) electrical potential. During electrolysis, the properties of water improve. It is cleared of harmful chemical compounds, pathogenic microorganisms and impurities.

Composition and features

A distinctive property of living water (catholyte) is its pH level, which is equal to or greater than 8. Due to this, it has a biostimulating effect, restores immunity, and has antioxidant properties.

The positive qualities of living water lead to the activation of all natural processes in the human body, to improve appetite and metabolism, normalize blood pressure, improve overall health. Catholyte accelerates the healing of wounds, bedsores, burns, ulcers in the stomach and intestines. Regular fluid intake helps smooth wrinkles and improve hair growth.

The tool does not have any side effects, which means that it is not capable of harming health. Catholyte must be kept in a dark room in a closed vessel. But even when proper storage after 2 days, the liquid will lose its positive biochemical qualities, so it must be consumed as quickly as possible.

The pH level of dead water (anolyte) does not exceed 6. The liquid has an antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-allergic effect. Anolyte has anti-metabolic and cytotoxic qualities, effectively fights inflammation.

Kit useful qualities determines the disinfecting properties of dead water. It is used to disinfect clothes, utensils or medical instruments. With the help of anolyte, wet cleaning is carried out indoors. It is useful to do this if there is a person in the room who is sick with an infectious pathology.

Anolyte helps with colds, diseases of the ears, nose or nasopharynx. For the prevention of influenza, you can carry out daily gargling with a remedy. In addition, the intake of dead water calms nervous system, lowers blood pressure, reduces pain in the joints, prevents the formation of kidney stones.

How to make a device for living water

The device for live and dead water is quite simple, so its installation does not take much time and effort. For manufacturing, you will need a glass vessel, a pair of wires, a source of electricity and a piece of cloth.

To make an electrolyzer, a bag is placed in a glass jar, made from a piece of cloth that does not allow water to pass through. The fabric is fixed in such a way that it can be easily reached. Then take a pair of wires (preferably stainless steel). One is placed in a bag, and the other is placed in a glass vessel. To power the device, connect the wires to a DC source.

The electric activator will not work when connected to an AC power source. To convert alternating current to direct current, a powerful diode is connected to the positive pole of the power source. With proper manufacture, the device will immediately begin the chemical process of water electrolysis.

Water preparation

The recipes for making living and dead water are simple. Pour into a glass jar with a bag plain water. After that, the mechanism is connected to the mains. The device should work for 12-15 minutes.

After the mechanism is completed, living water is formed in the jar, and dead water is formed in the bag. Thus, it is possible to produce catholyte and anolyte quickly and practically without material costs.

Self-prepared products do not have too high biochemical characteristics. To prepare a better product, an electric activator is purchased in special retail chains.

Home use

Live treatment and dead water various diseases carried out by taking liquid inside, washing or applying compresses.

Catholyte and anolyte are used to treat acne or other skin problems. To improve the condition of the epithelium, you should wash your face with living water 2 times a day. Do not dry your face after washing.

Wrinkled skin can be smoothed out with heated catholyte compresses. To moisturize dry skin, wipe the face with anolyte. 10 minutes after wiping, a compress with catholyte is made.

Once a week, it is worth wiping your face with a solution based on living water. To prepare it, stir in half a glass of catholyte 1 tbsp. l. salt and 1 tsp. soda. The mixture helps to smooth wrinkles and overall rejuvenation of the skin.

Dead water helps with rhinitis. To treat a runny nose, wash the nose with liquid 3-4 times a day. For young children, the remedy should be instilled into the nose with a pipette. The runny nose disappears the next day.

Catholyte can become an auxiliary medicine in the treatment of gastritis. With the manifestation of the disease, it is worth taking liquid for 3 days.

To prevent exacerbation of inflammatory processes, drink half a glass of the drug 30 minutes before meals. This procedure reduces the acidity of gastric juice, which leads to a decrease in pain, an improvement in appetite and general well-being of a person.

From dryness and swelling of the skin during diathesis, you can use anolyte. First you should wash, and then you need to apply a compress for 10 minutes. The procedure is repeated up to 4 times a day. Unpleasant manifestations disappear a couple of days after the manipulation.

With the help of dead and living water, prostate hypertrophy can be treated. The treatment course lasts no more than 8 days. Half a glass of catholyte is consumed 1 hour before meals. Another 1 glass of liquid is drunk before bedtime. If there is no increase in blood pressure, gradually increase the dose to 1 cup before meals. During the treatment period, the sore spot is moistened with anolyte, after which a compress with living water is placed.

With prostatic hypertrophy, special suppositories moistened with catholyte are made from gauze. Already after 3 days of treatment, pain and the number of urination are reduced. On the 5th day, appetite improves, digestion normalizes. During treatment, it is recommended to walk on fresh air. Re-use of therapies is recommended not earlier than 30 days after the completion of the previous course of treatment.

With various manifestations of allergies, rinsing the throat, mouth and nose with anolyte is carried out. 10 minutes after each rinse, you need to drink half a glass of catholyte.

Various redness and rashes caused by allergies can be additionally moistened with anolyte. After a few days of treatment, the manifestations of allergies stop. Sometimes a second course of therapy may be needed.