Useful and harmful effects of cherries on the human body. “Cherry: useful properties, calories and possible contraindications”

Cherries will be a real find for everyone who follows the figure and adheres to a healthy lifestyle. This berry, in addition to its excellent taste, is distinguished by the presence of a large amount of useful substances, and the calorie content per 100 grams is only 50 kilocalories.

Naturally, fresh cherries will be less high-calorie, but even canned product it is possible, and even necessary, to eat, especially in winter period. With optimal calorie counting, you can easily choose a portion of the product for yourself that will not harm your figure.

What is useful cherry?

The most useful will be the use of cherries that have not undergone heat treatment. Depending on the variety of berries, the presence of useful properties in them also differs. So, red and other dark varieties of cherries have a pronounced antioxidant property.

Yellow and white berries contain a large amount of ascorbic acid, and since they do not contain plant allergens, they are allowed for use by people prone to allergic reactions and pregnant women.

In addition, cherries are useful for people who have problems with blood vessels and blood diseases. Cherry has a stimulating effect on the entire body, it is recommended to boost immunity and improve intestinal motility. Cherry berries are contraindicated in people with diabetes.

Cherry berries are a valuable vitamin supplement that diversifies any menu. They can be used not only in the usual form, but also as tasty supplement in the preparation of familiar dishes, as well as for canning for the winter, in the form of juice, compote or jam.

How to keep cherries low in calories?

In order to save low calorie and maximum beneficial features cherries for the winter, it is recommended to freeze the berries in the refrigerator or use them in the form of dried fruits, after drying them in the shade under a canopy. Such berries can be enjoyed at any time of the year, they will be especially valuable during the period of spring beriberi, when the body suffers from a lack of biologically active substances.

What is the calorie content of cherries - directly depends on the form in which these berries will be consumed, as well as on their variety. Yes, canned own juice cherries with or without pits (red or pink) will be equal to 54 kcal in calories, while the calorie content dried berries will be 52 kcal.

Due to the fact that cherries are very low in calories, a diet or fasting days based on it will please you with a very positive result. Apart from leaving excess weight, there will be a cleansing of the intestines and the whole body from toxins and toxins. It is recommended to consume cherries up to 0.5 kg per day with a normal diet or no more than 2 kg during fasting days.

How to choose delicious cherries?

In order for the cherry to bring as much benefit as possible, it is necessary to choose it correctly when buying. The first thing you should pay attention to is the cuttings of the berries. The best option would be fruits with green cuttings, the presence of yellow tails indicates that the berry is already overripe.

If you plan to harvest cherries for a long time, then it is best to buy them in the season itself, that is, in the middle of summer: this way you will get berries with the maximum amount of useful and nutritious substances and save money on the family budget.

When choosing berries, pay attention to appearance fruits. They should not have any cuts and dents, due to which the berries rot faster, and in which harmful substances accumulate. good cherry looks dry, supple and shiny. You should not buy berries that smell of fermentation. Also remember that the presence of nutrients and vitamins in them depends on the variety and color of the berries.

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The beneficial properties of cherries have been known since ancient times. In those countries where it grows, healers used it to treat various diseases. Berries are perfectly absorbed by the body while not overloading the organs. digestive system. Nutritionists studying the usefulness of cherries note not only its excellent taste, but also its rich vitamin composition. Each berry stores a whole storehouse of vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

Vitamins contained in cherries

The benefits of cherries are obvious. This berry contains vitamin C, B, P, A, as well as iron and magnesium, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the brain and on the whole body as a whole. Cherry calories - 52 kcal per 100 g.

Sweet cherry: Useful properties

Cherry is very useful for activating all metabolic processes. Weakened after an illness, as well as those who suffer from poor appetite, improve their well-being by taking 100-150 g of juicy berries before meals. Thanks to the regular consumption of cherries, you can improve the functioning of the digestive system and even lose extra pounds without thinking about how many calories are in cherries. This berry is a real find for those who keep their weight under control. Losing weight on cherries is quite easy, while replenishing the body's vitamin reserves.

Sweet cherry: Expert opinion

According to doctors, sweet cherries contain such biologically active substances as carotenoids and flavonoids, which help improve blood clotting. Thus, the use of cherries is the prevention of blood clots. The berry strengthens blood vessels and lowers blood pressure.

Nutritionists agree that this delicious product especially useful in anemia. The iron that cherries contain, vitamins actively saturate the blood with oxygen. Salicylic acid, which is one of the beneficial substances of the berry, can reduce the number of attacks of gout, rheumatism and arthritis.

Fiber, which is rich in cherries, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, both in case of indigestion and constipation.

Thanks to sweet cherries, you can diversify the diet of patients diabetes. A juicy berry containing fructose does not have a detrimental effect on the pancreas.

Useful microelements and minerals that make up sweet cherries, by stimulating the removal of toxins from the body, can improve the condition of the skin, including those who suffer from eczema and psoriasis.

The use of cherries in cosmetology and nutrition

Cherry is an excellent auxiliary remedy for the treatment of many diseases. In addition, the berry is successfully used in cosmetology and dietology. The ability of this product to narrow pores, have a rejuvenating effect and cleanse the body contributed to the fact that it is cherry that is used to prepare various masks and scrubs. Calories, which are not many in this healthy product, make it possible to use it as a product for a mono-diet. In case of violation of intestinal patency, it is not recommended to turn to a diet on cherries. In such cases, you can resort to drinking or kefir diet.

52 kcal / 100 gr.

Cherry is another wonderful taste of summer. Having tried cherries only once, you will no longer be able to resist its tempting appearance, aroma and pleasant taste.


The first mention of cherries (cherries) are found among historians Ancient Greece in the 1st millennium BC. So, according to the ancient historian Pliny, the city of Kerasund on the Black Sea coast in Asia Minor is considered the birthplace of cherries and cherries, from where the Roman commander Lucullus, after defeating the Pontic king Mithridates (680 BC), took a cherry tree with him. Then they began to grow cherries in Italy and Western Europe. Cherry came to the territory of modern Russia and Ukraine from the Crimea, where the Greeks were the first to bring it.

Distribution in the world

Sweet cherry is a woody plant with a height of 5 to 10 meters. Belongs to the rose family. In the wild, it is found in the forests of the Caucasus, Ukraine, and southern Russia.

There are up to 4,000 varieties of cherries in the world. All of them are divided into 2 groups - bigarro and gini.

Bigarro are varieties with dense, elastic, crispy pulp of berries with colorless or slightly colored juice. They are good not only fresh but also for processing and freezing. Basically, these are varieties of medium and late ripening.

Gini - varieties with soft and tender, juicy, sweet pulp of berries and almost colorless juice. They have the best palatability than the bigarro varieties. The disadvantage of gini varieties is that they are not stored for a long time and are not very transportable. These are table varieties, mainly of early ripening.

But between the Bigarro and Guini groups, a number of transitional forms are observed. So, among the bigarros there are varieties of sweet cherries, which, in terms of the consistency of their pulp, are very close to the guinea, and vice versa.

The composition and benefits of cherries

100 grams of sweet cherry fruits contain: water - 85 g, proteins - 10 g, fats - 0.1 g, carbohydrates - 10.5 g.

Cherry contains in its composition (up to 2%) a variety of organic acids - malic, citric, salicylic, folic. Ripe fruits are rich in easily digestible carbohydrates, which are mainly represented by glucose and fructose.

There are a lot of cherries in the fruits beneficial trace elements. In cherries it is present in in large numbers potassium (up to 250 mg / 100 g of fruits) and vitamin C (up to 20 mg / 100 g), a lot of iron (up to 2 mg) and copper.

There are also zinc, iodine, boron, manganese, fluorine, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, pectin substances and vitamins of groups A, E, PP, vitamins of group B (B2, B1, B3) in cherries. True, pectin in cherries (cherries) is approximately 2 times less than in apples and plums.

Fruits have a tonic effect, can increase appetite. Cherry is very useful for anemia, helps people with weak intestinal motility.

Useful cherries for diseases thyroid gland because it contains iodine.

Daily long-term consumption fresh berries relieves pain during urination and arthritis. And a decoction of stalks or leaves of cherries or cherries is an excellent diuretic. This remedy is used by doctors in the treatment of kidney diseases.

Thanks to high content copper, sweet cherry is very useful for people with dull, ugly hair. After all, it is in the human body that it is responsible for the coloring pigment of the hair.

It is necessary to choose ripe fruits - the darker the cherry, the more copper it contains.

Another wealth of cherries is the high content of coumarins, which are responsible for the normal tone of the body.

By their number, cherries and sweet cherries are second only to red currants, raspberries and pomegranates.

Cherry calories

Calorie 100 gr. fresh fruits cherries is only 53 kcal.

Calories are distributed as follows: from proteins - 5 kcal, from fats - 4 kcal, from carbohydrates - 44 kcal.

Relatively low fresh cherries calories allows you to include it in the diet of losing weight and people who follow the figure. Due to the low calorie content, cherries can be eaten in unlimited quantities, without fear of gaining weight.

Cherry diet with kefir

If you suffer from constipation, and you can not lose weight, then cherries will help you get rid of all these problems. Arrange fasting days (2-3 days a week) and set your intestines in the right way, consuming 1.5-2 kg of cherries and 1 liter of fat-free kefir per day. You can drink without restrictions still water and green tea without sugar.

Moderate cherry diet

For breakfast, you can eat 300-350 grams of cherries. For lunch - a little boiled chicken fillet, and also drink it with unsweetened cherry compote. As an afternoon snack, we use all the same berries, and for dinner we eat baked fish, green salad and low-fat yogurt.

Cherry - fragrant, juicy, sweet berry. Many people love cherries for their pleasant taste, aroma and tempting look. The first mention of this berry was found in the records of historians in the first millennium BC. The city of Kerasund is the birthplace of sweet cherries and cherries. From this city, located in Asia Minor, on the Black Sea coast, the Roman general Lucullus first brought cherries. Later, sweet cherries and cherries began to be grown in Western Europe and Italy. The berry was first brought to Russia and Ukraine from the Crimea.

About four thousand types of sweet cherry are known in the world. All varieties of cherries are divided into two large groups - Guini and Bigarro. The calorie content of sweet cherries of Gini varieties is low, but at the same time they have excellent taste qualities. Bigarro - varieties of late and medium ripening. Bigarro varieties are excellent for freezing and processing. Given the low calorie content of cherries, this berry can be safely included in the diet.

Useful properties, composition and calorie content of cherries

One hundred grams of sweet cherry contains 85 g of protein, 10 g of fat and 10.5 g of carbohydrates. With a low calorie content, sweet cherries contain significantly large quantity carbs than cherries. In its composition, cherries contain salicylic, malic, folic and citric acid. Ripe berries are rich in carbohydrates, which are easily absorbed by the body (fructose and glucose). With a low calorie content, sweet cherries contain a significant amount of potassium (up to 250 mg per 100 g of fruit), iron (up to 2 mg per 100 g of fruit), ascorbic acid (up to 20 mg per 100 g of fruit) and copper. Cherries contain manganese, zinc, boron, iodine, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus. The fruits contain vitamins of group B, as well as vitamins A, PP and E. True, pectin in it is two times less than in plums and apples.

With a low calorie content, sweet cherries increase appetite and have a general tonic effect. Since these berries contain iodine, they are useful in diseases of the thyroid gland. A decoction of the leaves or stalks of sweet cherries is an excellent diuretic used by doctors for kidney diseases. The fruits contain a significant amount of coumarins. By their number, it is second only to pomegranate, raspberry and currant. That is why cherries can be used by people recovering from illness and weakened people. Coumarins help improve mood. Therefore, it is enough to eat about 150 grams of cherries in the morning and your mood will immediately improve.

Considering how many calories are in cherries, this berry is useful for high blood pressure. With regular daily use about 200 grams of fruit can achieve a stable reduction in pressure and cleansing of blood vessels. However, it should be remembered that, despite the low calorie content, cherries contain a significant amount of water and sugars. Therefore, increasing the recommended dosage may lead to an increase blood pressure. Doctors recommend regularly consuming these fruits for anemia, as with a small amount cherries are high in calories nutritional value. Bound water, which is rich in berries, helps to remove toxins from the body.

Berries pink, red and yellow cherry can be used in the manufacture of masks for normal and dry skin types. To prepare the mask, the berry must be peeled, kneaded and rub the cherry juice into the skin. Juice helps to narrow the pores, cleanse them, and also has anti-aging properties. And if you add a teaspoon of melted fat to the mask or olive oil then it becomes more nutritious.

Calorie sweet cherry - 53 kcal per 100 grams of fresh fruit. Calories in cherries are distributed as follows: 5 kcal are proteins, 4 kcal are fats, and 44 kcal are carbohydrates. Due to the relatively low calorie content, cherries can no doubt be included in the diet of people who are watching their figure. Fruits can be eaten in unlimited quantities and at any time of the day, given how many calories are in the cherry.

Features of the diet on cherries

This berry accelerates metabolic processes in the body. Therefore, when regular use cherries a person can lose weight without extra effort.

A diet on cherries can consist of one unloading day. With such a diet, you can eat about two kilograms of cherries per day and drink about a liter of fat-free kefir. Green tea sugar-free and still water can be drunk without restrictions.

With a weekly cherry diet for breakfast and afternoon tea, you can only eat these fruits. For lunch and dinner, you can eat fish, steamed meat, steamed chicken, vegetable salads. With a diet on cherries, sugar, sweets, bread, fatty and canned foods should be excluded from the diet.

The cherry diet allows not only to lose weight, but also to improve the condition of the intestines, relieve irritability, stress, swelling, relieve headaches.

However, it should be borne in mind that the cherry diet is contraindicated in acute gastrointestinal diseases, colitis, hemorrhoids, as well as increased acidity of the stomach and a predisposition to diarrhea.

Various reviews indicate different results from each other after a diet on cherries. Since the calorie content of cherries is low, you can lose up to four kilograms in seven days of a cherry diet.

Strengthen the effect of the diet will help exercises, morning exercises, intensive walking, jogging.

Sweet, tasty and at the same time low in calories - this combination is rarely found in berries. But when you find out how many calories in cherries, then, of course, you will begin to give preference to these wonderful fruits much more often.

How many calories in cherries 100 grams

Cherry is not only extremely tasty, but also useful product. Among its medicinal properties:

  • increase in hemoglobin due to the presence of iron;
  • strengthening the walls of blood vessels due to the content of ascorbic acid and rutin;
  • elimination of toxins and cholesterol from the body.

Cherry is also useful for those who suffer from gastritis with hyperacidity, ulcer of the intestine or duodenum. Only 50 kcal - that's so many calories in 100 grams of cherries. That is why it is often used in unloading diets.

Moreover, like the berry itself, and decoctions from the tails of the cherry remove excess fluid from the body, which also contributes to weight loss. The broth is prepared very simply - the tails of the cherry are poured cold water, infused for half an hour, and then boiled for ten minutes. The broth should be drunk already cooled down.

To make it easier for you to navigate, counting, how many calories in a ripe cherry, keep in mind that one berry weighs about 5 grams.

How to store cherries and what to cook from it

Cherries - perishable product, so it should be consumed immediately after purchase. If you can not overpower all the berries at once, freeze them or preserve them. About 45 kcal - here how many calories in frozen cherries. At the same time, all its useful properties are preserved.

You can use cherries not only as an independent product - berries are added to oatmeal or rice porridge. You can also use it as a filling for pies.

If you are interested, how many calories in dumplings with cherries, then nutritionists call the figure 163 kcal. At the same time, you do not need to add sugar to the filling - sweet cherries are sweet in and of themselves. And due to its satiety, you will also not be able to eat too large a portion.

Delicious and not heavy dish - Cheesecake with cherries. The calorie content of a 100-gram piece of this delicacy is only 102 kcal. To make the cake even healthier, add a little honey instead of sugar, use fat-free cottage cheese, also add cinnamon and low-fat yogurt, which speed up metabolism. Flour is enough for half a kilo of cottage cheese, just a couple of tablespoons. Also added to it egg white and baking powder.

Updated: June 20, 2018 by: Punisher