Perishable products are. Particularly perishable products are

perishable products

Perishable products of animal and vegetable origin contain a lot of moisture in their composition, which creates favorable conditions for the vital activity of microorganisms and the activation of enzymes, leading to rapid spoilage of products. Perishable products include meat and meat products, fish and fish products, poultry, caviar, cheeses, eggs, edible fats, fruits, berries, herbs, etc. Kvass and beer can be classified as perishable products.

The shelf life of perishable products is determined by the temperature conditions of storage. In large warehouses, bases, refrigerators, under conditions of controlled low temperatures and humidity, storage of perishable products can be quite long: meat can be stored under such conditions for up to 1.5 years, fish and butter up to 1 year. In trade enterprises and enterprises Catering the shelf life of perishable products is much shorter (Tables 1 and 2).

Chilled fish in stores is stored for no more than 2 days at t ° not lower than -2 ° in the same container in which it came from the supplier. Shelf life of frozen fish in glaciers, ice baths - up to 2 days, in refrigerators at t ° -5-6 ° - up to 15 days. Dairy products should be stored at t° from 0 to 8°. To especially perishable products include meat and fish semi-finished products and finished products, milk, lactic acid products, culinary products. For especially perishable products, even more stringent storage conditions are established with sharply shortened sales periods (Table 3).

Storage finished products allowed on condition that they are cooled to a temperature not higher than 8 °; storage of meat and fish semi-finished products, milk, lactic acid products, products from by-products and blood is allowed provided that they are immediately cooled after production to a temperature not exceeding 6 ° and kept at a temperature not exceeding 8 ° for the specified time of their stay at the place of storage, transportation and implementation.

The established terms for the sale of perishable products intended for direct sale are considered from the moment the manufacturing process is completed. finished products at the enterprise and include the time spent by products in transit, storage in warehouses and bases of the distribution network, as well as the time spent by perishable products in stores or public catering establishments before being released to consumers. For each batch of especially perishable products, the enterprise must issue an invoice indicating the hour of production and the timing of its sale in accordance with the current sanitary rules.

Table 1. Shelf life of perishable products of the distribution network Product name Shelf lifeat t° below 0° at t° from 0 to 6° with natural cooling, and in warm weather with ice cooling (t° not higher than 8°)
Frozen meat in carcasses

Meat packaged

Meat chilled in carcasses

Meat packaged

Frozen poultry and game

Chilled poultry

Frozen offal

Chilled by-products

Boiled sausages of the third grade and with the addition of offal

Sausages of the third grade, liver, blood, brawns

Sausages, meat sausages

Boiled meat and fish sausages of the 1st and 2nd grades

5 days

Not stored

Not stored

Not stored

Not stored

Not stored

Not stored

Not stored

72 hours 48 hours

Implementations are not subject to

Table 2. Shelf life of perishable food products in catering establishments Product name t° Conditions and terms of storage
Meat, chilled, chilled, frozen

Chilled, frozen poultry


Chilled fish

frozen fish

Sausages boiled 3rd grade

Liver sausages of the 3rd grade, blood sausages, brawn of the 3rd grade

Sausages boiled meat, fish 1st and 2nd grade

Meat sausages and sausages

Flask milk, bottled

Not higher than 6°

Not higher than 6°

Not higher than 6°

Not higher than 6°

Up to 5 days in cells

Up to 2 days in glaciers

Up to 2 days in cells

Up to 2 days in chambers, up to a day on ice

Up to 3 days in chambers, up to 2 days on ice

No more than 48 hours.

No more than 12 hours.

No more than 72 hours. in the presence of cold, no more than 6 hours. in the absence of cold

No more than 72 hours*

No more than 20 hours. in the container in which it arrived*

* In the absence of cold, they are subject to immediate sale as they are manufactured or received. Table 3. Maximum shelf life of highly perishable products Product name Shelf life in hoursin the distribution network in the procurement workshop at public catering establishmentsin the absence of cold at t° not higher than 8° in the absence of cold at t° not higher than 8°
Minced meat (unseasoned) Manufactured according to customer's requirement 3 Not subject to storage 6
Meat and fish cakes(semi-finished products) Implementations are not subject to 12* Not subject to storage 12*
Meat in small pieces (stew, goulash, etc.) Not to be implemented 18* Not subject to storage 18*
Meat portion-piece semi-finished products Implementations are not subject to 36* Not subject to storage 36*
Breaded semi-finished meat products Implementations are not subject to 24 Not subject to storage 24
Meat and fish aspic, jelly Implementations are not subject to 12* Not subject to production and sale 12*
Meat and fish ready cutlets Implementations are not subject to 24 To be sold when prepared on the spot 24
Liver pate Not to be implemented 24 6 24
Hot smoked fish 6 72 6 72
Pies with meat, fish and offal 12 24 12 24
Cakes with butter cream 12 36* 12 36*
Cakes with custard Implementations are not subject to 6* Implementations are not subject to 6*
curd curds 12 36* Implementations are not subject to 24
Cottage cheese 12 36 Not to be implemented 36
Sour cream 24 72 Not to be implemented 72
Dietary products - curdled milk, kefir, acidophilus Implementations are not subject to 24 Implementations are not subject to 24
Curd Not to be implemented 36* Not to be implemented 36*
Milk, creamy, baby, fruit-whey jelly Implementations are not subject to 12 Implementations are not subject to 12
Chopped herring Not to be implemented 24 6 24*
Vegetable cutlets (semi-finished products) Implementations are not subject to 8 Implemented as they come 8*
Vinaigrettes, salads (vegetable, with meat, fish) Implementations are not subject to 12 o'clock when stored unfilled 6 o'clock subject to preparation on site 12 o'clock when stored unfilled*
baked fish Not to be implemented 48 Not to be implemented 48
Fried fish Not to be implemented 48 12 36
Fish portioned in breadcrumbs (semi-finished product) Not to be implemented 24 Not to be implemented 24
* At a temperature not higher than 6°.


1. Developed: State Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (V.A. Tutelyan, A.K. Baturin, S.A. Sheveleva, N.R. Efimochkina, I.B. Kuvaeva, S.A. Khotimchenko, I.Ya. Kon, M.M. Levachev, V.B. Spirichev, S.N. Kulakova, L.N. Shatnyuk), Department of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (A.I. Petukhov, I.V. Svyakhovskaya, V.N. Bratina. ), the Federal Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (A.A. Ivanov, N.S. Krivopalova). Prepared taking into account the comments and suggestions of specialists from the centers of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance in the city of Moscow, and St. Petersburg, Moscow, Leningrad and Rostov regions.2. Recommended Commission on State Sanitary and Epidemiological Rationing under the Ministry of Health of Russia. 3. Approved Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation May 21, 2003 4. put into action from June 25, 2003 by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 22, 2003 No. 98. 5. Registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on June 6, 2003 Registration number 4654. 6. Introduced instead SanPiN 42-123-4117-86 "Conditions, terms of storage of especially perishable products", approved 06/20/86. Federal Law
“On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population” No. 52-FZ of March 30, 1999 “State sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (hereinafter referred to as sanitary rules) - regulatory legal acts establishing sanitary and epidemiological requirements (including safety criteria and (or) harmlessness of environmental factors for humans, hygienic and other standards), non-compliance with which creates a threat to human life or health, as well as the threat of the emergence and spread of diseases” (Article 1). “Compliance with sanitary rules is mandatory for citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities” (Article 39). “Disciplinary, administrative and criminal liability is established for violation of sanitary legislation” (Article 55). Federal Law
“On the quality and safety of food products” No. 29-FZ of 02.01.00 “Requirements for nutritional value food products, safety of food products, materials and products, safety of the conditions for their development, production, manufacture and circulation, safety of services provided in the field retail food products, materials and products in the field of public catering are established by the relevant sanitary rules and norms” (Article 9).


On the introduction of sanitary
- epidemiological rules and
standards SanPiN Based on the Federal Law "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" dated March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ and the Regulations on state sanitary and epidemiological regulation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2000 No. 554 RESOLVE: Enact sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations “Hygienic requirements for shelf life and storage conditions of food products. SanPiN", approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on May 21, 2003, from June 25, 2003.

G. G. Onishchenko

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation



On the abolition of SanPiN 42-123-4117-86 On the basis of the Federal Law "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" of March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ and the Regulations on state sanitary and epidemiological regulation, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 24, 2000 city ​​№ 554 RESOLVE: Since the entry into force of the sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations "Hygienic requirements for shelf life and storage conditions of food products. SanPiN”, from 25.06.03 to consider invalid “Conditions, terms of storage of especially perishable products. SanPiN 42-123-4117-86, approved on 06/20/86.

G. G. Onishchenko


Hygienic requirements for shelf life and storage conditions of food products

Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations


1. General provisions and scope

These sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (hereinafter referred to as the sanitary rules) are developed in accordance with the Federal Laws "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" dated March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1999, No. 14, article 1650); "On the quality and safety of food products" dated 02.01.00 No. 29-FZ (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, No. 2, Art. 150); "Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens" dated July 22, 1993 (Vedomosti of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation, 1993, No. 33, item 1318), Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 24, 2000 No. 554 "On approval of the Regulations on the state Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation and the provisions on state sanitary and epidemiological regulation (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, No. 31, article 3295). Sanitary regulations establish hygienic requirements for the shelf life and storage conditions of food products in order to ensure the safety and nutritional value of food products during production, storage, transportation and circulation, as well as during their development and production. Sanitary rules do not apply to bottled and mineral waters, bacterial starter cultures, starter cultures, biologically active food supplements. Sanitary rules are intended for individual entrepreneurs, legal entities whose activities are carried out in the field of production, storage, transportation and sale of food products, as well as for bodies and institutions exercising state sanitary and epidemiological supervision. In accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, for food products whose quality deteriorates after a certain period from the moment of their manufacture and they acquire properties that are dangerous to human health, in connection with which they lose their suitability for their intended use, expiration dates are established. Products that, subject to the established storage rules, do not need special temperature storage conditions, should be considered non-perishable. Products that require special temperature and/or other regimes and rules to ensure safety, without which they can lead to harm to human health, should be considered perishable and especially perishable products that must be stored in cold conditions and are intended for short-term sale. 1.6. Food products during their manufacture and circulation (production, storage, transportation and circulation) must be stored under conditions that ensure the preservation of their quality and safety throughout the entire shelf life. 1.7. Draft regulatory and technical documents and prototypes of new food products, in terms of shelf life and conditions of manufacture and circulation, are subject to sanitary and epidemiological expertise and are approved in the prescribed manner, if there is a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for the documentation. The requirements of the approved documents are mandatory for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities engaged in the production and circulation of specific types of food products. 1.8. The established expiration dates and storage conditions for especially perishable and perishable food products produced according to regulatory and / or technical documentation are indicated in the appendix. 1 to these sanitary rules, unless other expiration dates are specified in other documents. For similar types of new food products, including those produced by new technological processes for their manufacture, the same shelf life and storage conditions can be established, which are indicated in the appendix. one . 1.9. Shelf life and storage conditions for products that exceed the terms and / or storage temperatures for similar types of products presented in the appendix. 1 (prolonged), as well as expiration dates and storage conditions for new types of products that have no analogues in the specified app. 1 must be justified in the prescribed manner. 1.10. When justifying the expiration dates, the manufacturer or developer of the documentation provides information to the authorities and institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation on measures that contribute to improving the safety of food products (improvement of technology; introduction of new types of packaging, improved quality indicators of raw materials, enhanced sanitary regime during production and etc.), and test results of products, indicating their safety and suitability for the intended use during the entire shelf life. 1.11. Justification of the shelf life and storage conditions of food products specified in paragraph 1.10, as well as specialized products for children and diet food should be carried out on the basis of the results of the sanitary and epidemiological examination of specific types of products and comprehensive sanitary and epidemiological studies in the prescribed manner. 1.12. Sanitary and epidemiological studies of specialized products for children and dietary (therapeutic and preventive) nutrition, as well as products produced using new technologies and (or) using non-traditional types of raw materials and food products, similar applications. 1 of these sanitary rules are carried out by the federal executive body in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare, as well as in institutions authorized by it. 1.13. The shelf life of food products produced according to regulatory documentation must be substantiated on the basis of the results of extensive production tests by industry research organizations duly accredited, with the participation of institutions authorized by the federal executive body in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare. 1.14. When importing imported food products into the territory of the Russian Federation and registering them in accordance with the established procedure, an authorized person shall provide information on the regulation of the shelf life and storage conditions of products, and, if necessary, the results of product testing at the end of the specified storage periods and conditions. 1.15. When setting an expiration date canned food sterilization (pasteurization) modes should be developed, and expiration dates should be substantiated by testing. 1.16. Sanitary and epidemiological conclusions on the possibility of establishing the shelf life of perishable food products, products made using new technologies and / or from new types of raw materials, children's, therapeutic and preventive nutrition products, incl. canned; products obtained from genetically modified sources are issued by the federal executive body in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare after an examination in institutions authorized by it at the location of manufacturing organizations. For other types of products (non-perishable), sanitary and epidemiological conclusions on the possibility of establishing expiration dates are issued by bodies and institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation after a sanitary and epidemiological examination and testing by the institutions of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service.

2. Requirements to justify food shelf life

2.1. To conduct a sanitary and epidemiological examination of the shelf life of food products, the manufacturer or developer submits documents in accordance with the established procedure, indicating the safety of such products for humans. 2.2. When putting into production, the sanitary and epidemiological examination of the shelf life of food products can be confirmed by studies according to a simplified scheme, in the prescribed manner. 2.3. Sanitary and epidemiological studies of the quality and safety of food products to justify the shelf life and storage conditions are carried out in the prescribed manner. 2.4. For certain types of food products, when establishing expiration dates by the manufacturer, it is allowed to use duly approved express tests, followed by confirmation of the results of these tests in accredited organizations and obtaining a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion in the prescribed manner. 2.5. Expert evaluation and studies to justify the expiration dates are carried out in the prescribed manner.

3. Hygienic requirements for the shelf life and storage conditions of food products

3.1. Requirements for the regulation of expiration dates

3.1.1. The shelf life of a food product is determined by the period of time calculated from the date of its manufacture, during which the food product is suitable for use, or the date before which the food product is suitable for use. The period of time (date) during which (before which) the food product is suitable for use should be determined from the moment the technological process of its manufacture is completed, and includes storage in the warehouse of the manufacturer, transportation, storage in food trade organizations and at the consumer after purchase. 3.1.2. Information applied to the label on the expiration dates of food products should include the indication of: hour, day, month, year of production for especially perishable products, products for children and diet food; day, month and year - for perishable products; month and year - for non-perishable products, as well as the rules and conditions for their storage and use. 3.1.3. The expiration dates of perishable food products apply to products in those types of consumer and transport containers and packaging that are specified in the regulatory and technical documentation for these types of products, and do not apply to products in containers and packaging opened during their sale or in violation of its integrity. 3.1.4. It is not allowed to repackage or repackage perishable food products after opening and violating the integrity of the primary packaging or container of the manufacturer in organizations selling food products, in order to establish new expiration dates for the product by these organizations and work to justify their duration in a new package or container. 3.1.5. Perishable food products after opening the package during the sale process should be sold within a period of no more than 12 hours from the moment it was opened, subject to storage conditions (temperature, humidity). For products in special packages that prevent their direct contact with the environment and the hands of workers, it is allowed to establish storage periods after opening these packages in the prescribed manner. 3.1.6. It is not allowed to re-evacuate perishable food products packed by manufacturers in films under vacuum, vapor-gas-tight casings and in a modified atmosphere by organizations selling food products. 3.1.7. Defrosting (defrosting) of frozen food products by organizations selling food products is not allowed. 3.1.8. The shelf life of non-perishable food products to be packaged in consumer packaging during the sale should not exceed the shelf life of the product in the primary packaging and should be counted from the date of manufacture of the product by the manufacturer. 3.1.9. When justifying the shelf life of multicomponent food products, the shelf life and storage conditions of the components used should be taken into account. The shelf life reserve of the used raw materials and semi-finished products at the time of the production of a multicomponent product must correspond to the shelf life of the final product.

3.2. Requirements for organizations producing food products with extended shelf life

3.2.1. Production of products with prolonged shelf life is allowed if there is a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for the specified products. 3.2.2. Production of products should be carried out in organizations (in workshops): - meeting the sanitary rules for organizations of the relevant industry and having a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for the type of activity for the production of these food products, issued in accordance with the established procedure; - having the necessary technological equipment that meets the requirements of regulatory documentation; - having a stable supply of raw materials and materials that meet hygienic safety and nutritional value requirements and regulatory documentation; - where production control is organized in the prescribed manner.

3.3. food storage requirements

3.3.1. For perishable and especially perishable food products, storage conditions must be established that ensure their nutritional value and their safety for human health. 3.3.2. Storage of food products should be carried out in the prescribed manner with appropriate parameters of temperature, humidity and light conditions for each type of product. 3.3.3. The quantity of products stored in the warehouse of the manufacturer or trade organization should be determined by the volume of operating refrigeration equipment (for products that require refrigeration) or the size of the storage room, sufficient to ensure appropriate storage conditions throughout the entire shelf life of this product. 3.3.4. Sharing is not allowed raw foods and semi-finished products along with ready-to-eat foods.

3.4. Food transportation requirements

3.4.1. The conditions of transportation must comply with the established requirements for each type of food products, as well as the rules for the transportation of perishable goods in force on the corresponding mode of transport. 3.4.2. Transportation of food products is carried out by specially equipped vehicles, for which a sanitary passport is issued in accordance with the established procedure. 3.4.3. Perishable products are transported by refrigerated or isothermal transport, providing the necessary temperature conditions for transportation. 3.4.4. It is not allowed to transport finished food products together with raw materials and semi-finished products. When transporting food products, the rules of the commodity neighborhood must be observed. 3.4.5. It is not allowed to transport food products by random vehicles, as well as together with non-food products. 3.4.6. Food products entering warehouses or trade and public catering enterprises must be accompanied by documents certifying their quality and safety (quality certificate, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, if necessary, a veterinary certificate). 3.4.7. Requirements for passing a medical examination and personal hygiene of personnel serving the transportation of food products and the maintenance of vehicles must comply with the sanitary rules for trade and public catering organizations, the production and circulation of food raw materials and food products in them.

Appendix 1

Storage conditions, shelf life of especially perishable and perishable products at a temperature (4 ± 2) °С*

Name of production

Shelf life


Meat and meat products. Poultry, eggs and their products

Semi-finished boneless meat products
1. Bulk semi-finished products:
packaged meat, portioned semi-finished products (tenderloin; natural beef steak; langet; entrecote; rump steak; beef, lamb, steamed pork; escalope, schnitzel, etc.) without breading
portioned semi-finished products (rump steak, natural lamb and pork cutlet, schnitzel) breaded
2. Semi-finished products in small pieces:
beef stroganoff, azu, frying, goulash, beef for stewing, meat for barbecue, special roast, cold cuts (without sauces and spices)
marinated, with sauces
3. Semi-finished minced meat:
molded, incl. breaded, stuffed (stuffed cabbage, zucchini)
combined (meat-potato cutlets, meat-and-vegetable cutlets, meat-and-cabbage cutlets, with the addition of soy protein)
4. Minced meat (beef, pork, from the meat of other slaughter animals, combined):
produced by meat processing plants
produced by trade and public catering enterprises
5. Semi-finished meat and bone products (large-sized, portioned, small-sized)
6. Offal of slaughter animals (liver, kidneys, tongue, heart, brains)
Semi-finished products from poultry meat
7. Semi-finished products from poultry meat natural:
meat and bone, boneless without breading (carcass prepared for cooking, legs, fillets, quarters, tobacco chickens, thighs, drumsticks, wings, breasts)
meat and bone, boneless, breaded, with spices, with sauce, marinated
8. Semi-finished products from poultry meat, chopped, breaded and without it
9. Minced chicken
10. Offal, semi-finished products from poultry offal
11. Sets for jelly, stew, soup
Culinary products - dishes prepared from meat and meat products
12. Boiled meat (for cold dishes; large piece, cut into portions for first and second courses)
13. Fried stew meat (beef and pork fried for cold dishes; beef and pork fried in large pieces, cut into portions for main courses, stuffed meat)
14. Products from minced meat fried (cutlets, steaks, meatballs, schnitzels, etc.)
15. Meat dishes
16. Pilaf, dumplings, manti, belyashi, pancakes, pies
17. Hamburgers, cheeseburgers, ready-made sandwiches, ready-made pizza
18. Jellied meat products: aspic, brawn, jelly, jelly
19. Boiled meat offal (tongue, udder, heart, kidneys, brains), fried
20. Liver and/or meat pates
* Except for paragraphs 39 - 42, 56.

Continued app. one

Poultry culinary products
21. Carcasses and parts of poultry carcasses smoked, smoked-baked and smoked-boiled
22. Dishes prepared from poultry fried, boiled, stewed
23. Minced poultry meat dishes with sauces and/or garnish
24. Dumplings, poultry pies
25. Jellied poultry meat products: brawns, jellies, aspics, including assorted meats from slaughter animals
26. Pate from poultry meat and offal
27. Boiled eggs
Sausages from the meat of all types of slaughter animals, poultry
28. Boiled sausages produced in accordance with GOST:
top and first class
second class
29. Cooked sausages according to GOST in vapor-gas-tight casings:
premium, gourmet, with the addition of preservatives
first class
second class
30. Sausages, boiled sausages, meat bread, produced in accordance with GOST
31. Sausages, boiled sausages in vapor-gas-tight casings
32. Sausages, frankfurters, sausages boiled, sliced ​​and packed under vacuum, under modified atmosphere conditions
33. Cooked meat products (hams, rolls, pressed pork and beef, ham, bacon, meat pig heads pressed, lamb in shape)
34. Meat products boiled, sliced ​​and packed under vacuum, under modified atmosphere conditions
35. Liver sausages, blood
36. Sausages, sausages, boiled sausages with the addition of offal
37. Sausages boiled from poultry meat (sausages, meat loaves, rolls, sausages, sausages, ham, etc.):
first class
38. Sausage products boiled from poultry meat, vacuum-packed under modified atmosphere conditions
Fish, non-fish species and products derived from them
Semi-finished fish products
39. Fish of all types chilled

hours at a temperature

40. Fish fillet

0-(-2) °С

41. Special cut fish

from -2 to +2°С

42. Food fish mince, shaped mince products, including those with a flour component

from -2 to +2°С

43. Crustaceans, bivalve molluscs, live, chilled

Continued app. one

Culinary products from fish with heat treatment
44. Boiled, poached, fried, stewed, baked, stuffed fish
45. Fish dishes cutlet mass(cutlets, zrazy, schnitzels, meatballs, dumplings), baked goods, pies
46. ​​Fish of all kinds and hot smoked rolls
47. Multi-component products - hodgepodges, pilafs, snacks
48. Jellied foods (jelly, brawn, aspic fish)
Culinary fish products without heat treatment
49. Products chopped from salted fish (pates, pastes)
50. Fish and seafood salads without dressing
51. Herring, caviar, krill oil, etc.
52. Caviar oil, krill oil, etc.
53. Crayfish and shrimp boiled
54. Structured products (" crab sticks" and etc.)
Culinary caviar products
55. Culinary products with heat treatment
56. Multi-component dishes without heat treatment after mixing

hours at temperatures from -2 to +2°С

57. Fish pastes in polymeric consumer containers
Milk and dairy products*, cheeses
58. Milk, cream, milk whey, pasteurized buttermilk:
in consumer packaging
in flasks and tanks
59. Baked milk
60. Liquid dairy products*
61. Liquid fermented milk products enriched with bifidobacteria
62. Natural koumiss (from mare's milk), koumiss from cow's milk
63. Ryazhenka
64. Sour cream and products based on it
65. Curd and curd products
66. Cottage cheese and curd products thermally processed
67. Pasty milk protein products
68. Dishes from cottage cheese - lazy dumplings, cottage cheese pancakes, cottage cheese fillings, pies
69. Casseroles, cottage cheese puddings
70. Homemade cheese
71. Cream cheeses
72. Soft and pickled cheeses without maturation
73. Cheese butter
Products of children's dairy kitchens
74. Dairy products:
74.1. Kefir:
in a polymer container
other dairy products
75. Children's cottage cheese
76. Curd products
* The expiration dates and storage conditions of sterilized, ultra-high temperature treated (UHT) and thermized products of these groups after packaging are indicated in the documents for specific types of products. ** The expiration dates of specific types of products are determined in accordance with the established procedure.

Continued app. one

77. Sterilized products (adapted milk mixtures, sterilized milk):
in a sealed container
78. Products for therapeutic and preventive nutrition on fermented soy or non-dairy basis
vegetable products
Semi-finished products from vegetables and herbs
79. Raw peeled sulphated potatoes
80. Fresh peeled cabbage
81. Raw peeled carrots, beets, onions
82. Radish, radish processed, sliced
83. Parsley, processed celery
84. Processed green onion
85. Processed dill
Culinary products
86. Salads from raw vegetables and fruit:
without refueling
87. Salads from raw vegetables with the addition of canned vegetables, eggs, etc.:
without refueling
with dressings (mayonnaise, sauces)
88. Salads from pickled, salted, pickled vegetables
89. Salads and vinaigrettes from boiled vegetables:
without dressing and adding salted vegetables
with dressings (mayonnaise, sauces)
90. Dishes from boiled, stewed, fried vegetables
91. Salads with the addition of meat, poultry, fish, smoked meats:
without refueling
with dressings (mayonnaise, sauces)
92. Side dishes:
boiled rice, pasta boiled, mashed potatoes
stewed vegetables
boiled potatoes, fried
93. Sauces and dressings for second courses
Confectionery and bakery products
Semi-finished products test
94. Yeast dough for baked and fried pies, for pies, pies and other flour products
95. Unleavened puff pastry for cakes, pastries and other flour products
96. Sand dough for cakes and pastries
Culinary products
97. Cheesecakes, juicers, half-open pies from yeast dough:
with cottage cheese
with jam and fruit fillings
98. Chebureks, belyashi, table pies, fried, baked, kulebyaki, pies (with meat, eggs, cottage cheese, cabbage, liver and other fillings)
99. Meatballs (cutlets) semolina, millet
Mealy confectionery, sweet food, drinks
100. Cakes and pastries:
without cream finish, with protein-whipped, soufflé, creamy, fruit and berry, fondant finishes
cake "Potato"
with custard, with whipped cream, with cottage cheese and cream filling
101. Biscuit rolls:
with creamy, fruity, candied fruits, poppy seeds
with cottage cheese
102. Jelly, mousse
103. Creams
104. Whipped cream
105. Kvass produced by industry:
unpasteurized bread kvass
kvass "Moscow"
106. Freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices

Annex 2

Terms and Definitions

Shelf life of food products - a limited period of time during which food products must fully meet the requirements usually imposed on them in terms of organoleptic, physico-chemical indicators, including nutritional value, and the requirements established by regulatory documents for the permissible content of chemical , biological substances and their compounds, microorganisms and other biological organisms that pose a danger to human health, as well as meet the criteria for functional purpose. Shelf life of food products - the period of time during which the products retain the properties established in the regulatory and / or technical documentation, subject to the storage conditions specified in the documentation (may not be final). Food storage conditions - optimal environmental parameters (temperature, ambient humidity, light regime, etc.) and handling rules (measures to prevent damage by pests, insects, rodents; measures to preserve the integrity of the package, etc.) necessary to ensure the safety of inherent food products of organoleptic, physico-chemical properties and safety indicators. Perishable are food products that require special temperature and/or other regimes and rules to maintain the quality and safety, without which they undergo irreversible changes that lead to harm to the health of consumers or deterioration. Perishable products include processed meat, poultry, eggs, milk, fish and non-fish species; flour creamy confectionery products with a mass fraction of moisture of more than 13%; creams and finishing semi-finished products, incl. on the vegetable oils; the drinks; vegetable processing products; fatty and fat-containing products, including mayonnaise, margarine; quick-frozen ready meals and semi-finished products; all types of preserves; thermized fermented milk products and sterilized dairy products. Particularly perishable products - products that cannot be stored without cold and are intended for short-term sale: milk, pasteurized cream; chilled semi-finished products from meat, poultry, fish, seafood, raw and boiled vegetables, all products and catering dishes; freshly squeezed juices; creamy confectionery products made using manual operations; perishable products in packages opened during the sale. Non-perishable * food products that do not need special temperature storage conditions, subject to other established storage rules ( alcoholic drinks, vinegar); dry foods containing mass fraction moisture less than 13%; bakery products without finishing, sugary confectionery products, food concentrates. Extended shelf life - shelf life for perishable food products produced in accordance with new production, packaging, storage technologies or with the improvement of existing technologies, the duration of which exceeds that previously established for similar types of products using traditional technologies (or: especially perishable products). Food trade enterprises - food bases, warehouses, storage facilities, grocery stores, small retail enterprises, regardless of departmental affiliation and form of ownership, as well as refrigerators. *Excluding specialized products for baby and diet food.

Bibliographic data

1. Federal Law "On the Quality and Safety of Food Products" dated January 2, 2000 No. 29-FZ. 2. Federal Law "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population" dated March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ. 3. Federal Law "On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" and the "Code of the RSFSR on Administrative Offenses". 2001. 4. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 1998 No. 680. “On the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation”. 5. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2000 No. 987 “On State Supervision and Control in the Field of Ensuring the Quality and Safety of Food Products”. 6. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2000 No. 988 "On State Registration of New Food Products, Materials and Products". 7. GOST R 51074-97 “Food products. Consumer Information". 8. SP "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for trade organizations and the turnover of food raw materials and food products in them." 9. SanPiN "Hygienic requirements for the safety and nutritional value of food products". 10. MUK 4.2.727-99 "Hygienic assessment of the shelf life of food products." 11. Guidelines "On the accelerated determination of the shelf life of edible vegetable oils", approved by the Deputy Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation No. 1100 / 2261-98-115 dated 09/23/98.
1. General provisions and scope 2. Requirements to justify the shelf life of food products 3. Hygienic requirements for the shelf life and storage conditions of food products 3.1. Requirements for the regulation of expiration dates 3.2. Requirements for organizations producing food products with extended shelf life 3.3. Food storage requirements 3.4. Requirements for the transportation of food products Annex 1 Storage conditions, shelf life of especially perishable and perishable products at a temperature of (4 ± 2) ° С * Annex 2 (reference) Terms and definitions Bibliographic data
  • SanPiN Hygienic requirements for hand tools and organization of work
  • SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the protection of atmospheric air in populated areas
  • SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the design, operation and water quality of swimming pools. Sanitary rules and regulations
  • SanPiN Hygienic requirements for video display terminals, personal electronic computers and organization of work
  • SanPiN Hygienic requirements for coal industry enterprises and organization of work
  • SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises. Sanitary rules and regulations

rules governing terms and conditions
storage of highly perishable products,
intended for all businesses
producing and selling special
perishable products.

especially perishable
products that cannot be stored
no cold, and maximum shelf life
at a temperature not higher than +6 °C is

up to 72 hours depending on the type of product.
These are meat, dairy, fish, vegetable
products, confectionery, etc.
In case of violation of the terms and conditions of storage
micro-organisms can grow in them
causing food spoilage, and
potentially pathogenic and pathogenic
microorganisms that can cause
bacterial poisoning and acute
intestinal diseases.

shelf life of especially perishable
products are calculated from the end of
technological process, cooling
and include the time spent
products at the manufacturer,
transportation and storage for
catering establishments and

for each batch of especially perishable
products must be issued documents
certifying quality (certificate),
consignment note (fence sheet) indicating
dates and hours of production for
enterprise since the end
technological process, temperature
storage and expiry date
(date, hour) in accordance with these

lot must be marked
especially perishable products
indication on labels or packaging
temperature and expiration date.
When issuing bulk products
labels should be sent
manufacturers in the trade
network, and when selling their products
must be placed on the counter.

especially perishable products should
produced in a closed labeled
chilled or isothermal containers
vehicles with bodies having
hygienic cover.
Sanitary and epidemiological
local organizations should be issued
sanitary passports for each car,
transporting highly perishable
products. During the warm season
transportation takes place in
isothermal transport if available
ice - no more

h, without ice - no more than 1 h.

especially perishable products
trade and public enterprises
food is allowed provided
compliance temperature regime from
+2 to +6 °C. The exception is
some semi-finished and finished
products whose storage temperature

special occasions
sanitary and epidemiological service
on the ground, the right to extend the deadlines is given
storage of large lots
perishable products, provided
maintaining their quality and compliance
storage conditions. Maximum term
extension must not exceed half
specified storage period.

state sanitary doctors
union republics
right on the territory of the republic:

- approve
procedure, conditions and terms of storage
national and signature dishes;

- in
reduce according to local conditions
or lengthen the shelf life especially
perishable products, certain
these Sanitary Rules;

- install
terms and conditions of storage
perishable products not included
to these Sanitary Rules;

- guide
to the Ministry of Health of the USSR scientifically substantiated
data and proposals for change
valid storage periods
perishable products for making
them into these Rules.

rules do not override all other modes
storage of fish and frozen products,
specified in the storage instructions
fish products (No. 2977-84) and documents
reflecting the conditions and terms of storage
frozen products.

Semi-finished products
high degree of readiness and culinary
products intended for sale
at pre-preparation enterprises and
culinary shops and having more
long periods of storage, marked
sign "*".

Sanitary rules are developed taking into account
current regulatory and technical
documentation, as well as in accordance with
results of many years of research
products bodies and institutions
healthcare. Current documentation
when reviewing and supplementing should be
brought into line with the requirements
of these Sanitary Rules.

for the observance and control of sanitary
rules are carried by the heads of enterprises,
producing and transporting
perishable products, enterprises
trade and catering.

rules must be communicated
employees of all trade enterprises,
public catering, ministries and
departments that produce, transport
and selling especially perishable
products, as well as specialists
sanitary and epidemiological services exercising control
for their observance.

The control
compliance with the Rules is the responsibility of
bodies and institutions of the sanitary and epidemiological service.

the entry into force of these Rules
the Sanitary Regulations of 1974 are repealed
№ 1161-74.

The category of perishable products includes those that need special conditions for storage, transportation and sale. What products are perishable, how to properly store and transport them, read the article.

What does the expiration date on the package mean?

This is such a period of time during which all the properties of the product are stored. In short, this is a time-limited period of use of products. It is established by GOST, where the first date on the label indicates the manufacture of the product, and the second indicates its expiration date or the date after which the product irreversibly changes its properties and becomes unsuitable for consumption.

Classification by expiration date

On this basis, all products are divided into the following types:

    Highly perishable products are products that cannot be stored in conditions that do not support low temperatures. Their shelf life is limited. These products can be stored for six to seventy-two hours.

    Perishable product - with a shelf life of three to thirty days at a temperature not exceeding six degrees.

    Non-perishable - such products can be stored without observing the temperature regime for a month or more. Under the condition of storage, the sun's rays on the products and humidity are taken into account.

What foods are considered perishable?

This category includes such products, the storage of which is possible subject to a special temperature regime. They need to be implemented in a short time. Conditions and terms of storage of different products differ.

Perishable products include:

  • Cheese, baked milk, cottage cheese with heat treatment. Their shelf life does not exceed five days.
  • Mixes of milk and boiled sausages in airtight packaging. They can be stored for ten days.

What are the most perishable products?

They are stored only in conditions with low temperatures. Particularly perishable products are:

  • Natural dairy products - can be stored for up to thirty-six hours. If the manufacturing technology provides for the addition of preservatives and vacuum packaging, then their shelf life is extended.
  • Chilled fish - up to twenty-four hours, provided that the temperature is from zero to minus two degrees.
  • Meat products - no more than forty-eight hours.
  • Frozen fish - at the same temperature as chilled, only its shelf life is forty-eight hours.
  • Dressed salads - up to twelve hours.
  • Cakes - up to sixteen hours, cakes - up to seventy-two.

To save on long time foods that need to be frozen. Freezers are designed to store fish, meat, frozen fruits, vegetables, berries, mushrooms. But they are not stored indefinitely, the period of use also ends.

    Products must be sealed. For this purpose, special containers for freezing are suitable. They are easy to buy in the store, focusing on the type and quantity of the product.

    Portions should be made such that it is enough for one time. Do not defrost and refreeze food several times, especially meat or vegetables.

    Each perishable product must be marked with the date it was placed in the chamber. This is necessary in order to consume the product no later than two to three months from the moment of freezing. Longer storage times are not permitted.

For each type of food, they differ significantly. What is the shelf life of perishable foods in freezers?

  • sausage products and sauces are recommended to be stored for no more than two months;
  • frozen raw meat can be stored for a long time, a whole year;
  • meat and poultry, chopped into pieces - up to nine months;
  • semi-finished products, fish and chopped meat– about four months.

Individual products after defrosting lose their taste qualities. For example, milk and products of its processing, such as butter, cheese, sour cream, are also frozen, but the quality of their taste changes for the worse. If the shelf life of products has passed, and their smell, taste or appearance after defrosting is doubtful, it is better to throw everything away.

Shelf life of food in the refrigerator

This type of household appliances is designed to extend the shelf life of products and their freshness for a short time. What perishable foods are stored in the refrigerator? Here are some of them:

  • chilled meat, smoked sausage, milk, cream, fermented milk products - three days;
  • boiled sausage, chilled and fried fish - two days;
  • unseasoned salads - twelve hours;
  • ready-made dishes from vegetables - one day.

Confectionery stuffed with protein cream or fruits should be stored for no more than three days; from creamy - one and a half days; custard - six hours.

Storage conditions for perishable products, even in the refrigerator, are different.

The packaging must be sealed. For this purpose, containers, foil or paper are used. Polyethylene bags are not recommended.

Storage of perishable products is carried out depending on the location of the shelf in the refrigerator. The closer it is to the freezer, the colder it is.

Door shelves are considered the warmest place. Products with a shorter shelf life are placed on the top shelf, the rest - taking into account the increase in shelf life. The lower drawers are designed for fruits and vegetables and do not require wrapping.

How to protect yourself from the use of low-quality products?

When buying food products, you should pay attention to the expiration date indicated on the label.

A few tips regarding product quality:

  • You should buy perishable goods in the market in the morning before they melt.
  • When buying products in a store, you need to inspect the label for peeling off. If there are traces of glue, then the product was relabeled, as its expiration date has expired. You don't need to buy these products.
  • If any product smells bad, it is damaged, it should not be bought.
  • When the product is unpacked, the shelf life decreases. Therefore, it is better to eat it immediately or put it in the refrigerator for the short time indicated on the label.
  • If you have doubts about the quality of the product, it is better not to buy it.
  • If possible, arrange heat treatment for products.

Transportation of perishable products

Before proceeding with the transportation of this category of products, you need to know on what grounds they are classified. A perishable product can be of different origin:

  • vegetable - this category includes vegetables and fruits;
  • animal - fish, meat and milk;
  • products of their processing - sour-milk, sausage, fats.

According to the mode of transportation:

  • frozen - transportation is carried out at -6 ° C;
  • chilled - products are transported at a temperature of -5 o C.

Used to transport perishable goods different kinds transport, but in any of them there must be one temperature regime.

Specialized isothermal vehicles are vehicles with or without a trailer. The body walls, door, roof, floor are made of thermally insulating materials that limit heat transfer between two surfaces: external and internal. These include:

  • Glacier cars whose source of cold is ice of natural origin.
  • Refrigerated vehicles - have a refrigeration unit that allows you to maintain the temperature in a given mode.
  • Road trains, the bodies of which are divided into sections and equipped with refrigeration units. They have microprocessors that automatically regulate the temperature.

Each motor vehicle must meet hygiene requirements, for which the inner walls of the body have a treatable coating. Its disinfection is carried out at least once every ten days.


There is a huge variety of product names. Each of them has its own labeled packaging. It indicates how long the product is good for.

On the packaging of especially perishable products, the full date of manufacture is applied: time, day, month. Labeling of perishable products includes only the month and day. Non-perishable products are marked only with the month and year of manufacture.

Information about storage conditions must be indicated on the packaging. The packaging itself must be undamaged, uncontaminated, with a clear indication of the expiration date or date of manufacture.

For the consumer, the issue of perishable goods may not be of great importance. And in order not to purchase goods with an expired period of use, just look at the date of manufacture and shelf life. Mathematics, as you can see, is not difficult.

But for the seller, perishable product categories are a big problem. It is important to order such a volume of products so that it can be sold with minimal losses.

The other side of the issue lies in the fact that perishable products on store shelves are most often subject to inspections by supervisory authorities. And the presence of the notorious delay can become the basis for orders and penalties.

So, if we turn to the legal interpretation or definition of the concept of "perishable products", then the legislator refers them to a product category that requires special conditions for transportation and storage, as well as implementation strictly on time.

This definition is given by the 132nd Government Decree of 2010.

Certain moments of the turnover of perishable goods are regulated by the following regulations:

  • Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor.
  • Sanitary and epidemiological rules and norms - SanPins.
  • State Standard of the Russian Federation No. 210-7548, which defines the list of such products.

In the philistine understanding, perishable products are products with a minimum shelf life, which also depend on the storage conditions and the commodity neighborhood.

Categorization of perishable products

In 2019, the State Standard indicated above remains valid, which defines the main categories of perishable product categories:

  • Vegetables in fresh, as well as puree from them.
  • Fresh fruits, puree and dough from them.
  • Mushrooms are fresh.
  • Fresh meat products, including lard, fats, endocrine and by-products.
  • Dairy products and live cheeses.
  • Eggs.
  • Fish products.

Special perish as a specific product category

Among such goods, sanitary standards distinguish a class of especially perishable. These include those that cannot be stored outside the cold, and at positive temperatures up to +5 degrees, the storage time varies from 6 to 72 hours and no more.

Storage conditions

If you are going to provide these products with long-term storage, then you will need to freeze them. Freezers can store almost all perishable foods listed above. But this cannot be done indefinitely, since the product has a period during which it must be used for food. But for a certain time it can be done, during this period the product will be fresh and usable. It is only necessary to observe some storage conditions:

  • It is necessary to ensure the tightness of the packaging. It is recommended to use special freezer containers for this. They are sold in stores.
  • Stored portions should be such that they are enough for one time when cooking. Why is that? It's just that perishables cannot be thawed and refrozen repeatedly. Especially if it is vegetables or meat.
  • Containers must be marked, indicating that it also contains the date of freezing. Then it will not be necessary to open and view it all the time.

How long can perish be stored

Each type of product has its own shelf life. Here's how much you can keep in the freezer:

  • Sausage products, sauces are stored for no more than 2 months.
  • Meat big chunks raw up to a year.
  • Meat and poultry, chopped into portioned pieces, store for about 9 months.
  • Semi-finished products, minced meat and fish - no more than 4 months.

You must be prepared for the fact that after defrosting, many products lose their original taste. In particular, milk and products made from it taste worse. Therefore, experts recommend getting rid of them if the shelf life has passed, and the taste and smell are in doubt.

Storing perishable foods at home

In everyday life, housewives also have to deal with perishable products. The only way to store them is in the refrigerator and freezer.

Frozen products are stored for a long time and from the perishable category they move to the class long-term storage(see above).

But there are products and dishes from them, the freezing of which is impractical, because after it they change their taste. Salted, smoked or marinated meat products and some types of sausages can be excluded from this list.

Here is a list of products and dishes that are stored chilled, that is, outside the freezer:

  • Vegetable and meat salads without dressing - no more than 12 hours.
  • Chilled meat, fish, smoked meats - no more than 3 days.
  • Sour-milk products, milk, cream, cheeses - no more than 3 days.
  • boiled, fried, vegetable stew- no more than 24 hours.
  • Ready meals from meat, fish - no more than 48 hours.

In a separate category can be distinguished dishes from fresh fruit, for example, fruit desserts and salads - no more than 10 hours. Fresh fruits, depending on the type and variety, can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

Up to 5 days you can store green apples, avocados, limes, oranges, pineapples, but subject to the rules of the commodity neighborhood. It is best to store fruit on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator without plastic bag in glass container without cover. Bananas, tangerines, plums, apricots, peaches are stored for no more than 2 days. Dani and watermelons in cut form can also be stored for no more than a day, while maintaining the integrity of the peel - no more than 3-5 days.

How to protect yourself

When purchasing perishable products, follow these rules:

  • If you buy them in the market, then try to do it in the morning.
  • In the store, look at the label to see if it has been re-glued. This happens sometimes. This means that the product is expired.
  • After unpacking, the shelf life is reduced significantly. This is usually also indicated on the packaging.
  • If possible, process the products thermally.

Most families spend up to 50% of their income on food, if you make a rough estimate. In addition, you need to pay utility bills, transport, and all other mandatory items. And in the end - again no money. And the circle is closed, because every time the situation repeats itself. But there is a solution: the most significant expense item can be reviewed and understood that the list of products for the month and other really necessary goods can significantly save a significant part of the budget.

How does the “dispersal of funds” work?

We often go to the grocery store. This is inevitable, because nutrition is a primary human need. But how do we do it? We allocate a day or part of it, take a bundle of money or a card on which all the savings are located, go to the supermarket and humbly follow the route that marketers have laid out for us. Of course, we collect along the way everything that is needed and not needed. Pleasant music and aromas from the counters beckon to put more and more into the basket, this and that. At the exit, when parsing the basket, sometimes we begin to doubt: why did I take this? But no one wants to go and take "it" back. As a result, we get up to 70% of the total mass of “extra products”, and the overpayment for them reaches 100% of extra rubles. So a significant part of our family budget floats away from us.

Sometimes, of course, you want to buy products “for the soul”, and this needs to be done, but it is important to know the measure and understand when to stop. To do this, there are several simple ways to reduce monthly expenses without losing nutritional quality.

Cunning tricks

As you know, demand creates supply, but sometimes it happens that the latter is not so in demand. For Food Industry this is especially characteristic: enterprises produce more and more new types of products, both useful and unhealthy, but it is not always possible to sell the goods produced on time. This results in losses either for the plant or for the seller. To stimulate sales and prevent spoilage of all sorts of things, stores and businesses create different offers that are difficult to refuse.

  1. Stock. When they are held, they often either reduce the prices of products, or offer to buy 2 and get 1 product as a gift. Many fall for this trick: while it's cheap, you have to take it. But is what you buy always necessary? You can, of course, take something “on the hunt”, but you should not buy everything in a row that the offers apply to. A promotion can also be useful: if you need a specific item, such as a pack of butter or a pack of sugar, why not get them at a discounted price?
  2. Sales. Usually in this way they get rid of products whose expiration date is at the limit or ends in the next month or two. There is the same recommendation here: if the product does not raise doubts that you will use it in the near future, and it will not have time to deteriorate, take it, but consider the quantity. Also, sales are arranged when a store purchases a large batch of something.
  3. Thoughtful structure of the supermarket hall. It's an art to get the customer to fill the basket with different products before he gets to the important shelf with bread, milk or meat.
  4. Selling at a speculative price periodically held in our time, and such events have an incredible success. You can remember how recently buckwheat cost about 100 rubles / kg. It would seem, who will take? But the people of the generation that caused the war and famine literally swept it off the shelves. Many were driven by fear that it would be even more expensive in the future.

Taken together, these activities are enormously enriching the seller and drain your budget, especially if you have an active consumer psychology.

There is an exit

To stop constantly buying junk and start saving, make it a habit to make a grocery list for a month or a week. Practice shows that people who know what they came to the store for rarely gain too much. To do this, it is enough to make a list of food products that need to be purchased. It would seem that a simple piece of paper, but it works flawlessly and, if it does not exclude unnecessary products in the basket, then it reduces their number to a minimum.

In addition, go to the supermarket after eating - this way you will not think about hunger, but fill the baskets with only the necessary goods.

How to compose

Of course, for each family the list of consumed products is different. A universal way of transferring for everyone can be a regular sheet of paper attached to the refrigerator with a magnet. For the first time, go around all your stocks, make a list of everything that is missing: food, household items. With such a list, go to the store or the market and fill your bins with everything you need.

Then just get into the habit of immediately writing down your needs: half a bottle of oil left - recorded, pasta is running out - on the list. Etc. Thus, you can not only buy products according to the list, but really buy what you need.

If there is a need to save money, sign approximate prices for products, study the cost of goods in different outlets. Advertising signs, TV ads, handing out leaflets - you can find out about the availability of shares everywhere.

On the eve of holidays and large feasts, think over the menu in advance, add the necessary items to the list.

There is a modern alternative to the paper list - smartphone apps also allow you to make lists. You definitely won’t forget this one at home, but how convenient is it to fill it? Perhaps it just takes getting used to.

Take a look in the fridge

It often happens: a tail of sausage was left after breakfast, packed it and put it in the refrigerator. Then we went to the store and bought fresh. Of course, the rest was safely forgotten. And this happens everywhere - in almost every refrigerator you can find products that have already been forgotten, and they have become unsuitable for food: trimmings or whole pieces of cheese, fruits / vegetables, jars with blanks, bottles with sauces. In other words, everything related to perishable products and not subject to long-term storage.

A common consumer mistake: I’ll take more and eat deliciously. But either they don’t have time to eat, or the product bothers. And the purchases of such items do not stop.

Conduct a periodic audit of the refrigerator: this is where perishable items of the diet are stored. Determine what is no longer in demand, and stop buying this product.

Make a monthly diet

Monthly expenses can be significantly reduced if you know which products you need to buy and which you should refuse, not only to save money, but also to maintain health. There is a basic list of products for a month that must be present in the hostess's kitchen. They can be divided into groups:

This is a basic list of products, the presence of which will allow you to cook a variety of healthy dishes. Of course, not every family is in demand for buckwheat, somewhere they do not eat onions or potatoes. Therefore, there is no single list for all.

And it's okay if something was not taken into account when compiling the list - you can always buy what you need, because you will not go for bread only once a month.

Make blanks

Many products for subsequent cooking can be made independently, they will be much more useful and safer than factory ones: manufacturers almost everywhere use flavoring additives and seek to reduce the cost of semi-finished products by including additional, cheaper components, such as meat and meat products. Cutlets, meatballs, minced meat, meatballs - all this is sold at a price higher than a kilogram of fresh raw materials, lower only in cases where the composition is highly diluted. Therefore, meat products can be prepared independently from a single piece purchased at a retail outlet: by purchasing the product once and spending time on processing, you have freezer the whole arsenal of favorite semi-finished products, while knowing what it all consists of.

Many manage to prepare vegetable and meat broths, having previously cooked and cooled them. The idea is great: in situations where you need to cook something quickly, these products are just a lifesaver!