Cream cheese in butter. Creamy "Cream Cheese": a recipe for home baking

To make homemade cakes, especially cakes, you need to make a delicious cream. If you like to create real masterpieces from baking, then you just need to learn how to make cream cheese. The cake recipe is very simple. With the help of such a cream, you can even out the surface of the dessert, give it an exceptional taste and unique aroma.

Advanced Recipe

How to make cream cheese cake? Western countries are considered the birthplace of such a cream. It was there that it was first used to decorate cheesecakes. In the traditional version, the cream must be prepared on the basis of the most delicate natural cream cheese of the Almette variety. However, finding a quality product in the supermarket can be difficult, so you need to choose an alternative.

Cream cheese at home for the cake is prepared with the addition of other fermented milk products. Let's look at the most popular recipes that are classified as budget methods for making gourmet cream.


  • 250 ml of fermented baked milk with a fat content of 2.5;
  • 0.25 l of kefir;
  • 125 ml of yogurt;
  • ½ st. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice.


Cream cheese with curd cheese

Here is another option for making cream cheese to replenish your culinary piggy bank. In order to make cream cheese for leveling the cake, you will need high-quality cottage cheese.

On a note! To give the cream color, you can add food colors, including natural ones, for example, strawberry puree.


  • curd cheese - 350 g;
  • soft butter - 120 g;
  • sifted powdered sugar - 120 g.


Cooking chocolate cheese cream

Chocolate cream cheese for cake will make your confectionery much tastier, more tender and more beautiful. The process of its preparation will take you only a quarter of an hour. It is advisable to use Mascarpone cheese. If you don't have one, try adding any cream cheese.


  • 450 g of Mascarpone cheese;
  • 50 g cocoa powder;
  • 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar;
  • 3 pcs. chicken eggs;
  • 2 drops of vanilla extract;
  • 1 tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice.


  1. About an hour before the start of preparing the cream, we take the cheese out of the refrigerator so that it warms up to room temperature.
  2. Put the Mascarpone cream cheese into a deep bowl.
  3. Add chicken eggs, freshly squeezed lemon juice and granulated sugar.
  4. Beat everything thoroughly with a mixer or blender. The mass should acquire a uniform texture.
  5. Then we introduce the sifted cocoa powder and a couple of drops of liquid vanilla extract.
  6. Again, beat everything thoroughly so that there are no lumps left.
  7. It is recommended to store cheese cream in the refrigerator.

Another gourmet cream recipe

The above recipe uses cocoa powder to make cheese cream. You can add bittersweet chocolate with the maximum amount of cocoa beans.


  • 280 g of Mascarpone cheese;
  • 130 g of sifted powdered sugar;
  • 0.1 kg of dark chocolate;
  • 0.2 l sour cream.


  1. Divide the chocolate bar into separate pieces.
  2. We spread them in a heat-resistant dish or glass bowl.
  3. Add 1 tbsp. l. sour cream and put this mass on a steam bath.
  4. Melt the chocolate, stirring gently.
  5. Put the rest of the sour cream in a separate bowl.
  6. Add sifted powdered sugar.
  7. Beat these ingredients with a mixer or blender until a mass of a homogeneous consistency is formed.
  8. We spread the Mascarpone cheese in the sour cream mass.
  9. Once again, whisk everything thoroughly.
  10. Cool the melted chocolate mass to room temperature.
  11. Pour the melted chocolate into the buttermilk.
  12. We mix everything thoroughly. You can use a whisk or mixer.
  13. We need the cream to harden a little, so before applying it to the cake, we put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Traditionally, salt and natural wine vinegar are used to make cream cheese cream. Our hostesses slightly modified the classic recipe and cook it in their own way.

Classic cream cheese for airy cupcakes and other light desserts is made from cold curd cheese and soft butter, which is dominated by heavy cream. Creamy, melting on the tongue mass is used both as a filling and for decoration. Cream is used to cover the surface and sides of wedding cakes, draw intricate curly patterns, form high “hats” on muffins, biscuit cakes, and casseroles. The main thing is to choose quality ingredients and find the perfect recipe.

What is cream cheese

Homogeneous, moderately sweet cream cheese is not a fashionable whim of modern confectioners and is far from a novelty in world culinary. A unique product with a pronounced creamy taste and delicate texture was mentioned in French sources more than 300 years ago, and the French, as you know, will not advise bad things. The original cream cheese cream is traditionally used in popular desserts, appetizers and even some main dishes - it all depends on the creativity of the chef.

How to make cream cheese

Easy cream cheese for cupcakes, gingerbread or cheesecake can be made in minutes by combining the main ingredients - cottage cheese, butter, powdered sugar and a little vanilla. The cheese should be almost ice cold, and the butter, on the contrary, softened. Therefore, the day before cooking, the curd mass should spend the night in the refrigerator, and not at room temperature. It is advisable to store the finished cream for no more than 5 days in a pastry bag.

cream cheese

The basis of the right cream is high-quality cheeses made from cow's milk and heavy cream. These include Alpine "Almette", Italian cream cheese "Mascarpone", "Violette", "Philadelphia" originally from the USA and "Hochland", whose production has been established in Germany since 1927. This is the base, but if desired, fabulously expensive imported products from the store can be replaced with home-made cheese.

Curd cheese cream

  • Cooking time: 30 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 350 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: international.

To make a real dessert, you need to follow the recipe to the nearest gram - only in this case it will turn out to be homogeneous, not too sugary and keep its shape well, unlike analogues with condensed milk. It is used to level the surface of ready-made desserts and cover the so-called "naked cakes", in which only the space between the cakes is smeared with mousse or sweet sauce. Such a cake can be stored for several days in the refrigerator and even in an ordinary room if the air temperature in the room does not exceed 17 degrees.


  • curd cheese - 340 g;
  • butter - 115 g;
  • powdered sugar - 100 g;
  • vanilla extract - 2 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Place homemade or store-bought cottage cheese in the refrigerator for the whole night so that it becomes as hard as possible, but does not freeze.
  2. Leave the oil at room temperature. It should be of high quality, creamy, with a fat content of more than 80%, so that the cream does not acquire an unpleasant oily aftertaste.
  3. Beat butter with sour cream and powder for 5-7 minutes until smooth.
  4. Add vanilla extract, beat again.

Chocolate cream cheese

  • Cooking time: 8 hours 20 minutes.
  • Servings: 12 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 331 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Creamy chocolate cream cheese is a delicacy that you can often pamper yourself and loved ones with. Cheese is recommended to use cottage cheese, and not processed or hard varieties, otherwise the consistency will not be perfect. As for salt, a slight content in cheese will not affect the taste of the finished dish, but will reveal magnetic chocolate notes even more - it is not for nothing that some desserts are specially added. Beat very carefully so as not to damage the airy texture.


  • cream (33%) - 500 ml;
  • curd cheese - 300 g;
  • powdered sugar - 100 g;
  • chocolate - 200 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Leave the cream on the shelf of the refrigerator for about 8 hours.
  2. After 8 hours, remove from the refrigerator, pour 50 ml into a separate bowl.
  3. Whip the cream for 6-8 minutes, first at medium, and then at maximum speed of the mixer.
  4. Gradually add powdered sugar.
  5. Add curd cheese, mix.
  6. Grind the chocolate bar by hand or with a knife. You can use chocolate with additives, such as mint.
  7. Boil the remaining 50 ml of cream, pour over chocolate. Leave for a couple of minutes to start melting. Mix.
  8. Add melted chocolate to buttercream, beat with a mixer. Add a little more powdered sugar if necessary.

From sour cream

  • Cooking time: 24 hours.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 206 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Cake with cheese cream based on fat sour cream not only has a fantastic taste, but also looks luxurious on the festive table. Traditional, exotic, unobtrusive pastel or any other desired shade of dessert is easy to give with the help of food coloring, for example, gel, which is in great demand among chefs due to its special texture. An equally beautiful color and appetizing aroma will give cocoa, puree from fresh or frozen fruits, berries. It is important not to overdo it with pigments, adding them gradually and gently mixing with a tablespoon.


  • sour cream (20%) - 400 ml;
  • powdered sugar - optional.

Cooking method:

  1. Put sour cream with a fat content of at least 20% in gauze folded four times.
  2. Place the gauze bag in a colander, fix in a deep bowl. Leave for 24 hours.
  3. After a day, drain the excess liquid. If desired, mix the cream with powdered sugar to make the mass more dense and sweet.

From kefir

  • Cooking time: 24 hours.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 49 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

A dense cream cheese for a cake, crispy shortbread cookies or a low-calorie dessert with fresh berries can be prepared from sour-milk products with a maximum concentration of fat. Kefir, fermented baked milk or sour cream is pre-frozen, placed in a gauze cut and be sure to hang it up so that all excess liquid is on the glass. This is the most democratic and profitable option, for the preparation of which even an electric mixer is not required - all components are mixed by hand.


  • kefir - 900 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 30 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Kefir placed in the freezer, freeze.
  2. Remove from packaging. Transfer to a frozen gauze bag.
  3. Fix it over a deep container. The serum will drain for up to 12 hours or more.
  4. Transfer the mass of cheesecloth to a bowl, gently knead with a fork.
  5. Gradually introduce powdered sugar, mix kefir cream.

With cream

  • Cooking time: 70 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 248 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

A thick cream of cream cheese and heavy cream is ideal for decorating pastries, cakes, and other desserts. With it, it is easy to hide such baking errors as uneven edges, cracks, breaks. In order for the mass to be enough for the whole cake, you need to calculate in advance how many ingredients will be needed to implement the idea. The more cream goes into spreading the cakes, the smoother and better the result will be. The first layer should be very thin, it "grabs" the crumbs so that later they do not spread over the product. The next layer can be applied after cooling.


  • cream cheese - 500 g;
  • cream (33%) - 100 g;
  • powdered sugar - 70 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Cool the cream well, whip to peaks. Make sure they don't turn into oil.
  2. Introduce powdered sugar in small portions.
  3. Add cream cheese, beat until smooth.
  4. Place the cream in the refrigerator for about an hour.

Oil free

  • Cooking time: 48 hours.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 195 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The era of cakes with "creepy roses" is gradually fading into oblivion. Sugar butter patterns that melt at room temperature are replaced by elegant European desserts with refreshing cream cheese. The top and sides of the cake are completely covered with cream, then they are leveled with a pastry spatula or an ordinary tablespoon - the more casually the drawing turns out, the more spectacular, textured and creative it will look. It is only important to follow the recommendations step by step, carefully study the photos of each stage and not be afraid of such unexpected ingredients as vinegar and salt.


  • milk - 500 ml;
  • cream - 250 ml;
  • sour cream - 200 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 190 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Put all the ingredients on the kitchen table so that they acquire the same temperature.
  2. Mix cream with sour cream.
  3. Gradually add milk, stirring with a whisk until smooth.
  4. Cover the bowl with a towel and keep warm. Do not touch for 4-7 hours until the mixture hardens slightly. When, with a slight turn of the bowl, the mass begins to move away or slightly crack at the edge, you can continue.
  5. Build a steam bath. Heat the mixture until whey separates, without stirring.
  6. Remove from heat, wrap, leave for 8-10 hours.
  7. Lay on a thick cloth, hang over a container to drain excess liquid for 3-4 hours. You should get approximately 500 g of cream and 550 ml of serum.
  8. Mix with powdered sugar.

Pistachio cream cheese

  • Cooking time: 40 minutes.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 783 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The less decor on the cake, the more interesting the color of the cream itself should be. It all depends on the technique and ingredients. If you mix butter cream with a small amount of currant or raspberry puree with stones for a minute, you get a beautiful marble pattern with thin veins and stains. A uniform lilac-pink color is achieved with prolonged whipping with dyes. But desserts with a greenish pistachio tint look even fresher and more unusual.

  • cream (33%) - 220 ml;
  • white chocolate - 100 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • pistachio paste - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix cream with pistachio paste.
  2. Warm the mass over low heat, mix until smooth.
  3. Break the white chocolate bar into small pieces, add to the pistachio-cream mass.
  4. Stir, remove from heat.
  5. When the mass has cooled slightly, beat with a whisk by hand. If necessary, you can use a mixer, but in this case it is important not to kill the cream.


Well, we came close to the analysis of the cream cheese recipe for cake and cupcakes. I already wrote about different ones, including. But with the advent of cupcakes in our confectionery science, many became interested in cheese cream, because it was practically unknown in Soviet times, and now it has gained a lot of popularity because of its thick texture and pleasant taste. Well, I am for the fact that if there is something good new, then it needs to be mastered and implemented. By the way, preparing this version of the cream is as easy as shelling pears and any housewife can handle it at all, the main thing is to find it in the nearest store (mind you, not melted).

Tell me, can you imagine how sweet cream can turn out from salty curd cheese? I'm not very. The more there is a desire to learn how to do it, and indeed to try.

Cheese cream or it is also called chees (cheese) is very easy to prepare and much more affordable than Mascarpone. And also its taste has not yet become boring and it is used in private cooking or, if it is clearer, in creating desserts to order. In a regular chain store, a cake with such a cream can be found once every five years.

Below is a cream recipe that holds its shape perfectly and is suitable for leveling and decorating with a pastry syringe.


  • A pack of soft butter
  • Cream cheese from the fridge
  • 3 tbsp powdered sugar

1. Beat soft butter with a mixer for 2 minutes until a thick white mass is obtained.
2. Add the powder to the whipped butter.

3. We also send cheese there.

It is necessary to beat the mass at low speed so that the ingredients are mixed.

This is a good way to level the cake because it holds the desired shape perfectly.

Important! If suddenly cheese grains appeared in the finished mass, then just add a couple of drops of condensed milk there and beat again a little. The cream will become smooth.

Cream cheese for leveling the cake

To create perfect borders and lines at the cake, to hide all the roughness and sponginess of the cakes, you need not a simple cream at all, but one that will give smoothness and evenness to the dessert, and also keeps its shape well. When we bake a biscuit, cut it into cakes and cut off the top crust, you need to give the cake a finished and dignified look, so here is the recipe I have given to allow you to do this. And the lemon will add unusual taste and texture to the cream.


  • 700 gr cream cheese
  • 200 gr powdered sugar
  • 180 g butter
  • 1 large lemon

1. First, we rub the zest of a lemon, then squeeze the juice of one half of it.

2. Beat softened butter at a speed above average until it becomes white, then add powdered sugar to it.

3. Add curd cheese and mix.

It turned out a classic cheese cream, now we make a lemon one out of it, simply by adding our blank.

The cream is smooth and uniform.

By the way, curd cheese has a lower calorie content than cream cheese.

Cream Cheese by Andy Chef

There is one wonderful blogger Andy Chef. So this person tries and brings awesome recipes to his readers, for many he is an inspiration. If you are interested, you can search for it on the Internet. Well, since this person has already prepared the recipe for the perfect cheese cream for us, then we will start cooking it!


  • 300 gr cream cheese
  • 90 g powdered sugar
  • 105 g butter

The process is the same as in previous recipes.

The main thing, of course, is to take chilled cheese and thawed, supple and soft butter.

So, if you want to get the color of the cream a shade whiter, then beat the butter with the powder a little longer.

Chocolate cream cheese

Not a single holiday is complete without lovers of everything chocolate. So, if you have such guests or you are one yourself, then we go to the store and look for dark chocolate. But in order for the cream to have a more delicate taste, we also buy cream and make the so-called ganache. Honestly, since childhood we have been using a mixture of cream and chocolate, but I didn’t even imagine that it was called ganache. So, I will use this word in the recipe, do not be alarmed.


  • 180 g - Dark chocolate
  • 150 g - Cream 33%
  • 250 g Butter
  • 500 g Cream cheese
  • 120 g powdered sugar
  • 2 tbsp cocoa

1. First, melt the chocolate and cream in a water bath.

2. Then beat the butter with powder until white, then add cocoa there.

3. Put cream cheese into this mass and mix until smooth.

4. Add chocolate mass on cream or ganache.

5. We put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Suitable as a separate dish, so for decorating desserts.

Cream cheese for cupcakes

For lovers of delicate desserts, I will also give a detailed description of the preparation of cream for decoration. This amount should be enough for two servings of six cupcakes. By the way, cream cheese mixes very well with food coloring and can be used to form multi-colored patterns and shapes.


  • 300 g cream cheese
  • 170 g butter
  • 80 g powder
  • 1 tsp vanillin
  • Dye, jam, jam, cocoa to taste.

The cooking process is the same as in the classic recipe, but you can diversify it with additives.

All additives are added before cheese is added.

Cream cheese on cream

But not everyone prefers the classic recipe for this cream, some need a different flavor. Therefore, a recipe was developed with the addition of cream. It turns out more tender than cream cheese and butter.


  • 300 g cheese
  • 100 g heavy cream
  • 100 g powdered sugar

1. Beat the powder with cream cheese.

If you are using a full fat cheese such as Mascarpone, be sure to beat it at a low speed to prevent it from separating.

All products need to be cold, otherwise the cream will not work.

2. Now add cream to this mixture.

Gradually, you will notice how the cream thickens and the cream becomes more dense.

Put the cream in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, and then proceed to decorate.

1 serving of this cream is enough to decorate twelve cupcakes.

Hello everyone. Today we will prepare a super cream, which is suitable for layering biscuit cakes, and for leveling cakes, and for creating delicious cupcake hats. Yes, yes, it's all about him, about the so-called cream cheese. Only 3 ingredients, 10 minutes and it's ready.

If you have read my previous articles, you already know that this is my favorite. The first time I met him was about half a year ago at. And this is by far the best combination.

There are two versions of this cream: in butter or. Since there is some kind of trouble with cream in my city, I most often make it with butter. For a lighter version, you should still choose cream.

As I wrote above, this cream requires only 3 ingredients - cream cheese, butter (or cream from 33%), and powdered sugar. There are also 3 rules for a great result.

Firstly, these same ingredients must be of good quality, that is, it must be curd cream cheese, not melted in any way! I use Hochland, Violette or Almette cheese. Fortunately, now you will definitely find one of the options I have listed on the shelf of any store. I will show photos of the packages right away so that you know what to hunt for.

There is another option, it comes in packs of 2 kg., I take it by weight in a pastry shop.

Recently, Magnit found such a cheese in the network - Violetta, it was scary to take a previously unknown product, but there was no other cheese there. My fears were not justified, the cheese is quite suitable for both cream and baking cheesecakes. The jar in the picture weighs 400 grams. Very economically obtained, it costs about 200r.

But most often I take Almette, probably because you can always find it on the store shelf.

The next obligatory item is that the butter should be at room temperature, but the cheese, on the contrary, should be well chilled! Regarding the oil, one more important point, if you want a snow-white cream, then look for an oil of the same color, because if the oil has a yellowish tint, then the cream will come out the same. For me, this is often not important, but for Red Velvet I still take white oil, but this is purely for a brighter contrast.

Well, the third point is powder. Sugar is not suitable here, it will not dissolve in our cream. I also add vanilla sugar. I want to note right away that if you choose good vanilla sugar, the one that contains natural vanilla - Dr. Oetker, for example, then in the finished cream there will be small particles - black dots. If you don't want this, get another one.

So, how to cook cream cheese cream (cream cheese) at home, step by step recipe with photos.


  1. cream cheese - 300 gr.
  2. butter - 100 gr.
  3. powdered sugar -60 - 80 gr.


Place room temperature butter in a mixer bowl. Beat it at medium mixer speed for 1-2 minutes.

Next, add powdered sugar to the butter, beat until white and increase in mass. At the same stage, add vanilla sugar, vanilla extract, if you want. Whipping will take 7-9 minutes, depending on the power of your mixer.

The finished cream may seem too soft to you, I assure you it is not. Put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours and you will see how dense it is and how well it holds its shape.

I warn you, the cheese does not need to be whipped for a long time, if you have a spatula nozzle, then you can simply mix it into the whipped butter. If you beat for a long time, then the cream will delaminate.

Here's what it looks like on cupcake toppers. See what a yellow cap is here? It's all because of the oil, try to choose a good 82.5% oil and the whitest of all. Well, you need to beat the butter for a long time, until it turns white.

If your cream went lumpy, then you either overwhipped the mass, or the cheese storage technology was violated. It cannot be frozen, and if it was suddenly frozen in the store, then there will definitely be lumps. Then such cheese must be pierced with an immersion blender until smooth.

On cream, the cream turns out to be snow-white and lighter.

You can experiment with the amount of powdered sugar. I add a little less.

Yes, and one more thing. In this cream, you can add both food colors and berry puree to give an interesting shade. I like the blueberry version. Suitable and strawberries, cherries, blackcurrants, blackberries.

I'll add photos as an example. Covering cakes with this cream, the cream is colored with Americolor and Top Product gel food colorings.

I hope I didn't scare you with such a long article. In fact, this cream is very fast.

As you can see, if you choose a good oil, then the cream will be relatively white, well, maybe just a little with a creamy tint.

Here, a cake with a layer of such a cream. This is a new one (the recipe is available at the link, just click on the name).

I level almost all my cakes with this cream, I like it in work, well, it doesn’t flow in the heat.

This amount of cream is enough for me to level a cake 18 in diameter, 8-10 cm high.

If you want to decorate cupcakes with it, then one cupcake takes 30-50 grams of cream, depending on how high you are going to make a hat.

All the necessary tools for the job can be purchased at the Bakerstore. I recommend it to everyone, because personally in my city the prices in confectionery stores for all components are many times more expensive. And by the way, when ordering, you can write a promo code maribela, according to which you will get a 5% discount from the first purchase.

Before decorating a cake or cupcakes, you need to take the cream out of the refrigerator for 15 minutes in order for it to warm up a little, otherwise it is inconvenient to work with the cream and the edges of the roses will tear when placed on the cupcake.

Also, during leveling, the cake should be periodically sent to the refrigerator so that the layer freezes a little.

This cream cheese can be frozen, and even covered with mousse cakes, used under mastic or filled with colored icing. Since the composition includes butter, almost nothing happens to the cream.

By the way, in one of the following articles I will describe the process of preparing the legendary. Do not miss!

Western culture is firmly intertwined with our daily lives and, to its credit, has brought many pleasant innovations to it, one of which is cream cheese. Its recipe is interesting, and already by the name it becomes clear that the main ingredient of this delicate dessert is cheese.


It appeared in our country not so long ago, but many have already liked the very creamy and delicate cream cheese. The recipe for its preparation is as simple as possible, and it turns out to be tasty, with a pleasant homogeneous texture. For housewives, a separate plus is that such a dessert keeps its shape perfectly, even for a long time at room temperature. Most often, this cream is used as caps for cupcakes, it is good for leveling cakes and as their main layer.

Distinctive features

Simply put, made from cow's milk, soft natural cream cheese is cream cheese. For cake, cookies, cheesecakes, cheesecakes and other homemade pastries, it is ideal. It is called cream because of its soft cheese texture, it belongs to the category of “fresh” unaged cheeses, the most popular in this series is the famous American Philadelphia cheese.

We cook ourselves

But since Philadelphia is not cheap, and it is not always possible to purchase it, most housewives have long and very successfully learned how to cook cream cheese at home. And, by the way, it turns out no worse, and even may well compete with his eminent American counterpart. The costs here are minimal, and such a procedure will take a lot of time - in general, it will take a day, so be patient, tomorrow there will be a lot of cupcakes on the table, which will be decorated with soft, delicate creamy or chocolate cream cheese, but for now let's prepare it:

  1. Through trial and error, experienced housewives found out that the cream that is optimally tasty and similar in consistency is obtained from sour cream with a fat content of twenty percent, and we will take it as the main and only ingredient in this recipe.
  2. We will need a special design of a colander and a container in which it will be located. Take a square piece of gauze, put it in a colander in several layers, pour sour cream into it and roll the upper ends well, securing them.
  3. This design should be placed in the back of the refrigerator for a day, during which time the excess liquid will drain, and only a delicate cream cheese will remain.

delicious cupcakes

In fact, these are ordinary small biscuit cupcakes, but now it has become fashionable to call them that way. Cream for them can be prepared independently, as already described above. And you can buy it in the store. Especially good, according to culinary specialists, are Almette, Mascarpone and Philadelphia cheeses in this regard. They are quite expensive, so you should learn how to cook homemade and no less tasty cream cheese, reviews of which are only positive and indicate the simplicity of its recipe and significant financial savings. Consider a recipe based on purchased cheese, such a cream turns out to be a little salty, and its taste in combination with powdered sugar sounds very interesting:

  1. The purchased cheese, as fresh as possible, should be put in a deep container and combined with powdered sugar using a mixer. Its speed should be minimal, and the movements of the rims should be only in one direction, so as not to bring down the mass, but, on the contrary, to make it more voluminous.
  2. Cheese and cream are always taken in equal quantities and whipped in separate containers, since the latter require a different attitude - maximum speed and continuity of the process. Just do not overdo it so that the oil does not come out, the appearance of sharp peaks on them is enough. They should be cold, as well as the container for them, and preferably the whisks.
  3. Now add sweet cheese to the cream and continue mixing at medium speed, do not stop the process, bringing to a mousse consistency, to get a cream cheese. The recipe requires mandatory keeping it in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes after completion of all manipulations.

Butter cream

If you decide to get close to cupcakes and make a sufficiently large number of them, you can diversify the tastes of creams. An equally interesting option, just as simple in terms of preparation, very stable and strong, is its oil version:

  1. For this recipe, you can choose any cream or curd cheese (half a kilogram), as long as it is of a good, uniform soft consistency. The basic rule here is that the butter for the cream must be softened and of high quality, otherwise it will simply exfoliate. Leave it for an hour and a half at room temperature, and place the cheese in the refrigerator and cool it well.
  2. Oils will need one pack with a fat content of 82.5%. Powdered sugar is enough 150 grams. All ingredients are mixed until smooth and sent to the refrigerator for half an hour.

Chocolate cream mousse

Chocolate cream cheese causes special love among all household members, and especially among children. It has an unusually delicate texture, and the taste and aroma are amazing:

  1. We will need ordinary packaged cream of good fat content and high-quality fragrant honey, it is better if it is liquid. Proportion of products: for 250 grams of cream - 50 grams of honey. They should be mixed and sent to a water bath, where they should be kept to a temperature of 90-95 degrees.
  2. Now you can add chocolate here, a whole bar for this volume, of course, it should be black, broken into pieces. After thorough kneading for five minutes, a thick glaze should be obtained. It remains to remove it from the fire, let it cool and beat until creamy.

The easiest way

For him, we need kefir, ordinary packaged. From one and a half liters you get half a kilogram of tender fresh cottage cheese, its taste is a little brighter, but with the addition of a small amount of sugar it becomes like a real cream cheese. The recipe is as simple as possible and consists of the following steps:

  • put kefir, just as it is, in bags, in the freezer in the evening, in the morning you can start making homemade cheese;
  • build a structure with a colander, on which you lay gauze and put frozen kefir, as a result you get a liter of fresh whey and cheese;
  • add a little powdered sugar to it and beat the mass with a mixer, cream cheese for a cake or cupcakes is ready.

Little tricks

Experienced chefs note that today it is quite difficult to find good quality cheese of the consistency we need on the shelves of an ordinary grocery store. They recommend cooking it yourself, observing a number of simple rules:

  1. The fat content of any product used as a base (sour cream, kefir, yogurt) should be maximum, so we get a truly homogeneous, soft, creamy cream cheese.
  2. The recipe indicates that the independent production of cheese from fermented baked milk, kefir and yogurt requires their obligatory pre-freezing.
  3. Calculate the mass correctly, most of the liquid is drained in the form of whey, take at least 1.5-2 liters of the initial product.
  4. Best of all, if kefir (ryazhenka) drains, it will be in limbo so that all excess moisture comes out and the cream keeps its shape well afterwards.
  5. You can store already squeezed cheese in the refrigerator for a few more days, but be sure to add a little salt to it and seal it tightly so that it does not weather.