Azu - beef stew with vegetables and pickled cucumbers. Azu from beef - general principles and methods of preparation.

Azu in Tatar - tasty, satisfying meat dish with oriental flavor. To prepare it, you need a cauldron or dishes with thick walls. Immediately make a reservation that it is not necessary to use carrots, this is optional. If there are no tomatoes, you can only add tomato paste. Adjust the spiciness according to your taste preferences. Cucumbers are preferable to use barrel, salted, as pickled contains vinegar, and it delays the process of cooking potatoes.

So, for cooking azu in Tatar style with pickles, we need the following ingredients(see photo).

Cut the meat into cubes and fry in very hot oil to seal all the juices.

Put the fried meat on a plate.

Cut the potatoes in the same cubes and fry in the remaining oil until half cooked. Share.

Onion cut into slices.

Carrots - small cubes.

Cut pickled cucumbers into smaller strips.

Return the meat back to the saucepan, add the onions and carrots, fry for 10 minutes until the onions are soft. Salt, pepper.

Finely chop the tomatoes and add along with the tomato paste to the meat with vegetables. If the pasta and tomatoes are very sour, then you can sweeten a little to even out the taste. Pour in water and simmer for 10 minutes.

Then put the cucumbers and simmer for 30 minutes.

The liquid should boil down to half.

Now you need to combine the fried potatoes, chopped garlic with gravy. If not young garlic then just grind 2 cloves. Warm up for 5 minutes, sprinkle with herbs. Season with salt and sugar.

Azu in Tatar with beef is ready, you can serve it to the table.

Enjoy your meal!

Historically, it has been Tatar cuisine has undergone many changes over the past centuries. Original in its basis, it was enriched with new knowledge and food from its neighbors. The way of life and conditions of this people led to the fact that the exchange of products introduced new recipes for dishes. Tatar cuisine, on the other hand, offered its neighbors their recipes, which were instantly picked up and mastered due to practicality, rationality and accessibility.

Fried meat with large quantity fat is not typical for the cuisine of this people, hot dishes abound with boiled and stew. One such dish is beef azu. Don't let its name and distant origins scare you, the real basics are just beef stew, horse meat or lamb with the addition of pickled cucumber. Tatars add potatoes and vegetables, all to taste, at will and always with spices. It is a pity that words do not convey the taste of the dish, otherwise you would have already rushed to the market for meat, tomatoes and cucumbers in order to cook it just for dinner.

Azu from beef - food preparation

To prepare azu from beef, leg or shoulder meat is taken, freed from tendons and films. It is cut across the fibers, then cut into small sticks along. It turns out straws 3-4 cm long and 1 cm thick. As a rule, this dish is almost lean, it is separated from fat, and fried in vegetable oil.

Azu from beef - preparation of dishes

Traditionally, the preparation of Tatar food was associated with boiling or roasting in a cauldron. Aza was also cooked in a cauldron, cast iron or pot. In some places, folk traditions have survived to this day, but the technological 21st century has replaced the old inventory, it was replaced by new Teflon frying pans, cauldrons made of alloys and refractory glass pans. The technology of cooking the dish has not changed much.

Azu from beef - the best recipes

Recipe 1: Beef Azu in Pots

This dish is easily perceived by the body, not fatty, but quite satisfying. Besides portion pots relieve you of the need to large pots or cauldron. It is enough to cook the basics of beef in pots once, so that this recipe will forever be registered in your kitchen.

Ingredients: beef (1 kg), pickles (2 pcs.), onions (2 pcs.), potatoes (3 large tubers), corn or other vegetable oil, mayonnaise, spicy ketchup, pepper, salt.

Cooking method

We cut the beef into small strips, onion into squares. Mix in a pan vegetable oil, water, salt and ketchup. We spread the meat and stew. Put the meat in the pots, then the cucumbers, chopped small cubes, top potato julienne, salt, pepper. Pour water over half the contents, spread mayonnaise and herbs on top. In an hour, delicious pots are ready!

Recipe 2: Azu with Mushrooms and Tomato Sauce

Traditional Tatar azu almost the same recipe. Mushrooms are a truly Russian addition. The Russian nation consists of avid mushroom pickers, and beef meat goes well with mushrooms, it would be a real crime not to try to add this dietary component to lean beef with pickles.

Ingredients: beef (400g), champignons (200g) onion, barbecue sauce (4-5 tablespoons), vegetable oil, salt, parsley, cilantro, flour.

Cooking method

Meat and champignons cut into slices, onion into thin half rings. We heat the pan with oil well, put the meat on it. Fry for 10 minutes. Sprinkle flour over meat and stir. You can shake the pan well so that the flour is evenly distributed. Spread the onion, fry a little more and pour over the sauce. Add mushrooms and salt, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for another 20 minutes. Mushrooms should provide liquid for the sauce, but if it is not enough, add a little water or broth. A little sweat under the lid, add greens. Hot azu in Tatar style will perfectly satisfy your appetite, it is rich, but not heavy, you can eat it as much as you want, fresh vegetables will be, as it is impossible, by the way.

Recipe 3: Classic Beef Azu with Tomatoes

The dish is intended for passionate meat eaters who prefer soft beef stew with vegetables to heavy fried pork. This is a solid recipe for a large family with traditions that has gathered at the dinner table to chat and eat. Or eat and chat - whichever you prefer.

Ingredients: beef (1 kg), melted butter (90 gr.), onion (3 pcs.), tomato puree, pickled cucumbers (300 gr.), potatoes (800 gr.), pepper, Bay leaf, garlic, herbs.

Cooking method

Prepare tomato puree- sauté it for a few minutes. Salt the meat, pepper, fry and add tomato puree with water. Simmer under a lid over low heat. Separately, dry the flour and dilute it with broth from stewing meat. Peel the cucumbers from the skin, cut into strips. We pass the onion, cut into half rings. Fry the potatoes, add to the onion, keep on low heat for another 10 minutes. We combine everything with meat, add pepper, bay leaf and simmer for another 20 minutes. Five minutes before readiness, add chopped tomato slices and chopped garlic. Do not forget to put chopped greens and sour cream on the table. Hot, fragrant, solid basics, a real stronghold for a large family.

Azu beef recipe for children or those who need it diet food can be made easier - do not fry the potatoes, but boil them separately until half cooked and add to the dish 5 minutes before the end of cooking.

More vegetables - more useful substances. Clear Bell pepper and cut into strips. Send it to stew with meat for another 10 minutes.

The younger the meat, the less time it takes to cook it. If the dish is prepared from veal tenderloin, the meat can be poured with ready-made sauce immediately after frying, add all the ingredients and boil.

To cook beef in pots, you can replace mayonnaise and ketchup with sour cream and tomato juice. Tasty and healthy.

Azu is original Tatar dish: fried pieces of meat stewed with tomatoes, onions, potatoes and pickles. And since it is Tatar, then there should not be any pork in the recipe. Beef, lamb, horse meat - please, but not pork!

The origin of the word "azu" is explained in different ways. Translated from Persian "azu" - small pieces of meat in spicy sauce. In Tatarstan, it is believed that the name of the dish comes from the word "azdyk" - food, food. And some researchers believe that the word "azu" is onomatopoeic, symbolizing the whistle of a sharp chopping tool at the moment of chopping off a piece of meat. Be that as it may, azu is delicious, and in this article we will talk about how a real Tatar azu is prepared, as well as about the basics from the most unexpected ingredients.

Classic azu

700 g beef or lamb,
3 large tomatoes
1 large onion
3 medium cucumbers
1 tbsp tomato paste,
5-6 potatoes,
100-150 g of broth or water,
salt, pepper, parsley, bay leaf, garlic.

Cut the meat into 2 × 4 cm cubes, trying to cut across the fibers. Cut the tomatoes crosswise, dip in boiling water for 1 minute, then pour over cold water and remove the skin and also cut into cubes. Cut cucumbers into cubes, onion - into half rings. Brown the meat quickly in a hot skillet until golden brown, laying it out in parts so that it does not have time to give juice. Put the meat in a cast iron pan, season with a little salt and pepper. Also fry the onion and add to the meat. Pour in water or broth so as to just cover the meat, put the tomatoes on top and simmer with the lid closed for 30 minutes. Then add bay leaf salted cucumbers, tomato paste, mix and simmer for another 15 minutes. Taste it, sometimes you need to add a little sugar to reduce the acidity of the tomatoes. Peel potatoes and fry until tender. Mix in chopped parsley and garlic. Put potatoes on a plate, top with stew. Sprinkle with parsley and garlic.

500 g of meat,
2-3 bulbs
2-3 carrots
3-4 pickled cucumbers,
500 g potatoes
salt, ground black pepper, bay leaf and spices - to taste.

Chop onions and carrots and fry in a small amount vegetable oil, add chopped small pieces meat and simmer for about 15 minutes. Then pour in some water, add all the spices and simmer until the meat is half cooked. Peel the potatoes, cut into cubes, add to the meat and fill with water so that it only covers the potatoes. Simmer over medium heat until fully cooked, then add diced or grated coarse grater cucumbers and bay leaf. Stir, leave on fire for 5 minutes.

1 kg beef,
2 pickled cucumbers,
2 onion heads
3 potatoes
cream or sour cream, spicy ketchup, salt, pepper to taste.

We cut the meat into thin strips, the onion into small cubes, put it in a pan with oil and a little water. Pour ketchup (you can be spicier and more), salt and fry this whole mixture until all the water has evaporated. We spread the meat in pots, fall asleep with cucumbers, cut into small cubes, put potatoes on top, also cut into cubes (or straws) and fill with water to half. Salt and pepper - to taste. Pour cream (sour cream), cover with herbs and put the pots in the oven, heated to 180-200ºС for 1 hour.

500 g beef,
200 g onion
150 g tomato paste,
250 g pickled cucumbers,
40 g flour
100 g melted fat,
salt, pepper, bay leaf, garlic to taste.

Cut the meat into cubes and fry in lard until golden brown, pour hot broth. Add the onion sautéed until transparent, tomato paste and simmer until the meat is cooked. Drain the broth and prepare the sauce: the flour fried to a light yellow color is diluted with broth, stirred well so that there are no lumps. In the finished sauce, put the meat, minced cucumbers and crushed garlic. The garnish is served with potatoes, previously boiled in their skins, and then peeled and fried until golden brown.

1 chicken
5-6 tomatoes,
2 pickled cucumbers,
2 carrots
2 bulbs
herbs, spices, bay leaf.

Sliced ​​prepared chicken large pieces, salt, pepper and fry over medium heat until golden brown. We cut large pieces onions and carrots, mix with chicken pieces, peeled tomatoes are also cut into cubes and also sent to the pan. Add bay leaf, spices, pour in one and a half glasses of water and simmer over low heat for 40-50 minutes. Then add finely chopped cucumbers, simmer for another 10 minutes, sprinkle with herbs. Ready!

Azu is prepared not only from meat, but also from completely unexpected products.

500 g boiled giblets,
1 onion
1 tbsp flour,
1 tbsp peace or vegetable oil,
1 pickled cucumber.

Boiled giblets cut into strips, mix with fried onions, fry a little. Toast the flour in a clean, dry frying pan until creamy. Dilute with hot broth from giblets, stirring constantly so that there are no lumps, boil. Add finely chopped cucumber, fried giblets, spices, salt and boil for 10-15 minutes. Serve with boiled rice.

Azu from squid

500 g squid fillet,
2 pickles,
2-3 bulbs
1 tbsp tomato paste,
1 tbsp flour,
80 g butter,
parsley, bay leaf, allspice, salt.

Cut the onion into strips and sauté until translucent. Add tomato paste diluted with a little water and simmer for 5 minutes. Peel cucumbers, cut into slices, stew in ½ stack. water. Squid fillet cut into strips, salt, breaded in flour and fry in oil until formed golden brown. Combine all ingredients, add bay leaf, pepper, simmer for 10 minutes. Serve with mashed potatoes, sprinkle with herbs.

1.5 kg of horse meat,
3-4 bulbs
5 barrel pickled cucumbers,
2-3 pcs. tomatoes,
1 kg of oyster mushrooms or champignons,
50 g butter,
sour cream, salt, pepper, bay leaf, herbs.

Prepare the meat: cut into 2×4 cm sticks, separating the fat and veins along the way. Put the scraps in a cauldron and melt the fat, put a piece in it hot pepper, fry a little and take it away. In the prepared fat, fry the meat in small portions until golden brown, laying it in a separate bowl. Then, in the same fat, fry the onion, cut into half rings, until transparent. Cut the tomatoes crosswise, scald with boiling water and dip in cold water. Peel off the skin, remove the seeds, cut into cubes. Mix meat, onion, tomato pulp, simmer over low heat, add salt, pepper and seasonings to taste. Simmer for 40 minutes over medium heat with a lid on. In the meantime, sauté the onion in butter until transparent, add finely chopped mushrooms to it, simmer for 3 minutes, add sour cream and leave on medium heat under the lid for 5-7 minutes. Peel cucumbers, cut into cubes, put in a small amount of water until soft. Mix with meat and stew for about 5 minutes. Add flour to the mushrooms, mix, add water or broth, boil a little until the desired density. Serve with rice or mashed potatoes, lay out the basics on top, lay out on the side mushroom sauce and sprinkle all this splendor with herbs and garlic.

As you can see, azu, cooked in any way, both traditional and innovative, is hearty, high-calorie and quite far from the concept of “light”. But there are also azu recipes that are devoid of the usual long stewing, and their composition is very far from the classic recipe. But the authors of such recipes still call them azu for some reason, probably because of the way the meat is cut. Here, for example, is an azu recipe that is perfect for a romantic dinner.

Marinade Ingredients:
100-150 ml olive oil,
2 tbsp ground sweet paprika,
1 tsp ground coriander,
½ tsp salt or 2 tbsp. soy sauce,
a mixture of peppers, coarsely ground.

Cut 1-1.5 kg of turkey meat into long pieces, marinate for 2-4 hours. Remove spices, quickly fry over high heat. For a side dish, you can cook leek: cut it into washers obliquely, fry for olive oil, add 1 glass of white wine. Put the side dish on a plate, lay the pieces of turkey on top, sprinkle with herbs.

In general, create, invent, try! After all, a real culinary specialist does not calculate the grams required by the recipe, but brings something of his own. This is how masterpieces are obtained even from a simple basics!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Azu in Tatar is one of the most popular recipes. Supermarkets even sell ready-made cold cuts. To cook a real Tatar basics, and not a distant variation of it, you need to follow a simple but fairly strict recipe. Real basics are made in Tatar style with pickles, a recipe with a photo is simply necessary for such dishes so as not to get confused and not miss anything, because several operations are performed during cooking (cutting, frying, mixing, stewing). One of the secrets to making a delicious azu is using melted butter. It should be good quality. If you don’t have it, then fry the meat in vegetable oil, and the potatoes in butter.


  • Beef - 500 g,
  • Bulb - 1 large,
  • Fresh tomatoes - 3 large,
  • Meat broth or hot water - half a glass,
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2-3 pieces,
  • Potato - 500 g,
  • Ghee butter or vegetable oil - 80 g,
  • Salt - 2/3 teaspoon,
  • Tomato paste - 1 tablespoon
  • Bay leaf - 1 piece,
  • Pepper - to taste (I have a mixture of peppers in the grinder)

How to cook aza in Tatar style with pickles

Cooking azu has a few simple rules, thanks to which you will cook delicious azu. And it will be really basic, not nameless stewed potatoes with meat.

Rule 1. Meat for azu is first fried and then stewed.

Moreover, you need to fry the meat in a hot frying pan so that not a drop of juice flows out of the meat. You need to fry the meat quickly enough so that only a crispy crust forms. If you do not have ghee, then use vegetable. On the usual creamy meat will burn.

In practice, it looks like this. First, the meat must be cut across the grain. Thin long pieces. You can, of course, take a ready-made chopped azu in the store. But we are not looking for easy ways. Personally, I have dealt with very, very stringy cheap beef. But even from it it is quite possible to cut such neat pieces. This, by the way, is the beauty of dishes like basics, that you don’t have to bother with the choice of meat.

Next, take a frying pan. It is better that it was without a non-stick coating. Because Teflon pans cannot be heated to too high temperatures - the coating deteriorates. Put on high heat. Pour the oil, after a minute we spread the meat. In one layer! That is, we will fry in several steps. It is important that there is not a mountain of meat in the pan, otherwise it will not be able to warm up evenly and will begin to release juice. And for the preparation of azu, this is unacceptable.

The meat immediately starts to sizzle. Let cook for a minute and a half, flip over. If it sticks somewhere, scrape it off. Another minute and a half and that's it.

We spread the meat in a saucepan and a cauldron, where the azu will be prepared. Pour more oil into the pan, lay out the second portion of meat and do with it in the same way as with the first batch.

Rule 2. The onion is fried in the same pan where the meat was fried.

This trick will make the taste of azu more intense. Nothing needs to be washed. Roasts do not need to be scraped off. We cut the onion into four parts and then thinly into quarters of the rings. And put it directly on the same frying pan where the meat was just fried.

Put on medium heat and fry, stirring occasionally. Gradually, the burnt plaque becomes less and less in the pan, it combines with the onion. And now all the fat remaining from the meat is absorbed into the onion. Should get what you see in the photo.

Put the onion into the pot with the meat.

Let's move on to tomatoes. There are no clear rules here. Someone takes a can of chopped into own juice, someone breeds additional tomato paste. I prefer to take fresh tomatoes. To quickly grind them, I use coarse grater. I cut the tomatoes in half and rub them with a cut on a grater until only the skin remains in the palm of my hand. Literally in three minutes, you get a whole plate of grated tomatoes without skins (the grater simply does not take them).

Add stock to pot or hot water. Little liquid is needed. Only to completely cover the meat.

Rule 3. Fried meat is stewed with onions, broth and tomatoes until soft.

You need to stew the meat under the lid, on a very slow fire, so that the azu only gurgles slightly. And there are no clear indications of time here, because meat is different for everyone. Young beef can be stewed until tender for half an hour. My meat was stewed for 1 hour and 10 minutes.

Rule 4. Potatoes are fried in melted butter.

Slicing potatoes can be arbitrary. I like straws most of all, in the form of meat.

If you don't have ghee, just use butter. Gram 80, no less. Potatoes are great for absorbing it. Her taste will be amazing. Crispy, bright crust. You do not need to fry the potatoes until soft. Blushed - and enough. Be sure to stir it several times during the frying process.

The potatoes are laid out in a saucepan with already completely stewed meat, pickles are added. And here, too, there is a rule.

Rule 5. Cucumbers should be pickled, not pickled.

Yes, I understand that not everyone has the opportunity to harvest pickles for the winter - after all, they must be stored in the cellar or in the refrigerator. And if you take pickled ones, then this is not fatal. But according to the rules, salty ones are needed.

You can cut them again, however you like. I cut them finely-finely so that they are perceived as a flavor additive, without dominating the dish.

Next, we add tomato paste, pepper the dish and salt. Yes, we salt only at the very end. Why? Because pickles come in different degrees of salting. And by salting meat and potatoes before you put them all together, you run the risk of getting too salty azu. And this is definitely not included in our plans.

I ended up adding 2/3 teaspoons of salt. I mixed everything and put it under the lid for exactly 10 minutes. Plate heating is minimal. During this time, all the ingredients will have time to combine into a single composition, but the potatoes will not have time to fall apart.

So let's recap:

1. Meat for azu is first fried over high heat until a crust forms, and then stewed until soft.

2. Onions are fried in the same pan where the meat was cooked in order to “pick up” the remnants of the aroma and taste of the meat.

3. The time of stewing meat depends on its quality. On average, it takes from 30 minutes to an hour and a half.

4. Fry the potatoes in ghee (can be replaced with butter).

5. Cucumbers should be pickled, not pickled.

I hope now you will cope with the preparation of azu in Tatar perfectly well.

Enjoy your meal!

Read: 30

Azu is a meat dish that is traditional for Tatar cuisine. In simple words, azu are fried pieces of meat that are stewed with vegetables.Until recently, this dish was truly exotic for Russian cuisine andother cuisines of the world, but today the basics have become so popular that it is notonly cooked in cafes and restaurants, but also cooked at home, in ordinary kitchens, withusing a fairly simple amount of ingredients. Popularity of this dish is that azu is a very tasty, unusually satisfyingand a fairly easy dish to prepare.

The classic Tatar azu is made from pieces of meat that have been previously fried. The meat is stewed in a spicy sauce with potatoes, tomatoes,onions, pickles, spices and other ingredients. Next, we will look at the simplest classic recipe cooking azu-in Tatar.

Of course, during the time that this dish exists, many recipes have been invented for, including quite exotic, unique and complex, however, the preparation of this dish is based on a classic recipe, knowing which you can already experiment and find the perfect ratio of ingredients.

Azu is prepared from almost any meat- beef, veal, lamb, pork, less often chicken, turkey, liver, and so on. There are also recipes in which, instead of potatoes, buckwheat or rice is stewed with meat, resulting in an equally tasty and nutritious dish. You can cook azu both in the oven and in the microwave or even in a slow cooker. It turns out very tasty azu in a pot.

True connoisseurs of this dish advise frying meat and vegetables beforestewing in melted butter.

Some housewives add coarsely chopped, sauteed carrots to the azu, and to add flavor, by the end of cooking, bay leaf and garlic.

The classic recipe for cooking azu in Tatar

So how do you prepare the real Azu in Tatar on the own kitchen, toto please your family or guests!?

To prepare this dishsuch Ingredients:

  • Meat (beef) - 0.5 kg;
  • Meat broth - 150 ml,
  • Potatoes - 7-8 pcs;
  • Onions - 1-2 onions;
  • Pickled cucumbers - 3 pieces;
  • Tomatoes or tomato paste tomato sauce- 4 things. or 2 table. spoons;
  • Ghee - for frying;
  • Greens, pepper, salt - to taste;
  • Bay leaf and garlic - to taste and desire.

This is quite enough to prepare an unusually tasty dish.


Step 1. Cut meat into pieces or strips. We cut the onion in half rings. Cut the pickled cucumbers into strips (it is better to peel them first).

Step 2 Fry the chopped meat in a cauldron over high heat in melted butter until golden brown.

Step 3 After the meat is cooked, transfer it to a separate bowl,add more to the pot ghee and fry the onion.

Step 4 After the onion has become ruddy, you need to put the meat back into the cauldron, add chopped tomatoes or tomato paste, mix everything thoroughly and cook for several minutes without covering with a lid.

Step 5 After that we pour meat broth, add salt, pepper, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for about one hour.

The amount of time it takes to full cooking dishes,depends on the quality and type of meat.

Step 6 While the meat is stewing, you need to prepare the potatoes (wash, peel, cut into strips or cubes), fry the chopped potatoes in a pan until half cooked. At the same time, we stew in a small amount of water the cucumbers cut into cubes (inseparate dish).

Step 7 After the meat is cooked, we send the potatoes and cucumbers to a common cauldron, mix and simmer on the smallest fire for about half an hour.

Step 8 If you cannot imagine a dish without lavrushka and garlic, then five minutes before cooking, add bay leaf and squeeze the garlic. Let it sit on the stove for a few minutes.

The finished dish, laid out on plates, is sprinkled with finely chopped parsley or cilantro.

Enjoy your meal!

P.S. If there is no such utensil in the kitchen as a cauldron, then you can use it insteadeither a deep frying pan or a pan in which they are stewed, previouslyfried in a pan, meat and vegetables.

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