Soup "Solyanka team": a classic recipe. A classic step-by-step recipe for a hodgepodge team with a photo.

Solyanka belongs to the category of those dishes that we simply cannot refuse. Everyone's favorite, hearty and fragrant - it has gained well-deserved popularity both in the menu of most restaurants and in home kitchen. And what recipes for hodgepodges are there!

Read this article:

Mixed meat solyanka - traditional

classic recipe

It is about him that we will talk today. The most interesting thing is that this is a dish from the category of those that can be prepared within fifteen minutes, if you already have a ready-made rich in the refrigerator. meat broth and refueling for solyanka.

But let's not rush things. We present the recipe slowly and with gusto!

How to cook broth for hodgepodge

Ingredients for 6 servings

  • Meat -700g
  • Water - 4l
  • Bay leaf -2 pieces
  • Bulb -1 piece
  • Carrot-1 piece
  • Allspice, ginger

Many people prefer to cook pork broth, diet option - chicken bouillon, but according to real gourmets - better than meat for hodgepodge than beef, not to be found! To prepare a fragrant broth, a piece of beef, approximately 700 g, thoroughly rinse, pour cold water and bring to a boil, carefully collecting the foam. Next we add large pieces peeled carrots, parsley root and a large onion. Salt lightly and boil over low heat until the meat is cooked. At the end of cooking, add Bay leaf 1-2 leaves, 4-5 peas of allspice, 0.5 teaspoon of ginger root, a couple of cloves of coarsely chopped garlic. all seasonings - for an amateur. The cooking time of the broth depends on the type of meat. In any case, it is cooked until the meat is fully cooked, which should easily move away from the bone.

How to make pickle dressing

For refueling you will need

  • 1 large onion
  • 2-3 pickles
  • tomato paste
  • vegetable oil (sunflower or olive)

Pour oil into a preheated pan so that it barely covers the bottom, spread the onion, cut into half rings and fry until golden brown.

Then pickled cucumbers, cut into strips, are laid out in a pan. The mixture is stewed until the cucumbers are soft. If there is not enough liquid for extinguishing in the pan, you can add cucumber pickle or liquid from canned olives.

After the cucumbers have become soft, a tablespoon with a slide of tomato paste is added, diluted in a small amount of broth and for about three minutes, with thorough stirring, the dressing is stewed over low heat.

Solyanka dressing is ready!

"Assembly" hodgepodge

Now let's get down to the most creative and interesting process - assembling a hodgepodge, because we have it - a meat team.

Cut into small pieces:

  • smoked meats - brisket, smoked sausage-preferably different types (total 300g)
  • ham, boiled sausage, sausages (300g)
  • broth boiled beef
  • Little secret. It is advisable to lightly fry the cut, the hodgepodge will turn out tastier.

Boil the broth, add dressing, chopped meat and sausage to it, boil for 3-5 minutes, salt to taste, pepper, just before turning off the stove, add 2-3 tablespoons of capers and chopped herbs, cover the pan with a lid and let it brew a little. Enough 10 -15 minutes.

When serving, add a slice of lemon, chopped olives and sour cream to a plate.

Solyanka - not named from the word "salt". Although it is - yes, salty. Also spicy, sour and spicy. At first, this thick stew was called "selyanka" - a simple but satisfying rural food. Later, when the village woman moved from the village ovens to the tables with starched tablecloths, the name changed, and there were much more options for its preparation. However, the purpose of this dish has not changed - in any case, it remains simple to prepare and satisfying. And how tasty it is that both lovers of Russian cuisine and numerous tourists admit their great and pure love for the “selyanka”. How to cook a hodgepodge, now we'll figure it out.

Solyanka soup and hodgepodge for the second

To be fair, let's say that different options hodgepodge looks different: in some recipes it looks more like a soup, someone likes it thicker, and then it is more a second course than a first course. Howbeit, the best option on "after the holidays" can not be found. Firstly, because it really perfectly restores the mineral-salt balance of an organism exhausted by “various excesses”, and secondly, because you can actually cook it from what is at hand: sausages, ham, brisket, mushrooms, lard-meat and even just vegetables. There is so much of this goodness after the holidays that you can invite the entire entrance to the hodgepodge.
And two types of hodgepodge differ in the amount of water for the broth: make it more liquid - there will be a soup, and if it is thicker, then an appetizer.

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How to cook a combined meat hodgepodge

This very brutal recipe was inherited by us, apparently, from furry ancestors. Therefore, it is he who is terribly liked by men. Believe me, having learned how to cook a meat team hodgepodge, you will find the shortest path to a man's heart. The composition of the dish is approximate, the types of meat can be varied - the more varied, the tastier.
The broth is taken as the basis. Pour 600-700 grams of beef on the bone in a large saucepan with water, bring to a boil, remove the foam with a slotted spoon, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for an hour and a half. The broth must be salted very carefully! Because next we will add cold cuts, which may already contain enough salt. Therefore, we add salt to the hodgepodge at the very end, then we add spices. Don't go overboard with them either. When the hodgepodge is infused, all the smoked and salty ingredients will give off their flavor, and it may turn out to be too much! So a bay leaf, a little pepper - and that's enough.

meat feast

Another secret: you need to remove the top skin from a small onion, and burn the rest (along with the peel) over an open fire until a brown tan. Throw the whole onion into the broth along with the meat. It will give the aroma of a fire and a golden color.
We cover the broth with a lid, and while it is languishing, fry two finely chopped onions in oil (or shredded bacon, as you like), a little sugar to the onion, blushed - we send the grated carrot to it. Fried - we throw a couple of tablespoons of pasta, tomato sauce or chopped tomato there (remove the skin!) And simmer under the lid for five minutes.
We take out the bone from the finished broth, gourmets recommend straining the broth itself so that it looks perfect (the burnt onion needs to be caught).
Boiled meat from the broth, 100-200 grams of ham, sausages, smoked or semi-smoked sausage, cut into strips. 4 pickled cucumbers (if small gherkins, then more) are also chopped into thin slices.
In the filtered broth we send the passivated vegetables from the pan, bring to a boil, after - sliced ​​cucumbers, and our cold cuts. Cook another 10 minutes.
Turn off, insist under the lid.
Serve with sour cream and herbs.

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Step by step cooking meat hodgepodge: video recipe

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How to cook hodgepodge with cabbage

There is different recipes: with fresh cabbage and sauerkraut, with pork, chicken, mushrooms, just vegetables and with fish. One of the popular ones is with cabbage and pork.
Cut 300-400 grams of lean meat into cubes and fry in a cauldron or deep thick-walled pan on all sides over high heat to golden brown. Onions also go there (one large onion), after frying, we throw a carrot chopped into strips.
We chop 300-400 grams of fresh cabbage, grind it with salt and black pepper in a deep bowl with our hands until the cabbage gives juice. Add to the meat with vegetables, immediately pour a glass into the hodgepodge hot water(if the water is cold, the meat will become tough), reduce the heat to a minimum, close the lid and simmer for half an hour. We rub one large peeled tomato with a fork in a bowl with a teaspoon of sugar, add to the pan (two tablespoons of tomato paste or ketchup are also suitable as a substitute).
Stir, simmer for another seven minutes, optionally add fresh or dried herbs, bay leaf, dill seeds. Keep the lid closed for a couple of minutes so that the hodgepodge "breathes".
Can be served as a separate dish or with boiled potatoes.

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Solyanka with cabbage, rice and sausages

Fast and economical option dishes. Chop the onion, throw it into hot oil in a deep saucepan, send a generous handful of rice there, hold until the rice becomes transparent, then send the previously passed through coarse grater carrot.
Finely chop half a head of cabbage, knead with hands with the addition of salt and ground pepper until juice is released, send to rice and vegetables and reduce heat. If the cabbage is not very juicy - add half a glass of water, mix everything. Simmer for 20 minutes, then add pickled cucumbers, cut into rounds (the amount depends on your taste) and 300 grams of sausages cut into circles. Instead of sausages, you can use bacon, sausages or smoked hunting sausages. In the latter case, you need to add less salt and take fewer pickles. Five minutes before readiness, add three tablespoons of tomato paste and simmer a little more under the lid.

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How to cook soup hodgepodge with sausage

This is another recipe from the category of first courses. It is known that children do not really like soups, but they eat such a sausage hodgepodge with pleasure.

To begin with, we clean 6 potatoes, cut them into cubes and pour them with cold water. We put the pan on the fire, add lavrushka and peppercorns (just a little bit of salt, suddenly the sausage gets salty!). While the potatoes are boiling, cut into strips 300 grams of boiled sausage, 200 grams of smoked sausage and salmon (the quantity can be varied). Fry the onion and meat strips until golden brown. At the end, add five or six randomly chopped canned cucumbers, send to a hodgepodge, a little later - a glass sauerkraut and tomatoes (pasta or sauce). Boiled - everything, serve on the table with any sauces, decorating the hodgepodge with halves of olives, a slice of lemon and herbs.

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Lenten and dietary cuisine

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How to cook a hodgepodge with mushrooms depends on what kind of mushrooms you have: fresh, dried, frozen or pickled. You can use assorted different kind mushrooms, but you need to adjust the amount of salt in this case.
Frozen mushrooms must first be thawed, squeezed out the liquid and fried in a pan. dried mushrooms first soak in water until softened, drain the water, and rinse the pickled ones and put them in a colander. Fresh clean, wash and fry.
To prepare a hodgepodge, finely chop a kilogram of fresh cabbage, salt and pepper to taste and send it to a deep frying pan, preheating four tablespoons of vegetable oil on it. If there is not enough juice, add a little water and simmer under a lid over medium heat, stirring occasionally. When the cabbage becomes soft, add lavrushka, a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste, a little apple cider vinegar(can be replaced with a spoonful of freshly squeezed lemon juice).
Separately fry the onion, mix with fried mushrooms(for this recipe you need to take half a kilogram fresh mushrooms) and cut a couple of pickles there.
Lay in layers in a deep baking dish. stewed cabbage and mushrooms (a layer of cabbage, a layer of mushrooms, and a layer of cabbage on top), brush with vegetable oil and bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for 20 minutes.
When using sauerkraut lemon juice Or don't add vinegar!

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Solyanka with chicken

The chicken recipe is a very tasty and dietary hodgepodge, especially if you use chicken breast. And in cooking it is very simple recipe. 400 grams of boneless chicken meat, cut into small pieces and fried very quickly in vegetable oil over high heat (it is better to take a deep frying pan). There also send an onion, a large sweet bell pepper cut into strips, carrots, a couple of crushed cloves of garlic, salt, 400 grams of fresh white cabbage, spices at your discretion. Mix everything and simmer covered for 40 minutes. Sprinkle with fresh herbs before serving.

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Video recipe for chicken hodgepodge

Solyanka "in a fisherman's way" is good to cook from any "fleshy" fish. The fewer bones, the better, the nobler the fish, the cooler. It is clear that not everyone has chilled sturgeon on ice, but, believe me, even canned food can be cooked so that you swallow your tongue.

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Fish hodgepodge

The fish team is good because any fish goes: small, heads, tails, fins and so on. We collect all this brotherhood and send it to the already boiling salted water with lavrushka and peppercorns. Put out the fire immediately. Remove the foam and cook until done. While cooking - peel and cut into cubes a couple of potatoes, carrots. We filter the broth and add vegetables and one piece of good noble fish (salmon fillet, trout, salmon or - God forbid everyone! - sturgeon) into it. We fry the onion with rings in oil, we also send a few tablespoons of tomato paste and a few pickled cucumbers, chopped with straws. We simmer everything over low heat until cooked, before serving, decorate with chopped round olives, a slice of lemon and herbs.
If you cook hodgepodge from canned fish, then vegetables are cooked first, and the fish from the jar is added at the very end.

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Solyanka "Sea"

This, of course, is know-how, our ancestors did not know about squid, crabs and other "sea reptiles". But they didn’t throw olives and olives into the hodgepodge, but we put them and rejoice.
In salted boiling water, lay 600 grams of fish fillet, cut into pieces the size of a matchbox, along with a couple of potatoes (cut into cubes). Spices at your discretion. We fry the onion with carrots in oil, clean and cut the squid into slices. We remove the foam from the broth, send carrots and onions, pickled cucumbers and tomato paste there. When the potatoes are ready, put 150 grams of peeled shrimp, and at the very end of cooking - 250 grams of chopped squid (you can’t digest them, they are very tender and if you overcook them, you get a rubber sole!).
With skill, such a hodgepodge is prepared in 15 minutes. Served with lemons, herbs and olives. Top with a couple of whole shrimp for garnish.

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The most delicious hodgepodge is obtained, of course, in a cast-iron pot in a Russian oven. A modern replacement gadget is a slow cooker. How to cook hodgepodge with cabbage in this miracle machine correctly? Just throwing in all the ingredients and turning it on for stewing is not entirely true. Try vegetable recipe saltwort. It's fast, simple and delicious. We chop a kilogram of fresh cabbage, mix with a couple of grated carrots, add salt, pepper and lightly knead with our hands. Fry the onion in oil, load it into the multicooker bowl, send cabbage with carrots, lavrushka and three-quarters of a glass of water with mixed in it tomato paste(three spoons). Stir, put on the "Extinguishing" mode for 40 minutes - and vegetable hodgepodge ready!

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Canned hodgepodge for the winter

Didn't you know that hodgepodge can not only be prepared for different occasions, but also preserved in reserve? This recipe is good because you can always open a jar of hodgepodge and, adding it to meat and broth, get vegetable soup. Or you can just serve it cold. vegetable snack.
Based on three kilos of chopped fresh cabbage, we take 2 kilograms of grated carrots and two kilograms of onions.
Both onions and carrots are fried over a good fire in vegetable oil. It is better to fry in portions, in small batches, so that the onion is golden. We put in a large saucepan. Kilogram bell pepper without seeds, cut into cubes or straws. Dip three kilograms of ripe tomatoes for a few seconds in boiling water, remove the skin from them, chop (you can beat in a blender). For lovers of spicy: if desired, you can add a couple of pods to the hodgepodge hot pepper. Remember: if you do not remove the seeds, you can get a very hot mixture.
Mix everything in a saucepan, add four tablespoons of salt, two cups of sugar, a glass of vegetable oil and simmer, stirring often, over low heat for 40 minutes. For flavor, you can throw 5 leaves of laurel.
While the hodgepodge is hot, decompose vegetable mix in sterile jars, seal with lids. Put upside down, wrap in a warm blanket and leave until cool. Store in a cellar or cool place.

As you can see, there are many recipes, and every housewife can easily correct any hodgepodge recipe and add something of her own to it, each time surprising her loved ones with new dishes. And the guests will never say that they left you without salty slurping.

Solyanka team meat - recipe its very simple and in Russia it has been known almost since the 15th century, but it became popular three hundred years later. The hodgepodge was originally prepared as an appetizer for drinking, it was very fatty, spicy, thick and colloquially called it a “hangover”.

What a short word, but, nevertheless, it immediately becomes clear that this dish was intended to alleviate the "suffering" of a person who went over with alcohol the other day. Thus, hodgepodge was considered not only tasty traditional dish, but also a kind of curative for digestive system weakened person.

Now in modern traditional cuisine Solyanka is considered an independent first course, but many people still cook it after the holidays. Firstly, almost every housewife has a lot of different smoked meats in the refrigerator, and secondly, it is rightly believed that hodgepodge, due to its sour-salty taste, refreshes and tones well.

So, the site is in a hurry to recall the recipe for this wonderful first course, because it is not only tasty, but also easy to prepare.

Solyanka team, recipe

The tradition of preparing a mixed hodgepodge on meat broth has been preserved since old recipes of this dish, and not for nothing, because it is much tastier this way! However, if you have very limited time, hastily» you can cook it on the water .

In this way, classical hodgepodge recipe suggests the presence of meat, smoked meats, pickles, olives, lemon and capers. But, according to many readers, the soup that comes out of this set comes out a little empty, so we will prepare an adapted one for most solyanka with potatoes and carrots.

So, in order to have 3.5 liters of soup at the output, we need:


  • Meat on the bone, beef, but pork will do - 300-400 grams
  • Smoked sausage - 150-200 grams
  • Smoked meats or another type of sausage, sausages - 150 grams
  • Sausages - 3 pcs.
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs
  • Onion - 1 medium
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Pickled or pickled cucumbers - 2-3 pcs.
  • Pitted olives in a jar - 1 jar.
  • Tomato paste - 2-3 tablespoons
  • Lemon - a quarter or more
  • Salt, herbs, pepper.

How to cook meat hodgepodge

Let's make a reservation right away, it is highly desirable to take meat on the bones, the taste of the broth depends on it. And help you cook hodgepodge recipe with photo, where we will go through all the stages of preparing this dish step by step.

We cook the broth on the meat and, when the meat piece is almost ready, we take it out, separate it from the bone and cut it into small pieces, then send it back to the same broth to cook.

We clean and cut the potatoes, it is best to cut them into small cubes, we also throw them into the broth for meat.

We cut the onion and a couple of cloves of garlic finely enough, rub the carrots on a grater - we send everything to the pan for sautéing.

We cut the cucumbers, we also send them to the pan to the carrots.

Many housewives make one common mistake, they throw cucumbers directly into the broth, but then the hodgepodge can come out quite sour.

So it's not for everyone, for my personal taste it's better to lightly simmer them in a pan.

We also send tomato paste to the pan, not a large number of of our broth, sugar, salt to taste, still let it go a little and carefully transfer all this mass into a saucepan.

Cut all the smoked meats into small slices, lightly fry them and put them in the pan with the main dish.

You can also add a little brine from under the cucumbers to the broth, if not, then put the olives straight with a half jar of brine from under the olives.

It's time to put the greens and taste the hodgepodge to taste: if necessary, add salt. Cook for another 5-8 minutes and turn off. You can throw a few slices of lemon directly into the soup, or you can cut it directly into a plate - this is to your taste. I do this and that, according to my mood. We serve a hodgepodge with sour cream and lemon, see the photo below:

In general, there are not just a lot of recipes for making hodgepodge, but a lot, each housewife has her own: with mushrooms, with the addition of capers, without meat, with a fragrant bouquet of various spices.

And, although the dish turned out to be self-sufficient and satisfying, some gourmets prefer to eat it with a snack, herring is perfect for this. spicy marinade home-style, the recipe of which you can read here:, it perfectly diversifies the taste of the main dish.

No matter how you cook it, I'm sure Solyanka meat will be very tasty.

27th of June , Olga Miroslavskaya

You will find hodgepodge in almost every restaurant and cafe, and each time the soup will have different tastes. To diversify the cuisine of your first courses, be sure to learn how to cook it: it will surely appeal to your family, and to a guest who accidentally came in, and to yourself. We will tell you how to cook hodgepodge at home quickly, simply and very, very tasty.

How to cook a mixed hodgepodge

Since there are a lot of recipes for making hodgepodges, we will start with the most popular and well-known - this is a combined hodgepodge, in which there are a large number of components.


1. Main composition

  • meat on the bone (beef or pork): 700 gr;
  • smoked ribs: 300 gr;
  • smoked sausage: 200 gr;
  • ham: 200 gr;
  • onions: 1 head;
  • pickled cucumbers: 3 pieces of medium size;
  • olives: 100 gr;
  • capers: 50 gr;
  • tomato sauce: 2 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil: 2 tablespoons;
  • butter: 1 tablespoon;
  • salt, pepper, parsley: to taste.

2. For the broth

  • water: 3 liters;
  • bulb: 1 head;
  • bay leaf: 2 pieces;
  • allspice: 3 peas;
  • salt: to taste.

3. For filing

  • lemon: 1 piece;
  • sour cream: to taste.


  1. Pour water over meat and smoked ribs, bring to a boil. Remove the foam, put the peeled onion there and cook over low heat for two hours. 15 minutes before removing the broth from the fire, salt it, put the bay leaf, pepper. Take everything out of the broth and strain it.
  2. Then you can do the meat: separate the cooked meat from the bones, cut into strips.
  3. Do the same with ham and sausage.
  4. Cucumbers cut into strips, put in a pan, add broth (2 tablespoons) and leave them to languish for 5 minutes. After that, you can lower them into the main broth.
  5. Cut the onion into quarter rings. Preheat the pan, pour vegetable oil mixed with butter into it. Fry the onion until soft and add the tomato sauce here. After that, roasting can also be lowered into the broth.
  6. Put meat, smoked meats, olives into the broth. Boil it all for 15 minutes.
  7. Add capers, salt and pepper.
  8. Close the lid and leave to simmer for 15 minutes.
  9. Put a slice of lemon and sour cream in a plate with hodgepodge.

Now you know how to cook a combined hodgepodge, which is both fragrant and nutritious, and very tasty. But your man will probably like meat hodgepodge more, which you can also cook with your own hands.

How to cook meatloaf

main ingredient meat hodgepodge, of course, there will be exactly meat tenderloin, although there is still nowhere to go without smoked meats.


  • beef: 700 gr;
  • meat delicacies: 1 kg;
  • carrots: 150 gr;
  • onions: 2 heads;
  • pickles: 200 gr;
  • cucumber broth: half a glass;
  • tomato paste: 5 tablespoons;
  • capers: 3 tablespoons;
  • bay leaf: 4 leaves;
  • salt, pepper, vegetable oil, herbs, lemon and olives: to taste.


  1. Cook beef under the lid for 1.5 hours, removing scale.
  2. Boiled and cooled beef, onions, delicacies and cucumbers cut into cubes or strips. Grate carrots.
  3. Delicacies lightly fry in vegetable oil and lower into the broth. Boil for 10 minutes.
  4. At this time, fry the onion, after a couple of minutes add carrots to the pan, after another couple of minutes - cucumbers and continue to fry for another 5 minutes. Before removing from heat, add tomato paste to the fry. Drop it all into the broth.
  5. Add capers.
  6. Pour the cucumber brine into the broth.
  7. Cook for another 10 minutes and remove from heat.
  8. Add pepper, salt and bay leaf. Let the soup brew for 15 minutes.
  9. Before serving, place a slice of lemon and whole olives on each plate.

The traditional meat hodgepodge is one of those few dishes that no tavern menu could do without before. Even today, many establishments Catering offer their visitors this particular type of hodgepodge.

How to cook cabbage soup

Lenten dishes in Russia have always been especially popular, so they managed to adapt our favorite hodgepodge to Lenten dishes, replacing meat with cabbage in it. Today, this dish is also enjoyed by those who do not adhere to vegetarian cuisine because it contains both cabbage and meat.


  • sauerkraut: 700 gr;
  • lard: 100 gr;
  • meat broth: 200 gr;
  • brisket: 250 gr;
  • onions: 1 head;
  • pickled cucumber: 1 piece of medium size;
  • tomato paste: 3 tablespoons;
  • wheat flour: 15 gr;
  • salt, pepper and herbs: to taste.


  1. Squeeze the cabbage well, otherwise the soup will turn out too sour.
  2. Finely chop the onion, fry it in a deep frying pan in lard.
  3. In the same frying, add cabbage, tomato paste, bay leaf. Tommy on fire for 10 minutes.
  4. Now you can lower the cucumbers into the pan, and after 5 minutes you can safely add the brisket cut into cubes here.
  5. In a separate pan, pour the flour with meat broth (warm) and wait until it boils.
  6. Now mix both roasts in one pot and cook for another 15 minutes.
  7. Before serving, salt, pepper and sprinkle with herbs.

Knowing how to cook cabbage hodgepodge, you can always quickly, almost in haste, cook delicious, satisfying and nutritious dish even if there is simply not enough time to prepare the soup.

You know very well that every dish is a small cooking masterpiece which requires a special approach. There are also little tricks in the preparation of hodgepodge that you should know about. Our tips will make your hodgepodge cooked several times tastier.

  1. Solyanka is an economical solution if you cook it right after the holidays: you probably have smoked meats in your refrigerator. These meat products will make the hodgepodge even richer and richer in taste.
  2. Solyanka will acquire a simply unearthly taste if you add brine from under the olives to it (2 tablespoons).
  3. Remove the bay leaf 15 minutes after removing the soup from the heat.

Now you know how to cook hodgepodge yourself and please everyone with this original and always such a unique dish. By experimenting with it, excluding some ingredients and adding others, you can very soon become a real specialist in making hodgepodge and bring out own recipe. Hearty and tasty, this soup will surely take one of the important places in your family's diet.

Among the well-known and beloved first courses, such as borscht, pickle, cabbage, a special place is occupied by the classic meat hodgepodge recipe with sausage and smoked meats. Without exaggeration, the classic combined meat hodgepodge is the queen of first courses. Many do not know how to cook the meat hodgepodge or are completely afraid to take on the classic meat hodgepodge recipe, believing that this process is long and complicated.

Yes, indeed, cooking meat hodgepodge at home takes longer than cooking light chicken broth, and there are nuances and subtleties in the way of cutting the ingredients, and in the order of their addition. But still master the art of cooking delicious hodgepodge it is very possible even for those housewives who do not have much culinary experience.

The most important thing - the right recipe how to cook a combined hodgepodge at home, quality products and a good mood. To give you confidence in your abilities, I have prepared step by step recipe with a photo of how to cook a mixed meat hodgepodge. Well, let's go to the kitchen - to cook the most delicious hodgepodge in the world?


For 4 servings:

  • 1 small onion;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 2 pickled cucumbers of medium size;
  • 300-400 g of smoked meats and sausages;
  • 2 tbsp tomato paste;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

For the broth:

  • 1.2-1.5 liters of water;
  • 3-4 pork ribs;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • salt;
  • 3-4 black peppercorns.

For decoration:

  • lemon;
  • olives;
  • greenery.

How to cook a mixed meat hodgepodge:

A very important component in the hodgepodge is a good meat broth. I cook it for pork ribs, so it turns out tasty and rich.

We put the ribs in the water, put on the fire. When the water boils, reduce the heat and carefully remove the resulting foam.

Add peeled carrots and onions, salt and peppercorns to the pan. We cover the pan with a lid and cook the broth on the ribs for 1.5 - 2 hours.

After that, we take out the ribs, cool, separate the meat from the bone and finely chop. We also take out the broth and carrots from the broth. We will then use the meat, but we can say goodbye to boiled vegetables.

Now let's get to the stuffing for the hodgepodge. We cut the onion small cubes and pass until transparent.

Three carrots on a fine grater, add to the pan to the onion, mix and sauté all together over low heat for about 5 minutes.

Cucumbers cut into small cubes. Add to the onions and carrots and simmer all together for another 5 minutes.

Add tomato paste, stir and cook over low heat for another 5-7 minutes.

Smoked meats cut into small cubes. You can put what you like in the hodgepodge. This time I had hunting sausages, ham and veal balyk.

Fry the smoked meats over high heat for 3-4 minutes, stirring occasionally.

In the broth, brought to a boil, add vegetables with tomato paste, mix and cook for 5 minutes.

Then add chopped pork and fried smoked meats. Stir, bring the broth to a boil. Then cover the pan with a lid and cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Turn off the heat and let the hodgepodge brew for another 20-30 minutes.

After that, pour into plates, decorate with a circle of lemon, herbs, olives or olives. You can add sour cream if you like.

Friends, now you know what a mixed meat hodgepodge (classic recipe) with smoked meats and sausage is. I really hope that you will like my classic step-by-step recipe for the meat team hodgepodge. Wish you Bon Appetit, and delicious hodgepodge!
