How to pickle with citric acid. Canned cucumbers with citric acid: a selection of the best recipes

Pickled cucumbers are a popular component of salads and a favorite snack. It is not necessary to use vinegar to prepare this preparation: canning cucumbers with citric acid also allows you to get an excellent result. Cucumbers are tasty and crispy.

Harmful marinades

Traditionally, marinades are made with vinegar. But this supplement is often criticized by physicians. Vinegar is far from the healthiest product. And if natural wine or fruit slightly acidic vinegar contains vitamins and minerals, then the so-called "table" alcohol vinegar is a rather harmful substance. Drinking vinegar or vinegar essence was once a popular way to commit suicide. Acetic acid caused a severe burn of the mucous membrane of the mouth, esophagus and stomach, as well as severe poisoning, which led to the failure of the kidneys and other internal organs.

Of course, for such an effect, it was necessary to drink a sufficiently large amount of caustic liquid. But even in small doses, vinegar is far from always safe. No wonder doctors urge to refuse this product if possible. Dishes with vinegar are not recommended for those who suffer from any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and for those who have stomach or intestinal ulcers, acid can be really dangerous. It is advised to refuse the use of vinegar for any therapeutic diet, as well as for chronic or acute diseases of the kidneys and liver.

Even healthy people are not recommended to get involved in dishes with the addition of vinegar - primarily various marinades. If it’s very difficult to give up your favorite pickled cucumbers, then you should think about changing the recipe. For example, instead of vinegar, use much more healthy sour juices or at least citric acid.

Useful Alternative

Replacing vinegar with lemon juice or a citric acid-based marinade can do more than just make your meal healthier. Changing the recipe also improves the taste of the workpiece. Experienced cooks are not enthusiastic about vinegar marinades: too much acid often coarsens the taste of the product. If you use lemon juice or a solution of citric acid as the basis for the marinade, then the taste is gentle, not too sour.

In addition, there is no need to use a large amount of spices that are added to vinegar marinades in order to “kill” their specific flavor. Citric acid is odorless, and lemon juice has a very pleasant aroma, which is absolutely useless to “hide” with spices. Cucumbers in such a marinade are very tasty, with a delicate pleasant aftertaste.

Cucumbers marinated in juice

Cucumbers preserved in lemon juice are a very delicate appetizer that will surprise guests with its pure taste and the absence of a characteristic vinegar aroma. It is best to pickle sliced ​​\u200b\u200bcucumbers in this way. Such a preparation is not stored very well, it is better to eat it within a few days from the moment the cucumbers are pickled.

For a kilogram of cucumbers (cut into thin slices), you should take 500 ml of water, one teaspoon of salt and sugar, a couple of tablespoons of lemon juice, a few cloves of garlic , leaves of currant, cherry and horseradish. A third of the spices are poured onto the bottom of clean jars, then half of the cucumbers are placed. Then again there is a layer of spices and a layer of cucumbers. Spices are placed on top, and the entire contents of the jar are poured with hot marinade. How to prepare the marinade: water, to which salt and sugar are added, is brought to a boil. After that, lemon juice is added to the hot marinade.

Banks are closed and turned upside down with lids to cool. After a couple of days, the salad will be ready to eat. If you want to keep it for a long time, then you need to roll up the banks and store in a cool place. It is advisable to periodically check the condition of the cucumbers - if the marinade is cloudy and the lids are swollen, then there is a danger that the jar will explode. To prevent this from happening, many housewives add one aspirin tablet per jar to cucumbers. You should use the simplest aspirin, acetylsalicylic acid in tablets, and not soluble powders. This allows you to increase the shelf life, although - according to gourmets - it somewhat worsens the taste of cucumbers.

Cucumbers with citric acid

Citric acid is a great substitute for natural lemon juice. . Some housewives prefer to use it for preservation, since jars of cucumbers in juice sometimes explode, but this usually does not happen when using acid.

At the bottom of sterilized three-liter jars, you need to lay currant, cherry, horseradish and oak leaves, dill "umbrellas" , peppercorns, diced garlic. After that, small strong cucumbers with cut tails are tightly packed into the jar. It is advisable to hold the cucumbers in cool water for six hours before pickling and rinse them thoroughly. You can add slices of carrots to cucumbers, as well as pieces of hot or sweet pepper.

After that, boiling water is poured into the jars. After 20 minutes, it is drained, brought to a boil again and added to the cucumbers. After that, you need to drain the water again and prepare the marinade. For one and a half liters of liquid, you need to take 4 teaspoons of salt and twice as much (8 teaspoons) of sugar. Bring the marinade to a boil, boil for 5 minutes, remove from heat and add one teaspoon without a slide of citric acid for every one and a half liters of water.

Now you need to pour cucumbers in jars with marinade and roll up. Before cooling, the jars must be turned over and wrapped warmly so that they cool as slowly as possible - this increases the shelf life of cucumbers. When the jars have cooled, they should be stored in a cool place.

Dmitry Anokhin

It happens no more complicated than using table vinegar. Moreover, such vegetables are much more tender and tastier.

In finished form, this product has a rather strong resemblance to store-bought Hungarian cucumbers. They are just as sharp and crunchy, and therefore eaten almost in one sitting.

It is desirable to preserve cucumbers with citric acid in liter jars. To preserve such a product, filled containers must be sterilized in a saucepan with water. But first things first.

A step-by-step recipe for canning cucumbers for the winter

There are many different ways to harvest cucumbers for the winter. To implement the presented recipe, we need the following components:

  • small fresh pimply cucumbers - 5 kg;
  • medium-sized granulated sugar - 150 g;
  • cold tap water - about 5 liters;
  • citric acid in sachets - 10 g;
  • coarse table salt - 200 g;
  • fresh dill (use only umbrellas) - 30 g;
  • fresh peeled horseradish root - 50 g;
  • fresh - about 30 g;
  • garlic cloves - about 100 g (use as desired);
  • peppercorns - use as you wish.

Ingredient Processing

How should you preserve cucumbers with citric acid? First you need to purchase fresh vegetables. It is better to use small and pimply cucumbers. They are laid out in a basin and filled to the top with cold water. In this form, the vegetables are kept for 4 hours.

Laying out vegetables

The presented recipe for canning cucumbers for the winter should be used if you want to get spicy and tasty which are ideal for a festive snack.

After the cucumbers are soaked in cold water, they begin to put them in jars. Glass liter containers are scalded with boiling water, and then fresh grape leaves, dill umbrellas, whole cloves of garlic, horseradish root and peppercorns are placed on the bottom. Next, put all the vegetables in jars. At the same time, they are carefully tamped.

Brine preparation

Canning cucumbers in jars should be carried out in stages. After all the containers are filled, proceed to the preparation of the marinade. To do this, boil water in a large saucepan, and then add table salt, granulated sugar and citric acid to it.

The process of conservation and seaming

After the brine is prepared, it is poured into jars of cucumbers and left in this form for 5-7 minutes. After a while, it is again drained and boiled. In the future, the banks are again filled with brine. Then they are covered (loosely) with lids and put in a large pot of water (top up to the shoulders).

In this form, cucumbers are sterilized for 5 minutes (after boiling the liquid). At the end, they are rolled up and turned upside down. After a day, cucumbers can be removed to the cellar or underground. It is desirable to use them after 1.5 months.

Canned cucumbers: recipe for 1 liter jar

If you do not like to eat pickled or pickled cucumbers, then it does not make sense to harvest them for the winter in large quantities. Therefore, we recommend that you make only 1 liter jar of homemade marinades and use them to prepare various salads and snacks. For this we need the following components:

  • small cucumbers - optional (to fill a liter jar);
  • drinking water - about 500 ml;
  • coarse table salt - ½ large spoon;
  • small - ½ large spoon;
  • greens (currant leaves, tarragon, cherry leaves, horseradish root, dill umbrellas) - apply to taste;
  • garlic cloves - a couple of pieces;
  • peppercorns - 5 pcs.

Preparing the Components

How should pickled cucumbers be made? The recipe for a 1 liter jar requires the use of a small amount of small vegetables. They are thoroughly washed and poured with cold water. After 2 hours, the cucumbers are laid out in a prepared container, where currant and cherry leaves are placed in advance, as well as horseradish root, garlic cloves, tarragon, peppercorns and dill umbrellas.

Preparation of brine and method of storing vegetables

Canned cucumbers without vinegar turn out to be much more crispy than those vegetables that are prepared using the mentioned product. After the jar is filled, you should start preparing the brine. It is done in exactly the same way as in the first recipe. Drinking water is brought to a boil, and then sugar and salt are dissolved in it. Next, the brine is poured into a container with vegetables and kept in this form for 10 minutes. After a while, the water is again drained and boiled.

After the described actions, the vegetables are again poured with hot brine and immediately closed with a lid. In this form, the jar is left at room temperature for a whole day. If desired, it can be wrapped in a thick blanket.

After all the components are prepared, you should thoroughly wash fresh cucumbers. If they are stale, then it is better to pre-soak them in ice water (for several hours).

While the vegetables are soaking, you need to start preparing the container. Liter jars are sterilized over steam. Prepare tin lids. They are laid out in a bowl and boiled for several minutes.

Once the vegetable containers are prepared, oak leaves, garlic cloves, cherry leaves, dill umbrellas, mustard seeds and peppercorns are placed on their bottom. Next, processed cucumbers are laid out in jars, cutting off the ends from them or piercing them with a toothpick (you can cut them into slices). This is necessary so that they absorb the brine well, become tasty and spicy.

Marinade preparation

Brine with vinegar for pickling cucumbers should be prepared in the same way as described above. Water is boiled, salt and sugar are added to it, and then poured into jars. Next, the brine is again poured into the pan and brought to a boil.

After removing the dishes from the stove, table vinegar is added to the marinade and again poured into containers with vegetables.

Final stage

In order for homemade cucumbers with vinegar to be preserved for a long time, they must be sterilized. To do this, the jars are boiled in a large saucepan for about 5 minutes, and then rolled up, covered with a blanket and left in this form for the whole day.

As soon as the cucumbers have cooled, they are removed to the underground. You can use them only after 4-7 weeks. During this time, the vegetables will be saturated with the aromas of the marinade, become sharp and crispy.

Recipe 1: cucumbers with citric acid in 1.5 liter jars

So, you have cucumbers and you want to save them for the winter. Initially, fill them with colder water, let them absorb moisture there, so they will turn out more crispy. In the meantime, prepare the container - sterilize the jars, pour the lids with boiling water.
After a couple of hours, you have everything ready, it remains to collect herbs and spices, and you can start conservation.

You will need:
Dill (preferably dry umbrellas)
mustard seeds
Sweet pepper in peas
Lemon acid

Wash the soaked cucumbers very carefully, cut off the buttocks.
At the bottom of the jars we put all the above spices, except for citric acid, and begin to lay out the cucumbers tightly. First we put them on the bottom while standing, and then we fill the voids and lay them lying down. In order for cucumbers to fit more tightly into jars, it is good to use them of different sizes.

Further, everything is simple - pour our jars of cucumbers with boiling water, let them stand for a bit, until half-cooled, pour the water into the pan prepared in advance, measure the amount of liquid that is placed in the jars in order to prepare the brine properly. Approximately it turns out 1:2. Pour the cucumbers with boiling water for the second time, let it brew again, drain, and now we are preparing the filling.

For a liter of brine, add 2 tablespoons of salt with a slide, and 2 tablespoons of sugar without a slide. Yes, and do not forget, salt should not be fine and iodized, for any preservation and salting, only large stone is taken, only then the cucumbers will be crispy and hard, iodized salt will turn them into sourdough.

Now citric acid - add a little more than half a teaspoon to a 1 liter jar, a teaspoon to 1.5-2 liter jars, a little more than 1 teaspoon to 3 liters. Then pour boiling water, cork, and turn the lid over, and wrap it warmly with a blanket.
Cucumbers pickled for the winter with citric acid will turn out delicious, crispy, and mustard seeds will give them a little vigor.

Recipe 2

We continue the theme of harvesting cucumbers for the winter without vinegar, which do not require sterilization, with the addition of citric acid.
We take small cucumbers and we will close them in liter jars. This is very convenient - you opened a jar, ate it, we open another preservation. For a large family, it makes sense to close three-liter jars, but a family of 2-3 people will do fine with 1 liter jars. And if you don’t want to wait for winter, here’s an option for you:.

For a 1 liter jar, we need the following ingredients:
600g cucumbers
horseradish leaf
2 cloves of garlic
allspice - 3-4 peas
Pair of dill umbrellas
2 bay leaves
1.5 spoons of sugar
Salt spoon with a large slide
Citric acid in the amount of 2/3 teaspoon

As usual when preserving cucumbers, we soak them for a couple of hours, wash them, cut off the butts (although you don’t have to bother, but if the cucumbers are bitter, be sure).
We sterilize the jars while the cucumbers are soaked, pour the lids with boiling water. Now that everything is prepared, we begin to fill the jars with the spices listed above. Then, on top of them, we lay cucumbers as tightly as possible (but without squeezing the fruits).

Next, we have triple sterilization in this way: they poured boiling water over the jars and let them stand for a while, poured the water into a container, boiled it, poured it again, then add salt and sugar to the third filling, boil. We throw citric acid into the jar and fill it with brine for the third time. Everything can be corked, turned over and wrapped.
Tip: so that the acid is well distributed over the jar, roll it up, shake it a little before laying it to cover.
If you like very spicy crispy cucumbers, then the following recipe is for you.

Recipe 3: spicy cucumbers with citric acid

We offer the recipe for a 3l jar, if you have a smaller container, reduce the number of ingredients accordingly.

2 kg cucumbers
6 garlic cloves
2-3 leaves of currant and cherry
horseradish leaf
2 dill umbrellas
water - 1.3l
sugar - 150g
salt - 75g
vodka - 3 tablespoons
sprigs of tarragon, basil, coriander peas and a couple of laurels per bottle

Everything, as in the previous descriptions - wash the cucumbers, pour cold water over them, leave for several hours. Then rinse, trim the tails.
While the cucumbers are infused in water, sterilize the jars, boil the lids, prepare all the herbs and spices.

Then everything is simple - put the greens in jars, push the cucumbers more tightly, throw all the spices and pour boiling water. If you want to close the cucumbers without sterilization, then do a triple filling - that is, 1 time with boiling water for 10-12 minutes, the second time with boiling water, the third time with brine. In each jar, before filling with brine, add a full teaspoon of citric acid with the top. (If with sterilization - one fill with brine and put to sterilize). Everything, cork, turn over, wrap. The next day, you can relocate the banks to the basement, wait for winter.
Another good recipe.

Step-by-step recipes for cucumbers for the winter with citric acid and mustard seeds, tomatoes, vodka

2018-07-07 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


8 gr.

32 kcal.

Option 1: Classic cucumbers for the winter with citric acid in a three-liter jar

For canning, it is better to choose small cucumbers. If they are bought on the market or plucked a little earlier, not only from the garden, then be sure to fill them with cold water, let it brew for several hours. This will restore the moisture and juiciness of the vegetable, we will get tasty and crispy cucumbers. In addition to the main ingredient, you will need a bunch of standard greens: dill umbrellas, horseradish, cherry or currant leaves. We choose this at our discretion.


  • 1.8 kg of cucumbers;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • 10 g of acid;
  • 5 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1.5 liters of water;
  • 2 tablespoons of salt;
  • 7 peppercorns;
  • a bunch of different greens.

Step-by-step recipe for classic cucumbers with lemon

Rinse the washed and soaked cucumbers under running water and cut off the tips on both sides. Be sure to wash all the greens and dill umbrellas. We just peel the garlic, no need to cut the slices. Put water on the stove to boil.

The jar needs to be washed from the inside with soda, then held for several minutes over the steam. Just fill the lid with boiling water for a minute.

In a sterile jar we throw garlic cloves, peppercorns and put the washed greens. We straighten horseradish and dill with our hands. We tightly lay the prepared cucumbers to the very top.

Pour boiling water over cucumbers. We do this slowly so that the jar warms up and does not burst. We put on the previously prepared cover. We leave for half an hour. Then the liquid must be drained into a saucepan. You can use a plastic lid with holes for compotes. Bring this liquid to a boil again, but now add salt and sugar.

Pour citric acid into a jar and pour boiling brine over cucumbers. We wait a few seconds until the bubbles rise and come out, then immediately put on the lid, roll up the cucumbers with a lemon key.

This process is not finished. We put a hot jar of cucumbers on the lid, that is, upside down and wrap it in a blanket. So she should stand for two days. After that, we return to a natural position, send to a cool place.

Horseradish in cucumbers gives not so much taste as it keeps them crispy, you should not refuse this leaflet in a jar. Sometimes a piece of root is added, it is thrown to the bottom along with garlic cloves.

Option 2: A quick recipe for cucumbers for the winter with citric acid (liter jars)

Another simple recipe for cucumbers, which are prepared without vinegar with the addition of citric acid. They are made in liter jars, they are not fresh, not salty, with an average taste. Calculation for three liter jars.


  • 2 kg of cucumbers;
  • 3 umbrellas of dill;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • horseradish leaf;
  • 50 g of salt;
  • 120 g of sugar;
  • 8 g of acid;
  • 6 peppercorns.

How to quickly cook cucumbers with lemon

We prepare cucumbers in the standard way: we wash, cut off the ends, leave to dry for a few minutes. We rinse the dill and horseradish leaf, divide it into three parts according to the number of cans. We clean the garlic, be sure to rinse. Arrange greens in jars, add cloves, fill with cucumbers on top. Since the banks are small, we choose small copies. You can cut a few pieces to make it compactly laid on top.

Pour jars with boiling water for 15 minutes, cover. As soon as the cucumbers warm up, drain the water into an empty pan. We introduce prescription sugar, as well as salt. Bring to a boil, boil for a couple of minutes and throw citric acid into the marinade. Turn off the stove.

As soon as the acid stops hissing, pour the brine into jars with previously steamed cucumbers, cover, roll up. We clean it under the covers, put it on the lid, let it cool completely.

If suddenly there weren’t enough cucumbers, then you can supplement the jar with slices of a young zucchini, throw a few small tomatoes or put in chopped bell peppers. They also work great in this marinade.

Option 3: Cucumbers for the winter with citric acid and vodka

Vodka and cucumbers are great friends not only at the festive table, but also in the bank. Alcohol is also a kind of preservative, it makes cucumbers crunchy, but it practically does not affect the taste, there is no need to be afraid of this. Calculation of ingredients for a three-liter jar.


  • 2 kg of cucumbers;
  • 1400 ml of water;
  • 45 g salt;
  • dill, horseradish, greens;
  • 2 spoons of sugar;
  • 50 ml of vodka;
  • 7 g lemon.

How to cook

Cucumbers are washed and soaked in cold water, sometimes even immersed in a basin of ice. Then cut off the ends. We wash the greens. We put horseradish, dill, various leaves in a three-liter jar at the bottom, if desired, garlic cloves and peppercorns. Fill the prepared cucumbers to the very top.

Pour the first time with boiling water, at the same time and measure the right amount. We let the cucumbers stand for ten minutes, drain, repeat again. Let stand again for ten or fifteen minutes, after which we send the water to the pan, add salt and sugar. Let them simmer for a couple of minutes.

Pour citric acid into a jar, pour vodka and immediately boiling brine. We roll it up, we don’t need to shake anything, we just turn it over on the neck, at this temperature everything will dissolve perfectly. We cool cucumbers with vodka and lemon under a warm blanket.
You do not need to strictly select or buy the number of cucumbers for a recipe, it is better to purchase with a margin. A little more or less can fit into a jar, it all depends on their size and packing density.

Option 4: Cucumbers for the winter with citric acid and mustard

Mustard is another of the most popular additions when pickling cucumbers, tomatoes, and other vegetables. Moreover, you can put powder or grains in jars; diluted mustard is not used during canning. Here is the seed version. Calculation for one three-liter jar.


  • 2 kg of cucumbers;
  • 1 tsp (7 grams) lemons;
  • 1 st. l. mustard seeds;
  • hot peppers;
  • a head of garlic;
  • 35 grams of salt;
  • 2 sheets of horseradish;
  • 1.5 liters of sugar.

Step by step recipe

We cut the washed sheet of horseradish into small strips. Cut hot pepper into slices. Peel the garlic and cut each clove into quarters. Soak cucumbers in the classic way, cut off the ends.

Step 2:
Pour a little chopped leaf, garlic, pepper into a sterile jar, put the first row of cucumbers while standing. Sprinkle horseradish, garlic on top, put cucumbers again. Spread the rest of the herbs and garlic, hot peppers and fill to the top with cucumbers. Pour boiling water, cover, leave for half an hour.

Drain the water, add 50 ml for evaporation, add salt and sugar, cook for a couple of minutes, throw in mustard seeds, as well as lemon, and then immediately turn it off.

Pour steamed cucumbers with boiling marinade with grains, roll up, remove to cool under a blanket, hold upside down for a couple of days.

After turning over the cucumbers, and indeed any other preservation, you need to carefully look at the jar. If the lid sizzles or bubbles appear, go through the key again.

Option 5: Cucumbers for the winter with citric acid (with tomatoes)

Cucumbers and tomatoes in one jar are not only beautiful, but also very convenient. For harvesting, we collect a standard set of greens, this is at our discretion.


  • 0.8 kg of cucumbers;
  • 1 kg of small tomatoes;
  • a head of garlic;
  • 10 g of acid;
  • 90 g of sugar;
  • 30 g of salt;
  • peppercorns;
  • greens for conservation.

How to cook

We wash the greens, peel the garlic. We lay the leaves together with two cloves of garlic in a three-liter jar. We cut off the tips of the cucumbers, fill the jar to half. Lay small tomatoes on top, put the remaining garlic into the voids. It is advisable to take dense tomatoes, you can not fully ripe.

Pour the tomatoes with cucumbers with boiling water, cover, leave for half an hour. Drain into a saucepan. We introduce salt and granulated sugar, boil for a couple of minutes.

Pour citric acid into a jar and pour hot marinade over it. Pour to the very top, roll up, stand for a couple of days under a blanket on the lid.

So that the tomatoes do not burst during repeated pouring, you can simply gently pierce the skin of the tomatoes with a needle or a toothpick before laying them in jars.

During the harvest, the pantries and refrigerators of the hostesses are filled with jars with all kinds of conservation. A product that never goes unnoticed are mouth-watering crispy cucumbers. Salted, pickled, pickled - cucumbers occupy one of the places of honor among the preparations for the winter.

The benefits of harvesting cucumbers with citric acid

To prevent vegetables from spoiling, many hostesses add vinegar to the preparations, which increases the shelf life of the product and gives it a pleasant sourness. But even in small quantities, acetic acid can provoke an increase in the secretion of saliva, stomach, pancreas, and also cause irritation of the liver and kidneys. Therefore, citric acid is considered a more gentle alternative to vinegar.

The note. In addition to citric acid, instead of synthetic table vinegar, natural apple cider vinegar, lingonberry, viburnum, currant, cranberry, and lemon juice are used in preservation.

Preparations for the winter with citric acid have a milder taste and do not irritate the internal organs in the way that acetic acid does.

Step by step recipes with instructions

To get a good result, you should follow a few important rules:

  1. It is necessary to choose small-sized (about 10-15 cm in length) vegetables with a dense peel and pimples, without damage.
  2. Jars and lids for blanks must be sterilized. This step is necessary in order for the workpiece to be stored for a long time.
  3. If the cucumbers were bought at the market or more than 2 hours have passed since the removal of the fruits from the bushes, the vegetables must be soaked in cold water for 2 hours or more before pickling. During this time, the cucumbers will be saturated with liquid, which will further ensure that there are no voids inside the vegetables, and will also allow them to remain elastic and crispy.

Basic Recipe

This recipe does not indicate the number of cucumbers, since it all depends on how much workpiece you want to get in the end. The components of the marinade are designed for 1 liter of filling.


  • cucumbers;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 50 g of salt;
  • 10 g of granulated sugar;
  • 5 g citric acid;
  • dill umbrellas;
  • garlic cloves.

Cooking steps:

  1. Select cucumbers that are suitable in size without spoilage.

    Sort vegetables carefully - one spoiled vegetable can ruin an entire jar of harvest

  2. Leave the fruits in the water for 2 hours or more.

    Vegetables freshly picked from the garden do not need to be soaked.

  3. Rinse the cucumbers, remove the ponytails and spines.
  4. Put fresh or dried garlic cloves in sterilized jars, fill the container with vegetables.

    You can add dill umbrellas, garlic, black or allspice peas to the blanks

  5. Pour the blanks with boiling water, cover with sterilized lids, leave for 10 minutes.
  6. Drain the water from the jars into the pan, measuring its volume (this is necessary for the correct calculation of the amount of marinade ingredients).
  7. Based on the amount of liquid, add salt, sugar, citric acid to the water.
  8. Bring the marinade to a boil. Stir occasionally to completely dissolve the sugar and salt crystals.
  9. Pour the marinade into the jars of cucumbers, close the lids and roll up.
  10. Turn the jars over, cover with a blanket, leave to cool.
  11. Move the cooled blanks for storage in the cellar.

    Subject to all the rules of cooking, pickled cucumbers will delight you with their taste throughout the winter.

Video: cucumbers without vinegar and sterilization

With lemon and horseradish

The original version of the preparation of cucumbers with citric acid, thanks to which you can enjoy the unusual taste and amazing aroma of pickled vegetables. The recipe indicates the proportions for one liter jar of the workpiece.


  • 10-12 cucumbers;
  • 1 circle of lemon;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 20 g coarse salt;
  • 75 g of sugar;
  • 1/2 tsp citric acid;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 1 cherry leaf;
  • 1 leaf of black currant;
  • 1/2 sheet of horseradish;
  • 1-2 cm horseradish root;
  • 1 dill umbrella;
  • 1 tsp dry tarragon;
  • 3 peas of allspice.

Cooking steps:

  1. Put the necessary ingredients on the table, sterilize the jars with lids.

    Having laid out everything you need on your desktop, you will save time on cooking

  2. Soak cucumbers in cold water for 2 hours.

    Cucumbers must be soaked in water for at least 2 hours.

  3. Peel the garlic and horseradish root. From a lemon, cut a circle 8-10 mm wide. Rinse bay, currant and cherry leaves.

    A variety of additives give cucumbers a unique taste and aroma.

  4. Place spices, garlic and horseradish in a jar. Send a slice of lemon there too.

    To make the preparation more beautiful, place a circle of lemon cut to the side of the jar

  5. Fill the jar with cucumbers.

    Lay the vegetables tightly, but so that they do not deform

  6. Boil water, pour into a jar. Cover the workpiece with a lid and a towel, leave for 20 minutes.
  7. After a third of an hour, drain the water from the jar into a ladle, add granulated sugar to it.

    The amount of sugar in the marinade can be reduced or increased to taste.

  8. The next step is citric acid.

    To prevent cucumbers from having a too harsh taste, carefully monitor the amount of acid added to the marinade.

  9. Next add coarse salt.
  10. Stir the mixture well, bring to a boil.
  11. Pour the marinade into a jar, roll it up.

    Do not forget that seams should only be closed with sterilized lids.

  12. Cover the inverted jars with a heat-saving cloth and cool. Store in a cool place.

    Pickled cucumbers with lemon - an unusual and very tasty preparation for the winter

Video: 2 ways to pickle cucumbers for the winter

With vodka

I got this recipe from a friend who does not see life without her summer cottage. It must be admitted that her love for the earth and the gifts of nature returns to her with full dedication, delighting her with an impressive harvest of vegetables, fruits and berries. It goes without saying that her pantry is capacious, the shelves are bursting with all kinds of jars with mouth-watering foods. It is interesting that a caring hostess finds time to sign each blank, indicating its name and date of manufacture. Once I noticed an interesting preservation, the name of which indicated that these were cucumbers with vodka. Of course, the dish aroused interest, I asked for the recipe, which I will now share with you.


  • 1 kg of cucumbers;
  • 4-5 garlic cloves;
  • 4-5 dill umbrellas;
  • 3-4 bay leaves;
  • 2 sheets of horseradish;
  • 5-6 stars of cloves;
  • 50 g of salt;
  • 40 g of granulated sugar;
  • 1/2 tsp citric acid;
  • 25 ml of vodka;
  • 1.5 liters of water.

Cooking steps:

  1. Soak vegetables in cold water for 2-3 hours.
  2. Pour granulated sugar, salt into boiling water, stir well.
  3. Add citric acid, stir the mixture until the bulk ingredients are dissolved and turn off the stove.
  4. Pour the marinade into jars, cover the workpieces with lids again, leave for a quarter of an hour.
  5. After 15 minutes, drain the liquid into a suitable container, heat to a boil, remove from heat. Add vodka.

    Upside down jars should cool at room temperature.

  6. Move completely cooled canned food to the pantry.

Video: "drunk" cucumbers with vodka

With aspirin

In some recipes, aspirin is one of the ingredients in the marinade. Acetylsalicylic acid (officially the name of the drug) and citric acid form a high concentration acidic environment, due to which preservation is stored for a long time. Opinions about the safety of blanks differ, therefore, cucumbers with aspirin are not recommended to be eaten with a tendency to allergies, functional disorders of the kidneys, and peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract. And it is also necessary to strictly observe the dosage of aspirin indicated in the recipe, and the shelf life of preservation, do not drink brine from the blanks and do not abuse the amount of pickled vegetables eaten.

Video: cucumbers and tomatoes with aspirin

I told you only about three options for harvesting cucumbers with citric acid for the winter. However, there are several dozen recipes for such a dish. This is explained by the fact that cucumbers prepared in this way are very tasty, fragrant and crispy. Let's see what those who have already enjoyed it have to say about this type of conservation.