How to store dried mushrooms. Storage of dried mushrooms

Mushrooms are very valuable and delicious product with a high calorie content. But the mushroom season is short, and in order to enjoy mushroom dishes all winter, you need to know the conditions and methods of their storage. It is best to dry the mushrooms, in this form they retain useful material and smell good.

Suitable for drying tubular fleshy mushrooms- boletus, boletus, boletus, and, of course, porcini mushrooms. From lamellar, you can dry chanterelles, champignons, mushrooms and boletus. True, then they will have to be soaked to get rid of bitterness. It is strictly forbidden to dry old mushrooms - they contain toxins that are dangerous to health.

Before drying, mushrooms should be cleaned, sorted and sorted. Hats and legs should dry well, otherwise excess moisture will provoke decay. Damaged copies must be discarded. Too dry mushrooms are not suitable for storage - they will crumble. But in this case, you can cook mushroom seasoning - chop the fruits and add spices.

Dry the mushrooms outdoors. They are strung on a fishing line or thread and covered with gauze so that flies and dust do not sit down. Can also be dried in the oven.

Store mushrooms in a dry place with good ventilation. They are placed in a paper bag or linen bag. If there are a lot of mushrooms, use wooden boxes that are lined with paper. It will not be a mistake to place the mushrooms in glass jars, tightly covering them with lids. The room should not be too humid, otherwise the fruits will absorb moisture and deteriorate. Optimum temperature for storage - 10-15 degrees.

Dried mushrooms can be stored from several months to 2-3 years. It is very important to periodically inspect stocks, make sure that insects and mold do not start there. Spoiled mushrooms develop microbes that can cause severe poisoning.

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The ideal way to prepare and store mushrooms for winter period- dry them. If the mushrooms are properly dried, they can be stored for a year or more. But it is important to know how to properly store dried mushrooms.

Some housewives prefer to freeze the product and keep them in the freezer. This is reasonable, but this approach will not allow you to save as much taste and aroma as in the case of drying.

Which ones are suitable for storage?

Before deciding how much dried mushrooms can be stored and what is the best way to organize the process, it is necessary to determine which mushrooms are suitable for storing them on long-term storage. This primarily refers to the degree of dehydration of the workpiece. If even a little excess moisture remains in the mushroom, it will begin to deteriorate, become moldy and infect neighbors in the storage. Thus, you can lose the entire workpiece.

It is necessary to carefully monitor the mushrooms in the drying process. An overdried mushroom will be brittle, quickly turning into crumbs. Perfect option if the mushroom is elastic and moderately dried.

Advice! If the mushrooms are dry and brittle, you can grind them into powder and get amazing delicious seasoning with the right taste and aroma. You can dilute the composition with salt and pepper and add the powder to any dishes you wish. It is necessary to store such a workpiece in glass jars with tight lid.

Choosing a storage method

How to store dried mushrooms at home often depends on what container is chosen for this. It also depends on how long the dried mushrooms can be stored.


The first option for storing mushrooms in dry form is a glass jar. Experienced housewives it is advised to use dark glass containers, as it prevents the exposure of sunlight to the prepared product. In addition, the jar should be well corked and have an airtight lid. These rules prevent moisture from entering the container and make it possible to store the product longer.

Before decomposing dried porcini mushrooms or any other varieties of the product into jars, it is necessary to prepare the container. It must be thoroughly washed and sterilized. After that, dry the container very carefully, it is important that not a drop of liquid remains in it. It is important to remember that dried forest products very quickly absorb all the moisture from the environment, so it is better to isolate them from excess moisture as much as possible.

This method of storage is well suited for fragrant types of mushrooms. For example, white or similar. If there are jars with vacuum lids, then this will be an ideal option.

Fabric pouches

How to store dried mushrooms in canvas bags? In this case, it is not the packaging itself that matters, but the very place where the dried mushrooms are stored. You need to find a room with good ventilation, it is important that the mushrooms are constantly ventilated.

In addition, it is important that there are no sharp-smelling products nearby. Forest gifts will quickly absorb all foreign odors, while losing their own. The best solution would be a ventilated pantry or balcony. The main thing is to make sure that the product is not subjected to sudden changes in temperature, this can also provoke the appearance of mold.

Thus, in order to store dried mushrooms in an apartment, you need to prepare a bag, you can make it yourself from gauze fabric, and place it in a dry, well-ventilated place.

In the freezer

Many housewives prefer to keep dried mushrooms there, believing that this will keep them longer. In matters of storing mushrooms in this way, there are a lot of nuances. Of course, the refrigerator is able to protect the product from insects and other pests that can ruin the workpiece. But at the same time, the conditions of the refrigerator and freezer are characterized by an increased state of humidity, so you need to carefully consider the packaging.

Firstly, in order for the mushrooms to be stored longer, they must be thoroughly dried, without leaving excess moisture. Secondly, you need to choose a sealed container. In the future, it is necessary to monitor the formation of condensate.

Storage in bundles

This method was used by our grandmothers and is objectively recognized as the most convenient. First of all, it should be borne in mind that the mushrooms were originally dried on ropes. It is important to ensure that the mushrooms do not dry out, as this method of storage is prone to similar consequences. Bundles are placed, like bags, in a dry, ventilated place without unnecessary odors.

How many years are the dried fruits of the forest stored? This question interests many. Experienced harvesters claim that with the right approach to the issue of storage, the product can be stored for 1-2 years. Therefore, until the next forest harvest season, you can provide yourself with fragrant mushrooms.


Harvesting mushrooms is attractive for supplementing the diet with tasty and useful product all year round. At the same time, it is of particular importance proper storage product.

Mushrooms have a number of features that, if stored improperly, can lead to deterioration of taste or the formation of mycotoxins that cause acute human poisoning.

Therefore, it is important to treat the storage of mushrooms with increased attention.

Dried mushrooms are highly hygroscopic - the ability to absorb moisture. With the advent of moisture in the mushrooms, all conditions are created for the development of mold, the spores of which may not be noticeable during inspection, but are no less toxic to the human body.

The porous structure of the product easily absorbs foreign odors, which quickly displace the aroma of mushrooms.

A food moth can settle in a poorly packaged product, the larvae of which can ruin all stocks. Therefore, you need to choose the most optimal storage option that will meet the conditions of the room.

Glass containers

The best storage option for a product that reliably protects it from environmental influences and pests. To do this, first sterilize and dry the jars. After placing the product in the container, oxygen is pumped out. To do this, a few drops of alcohol are poured onto the inner surface of the seaming lid, set on fire and the jar is tightly closed. During the combustion of alcohol, all the oxygen inside the can is consumed.

After that, the jars are sterilized at t 90 ° C:

  • 0.5 l - 40 minutes;
  • 1 l -1 hour;
  • 3 l - 1.5 hours.

The advantage of this method is the ability to store mushrooms with other foods without fear of absorbing odors.

There is also no need to worry about constant ventilation. Therefore, containers with mushrooms can be placed in kitchen cabinets or shelves.

Fabric bags and paper bags

Convenient storage method dried mushrooms- placement of the product in bags from natural fabric providing natural aeration. The basis of such fabrics can be linen or cotton. With this option, the risk of pests is high. Therefore, the mushrooms will have to be constantly sorted out and sprinkled with ground pepper.

To improve the quality of storage, you can use the advice experienced mushroom pickers. They immerse cloth bags in a strong saline solution and dry thoroughly. Salt limits pest damage and draws out excess moisture.

Kraft bags are well suited as storage packaging. They are made of high-strength paper, which is breathable and does not get wet.

You can choose other types of paper bags, but these packaging options are only suitable for a product intended for quick consumption.

Avoid using plastic bags. During any temperature fluctuation, condensation will form inside the bag and the product will quickly grow moldy.

Vacuum packaging

Packaging manufacturers offer various vacuum containers for long-term and safe storage food products. These are bags and containers of different sizes, equipped with special valves for air release. Convenient fasteners allow hermetically closing the package after opening.

The option for storing dried mushrooms is convenient, but expensive. Therefore, it is not rational to use it with large volumes of the product.

Wooden boxes

This option is convenient for storing large amounts of product. To do this, you need to pick up a wooden box with holes for aeration and line it with thin breathable paper. When laying for storage, the mushrooms are laid out layer by layer, without compacting. Top covered with several layers of thin paper.

Wicker baskets and plywood boxes are also suitable as storage containers. The main condition is constant ventilation inside the packages.

Mushrooms on a string

This method involves drying and subsequent storage of mushrooms on a twine. Adherents of the method claim that mushrooms dried under the influence of the sun and air are much more aromatic and healthier.

An important condition is that the mushrooms strung on a twine should not come into contact with each other. After thorough drying, the twine is hung in the selected room and covered with gauze.

During the use of mushrooms, it is not necessary to untie the string each time, you can simply break off the product.


The advantage of the method of storing the product in freezer- no risk of damage by pests and other microorganisms. It does not need to control the level of humidity and temperature.

When choosing this storage option, you need to consider that re-freezing products is not desirable. Therefore, mushroom preparations are made in small portions. They are packaged in plastic bags, in 1-2 layers, hermetically sealed and placed in the freezer.

How to prepare mushrooms for freezing for the winter? This will be discussed in this video.

Storage conditions for dried mushrooms

You can store the product in the attic, basement, pantry or insulated balcony. In this case, the premises must meet certain requirements:

  • maximum dimming;
  • relative air humidity not more than 75%;
  • temperature optimum 0°С-+10°С;
  • regular ventilation;
  • absence of foreign odors, pests, mold.

Many mushroom pickers claim that dried mushrooms do not have an expiration date. This is a fundamentally wrong statement. A year later, protein breakdown begins in the product, which entails the loss of all useful properties and taste. After this period, the risk of mycotoxin formation also increases. Therefore, it is necessary to procure the product taking into account this period of time.

Storing fresh mushrooms

In some cases, process fresh mushrooms immediately after collection or acquisition fails. During this period, for the safety of the product, you need to create optimal conditions.

In the cold

With this storage option, mushrooms are placed in dry enamelled, plastic or glassware.

Containers made of aluminium, iron or galvanized materials react with the organic acids of the product, resulting in browning and loss of taste. To prevent the formation of condensate, the containers are left open.

Store fresh mushrooms unwashed and whole. The bottom shelf of the refrigerator or cellar is well suited for this. The optimum temperature is from 0°С to +5°С. Under such conditions, mushrooms can be stored for 3 days.

In the freezer

A more reliable and long-term storage method is freezing. Exposure to low temperatures stops the development of microorganisms in mushrooms and the breakdown of nutrients. The disadvantage of this method can be considered a relatively large energy consumption.

The freezing procedure is important to carry out correctly. For this, strong and small mushrooms are selected, washed and dried. To prevent oxidation, mushrooms are not cut.

First, the product is subjected to quick and deep freezing. To do this, the mushrooms are laid out in one layer in metal forms 5-6 cm high, placed in the freezer and exposed low temperature(24°C-30°C). After 24 hours, the product is laid out in separate plastic bags, calculating the volume for a single use.

During slow freezing, large ice crystals are formed in the tissues of the mushrooms, which, expanding, will lead to rupture of the cells and violate the integrity of the product. Therefore, rapid freezing of mushrooms in small portions is of fundamental importance.

During storage in the freezer, the temperature is maintained at -18 ° C, humidity 90-95%. Under these conditions, mushrooms are suitable for consumption throughout the year. Expiration dates may change if storage conditions are violated. This can happen when the refrigerator is completely defrosted or when the temperature rises.

Storing fried mushrooms in the refrigerator

Storage of mushrooms fried significantly reduces the cooking time using the product. In fact, this is canning in an oil medium.

The product intended for short-term storage is laid out in plastic, enameled or glassware and covered with a lid.

After that, it is placed in the refrigerator. The optimum storage temperature is 0°C-5°C. The maximum shelf life of the product is two days.

Freezing increases the shelf life of fried mushrooms up to 3 months. The finished product is laid out in small portions in plastic bags, air is released and hermetically sealed. After that, it is subjected to quick and deep freezing. Fried mushrooms can also be frozen in small containers. The recommended temperature optimum is −18°С-24°С.

Canning fried mushrooms will save space in the refrigerator. For this you need:

  • rinse the jars (0.5 l) with a solution of baking soda;
  • sterilize jars and lids for 15 minutes;
  • decompose ready mushrooms in a container, without adding 1.5 cm to the edge;
  • pour hot oil jars to the top;
  • roll up containers with lids.

After cooling the mushrooms to the level room temperature they are put away for storage. To do this, choose a dry room with a temperature of + 3 ° C - + 10 ° C and a relative humidity of no more than 75%. A feature of this product is the possible splitting and rancidity of fats under the influence of light, so the room should be darkened.

Store in this form fried mushrooms maybe 8 months. An opened jar with the product can be stored for no more than a day in the refrigerator.

What type of storage is best for mushroom quality?

Properly harvested mushrooms for the winter perform two functions. It's a way to diversify your diet. fragrant product and strengthen the body with useful substances in a difficult period of viral diseases. Therefore, for the processing and storage of mushrooms, it is important to choose the most gentle method that will help to preserve its chemical composition as much as possible.

During freeze-drying of mushrooms, up to 85-90% of the useful properties of the product are preserved. The taste qualities of mushrooms do not change, and in some species the aroma becomes more pronounced.

During the drying process, there is a slight loss of ascorbic acid, which is sensitive to mechanical factors and oxygen. To avoid this, mushrooms should be dried whole. Micro and macro elements are preserved unchanged.

Quick frozen mushrooms nutritional value almost equivalent to fresh. Losses in vitamin composition product is less than 10%, and micro and macro elements are completely preserved. Only repeated freezing brings harm to the product, during which taste and beneficial features mushrooms.

Storing fried mushrooms is the least useful option for harvesting the product. During the frying process, mushrooms can lose 30-60% of minerals and 20-30% of vitamins. It is worth adding to this the destruction of useful substances during cutting, an increase in the time of heat treatment, a violation temperature regime. It turns out that it is possible to preserve the beneficial properties of mushrooms with this harvesting method only by 40-50%.

Mushrooms are included in the list conditionally hazardous products capable of causing food poisoning. The fruiting bodies contain a lot of chitin - mushroom fiber, which is one of the most indigestible substances.

Therefore, the use of mushrooms in people with gastrointestinal problems and children can cause a number of complications. Excessive use of the product leads to the same effect.

The main cause of all reported cases of mushroom poisoning is the erroneous consumption of poisonous mushrooms. Therefore, you can collect and eat mushrooms only with full confidence in their edibility. It is also important to apply the processing methods recommended by specialists for each type of mushroom.

Mycotoxins can also form in edible mushrooms. This occurs during protein breakdown or after pest infestation in old or overripe mushrooms. Therefore, the rule of safe consumption includes the use of young, not wormy mushrooms and adherence to the recommended storage periods.

The porous structure of fruiting bodies quickly absorbs environmental toxins. Therefore, mushrooms growing near roads, chemical plants, landfills and industrial fields become accumulators for pesticides, radionuclides and heavy metals.

In canned mushrooms, there is a possibility of development of botulinum toxin. It causes botulism - one of the most dangerous food poisoning, which can result in death. The causative agent of botulism develops exclusively under anaerobic conditions, which are created in hermetically sealed containers.

The reason for the pathogen to enter canned mushrooms is insufficient sterilization of cans and lids. If in a container with canned mushrooms cloudy sediment, bubbles, foreign smell appeared, they need to be disposed of.

Manufacturers of long shelf life products use chemicals and artificial additives that are harmful to humans during processing. Therefore, in stores we see mushrooms with perfect shapes and an even color.

Frozen mushrooms, before reaching the shelves, go through a long transportation route, during which repeated defrosting is possible. This means that it is impossible to be sure of the full properties of the product.

From all this we can conclude: to get full guarantees of the quality and safety of the product for the human body is possible only with the correct collection, processing and storage of mushrooms at home.

Drying mushrooms is the most ancient way of processing and storing forest gifts. Its advantage is that mushrooms retain their unique taste, aroma and nutrients. This is better than canning or pickling the product. When drying, no preservatives are used. But in order to enjoy the unique taste of the gifts of nature for a long time, it is important to carefully prepare the product and know how to store dry mushrooms at home.

After harvesting, mushrooms need to be sorted out. Old and damaged are not suitable for this method of storage. They are sorted by size for uniform drying.

Not all types of mushrooms can be dried. For this type of processing, tubular mushrooms are more suitable than lamellar ones. The latter, with active loss of water, become bitter. For drying, it is better to choose the following mushrooms:

  • White.
  • Oily.
  • Duboviki.
  • Aspen mushrooms.
  • Boletus.

Among the lamellar ones, there are still species suitable for drying. The bitterness acquired during dehydration gives them piquancy:

  • Chanterelles.
  • Oyster mushrooms.
  • Champignons.
  • Honey mushrooms.

You can dry forest mushrooms in the oven, electric dryer or in the attic, strung on a thread.

An important role is given to the preparation for storage already finished product. It depends on how much dried mushrooms can be stored. If moisture remains in the dried gifts of the forest, most likely, such mushrooms will become moldy. Overdried will crumble into dust. But don't throw them away. These mushrooms make an excellent seasoning for soups or fried potatoes. To do this, grind the mushrooms in a coffee grinder and add your favorite herbs and spices. Store this spice in airtight jars.

Suitable storage spaces

After painstaking selection and drying useful gifts forests, you need to find the right place to store them. Usually such mushrooms are stored where it is cool and there is good ventilation.

Vacation home

If the mushrooms were dried naturally, in the form of a "garland" on a thread, they can be hung in the attic. This method is very convenient in terms of monitoring the dryness of the product. If the mushrooms do not fall off the rope, then they retain their condition. A very large crop is stored in cardboard boxes or wooden boxes. To do this, each drying layer is covered with paper and closed as tight as possible.

In order not to lose the crop during storage, drying should be sorted out every 2-3 weeks. Unusable specimens are thrown away. And if the crop still absorbed excess moisture, it must be dried again in the oven.


The ideal place in the apartment for storing mushroom dryers is dark, well-ventilated pantry. They can also be hung on a rope or stored in a box, as in the attic of a house. But it should be borne in mind that the microclimate in the apartment is somewhat different from the climate in the house. Yes, and there is still less space than in a country estate. Therefore, the issue of compact placement of blanks is acute.

The most convenient option for storing dried mushrooms in an apartment was and remains the storage method in a glass jar. Dryers packed in containers (preferably made of dark glass) are stored in kitchen cabinets. Drying jars stand very well on the shelves in the pantry. With this method, mushrooms do not absorb foreign odors and some pests and insects will not get to them. In order for the crop not to start to deteriorate inside the container, it must be properly prepared:

  • The container is pre-dried and sterilized.
  • Mushrooms are sorted and unsuitable specimens are removed.
  • It is best to use vacuum lids for sealing, so the product is stored several times longer. To get the effect of a vacuum, you need to put alcohol on the lid, set it on fire and close the container with a lid.

Dryers also store in linen bags. This option is inferior glass container in tightness, but wins in compactness. The bags must first be boiled in a strong saline solution, dried and ironed. This is necessary so that pests do not make their way into them.

Not all types of mushrooms can be stored in cloth bags. This type of storage is suitable for white and Polish mushrooms, champignons and oyster mushrooms. In turn, chanterelles or aspen mushrooms in a bag quickly lose original taste and aroma.

Drying can also be stored in paper bags. They are not inferior to glass containers. And so that insects do not penetrate there, hot peppers are placed in a bag.


Mushrooms can be stored in the freezer. As a container, it is better to choose bags with a zip fastener or airtight containers. It is impossible to re-freeze the product, therefore, it is necessary to pack the product in containers in portions.

How long can dried mushrooms be stored

The shelf life of dried mushrooms directly depends on how the mushrooms are stored. Factors contributing to successful storage:

  • Mushroom variety.
  • Drying quality.
  • Choice of container.
  • Temperature and humidity of the future storage location.

The longest stored porcini mushrooms. With good indicators of humidity and temperature, they can be stored for 2-3 years and will not lose their taste.. Mushrooms, chanterelles and mushrooms have the same characteristics. Mushrooms of factory production have a shelf life of about one and a half years. After this time, the product should be reviewed for suitability. If the mushrooms are not covered with mold, do not smell of mold and diaper rash, and do not crumble, they can continue to be eaten.

The most perishable are boletus and boletus. A year after drying, they should not be eaten, as they lose their nutritional properties.

In order to cook the perfect dish from dried mushrooms, you need to follow a few rules:

  1. Wash the mushrooms before cooking.
  2. For several hours, and preferably at night, soak in water or milk. Mushroom water is perfect as a broth for vegetable soup. Water from under chanterelles or honey mushrooms is not suitable due to the bitterness of the mushrooms.
  3. It is recommended to boil the processed drying. The taste of mushrooms will be more pronounced. Porcini mushrooms are boiled for 1.5-2 hours, for other types 50 minutes are enough.
  4. Boletus and boletus are not intended for first courses.
  5. Seasonings for mushroom dryers need a little so as not to interrupt their taste. Suitable for drying Bay leaf, garlic and different types pepper.

Any dish prepared with dried mushrooms will not be left without words of praise. And few will refuse the offer to drink tea with a dried mushroom pie.

Attention, only TODAY!

Having collected a rich harvest in the fall, you should take care of its safety. Proper storage conditions will ensure the quality of the finished product. If you store dried mushrooms correctly, they will delight fragrant dishes all year round until the next harvest.

How to store dried mushrooms at home

Dried mushroom is not perishable product. But they only last if stored properly. Initially, it is necessary to create such storage conditions where there is no moisture or any other foreign odors. The best option for storing mushrooms is a glass jar. It must be clean and dry.

However, no matter what container you choose, you first need to properly prepare the raw materials for drying. An electric dryer can be used for this. Or the old fashioned way, strung on a thread and dried in the attic.

Before sending raw materials to the bins, it is worth preparing ready-made raw materials. First you need to carefully look at the thick parts of the legs and hats. They must be completely dry. High humidity in the tissues of fungi can provoke the appearance of the process of decay. The product will have to be thrown away. Too dry won't work either. They will crumble easily and eventually grind to dust. Some of the most inventive housewives use mushroom powder to mix with dill. Bay leaf or any other seasonings are also added to it. They can be added to ready meals. Such a preparation can serve as a real natural homemade seasoning. And it is worth noting that it will be significantly different palatability from the one sold in the store with many chemical additives. So, if it just so happened that the mushrooms crumbled into dust, do not rush to throw them away, but make a homemade natural seasoning.

Basically, fleshy varieties of mushrooms are chosen for drying, such as porcini mushrooms or boletus mushroom. Lamellar varieties of mushrooms after drying have a pronounced bitter taste, so it is not recommended to dry them.

In order to extend the shelf life of mushrooms as long as possible, certain rules must be observed. To begin with, it is worth providing following conditions storage: the place should be dry and well ventilated. As a rule, a pantry or the upper shelves of a kitchen cabinet are suitable for this. If you are a resident of a rural area, then an attic would be a great place to store mushrooms.

If you chose a glass jar for storing mushrooms, then you need to cover the neck with a cloth. This is necessary in order to get enough air inside. In this case, the product itself will be protected from insects and other pests. Once the mushrooms are dried, they can be removed from the ropes on which they were dried. If you plan to store food in the refrigerator, place it in an airtight container or vacuum bag.

Storing mushrooms at home is really worth it. It is especially important for harvest years, when there is so much raw material that you want to prepare it for several years in advance. If you have already made yourself salted or pickled mushrooms, then drying the rest will definitely not be a problem. There are many ways to conserve mushrooms. Therefore, from the options below, each hostess will be able to choose what is right for her. For the proposed options, you will need not only glass jars, but it will also be possible to use ceramic containers, containers with a vacuum lid, cardboard boxes, or ordinary fabric bags.

To begin with, I would like to note that all these methods have their advantages and disadvantages.

  • But glass or ceramic jars are more suitable for storing dried mushrooms. But in this case, you will have to use tight lids. Sometimes you have to look at the banks. If among the stored specimens there is at least one fungus with a raw leg or hat, all raw materials may deteriorate. Vacuum containers are considered the best option for storing mushrooms. They provide the best protection against moisture of extraneous odors, as well as from the appearance and spread of insects. But, unfortunately, such containers are the most expensive and not available to every housewife. Regardless of which container you choose, carefully check the product for mold before finally hiding it in the bin. Carefully inspect the raw materials for signs of decay or the presence of insects. If you miss even one bad copy, all stocks can be spoiled.
  • Often, housewives wonder: how long can dried mushrooms be stored at home. If everything is done according to the rules, optimal conditions for savings are created, then the minimum storage period will be from 12 months to several years.
  • A professional technologist can firmly assure that the original taste and aroma will be preserved for more than 18 months. Therefore, before leaving the blanks, be sure to put the packing date on the jar. Before use, it is still recommended to carefully check whether the product has deteriorated. As a rule, a characteristic odor may appear. Or start up, moth larvae or worms.

Storage of mushrooms in glass jars

The most popular and best option for our hostesses is the storage of mushrooms in glass jars. To do this, it is better to use darkened or matte containers. It is better not to use transparent jars. They need to get less light. Also, do not forget that you need to use a tight lid for the jar. This is especially necessary if the product will be in the refrigerator. After all, it is in him high level humidity. If the blanks are slightly damp, mold may appear in the jar. Before putting them in a jar, they should be thoroughly rinsed and also dried thoroughly. Both the mushrooms themselves and the jars should be dry. Dryness is a must. Even a small amount of moisture or liquid may completely spoil the products.

How to store mushrooms in glass jars: video

Storing mushrooms in the freezer

If you plan to place dried mushrooms in the refrigerator and freezer, you must first choose the right container. As a rule, in this case, sealed containers are taken - containers or vacuum bags. Shelves should be chosen those on which a stable temperature is set. It is also recommended that the raw materials be immediately divided into portions so that before cooking they do not have to be additionally defrosted in order to cook them. They can be stored in the freezer for up to 3 years. Of course, if during this period there were no long power outages.

Storage of dried mushrooms in the attic

If you will dry the mushrooms on a thread, then a dry attic is ideal for this. Moreover, it is in the attic that there is excellent ventilation. To prevent the blanks from drying out after drying, roll the thread and wrap it in fabric. After that, you can safely hang mushrooms in the attic or in the pantry. The shelf life will depend on the level of humidity and the presence of pests. Is there dampness or moisture still appeared, then you can dry it again in the oven. This method, although the most familiar to our hostesses, is also the most painstaking. From time to time, you will have to check the safety and integrity of the crop.

Now you know all the basic ways to store dried mushrooms at home. We wish you a good harvest of high quality!

Folk original way of storing mushrooms: video