How to get rid of coffee stains. How to wash coffee from white and colored clothes

The morning of a working person invariably begins with a fresh starched shirt or blouse and, of course, coffee. An awkward blow, an unexpected movement, a clumsy passer-by and that's it - the blouse is irretrievably damaged. But do not despair. Coffee, indeed, is not easy to withdraw, but still possible. The main thing is to know how it's done.

If you just got your white clothes dirty by tipping a cup of coffee on yourself, hurry up to fix the situation. If possible, take off your blouse and run it under running warm water. In no case do not substitute the stain under hot water, otherwise the contamination will penetrate even deeper into the structure of the fabric. Hold the cloth so that the water runs right through the stain. In this case, there is a chance to wash off the coffee, which has not yet had time to soak into the fabric threads. By the way, this method is applicable only for natural fabrics - linen or cotton. A woolen thing from boiling water can be deformed. Silk and synthetics should also not be subjected to such tests. After that, the remnants of the stain should be covered with salt and leave the blouse until those times when you can come to grips with cleansing it.

How to wash coffee from different types of fabric

It is difficult to find a universal product that can wash coffee from any type of fabric. Therefore, for each type of matter, you need to select your own cleaner.

  1. Silk. This is the most delicate fabric and should be handled very carefully. To remove a stain from a silk blouse, you will need ammonia and laundry soap. Grate soap and dissolve in a glass of water. Add 3 tablespoons of ammonia to the container. Soak a small cloth in the composition and gently wipe the coffee stain. Rinse the rag more often and clean with fresh compound again and again. If after such a cleaning traces of coffee are still visible, add the remaining solution to the basin, dilute it slightly with water and soak your silk blouse in it. Leave the fabric for an hour and a half, and then wash as usual.
  2. Wool. Woolen white clothes are not easy to clean, because the threads are dense and the dirt eats into their very foundation. But there is still a way to get rid of the stain. First, rub the stain with dry laundry soap, and then clean it with a dry brush. If necessary, the brush can be moistened with ammonia. Such a delicate dry cleaning can really rid the hair of the remnants of the coffee drink.
  3. Cotton. You can wash your husband's office shirts with vinegar and lemon. Mix the two components in equal proportions and apply to the stain. Leave on for 20 minutes and then soak the shirt in water. This will get rid of small and inconspicuous coffee spots that remain when contaminated.
  4. Linen. You can clean linen wardrobe items with ammonia and glycerin. Mix the two components in equal proportions and slightly dilute the composition with water. Then apply the mixture with a brush on the stain and leave for half an hour. After that, wash the blouse as usual.
  5. Denim. White denim pants look luxurious, but not everyone will agree to wear them, primarily because they are easily soiled. If you spill coffee on denim, don't rush to toss your favorite piece of clothing. Dampen the stain with water and sprinkle with baking soda. When all the dirt is powdered, pour vinegar on top. Immediately a chemical reaction will begin to occur - the composition will hiss. But that's okay, that's how it should be. During this reaction, active oxygen molecules are released, which perfectly whiten surfaces.
  6. Fur. If coffee gets on a snow-white fur coat, you can remove the stain with hydrogen peroxide. Just soak a cotton pad in it and wipe off the dirt. Change cotton wool to fresh more often, and after half an hour of effort there will be no trace of the stain.
    These are the main types of fabrics and how to clean them from coffee stains. But this is not a complete list of recipes that can be effective in the fight against stubborn stains.

We have collected for you only the most popular and effective recipes that will help restore your wardrobe items to their former whiteness.

  1. Professional tools. Use professional stain removers and bleaches. They can be in the form of soap, liquid formulation or powder. White fabrics do not need to be afraid to expose even to strong substances, since the color will not change anyway - you will only get a more crystalline whiteness. But remember that chlorine bleach should not be used too often, otherwise the fabric will simply spread.
  2. Salt and soda. Dissolve a couple of tablespoons of salt and the same amount of soda in a liter of warm water. Soak the clothes in the prepared composition and launder in the usual way.
  3. Glycerol. Glycerin perfectly eliminates coffee traces. Heat the glycerin in a water bath and smear the stain on the clothes with the composition. After 15 minutes, wash the blouse in the washing machine on a normal cycle. To enhance the effect, you can mix glycerin with salt and apply the mass to the stain. Instead of pure glycerin, you can use a solution of borax in glycerin. If after this method greasy marks remain on the fabric, they can be easily removed with laundry soap or dish gel.
  4. Dishwashing liquid. The composition of this tool is designed to corrode many food contaminants. Therefore, dishwashing gel perfectly copes with grease and coffee stains. It should be applied to pollution, left for a while, and then washed as usual.
  5. Ammonia. Ammonia perfectly whitens and brightens fabrics, both on its own and in combination with soda, laundry soap or glycerin. Lay the clothes on a flat surface, put a cotton pad or a piece of clean white cloth underneath. Pour ammonia over the stain and blot the top with a clean cloth. Contamination will be released to the substrate, and the fabric will remain clean.
  6. Vinegar. Even stubborn dirt can be cleaned with vinegar and washing powder. Mix the two ingredients to make a paste and apply the mixture to the stain. Leave the fabric on for 20 minutes and then wash by hand, lightly rubbing the stain with the brush. Vinegar perfectly cleans fabrics in tandem with soda ash - clothes are bleached right before your eyes.

These simple tips will help you quickly and effectively remove coffee stains from white clothes using home remedies. Remember, after using vinegar and ammonia, clothes must be rinsed very carefully so that after washing they do not retain an unpleasant odor. If this does happen, just rinse the wardrobe item in lemon water (juice of one lemon per liter of liquid). After that, the fabrics will acquire citrus notes of freshness.

If the stain is old and has dried up for a long time, you can still try to remove it. To do this, pre-soak the fabric in a strong saline solution. If this does not help, do not rush to throw away your favorite thing. From trousers you can always make breeches and shorts, from a shirt - a sleeveless jacket. Can be used to save your favorite little thing appliqué and embroidery. Use your imagination to bring your wardrobe items to life!

Video: how to remove stains from tea and coffee

Stains on things and clothes happen very often in everyday life. And perhaps most often you have to ask yourself the question of how to wash off coffee spilled on a shirt, blouse, jacket or trousers. Since this drink is popular, stains from it are most common.

What you should pay attention to

If you accidentally spilled coffee on your clothes and don't know if it washes off, don't panic. Drink stains, especially if they are fresh, are easy to remove from both white and dyed items. It is important to remember what not to do in any case:

  • Wipe the stain with a tissue. From such actions, pollution will penetrate deep into the fibers of the material, from where it will no longer be possible to remove it. It must be blotted with a napkin so that it absorbs the liquid, but do not rub;
  • Rinse the fabric with hot water. So you can not only fix the pollution. Some materials, especially natural wool and synthetics, do not withstand contact with hot water, irreversibly changing properties;
  • Use aggressive detergents. By removing the stain, you can ruin the painted things;
  • Use bleach. As a last resort, use bleach for colored fabrics by applying them to the area of ​​the stain, and then washing the entire item.
    There are several proven and fairly simple methods for cleaning fabrics from spilled coffee stains. When applying any of these, use a soft brush, not a cloth. And you can not rub the material strongly when washing.

    How to get rid of stains

The easiest way is not to waste time and get rid of the stain when it is still fresh and has not had time to deeply eat into the fabric fibers. An easy way to get coffee out of clothes is to wash the stain with laundry soap.

The best effect will be obtained if there is glycerin and ammonia. In glycerin, mixed in half with water, add a few drops of ammonia and apply the resulting composition to the area of ​​​​contamination. If glycerin is not available, add ammonia to soapy water. To clean fleecy fabrics - wool, acrylic, take a soft brush, soak in a solution and rub the dirt until it disappears completely.

As time passes, the dirt becomes more difficult to remove. To remove an old stain from clothes, the following substances should be in the house:

  • Laundry soap;
  • Sodium tetraborate (borax);
  • Lemon or citric acid;
  • Vinegar;
  • Salt;
  • Baking soda;
  • Hydrogen peroxide.

The use of the listed substances and their mixtures will allow you to remove a coffee stain on any fabric, even if more than a month has passed since the contamination, we will consider each of them in detail.

Laundry soap

For washing, use laundry soap, not toilet soap, which has a lower washing effect and many unnecessary additives.

To prepare the product, grate the soap and pour boiling water over it while stirring. The resulting thick solution should cool to room temperature. After cooling, apply a thick layer to the old stain with a brush or foam sponge. After half an hour, rub the contaminated part again. For complete cleaning, repeat the procedure.

To clean old stains, you can use glycerin, heated in a water bath to a temperature of 30 - 40 degrees. Contamination is wiped off with a cotton swab moistened with warm glycerin. After cleaning the upper layers of the fabric, the product is impregnated with glycerin at the spot and left for half an hour, after which the clothes can be washed.

A paste made from a mixture of glycerin and table salt helps well, which is applied to the stain and left for 10-15 minutes. To prevent the mixture from drying out, cover the area with plastic wrap.

Borax is a rare chemical in the home, but if it is present, it will help wash out the most stubborn stains. Initially, contamination is covered with a cotton pad moistened with vodka or ethyl alcohol. After a few minutes, wipe the stain with a solution of borax in milk. After the procedure, wash the item as recommended by the product manufacturer.

This universal remedy is prepared in a water bath. Pour 50 g of grated laundry soap into a heated mixture of water (300 ml) and ammonia (50 ml). The resulting "porridge" is stirred until smooth and left in a water bath for 10 minutes.

After cooling, rub the contaminated area with a brush dipped in the solution, or gently wipe with a cotton swab. If necessary, repeat the procedure several times.

For cleaning, a mixture of 50 ml of turpentine oil and 30 g of table salt or a mixture of equal proportions of glycerin with turpentine oil is used.

The solution is applied to the contaminated area with a brush or sponge and left for half an hour.

For those who do not know what turpentine oil is. This is a regular refined turpentine, which can be purchased at any pharmacy called "gum turpentine" or at a hardware store. The latter option is used only as a last resort, since no one knows the degree and quality of cleaning.

Carefully! Turpentine is poisonous. If it gets on the mucous membranes, you can get a burn.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide, which is in the first aid kit, can cope with most clothing stains, but it should be used with caution. Peroxide is an oxygen-based bleach, and therefore can cause discoloration of dyes on colored fabrics. The advantage of hydrogen peroxide is the low concentration of the active substance (3%), so it acts gently, compared to conventional bleach, which was mentioned at the beginning of the article.

If these funds are not at home, then vinegar or citric acid can be found in any kitchen. Spots from white clothes are well washed with these substances, and for colored things they should be used with caution.

Lemon acid

Before applying the acid, the contaminated area must be rubbed with an ice cube, since the procedure must be carried out on a cold cloth.

Moisten the stain with lemon juice or a solution of citric acid and soak for a few minutes, then wash in warm soapy water.


Vinegar is used mixed with laundry detergent and baking soda. 50 g of powder and 15 g of soda are mixed with vinegar until a thick slurry is obtained. The foaming mass is applied to the stain and left for 5 minutes.

Coffee stains are difficult to remove completely. And the less time has passed, the easier it will be to clean the contaminated things. After the procedures, things should be washed in accordance with the type of fabric used.

Removing stains from clothes is a responsible business, and so that your T-shirt, sweater or jeans do not have to be thrown away, follow the tips.

It is highly desirable, before using the listed cleaning methods, before removing the stain from spilled coffee, check the effect of the solutions on the fabric, in an inconspicuous place of clothing, so as not to ruin things hopelessly. An extra half an hour will no longer play a role, but there will be confidence that, along with coffee stains, the colors will not fade and new pollution will not arise.

Using chemicals to clean clothes can cause an allergic reaction to some of them. To avoid undesirable consequences, it is better to work with rubber gloves and avoid getting chemicals on exposed skin.

Every coffee lover knows how difficult it is to wash clothes that have been splashed with this drink. Due to the unique coloring pigment contained in the composition of coffee beans, dark brown spots are firmly eaten into the fibers of the material. After all, it is not without reason that coffee is often used for dyeing yarn, fabric, and hair. Coffee stains are classified as complex stains, especially old ones. But in any case, you should not fall into despair, as there are several effective ways to eliminate the trouble and return the product to a respectable appearance.

Methods for removing stains depending on the fabric

There are many ways to remove coffee stains. You can choose among them the right one according to the type of fabric and prescription of pollution.

Before you start removing coffee stains, you need to ask what material the affected clothing is made of. Information about the composition of the matter can be found on the label sewn to the inner side seam of the product. Depending on the fabric, you should choose cleaning products and methods for removing stains.


The most common clothing from. Blouses, dresses and cotton can be rid of coffee stains in the following ways:

  • In a small container, mix 2 tbsp. l. ammonia and the same amount of turpentine. With a cotton swab or a piece of light cotton cloth soaked in the prepared solution, the stain is treated from the front side and from the inside. The thing is left for half an hour, allowing the mixture to be completely absorbed into the fibers of the material. After that, the product is washed with laundry soap. After such cleaning, it is better to dry cotton clothes in the sun.
  • You can get rid of coffee stains with table salt and glycerin. To do this, mix these two components and apply the resulting slurry to the site of contamination. After a few minutes, when the stains disappear, the product can be washed in the usual way.
  • Ordinary table vinegar is mixed with washing powder in such a way that a thick mass is obtained. The cleaner is applied to the dirty area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing and gently rubbed into the stain in a circular motion, moving from the edge to the middle. At the end of cleaning, the item must be washed.

Important! For colored cotton, do not use washing powder interspersed with bleaching granules.

Otherwise, in the place where there was a coffee stain, the fabric will lose color and it will be impossible to restore the damaged item.


Very often they suffer from spilled coffee, because not only clothes are made from flax, but also.

  • You can remove coffee stains from a linen tablecloth or napkin with boiling water. First, the soiled area is washed in warm water with laundry soap, after which the product is stretched over a basin or bathtub and boiling water is poured onto the contaminated area. The treatment is carried out until the stain disappears.
  • Oxalic acid can be used to remove old coffee stains. For this, 1 tbsp. l. acids are dissolved in 200 ml of warm water and the site of contamination is treated with a cotton swab dipped in the resulting compound. Then the product is washed in the usual way, adding a few tablespoons of ammonia when rinsing.


Fresh stains from delicate fabrics can be easily removed by washing things in cold water with the addition of ammonia.

When cleaning delicate fabrics, which include tulle, organza, one must act with extreme caution. Before starting work, it is necessary to test the action of the selected cleaning agent on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product and make sure that it does not change the structure of the fibers.

  • To remove fresh coffee stains, it is enough to wash the item in cold water, after adding a few drops of ammonia to the container.
  • Lactic acid, diluted with distilled or rain water, quickly copes with such pollution. To prepare a cleaning mixture, 5 g of acid is dissolved in 20 ml of water and the stain is abundantly moistened with the prepared product. After 20 minutes, the dirty area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing is washed and again treated with a mixture of water and lactic acid. This procedure must be repeated several times until the stain is completely dissolved, and at the end of the work, be sure to wash the thing in a typewriter or by hand.
  • Old coffee stains are especially difficult to deal with, and even after cleaning with lactic acid, unsightly yellow streaks can remain on silk. In this case, you should treat the fabric with glycerin, and then wash the clothes.
  • If glycerin is also helpless, you will have to use borax (double borate soda). The borax solution is applied to the affected area of ​​clothing and left for several hours, allowing the cleaning agent to be completely absorbed into the fibers of the fabric, after which the item is washed in a delicate mode.


Cleaning is best done with glycerin, which is pre-softened by heating. Melted glycerin is applied to the contaminated area and kept for 10-15 minutes so that the agent is absorbed into the material. Then the item is soaked in soapy water for 2 hours, washed and dried.

This method is not suitable for removing coffee stains from the surface of a wool coat or thick knitwear, that is, those products for which soaking is contraindicated. But a thin dress made of wool, trousers or a skirt can be brought into proper shape with the help of glycerin.

Ammonia will help get rid of contaminants. To prepare a cleaning agent 5 tsp. ammonia is dissolved in 1 liter. water. The dirty area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fabric is rubbed with alkaline soap and a brush dipped in a solution of ammonia, the stain is treated.


To remove coffee stains from clothing made from materials, you can use an alcohol solution. Pour 2 liters of warm water into a small container, add 4 tbsp. l. alcohol and wash contaminated clothing.

How to get a coffee stain out of a white shirt

If the stain is difficult to remove in the usual way, you can use a stain remover.

On white clothes, any stains are always more noticeable than on colored ones. Therefore, for those people who like to wear white blouses or shirts, it would be useful to know the methods and means of removing coffee stains from such materials:

  • As soon as drops of coffee get on clothes, in order to absorb excess liquid, it is necessary to immediately blot the fabric in a dirty place with a paper towel. Then, with a cotton pad immersed in hydrogen peroxide, gently treat the area of ​​​​contamination. Usually these simple steps are enough to remove a fresh coffee stain from light-colored clothes.
  • To remove old pollution, it is necessary to treat the fabric with hydrogen peroxide and wait for an hour until the liquid is completely absorbed into the fibers. At the end of cleaning, the item should be washed in the usual way.
  • If peroxide is not at hand, you can use citric and oxalic acid. To obtain a cleaning solution, pour 1 tsp into 200 ml of water. lemon and 2 tsp. oxalic acid, all components are mixed. The place of contamination is abundantly moistened with liquid and left for a quarter of an hour for the agent to work. They finish the work, as always, by washing the product.

Industrial products for coffee stains

Having noticed coffee stains on clothes, in no case should you put off washing in the long box, just as you should not throw the item into the washing machine without preliminary treatment. In the first case, fresh stains will dry out after a few hours and will be fixed on the material so firmly that it will be much more difficult to remove them. If the product with coffee stains is washed in a typewriter, then under the influence of high temperatures the pigment contained in the product will become brighter and more durable.

  • Affected clothing should be washed as soon as possible and soaked in warm water with the addition of dishwashing gel, biopowder or shampoo. Each of these products contains substances that allow you to get rid of food contamination.
  • A good housewife always has a stain remover that contains a solvent and absorbents and allows you to deal with difficult stains in a matter of minutes.
  • To clean white things, cleaning agents containing chlorine are suitable: Whiteness, Domestos or Pemolux. These chemicals are inexpensive, but quite effective.

Having spilled a cup of coffee at breakfast on your favorite skirt or white bathrobe, you need to start cleaning clothes as soon as possible - determine the composition of the fabric, choose the right cleaning agent and do the job carefully.

Every person has had embarrassing situations with coffee. After all, such a misfortune as pouring coffee on yourself can meet you at home, at work, in a cafe on a date, at an important meeting, or in other unexpected places. Therefore, in order to know how to behave in such a situation, it is worth familiarizing yourself with this topic in advance. So that when a speck appears on your favorite white blouse or trousers, you are not at a loss, but know how to wash it.

Rapid reaction

First of all, you need to know what you should do the minute an emergency occurs. If you are not at home, then you need to take urgent protective measures so that you can later wash the coffee from your clothes.

Laundry soap

Best of all, regular or laundry soap will help to quickly remove a fresh coffee stain. This is a tool that is used in every home, it can be found in any toilet of a cafe or restaurant. That is, of all the tools that can help you most quickly in such a situation, this tool is the most affordable. You just need to take off your clothes, soak them under running water, lather liberally and wash. And even if something remains, then it will be easier to finish it. It is usually much easier to remove dirt immediately than to remove old and dried coffee from a shirt, trousers or blouse.

Products by type of fabric

It is very important to deal with all available means. That is, to study the means that can be applied to different types of tissues. After all, if you do not understand this topic, and apply bleaching agents to colored things, then you will simply ruin your clothes. Or if you use greasy cleaners such as gasoline or oil on delicate silk fabrics, then instead of the issue of removing coffee, you will have an issue of removing fat.

Natural fabrics: cotton and linen

The removal of chocolate, cocoa or coffee from white cotton or linen fabrics is carried out by boiling the product in water with laundry soap. This method makes it possible to completely and completely get rid of any consequences of your negligence. Hot water softens the threads, and soap helps unwanted molecules to leave the fabric. Instead of soap, you can add a chlorine-containing whiteness agent to boiling water. And more elegant and delicate fabrics that you do not want to boil, you must first soak in water with soda. For 1 liter of water we take 15 grams of soda, soak for 30 minutes, then wash in the usual way. And in the end, pour hydrogen peroxide over the contaminated place, leave it to stand for a while and rinse.


Synthetic things need to be treated more carefully, because usually synthetics do not like high temperatures.

ammonia and ethyl alcohol

When removing coffee from polyester, use a mixture of alcohols. Prepare a solution of medical alcohol and water, add 4 tablespoons of ethyl alcohol and a spoonful of ammonia to 2 liters of water, stir, and soak the affected clothing in this solution for 5-10 minutes. After that, rinse the item under cool running water.

Delicate silk

How to understand whether coffee is washed from white clothes, if you do not try to do it. And even more so when it comes to silky fabrics. Silk itself is a very thin fabric, so it is usually necessary to apply the most delicate methods to it that will not cause harm. The methods described here may only be used to remove stains from white silks. And if you need to remove coffee grounds from a colored surface, then it is better to refer to the universal products that are described below.

Hydrogen peroxide

For absolutely white things, we prepare a peroxide concentrate with water in a ratio of 1: 1. And we carry out a hand wash in a solution. Do not soak or leave the peroxide for a long time, as the chemical will "eat" the shade of the fabric, and a bleached stain may form. Therefore, once the coffee mark has faded, thoroughly rinse the active chemical from the fabric to stop the reaction completely. This concentrate will also help to remove dirt from white denim (from jackets, trousers).

Woolen things

Speaking of woolen things, it will be a little more difficult to cope with the task, because you can’t wash the wool, after that it will become one big lump, and it will look like a neglected dog. In addition, in most cases, wool is colored, so concentrated bleaches should not be used on it.


But still, there is one way that can be applied to woolen things. This is the way with gasoline. You need to soak cotton wool in clean gasoline, and wipe the wool well. After that, wash off the gasoline with a solution of ammonia and water, mixed in equal proportions. If you are unable to get clean gasoline, look around the house for oil, it can be a substitute for fuel.

If you just need to wash your wool clothes, then you should do it very carefully, and without using force. That is, prepare lightly warm water of 30-35 degrees. Add 30 grams of ammonia to it, and a little shavings of baby soap (in order to soften the water). Soak clothes in this water for a short time, and then wash with careful movements, without pressing or twisting. When washed, rinsed, pulled out of the water and hung in such a position that the water flows freely. If you need to pick up a thing from the street, but it is still wet, spread it on a flat surface, placing a terry towel underneath. And leave the thing to dry completely.

mixed fabrics

It often happens that the fabric to be washed has various components in its threads. Or just clothes made from a combination of several fabrics. And how to do everything right in this situation to remove this ill-fated coffee stain from such clothes? This will make the procedure quite complicated for you, but you should not give up, you will succeed in removing coffee residues.

Potato starch

Potato starch is in the home kitchen of every housewife. And if not, then the grocery store definitely has it. Therefore, I want to pay attention to this tool. Before you begin to remove the coffee stain, you need to prepare a mixture of starch and water. We dilute the solution to the type of slurry. We apply it to the contaminated surface and rub it with a toothbrush, napkin, or cotton pad. Then wash off the mixture and dry. A yellowish mark will remain on the surface, which you can remove using any of the universal methods.

Universal ways

We want to present some universal life hacks that should help you in any case. The tools that we will talk about are used by many people, tested by time and practice, and 100% bring results.

dish gel

Many gels, solutions and liquids are used to wash dishes in modern times. The main task of these solutions is to fight fat, and assist in washing off all excess from the surface. Since we often drink coffee with milk or cream, then, in fact, the dishwashing gel will fulfill its direct duty, to wash off the fat. But, even if the coffee was black, anyway, this solution will help wash the color and will be a great helper in such a situation. You need to apply the gel to a damp cloth and wash off the dirt with light movements.

washing powder

Almost all people are familiar with washing powder, so there should be no problems with methods of using it. Pour warm water into a vessel, pour a little powder into it to form soapy water. Then we soak the contaminated clothes in water, and wash off everything that is easy to wash, after which we pour a little powder directly onto the stain and wash.

Stain removers

Glycerin, ammonia and turpentine

I would like to talk about some more stain removers, which are also often used in various similar situations. These methods combine glycerin, ammonia and turpentine. These methods can be used in various situations at your discretion. Of course, you must first make sure that these substances can be applied to the fabric of your soiled clothing.

The method with ammonia and glycerin has a fairly simple preparation. You need to stir 1 tablespoon of water and 1 tbsp. l. glycerin, add a few drops of ammonia, moisten a napkin in the solution and rub the blot well with it. After all just rinse in hot water. To remove old and dried stains, a solution of turpentine and ammonia works well. It is necessary to stir the liquids in a ratio of 1: 1, and rinse the stain well with it. You can leave it to stand for a while, then wash it.

With glycerin, you can combine table salt, which is also a chemical and can help you. It is necessary to make porridge from salt and glycerin, apply it to the fabric, and leave it to soak for half an hour. After all, clean the clothes from residues and wash.

Oxalic acid

Oxalic acid 5% solution must be applied to the contaminated surface, rubbed well, can be left for a short time to corrode the dirt. After that, it is necessary to rinse the solution out of the fabric well so that the chemical reaction does not continue. But this tool can be used for jeans or other hard and durable materials.

In hopeless cases

And if you have already tried everything, and nothing helped your clothes, one more recommendation that helps 99% of people. These are chemical stain removers that you can buy in specialized stores. They will be able to handle any, old and hopeless cases. And you do not have to hope for a long time, they will bring results quickly. To choose the best tool for your case, you can consult a competent seller.

Those who like to drink espresso on the go, late for work, and in the evenings to sit comfortably in an armchair with a cup of aromatic drink should be prepared for the fact that one careless movement - and now a dirty brown stain is already spreading along the sleeve of a snow-white shirt, instantly absorbed into a new carpet or spreads on a light tabletop. The main thing is not to panic! Next, we will take a closer look at how to remove coffee stains with improvised means.

General rules:

  • Coffee is quickly absorbed, and after drying, it seems to be tightly eaten into any material, coloring it. Therefore, the main thing in this fight is efficiency.
  • The easiest option is special stain removers. If there is no such remedy at hand, use the folk methods described below.
  • In order not to ruin clothes or furniture completely, test the product on a small area first. If after 10-15 minutes the color has not changed, proceed to the treatment of the contaminated area.
  • If you “planted” a stain on your clothes, first try to wash the problem area with powder or laundry soap.
  • Before you start removing dirt, remove excess coffee with a clean cloth or rag. Do not rub the stain - it will “spread” even more.

Removing coffee stains from clothes

Do not wash coffee-damaged clothes in hot water: dyes will penetrate even deeper into the structure of the fabric. The maximum temperature is 60°C.

To remove a fresh stain, use ordinary edible salt: blot the moisture with a napkin, cover the area with a dense layer of salt for several minutes. Remove leftovers, rinse clothes, then launder. Remove the remaining inconspicuous trace with soap.

Removing coffee stains from cotton or linen clothes is easy: use glycerin. Warm a small amount of this substance over steam, apply to the damaged area for half an hour, then rinse with warm water.

To remove a stain on silk, soak the stain with hydrogen peroxide. Traces of coffee on products made of thin fabric are also removed with hydrogen peroxide, but with an admixture of ammonia (in a ratio of 1: 1).

For synthetic fabrics, use pure ethyl alcohol (2 tablespoons per liter of water). Soak the item for 10 minutes, then wash.

A good effect on light things is given by glycerin and salt (dilute 1 teaspoon of fine salt with glycerin until a slurry is formed). Apply the mixture for 10-20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

Coffee stains on clothes should not be washed at temperatures above 60 degrees

Rub loose wool with laundry soap. Apply ammonia on top, gently rub it with a brush, then rinse with water. Remove the yellowish trace with hydrogen peroxide. A paste of washing powder and vinegar is effective (one tablespoon each). Apply the product on both sides of the fabric, gently rub in a circular motion, rinse the clothes.

For white items, choose a powder with bleaching granules, and for colored items, choose a regular one.

Soak clothes made of mixed fabric in a solution of soda ash (half a teaspoon per liter of water) for several minutes. Rinse several times, the last - with the addition of vinegar (half a teaspoon per liter of water).

Hydrogen peroxide can help remove coffee stains on whites. Pour a small amount of the substance on the contamination. As soon as the trace fades, rinse the clothes. For colored things, use kefir or milk: apply to a contaminated area and leave for half an hour.

How to get coffee stains out of furniture

Moisten the stain on light-colored furniture with water, apply a mixture of 9% vinegar and water (in a ratio of 1: 1). After 15 minutes, remove the remaining product with a clean cloth. If the contamination brightens but remains, repeat the procedure.

To remove a coffee stain from upholstered furniture, first blot excess moisture with a sponge moistened with soapy water, and then cover the problem area with salt and leave for 10 minutes. An alternative option is to treat the damaged surface with a window cleaner: the active ingredients in the composition do a good job with coffee.

On upholstered furniture, the stain has to be removed in several passes.

If you spilled Americano on a wooden countertop or similar surface, take some baking soda and gently rub it over the damaged area. Another way: treat the affected surface with a mixture of glycerin and ammonia (2 and 0.5 teaspoons, respectively). Leave the composition on the dirt for half an hour, then wipe the furniture with a dry, clean cloth.

Getting rid of coffee stains on carpet

Blot off excess liquid. Moisten the stain with a solution of glycerin (1 teaspoon per 500 ml of cold water). Leave on for 10-15 minutes, then remove the mixture, rinse the area with water and dry with a hair dryer.

Remove the stubborn stain with ammonia (1 tablespoon per liter of water). Wet the affected area, treat it with the mixture and leave for 30 minutes.

Apply 9% table vinegar (mixed in equal proportions with water) to the coffee stain, leave for 10 minutes, then rinse and dry the area.

Coffee stains quickly ruin a woolen carpet or an expensive high-pile product. Do not experiment - go to the dry cleaners.

Features of removing stains from coffee with milk

Before you start getting rid of traces of cappuccino or latte, degrease the surface. Use laundry soap: rub it on the damaged area, then rinse off the foam. As an option: treat the stain with glycerin heated in a steam bath, leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with water and dry (a towel or napkin will do).

Before removing the stain from coffee with milk, you must first degrease

Potato starch helps well: make a gruel by mixing it with water, treat the place of contamination, rinse.

A stain from coffee with milk cannot be removed with hot water: due to the high temperature, the protein will curl up, and it will become difficult to completely get rid of the stubborn trace.

Removing old coffee stains

Method number 1. Soak clothes for at least two hours in salt water. After normal washing, rinse well, changing the water several times.

Method number 2. Cold milk will help. Soak clothes first in milk, and then in soapy water, then wash in the usual way.

Method number 3. Pour an old coffee stain for 10-15 minutes with a 10% solution of borax (sodium tetraborate, sold in a pharmacy), then rinse the clothes thoroughly.