Mussels useful properties for women. Gifts of the seas: mussels - benefit and harm to humans

Not everyone loves mussels, but whoever eats them regularly gets a large dose of vitamins, micro and macro elements with each serving. They provide the main energy value due to the high protein content, and unsaturated fats make them useful for of cardio-vascular system. Mussel meat is extremely useful for male potency, and in women it is responsible for the beauty of the skin, hair and nails.

Substance Content, mg per 100 g % of daily allowance*
Vitamin A 0,48 6
Vitamin C 8 22
Calcium 26 3
Iron 3,95 37
Magnesium 34 9
Vitamin B-6 0,05 5
Vitamin B-12 0,16 400
Sodium 0,369 15
Potassium 0,268 7
Zinc 1,6 15
Selenium 0,448 50

* the norm is calculated from the average daily caloric intake of 2000 kcal

Calorie content. How many calories are in 100 g of product?

100 g of mussels contains 172 kcal. At the same time, a person will receive the main percentage of energy due to protein:

24 g of protein is half (48%) of the daily value. You should also pay attention to the content of cholesterol in this seafood. In 100 g of mussels, its weight is 56 mg, which is 18% of the daily requirement.

IMPORTANT! Scientists have not come to a consensus on whether cholesterol obtained from food can increase the level of this substance in the blood, so it is better to play it safe and monitor the level of its intake into the body.

If mussels are served in oil, then their calorie content increases dramatically due to the appearance of additional fat, but mussels in brine have almost the same energy value as seafood without additives.

Benefits for human health

Mussels have the richest and useful composition from all shellfish. Thanks to several fatty acids at once, frequent consumption of mussel meat contributes to:

  • Improving brain activity;
  • Reducing the risk of arthritis;
  • Beauty and health of the skin;
  • Prevention of atherosclerosis.

Mussels are also an excellent source of well-absorbed vitamins and minerals. For example, zinc is responsible for the strength of immunity, which is important for residents northern latitudes. And in terms of the content of iron and folic acid, this mollusk competes with red meat. In addition, the substances contained in mussels:

  • Contribute to normal growth and cell division;
  • Helps the taste and olfactory receptors to work properly;
  • Ensure normal circulation of oxygen between organs;
  • Control the level of thyroid hormone production;
  • Reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Of course, these vitamins are also found in other foods, so healing properties it is the mussels that remain in question, but regular use their food keeps the body in good shape. For example, mussels for diabetes help reduce the risk of obesity.

Benefits and harms for men

The main benefit of mussels is their high protein content. It helps to build muscle mass if a person plays sports, promotes the production of the hormone testosterone, keeps the nervous system in good shape and makes it easier to endure stress. Iodine and zinc also help men's health. The latter is useful for potency: it affects reproductive function, ensures normal viscosity of seminal fluid and sperm activity.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids strengthen the walls of blood vessels and support the work of the heart muscle. Since men are more prone to the development of cardiovascular diseases, regular consumption of seafood, and in particular mussels, is very useful for them. And another useful property of this mollusk is the aphrodisiac effect. They contribute to the fact that the male body secretes special pheromones that attract the opposite sex.

Benefits and harms for women

Girls who suffer from skin problems (excessive dryness or increased oiliness, persistent acne or acne scars) will benefit from such healing properties of mussels as control in collagen production and rapid renewal of old skin layers. The amino acids and polyunsaturated fats contained in mussels help strengthen nails and are very beneficial for hair. And since female body requires 2 times more iron than men, these seafood will help in the prevention of anemia.

The benefits of mussels for weight loss (diet)

Due to the high protein content, mussels can be actively included in their menu for both losing weight and adhering to proper nutrition people. In everyday life, there are 2 most popular diets, the menu of which includes mussels: Mediterranean and seafood mono-diet.

The Mediterranean diet is based on exemplary diet inhabitants of the coastal regions of Greece and Italy. Her menu is as balanced as possible, but at the same time, the calorie intake is taken into account, which ranges from 1300 to 1500 kcal per day.

For her, there are the following rules for the use of products:

  • Various cereals should be on the table every day (rice, millet, bulgur, dark wheat pasta, etc.);
  • Vegetables and fruits;
  • AT small quantities olive oil;
  • Daily use fermented milk products and low-fat cheeses;
  • Fish and seafood are a must in the daily diet;
  • Red meat is almost completely absent.

The Mediterranean diet not only promotes weight loss, but is also recognized by nutritionists as a good model of proper nutrition. Mussels are consumed up to 3 times a week. And with pancreatitis, this can be an excellent dietary food, because boiled or baked seafood without oil is included in the diet of patients with a diseased pancreas.

A diet based entirely on the use of seafood alone is protein. This means that between meals a person does not feel hungry for a long time, but at the same time there is a strong Negative influence on the kidneys. Such a diet can not be followed for more than 4 days, so as not to harm the body. All meals are divided into 4-5 servings, while following the maximum daily calorie intake is not necessary. You can’t eat vegetables or cereals these days, but ready meals can be watered lemon juice. On seafood, including mussels, you can lose up to 2 kg in 4 days.

Benefits and harms during pregnancy

Mussels and other foods are very beneficial for pregnant women:

  • 1. They are rich in protein, which is necessary for the unborn baby;
  • 2.Trace element content is superior to any animal meat;
  • 3. Polyunsaturated fatty acids help the proper development of the fetus and the normal course of pregnancy.

Mussels are easier to digest than regular meat, and since pregnant women often have digestive problems, this is very important property. But do not forget about the measure, because too much consumption of mussels due to the high cholesterol content can harm the body. In addition, pregnant women should choose these mollusks very carefully in the store, because if poisoning can affect the fetus. And it’s definitely worth eating only mussels cooked on fire, even if you have the opportunity to try those that have just been harvested from the sea.

Harm and contraindication of mussels for humans

Since mussels are a natural water purification filter, they accumulate toxins in themselves. But if the mollusk lives in running water, then they are quickly removed from his body. Here lies the main problem: most of the mussels on our shelves do not grow in vivo, but in special closed enclosures.

IMPORTANT! Such barriers in Japan and Turkey are placed directly into the sea, so you can buy shellfish from these countries without fear. But

Korea and China do not always boast this type of production, so these suppliers are best avoided.

Mussels should be avoided for gout, because they contain some protein compounds that are converted by the human body into uric acid. As a result, it can settle on the joints and provoke discomfort. Mussels should not be abused with low blood clotting.

ATTENTION! Mussels are a common allergen, and if a person already has a food allergy to other seafood, then there is a risk that they should avoid mussels as well.

Due to the high risk of developing allergies, mussels are prohibited when breastfeeding, and it is possible to introduce them into the food of a child not earlier than 3 years.

Answers to popular questions

Which is healthier: mussels or shrimp?

Both of these mollusks are useful for humans to about the same extent. They have a similar composition in terms of useful micro and macro elements, but differ only in their percentage. Where mussels are inferior, shrimp are in the lead and vice versa. But if we talk about energy value, then mussels are almost twice as high in calories as shrimp. This happens due to the almost complete absence of fat in the latter, although the level of cholesterol in 100 g reaches 68% of the daily norm. So every person has the right to decide for himself whether he should eat mussels or shrimp.

How best (and in what form) to eat mussels

If it is possible to purchase freshly caught mussels, that is, they can also be raw. If they were purchased from a store far from their place of production, then they must be cooked.

IMPORTANT! A cooked dish with mussels must be eaten immediately, because it cannot be stored.

Mussels are served chilled with lemon wedges. If the product had to be thawed, then most often the shells are baked or boiled. Under the influence of heat, the sashes will open, and if this does not happen, then the mussel is spoiled and must be thrown away. Ready meat is added to risotto, done with them Italian pasta or added to salads. Also, mussels are mixed with shrimp and other seafood, laid out in portions and offered to guests as an appetizer at any celebration.

In stores, you can buy ready-made jars, inside of which there will be canned mussels: in oil or in brine. It is better to eat such molluscs within a day after opening the package. It is worth paying attention to the manufacturer and the country of origin of the raw materials. It is better to buy such canned food that was produced from fresh shellfish in a seaside country.

Norms for eating mussels (daily rate)

You can consume no more than 500 g of mussels with a shell or 300 g without a shell per day. They can be eaten as independent dish, but it is better to dilute carbohydrate-rich cereals or pasta with them. For example, in Italy popular dishes are spaghetti and risotto with mussels. If you eat mussels more than the prescribed norm, then nothing bad will happen to a person, but this will greatly complicate the digestion process due to the high protein content.

Let's sum up the benefits of mussels

So, mussel meat is extremely useful due to its high protein content and rich composition of vitamins and minerals. In the form of various diets, it will help to lose a few extra pounds, and for some diseases it will become part of a useful diet. diet food. Mussels have special benefit for men's health, but also help women maintain their beauty. Do not eat this seafood fresh during pregnancy and in no other way and during breastfeeding. Mussels are a storehouse of irreplaceable substances, so from time to time you should pamper yourself with this overseas delicacy to maintain good health.

News that helps!

In recent decades, pollution of the oceans has become a global problem. The more important is the activity of its inhabitants - bivalve mollusks, which are natural filter feeders. The cleansing function in the marine ecosystem is successfully performed by shrimp, oysters and mussels. However, the benefits of mussels are not limited to this. Mussels - the healthiest delicacy with a delicate and special taste.

Mussel business card


The formula for losing weight is simple - burn more calories than you consume. But how can this be achieved in practice? Exhausting yourself with complex and often dangerous diets is very risky. Spending a lot of money and time on the gym is not for everyone according to their abilities. Kartunkova called the mistake of all LOSSING WEIGHT: “Girls, just lose weight, here is the recipe: before breakfast ...”

Each of the valves of the mussel shell reaches a length of up to 20 cm. Its convex valves are covered with mother-of-pearl from the inside. The body of the mussel, called the muscle, is "clothed" in a mantle. The edible part is a muscle with a mantle and a liquid enclosed between the valves.

A muscle is an organ of movement that has lost its function. At the base of this rudiment is a gland that secretes a liquid substrate (byssus). Once in the water, these protein compounds harden, turning into thin threads. With their help, the mollusk is attached to underwater objects.

Mussel road to the gourmet table

Mussels, as a delicious and nutritious seafood, were known to people tens of thousands of years ago. These mollusks live in all regions of the oceans. For industrial production, they are grown artificially on the seabed. Growing up, they are attached to special platforms. At the “age” of 18 months, the mollusk colonies reach industrial sizes, and their collection begins. Directly from farms, they go to processing plants, and from there to distribution points.

Packages with these clams can be purchased at supermarkets and served at the table by preparing them yourself.

There are a lot of recipes for cooking mussels:

  • they are boiled and fried;
  • stewed in special sauces;
  • pickled, salted and even smoked.

Their light, soft, sweet-tasting meat goes well with a wide variety of foods, including pasta and vegetables. However, the benefits of these dishes remain only immediately after preparation. Warmed mussels, instead of the expected benefits, can cause irreparable harm (up to poisoning).

Growing mussels is an extremely profitable business. Since, unlike the artificial rearing of fish, these mollusks do not need food, they get it on their own. Canadian Eskimos mine them all year round. They even developed a technique for collecting mussels under ice.

Vitamin and mineral complex of mussels

Undoubtedly, their meat is a magnificent delicacy. But the wide demand for this product is not so much due to its palatability how much of its nutritional value.

In its composition:

  • more than 20 polyunsaturated fatty amino acids;
  • a large number of various trace elements, and the amount of cobalt is 10 times higher than its content in chicken meat;
  • vitamin groups B,D, PP and E.
  • Proteins, in the amount of which oyster meat surpasses beef and fish.

Such a richness of the composition allows not only to diversify the diet, but perfectly replenishes the reserves of essential substances in the body. The benefits of mussels are also great for people concerned about extra pounds. Since their high nutritional value is combined with a low calorie content.

The medical aspect of eating mussels

1. The benefits of these mollusks are due to the uniqueness of their composition:

  • amino acids, reducing cholesterol levels, prevent vascular thrombosis, the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases and brain pathologies, including Alzheimer's disease;
  • phosphatides activate cellular metabolism in the nervous tissue and tissues of the brain, liver and heart;
  • high cobalt content stimulates the endocrine system;
  • natural antioxidants contained in these treasures of the deep sea, warn premature aging and development of oncological processes;
  • like all seafood mussels work better thyroid gland, eliminate the accompanying manifestations of its anomalies;
  • since her body is almost entirely composed of protein, the benefits of mussels in building up are undeniable muscle mass and the male sex hormone testosterone.

2. However, regularly including mussels in your diet, you should be aware of what harm is hidden between the two wings of this mollusk.

The beginning of our story was devoted to the cleansing function in its habitat. "In good faith" performing filtration and purification of water, these "hard workers" accumulate in themselves substances and microorganisms that are completely unnecessary to a person. Including the dangerous substance saxitoxin, which, at a sufficiently high concentration, can cause significant harm, expressed in a nerve-paralytic effect on a person.

To minimize this harm, conscientious mussel growers keep them in clean, running water for a month before selling them. This procedure allows you to completely rid the mussels of unwanted components.

The benefits of eating freshly caught mussels are completely doubtful. Even special treatment with temperature or acidic compounds does not rid this delicacy of poisonous components that can harm the person who eats them.

Fresh-frozen mussels in special packaging are sold on Russian shelves. Having unfrozen these "beauties" - sniff. They should exude only the smell of the sea. Others unpleasant odors, they talk about the depravity of the product.

A small but nice tip - the best companion for mussels is white wine. And it does not matter - in a glass or in the form of seasoning.

Among the gifts that the sea presents us, mussels are one of the most accessible. Great taste and excellent nutritional properties have made these little shells a gourmet favorite around the world. However, when talking about useful qualities sea ​​delicacy, as well as about possible harm from their use, there are quite a lot of controversial points.

The composition and calorie content of mussels

By the amount of protein, mussels have gone far ahead of most types of meat and fish. But they contain very little fat and carbohydrates, so they calorie content is only 77 kcal per 100 grams. Thus, marine mollusks - welcome guest on the table of those who lose weight and those who play sports.

In addition to protein, mussels contain a lot of vitamins D, E, PP and B. They can be considered champions of all seafood in terms of fatty polyunsaturated acids(especially a lot of phosphatides and arachidonic acid), iodine, magnesium, manganese, calcium, iron and zinc. The abundance of antioxidants makes mussel meat a real “beauty” product that prolongs youth.

What are the benefits of mussels?

Regular use of mussels has a simply magical effect on the body: bones become stronger, skin is smoothed and seems to glow from the inside, internal organs work more harmoniously nervous system ceases to present unpleasant "surprises" in the form of unexpected nervous stresses or painful insomnia.

Anti-inflammatory properties make mussels a good adjuvant in the treatment of diseases of the joints and bone apparatus. They are good for stimulating blood circulation, removing toxins and toxins. Like other seafood, mussels have a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland.

Mussels increase immunity, help to recover from many serious diseases. There is also an opinion that they are the most powerful natural aphrodisiac, so they are recommended to be taken by men with sexual dysfunctions.

And what are the disadvantages?

As it happens, they also exist. Mussels are a kind of natural sponge that collects everything that is contained around them. Therefore, shellfish that lived in a polluted environment should not be eaten. They can be poisonous and cause serious poisoning. However, this statement is correct only for "free range" mussels. Shellfish, which are bred on special farms, are safe, because on such farms they monitor the purity of the water.

Otherwise, mussels have practically no contraindications for use. Only those who suffer from diseases associated with blood clotting disorders are advised to limit their amount in the diet. And, of course, this is a forbidden product for anyone who is allergic to all kinds of seafood.

How to cook mussels?

It should be noted that it is most useful to use mussels either as an independent dish without any auxiliary components, or as part of light salads with exclusively protein ingredients, without fatty dressings or sauces.

Maximum concentration useful substances preserved in freshly caught mussels that have been lightly fried in a pan until the shells open slightly. After that, they can be lightly sprinkled with lemon juice and immediately start eating the delicacy.

For those who are not mentally prepared for such culinary delights, there are many other options: boiled, fried or baked mussels. They are used as an independent dish, and as a filling for pies, risotto, pizza, pasta. Prepare on their basis a variety of sauces and salads, add to soups.

Seafood has long been considered a delicacy. However, it is mussels that nutritionists call the most the right product for men and women.

Why are mussels useful and how to choose fresh and healthy seafood?

Today there are about 30 different varieties mussels.


Mussels are marine bivalve mollusks that live in almost all parts of the oceans. People began to engage in artificial cultivation of seafood in antiquity. Regardless of the variety and size of mussels, they are all very useful for the human body. Unique properties product is determined by its composition. So what are the benefits of mussels?

  • Protein. The main component in the composition of seafood is high-quality protein, which is well absorbed by the human body;
  • Phosphatides. These substances favorably affect the functioning of the liver;
  • Vitamins. A, E, B, PP and C contained in large quantities in mussels make this product one of the most powerful antioxidants;
  • Omega 3. Unsaturated fatty acids have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, lower cholesterol levels and at the same time do not affect the figure in any way;
  • Iron. 100 grams of mussels contain 4 mg of iron, which is 22% daily allowance element. Their regular use will help protect the body from anemia;
  • Selenium. This mineral in the composition of mussels prevents the development of malignant tumors, and also neutralizes the action of carcinogens. By the way, mussels contain about 65% of the daily value of selenium.

If we talk about the calorie content of mussels, then here they bypass many other types of seafood. So 100 grams of mussels contain only 50 kcal and 1 gram of fat.

Beneficial features

What are the health benefits of mussels? Nutritionists attribute to them a lot of medicinal properties and strongly recommend that everyone eat at least 100-200 grams of these seafood 2-3 times a week. What effect can mussels have on our body? Let's look at a few of their properties:

  • Reducing the risk of developing cancer;
  • Prevention of arthritis and atherosclerosis;
  • Strengthening the immune system, providing a general tonic effect on the body;
  • Stimulation of the hematopoietic process;
  • Improvement of the digestive act;
  • Rapid recovery of the body after intensive physical activity and operations;
  • Cleanses blood vessels and liver from harmful toxic substances;
  • Strengthening nails and hair.

Mussels are one of those products that are included in the menu of many therapeutic diets. So, for example, doctors advise eating boiled mussels in the treatment and prevention of cholecystitis and cirrhosis.

The benefits of mussels for women

For the fair sex, mussels are especially useful. Firstly, their regular use significantly improves the condition of hair and nails due to the high content of phosphorus and calcium. Secondly, they are low-calorie and contain protein that is easily digestible by the body, which makes mussels an indispensable product for weight loss. What are the benefits of mussels for women yet? And finally, thirdly, seafood can enhance a woman's sexual desire. This fact has long been scientifically explained: special amino acids in mussels stimulate the production of female hormones, thereby increasing sexual desire.

Benefits for men

But not only women should include this product in their diet. For the representatives of the stronger sex, mussels are, first of all, a powerful aphrodisiac. Zinc in their composition enhances potency, and vitamins energize and increase endurance during intercourse. Speaking about how useful mussels are for men, it is worth recommending them to those who often and regularly play sports. The high-quality protein in mussels promotes muscle growth.

Harm of mussels

In some cases, eating mussels is dangerous to health. As you know, these mollusks live in the open ocean. Filtering water through themselves, they accumulate both useful and harmful substances - poisons, toxins and pathogens. Once in the human body, they can cause a wide variety of disorders. One of the most dangerous is paralytic poisoning. Therefore, you should buy mussels only from trusted sellers. Also, in order to avoid poisoning, be sure to cook seafood, and before cooking, wash them thoroughly in running water.

Find out more on the topic

Mussels are a family of marine bivalves. In a narrower sense, only the type genus of the family, Mytilus, is called mussels. Representatives of this group live throughout the oceans.

Some (genera Mytilus, Perna, Crenomytilus) are important fishery objects, along with representatives of another family of bivalve mollusks - oysters (Ostreidae). The shells of these mollusks are symmetrical and can close very tightly.

Artificial breeding of mussels is rooted in the deep past. There are special farms for growing mussels. It's interesting and difficult process, invented in 1234 by Irish sailors. Previously, sailors lowered oak poles into the sea and planted clams with caviar on them.

Currently, mussels are grown on the seabed, on special platforms or on ropes. After 18 months, the mussels in the colonies reach the desired size and are ready to be harvested.

Useful properties of mussels

Mussel meat is a pure high-quality protein. It is rich in phosphatides. Which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver. These mollusks are quite fatty, but the so-called "healthy" fat, which includes especially useful polyunsaturated fatty acids. These are special substances that improve brain function and restore former visual acuity.

The composition of mussels includes various trace elements, including zinc, manganese, iodine, cobalt, copper, about 20 essential amino acids, as well as vitamins B2, B6, B1, PP, and also. In addition, mussels are an excellent antioxidant. Especially a lot of cobalt in mussels: almost ten times more than in pork, beef and chicken liver.

A scientifically proven fact is that eating this mollusk reduces the risk of cancer, is an excellent tool for the prevention of arthritis. Mussels are also famous for their ability to strengthen the immune system.

The properties of mussels have been proven by clinical trials to resist cancer, arthritis, and also increase the body's immune defenses. Moreover, mussels are a natural antioxidant, since they contain vitamin E, as well as vitamins B and D, trace elements and biologically active substances. In terms of nutritional value, they are often equated with chicken eggs, because the protein of mussels contains all the necessary amino acids.

Mussels are characterized by a pleasant delicate taste, high nutritional value and highly effective medicinal properties, useful for improving metabolism, stimulating the process of hematopoiesis, increasing overall tone, strengthening immunity. Mussels are recommended various diseases blood, high radiation.

Mussel meat is different high content glycogen and minerals. This product contains more than 30 different macro and microelements, almost the entire group of vitamins, including provitamin D3, a number of enzymes that improve digestion.

Mussel fat is distinguished by an exceptionally high content of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially arachidonic, as well as large quantity phosphatides. Mussel fat contains cholesterol, but since there is very little fat in mussels, therefore, the amount of cholesterol is negligible.

Very often, mussels are cooked on a hot sheet of metal or a small grill set on coals. A kind of barbecue is also made from mussels, stringing marinated meat on wooden skewers. Salads are prepared from mussels, they are marinated, added to roasts and pilaf. There are those who prefer to eat mussels raw. But this is not recommended. This shellfish is in perfect harmony with lemon juice and fine white wine. In such a composition, a real delicacy is obtained.

Dangerous properties of mussels

Mussels are not advised to use for goutbecause, like other mollusks, they are rich in protein compounds that are converted into uric acid. It is she who forms crystals that are deposited in the joints, causing pain.

Mussels can also cause allergies, including cross-allergy, which is due to the similarity of allergenic structures. In addition, do not allow the use of this product in violation of blood clotting.

In nature, mussels are filter feeders and pass a lot of water through themselves (an average of 70-80 liters), purifying the liquid from various substances that are dangerous to all living things and harmful microorganisms. Therefore, after a certain time, a strong nerve poison called saxitoxin accumulates in them. Its large amount is not safe for people, and mussels can cause irreparable harm to the body instead of a positive effect.

However, if you choose the right mussels, you can reduce the risk of poisoning with saxitoxin to zero. So, doctors recommend refusing to purchase bad-smelling mollusks, products with broken and whitish shells. General rules The choices say that the shells should be tightly closed and not damaged, and nothing should hang out inside.

River mussels are very tasty if you know how to properly clean and cook them. This video will show you how to do it.