Rooibos tea: useful properties, contraindications, benefits and harms. For special categories

Not everyone knows about such a drink as rooibos, but having familiarized themselves with its properties and benefits for the body, they will probably rush to try it.

Initially, rooibos herb for brewing tea was used only by aboriginal African tribes, and in Europe they learned about an amazing plant only in the 20th century. Now you can buy it in any store and regularly prepare a delicious healthy drink.

Perhaps the history of any tea is not shrouded in such legends and myths as the history of rooibos tea. Translated as red bush. Tea is the true drink of the indigenous tribes living in South Africa. The native tribes deeply believed that this drink was given to them by the ancient Bushmen as an elixir of a healthy and long life. That it is the source of longevity.

The raw material for tea comes from the rooibos bush. He looks rather strange. Long red branches, more like needles, that's all the "splendor". How many did not try to grow this shrub in other climatic conditions and regions - nothing gave success. Only on the lands of South Africa remains its natural location. Planting material in the form of seeds is collected at the end of winter in February, and planted on plantations in the summer. However, high-quality raw materials for tea can be obtained from it only after a year and a half. The term for the collection of raw materials falls on the beginning of spring March, raw materials in the form of branches and leaves are cut off and sent for further processing.

Tea came to the European continent in the form of an exotic drink at the beginning of the last century, and was not evaluated as something that stood out too much. Only connoisseurs of tea business - the Japanese in a new way discovered the properties of a new drink for Europeans, discovering in it a lot of wonderful, useful qualities. It should be noted that the rooibos variety is both green and red. It all depends on the fermentation of the feedstock.

To obtain the red color of the leaves, a natural fermentation procedure is used. And then, at the end of the process, they are dried under the hot sun. As a result, the tea turns out to be slightly sweetish in taste and has a pronounced woody tint. The natives prefer just such tea, they drink it strongly brewed and sweetened. Rooibos is also prepared instead of coffee; by the way, it is not inferior to it in terms of tonic properties and strength.

Rooibos or rooibos - what is this product

The name of the tea drink is given by the name of the plant that became its basis. The African shrub rooibos, or rooibos, which means "red bush", has very fragrant leaves and twigs - a wonderful tea raw material.

A shrub of the legume family is now gaining popularity all over the world, it is cultivated everywhere. The most common use of rooibos tea is in South Africa, many other African countries, as well as in Japan, where everything natural and healthy is valued.

Rooibos comes in two shades - red and green, for which they are used different ways processing. Cut young leaves and branches are crushed, steamed immediately, and the finished raw material will be green.

If, after harvesting, the greens are sent for fermentation, the rooibos will be red. The taste of green tea is grassy, ​​delicate, red - sweetish, with woody notes.

Composition of rooibos tea

The benefits of rooibos are undeniable - this plant contains a huge amount of antioxidants that prolong youth, quench the effects of free radicals, and prevent the formation of tumors.

The composition contains vitamins and minerals, which determine the benefits and harms of rooibos tea.

The mineral composition of the plant is the richest: These are vitamins C and E, nine flavonoids (including aspalatin, quercetin, notophagin), a number of enzymatic antioxidants. Of the latter, superoxide dismutase is especially effective, thanks to which rooibos extract is produced and used in medicine.

Rooibos drink contains rutin, vitamin A, vitamin PP, about a hundred aromatic oils, eight phenolcarboxylic acids, and phytoncides. There is also glucose in rooibos, so even children will like the drink from it - because of the pleasant sweetness.

Rooibos also contains natural tetracycline. Thanks to this feature african tea considered a powerful natural antibiotic. Its regular use brings tremendous benefits to the body, providing reliable protection against viruses and infections.

Rooibos tea: 13 health benefits

Representatives of South African tribes have long discovered in a valuable drink the ability to rid themselves of many ailments. Including from disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and colic in the abdomen of babies. But not only because of this, tea has become one of the most popular drinks among the European population. Rooibos is well recommended for:

Cardiovascular health

Quercetin, a powerful antioxidant found in tea, has been strongly linked to a wide range of heart disease. It is able to lower blood pressure, and being an antioxidant scavenges free radicals. It helps to improve the level of good (good) cholesterol and removes bad cholesterol from the body, providing additional protection to the heart and protecting it from diseases such as heart attack, stroke and atherosclerosis.

cosmetic effect

Rooibos tea contains alpha hydroxy acids and zinc in its composition, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Alpha hydroxy acids have become very popular in cosmetic applications due to their ability to reduce wrinkles and other signs. premature aging. Zinc has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Compresses on the skin from this tea are able to treat such ailments as acne, pimples, sunburn and other similar skin diseases. Minerals and especially essential oils of tea help it acquire excellent tonic and rejuvenating properties. Beauticians include tea in many facial skin care products.

Help with hypertension

Hypertension is a disease accompanied by an increase in blood and arterial pressure, which often leads to cardiovascular disorders, and sometimes to heart attacks. Rooibos tea is known for its anti-stress and nervous properties and lowers blood pressure. With such a disease as hypertension, associated with jumps in blood and arterial pressure, rooibos tea performs the function of strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

Help with allergies

In South Africa, rooibos tea is used as an effective treatment for allergies, eczema, hay fever, and allergic bronchitis. It has anti-inflammatory properties due to its phenolic acid content, which is why it is also prescribed for asthma and allergic reactions. various types all over the body. Rooibos contains Quercetin, a powerful polyphenolic antioxidant that has antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects on the body. Quarcetin-based preparations help to ease the body's response to pollen and other seasonal irritants.

Help with acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory infections

Tea is distinguished by persistent mucolytic, expectorant action. It is drunk with acute manifestations of ARVI diseases and sore throats. It thins the phlegm in the lungs and helps to clear it out.

Prevention of diabetes

Unique polyphenols Aspalathin is one of the rare antioxidants that are present in rooibos tea. It has a number of unique qualities that normalize blood sugar levels, improve insulin resistance, improve glucose uptake by muscles, and increase insulin secretion from the pancreas. All this is an excellent defense against diabetes Type II, one of the most common at present.

For depression and neurosis

Tea can be drunk both during the day and at night. Moreover, in the morning it has an invigorating state, and in the evening it will help to calm down and put the nerves in order.

Rejuvenating effect

The antioxidants present in rooibos tea can slow down the aging process of the human body, as well as increase stamina. immune system. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals in the body that damage the skin, hair, bones, and other organs of the body, making them vulnerable to disease and damage. Rooibos tea is one of the strongest drinks in terms of antioxidant content. It also reduces the effects of oxidative effects in the brain, which helps prevent Alzheimer's disease.

Bone health

Rooibos red tea is rich in calcium, manganese and fluorine. They provide invaluable support for bone tissue and strengthen teeth. The presence of calcium in tea helps to significantly reduce the possibility of diseases such as chronic arthritis, osteoporosis, relieve joint pain. The presence of manganese stimulates enzymes that affect bone growth and repair existing damage. About fluoride, everyone remembers when it comes to teeth. All mouthwashes and pastes contain fluoride. So, you can not only drink roubush tea, but also rinse your mouth with it. Your teeth will only say thank you. The presence of calcium in rooibos tea makes it a popular drink for those who lead an active lifestyle, and especially for athletes. He helps on optimal level maintain the balance of minerals in the body and for people involved in heavy physical labor.

Digestive health.

Rooibos tea is an excellent antispasmodic. It is able to reduce spasm and relieve pain in the abdomen. Due to the action of potassium ions, hyperactivity in the gastrointestinal tract is reduced, diarrhea and other intestinal disorders are prevented. It will also relieve the unpleasant symptoms of nausea, heartburn, and will have a mild effect on gastric motility.

Does not contain caffeine

Doctors recommend this tea to people suffering from insomnia. A cup of rooibos tea, drunk before bedtime, will help you relax and fall asleep peacefully. After all caffeine addiction is the most common throughout the world, but not many people are aware of this danger to themselves. In turn, tea will give strength and energy without caffeine influence.

Newborn health

Rooibos tea can be useful not only for adults, but also for children, even very young ones. African women have long used sweetened rooibos milk tea to relieve bloating in children and colic in toddlers.

Help with urolithiasis

The composition of tea does not contain oxalic acid and this makes it possible to use it in any quantity for people suffering from urolithiasis. Those suffering from stone kidney disease usually need to be selective in their choice of drinks such as tea. oxalic acid in many other teas increases existing stones. In turn, in rooibos tea, it is completely absent, and this makes it an exception. Tea can be successfully included in any therapeutic diet.

Use during pregnancy

Since rooibos is completely caffeine-free, it can be drunk by both adults and young children. And for pregnant women and during the feeding period, this drink can become a pleasant natural supplement that will saturate the body with useful substances, rejuvenate and heal the body.

Useful and healing properties of rooibos tea during pregnancy:

  • Has a relaxing effect. Allows you to calmly relate to unexpectedly arising life difficulties.
  • Removes excess fluid.
  • Has an analgesic effect. Eases morning sickness.
  • Treats sleep disorders.
  • Prevents constipation. Has a positive effect on digestion.
  • Prevents anemia.

Drinking a cup of tea, the body of a pregnant woman is saturated with iron, folic acid (very useful for the mother and her unborn child), vitamin B12.

Rooibos contains a small amount of tannins, no more than 3% (these substances prevent the normal absorption of Fe), which allows you to get this very important trace element in sufficient quantities.

Methods of application in traditional medicine

Rooibos can be consumed not only as a tasty and healthy drink, but also used to achieve various healing and cosmetic purposes. It is recommended to rinse your hair with tea for their healing and restoration, wipe your face or make lotions based on it.

The brewing process is no different from the traditional way of making black tea. One or two teaspoons of rooibos are poured with boiling water and infused for at least 15-20 minutes, after which it is ready for consumption or use in traditional medicine recipes.

Rooibos for weight loss:

  • quenching thirst and hunger (if you use rooibos several times during the day in a warm form, then your appetite may decrease, due to which there will be a faster saturation with food, in addition, tea removes excess fluid from the body, replenishes the supply of vitamins, does not increase the acidity of gastric juice, cleans cells from free radicals);
  • addition to the diet (after brewing, tea particles can be added to almost any diet meals, for example, for pastries, cocktails or sweet sauces, in addition, pancakes can be prepared on the drink, replacing milk or kefir with them, these culinary experiments will help reduce the calorie content of dishes and increase their benefits for the body during the period of following the diet program).

Rooibos in cosmetology:

  • washing with tea (rooibos is brewed traditional way, and then used to wash the face, the prepared drink can be frozen, and wipe the skin with ice cubes in the morning, this procedure will remove traces chronic fatigue, will make the complexion healthier and prevent the appearance of blackheads, pimples and other inflammations);
  • lotions on the eyes (if cotton pads are moistened in tea and applied to the eyes, then with regular procedures you can get rid of signs of fatigue, bags, fine wrinkles or dark circles, it is better to carry out the procedure at night after removing makeup);
  • adding to masks (adding a small amount strong brewed rooibos to homemade or ready-made face masks will increase their effectiveness);
  • cooled tea can also be used in the fight against dark circles around the eyes;
  • you can also rinse your hair with infusion of tea, this will only help increase their growth and increase volume;
  • strongly brewed tea is also added to the water for taking a bath, this will help relax the muscles of the whole body;
  • tea can be used as an aid in sunburn, rubbing damaged areas with it.

Rooibus for beauty

An amazing plant is widely used not only in medicine and nutrition, but also in cosmetology. It rejuvenates the skin, tones it, returns freshness, removes signs of fatigue. Rooibos can be used in this way:

  1. Brew a drink in the usual way, pour into molds for ice. Freeze tea. Use ice to wipe the skin instead of tonic.
  2. Prepare a drink, wash it in the morning and evening to moisturize the skin.
  3. Rooibos tea bags soaked in cool water are applied to the eyelids for dark circles.

If you rinse your hair after washing with a tea drink, they will grow thick, healthy. Adding tea to a warm bath will help relieve tired legs and make the skin of the body smooth and toned.

Rooibos in folk medicine:

  • soothing and healing baths (if you are prone to frequent stress, colds, excessive fatigue and other abnormalities in the functioning of body systems, it is recommended to add brewed rooibos to the water while taking a bath, the aroma of tea will calm the nerves, and its nutritional components will have a preventive and therapeutic effect on organism);
  • tea for the prevention of diseases (if you use rooibos at least three times a day, then a powerful protective effect will be carried out on the body, resistance to viral and colds will appear, the level of the immune system will increase, a similar method is used as an addition to the main courses of treatment of any diseases) ;
  • decoction for inflammation on the skin (the technique for preparing the decoction differs from traditional brewing, rooibos must be boiled in boiling water for at least five minutes, after which a cotton pad is wetted in it, the lotion can be used for any inflammation on the skin or mucous membranes, the effect is achieved by equating tea to natural antibiotics).

Rooibos tea is considered national drink South American natives. Many myths and legends are associated with the history of this drink. Since ancient times, this tea has been called the source of wisdom, youth and longevity.

At the moment, the drink is gaining popularity at a rapid pace, not only because of the unusual taste properties, but also because of the content of a huge number of useful components. Rooibos does not contain caffeine, so it can be consumed at any age and in almost unlimited quantities.

How to choose?

Rooibos comes in red (fermented) and green (non-fermented) varieties, depending on the processing method.

It is believed that the green variety, which, when brewed, gives a lighter shade and is characterized by a grassy aftertaste, is more powerful, while the red one has a more pronounced taste.

The greatest benefit comes from natural loose tea, which can be purchased in specialized stores. You should not buy products packaged in disposable bags: in order to reduce the cost of the product, other types of tea can be mixed with rooibos or poor quality raw materials can be used.


For storage, the mixture is transferred to a glass or ceramic dishes, which is hermetically sealed, and put in a dry, dark place. Herbal tea properties are preserved for 30 months.

You should hurry to get acquainted with the drink of African natives. The fact is that the producers sounded the alarm: due to climate change, the “red bush” is endangered. The plant was tried to grow in other parts of the world, but these attempts ended in failure. To date, the plant is successfully cultivated only in its homeland - in southern Africa.


Originally from South Africa from representatives of indigenous tribes, tea does not require special ceremonies. Anyone can brew it. Tea leaves are poured hot water, approximately with a temperature of about 85 degrees, let it brew for 5-6 minutes and the tea is ready. The local population of Africa, sometimes just boil it. It turns out that the longer tea raw materials are boiled, the more useful it becomes.

You can drink tea both hot and cold. You can simply prepare a "preparation" of tea, store it in the refrigerator, and, if necessary, add it to cocktails and other non-alcoholic drinks.

The taste of red rooibos will not be entirely clear to Europeans, as it has a woody, sweetish taste. It is recommended to start acquaintance with this type of tea in green varieties, they will be more understandable and familiar. In domestic stores, you can buy rooibos tea in combination with cinnamon, strawberries, or citrus fruits. More exotic options teas are found with the addition of banana, coconut and almonds. Children are encouraged to give tea diluted by half milk.

To prepare rooibos tea, any dishes are used, with the exception of earthenware, it is believed that clay dishes can spoil the taste of the drink. Raw tea has a fairly dense texture. The drink looks attractive in a transparent glass container. To spice up, it is considered acceptable to add a small slice of fresh lemon or a little boiled milk to a cup of tea.

Harm and contraindications

Contraindications to the use of tea:

  • individual intolerance;
  • do not drink tea large quantities hypotensive patients (although in order for the pressure to drop very much, the drink will have to be drunk in liters);
  • allergic reaction.

Please note that special experiences regarding tolerability and impact this drink has not been carried out for a long time, so its properties and characteristics are not fully understood.

The first mention of Rooibos tea is found in the travel notes of Carl Peter Thunberg, a Swedish naturalist, in 1772. He traveled through South Africa and was amazed at the number of plants the locals use to make tea. One such plant was a "red bush" called "rooibos". The natives used the needle-like leaves to make tea, believing that it would grant them longevity.

After 130 years, a native of Russia, Veniamin Ginsberg, discovered wild thickets of red bushes in the mountains, tried several processing methods and found the best way to harvest raw materials. He used Chinese technology: the leaves were stewed in special barrels, covered with wet burlap. Later, attempts were made to cultivate wild rooibos, which ended successfully. Tea farms appeared, which were engaged in the processing of shrubs and harvesting leaves. FROM light hand Ginsberg rooibos tea (also called rooibos) came to Europe.

There are green and red rooibos. It all depends on the fermentation method. Red tea is obtained from the stems and leaves of the plant, which are fermented after grinding. After drying and fermentation under certain conditions, the green leaves become amber in color. Tea from this type of rooibos has a fruity taste and strong aroma. Africans prefer this type of drink, drinking it strong and sweet. In terms of strength and tonic properties, it does not differ from coffee.

Green rooibos does not undergo additional processing. Leaves after harvesting are only kneaded and steamed. By brewing them, you can get a drink that resembles green tea, only with herbal aroma.

Useful properties and composition of rooibos tea

As part of this amazing drink from Africa about 100 aromatic oils, 9 flavonoids, 8 phenolcarboxylic acids, a large number of useful substances. One cup of tea contains more than seven grams of potassium, about six grams of sodium, equal amounts(1-2 grams each) contains magnesium, calcium, there is also a little zinc, fluorine, copper, manganese. The red bush contains natural tetracycline, which is harmless to the human body, making it an excellent antibacterial agent.

The beneficial properties of rooibos are constantly being studied, research is being carried out by the South African Institute in Stelenbosch, in Bloemfontein by the Orange Free State University. Japanese scientists have confirmed that the natural antioxidants contained in the plant soften harmful effect environment, prevent the aging of skin cells. Tea is recommended as an aid in the complex treatment of various diseases.

American and Japanese scientists in 1980 discovered superoxide dismutase in Rooibos tea, which is a powerful antioxidant. It effectively fights free radicals that cause cancer. Studies have confirmed unique properties tea:

  • reduce itching, help with eczema, allergies, asthma, hay fever;
  • have a general calming effect on the nervous system, lower blood pressure, remove irritability, reduce excessive excitability;
  • counteract aging, the development of cardiovascular diseases;
  • restore the work of the stomach, eliminate heartburn, nausea;
  • relieve intestinal colic;
  • assist in the fight against insomnia and sleep disorders;
  • have a beneficial effect on bone tissue and skin.

Rooibos tea is great for calming nerves and is used as a natural antidepressant. It is recommended for headaches, overwork and nervous disorders. The content of glucose helps to quench thirst well, remove the feeling of fear, raise the tone. Sweetish aftertaste eliminates the use of artificial sweeteners and sugar. Vitamins P and C help reduce varicose veins and increase immunity.

This drink is well suited for vegetarians who have an iron deficiency. A cup of rooibos is able to satisfy 1/9 of a person's daily need for iron, as well as 1/2 for vitamin C. The copper contained in tea is able to separate iron from food and transfer it to blood formation, and it also supports protein metabolism.

Does rooibos have contraindications? Only individual intolerance, which is very rare. The absence of caffeine in rooibos makes it possible to prepare a strong drink from it, which will be useful for pregnant women, infants to eliminate anxiety, colic. And the absence of oxalic acid makes it safe for people with urolithiasis.

The use of rooibos tea in cosmetology

Rooibos tea, the benefits of which are described above, has also found application in cosmetology. A large number of essential oils and minerals makes it an excellent rejuvenating and tonic agent.

  • 1 teaspoon of tea, added when preparing homemade masks, will help smooth out wrinkles, restore freshness and a healthy look to the face.
  • Tea compresses help with bags, black circles under the eyes, and you can get rid of fine wrinkles around the eyes.
  • Washing with tea will help hide traces of fatigue, and the more often ice cubes of frozen rooibos are used to rub areas of the skin, the faster you can get an even, fresh complexion.
  • Rinsing your hair with red bush decoction will help increase hair growth.
  • Baths with the addition of a strong infusion of rooibos relieve tension, make the skin more elastic.
  • With sunburn, the drink will help relieve the heat of the skin.

Rooibos: the secrets of making delicious tea

To get started, choose quality tea. In specialized tea stores, it can be found loose and packaged. The color of the dried raw material should be uniform and bright. The tea leaves should crumble easily. All kinds of additives are often added to African tea; when choosing such tea, natural ingredients should be preferred. The quality of tea largely depends not on the length and age of the leaves, as in classic tea, but on the amount of impurities in the form of pieces of the trunk and branches. Teabags are not inferior in properties to loose tea. Only yellow leaves can speak of the low quality of tea.

No special tea ceremony was invented for brewing African rooibos, so no special utensils are required. The only thing is that experts do not recommend using earthenware, believing that it takes away the aroma of this wonderful drink. In the homeland of the drink, the dried herb is boiled for half an hour over low heat to make a rich rooibos tea. In our country, the brewing method is more often used.

You can brew tea in a thermos, teapot or in a cup. For one glass of boiling water, take one teaspoon of crushed tea leaves. The infusion time is 5-10 minutes. Tea is filtered using a strainer, and tea leaves can be used again by adding less water.

When boiled, the concentration of tea is more saturated, rooibos tea becomes a beautiful ruby ​​​​color with a spicy aroma. Real gourmets use the original method of brewing tea with milk. Cinnamon, vanillin, lemon zest are added to the finished rooibos.

The brewed tea drink can be stored in the refrigerator for several days, of course, some of the beneficial properties are lost every day. Rooibos tea can be drunk hot or cold. More than complex drinks, it is used for baking.

For those who find the taste of rooibos too unusual, you can first choose tea with the addition of pieces of strawberry, banana, pineapple, peach, cornflower flowers, caramel. Such a variety makes it possible to constantly change tastes, fully enjoying a tasty and healthy drink.

What is the best way to drink rooibos

  • The temperature of the drink should be comfortable, too hot tea has a negative effect on the stomach.
  • Tea is most useful in the spring, when the body is acutely suffering from a lack of vitamins. Tea is worth drinking for weakened people, women in the period of expectation of a child, athletes in the recovery period after exhausting workouts.
  • Do not add sugar to rooibos, it spoils the taste, reduces the amount of useful properties.
  • You can drink tea in any quantity, a certain dosage should be observed only for children and pregnant women.
  • You can not drink this tea with drugs.
  • It is better not to drink the tea drink on an empty stomach.

Rooibos is a unique tea, its taste is harmoniously combined with a lot of useful properties. It will help a weakened body to cope with the cause of ailments, a healthy one - to strengthen, maintain and increase health and strength of mind. This tea, grown under the scorching sun of Africa, should be introduced into your daily diet for anyone who cares about their health.

Not everyone knows about such a drink as rooibos, but having familiarized themselves with its properties and benefits for the body, they will probably rush to try it.

Initially, rooibos herb for brewing tea was used only by aboriginal African tribes, and in Europe they learned about an amazing plant only in the 20th century. Now you can buy it in any store and regularly prepare a delicious healthy drink.

Rooibos or rooibos - what is this product

The name of the tea drink is given by the name of the plant that became its basis. The African shrub rooibos, or rooibos, which means "red bush", has very fragrant leaves and twigs - a wonderful tea raw material.

A shrub of the legume family is now gaining popularity all over the world, it is cultivated everywhere. The most common use of rooibos tea is in South Africa, many other African countries, as well as in Japan, where everything natural and healthy is valued.

Rooibos comes in two shades - red and green, for which different processing methods are used. Cut young leaves and branches are crushed, steamed immediately, and the finished raw material will be green.

If, after harvesting, the greens are sent for fermentation, the rooibos will be red. The taste is grassy, ​​delicate, red - sweetish, with woody notes.

Composition of rooibos tea

The benefits of rooibos are undeniable - this plant contains a huge amount of antioxidants that prolong youth, quench the effects of free radicals, and prevent the formation of tumors.

These are vitamins C and E, nine flavonoids (including aspalatin, quercetin, notophagin), a number of enzymatic antioxidants. Of the latter, superoxide dismutase is especially effective, thanks to which rooibos extract is produced and used in medicine.

The mineral composition of the plant is the richest. There is:

  • Potassium;
  • Sodium;
  • Iron;
  • Fluorine;
  • Manganese;
  • Magnesium;
  • Calcium;
  • Zinc;
  • Copper.

Rooibos drink contains rutin, vitamin A, vitamin PP, about a hundred aromatic oils, eight phenolcarboxylic acids, and phytoncides. There is also glucose in rooibos, so even children will like the drink from it - because of the pleasant sweetness.

Rooibos tea - useful properties and contraindications

The antioxidant properties of tea raw materials make it suitable for therapeutic purposes in case of allergies, intoxications, for removing toxins and toxins, and for general cleansing of the body.

The drink is suitable as a prophylactic against cancerous tumors, to prolong youth and human activity.

Rooibos is good for nervous system- it relieves insomnia, reduces the excitability of the central nervous system, eliminates the effects of stress, helps against depressive conditions, memory loss and attention.

Cardiovascular pathologies also reduce the severity with regular use drink:

  1. Normalizes pressure;
  2. The walls of blood vessels are strengthened;
  3. The level of cholesterol returns to normal;
  4. Improves the condition of the veins with varicose veins.

Skin diseases from taking tea drink also pass, especially, eczema, allergic rash, dermatitis. Rooibos promotes good digestion - removes colic, stomach pain, regulates stools, improves appetite.

The beneficial properties of rooibos tea are useful for metabolic disorders, especially for diabetes and urolithiasis. As an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent, tea is suitable for acute respiratory viral infections, coughs, flu, sore throats, and colds.

Rooibus for beauty

An amazing plant is widely used not only in medicine and nutrition, but also in cosmetology. It rejuvenates the skin, tones it, returns freshness, removes signs of fatigue. Rooibos can be used in this way:

  1. Brew the drink in the usual way, pour into molds for ice. Freeze tea. Use ice to wipe the skin instead of tonic.
  2. Prepare a drink, wash it in the morning and evening to moisturize the skin.
  3. Rooibos tea bags soaked in cool water are applied to the eyelids for dark circles.

If you rinse your hair after washing with a tea drink, they will grow thick, healthy. Adding tea to a warm bath will help relieve tired legs and make the skin of the body smooth and toned.

Rooibos Contraindications

The benefits and harms of rooibos tea are well studied. There are very few prohibitions on its consumption, mainly it is individual intolerance (rare).

Be careful when drinking tea at low pressure so as not to bring it down to too low numbers.

The drink does not contain caffeine, so rooibos is not contraindicated during pregnancy. On the contrary, during gestation, the product will help to better absorb iron, promote hematopoiesis, and enrich the body with vitamins and minerals. It is also allowed for children and lactating women.

How to Brew Rooibos (Rooibos)

Tea raw materials can be brewed more than once, while it gives off its taste and does not lose healing properties . Therefore, within a day, up to 4 cups can be made from one serving of rooibos. delicious drink. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Take a porcelain or glass teapot.
  2. Rinse the kettle with boiling water.
  3. Put rooibos.
  4. Fill with water 95 degrees ( a glass for each teaspoon of raw materials).
  5. Close the kettle with a lid, put in heat for 7 minutes.

You can drink rooibos with honey, lemon in cold and hot form.

Recipes with rooibos

Experiments with making rooibos-based drinks are endless. For example, Masai rooibos tea has the following composition:

  • Rooibos;
  • Lemongrass (grass);
  • In specialized tea shops, the choice of rooibos is higher, including with a variety of additives. The cost of the product is moderate, sometimes an order of magnitude lower expensive varieties green and black tea, which makes rooibos even more affordable!

    And now the video.

Many people think of a cup of hibiscus when they hear about red tea. And very few people know that rooibos also bears this name - herbal tea, which is obtained from the linear aspalatus plant, a shrub of the legume family that grows in southern Africa. Scientists have found in rooibos beneficial features and contraindications.


The plant has long been known to African natives - it was they who first began to collect leaves that looked like coniferous needles to brew a cup fragrant tea. Later, the drink became known to the Dutch settlers and the British. For them, rooibos (this is a variation of the name) has become the same as coffee and tea for Europeans, not only as a thirst quencher, but also as a tonic. At the same time, there is no caffeine in the plant, so it is given even to small children, women during lactation and people with diseases in which coffee and traditional teas are contraindicated.

It is noticed that decoctions and infusions from the leaves of the red bush have a versatile effect on the body:

  • strengthen the protective forces;
  • stimulate metabolism;
  • relax smooth muscles;
  • rejuvenate tissues at the cellular level;
  • fight the consequences of helminthic invasions;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • reduce blood pressure.

Since there is no tannin in the composition, iron is better absorbed. There is also no oxalic acid, which is found in green and black tea, so rooibos is allowed for people predisposed to kidney stones.

Rooibos contains natural tetracycline, a substance with antibacterial action. The plant contributes to normal functioning digestive system, eliminates colic in children. With regular use of herbal tea, the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels increases, the symptoms of hypertension weaken. The drink is useful to include in the menu with frequent stress, as it produces a light sedative effect, fights headaches and helps to cope with depression, fears.

Rooibos is also useful after heavy drinking, as it removes hangover syndrome. The flavonoids here have anti-mutagenic activity, especially against skin cancer.

Useful properties of rooibos allow you to include it in the diet:

  • athletes;
  • children;
  • old people;
  • those who lead an active lifestyle.

Decoctions and infusions are used not only inside, but also externally - in the form of washes, lotions, compresses, added to masks. The plant helps to cope with such skin pathologies as acne, dermatitis, eczema, itching, irritation. Its decoctions are added to baths with a tonic and anti-cellulite effect. Studies have also shown that extracts from the leaves of the red bush stimulate hair growth.

Tea is useful to drink for colds and coughs, as it helps to expel sputum. The minerals contained in the composition help keep teeth healthy and prevent caries. This is one of the few drinks that is allowed for pancreatitis.

To date, studies are underway on the properties of the plant and the possibility of its use in medicines against oncological ailments, hepatitis, and diabetes is being studied.


Rooibos is allowed to almost everyone, but some people have intolerance to this product. It is not recommended to use such a drink during exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, atherosclerosis, viral infections.


Although the benefits of rooibos are great, it should not be abused. So, it was noticed the ability to retain moisture in the body, which leads to swelling. For this reason, in the diet of pregnant women, the use of the product is limited to 3 cups per day. Women who are carrying a child or during lactation should include the product in the diet gradually, especially if they have not consumed it before. With caution use herbal tea with a tendency to low blood pressure due to hypotensive action. It is not recommended to use it on an empty stomach, drink medicines.

How to cook?

Herbal tea has a rich red color with an orange tint, so it is recommended to brew it in a transparent container. Clay teapots are not suitable for this - they spoil the taste.

The taste from the drink itself is gentle, delicate, simple. Light sourness is intertwined with fruity-floral notes.

Rooibos does just fine without honey - it's sweet on its own thanks to its glucose content. But sugar is not recommended at all, so as not to destroy the beneficial substances.

Rooibos is brewed in the same way as other teas - at the rate of 1 teaspoon of herb per 200 ml hot water(about 95 °C). Insist for at least 10 minutes - then the plant gives all healing power. Some connoisseurs recommend placing the utensils with tea leaves in the oven, since rooibos, unlike other types of tea, is not afraid of boiling. If you insist the tea leaves for less than 10 minutes, then the amount of useful substances in it will decrease somewhat, although the taste and aroma will not become worse.

Rooibos is used sparingly, since one serving can be used 2-3 times without loss of taste. But the amount of nutrients in the infusion will decrease with each subsequent time.

To diversify the taste, rooibos is served with additional ingredients. Combine with it:

  • milk;
  • lemon;
  • orange;
  • Strawberry.

On the counter there is tea with various flavors - pieces white chocolate, orange, papaya, strawberries, other herbs and fruits, with black coffee beans. As an appetizer, they take chicken sandwiches, fruit and nut tartlets, tubes with jam.


The composition contains vitamins and minerals, which determine the benefits and harms of rooibos tea.

The most significant content in the drink is copper, which regulates hormonal levels, participates in hematopoiesis, controls blood pressure, prevents bacterial infections, improves the production of collagen, melanin, histamine, and produces other effects.

The composition contains a composition of aromatic oils (more than a hundred), phenocarboxylic acids.

How to choose?

Rooibos comes in red (fermented) and green (non-fermented) varieties, depending on the processing method.

It is believed that the green variety, which, when brewed, gives a lighter shade and is characterized by a grassy aftertaste, is more powerful, while the red one has a more pronounced taste.

Natural loose tea, which can be purchased in specialized stores, brings the greatest benefit. You should not buy products packaged in disposable bags: in order to reduce the cost of the product, other types of tea can be mixed with rooibos or poor quality raw materials can be used.


For storage, the mixture is transferred to a glass or ceramic dish, which is hermetically sealed, and placed in a dry, dark place. Herbal tea properties are preserved for 30 months.

You should hurry to get acquainted with the drink of African natives. The fact is that the producers sounded the alarm: due to climate change, the “red bush” is endangered. The plant was tried to grow in other parts of the world, but these attempts ended in failure. To date, the plant is successfully cultivated only in its homeland - in southern Africa.

Recently appeared on Russian market, is a unique tea. The bush that gives the world this wonderful drink is called Aspalathus linearis and belongs to the acacia group. It grows in the Cedar Mountains in South Africa. Bushmen tribes have been using rooibos since time immemorial, as a refreshing drink, as a natural dye. It seems that nature has specially endowed this plant with a mass of useful properties, taking into account the harsh climate of the African continent.

How rooibos tea is made

Rooibos manufacturing technology has not undergone fundamental changes since the time of its first use by the natives. Rooibos seeds are sown in the soil in July or August. The plant germinates and gains strength within a year and a half. The grown bush is cut and collected in bundles.

With modern industrial production bushes are crushed and crushed using roller devices to activate the chemical fermentation process.

If the raw materials are fermented, the tea is red, sweetish in taste with a slight woody aftertaste. To obtain green rooibos, it is steamed. After fermentation or steaming, the tea is distributed to drying areas under the open sun.

Dried tea is collected by a powerful vacuum device and sent for sorting (by color, by length). The sorted raw materials are once again cleaned using a new improved pasteurization technology and dried.

During the production process at different stages technological process undergoes laboratory testing and bacteriological control.

Rooibos tea quality grades

Unlike green tea, the quality of rooibos depends not so much on the length and age of the leaves, but on the presence of impurities (pieces of branches, trunks).

The best selection is a short cut. It is an export option.
The best selection is a long cut. Export option.
Regular selection. Medium length cut. Designed for the domestic market.
Packaged rooibos. The quality of packaged rooibos does not differ from loose rooibos, which cannot be said about other teas.

Rooibos tea composition

One cup (200ml) of rooibos contains:

  • Iron - 0.07 g
  • Fluorine - 0.22 g
  • Potassium - 7.12 g
  • Calcium - 1.09 g
  • Copper - 0.07 g
  • Magnesium - 1.67 g
  • Manganese - 0.04 g
  • Sodium - 6.16 g
  • Zinc - 0.04 g
  • The composition of rooibos also includes about 100 aromatic oils, 8 phenolcarboxylic acids, 9 flavonoids.

Health benefits of rooibos tea

The red bush has attracted close attention from nutritionists and has been scrutinized. Studies of the properties of rooibos tea by the Institute of South Africa in Stelenbosch, the Orange Free State University in Bloemfontein, as well as studies conducted in the USA and Japan are known.

You can talk endlessly about the beneficial properties of rooibos tea.

  • It contains 50% more antioxidants than green tea. Japanese scientists have discovered in the composition of rooibos one of the most powerful and stable antioxidants - SOD - super-oxide dismutase, which actively neutralizes free radicals. And this means that rooibos can be useful in such terrible diseases as cancer, osteoporosis, diseases caused by radiation.
  • Rooibos is also recommended for many other ailments such as high blood pressure, diabetes, liver disease, allergies, cataracts, atherosclerosis, hay fever, asthma, eczema, etc.
  • Rooibos is known for its antispasmodic and antiseptic properties.
  • It has a calming effect, lowers blood pressure, reduces mental stress.
  • Restores and normalizes the work of the stomach in case of poisoning.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the development and maintenance of bone tissue.
  • Two cups of rooibos satisfies a person's daily requirement for vitamin C.
  • Three cups of 200 ml of rooibos tea completely cover the daily human need for fluoride, a third required amount iron, which is well absorbed due to low content tannin, and the presence of vitamin C in the composition.
  • Tea contains the optimal ratio of calcium and potassium, which is important for maintaining a balance (sodium-potassium pump) during physical exertion.
  • It can be added that rooibos is added to culinary products, used as food supplement, as a raw material in cosmetology, is added to bath infusions.

How to brew rooibos tea

As far as the properties of this tea are unique, it is just as unpretentious in brewing. It is brewed with boiling water and infused for at least 5 minutes. Japanese scientists claim that 10 minutes of brewing significantly enhances the effect of antioxidants. In South Africa, it is customary to boil rooibos for 30 minutes. In other words, the brewing time is unlimited and does not affect the quality of the drink.

Brewed tea can be stored in the refrigerator for several days and consumed cold, you can drink it hot, you can prepare other, more complex drinks or cocktails based on it.

  • Use rooibos to make sweet sauces, marmalade, and baked goods.
  • Water potted plants with the rest of the rooibos, they will grow well on this fertilizer.
  • Use rooibos to dye fabric - the color is very durable.
  • With sunburn, it is useful to lubricate the skin with infusion of rooibos.
  • Use rooibos tea leaves as a skin freshener