Can you drink coffee during pregnancy? Fight caffeine addiction. An alternative to caffeine as a tonic drink

During your pregnancy, you are forced to exercise increased caution in matters of food and drink. Favorite drinks that made you so happy every day can no longer be drunk in such quantities. And some drinks, such as coffee, make you wonder: is it possible to drink coffee during pregnancy?

And even if you pull yourself together, refusing a coffee drink, there may come a moment when your body begins to demand it.

What to do in this case?

In recent months, I have been wildly drawn to coffee. I know it's bad, but I really want it. I don't drink hard. I buy instant, add cinnamon, milk and savor. The kid, of course, starts to push. And I know that it is harmful for him, but I can’t refuse coffee completely.


How does the body of the expectant mother perceive coffee

  • Coffee drink is not as harmless as it seems at first glance. And during pregnancy, not everyone can drink it. For example, it is better for women with high blood pressure to refuse this drink, since drinking coffee can increase blood pressure even more and mommy will feel bad during pregnancy;
  • Coffee at low pressure, during pregnancy, is allowed, but you need to drink it after breakfast (not on an empty stomach), without brewing very strong and be sure to add milk.

The fact is that drinks such as tea and coffee wash out calcium from the skeletal system of the body of a pregnant woman. And given that the expectant mother already gives a lot of calcium to create the skeleton of the future baby, then what will happen to her health?

Calcium is very important for the body, it must be supplied to it daily with drinks (milk, kefir) and food.

Interesting! Is it possible to coffee with milk during pregnancy? Yes, it will help dilute the drink itself (mom will only drink half a cup, instead of a whole one), and milk will also help compensate for some of the calcium loss during pregnancy.

What are the benefits and harms of coffee

Why can't you drink coffee during pregnancy? Drinking coffee in large quantities affects:

  1. Central nervous system, exciting it. The body reacts to this excitation in the same way as it would react to the occurrence of a threat:
  • The pituitary gland acts on the adrenal glands and they secrete the hormone adrenaline;
  • Adrenaline causes the heart muscle to contract more frequently;
  • The pressure in the arteries rises.
  1. Strengthening the work of the kidneys. Which leads to frequent urge to urinate, respectively, there is additional dehydration of the whole organism;
  2. Irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, since when drinking coffee, the release of hydrochloric acid and the secretion of the salivary glands increase several times, which is not very good during pregnancy;
  3. Violation of the body's absorption of calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. Plus, coffee helps flush out calcium from the body.

There are still benefits from coffee, at least at first glance, insignificant - if a woman during pregnancy consumes it no more than one cup a day, making it not very strong and diluting the drink with milk, there will be no such strong effect on the body.

In what trimester of pregnancy is it better to refrain from fragrant drink

Some women continue to delight themselves with a fragrant drink in the first trimester, explaining that the gestational age is still small (for information on what happens in a woman's body during this period, see the article 1 trimester of pregnancy >>>). In fact, the use of coffee during early pregnancy should be treated with caution, as it:

  • acts on the kidneys, increasing the urge to urinate frequently;
  • increases salivation;
  • plus, early toxicosis may appear (how to alleviate the manifestations of toxicosis, if it still overtook you, read the article Nausea during pregnancy >>>);
  • We also remember that coffee washes away useful microelements, which, right now, are so important for building the baby’s musculoskeletal system (you can learn about how a baby should develop normally in the article Development of a child in the womb >>>).

Know! The use of coffee and tea, due to the caffeine contained in these drinks, leads to a decrease in the size of the fetus.

Yes, this is the conclusion made by Irish experts in one of their studies. They studied the stories of 941 mothers and it turned out that 100 mg. caffeine received daily in the 1st trimester, led to a decrease in the weight of the newborn by 72 grams. The influence occurred not only on the weight of the fetus, but also on its head circumference and height.

Scientists say that even drinking caffeinated drinks at a dosage less than 200 ml. in a day, still does not pass without a trace for the fetus and has a negative impact.

The second trimester is, in fact, the quietest period of pregnancy. It is during the second trimester that a pregnant woman may experience strong cravings for certain foods, such as caffeine. You should not deny yourself this, coffee in the second trimester of pregnancy is possible, the main thing: remember the correct amounts and do not forget to add milk.

In the meantime, you are enjoying a cup of coffee, find out what changes occur in the mother's body at this time from article 2 trimester of pregnancy >>>

Important! Women who abused coffee drinks in the second trimester of pregnancy were more likely to have babies with bone pathologies and anomalies.

It is quite difficult to single out the period of pregnancy in which coffee is highly undesirable, but most doctors say that it is the third trimester that is the most dangerous. This is because the fetal CNS may overreact to the presence of caffeine. The vessels of the placenta of a pregnant woman narrow, the baby receives less oxygen, which can lead to intrauterine hypoxia.

Attention! Coffee is a deceptive drink, even in its pure form it is very satisfying, and if you drink it during pregnancy, with the addition of sugar and milk, you can saturate the body as in one meal. Mom is full, and the baby has received absolutely nothing of the nutritious and important for his growing body.

Instant or ground - which coffee is safer

  1. Let me remind you that coffee helps stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, and instant coffee is a drink with high acidity. That is why coffee on an empty stomach should not be consumed, especially instant coffee during pregnancy;
  2. The preservatives that are used in instant coffee have a negative effect on the overall metabolism, provoking the appearance of cellulite;
  3. Also, instant coffee has a strong effect on the kidneys and the cardiovascular system.

The only thing that is pleasant in this type of coffee is the aromatic smell (this is what manufacturers focus on), ease of storage and ease of preparation.

  • If we consider ground coffee, then it is better to stop the choice on it, because it is not necessary to brew it, this type of coffee can be brewed by pouring boiling water. But it does not contain preservatives and additional flavorings.

Interesting! To get the maximum pleasure from your favorite drink, you can create your own unforgettable ritual. Allocate a certain time when you can please yourself with fragrant grains, take a book, or turn on your favorite movie and try to slowly, savoring every sip, conduct such a pleasant ritual.

Coffee alternative - chicory

If you are worried about the health of your baby and still decide to deny yourself coffee, know that it can be replaced with chicory during pregnancy. This drink is very similar to coffee, but is made from the dried chicory plant.

Thanks to its healing properties, you can not only enjoy a drink, but also lower cholesterol, help your body cope with heartburn and normalize the digestive tract.

The content of the article:

Most pregnant women are responsible for their health, because the development of the child depends on it. They begin to eat right, walk in the fresh air, and perform special exercises. However, some addictions are hard to give up, this list includes coffee. Question: "Can pregnant women drink coffee?" does not have a clear answer. For some women, this invigorating drink benefits, while for others it is categorically contraindicated.

The effect of caffeine on the body

Natural coffee tones up, increases efficiency, thanks to it a person becomes more attentive and more easily tolerates physical activity. This drink, like chocolate, provokes the production of serotonin (the hormone of joy), it helps to cope with stress.

With regular use, the likelihood of developing cancer, trembling paralysis, hypertension, cirrhosis, and heart disease is reduced. In addition, the drink within reasonable limits prevents cholelithiasis and asthma. Thanks to him, food is absorbed faster, cerebral vessels expand, pressure rises, and a diuretic effect appears.

Excessive consumption of this drink threatens with dangerous consequences. Caffeine, which contains natural and instant coffee, is addictive. For this reason, a coffee lover who has not drunk a drink at a certain time feels irritable, becomes inattentive and lethargic. When drinking large doses of coffee, the risk of diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and joints increases. In addition, there are sleep disorders, ulcers, headaches, fluid deficiency in the body and other unpleasant consequences.

The negative impact of coffee on a pregnant woman

Most doctors advise you to stop drinking coffee during the period of bearing a child. The harm of coffee for pregnant women has been proven by medical studies:

Due to the use of the drink, sleep disorders, mood swings occur, the work of internal organs is disrupted.

If the expectant mother regularly drinks coffee, then this leads to uterine vasoconstriction, fetal hypoxia, as a result of which the child's body feels a lack of nutrients, its development is disturbed.

An invigorating drink increases the tone of the uterus, and therefore the risk of spontaneous abortion increases.

Coffee enhances the manifestations of toxicosis.

Frequent emptying of the bladder is typical for women "in position", especially after drinking a cup of coffee. The drink washes away useful substances from the body and leads to dehydration.

Caffeine crosses the placenta and increases the frequency of myocardial contractions in the embryo, inhibiting its development.

Coffee disrupts the absorption of calcium and iron, which are so necessary for a pregnant woman.

When drinking this drink on an empty stomach, the acidity of the stomach increases. And this, in turn, leads to heartburn.

Women who drink coffee in the early stages have children with a weight below average.

Caffeine raises blood pressure, and therefore the drink is incredibly dangerous for expectant mothers who suffer from hypertension. While coffee is recommended for pregnant women with low blood pressure.

A similar effect is possible with excessive consumption of a fragrant drink. In minimal doses, coffee is even useful, it eliminates the drowsiness that is characteristic of pregnant women.

Rules for drinking coffee during pregnancy

Many women prefer a caffeine-free drink, but its benefits are questionable. To eliminate caffeine from grains, chemicals are used that negatively affect a woman “in position”. According to doctors, decaffeinated coffee is not recommended for pregnant women.

To get only pleasure after a cup of aromatic coffee, the expectant mother must follow the following rules:

Drink no more than 2 cups of coffee per day, preferably in the morning.

To reduce the strength of the drink, add milk or cream to it. Coffee with milk is not only delicious, but also compensates for calcium deficiency in the body.

To avoid dehydration, drink at least 1.5 liters of filtered water per day.

To prevent an increase in stomach acid, drink coffee only after meals.

Stop drinking coffee before the 13th week of pregnancy.

Many women drink chicory instead of coffee, and this is not surprising because the drink tastes good, and besides, it is healthy. Chicory maintains a normal concentration of glucose, improves liver function, cleanses the blood, increases hemoglobin levels and calms the nerves.

You can also replace coffee with cocoa, which contains little caffeine and is very invigorating. Herbal teas are incredibly useful, but before using them, you need to consult a gynecologist.

Based on the foregoing, coffee is not the safest drink for pregnant women, and therefore it is better to replace it with safer analogues. But if you can't imagine your day without fragrant liquid, then allow yourself no more than 2 cups of coffee with milk added.

Approximate reading time: 8 minutes

Coffee is a fragrant, invigorating drink, without which many no longer imagine the morning. It makes it easier to wake up with it, and coffee also promotes the production of serotonin, which means it helps to lift your mood. Not everyone knows that it contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, organic acids and even vitamins: B2 and PP.

However, despite all the positives, natural coffee during pregnancy is most often banned. While expecting a baby, women often suffer from high blood pressure. Therefore, a drink that increases the corresponding indicators will be, to put it mildly, undesirable.

Natural coffee during pregnancy is most often banned

The dark side of caffeine

One of the most controversial ingredients in coffee is caffeine. Exceeding the daily dose is fraught with various troubles. When talking about how coffee affects the fetus during pregnancy, this substance is primarily meant. WHO has set a maximum daily limit of 300 mg, European doctors lowered it immediately by as much as 100 units - up to 200 mg, respectively.

Which option to follow? You decide. But if you want to cheat in the direction of increasing, think about the fact that caffeine is also found in natural chocolate, cocoa, Coca-Cola, black and green tea, which many people forget. And lovers of elite varieties of coffee can get a daily dose by drinking just one small cup. And remember that this component is part of some drugs.

Why is an overdose of caffeine dangerous for pregnant women?

There comes an overexcitation of the nervous system, the pressure can rise sharply and strongly, the pulse becomes more frequent. Sleep problems are quite likely, and pregnant women often suffer from them. If a woman in a position has toxicosis, then its manifestations intensify.

If you regularly drink coffee on an empty stomach, then sooner or later problems will begin with the gastrointestinal tract, because the drink increases acidity. Influence on the nervous system can lead to sudden mood swings or exacerbate this problem. Sometimes coffee discourages appetite rather than awakens it.

And too much caffeine increases the tone of the uterus. This is dangerous for women with a threatened miscarriage, and it is undesirable during the normal course of pregnancy. That is why you need to monitor the daily amount of the substance.

Calcium excretion problem

Coffee also removes calcium from the body, and a pregnant woman already suffers from its lack when carrying a child. There is an opinion that this important microelement accumulates in the body until about 30 years of age. And then our body only constantly loses it every year.

Pregnancy exacerbates this process. Especially a lot of calcium is required in the first trimesterwhen there is an active formation of the child's skeleton. If the fetal body lacks this element, then it begins to take it from the vital reserves of the mother. That is why for many women, it is during the period of expectation of a child that their teeth begin to decay for the first time.

On this topic: Specifics of dental treatment during pregnancy

There is an opinion that this important microelement accumulates in the body until about 30 years of age.

Lack of metal threatens osteoporosis and a number of other diseases of bones and joints. In addition, the likelihood of fractures, dislocations increases, each fall becomes more traumatic. Which is highly undesirable for a pregnant woman, because most painkillers during this period are banned.

The effect of caffeine on the fetus

When looking for an answer to the question of whether it is possible to drink coffee during pregnancy, women are interested in how exactly the drink affects the child. Studies by Danish scientists have shown that with abuse (9 cups a day or more), underweight children begin to be born.

In addition, a very large amount of coffee can cross the placenta and directly affect the fetus, speed up its heartbeat, and affect the nervous system. Scientists are still studying all the consequences, but one thing is for sure: drinking liters of a drink does not pass without a trace.

The benefits of coffee

However, what is dangerous in large doses can have a beneficial effect on the body, if not exceed the norm. So, coffee during pregnancy with low blood pressure and edema can even be very useful. In addition to the fact that it increases blood pressure, the drink also helps to remove excess fluid from the body, acting as a diuretic.

In addition, one or two cups in the morning tone up and help wake up. Therefore, you should not completely limit yourself. You just need to not get carried away and make sure that there is no overdose. And when planning a pregnancy, coffee is safe, because there is still no fetus that it could have an effect on. Although it is better to learn how to refuse too large doses in advance.

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How to drink coffee in a child-safe way?

Is it possible to keep the habit, but make sure that the baby does not suffer? Quite. Doctors recommend drinking coffee with milk during pregnancy: firstly, it creates the feeling of a large cup, but the amount of caffeine itself does not increase. Secondly, since the body loses calcium due to the drink, it would be nice to replenish it.

In addition, if you are used to drinking a lot of coffee, then you can try to deceive the body. For example, there is espresso flat white - a drink in which only 1/3 is, in fact, coffee. The rest is milk. Do not forget about cappuccino, where regular frothed milk is mixed with coffee.

There are also macchiato, latte macchiato, Viennese coffee, honey raff, americano, coffee panna, breve. Here, water, honey, frothed milk or plain (and sometimes both), cream and other ingredients are added to more or less coffee. From this, the drink acquires an interesting and expressive taste.

But for pregnant women, what matters is that the total amount of the drink increases, but the coffee and the caffeine itself do not. In addition, the expectant mother has a rich selection of drinks. This is psychologically important, because there are so many restrictions when carrying a child.

Decaffeinated coffee

You can also try to switch to decaffeinated coffee during pregnancy, however, there are some moments here. Many women think that such a drink is completely harmless, which means that any quantities are allowed! What is far from reality: during processing, other harmful substances appear in it. Therefore, you can increase the dose, but not much.

Instant coffee

Also, doctors recommend paying attention to instant coffee during pregnancy: the amount of caffeine in it is less, but still enough to invigorate in the morning. In addition, now on the market it is quite possible to find a lot of options for every taste. It will be a kind of compromise.

What else should be done so as not to expose yourself and the child to unnecessary risk?

You need to drink coffee in the morning. And it is extremely undesirable at night, before going to bed, because it is fraught with consequences in the form of insomnia, nervous excitability.

It is also worth increasing the number of cups, reducing the portion of each. Psychologically, it will seem that a lot of coffee has been drunk, but there will be no harm to health. And one more thing: no need to worry about every cup. If you maintain moderation, then there is no danger to the fetus. But that extra nerves may well hurt!

At different stages of pregnancy

With each trimester, corresponding changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman. This affects the functioning of internal organs, biochemical processes in the body. Therefore, it is not surprising that, depending on the period of bearing a child, the reaction to the same stimuli can be completely different.

So, get carried away with strong coffee during early pregnancy not worth it because of the risk of increasing the tone of the uterus. Especially if a woman has had miscarriages in the past or there is such a danger. If you can’t stop drinking at all, it’s better to switch to a caffeine-free option. In general, the specifics of coffee consumption depending on the period can be seen in the table.

In general, every pregnant woman reacts differently. And you need to take into account not only the period, but also the state of the body.

Questions and answers:

When should you quit coffee?

The drink should be completely abandoned in case of allergies, even if there was no such reaction to it before, in the presence of other contraindications, for example, high blood pressure. And even in those cases when immediately after taking the drink, unpleasant sensations are observed, the heart begins to prick, nausea, shortness of breath, heartburn appear.

How often can you drink coffee during pregnancy?

Doctors allow him to drink every day, subject to the norm. However, between one and the second cup, it is best to take at least a short break, to allow the body to absorb caffeine. Otherwise, pressure may rise.

How to replace coffee during pregnancy?

If the craving for a drink is very strong, 2 cups is not enough, and also if coffee is banned at all, you can try to look for alternatives. Pregnant women are usually allowed cocoa, by the way, there is also caffeine, but in very small doses that will not harm the baby. Some drink chicory, for many it resembles coffee, but it is far from being so harmful. Doctors also advise herbal teas, they warm and soothe.

Coffee or chicory during pregnancy?

If there is a choice between coffee and chicory, then the second is certainly more useful. At least it's safer. But not everyone can get used to it, for this, judging by the reviews of pregnant women, it takes time. Some women note that they began to perceive chicory better when they began to treat it not as a substitute for coffee, but as an independent drink.

Can coffee make you sick during pregnancy?

What to do if you feel sick from coffee during pregnancy, but before there was no such reaction? Bearing a child changes a lot, including taste preferences. Sometimes a woman has an overreaction to the bitterness characteristic of this drink. In such a situation, it is worth abandoning it. Or try options with a lot of milk, for example.

Cravings for coffee in large quantities

Expectant mothers often amaze others with unusual addictions. And sometimes they are terribly drawn to something, so much so that it is difficult to deny yourself this. They complain that sometimes they even wake up in the middle of the night and can't think of anything else. If during pregnancy you want coffee so much, then you can allow yourself a cup or two, provided, of course, that there are no contraindications.

Is it possible to drink weak coffee during pregnancy with contraindications?

A lot depends on why the drink is strictly prohibited. If the cause is an allergy, then it can even become bad because of the smell. Therefore, you should not experiment, especially since most antihistamines are prohibited for pregnant women. And providing assistance in a collision with an allergen can harm the health of a child.

If it’s a matter of high blood pressure, then you can try, if you feel good, take one cup of latte or other coffee with water, milk, cream, etc. Only in the process, listen to your own feelings. Got sick? Stop drinking immediately.

With calcium deficiency, a drink is sometimes allowed, but with the addition of milk. Or with the obligatory inclusion of fermented milk products in the diet, and preferably on the same day. But if you have trouble with your heart, it is best not to risk it.

In general, if you have a strong craving for coffee, consult your doctor, ask him what will happen if you still drink one cup. A good specialist will not intimidate, he will honestly describe possible scenarios and tell you how to act in certain cases.

Coffee is a drink that many of us have long been accustomed to. For some, it has even become something of a mandatory morning ritual. Without it, it is sometimes difficult to wake up or do all your business. Therefore, giving up coffee completely is problematic, and it is not necessary if there are no direct contraindications. Just stick to the daily dose of caffeine, which is useful, by the way, for a woman who is not expecting a child. Be healthy!


Julia Vern 3 150 3

The usual morning cup of an invigorating drink is an integral part of our life. She teases with aroma, gives a boost of energy and helps to wake up. However, coffee has obvious fans and ardent opponents. Between them, disputes about the benefits and harms of the product do not stop.

It definitely improves performance and mood, but increases blood pressure and activates the pulse. Is it worth taking the risk of drinking coffee during pregnancy at different times? Let's try to figure it out.

How caffeine works

Caffeine is the main active substance released from coffee beans. The percentage of its content depends on the type of coffee. At its core, we drink the drink precisely for the sake of this alkaloid. Its presence in the blood stimulates the work of the nervous system, the heart muscle. Caffeine easily penetrates into the blood, almost immediately after drinking.

Should I drink this invigorating drink during pregnancy?

Even a light concentration of a substance is enough for the brain centers to respond to the presence of a stimulant. The body responds unequivocally to this:

  • The nervous system is activated. General arousal increases, apathy and drowsiness disappear, reactions accelerate, efficiency increases.
  • The contractions of the heart muscle become more frequent. This increases the pulse. The heart reacts more actively to other stimuli: drugs, stressful situations. Under adverse conditions, this can lead to tachycardia.
  • The vasomotor centers are activated. This reduces the lumen of the arteries that carry blood. The blood pressure rises.
  • The brain activates the respiratory center. Breathing becomes shallow and quickens.
  • The process of absorption of iron in the gastrointestinal tract slows down.

Drinking several cups in a row increases the concentration of caffeine in the blood. Nervous excitability and pressure grow proportionally. Sleeplessness may occur.

Comparing a drink made from freshly ground coffee beans with its instant alternative, we get significant differences in terms of flavor and aroma. But the caffeine content in both cases will be approximately equal.

How coffee affects the body of a pregnant woman

The first trimester is often a test for a woman. Poor health, dizziness, nausea interfere with the pleasure of thinking about a new state. Some believe that a cup of coffee in early pregnancy will help to cope with the manifestations of toxicosis. But there is a completely different picture:

  • Spasms of blood vessels impair blood circulation. The body accumulates toxic substances.
  • The lumen of the vessels supplying food to the placenta decreases. Provoked placental insufficiency.
  • The risk of anemia increases.

Women suffering from hypotension believe that coffee can be taken during pregnancy to stabilize pressure. To some extent, this is a legitimate desire. However, unwanted side effects can negate all the benefits.

Low-quality coffee, which is massively presented on the shelves of retail outlets, may contain harmful substances. This is a consequence of the processing of cheap raw materials with chemicals to make them attractive to consumers. Such a drink, taken with sufficient frequency, can lead to violations of the development of pregnancy, intrauterine malformations of the fetus.

There are a number of absolute contraindications to taking coffee for pregnant women:

  • The presence of tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmias.
  • Diagnosed hypertension.
  • The presence of toxicosis.
  • Increased nervous excitability, tearfulness, frequent headaches.
  • Insomnia, difficulty falling asleep.
  • Anemia.
  • Anomalies in the development of the placenta.

In all these cases, a pregnant woman should stop drinking coffee until the moment of delivery.

There is a whole list of unequivocal and categorical contraindications for drinking coffee by pregnant women.

The effect of coffee on the body of the fetus

Caffeine is quickly absorbed into the blood through the walls of blood vessels, into the placenta, which means it has direct access to the fetus. The child in the womb feels the negative effect of the alkaloid:

  • Poor quality coffee interferes with the development of internal organs: kidneys, liver, skeleton.
  • The risk of developing diabetes increases.
  • There is a risk of placental insufficiency, which leads to various developmental anomalies.
  • The undeveloped nervous system of the fetus suffers.
  • The frequency of contraction of the heart muscle changes.
  • The risk of having a premature baby is increased.

The first trimester is fundamental for all vital systems of the body of the future man. To reduce the risk of disorders, it is better to stop drinking coffee in early pregnancy.

Instant coffee and pregnancy

Instant coffee, in a sense, is a surrogate for a natural drink. Its varieties can vary greatly in quality, be made from elite coffee beans, and do not contain artificial additives. But a huge drawback and a trump card of the opponents of the drink is one of the stages of production: coffee has been processed and lost up to 90% of its useful qualities.

Instant coffee is easy to prepare. Its popular varieties have an attractive aroma and quite competitive taste. However, the benefits of such coffee for a pregnant woman and a child are a controversial thing. With a great desire and good health, it is better to take a few sips of a freshly prepared drink from ground grains.

If you really want and health allows - you can drink quite a bit of an invigorating drink from ground grains

Can you drink decaffeinated coffee?

This is an even worse alternative to a natural drink. In order to extract caffeine from the extract in the production of soluble varieties, at one of the stages the raw materials are subjected to additional chemical processing. The reaction neutralizes the alkaloid. The final product does not contain caffeine.

The dangers described earlier increase at times. The consequences can be the saddest, the easiest of which is an allergic predisposition in a child.

How to limit your coffee intake

Even doctors do not advise to drastically change your habits. If you have been an avid coffee lover all your life, one small cup of a natural drink at the usual hour will not harm you. Only advice: watch the reaction of your body. If there is an unpleasant aftertaste, slight malaise, dizziness, pour the whole wonderful drink into the sink without a trace and pity.

When we have to look for a worthy replacement for something familiar and beloved, we are used to relying on progress and technology. The story with coffee is not the case. Black and green tea lovers should know that these foods are also high in caffeine. Sometimes its content is even higher than in coffee.

But weak brewed coffee with milk during pregnancy is quite acceptable. Of course, if there are no other doctor's recommendations.

An even better substitute would be chicory. The drink has a tonic effect, adds vigor. And widely used in healthy eating. It lowers blood sugar levels, stimulates liver function, and has no effect on blood pressure. Chicory contains many vitamins, fiber, and tannins. After its use, there will be no heaviness in the stomach, heartburn. The drink is also beneficial for the intestinal microflora.

Chicory is a good alternative to coffee during pregnancy

The desire to endure and give birth to a strong baby gives us courage and the desire to change for the better. We easily get rid of harmful addictions, without which we could not imagine a day of existence before. A glass of freshly squeezed juice or milk is an excellent source of nutrients and what is better to temporarily replace your favorite cup of coffee.

Pregnancy is a crucial stage in the life of any woman, and many are reconsidering their habits, giving up their previously favorite foods and drinks. But, it is not easy for coffee lovers to completely refuse it, and then expectant mothers wonder if instant coffee can be used by pregnant women and in what quantity.

Impact on pregnancy

No doctor will argue that during pregnancy, the drink is categorically contraindicated. The powder is obtained from roasted grains, and not of the highest quality. Unscrupulous manufacturers, in order to obtain a final product with a natural aroma and taste, add various components to it.

Caffeine has an exciting effect on the nervous system of the expectant mother, which can negatively affect the quality of sleep and mood. Its use in large quantities causes increased urine output, due to the increased work of the kidneys, which can lead to dehydration. Sometimes, there is a rapid heartbeat and breathing, increased blood pressure. Due to frequent urination, which is also affected by the drunk drink, calcium and other trace elements necessary for the pregnant woman and the fetus are excreted from the body.

If you drink instant coffee for pregnant women in large quantities, then the tone of the uterus is provoked, which increases the risk of premature termination of pregnancy.

Often, women try to replace ordinary instant coffee with a similar drink, without caffeine, considering it less harmful. But, it also contains, albeit in a smaller amount, a certain dose of caffeine and other not useful additives. Doctors do not recommend this drink to anyone, and especially to a future mother.

The effect of the drink at different times

Some doctors believe that the drink should be abandoned at the beginning of pregnancy - up to 12 weeks, since it is in the first trimester that the formation of the nervous system and brain in the fetus takes place. But, often, at this time, expectant mothers suffer from toxicosis, and instant coffee for pregnant women turns out to be a life-saving drink that improves well-being.

If you drink instant coffee during pregnancy in the last trimester, without limitation, this can lead to:

  1. increased urination, which is already frequent during this period, which will increase the load on the kidneys and provoke dehydration;
  2. leaching of calcium, and this can adversely affect the formation of the children's skeleton;
  3. to disruption of brain activity and heart rhythm of the baby.

Can instant coffee be used by pregnant women? Pregnant women are allowed to drink it, but in an amount not exceeding two 150-gram cups, and preferably not every day. You should not drink at night, with high blood pressure and women who have gastritis, stomach ulcers or other gastrointestinal diseases. If the expectant mother experiences toxicosis, headache, convulsions, then it is better to stop drinking the drink.

Instant coffee during pregnancy can be combined with milk or cream to reduce its negative effects. They reduce the concentration of caffeine and compensate for some of the calcium, most importantly, the volume of milk or cream should be no less than coffee, or more.


Many, trying not to harm the child, completely turn away from its use. But, in some cases, the desire to drink your favorite drink becomes very strong, and then the woman allows herself this weakness. Sometimes, it is contraindicated for pregnant women to drink instant coffee, for example, with hypertension, a lack of calcium in the body.

In this case, chicory can become an alternative. It is similar in taste and color to a drink, but does not contain caffeine and has a positive effect on the body:

  • increases hemoglobin;
  • has a beneficial effect on cleansing the body;
  • does not disrupt the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • helps to maintain the required level of sugar in the blood;
  • relieves heartburn, often occurring during pregnancy;
  • helps lower blood cholesterol.

Chicory is sold in ground, soluble or liquid form. The first two options are almost identical. It is enough to pour ground chicory with water and stir, and for soluble powder, you need to infuse for a few more minutes. It is better to refrain from liquid chicory extract during pregnancy, as it can be supplemented with unhealthy additives. In addition, tea is also brewed from chicory.

Doctors recommend replacing coffee with cocoa, which, like chicory, contains vegetable protein and calcium, which makes them more useful. In small quantities, it is allowed to drink ground (natural) coffee, which is much better than drinking instant coffee.

During pregnancy, it is not forbidden to drink instant coffee, but, evaluating all the positive and negative sides, each woman decides for herself whether it is worth risking her own well-being and the health of the unborn baby. Perhaps you should replace it with more healthy or harmless drinks.