Rooibos tea: heritage of African natives. For the nervous system

The South African drink rooibos, or in another transcription, rooibos, rooisbos, redbush, rotbushsi, redbos (rooibos, lat. Aspalathus Linearis), is very popular not only at home, but also in Japan, Germany, Holland, England and other countries. In Germany, this popular drink is also called Massai Chai or Bushmen Tea, although both of them live in a completely different part of the African continent. Rooibos is a plant in the form of a shrub of small height (up to 1.5 meters), reddish in color and with a branched structure. On the branches there are shoots with needles about a centimeter long, growing in bunches. The shrub belongs to the legume family along with lupins, peas and clover and grows only in South Africa, in the Cederbegr mountains, 300 km north of Cape Town. Ready tea looks like oblong reddish needles, 0.2 to 1 mm thick and 2 to 4 mm long. There may be inclusions of slightly lighter particles, but if most of the tea leaves are yellow, then the product is of poor quality. AT good tea there should be no leaf tips or cuttings. If they do occur, they should not have ramifications or stipules. The aroma of rooibos is clean, fruity. If a tea sold with the name rooibos doesn't match the description, it's fake. Rooibos best quality produced in South Africa and has state quality control, so if this country is indicated on the tea package, you can trust this tea.

Unlike many teas, rooibos can be stored for several years without losing its flavor, although it beneficial features disappear over time. From an open pack of rooibos, it is recommended to pour into a wooden or glass container with a tight-fitting lid and store in a cool place, away from sunlight. The aroma of rooibos is quite strong and persistent, it is not recommended to store it next to other teas.

Every year rooibos becomes more and more popular, and bags with this tea are sold in many supermarkets and certainly in every self-respecting tea shop. In Russia, as well as in the rest of the world, this drink began to gain popularity only a few decades ago, although it is known that rooibos was grown and harvested by local residents (Coikoins) long before the start of colonization. Rooibos has a clear and tart flavor and is an excellent tonic. For the preparation of rooibos, there are no special rules and special dishes. Rooibos is infused in the same way as tea, with the only difference that when brewing rooibos, you need to increase the time to 5-7 minutes, and the water should be about 95 ºС. It is recommended to put the teapot in a hot place so that the water in it retains heat for as long as possible. Rooibos withstands 3-4 tea leaves, after which it gradually loses its taste. Sometimes rooibos is brewed in a thermos, where it is possible to maintain a high brewing temperature for a long time. The finished drink has a sweet and sour taste, with the aroma of hay, a dark brown-red hue. Karl Pretorius, a resident of South Africa, patented his own way making rooibos, like Italian espresso coffee. He also crushes the rooibos and then pressurizes the mixture with hot, pressurized water vapor. The result is a very dark, coffee-like drink, with a high content of tonic substances. There are already red rooibos cappuccino and rooibos latte, as well as iced rooibos and similar rooibos espresso drinks.

Rooibos does not contain caffeine, which makes it useful people with heart problems. Rooibos perfectly quenches thirst and tones without caffeine. For the same reason, rooibus can be given to young children, and if you cook it weak, then they will definitely like the sweetish taste of the drink without the addition of sugar harmful to the young body. The locals believe that daily use rooibos prolongs life, makes the mind clear and thoughts fast. Rooibos is rich in vitamins and minerals. Most of all, rooibos contains potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium, less - zinc, copper, fluorine, manganese and iron. One cup of rooibos provides half of a person's daily requirement for vitamin C and 1/9 of a person's need for iron. This micronutrient-rich drink can serve to prevent heart disease and keep the whole body in good shape. Rooibos is especially valuable because it contains a lot of copper. This rare trace element is necessary for our body for hematopoiesis and protein metabolism. Its deficiency affects the color of the skin of the face and the condition of the hair. Flavonoids contained in rooibos neutralize free radicals and slow down negative processes in the body. All the beneficial properties of rooibos have not yet been studied, however, in Japan, famous for the special attitude of residents to their health, rooibos is more popular than at home.

At the beginning of the 20th century, an emigrant from Russia, Benjamin Ginsberg, observed a plant from which a drink similar to tea is made. Noticing that the locals drink it constantly and in large quantities, after which they have increased efficiency for a long time, Benjamin began to study in detail the properties of the plant. He was the first to use rooibos for commercial purposes. Initially, tea was tried to be sold in Cape Town, and after a successful experience, it gradually reached Europe. In 1904, the first batch of rooibos went to Europe. However, for many decades, rooibos remained only exotic, and the general public did not soon begin to trust the drink from Africa. By the 30s of the 20th century, the demand for rooibos in Africa increased significantly, and wild bushes became scarce. The French botanist Peter le Fraz Nortier proposed to farmers a way to grow a wild plant in a plantation. In this undertaking, the botanist was helped by immigrants who, having vast experience in tea growing in their homeland, helped with their knowledge and experience in growing rooibos. Enthusiasts of the cultivation of the red bush are so carried away by the methods of its cultivation that they completely forgot about the sales market. And already in the mid-50s of the 20th century, so much tea was produced that its prices fell very much, which ruined many farmers. Since then, the production of rooibos has been controlled by the authorities and concentrated in several areas of the South African state.

The preparation of this African tea is quite simple. Shrub shoots are cut, crushed and laid out under the sun for drying, while not forgetting to sprinkle the crushed shoots with water. The combination of moisture and heat creates a very fast fermentation, and in a day the rooibos can be dried again (this time much more intensively), sorted, crushed and packaged for sale. The factories of the Republic of South Africa produce more than 4 thousand tons of rooibos every year. One thousand is sent for export, of which half goes to Japan, the second to Europe, America and Australia. The rest of the harvest is sold and consumed in the local market, where rooibos is incredibly popular.

Rooibos is a variety of healthy and delicious tea. The plant, the petals of which are dried to make tea leaves, is more commonly referred to as "rooibos". A shrub grows exclusively in Africa.

The process of preparing the drink is not difficult. The mixture is brewed with boiling water, insisted, consumed or used for other purposes. Rooibos is widely used not only in traditional medicine, but also included in the diet of diets or cosmetic recipes.

The benefits of tea

Rooibos is able to saturate in a fairly short period of time. human body useful substances, minerals and vitamins. Its regular use contributes to the improvement of internal systems and the normalization of the functioning of organs.

The plant from which this variety of tea is made is one of the medicinal ones, so the drink can be considered a healing addition to the diet. Rooibos can be used in different types including external use. The composition of tea has a beneficial effect on the skin and hair, restoring their health and beauty.

Rooibos tea benefits include:

The overall effect of rooibos on the human body is unique. The use of this tea in the morning leads to the elimination of drowsiness, and in the evening it calms the psyche and helps to fall asleep faster.

During the day, the drink gives strength, vitality and relieves fatigue. You can drink tea almost without restrictions. This statement should not be taken too literally. The introduction of any drink into the diet should be reasonable.

Nutritional value and calories

100 g of rooibos contains approximately 16 kcal. Low calorie content allows you to enter the drink into the diet without restrictions. It is not necessary to add sugar or other sweet ingredients to tea.

Due high content glucose natural taste of the drink has a sweetish aftertaste. This property is especially valued in nutrition. For example, it is very difficult for some people to drink black tea without sugar, but this problem will not arise with rooibos.

Nutritional value of rooibos (per 100 g):

  • proteins - 0.8 g;
  • carbohydrates - 1.2 g;
  • fats - 0.8 g.

Rooibos contains the following ingredients:

  • fluorine;
  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • selenium;
  • manganese;
  • sodium;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • antioxidants;
  • carboxylic acids;
  • vitamins of numerous groups;
  • glucose;
  • flavonoids;
  • numerous aromatic oils.

Rooibos also contains natural tetracycline. Thanks to this feature african tea considered a powerful natural antibiotic. Its regular use brings tremendous benefits to the body, providing reliable protection against viruses and infections.

In addition, the drink does not harmful effects on the body during pregnancy, lactation, and it can be introduced into the diet at almost any age.

Is there any harm and contraindications?

Rooibos has no contraindications. Tea can be consumed regardless of general health or age category. The drink does not harm during pregnancy or lactation. For infants, it is considered a useful addition to the diet.

The only nuances when using rooibos are individual intolerance and increased content natural tetracycline. Intolerance is mainly related to the taste properties of the drink.

If the body refuses to perceive tea and a negative reaction occurs to it, then it is better to refuse the introduction of rooibos into the diet.

The presence of tetracycline in tea should always be remembered. The point is that at regular use drink, this component not only accumulates in the body, but also causes a lack of reaction to drugs with its content.

If it is necessary to treat with tablets or ointments with tetracycline, it will practically not be possible to achieve the desired effect.

Methods of application in traditional medicine

Rooibos can be consumed not only as a tasty and healthy drink, but also used to achieve various healing and cosmetic purposes. It is recommended to rinse your hair with tea for their healing and restoration, wipe your face or make lotions based on it.

The brewing process is no different from the traditional way of making black tea. One or two teaspoons of rooibos are poured with boiling water and infused for at least 15-20 minutes, after which it is ready for consumption or use in traditional medicine recipes.

for weight loss:
  • quenching thirst and hunger(if you use rooibos several times during the day in a warm form, then your appetite may decrease, due to which there will be a faster saturation with food, in addition, tea removes excess fluid from the body, replenishes the supply of vitamins, does not increase the acidity of gastric juice, cleanses cells from free radicals );
  • addition to the diet(after brewing, tea particles can be added to almost any diet meals, for example, for pastries, cocktails or sweet sauces, in addition, pancakes can be prepared on the drink, replacing milk or kefir with them, these culinary experiments will help reduce the calorie content of dishes and increase their benefits for the body during the period of following the diet program).
in cosmetology:
  • tea washing(rooibos is brewed traditional way, and then used to wash the face, the prepared drink can be frozen, and wipe the skin with ice cubes in the morning, this procedure will remove traces chronic fatigue, will make the complexion healthier and prevent the appearance of blackheads, pimples and other inflammations);
  • lotions for the eyes(if cotton pads are moistened in tea and applied to the eyes, then with regular procedures you can get rid of signs of fatigue, bags, fine wrinkles or dark circles, it is better to carry out the procedure at night after removing makeup);
  • adding to masks(adding a small amount strong brewed rooibos to homemade or ready-made face masks will increase their effectiveness).
in folk medicine:
  • soothing and wellness baths(if you are prone to frequent stress, colds, excessive fatigue and other abnormalities in the functioning of body systems, it is recommended to add brewed rooibos to the water while taking a bath, the aroma of tea will calm the nerves, and its nutritional components will have a preventive and therapeutic effect on the body);
  • tea for disease prevention(if you use rooibos at least three times a day, then a powerful protective effect will be made on the body, resistance to viral and colds will appear, the level of the immune system will increase, a similar method is used as an addition to the main courses of treatment for any diseases);
  • decoction for inflammation of the skin(the technique for preparing a decoction differs from traditional brewing, rooibos must be boiled in boiling water for at least five minutes, after which a cotton pad is wetted in it, the lotion can be used for any inflammation on the skin or mucous membranes, the effect is achieved by equating tea to natural antibiotics).

Rooibos tea is considered national drink South American natives. Many myths and legends are associated with the history of this drink. Since ancient times, this tea has been called the source of wisdom, youth and longevity.

At the moment, the drink is gaining popularity at a rapid pace, not only because of the unusual taste properties, but also because of the content huge amount useful ingredients. Rooibos does not contain caffeine, so it can be consumed at any age and in almost unlimited quantities.

Rooibos tea- it is extremely fragrant and delicious drink, which many gourmets prefer to traditional black or green tea. It is made from the leaves of a South African shrub of the same name, and experts unequivocally note - this drink is able to effectively stimulate and tone the body, saturate it with minerals and vitamins.

What is in rooibos tea?

The drink contains antioxidants that cleanse and rejuvenate the human body, as well as beneficial ascorbic acid. In addition, it contains elements such as iron, copper, potassium, sodium, fluorine, zinc, manganese, magnesium. And therefore, rooibos is recognized as especially useful for the elderly, for athletes and everyone whose work activity is associated with heavy loads, as well as for children. After all, it strengthens the nervous system, stimulates metabolic processes, improves immunity, improves the condition of the teeth and the entire skeletal system as a whole.

How does rooibos tea affect the human body?

Specialists especially appreciate this tea due to the fact that its effect on the human body is very mild. It is allowed to take this drink at any time of the day due to the absence of caffeine and tannin in its composition. Rooibos does not cause insomnia and does not lead to dehydration. Moreover, it is absolutely safe even for very young children and for nursing mothers.

It should be noted that rooibos is not only a tonic, but also an effective antibacterial agent (because it contains natural tetracycline). Due to this, it is very useful for people suffering from various digestive disorders, of cardio-vascular system, allergies, elevated blood pressure, anemia. Furthermore, rooibos can even be used in the fight against hangovers.

Are there any contraindications?

South African rooibos tea it is also remarkable in that it has no contraindications at all (except for the individual sensitivity of the body to its components). Drinking the drink in question is allowed for people of all ages and at any time of the day. The most important thing is to brew it correctly!

How to brew South African rooibos tea?

The process of brewing a drink is as simple and accessible as the process of brewing ordinary tea. It is necessary to pour one teaspoon of dry tea leaves with boiling water (take 250 ml of boiling water), and then insist for several minutes. You can drink this drink without sugar or with sugar, honey or jam.

In Africa rooibos tea as popular as coffee in other countries. This ethnic African drink has a rich sweetish taste and a delicate woody-nutty aroma. To make it, you need the leaves of a shrub of the same name, which is found only on the Cape of Good Hope. This plant grows up to 1.5 m in height, has thin branches and needle-like soft leaves.

Rooibos tea: how is this miracle obtained?

To get green, the leaves are immediately steamed after harvesting. This tea is of a lighter shade, the taste is delicate and refined, with herbal shades, more familiar to Europeans.

To get red rooibos at the exit, the leaves are subjected to natural process fermentation, then dried under the sun. This tea is more cloying, with a woody flavor and slightly sweet. But the locals prefer just such a drink - they brew it strong and sweeten it. In Africa, it is also customary to prepare rooibos like coffee - brew espresso or dilute it with milk. In terms of strength, color and invigorating properties, rooibos is absolutely not inferior to coffee!

The quality of rooibos tea does not depend on the leaves - their age and length, but on the presence of impurities - tea is brewed together with pieces of branches and trunks. And one more plus of the "Bushmen elixir" - unlike classic tea, rooibos in bags is no worse than loose. So feel free to choose packaged rooibos in stores - you won't go wrong.

In Europe, the drink appeared only at the beginning of the 20th century, but quickly gained popularity. Since the plant grows best only in South Africa, this country has become a monopoly in its supply. The scale of exports is very impressive - up to about 6 thousand tons of raw materials are exported from the country to other continents. The crop is harvested only from two-year-old shrubs, cutting off the tops of the upper branches. The collected raw materials are transported to the factory and crushed.

  • In the first case, the leaves are simply steamed under high pressure, skipping the fermentation process. The taste of this tea is grassy, ​​and the color is light.
  • To make red rooibos, fermentation and drying in the sun is necessary. The finished drink acquires a brick-scarlet color and a rich sugary taste.

But in Africa they even like to sweeten it and dilute it with milk. Rooibos is even used to make local African espresso, which appearance and characteristics practically does not differ from the coffee we are used to.

Locals say that a cup of such tea can be called food additive. But according to the results of research, the amount of vitamins and microelements is not so large as to cover human needs.

  • However, rooibos contains a large number of antioxidants - according to this parameter, it is several positions higher than green tea common in our country. These chemicals are able to bind and remove toxins in an inactive state, which has a positive effect on overall health.
  • Tea contains a decent amount of light monosaccharides, so ready drink can be drunk without sweeteners. But this largely depends on the individual taste preferences of each person.
  • The calorie content of tea is low - only 16 kcal per 100 g of dry raw materials.

For premium rooibos, only long leaves that are not damaged by insects are selected. The rest of the raw materials go to the production of low-grade tea.

Rooibos tea can be green or deep red. It all depends on the type of processing of the needle-like leaves of the plant. The technology of processing raw materials for making tea has not changed so far.

Like hundreds of years ago, the branches of the rooibos bush are plucked, crushed and dried in the sun, using absolutely no chemicals. For green rooibos, the leaves are steamed immediately after picking, until the fermentation process has begun. This type of tea has a richer herbal taste.

To make the drink red, the leaves are allowed to complete the fermentation process, after which they are dried in the sun. The red variety of the drink is more sugary in taste. In Africa, they make espresso from it, which practically does not differ in characteristic taste from real coffee.

Aborigines have long used tea not only as a drink, but also as medicine, and persistent natural dye.

This drink is a rich source of natural tetracycline, so it is considered an effective bactericidal agent. Decoctions and infusions can be taken orally and used externally as lotions and compresses for various skin diseases.

They well remove itching, rashes, irritations and inflammation on the skin. It is useful to drink a drink even for small children with colic and insomnia.

You can cook a lot about the beneficial properties of tea.

Africans often use rooibos as a hangover cure.

Essential oils give the drink a characteristic taste and aroma, while they have a calming and tonic effect.

For women

A large amount of antioxidants makes rooibos an indispensable drink for women who want to preserve their beauty and youth for many years. It also normalizes the menstrual cycle, restores a healthy look to the skin. From this tea, you can prepare tonics and ointments, which help restore elasticity and freshness to the face.

For men

The drink is also useful for men, especially if their work is associated with heavy physical activity. Athletes and active people also leave positive reviews about this tea.

Since rooibos is completely caffeine-free, it can be drunk by both adults and young children. And for pregnant women and during the feeding period, this drink can become a pleasant natural supplement that will saturate the body with useful substances, rejuvenate and heal the body.

Useful and healing properties rooibos tea during pregnancy:

  • Has a relaxing effect. Allows you to calmly relate to unexpectedly arising life difficulties.
  • Removes excess fluid.
  • Has an analgesic effect. Eases morning sickness.
  • Treats sleep disorders.
  • Prevents constipation. Has a positive effect on digestion.
  • Prevents anemia.

Drinking a cup of tea, the body of a pregnant woman is saturated with iron, folic acid (very useful for the mother and her unborn child), vitamin B12.

Rooibos contains a small amount of tannins, no more than 3% (these substances prevent the normal absorption of Fe), which allows you to get this very important trace element in sufficient quantities.

Instructions for use

When choosing tea, you need to pay attention to its appearance. The leaves in the dry mixture should have the same color, size, the composition itself should be light and crumbling. If there are yellow leaves in the mixture, then the quality of the tea is low. Availability small pieces branches or bark is welcome - this indicates the excellent quality of tea.

The drink can be brewed several times, while it does not lose its taste and intensity at all. For the first sample, flavored rooibos with vanilla or strawberry is best.

The specific smell of hay combined with woody-nutty notes and a sweet and sour taste may not seem very attractive. But you just need to get used to this taste.

How to brew

There are no special tricks when brewing, the drink is prepared like regular tea, but still there are some nuances. To fully reveal the taste and aroma, it is desirable to brew it in a thermos.

Any dishes can be used, excluding clay teapots and cups. Clay absorbs the smell of the liquid in it, and the drink loses its aroma.

  • Tea goes well with a slice of orange or lemon.
  • It is desirable to brew it in a paper filter, since the tea leaves are small red-brown sawdust, which easily penetrate even through a fine sieve.
  • For brewing, you can use not only water, but also milk.
  • For complex taste vanilla, cinnamon, citrus zest are added to such a drink.

Rooibos is good in any form, but you should not drink it too hot. The fluid should be at a comfortable temperature. In the heat, it perfectly refreshes and quenches thirst. Of the benefits, it should be mentioned that the drink does not lose its benefits even the next day.

Use in various diseases

Knowing how to brew rooibos tea, you can drink it for prevention various diseases or to alleviate a current health condition.

The drink contains compounds that have an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of the intestines, so it is useful to drink it for flatulence and constipation.

Also, tea relaxes the smooth muscles of large blood vessels, expanding their gaps and reducing pressure. Therefore, it is better for hypertensive patients to choose such an African drink than black tea or coffee.

Tea can also be drunk to get rid of excess weight. But this does not mean that the mere use of rooibos without sports and food restrictions can destroy fat deposits accumulated over many years.

In principle, there are no appetite suppressants or fat-burning additives in this drink. This tea is best drunk before a meal to dampen the feeling of hunger a little and eat a smaller portion of food at lunch or dinner. During tea drinking, you should not eat sweets, cakes and sweets.

Rooibos tea: benefits in cosmetology

Rooibos is useful not only in the medical field - the properties of this tea have fully manifested themselves in cosmetology.

Lots of minerals and essential oils in tea, rooibos makes an excellent tonic and rejuvenator for the face:

  • wash your face with rooibos tea or wipe your face in the morning and evening with frozen rooibos ice cubes - this will improve the color, remove signs of fatigue, and with regular use - make the skin more even;
  • make compresses on the eyes from rooibos tea - it will help from dark circles, fine wrinkles and bags;
  • you can add a teaspoon of tea to homemade masks - this will smooth out wrinkles on the face and restore freshness.

Rooibos is also useful for hair: if you rinse your hair with a decoction of rooibos, this will help enhance their growth.

Do also baths with the addition of strong infusion of rooibos - they not only relieve tension in the evening after nervous work, but are also beneficial for the body - after a cycle of baths, the skin will become more elastic.

Contraindications and possible harm

Although the benefits of tea are beyond doubt, still certain categories of people need to be careful with its use.

  • It is better for diabetics not to drink rooibos at all, as it contains a lot of glucose. Read more:
  • Since the drink lowers blood pressure, people with hypotension can drink it very rarely and in limited quantities. If you use it regularly, it will lead to disturbances in the work of the heart, blood vessels and kidneys.
  • Also, do not forget about individual intolerance. If a person has never drunk rooibos, the first time the volume of the drink should be minimal in order to check the reaction of the body.

To bring tea the greatest benefit, it should be used as soon as possible. Dry raw materials can be stored for years, but the quantity useful substances while significantly decreasing.

This tea, which has a slightly sweet taste, is made from the leaves of a South African plant, namely from a shrub with the same name Rooibos. It turns out a very pleasant taste, with a wonderful aroma, a drink. By its tonic, invigorating properties, it will successfully replace traditional black tea or coffee. Moreover, rooibos acts much softer on blood vessels, as it does not contain caffeine.

He appeared on sale not so long ago, but already has a large army of fans. Someone loves this tea for its inherent taste, pleasant aroma. Others drink it as a medicine, knowing about its powerful healing effect on the body. What are the properties of rooibos tea, the benefits and harms of it, what? Let's find out right now:

Who Should Drink Rooibos? The benefits of the drink

Most importantly, it contains a lot of substances - antioxidants, the main property of which is to slow down aging. In addition, they can also reduce the risk of developing cancerous tumors.

It should be noted that rooibos is very rich in vitamin C. There is more of it than lemons contain! There is also such an important element as iron. Therefore, the drink is very useful for iron deficiency anemia. Only 2-3 cups fresh tea provide the body daily rate this mineral.

In addition to iron, rooibos is no less rich in fluorine, copper, as well as potassium, manganese, zinc and sodium. Therefore, it is recommended to drink it to children, the elderly and athletes. In general, these elements are necessary for all people who lead an active lifestyle, as well as those who are engaged in physical labor.

Potassium, sodium, which are part of it, contribute to the restoration of physical health. Zinc, combined with vitamin C, enhances immune system. Copper will improve performance nervous system, activates the metabolism. Manganese, magnesium, which is part of the tea, has a positive effect on the cells of the body, and calcium, together with fluorine, strengthens bone tissue and tooth enamel.

Medicinal properties

The use of tea will calm the stomach, eliminate heartburn, nausea, and stop vomiting. In its homeland - South Africa, tea has been used since time immemorial in the treatment of intestinal disorders, used for stomach colic in children and adults. Therefore, regular use of tea will improve digestion and eliminate constipation.

Tea is used for allergies. With it, reduce itching, relieve the symptoms of dermatitis, eczema. The drink is considered an effective antibacterial agent.

Tea has anthelmintic properties, so it is recommended to drink it during the treatment of helminthiasis. And you can drink it for both adults and children.

Rooibos will benefit in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and tonsillitis, as it is an effective anti-inflammatory, expectorant.

It is recommended to drink with nervous experiences, stress, depression and neuroses. It will eliminate problems with falling asleep. And drinking a cup before going to bed will calm you down, help you fall asleep well and sleep peacefully. If you drink a cup of tea during the day, it, on the contrary, will give vivacity, increase efficiency.

It should be noted that rooibos tea, the benefits of which are now known to us, does not contain oxalic acid. Therefore, it can be drunk without any fear to people suffering urolithiasis. In addition, because of its low calorie content, it can be drunk by anyone who is on a diet.

How to make rooibos tea?

Everything is very simple and you do not need to invent anything extra. Rooibos is brewed in the same way as regular tea. Pour it into a teapot, then pour boiling water over it. Stick to the proportion: 1 tsp. for 200 ml of boiling water.

Insist it longer - more than five minutes. For example, in Japan it takes 10 minutes to cook it. And in his homeland - South Africa, they can generally withstand the infusion for half an hour or more. There is an opinion that the longer the infusion is prepared, the higher useful qualities tea.

You can drink it hot. And when it's hot, cold rooibos is very good. Connoisseurs cook on the basis of infusion delicious non-alcoholic punches and fruit cocktails.

Many drink lovers prefer to drink it with all sorts of fillings. For example, a little cinnamon is added to the tea leaves. It is very good with bergamot, lemon. Lovers of fruit flavors buy rooibos with pieces of apple, pineapple, strawberry, banana. You can buy tea with cornflower flowers or with the addition of almonds, caramel, etc.

Who shouldn't drink rooibos tea? Drink harm

I must say that rooibos is not harmful. It is unnecessary to drink it only for people with individual intolerance. However, it is not recommended to drink it on an empty stomach in order to drown out the feeling of hunger. Just an excess of fluid will definitely accumulate in the tissues of the body, which will cause swelling. Therefore, 2-3 small cups of tea is enough.

And yet, you should not buy tea bags of the same name. They are usually "stuffed" with flavors, all kinds of flavor enhancers. There is very little left of natural rooibos. Therefore, there will be very, very little benefit from a packaged drink. Therefore, it is better to purchase natural rooibos in specialized tea stores. Be healthy!