Salads with Korean carrots - piquancy and charm of taste. A simple and complex dish - salad with Korean carrots and mushrooms

Light salad for gala dinner or for lunch puff salad with carrots - a selection of 8 best recipes!

simple and light salad on a festive or everyday table.

  • Carrot (large) - 1 pc.
  • Chicken egg (large) - 3 pcs
  • Apple - 2 pcs
  • Cream cheese - 50 g
  • Dill (for decoration)
  • Mayonnaise - 1 pack.
  • Chinese cabbage (2 leaves) - 2 bunches.

Peel and wash carrots. Grate on coarse grater.

Peel the apple. Grate on a coarse grater.

Boil eggs. Clear. Grate on a coarse grater.

Finely chop the cabbage. Cheese grate on a fine grater.

  1. layer apples + mayonnaise
  2. egg layer + mayonnaise
  3. layer cabbage + mayonnaise
  4. carrot layer + mayonnaise
  5. layer of cheese + mayonnaise.

Decorate with greenery.

Recipe 2: Layered Chicken and Carrot Salad (Step by Step)

Layered chicken salad is real holiday dish. And if you have a desire to serve this chicken salad in an unusual way, then you are welcome to look at our recipes.

Today we invite you to cook on New Year, or any other holiday carrot salad. It is not only beautiful, but also delicious. Under the guise of a carrot lies a very tasty puff salad chicken mushrooms potatoes.

Do you make this salad? How not? Then you should try it. It is very tender and satisfying, despite the deceptive appearance. After all, carrots are not so satisfying in and of themselves. But carrots with chicken are a completely different matter. Let's prepare our birthday salad.

  • 350 grams of carrots,
  • 300 grams chicken fillet,
  • 200 grams of mushrooms
  • 100 grams of onion,
  • 150 grams of potatoes.
  • 2 eggs,
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Boil potatoes, carrots and eggs until tender. You can do it in one pan, only you have to get the eggs earlier.

Peel potatoes and grate. Salt the potatoes and put them on big platter(preferably oval) in the form of a carrot.

Saute mushrooms and onions in vegetable oil until tender. Throw in the fried onions and carrots. Don't forget to salt and pepper the mushrooms. That the salad was not fresh. Lubricate the mushrooms with mayonnaise.

Boil the chicken fillet in salted water. Cool down. Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces. Lay out the chicken in the next layer. Lubricate the layer with mayonnaise.

Last layer - chicken eggs. Lubricate the eggs with mayonnaise.

We rub the boiled carrots on a fine grater and spread it on top of the entire salad. Sala already looks like a real carrot, just needs a few details.

Make carrot tails from dill by sticking them into the salad. Instead of dill, you can take parsley, it will look even more realistic.

To give the carrot an even more authentic look, take a knife and make small indented stripes all over the carrot. To make them more visible, sprinkle them with ground nutmeg or ground black pepper.

Recipe 3: Puff Salad with Beets, Carrots and Eggs

The successful combination of vegetables in this salad will make it your dish of the day. Sweet boiled beets and sweet carrot perfectly contrast with sour pickled onions - a very tasty holiday salad.

  • Beets - 2-3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Potatoes - 5-6 pcs.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc. (+ 1 tbsp vinegar and 1 tbsp sugar for pickling onions)
  • Mayonnaise

Boil all vegetables and eggs until tender. In the meantime, pickle the onions, although you can not pickle the vegetables. To do this, chop it.

Place in a deep container. Add a spoonful of sugar.

Pour in 1 tbsp. vinegar.

Pour warm water and leave for 20-30 minutes.

The salad is puff, so we cut the vegetables and lay them out in turn. We will grease each layer with mayonnaise.

First, cut half the potatoes into cubes. I boiled potatoes with beets, so it came out a little pinkish, but this did not affect the taste in any way.

Put the pickled onion on top (not all, you need to leave it on one more layer of potatoes).

Sprinkle generously with mayonnaise.

Again potatoes, onions and mayonnaise.

Grate carrots on a grater and lay out the next layer. Lubricate with mayonnaise.

Top with finely grated eggs. Mayonnaise is not necessary.

Layered salad is ready. Garnish with greens and serve.

Very tasty!

Recipe 4: Puff Salad with Korean Carrots and Mushrooms

I offer for your festive table a completely simple, but very tasty layered salad with Korean carrots. The salad is quite satisfying! You can lay out layers using a culinary ring or, as usual, in one salad bowl.

  • boiled chicken fillet - 150 g;
  • pickled mushrooms - 100 g;
  • carrots in Korean - 100 g;
  • white loaf - 2 slices;
  • mayonnaise 30% - to taste;
  • greenery.

The next layer is Korean carrot(if the carrot strips are too long, chop).

Put the finished croutons on top of the salad. Lubricate with a little mayonnaise.

That's all! Place the salad in the refrigerator for half an hour. Delicious puff salad with Korean carrots is ready, garnish with herbs and you can serve!

Recipe 5: Layered Salad with Korean Carrots and Chicken

  • chicken fillet - 200 g;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • cheese - 150 g;
  • fresh cucumbers- 2 pcs.;
  • carrots in Korean - 150 g;
  • mayonnaise - 100 g.

Dip the chicken fillet into boiled and slightly salted water. In half an hour it will be ready. Boil eggs. Cucumbers and eggs chop into strips. Grate the cheese. Disassemble the cooled fillet into thin fibers.

Spread the salad with Korean carrots in layers (you can use a round shape made from a plastic bottle or lay out layers of any configuration on a suitable plate). Layer order:

  • meat,
  • carrots in Korean
  • cucumber,
  • egg,

All layers, except those between the Korean carrots, should be smeared with mayonnaise. Repeat the entire sequence of layers 2 times.

Carefully move the round plastic mold around its axis and remove. Decorate the salad with thin cucumber strips.

Another presentation option: a salad with Korean carrots, having the shape of a low cylinder, wrap cucumber strips along the side surface.

Recipe 6, step by step: puff salad with liver and carrots

This wonderful salad will not leave indifferent all lovers of liver dishes. Best for salad dressing beef liver. According to its content, the salad is light, not piled up with ingredients. For those who do not like garlic, you can not add it, it will still be very tasty. For those who try it, it will become one of their favorites.

  • 300 grams of liver
  • 200 grams of carrots
  • 100 grams of cheese
  • 2 pcs. eggs
  • 1-2 pcs. garlic cloves
  • 200 grams of mayonnaise

Wash the liver, pour cold water, bring to a boil, boil. Cook over low heat for about 40 minutes.

Cool the finished liver, grate on a coarse grater.

Cheese grate on a coarse grater.

Carrots pre-boil, grate on a coarse grater.

Boil eggs, peel, grate on a coarse grater.

Grate the garlic on a fine grater or squeeze through a garlic press.

Mix garlic with a third of mayonnaise.

Divide the grated liver into two parts. Mix one part with mayonnaise and garlic.

Put the liver mixed with mayonnaise in an even layer on a salad bowl.

Put grated carrots on top, grease with mayonnaise.

The next layer is a grated egg, pour over with mayonnaise.

Put grated cheese on the egg, pour with mayonnaise.

Put the second part of the liver on top. Draw a mesh of mayonnaise.

Recipe 7: Layered Salad with Chicken, Mushrooms and Carrots

Layered salads are not only very tasty, but also look extremely attractive. This dish can also be served family dinner and on the festive table. The classic combination of chicken and mushrooms is complemented by potatoes and cheese, which gives more satiety. And boiled carrots add bright colors. All products are crushed and laid out in layers, so cooking takes very little time. Before serving, it is advisable to leave the salad in the refrigerator for an hour or two so that it soaks and becomes juicier.

  • Chicken fillet - 250 g
  • Cheese - 100 g
  • Pickled champignons - 150 g
  • Potato - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise - to taste

Let's prepare desired products. Boil chicken, potatoes and carrots and cool. Drain the mushrooms in a colander to drain excess liquid.

The first layer will be potatoes. To do this, it must be cleaned and grated on a coarse grater. We spread the mass on a flat dish, level with a spoon and grease with mayonnaise.

Put the mushrooms on the potatoes. If whole mushrooms were purchased, they should be cut into small pieces.

We cut the onion small cubes, put in a sieve and pour over with boiling water. Then the bitterness will go away and the salad will have more delicate taste. Sprinkle the mushroom layer with onions and grease with mayonnaise.

We cut the chicken fillet into pieces, as you like - it can be larger, it can be smaller. This will be the next layer.

We rub the boiled carrots on a fine grater. It should be a little, just a thin layer. Too many carrots will make the salad too sweet. We distribute the mass over the chicken and grease with mayonnaise. This is not so easy to do - the carrot sticks to the spoon. Therefore, you can mix it with mayonnaise and apply the mixture to the salad.

We rub the cheese on a coarse grater and sprinkle the salad on top. You need to try to cover not only the top, but also the sides - then the dish will look especially appetizing. If the cheese does not want to stick to the edges of the salad, they can be smeared with mayonnaise.

We put the plate in the refrigerator for several hours, decorate with herbs and serve. If you can’t wait to try it, you can eat it right away, the salad will not get worse from this).

Recipe 8: puff salad with carrots and champignons

  • 1 carrot;
  • 250 gr. champignons;
  • 2 boiled potatoes;
  • 2 tsp tartar sauce or mayonnaise;
  • onion;
  • boiled egg;
  • salt - to taste.

First of all, to prepare a puff salad with mushrooms and potatoes, we set boiled potatoes and an egg. For now, let's move on to the rest of the ingredients. We cut the mushrooms, salt and simmer in a pan until tender.

I cook carrots in a double boiler until soft. Can be boiled in salted water. Ready carrots for salad with champignons three on a grater.

Cut the cooked potatoes into cubes. Can be grated.

Season potatoes with sauce - I love tartar sauce. Can be used for this mushroom salad homemade mayonnaise or sour cream with mustard. So that the salad does not turn out to be too oily, I dress only the potatoes with the sauce - the driest layer of the salad.

We cut the onion very thinly and finely.

Now that everything is ready, you can proceed to the most interesting. To form a salad with mushrooms and carrots, we will need plastic bottle with cut edges. We put it on a plate, fill it with potatoes and onions.

Then lay out the mushroom layer and a layer of grated carrots. Carrots need a little salt.

Three on a grater egg white, and then the yolk - the last layer of salad with champignons and carrots.

Now gently pull the bottle up, on the plate there is a ready-made puff salad with mushrooms and carrots.

Korean cuisine has become popular far beyond its homeland. The abundance of spices and seasonings adds spice to our diet and our lives. It's so nice to bring some kind of spice, zest, sparkle into everyday life, both literally and figuratively.

I will probably not be mistaken if I say that the most popular dish Korean cuisine is Korean-style carrots. This simple salad is especially relevant in winter, when we are threatened by flu and colds, and in spring, when vitamin deficiency reminds us of itself. In the same salad there is also a carrot, in which there are a lot of vitamins, and garlic, which is generally recognized folk remedy for the prevention of colds.

Based on Korean carrots, you can cook variety of salads, one of which I propose today. Korean carrot salad with mushrooms is prepared very simply, we just need to add boiled champignons, which, however, can be replaced with other mushrooms. That's just forest mushrooms will need to be boiled longer.

Salt the water in which the mushrooms will be boiled. We wash the mushrooms, clean them of sand and boil them whole for 15-20 minutes from the start of boiling water.

Chop the onion coarsely, put it in a pan with vegetable oil and fry. Then we remove it, and use the oil to dress the carrots. I sometimes skip this step, make carrots without onions, and use oil for dressing without heat treatment.

Grate carrots on a special grater.

Add garlic squeezed through a garlic squeezer, Korean carrot seasoning and ground black pepper. These ingredients can be taken in more or less than indicated in the recipe - to taste. Although Korean cuisine and is considered spicy and spicy, but we eat this dish, so we adjust the recipe exactly to our taste.

Add sugar and salt. Here I also rely on my own taste: first I add both components a little, and then I add one and the other until I get a result that I will like.

I dress the salad with vinegar and vegetable oil, on which the onions were fried. There is no onion in it anymore, but it has already given away its aroma and taste. With vinegar, we also act carefully, add it little by little.

Set aside carrots in Korean for now, let it marinate. And we will deal with mushrooms that have already been cooked. Cut them into slices, not very small.

The carrots were marinated for only a few minutes, but their appearance has already changed a little.

Add chopped mushrooms. Our salad with Korean carrots and mushrooms is ready. It can be folded into a jar and can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

This salad will be good with any side dish, and others. meat dishes, it can be used in pita rolls, tartlets, etc. In a word, we prepare and experiment.

Salad with Korean carrots and layers of chicken is perhaps one of the most classic combinations not only in modern cooking, but in general. Well, tell me, are there those among you who do not like salad from pork skins in Korean? We doubt.

Also for lovers savory dishes we have cooking options in our piggy bank of recipes, and. Try and enjoy!

In fact, we can say that a salad with fish. After all, everyone knows that the composition of crab sticks includes precisely the meat of white fish and not crab meat. Crab meat is quite expensive.

For salad chicken, Korean carrots, mushrooms you need:

  • 180 grams of crab sticks;
  • 90 grams of Korean carrots;
  • 1 chicken fillet;
  • 250 grams of champignons;
  • 110 ml sour cream;
  • 2 onions;
  • 60 grams of dill.

Salad with Korean carrots, chicken and mushrooms:

  1. If the carrot is too long, it must be chopped.
  2. Defrost crab sticks in advance and cut into rings of the same size.
  3. Peel the onion, remove the roots and cut the head into small cubes.
  4. Peel the chicken fillet and rub with spices.
  5. Heat a frying pan with a drop of oil, put the fillet and fry it until golden brown on all sides.
  6. Next, cover the pan with a lid and fry the meat until fully cooked for about twenty minutes.
  7. Remove the cooked chicken to a cutting board and set aside.
  8. After the meat, add the onion to the pan and cook it until golden brown.
  9. Pull out the onion and add crab sticks.
  10. Fry them for no more than three minutes, constantly stirring.
  11. Mushrooms will clean the caps and legs, cut them into slices.
  12. Pour the mushrooms into the pan and fry until golden brown.
  13. Wash the dill, finely chop.
  14. Meat cut into cubes.
  15. Combine carrots, crab sticks, chicken, dill, onions and mushrooms.
  16. Season with spices to taste and sour cream.

Tip: Instead of sour cream, this salad can be dressed with Greek yogurt sauce. It will turn out really elegant and very unusual. Combine minced garlic, grated cucumber with peel, and a bunch of chopped dill with Greek yogurt. Let the dressing brew for at least half an hour and season your favorite dishes.

Salad with Korean carrots, mushrooms and chicken

This dish will turn out fresh, crispy and quite juicy. Chili pepper flake-based dressing will add piquancy, and crispy nuts will make the salad special.

For a salad of Korean carrots, mushrooms, chicken, you need:

  • 200 grams of chicken fillet;
  • 140 grams of Chinese cabbage;
  • 130 grams of cherry;
  • 1 handful of pumpkin seeds;
  • 30 grams of mayonnaise;
  • 1 purple onion;
  • 45 ml olive oil;
  • 80 grams of Korean carrots;
  • 10 grams of chili pepper flakes;
  • 35 ml soy sauce;
  • 1 sweet pepper;
  • 200 grams of champignons.

Salad of Korean carrots, chicken and mushrooms:

  1. Mushrooms clean the caps and legs, cut them into slices. Next, fry in a pan with the addition a small amount oils and salts.
  2. Chop the carrots if the straws are too long.
  3. Clean the chicken meat from films and veins, wash it and sprinkle with olive oil, quite a bit. Then sprinkle with salt, pepper and you can add provencal herbs, garlic and mustard.
  4. Put the meat in a mold and send it to the oven for twenty minutes.
  5. After twenty minutes, remove the fillet, cool and cut into slices.
  6. Rinse the Chinese cabbage, chop into comfortable pieces.
  7. Peel the onion and cut off the roots. Wash the head and cut into strips.
  8. Rinse the sweet pepper, cut out the membranes and seeds, and cut the sirloin into bars.
  9. Wash the cherry tomatoes, cut each tomato into pieces.
  10. Combine soy sauce, remaining oil and pepper flakes.
  11. Put mushrooms, carrots, chicken, cabbage, onions, peppers into a salad bowl. Place tomatoes on top.
  12. Season vegetables with meat with a spicy dressing.
  13. Sprinkle salad before serving. pumpkin seeds, pour mayonnaise and sprinkle with tomato slices on top.

Tip: chicken fillet can be cooked most in a variety of ways. As one option, it can be fried in a pan, seasoned only with salt and pepper. Place two or three branches nearby fresh rosemary and scatter whole cloves of garlic. Both garlic and rosemary, including can be put on top of the meat.

Salad with mushrooms, chicken and Korean carrots

Legumes are one of the main sources of vegetable protein in nature. Beans are healthy to eat, and if you love them, then try this salad. You will definitely like it. Not only that, he will conquer you!

For a salad with chicken, Korean carrots you need:

  • 350 grams of pickled mushrooms;
  • 100 grams of Korean carrots;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 2 chicken breasts;
  • 50 grams walnuts;
  • 110 grams of beans;
  • 1 fresh cucumber;
  • 15 grams of parsley;
  • 90 grams of hard cheese;
  • 15 grams of green onions;
  • 190 ml mayonnaise.

Salad chicken, mushrooms, carrots in Korean:

  1. Wash the chicken pieces, remove the films and skin. Dip the meat in a saucepan with water and spices to taste, remove to cook on the stove.
  2. Boil the meat until fully cooked and do not pull it out of the broth until it has cooled.
  3. Drain the mushrooms, rinse if desired and cut them into slices.
  4. Wash the eggs, boil until the middle is hard for about twelve minutes in boiling water.
  5. Pour the finished eggs with cool water, peel and finely chop.
  6. Shorten Korean carrots if they are too long.
  7. Toast the nuts until golden brown in a dry frying pan.
  8. Wash cucumbers, cut into strips.
  9. Drain beans and rinse beans under running water.
  10. Grate the cheese.
  11. Rinse green onions and parsley, finely chop.
  12. Combine chicken, mushrooms, eggs, carrots, beans, cheese, herbs, cucumbers. Give nuts and season it all with mayonnaise. To taste, you can add salt and pepper.

Important: if you are not a fan of canned food, then you can boil the beans yourself. To do this, buy the variety that you like the most. And fill it with cold water the day before you start making the salad. The next day, drain and rinse the beans, send to cook for about an hour.

Salad of chicken, mushrooms and Korean carrots

Potatoes are a product that will always saturate you. And it doesn't matter, in a salad, appetizer, second course, first course. Bright, juicy, fragrant Korean carrots will undoubtedly attract the attention of guests.

For a salad of Korean carrots, chicken, mushrooms, you need:

  • 190 grams of Korean carrots;
  • 4 potato tubers;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1 onion;
  • 15 ml soy sauce;
  • 280 grams of mushrooms;
  • 1/2 lemon;
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • 3 grams of oregano;
  • 65 ml olive oil;
  • 1 bunch of cilantro;
  • 1 chicken fillet.

Salad chicken, mushrooms, Korean carrots:

  1. Wash potatoes, peel and cut into pieces.
  2. Rinse until clear and fill with water.
  3. Send the pot of potatoes to cook on the stove. Boil as usual mashed potatoes, adding salt.
  4. Check the potatoes with the tip of a knife for doneness (softness).
  5. Grind the cooked potatoes into puree. To taste, you can add butter, sour cream or milk. This will make the potatoes more tender.
  6. Squeeze juice from half a lemon.
  7. Peel the garlic, cut off the dry tip and chop it in any convenient way.
  8. Peel the caps and stems of the mushrooms, cut them into slices.
  9. Remove the skin and roots from the onion, wash it and finely chop it.
  10. Combine onions with mushrooms.
  11. Pour a third of the oil into a frying pan, heat it up and fry the mushrooms and onions until fully cooked.
  12. Connect ground to mashed potatoes and put the first layer on the dish.
  13. Combine remaining oil, lemon juice, garlic, oregano and soy sauce. Mix.
  14. Drizzle dressing over first layer of lettuce.
  15. Rinse the eggs and lower the saucepan with water. Remove to the stove and cook for about twelve minutes until fully cooked.
  16. Transfer the finished eggs to cool water with ice and then peel them.
  17. Grate the peeled eggs.
  18. Place the egg layer next to the potato layer and drizzle with the dressing as well.
  19. Wash the chicken, peel off the films and boil with spices until fully cooked.
  20. To keep the meat juicy, cool it in the broth.
  21. Cut the cooled fillet into cubes and put on the eggs. Pour dressing well.
  22. At the end, put the carrots on top.
  23. This is the last layer that can be garnished with chopped cilantro.

Chicken salad with Korean carrots

The next salad can be classified as "warm" and you yourself will understand why. It is incredibly tasty and nutritious. It can be served as a main course or sated to your heart's content during dinner. You decide.

What you need:

  • 1050 grams of potatoes;
  • 3 chicken fillets;
  • 465 grams of mushrooms;
  • 1 pinch of zira;
  • 6 cloves of garlic;
  • 35 grams of green onions;
  • 50 ml of butter;
  • 15 ml mustard;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • 1/2 lemon;
  • 25 grams of parsley;
  • 125 grams of Korean carrots;
  • 210 ml sour cream;
  • 15 grams of dill;
  • 1 sprig of celery.

Matryoshka salad with Korean carrots and chicken:

  1. Wash the potatoes and put them in a large saucepan, cover with water.
  2. You can salt the water and remove the container on the stove to boil the contents.
  3. Check the potatoes about twenty minutes after the water starts to boil.
  4. Pull out the tubers, cool, then peel and cut into large slices.
  5. Mushrooms clean the caps and legs, cut them into slices.
  6. Peel the garlic, cut off the dry root and chop it.
  7. Squeeze juice from half a lemon.
  8. Rinse dill, parsley, green onion and chop finely.
  9. Pour the butter into a dry frying pan or throw it there frozen. Heat it up and add the mushrooms. Fry them until done.
  10. Two minutes before full readiness, add garlic, parsley and fry everything together for another minute, then sprinkle with lemon juice, give salt and pepper, set aside.
  11. Combine sour cream with cumin and mustard. There are also green onions and dill.
  12. Wash the chicken breasts, remove fat and films, season with spices to taste and put in a mold.
  13. Turn on the oven for optimum temperature and bake the meat for about twenty minutes.
  14. Ready meat cool and cut large pieces about the size of a potato.
  15. Wash the celery and cut into random pieces.
  16. Peel and chop the onion into half rings.
  17. Combine potatoes, mushrooms, onions, celery, chicken, carrots in a container.
  18. Drizzle with sour cream sauce and serve.

Salad with boiled chicken and Korean carrots is a favorite classic for most of us. Prepare chicken, kiwi, Korean carrot salad with pleasure, adding completely different products to them, getting unforgettable tastes and divine aromas in your kitchen.

Each hostess strives to decorate the festive table with delicious and beautiful dishes. A special place in this case is always occupied by salads. There are many recipes in this category. You can choose a dish for every taste. Some people like hearty, and some people like light ones. culinary masterpieces. Many come up with own recipes choosing the right ingredients. Korean carrots are often used in such dishes. It is combined with many products, and the result is tasty snack. Salad with mushrooms can decorate any table.

Salad "Hedgehog"

The most important condition for the preparation of any dish is its taste. It must be rich and complete. But it is also important appearance. To cook with mushrooms, you need to take 200 grams of chicken breast (boiled), 400 grams of carrots, 200 grams of mushrooms (fried), an onion, 3 boiled eggs, 250 grams of cheese, olives, mayonnaise and herbs. Now you need to lay out all the ingredients in layers, forming the body of a hedgehog.

Mushrooms and chicken come first. Do not forget to coat all layers with mayonnaise. Then add the fried onion. After him come chopped eggs. Cover the hedgehog with mayonnaise on top. We select the muzzle with grated cheese, and we make the eyes and nose with the help of olives. We cover the salad with carrots on top, and we make needles from chopped olives. beautiful and tasty dish ready. A salad recipe with Korean carrots and mushrooms can be used for a children's holiday.

Salad with beans

This dish can be prepared for any occasion. Take 100 grams of white beans and soak them for 8-12 hours. After that, drain the water and cook the beans for about an hour in new water with one small spoonful of salt. As an alternative, you can use canned product. Also, for cooking, you will need 100 grams of Korean carrots, 100 grams of champignons, 170 grams of chicken hearts, spices, salt, two slices of white bread, vegetable oil and mayonnaise. Now we wash the hearts, clean them of excess fat and cook for 40 minutes.

Mushrooms cut in half (if they are small) or on large quantity parts and fry in a pan. We cut the bread into cubes, add the necessary spices and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Chicken hearts cut into circles. Salad with Korean carrots and mushrooms is almost ready. It remains to combine all the ingredients. We spread the beans, mushrooms, carrots and chicken hearts. We dress the salad with mayonnaise (if desired, you can replace with olive oil). Mix everything and add crackers. Salad with Korean carrots and fried mushrooms should be served immediately.

chicken breast

For cooking, you need to take one medium smoked chicken breast, 200 grams of Korean carrots, 100 grams of fresh mushrooms, mayonnaise and two large sweet peppers. Cut the fillet into cubes and put in a salad bowl. Add Korean carrots to it.

Sweet pepper cut into thin strips and sent to the rest of the ingredients. We cut the mushrooms not very finely and fry in a pan. Add them to the salad bowl along with mayonnaise and mix everything. We leave the salad with Korean carrots and mushrooms to soak for 30-40 minutes, then serve it to the table.

Salad with chicken liver

It's satisfying and at the same time tender dish. To prepare it, you will need 500 grams of chicken liver, 500 grams of Korean carrots, 200 grams of pickled cucumbers, 300 grams of mushrooms, one onion and 100 grams of walnuts. We will fill the mayonnaise with mayonnaise, and decorate with greens. Onions and cucumbers cut into small cubes. We chop the nuts, but not much.

We wash the liver and fry in a heated pan until cooked. Then we cut it into narrow sticks. Mushrooms cut into medium plates and fry with onions until tender. Don't forget to salt. Now we mix all the ingredients in salad bowls, salt and season with mayonnaise. For beauty and taste, add finely chopped greens.

layered salad

This recipe is very simple, but the dish turns out to be unusually tender. Take 400 grams of boiled chicken fillet, 100 grams of Korean carrots, 5 boiled eggs, mayonnaise, 100 grams of cheese durum varieties, canned corn, herbs and spices. We cut the chicken into small cubes. We divide the eggs into proteins and yolks and three of them separately on a grater.

We do the same with cheese. We spread the salad with mushrooms and Korean carrots in layers. First comes the chicken, which we salt and pepper. The next layer is half a Korean carrot. After that, lay out the yolks, cheese and the second half of the carrots. The salad is completed with a layer of proteins. Do not forget to coat the dish with mayonnaise. We decorate the salad with greens and leave it for 3-4 hours for impregnation.

Simple and delicious

The last recipe can be called the simplest. However, this does not affect the taste, which this salad has excellent. For cooking, you need to take only three main ingredients and salt. So, we wash one chicken fillet and cook it until fully cooked in salt water. For greater efficiency, you can put in a pan Bay leaf and a peeled onion. This will give the meat a richer flavor and aroma. 200 grams of pickled mushrooms cut into medium-sized pieces and put in a salad bowl. Then add to them Chilled chicken fillet cut into small cubes. Add it to the rest of the ingredients. Now mix everything thoroughly and salt if necessary. Salad with Korean carrots and pickled mushrooms is ready. We lay it out on plates and enjoy a delicate and slightly spicy taste.

- varied. Salad is a cold dish, which for a long time was taken to the table as an appetizer.

In Russian cuisine of the pre-Petrine era, salad was a one-component vegetable dish. Under influence french cuisine salad dressing technology has become more sophisticated. Actually, the word "salad" has French roots, so the primacy in the evolution of this dish can rightly be awarded to French chefs, if only for one invention of mayonnaise, without which now our housewives rarely do in the preparation of salads.

Now salads are an extensive section of cooking. Professionals around the world are trying to systematize salads by dividing recipes by method. cooking, according to the set of ingredients that make up the cold dish, their design and serving. But recipes in all corners of the world "grow like mushrooms after rain" every day.

Speaking of mushrooms! They are still the most favorite ingredient in Russian cuisine. Fried, salted, pickled mushrooms are part of many salads that were “born” in our cuisine at the turn of the last two centuries.

Oddly enough, but after the appearance of mayonnaise on our tables, Korean-style carrots also "became the leader." What influenced the new culinary preferences of Russians, with an Asian twist: friendly feelings towards Koreans, the economic difficulties of the perestroika period, which led to the emergence of a series of new and cheap vegetable dishes? It is still difficult to answer this question, but the new “salad” discovery is being successfully introduced in the kitchens of elite cafes, and even more so in the warm atmosphere of a home feast.

It turns out that a salad with Korean carrots and mushrooms has many various options and all of them are very interesting.

Salad with Korean carrots and mushrooms - the basic principles of cooking

In explanatory dictionaries, as well as in some cookery textbooks, it is said that the essence of preparing a salad is cutting it. In part, we can agree with this definition, but in cooking, products are also cut for cooking other dishes, for example, borscht, stewed vegetables. If it was only a matter of cutting the ingredients, then it would be too easy for a salad. The complexity of cooking begins with the preliminary stage - with the selection of ingredients for its preparation, not counting washing, cleaning, boiling or frying the various components.

slicing- just the easiest technological part of making a salad, although it needs to be paid attention to. Professionals have long noticed that the taste of the dish depends on the shape and size of the cut. It is difficult to disagree with this statement. For example, tomatoes cut into small cubes will look like mashed potatoes in a salad, and large cubes of potatoes will not go well with small pieces chicken fillet. There are many such examples.

There are three main "formulas" of salad, which will help anyone, even a novice hostess, to prepare a salad of any complexity, literally, from any products that can be found in the kitchen.

1. To make the dish perfect, balance the four flavors: sweet, bitter, salty and sour.

2. So that the salad is not too dry or too juicy, pay attention to the selection of products. For example, for a salad of potatoes, eggs, and cucumbers, you need to define correct proportion ingredients: eggs and potatoes "in their uniforms" contain less liquid than cucumbers. So, you need to take twice as many cucumbers. The ratio of potatoes, eggs and cucumbers will be 1:1:2. Greens and spices are not taken into account. If you like to add to salads a large number of dressings, then the “dry” components should be included in the salad in a larger volume.

3. It is true that appetite comes with eating, and the design of the dish contributes to this. Salad is one of the few dishes in which you can include not only tasty, but also bright, colorful products which, by their appearance, will stimulate appetite at the table and a good mood for the whole day.

But to what has been said, of course, it must be added that salads can be prepared only from the freshest products. It is also important that the components of the dish are combined with each other not only in palatability, but also did not create dissonance, which can adversely affect digestion.

So, for example, it is necessary to add acid to proteins and carbohydrates, which will contribute to their better breakdown in the stomach. Therefore, meat should be eaten with vegetables that contain vitamin C. Or, conversely, fresh cream should not be combined with vegetables in the same dish, as this can cause serious upset.

1. Meat salad with Korean carrots and mushrooms


green onion 50 g

Lemon juice 30 ml

Chop, fried (from pork) 360 g

Pickled champignons 200 g

Korean carrot 120 g

Apples, sweet and sour (net) 150 g


Soy sauce

Vegetable oil


Onions and peeled apples (without skin) cut into strips. In a separate bowl with chilled boiled water add lemon juice and put apples and onions there for 10-15 minutes, then drain the water.

Cut the tenderloin into portions of 120 g, beat off and fry without breading until cooked. Season with salt and pepper. Chops also cut into thin strips.

Mushrooms cut into thin slices.

Combine the ingredients in a deep bowl, mix, add Korean carrots and prepare the dressing. Pour over salad before serving.

2. Vegetable salad with Korean carrots and mushrooms


Chinese cabbage 250 g

Carrots, Korean style 200 g

Pickled mushrooms 150 g

Beans, boiled 300 g

Red lettuce pepper (meaty) 100 g

Mayonnaise (light, 30%)

Greens, chopped (to taste)


For salad, chop cabbage and peeled peppers into strips. Chop the greens, cut the mushrooms into slices. Combine the ingredients, mix and season with mayonnaise. This salad is also suitable dressing from wine or apple cider vinegar combined with vegetable oil and spices.

3. Salad with Korean carrots and "mushrooms" - "Forest Glade"


Eggs, quail 12 pcs.

Carrot (Korean style) 200 g

Cucumbers, fresh 150 g

Sesame, roasted 50 g

"Cherry" 400 g. 6 pcs.

fresh greens(parsley, basil)

Mayonnaise or oil-vinegar dressing


Cut cucumbers into slices. Boil eggs, peel. Cut the tomatoes in half. Arrange cucumber slices on a platter. Divide Korean carrots into 12 bunches, and roll each of them into a ring. Pour over cucumbers. Put the peeled eggs in the middle of the carrot rings. Place the tomato halves on top of the eggs. Decorate with sprigs of greenery, sesame nuts and mayonnaise.

4. Warm salad with Korean carrots and mushrooms


Onion, bulb 200 g

French fries 400 g

Korean-style carrots 150 g

Mushrooms, fried 500 g

Liver, beef 300 g

Beans, red canned 250 g

Eggs, chickens. 5 pieces.

Mayonnaise 100 g

Garlic 2-3 cloves

Vegetable oil (for frying)

Dill, lettuce (for garnish)


Peel the onion and chop into strips. Fry in vegetable oil. excess fat delete.

Boil mushrooms, cut into cubes. Also fry in oil, seasoned with spices.

Wash potatoes, peel, cut into strips, deep-fry. Put on a napkin, season with spices.

Cut the prepared liver into slices, fry until cooked and cut fried pieces straws. Before the end of frying, add chopped garlic, pepper, salt to the pan. Transfer to a paper towel and let the oil drain.

Discard the beans, rinse, let the water drain.

Remove excess marinade from Korean carrots.

Combine all salad ingredients and mix. Decorate a flat dish with lettuce leaves, put a cold dish in a slide.

Add 50 ml of lemon juice, fresh zest, chopped garlic and pepper to mayonnaise. Mix prepared dressing and serve with salad in a gravy boat.

5. Meat salad with Korean carrots and mushrooms. cocktail salad

Products for 6 servings:

Smoked chicken breast 360 g

Cucumber 300 g

Carrots, Korean style 300 g

Corn 240 g

Mushrooms (fresh) 900 g

Eggs 6 pcs.

Hard cheese 120 g

Suluguni, smoked 240 g

Mayonnaise (to taste)

Greens 100 g

Cooking order:

Select large champignons (3 pieces per serving), separate the legs and remove the plates from the caps. Prepare the marinade and soak the mushrooms in it for at least 48 hours. Mushroom legs cut into cubes, and fresh cucumbers into strips, the same length as Korean carrots.

chicken breast and suluguni divided into thin fibers. The length of the threads of meat and cheese should be the same as carrots and cucumbers.

Grate eggs and cheese (hard), mix and season with mayonnaise. Stuff the mushrooms with this mass.

Put the prepared ingredients in layers (40-60 g each) in tall glass bowls, seasoning them with mayonnaise.

Layer sequence:

chicken meat,



mushroom legs,

chopped greens,

stuffed mushrooms.

6. Salad with Korean carrots and Eurasia mushrooms


Olives, pitted 180 g

Brynza (or "Feta") 350 g

Carrot ( Korean salad) 240 g

Avocado 3 pcs.

Pepper, red (sweet) 240 g (net)

Peas, green (frozen or fresh) 180 g

Basil, red 50 g (leaves)

Parsley (fresh leaves) 70 g

For dressing: spices, vegetable oil, lemon juice


Cut the olives into thin rings, across the berries. Rennet cheese, avocado and pepper - in large cubes. We mix all the ingredients with Korean-style carrots, season with the prepared sauce and put in a salad bowl. We decorate fresh leaves parsley and red basil.

Korean Carrot and Mushroom Salad - Tips and Tricks

  • Nutritionists rightly argue that sour cream is healthier than mayonnaise, it is better absorbed by the body without adding extra pounds, which then have to be shed by exhausting workouts. But sour cream does not always harmoniously fit into the composition of the salad. To make it taste like mayonnaise, cook sour cream sauce:
  • 100 g sour cream, 2 boiled yolks, 1 tsp. mustard. To the main sauce, depending on the composition of the ingredients in the salad, you can add salt, pepper, garlic, chopped herbs.
  • Boiled meat or fish prepared for salad, after cooking, do not rush to get it out of the broth. Wait 10-15 minutes for the fillet to become juicy and tender.
  • To remove the specific smell of fish, hold it in lemon juice before processing. Lemon juice will also prevent fish from overcooking. Lemon juice is great for removing pungent odors. onion used in salads.