Low fat homemade mayonnaise. Homemade lean mayonnaise - a few recipes

I put 1/3 tsp. salt, 1/3 tsp sugar, and I don’t put mustard at all, or just a little bit - on the tip of a knife, because. I do not like it to be felt in mayonnaise.

For cooking, you need an immersion blender. All ingredients must be the same room temperature , so it is better to remove the milk from the refrigerator in advance, and mix the vinegar with salt, sugar and mustard.
Pour milk into tumbler for whipping and start whipping it with a blender. Then, without stopping beating, slowly In a thin stream and in small portions, add vegetable oil to the milk. Beat milk and butter for about a minute, then, continuing to beat, pour in the prepared vinegar mixture. In just a few seconds, the whole mass thickens, and lean mayonnaise ready to eat!
It turns out similar to the real one, you can make it with various additives- spices, chopped garlic, herbs. Adjust the amount of sugar, salt, mustard and vinegar to your taste.

Lean nut mayonnaise
This wonderful recipe I found it on the Internet, but I could not figure out who its author was, since different sites had the same photos and almost identical, copied text. In any case, many thanks to the author!

Peel nuts and grind as little as possible (ideally, you need nut flour, but it is unlikely to work at home).

Mix the ground nuts with salt, sugar, mustard and add a little more water (I added 2 tablespoons) so that the crumbly mixture becomes thicker and sticks together, mix.

Next, you need to gradually add vegetable oil to the nuts a little bit and rub the mixture thoroughly with a fork so that the nuts gradually absorb the oil. They will become like shortbread dough, gradually more oily.

Then add vinegar and, stirring the mixture, gradually pour in about 1/3 tbsp. water (less if you want more) thick sauce). The mixture will turn white and look like mayonnaise.
The taste of nut mayonnaise is also very similar to the real one, only with the taste of the nuts that you used. And it also has a slightly grainy texture (you can see it in the photo), because. small "nut crumbs" remain. It turns out delicious!

Both soy and nut mayonnaise can be seasoned with any salads, but in salads with juicy tomatoes such mayonnaise quickly becomes liquid, so it is better to prepare and mix all the vegetables for this salad, and season it already on your plate.
Nut mayonnaise is amazingly delicious just with a slice of bread! And besides, nuts are vegetable protein, which is so needed in the absence of meat on the menu.
Cook for your health and let fasting be easy and joyful for you!

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Everyone knows that mayonnaise is made on the basis of lean oil and eggs, so this sauce should not be eaten during fasting.

What to do if the post falls on the holidays, and you really want to cook salads with mayonnaise?

It turns out there is a way out!

Recently, lean mayonnaise has appeared on store shelves. However, this sauce contains preservatives and other harmful substances. Today we will tell you how to make lean mayonnaise at home.

Lenten mayonnaise at home - the basic principles of cooking

The composition of this mayonnaise includes vegetable oil, mushroom or vegetable broth, flour or starch, sugar, mustard, spices and salt. You can experiment with the ingredients. Greens, nuts or apples are added to the sauce.

To make the mayonnaise thick, the flour is brewed, and only after that the rest of the ingredients are added. The density of the sauce can be adjusted by the amount of flour. Water is combined with flour, kneaded well so that there are no lumps, and bring to a boil. Cool, season with salt and pepper and stir.

Then add mustard and sugar, pour in lemon juice and beat with a blender for a minute. Then pour in a thin stream vegetable oil and continue beating for another seven minutes. That's all, delicious and natural lean mayonnaise is ready!

Recipe 1. Lean mayonnaise


flour - a glass;

water - 750 ml;

sugar - 50 g;

refined vegetable oil - 160 ml;

mustard - 60 g;

lemon juice - 70 ml.

Cooking method

1. Sift flour into a saucepan, add a little water and rub well so that there are no lumps. Then pour the rest of the water into this mixture, put it on the stove and boil, stirring constantly. The mixture should be thick enough.

2. Mix vegetable oil, salt, mustard, sugar and lemon juice. Beat everything for a couple of minutes. In small portions, enter the brewed flour, while do not stop beating. Transfer the prepared mayonnaise to a dry glass containers and store in the refrigerator.

Recipe 2. Lean starch mayonnaise


vegetable or mushroom broth- half a glass;

mustard - 1 teaspoon;

any vegetable oil - half a glass;

sugar and salt;

starch - 50 g;

lemon juice or Apple vinegar- two teaspoons.

Cooking method

1. Pour a little broth into the starch and grind until smooth. We heat the remaining broth in a saucepan, pour the mass of starch into it and keep it on very low heat until the mixture boils.

2. In a separate deep plate, combine the oil with mustard and lemon juice, season with salt and sugar. Beat the cooled "jelly" from starch with a blender, gradually pouring oil with spices. The density of mayonnaise is adjustable by adding broth. We use lean mayonnaise for dressing salads or as a sauce for main dishes.

Recipe 3. Lean mayonnaise in vegetable broth


vegetable broth - half a glass;

starch - 20 g;

vegetable oil - a glass;

lemon juice - 10 ml;

mustard - 5 g;

salt and sugar.

Cooking method

1. First, let's cook the vegetable broth. Peel the onions, celery and carrots and put them whole in a saucepan. Pour water and put on the stove, cook the broth for half an hour and filter.

2. We take half a glass of broth, pour half into a deep plate, and dilute the starch in it.

3. Pour the remaining broth into a small saucepan, boil, and, without ceasing to stir, gradually introduce the diluted starch. Mix well and remove from stove. Cool the resulting vegetable jelly, transfer to a deep container and mix with spices. We add to it about a good pinch of sugar and salt, as well as lemon juice and mustard. Beat with a mixer until smooth.

4. At the end, gradually pour in a glass of any vegetable oil, without ceasing to beat, until the mixture becomes homogeneous.

Recipe 4. Lean mayonnaise at home from whole grain flour


olive oil - 80 ml;

salt - 10 g;

whole grain flour - half a glass;

sugar - 20 g;

lemon juice - 30 g;

water - one and a half glasses;

mustard - 50 g.

Cooking method

1. We breed the sifted flour a small amount water. Mix well so that there are no lumps. Pour in the rest of the water, send the container to a low fire, and constantly stirring, bring to a boil. Turn off the fire and cool.

2. In a deep bowl, combine olive oil with lemon juice and mustard, sprinkle with salt and sugar. Beat with a blender, gradually introducing the cooled brewed flour. Continue whisking for about five minutes. If you don't have whole grain flour, you can replace with bran mixed with regular flour.

Recipe 5. Lenten mayonnaise at home on pea flakes


pea flakes - Art. spoon;

mustard - 10 g;

water - 120 ml;

lemon juice - 20 g;

vegetable oil - 140 g;

sugar - a pinch;

spices and salt.

Cooking method

1. Pour pea flakes into a saucepan and fill them with water. We put it on the stove, add sugar and cook over low heat so that the flakes boil soft. Remove from stove and grind with a blender homogeneous mass.

2. Pour vegetable oil into the blender bowl, put the grated pea mixture on top.

3. Beat until smooth. At the end, add mustard, salt and lemon juice. Continue beating for another five minutes. We shift the mayonnaise into a dry glass container and store in the refrigerator.

Recipe 6. Lenten mayonnaise at home on walnuts


walnuts or almonds - a glass;

three st. spoons warm water;

half a glass of vegetable oil;

mustard powder, apple cider vinegar, salt and sugar - 5 grams each.

Cooking method

1. Grind nuts in a coffee grinder. Pour them into a deep bowl and mix with sugar and salt.

2. mustard powder dilute with water and pour over nuts. Mix everything well to get thick porridge.

3. Gradually pour refined vegetable oil into the base for the sauce. We rub it into the mass of nuts. You should get a mixture that resembles raw shortcrust pastry. We rub the resulting mask for a long time. Add vinegar in small portions and knead well until the sauce reaches the desired consistency. Season the finished mayonnaise with crushed garlic and chopped dill.

Recipe 7. Apple lean mayonnaise


two apples;

salt and sugar - a pinch each;

vegetable oil - 100 ml;

ginger, cinnamon and pepper;

lemon juice - 5 ml;

20 g mustard.

Cooking method

1. Peel the apples, cut them finely and put them in a saucepan. Sprinkle them with sugar and salt. Pour over lemon juice and simmer over low heat until soft. Grind boiled apples in puree.

2. Spread to applesauce mustard, season with spices and start whisking. Gradually add the oil, beating constantly until the mixture is smooth and homogeneous.

Recipe 8. Lenten mayonnaise at home with soy milk


soy milk- 50 ml;

40 ml of vinegar;

clove of garlic;

50 ml of vegetable oil;

mustard seeds and salt.

Cooking method

1. Crush the mustard seeds in a mortar. Peel the garlic, chop with a knife and rub with salt. Put in a mortar and mix all the seasonings into porridge.

2. Pour soy milk into a deep container, add ground seasonings and beat everything together with a mixer. Pour in the vinegar and continue whisking until a dense foam appears.

3. Continue beating at low speed, adding a little oil until you get a thick foam with small bubbles. Pour the mayonnaise into jars and put in the refrigerator, where it will become even thicker.

  • All mayonnaise ingredients should be at room temperature.
  • If the mayonnaise is too thick, add a couple of tablespoons of water and mix well.
  • You can add basil, dill or parsley to the finished mayonnaise. Garlic, finely chopped olives, or grated ginger are also good additions.
  • For mayonnaise, use only refined oil.
  • Start whipping the sauce at low speeds, gradually increasing them.
  • Add the oil a little at a time while continuing to beat.

Homemade lean mayonnaise prepared according to our recipes at home is indistinguishable from the usual one. The composition of lean mayonnaise is simple. We cook it without eggs and without milk. If you use an immersion blender, the preparation will take five minutes.

These recipes will help out all fasting and vegetarians. Mayonnaise can improve the taste of any fresh and fast food. I propose to cook mayonnaise according to our simple recipes. It will suit everyone lean salads, soups and second Lenten dishes.

In this article:

Lenten mayonnaise at home without eggs and flour

As you already understood, we will not use any animal products. However, the mayonnaise is wonderful. Delicate and soft in taste and texture.

What you need:


  1. In a small saucepan, dilute the starch with cold water. I add sugar and salt there. Stir until sugar, salt, starch are completely dissolved.
  2. I put the saucepan on the fire and heat it without ceasing to interfere so that the starch boils and becomes like jelly. As soon as a transparent jelly appeared, I remove it from the fire.
  3. Now I’m waiting for the jelly to cool down and transfer all the ingredients to the blender bowl - our jelly, mustard, pepper, vinegar and sunflower oil. Nothing needs to be poured in drops - I pour everything at once.
  4. I beat all this mess with a blender or mixer until I see that this is no longer an ugly mass, but real mayonnaise.
  5. You can add finely chopped herbs or dried herbs at this stage. Experiment, don't be shy.

Mayonnaise is ready. Try it with soups, salads, dumplings or any meatless dishes.

Making mayonnaise with a white bean blender

All vegetarians make delicious and healthy sauce from beans. In this video clip from the channel "Vkusnaya homemade food» we will see how beans are used to make mayonnaise. Just remember that it should be soaked for at least 12 hours before cooking.

Legumes are quite deservedly highly respected in lean cuisine. Soups and main dishes are cooked from beans, peas, chickpeas and lentils. And today we are preparing sauces from them.

Step-by-step recipe for lean mayonnaise with peas

This sauce is also protein. In it, instead of eggs, we use peas. Due to the peas, the color of this mayonnaise is beautiful, yellowish.

Only one drawback has this mayonnaise. You can store it in the refrigerator for no more than three days. But it tastes better than starch.

What you need:


  1. I soak the peas for 6-8 hours. Before cooking, rinse, fill with clean water and set to boil. Boil until it melts into a thick puree. Now let it cool down.
  2. Pour 100 ml into the blender bowl. water and add salt, pepper, vinegar, mustard and all vegetable oil.
  3. I start blending. Whisking continuously, add one tablespoon at a time. pea mash. When all the puree is mixed with the rest of the components into a homogeneous mass.

like this simple recipe. And mayonnaise is very tasty and beautiful.

And finally, I saved for you the most interesting video from Irina Safarova. She makes raw homemade lean mayonnaise three species from chickpeas and sesame.

3 lean mayonnaise recipes - video from raw foodists

That's all I have about lean mayonnaise. Thanks to everyone who cooked with me today.

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Lean mayonnaise is an indispensable product during Lent, when there are significant restrictions on food, and it is also used by people who want to lose weight. This sauce does not contain forbidden foods, that is, eggs. Today, lean mayonnaise can be purchased at the store, but the quality and benefits of such a sauce are a big question. It is best to cook such lean mayonnaise at home, which will give you confidence in its quality, and most importantly, its benefits. In lean mayonnaise, starch is most often used instead of eggs.

Use in cooking

Lenten mayonnaise can be used in cooking like traditional version. It is put in salads, snacks, as well as for variety and improving the taste of side dishes. Lean mayonnaise can be mixed with herbs, pickles, capers and get a new one. original sauce or spread for sandwiches. It is also used in savory pastries. Many say that the taste of lean mayonnaise is no different from the traditional version.

How to cook lean mayonnaise at home?

Such a sauce is prepared similarly to the traditional version, only other ingredients are used in such a product. To do this, you need to take 0.5 tbsp. vegetable broth which should be warm but not hot. Combine half of the liquid with 1 tbsp. tablespoon of starch and mix well. Bring the second part to a boil and pour in the broth with starch and stir constantly until everything thickens. As a result, you will get jelly, which must be whipped in a blender, and then add lemon juice, salt, sugar, mustard, parsley and dill. Add in small amounts while beating. olive oil. As a result, you will get lean mayonnaise.

Harm of lean mayonnaise and contraindications

Lenten mayonnaise can bring harm when used in large quantities. Since due to the presence of starch, it can lead to weight gain. It is worth excluding it from the diet for people in the presence of individual intolerance to the ingredients. In addition, it should be borne in mind that various flavors and other substances harmful to the body may be present in industrial versions of mayonnaise.