How good or bad is soy sauce for human health? What happens if you drink a lot of soy sauce: is it possible to get poisoned? Soy sauce: harm.

Soy sauce is a product familiar to many. Nutritionists recommend using it during many diets as a seasoning and in place of salt. , cooked with this seasoning, are distinguished by an exquisite aroma and taste. But how useful is the sauce and why does its cost vary in such a wide range.

The benefits of soy sauce

Soy sauce came to our country from Asia, where soybeans have been produced for more than one hundred years. The production of natural sauce is a rather complicated technological process. The most useful is the one that has passed the stage of natural fermentation. To do this, boiled beans are diluted with water, put salt and left for about a year. Then the composition is filtered and poured into containers. The price of such a product can reach 500 rubles per bottle.

But not every manufacturer strives to go through all the stages of manufacturing a product; most entrepreneurs use an easier and cheaper way. For example, to speed up the fermentation process, they add certain bacteria to the composition, which reduce the fermentation time to 1.5 months. The cost of such a product is about 350 rubles. But this method of making the sauce is harmless enough and will not harm your health.

However, the imagination of manufacturers knows no bounds, they open up more and more new methods for the production of soy sauce. For example, some contrive to boil the beans in hydrochloric acid and then quench the mixture with alkali. Even people working in this industry are already causing damage to their health, to say nothing of those who eat it. Such a product costs in stores within 100 rubles.

When choosing a real sauce, pay attention not to the container. The bottle must be glass. Then study the composition. The natural product contains only soy, salt, sugar, wheat, vinegar and water. The sauce should be clear and brown in appearance.

Attention! The dark color of the product may indicate that you have a fake.

However natural product, prepared by natural fermentation, has certain benefits for our body. Basically, these are the amino acids that make up the product. In this sauce, the content of vitamin C is 150 times more than in citrus fruits. Therefore, the seasoning acts as an excellent antioxidant, helping to remove free radicals and defeat numerous infections.

The sauce has a positive effect on blood circulation and acts as a prophylactic for heart disease.

The positive qualities of a natural product are seen in the treatment of insomnia, muscle spasms, and edema.

They note the low calorie content of the product, so they recommend it to those who decide to part with their extra pounds.

Harm of soy sauce

Don't get too carried away with soy sauce. This can lead to salt deposits.

Basically, harm to the body is caused by a product prepared by unscrupulous manufacturers. In some cheap products, experts find an off-scale amount of carcinogens that adversely affect human health and lead to the formation of cancer cells.

In addition, the sauce is quite allergenic, so it is not recommended to add it to food for children and people prone to allergies. Phytoestrogens present in the product adversely affect the health of a pregnant woman and can lead to miscarriage.

And yet, when choosing a product, give preference only to natural soy sauce and a trusted manufacturer.

The article will tell you about what are useful and what are harmful natural soy sauce and its analogues.

Soy sauce- a popular culinary supplement, which has long been not associated only with Asian cuisine. Almost every modern housewife has used soy sauce at least once for making marinades, first and second courses, salad dressings and other sauces. It is almost impossible to find an analogue to the taste of soy sauce.

Soy sauce first appeared in Asian cuisine (China, Japan, India) and only in the 17th century did Europe learn about it. At its core, soy sauce is a fermentation product that occurs as a result of the fermentation of soybeans. This happens with the participation of a special fungus - aspergillus. The result is a liquid of a rather dark color and with a characteristic mushroom aroma.

IMPORTANT: In modern cooking, several types of soy sauces are distinguished and each has its own cooking process. The most important quality that the sauce should have is naturalness, which means that no chemistry is welcome in it.

Soy sauce has one advantage over other dressings and sauces - glutamic acid content. This is a natural component that can enhance and emphasize the taste of dishes: meat, fish, vegetables. In addition to all the advantages, it is also worth noting the low calorie content of the sauce, because this is all 50 kcal per 100 ml of sauce. The natural sauce (obtained not by chemical means) contains a large amount of monosaccharides and polysaccharides, as well as other trace elements.

Soy sauce is allowed to be eaten by those who adhere to proper nutrition and do not want to eat a lot of salt. soy sauce becomes dressing and seasoning for various dishes in small quantities, and in large quantities, this sauce is simply not eaten. Yes, and it is also worth remembering that excessive consumption of soy sauce can still harm your health.

When choosing this product on the store shelf, carefully study the label and composition. The fact is that there are a lot of cheap fakes of soy sauce at the moment. Such "sauces" are made from salt, preservatives, flavorings and flavorings. Natural sauce is always produced in small portions and only in glass bottles. Natural sauce is always clear and will not have any sediment at the bottom.

IMPORTANT: As part of a natural healthy sauce, there will never be additives like "E", vinegar, yeast, sugar and other preservatives, but only soy and salt should be. Another secret to determining the quality of the sauce is its rich protein content (at least 5-6 g). Natural sauce in price will be much higher than its artificial counterpart.

Soy sauce is a product of soybean fermentation.

Composition of real soy sauce: description, ingredients

As already mentioned, soy sauce in moderation can bring a lot of benefits to a person. The reason for this is the rich composition of many trace elements. natural soy sauce has nothing but fermented soy, water and salt. Consequently, chemical composition product will be very similar to that of soy.

The name of the trace element in the composition of soy sauce The benefits of the substance for the body

Vitamin B1

Participates in all metabolic processes of the body: protein, lipid, water-alkaline

Vitamin B2

Helps to synthesize all substances in the body: vitamins, amino acids, fatty acids
Vitamin B5 Helps body cells produce energy
Vitamin B6 Helps break down amino acids

Vitamin B9

In other words, “folic acid” is a fighter for the health of the reproductive organs and good mood.
Vitamin PP In other words, "nicotinic acid" - is involved in the metabolic processes of the body, carbon and protein metabolism.
Choline Regulates the functioning of the nervous system
Sodium Regulates water-salt metabolism
Potassium Regulates the amount of fluid in tissues
Phosphorus Nourishes the skeletal system, strengthens it
Calcium Supports healthy bones and teeth
Magnesium Participates in metabolic processes, helps to absorb other substances
Iron Increases hemoglobin in the blood
Selenium Improves the condition of hair, nails and skin
Zinc Essential for the health of the reproductive organs of men and women
Copper Regulates the work of the gastrointestinal tract, improves blood quality, as well as the functioning of the nervous system
Amino acids Keep the human body young and healthy

What is soy sauce made of?

Soy sauce: benefits and harms for men and women

Soy sauce is rich in antioxidants, which have a positive effect on the entire body, prolonging its youth and strengthening health. Another property of antioxidants is to “slow down” cell aging and fight oncology. Therefore, we can safely say that by using soy sauce, you will have a complex effect on your body: headaches will go away, pressure will normalize, insomnia will be eliminated, muscle spasms will be weakened, swelling will be relieved and fatigue will be relieved after physical exhaustion.

INTERESTING: It is important to note the presence phytoestrogens, substances extremely useful for women, especially those who experience hormonal surges: menopause, PMS, disorders.

Soy sauce contains a large amount of vegetable protein (about the same amount as is found in meat). This is good for those who are allergic to animal protein or for people on a vegetarian diet. However, this applies only to the sauce that is not made by chemical means. Artificial soy sauce does not bring benefits, but only gives taste sensations and harm.

On the other hand, soy sauce (like soy) contains substances such as isoflavones. It is known that they can negatively affect the quality and quantity of sperm in men. Therefore, to some extent, we can say that soy sauce is harmful to "men's health." However, this is true when a person uses it in excessive amounts.

IMPORTANT: Excessive consumption of soy sauce analogues is harmful because they contain a lot of salt, which disrupts the water-salt metabolism in the body, provokes swelling in the limbs and an increased feeling of hunger during the day.

Does soy sauce benefit or harm the body?

Pregnancy is a special position of a woman when she should be very careful and reverent about her health. Very often, a woman’s body in a position suffers from impaired water-salt metabolism and this happens because the use of salt “slows down” the release of fluid and it accumulates in soft tissues.

It is quite possible to completely replace salt during pregnancy with soy sauce, which also has a pleasant taste and saltiness. Of course, we are talking only about a natural product without preservatives and chemicals. Natural soy sauce may well become a “healthy dressing” for salads and seasoning for meat and other dishes.

You should choose the sauce with special attention, carefully studying the label. On the jar, look for the inscription "fermentation product" or "aging product". Soy sauce analogues should not be used during pregnancy, they can provoke disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, metabolism, cause poisoning and lead to swelling.

IMPORTANT: Natural sauce is also useful during pregnancy because it can saturate a woman's body with essential vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants.

Can you eat soy sauce while pregnant?

Can I eat soy sauce while breastfeeding?

Just like during pregnancy, while breastfeeding, a woman can consume soy sauce and not be afraid for her health, only if it is a natural product. Of course, you should not do this in excessive quantities, so as not to cause an allergic reaction in the baby, but soy sauce is not eaten in large quantities.

During lactation, you can prepare dressings for salads from soy sauce, as well as add it to the first and second courses. A few tbsp. sauce - the allowable rate of the product per day, only on condition that it is natural, without preservatives and chemical impurities.

IMPORTANT: Please note that natural soy sauce cannot have any flavoring impurities: mushrooms, shrimp, garlic, and so on.

Can you eat soy sauce while breastfeeding?

Soy sauce for children: at what age can I give it?

Soy is often present in baby food and from an early age (in some milk formulas) and therefore the question of whether it is possible to give soy sauce to a child is very relevant. The fact is that this sauce is rich in protein and useful trace elements, and therefore it can be given to children from 1.5-2, but in small portions.

IMPORTANT: Soy sauce may well replace little child salt, which is harmful to the "young" body. But we are talking only about natural sauce, and not one that has chemical additives.

Is it possible to give soy sauce to a child and at what age is giving soy sauce not harmful to the baby's health?

Is it possible to eat soy sauce with pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. This disease requires a person to strictly adhere to diets in order not to experience discomfort and not to achieve complications. Nutritionists all over the world assure that salt and mayonnaise should be completely replaced with this product. However, with pancreatitis, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • The sauce is enough salty and sour and salty. It is this quality that directly affects the gland, strengthening its work and stimulating it. The pancreas begins to secrete a secret, which is not very good, because excessive consumption of the sauce will provoke poor health.
  • It is not natural soy sauce that can harm health, but a “chemical analogue”, as it may contain vinegar and hot spices that are harmful to pancreatitis. These ingredients are capable irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa and aggravate the patient's condition by increasing the inflammatory process.
  • Salts, preservatives, dyes and carcinogens, which are abundant in soy sauce analogues, can have an extremely negative impact on the health of a person with pancreatitis. This product should be avoided.

IMPORTANT: It is strictly forbidden to use soy sauce in the presence of acute pancreatitis. Sauce should also be excluded during an exacerbation of the disease. Eating food with soy sauce is possible only when the disease is in remission. If you experience nausea, stomach pain, or other unpleasant symptoms, avoid using this product.

If you eat soy sauce in small portions and always tolerate it well, you can add it to your food in small amounts. Each time you use a sauce, reduce the amount of salt you add or eliminate it altogether.

Can you eat soy sauce if you have pancreatitis?

Soy sauce: is there salt in it, can it be eaten instead of salt?

Modern man must know that the use of salt is harmful to health. Therefore, many very often replace this ingredient with soy sauce, which, in addition to all the pleasant palatability also has salinity. Sauce is a fermentation product of soybeans in salt water.

IMPORTANT: This is why sauce is often used as a "healthy" substitute for salt. Its peculiarity is that it emphasizes the taste of any dish and a person simply does not feel the need to additionally season food.

Salt or soy sauce: which is better?

Answering this question, it should be noted that salt is a harmful product, since it contains a minimum amount of minerals and often a modern product (for example, Extra salt) does not have trace elements at all. In turn, soy sauce has a rich chemical composition: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and amino acids. That is why replacing salt with sauce is much more beneficial for the health of any person, if we are talking about natural sauce.

Soy sauce is much healthier than salt, it should be added to food

Soy sauce - can it be allergic: symptoms

An allergy to soy sauce may be because legumes often provoke a negative reaction in people who are extremely sensitive to this ingredient. Soy sauce should be consumed in small portions, 1-2 tbsp. per day for an adult will be enough. If you experience discomfort, you should refuse soy sauce:

  • Pain and spasms in the gastrointestinal tract
  • Sore throat and itching
  • Drowsiness, dizziness
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • puffiness

Causes of an allergic reaction to soy sauce

Is it possible to eat soy sauce when losing weight, how is it useful for losing weight?

For weight loss, soy sauce is useful because it helps regulate the body's metabolic processes. Amino acids and minerals in soy sauce speed up metabolism, which improves the absorption of nutrients from food and the removal of toxins.

In addition, there is not much salt in the sauce, and by consuming it, you will provide your body with more benefits than if you ate salt. The sauce will not help the soft tissues of the body to “retain water” (as happens with salt) and provoke swelling.

IMPORTANT: Soy sauce is an important ingredient for making dressings in diet salads. So you can completely abandon mayonnaise and lose weight “right”, avoiding junk food.

Soy sauce is an excellent dressing for diet salads

Is it possible to eat soy sauce on a buckwheat diet?

The answer to this question should be given, focusing on how responsibly you treat the regimen and diet menu. It is possible to add salt to food during the period of the buckwheat diet, but very little and only when you cannot do without it. AT this case soy sauce can be a great substitute for salt.

How many calories are in soy sauce?

Natural soy sauce should not contain more than 50 kcal per 100 grams of product (plus or minus 2 kcal). While analogues of soy sauce can contain up to 250 kcal per 100 grams. The reason for this is the high sugar content.

What can be substituted for soy sauce in a recipe?

For cooking various dishes and salads, if you do not want to use soy sauce according to your preferences, you can replace it with:

  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Apple vinegar
  • Oil, mustard and vinegar sauce
  • Lemon juice
  • Salt, spices, mayonnaise

How to use soy sauce and what can be replaced with it?

What is the best soy sauce to buy, which is the best, how to choose gluten-free?

Gluten is a substance found in wheat grains and therefore a sauce containing gluten can be safely called an analogue of a real natural product. In addition, gluten is a strong allergen and therefore should be avoided by people with hypersensitivity to allergen pathogens.

IMPORTANT: Carefully read the label on the bottle of soy sauce, studying its composition. Natural, and most importantly - healthy sauce will not contain additional chemicals and preservatives, as well as flavor enhancers.

How to make soy sauce with your own hands at home: a recipe

Soy sauce made at home is, of course, different from what you can buy in the store. However, this way you will be sure that you are using a healthy sauce without preservatives and food "chemical" additives.

You will need:

  • Soya beans - 100-120 g (or soy powder)
  • Butter - 1-2 tbsp (without plant impurities)
  • Mushroom broth - 50 ml.
  • Wheat flour - 0.5-1 tbsp
  • Salt - a few pinches (it is advisable to use the sea).


  • Pour the beans with a small amount of water and set to boil, cook until soft, and then grind thoroughly with a blender.
  • Add all other ingredients
  • You can also add 1-2 cloves of crushed garlic

What happens if you drink a lot of soy sauce: is it possible to get poisoned?

Eating soy sauce in excess is bad for your health. This product can contribute to poisoning: cause pain and spasms in the gastrointestinal tract, nausea and vomiting, fever and even dehydration due to the salt content in the sauce.

What is the shelf life of soy sauce and the shelf life of soy sauce after opening?

Soy sauce is a long-term product and therefore it can be kept on the shelf in the refrigerator for up to several years. Each manufacturer, natural sauce or its analogue, must indicate the time frame in which the product should be consumed after opening.

Video: "Rating: soy sauce"

How is natural soy sauce prepared?

The benefits and harms of any product are due to the content of certain substances in it. Favored by many gourmets exotic oriental sauce obtained by fermenting beans.

They are crushed and mixed with ground wheat, then mixed with water and packaged in special bags. In the sun, the fermentation process begins, during which liquid is released. It is harvested, carefully filtered, and the result is a classic soy sauce. The benefits and harms of the final product depend on compliance with the cooking technology. To speed up production, a starter culture is added to the mixture of beans and wheat, which does not affect the quality of the product. If there is an inscription “natural fermentation” on the glass packaging, then you have natural soy sauce in front of you. But if you find artificial colors or nutritional supplements, then the benefits of soy sauce in this case are in great doubt. In general, if a product is not sold in a classic glass containers, and in plastic bottle then it is most likely a fake. It is also worth paying attention to its color: the liquid, if it is in a small amount, should be brown, not black.

Nutritional value and chemical composition of soy sauce

The calorie content of this oriental seasoning is low. In 100 grams of sauce there are only 50 kilocalories, there is no fat in the composition of the sauce. Proteins and carbohydrates about 6 grams. Since the product is made from soybeans, it retains many of the vitamins, minerals, and amino acids from the plant. Classic soy sauce contains sodium, mono- and disaccharides and, oddly enough, a small amount of ash (5.5 gr.).

Longevity, health and soy sauce

The benefits and harms of this product are of interest to many lovers of Japanese, Korean and Chinese dishes. We have all heard about Eastern longevity. It turns out that one of the secrets of harmony and health of Asians is the regular use of soy sauce. Scientists have proven positive influence"black gold" on blood circulation and the cardiovascular system, as well as its ability to block free radicals, which helps slow down the aging process and prevents the development of cancerous tumors. Obese people and those who have allergic reactions to animal protein should generally take a closer look at soy and its derivatives. Often this sauce is recommended as an alternative to table salt for those who are on a weight loss diet.

Soy sauce: harm and contraindications

Despite the fact that this natural product has many useful properties, some should refrain from using it. Sauce is contraindicated for pregnant women, as it increases the risk of miscarriage, and also negatively affects the formation of the fetal brain. There is also an opinion that soy - the main component of this seasoning - has a bad effect on the human endocrine system. It is also better not to include soy sauce in the diet of children under three years of age, the benefits and harms of which for babies have not yet been fully studied.

Soy sauce- a seasoning characteristic of Asian cuisine - was discovered in China more than 2500 years ago. This product gives a sharp, salty taste to food, and also has a number of useful properties. Soy sauce is a fermentation product of soybeans under the influence of fungal bacteria. It is a dark liquid with a characteristic odor. Thanks to the derivatives of glutamic acid contained in it, it favorably emphasizes the taste of the dish.

Soy sauce is a rich source of sodium. According to the National Nutrient Database (USDA), one teaspoon of soy sauce, also known as tamari, contains 335 milligrams of sodium.

Although sodium is an essential mineral required for a variety of bodily functions, including neurotransmission and regulation blood pressure, the recommended upper sodium limit for adults is 2,500 milligrams per day. It drops to 1,500 milligrams for those with cardiovascular disease and those over age 51.

1. Reducing dietary sodium without sacrificing taste.
Despite the relatively high sodium content of soy sauce, it can help control your overall sodium intake. It works like this: since most people have a high sodium diet, using soy sauce instead of regular table salt will help to reduce the daily amount of sodium intake without compromising the taste of the dish.

A 2009 publication in the Journal of Food Science reported that substituting table salt for natural soy sauce in foods did not reduce the flavor intensity of the food, even though the total sodium content was reduced. In some cases, food had 50 percent less sodium, and no noticeable taste changes were noted.

2. Anti-allergic properties.
A 2005 review in the Journal of Bioengineering published a study showing that soy sauce has anti-allergic properties. In a cell line study, soybean polysaccharides derived from the fermentation process required for the production of soy sauce demonstrated potent anti-allergic abilities.

In one study, allergy sufferers showed significantly better symptoms after introducing soy sauce into their diet than those who took a placebo.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that soy sauce does an excellent job of treating allergies. Because soybeans are one of the eight foods most commonly associated with food allergies in the US, many people believe that soy sauce is the food that triggers allergy symptoms.

However, new research in this area suggests that soy sauce may be a much less allergenic form of soy than soybeans. It may provide support for the immune system, which is normally involved in the allergic response.

Two factors are of particular interest in this study. First, the soy sauce fermentation process breaks down key proteins that cause allergies. Secondly, the immune system is supplied with unique soy sauce polysaccharides.

Some of these carbohydrate family molecules can reduce the activity of an enzyme called hyaluronidase. The increased activity of this enzyme causes inflammation, and therefore causes an allergic reaction.

With a decrease in the activity of polysaccharides, the chances of an allergic reaction are reduced. In preliminary studies with small groups of students, the addition of soy sauce polysaccharides to the diet was found to reduce the occurrence of seasonal allergy symptoms.

The students who participated in the studies were given soy sauce polysaccharide supplements, not soy sauce itself. However, people with a known or suspected soy allergy should consult their physician before deciding to consume soy sauce daily.

3. Antioxidant properties.
In 2005, a review of several studies on soy sauce was published in the Journal of Bioengineering. They showed that soy sauce is rich in antioxidants. These substances protect the body from free radical damage, which we are exposed to daily when digesting food. Free radicals can speed up the aging process and also potentially increase your risk of developing heart disease or cancer.

The reviewer concluded that the antioxidants in soy sauce help reduce the effects of inflammation as well as improve overall stomach acid production, making digestion easier. In addition, the antimicrobial properties of soy sauce have been found to be effective in protecting the body from certain bacteria. Soy sauce is good source the mineral antioxidant manganese.

It also contains valuable amounts of antioxidant phenolic acids, including vanilla, syric, coumaric, and ferulic acids. The isoflavonoid antioxidants in soy sauce include glycerin, daidzein, genistein, and genistin. However, it is worth noting that the soy sauce manufacturing process can sometimes include steps that significantly reduce the concentration of these isoflavones and leave a much lower concentration of nutrients in the soy sauce.

Some studies have shown that soy sauce has a higher phytonutrient antioxidant density than red wine. In terms of antioxidant benefits, soy sauce also has a special ability to reduce the formation of hydrogen peroxide in the body. Since the formation of hydrogen peroxide can be associated with unwanted oxidative stress, this special ability of soy sauce is quite significant property.

4. Benefits for the digestive tract.
Recent studies have shown that soy sauce has a positive effect on the digestive tract. This is due to the soy sauce fermentation process and the creation of certain unique carbohydrates (called oligosaccharides) during this process. Some of the microorganisms associated with soy sauce fermentation contain enzymes that can break down the fibers (hemicellulose) found in soy.

When hemicellulose is broken down, oligosaccharides are formed that support the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. These bacteria, in turn, help the body obtain nutrients from food and maintain the chemical balance in the gut. Fermentation promotes the breakdown of large protein and carbohydrate molecules into smaller units.

The breakdown of proteins and carbohydrates is usually carried out in the digestive tract by chemicals, enzymes and bacteria. And thanks to the fermentation process of soy sauce, the digestive tract will need less effort to absorb this product.

5. Use for of cardio-vascular system.
Soy sauce is a salty food. A tablespoon of soy sauce can contain 1,000 mg of sodium. In fact, that's almost half the recommended sodium limit per day. As a high-sodium food, soy sauce can be expected to increase the risk of some cardiovascular problems, including high blood pressure.

After all, a certain percentage of people are really sensitive to salt, and when they eat salty foods, their blood pressure rises.

However, recent studies have shown that soy sauce may differ from other high-salt foods in its effects on blood pressure and cardiovascular health. When soy sauce is fermented in the traditional way, many of the proteins found in soybeans are broken down into smaller molecules called peptides.

Some of these peptides inhibit the activity of an enzyme that is needed to constrict blood vessels. Blood pressure tends to rise when blood vessels constrict.

By reducing the activity of the corresponding enzyme, peptides in soy sauce can help prevent this process. Be that as it may, if you have diseases of the cardiovascular system, before including soy sauce in your diet, consult your doctor.

6. Source of protein.
Soy sauce really deserves a special mention in the protein category as it ranks as the 9th healthiest food in the world in terms of protein density. In other words, if you get one gram of protein from soy sauce, it will cost you fewer calories than if you try to get one gram of protein from over 100 other foods.

The protein density of soy sauce is greater than the protein density of soybeans themselves, as well as animal products such as lamb, fish, salmon.

7. Fermented Soy Products and Vitamin K
Although soy sauce is often fermented with the help of bacteria, bacillus bacteria are generally not used in soy sauce fermentation. An exception to this rule is the production of certain soy sauces in korean style that use bacillus bacteria for fermentation.

From a health standpoint, one of the reasons why bacilli bacteria are so interesting is their ability to create a form of vitamin K2. Vitamin K (in all forms) is an essential nutrient for bones.

Adequate intake of vitamin K is associated with a reduced risk of osteoporosis, as this vitamin is responsible for maintaining bone mineral density as well as building bone structure. In the case of MK-7 (a form of vitamin K produced by bacillus bacteria and a member of the vitamin K2 menakinone family), higher blood levels of this form of the vitamin have been found to be consistent with a reduced risk of hip fracture in older people.

One of the interesting aspects of soy products fermented with bacilli is the potential ability of these bacteria to remain alive in the intestines for up to 6 days.

If bacillus bacteria from fermented soy products can stay alive in the digestive tract, they can supply us with vitamin K for 6 days.

However, before purchasing soy sauce, it is important to read the product label and ingredients carefully to learn about fermentation methods and vitamin K content, as Korean-style soy sauces are not always fermented with bacillus bacteria.

8. Prevention of diabetes.
Some preliminary research has been done to determine the possible benefits of soy sauce for the prevention of type 2 diabetes. In general, there is an association between the consumption of soy products and the risk of type 2 diabetes. This is possible, since the main problem in the development of type 2 diabetes is loss of function in pancreatic beta cells that produce insulin.

The loss of this function is sometimes associated with a process called "apoptosis" in which cells undergo pre-programmed decay (death). Consumption of many different dietary phytonutrients can reduce the risk of apoptosis in certain cells, and the isoflavonoids included in these phytonutrients are also found in soy.

This relationship between soy isoflavonoids, pancreatic function, and type 2 diabetes makes soybeans a logical choice for reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. However, in the specific case of soy sauce, this relationship is not as important because the soy sauce manufacturing process can sometimes reduce the amount of isoflavonoids to significantly lower levels than most other soy products.

Benefits for women

9. Maintaining "women's" health.
Thanks to soy sauce, painful menstruation is easier to bear, the symptoms of menopause and menopause are smoothed out. Some gynecologists strongly recommend that their patients over 35 add soy sauce to their diet.

10. Source of female sex hormones.
Soy sauce contains isoflavones. Their structure is close to the structure of the female sex hormone - estrogen. It is thanks to isoflavones that the hormonal background of a woman is leveled. Isoflavones compensate for the lack of hormones caused by menopause and eliminate the discomfort caused by menopause.

Skin Benefits

11. Elimination of wrinkles.
Empirically, it has been proven that soy can reduce the number and depth of wrinkles. For this purpose, not soy sauce is used, but soybean oil. It stimulates the production of collagen, which in turn makes the skin look younger for much longer. Skin cells are renewed much faster, preventing the signs of aging from appearing.

12. Cleansing the face of freckles and age spots.
As we found out above, soy sauce is an antioxidant product. Thanks to this property, it is able to cleanse the face of freckles and age spots. In addition, soy or soybean oil can be used as a sunscreen that will protect the skin from harmful effects ultraviolet rays.

Hair Benefits

13. Giving splendor and volume to the hair.
For hair care, as well as for skin care, soybean oil is used instead of soy sauce. It gently cares for the hair, giving it splendor and volume. Most often, soybean oil is only one of the components in the composition of cosmetic hair care products.

Benefits for men

14. Improves "men's" health.
Soy sauce improves blood circulation, which has a positive effect on a man's potency. However, it should be borne in mind that with excessive use of this product, the quality of spermatozoa may suffer.

Harm and contraindications

1. The presence of wheat in the sauce.
Soy sauce contains a small amount of wheat, which is roasted and then ground to speed up the fermentation process. People who are allergic to wheat or who have a gluten intolerance should avoid soy sauce. Kikkoman has recently begun producing soy sauce for this category of consumers. Rice is added to this sauce instead of wheat.

2. High sodium content.
Soy sauce contains a large amount of sodium - more than 5000 mg per 100 grams of product, or 435 percent of the daily intake. Maximum amount daily use sodium is 2500 mg.

Experts recommend reducing your sodium intake to 1,500 mg per day, especially if you have high blood pressure, kidney disease, or diabetes. Sodium raises blood pressure by damaging blood vessels and thus increasing the risk of developing other heart diseases.

Experts recommend avoiding any food containing more than 200 mg of sodium per serving. Since the amount of sodium in soy sauce is quite high, use it sparingly and infrequently or not at all if you have any risk factors.

3. "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome."
Another problem with soy sauce is described as "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome". It was discovered in the late 1960s. Chinese Restaurant Syndrome is characterized by headache, dizziness, and nausea.

It is experienced by some people after eating dishes in restaurants that have featured Asian cuisine. Previous research on this phenomenon has not provided any conclusive evidence for the cause of the symptoms, although many factors have pointed to the very likely involvement of monosodium glutamate (MSG), used as a flavor enhancer in food preparation.

While it is still not 100% clear whether MSG is the only factor responsible for these post-meal symptoms, most of the current research is focused on MSG-induced adverse reactions.

Because this element is a chemical salt derived from the amino acid glutamate, free glutamate is a major concern when considering an adverse food reaction associated with MSG.

Also, since glutamate is the main free amino acid in soy sauce, it is logical to consider soy sauce as a potential trigger for MSG-type adverse reactions.

However, most studies on soy sauce show a very big difference between the amount of free glutamate present in MSG versus the amount of free glutamate present in soy sauce.

For MSG, the amount of this substance is 70-75%, and for soy sauce - only 1.2%. This large difference may explain why soy sauce consumption does not seem to be associated with symptoms such as headache or dizziness.

However, people with known or suspected sensitivity to MSG should consult their physician before deciding to consume soy sauce.

4. Can cause a number of diseases.
Due to the high concentration of sodium in soy sauce and its excessive use, the following diseases can occur: heart attack, gout, kidney disease, arthrosis, hypertension, arthritis.

5. Not recommended for pregnant women.
As mentioned above, soy sauce is a source of estrogen. This is definitely an advantage, but not for pregnant women. The fact is that during pregnancy, women's hormone levels go off scale. Therefore, their additional intake into the body can threaten the baby with various pathologies of the brain. Also, soy sauce can cause premature birth or miscarriage.

6. Dangerous composition.
Irresponsible manufacturers add artificial components to soy sauce to speed up the production process and reduce the cost of the product. They use sulfuric or hydrochloric acid, alkali. This product is hazardous to health. Also, the products produced by some companies may contain GMOs. Therefore, before buying soy sauce, carefully read its composition.

Chemical composition of the product

Nutritional value of soy sauce (100 g) and the percentage of the daily value:

  • The nutritional value
  • vitamins
  • Macronutrients
  • trace elements
  • calories 50.7 kcal - 3.56%;
  • proteins 6 g - 7.32%;
  • fats 0 g - 0%;
  • carbohydrates 6.7 g - 5.23%;
  • dietary fiber 0 g - 0%;
  • water 0 g - 0%.
  • B1 0.03 mg - 2%;
  • B2 0.17 mg - 9%;
  • B4 18.3 mg - 4%;
  • B5 0.3 mg - 6%;
  • B6 0.15 mg - 8%;
  • B9 14 mcg - 4%;
  • PP 2.2 mg - 11%.
  • potassium 217 mg - 9%;
  • calcium 19 mg - 2%;
  • magnesium 43 mg - 10.8%;
  • sodium 5666.6 mg - 435.9%;
  • phosphorus 125 mg - 16%.
  • iron 1.93 mg - 11%;
  • manganese 0.42 mg - 21%;
  • copper 0.1 mg - 10%;
  • selenium 0.5 mcg - 1%;
  • zinc 0.52 mg - 4%.


Soy sauce is a popular culinary additive that is already associated not only with Asian cuisine, sushi and rolls. Nowadays, almost every housewife uses soy sauce to prepare various dishes, marinades, salad dressings. In addition to the amazing taste, soy sauce has many other benefits.

There are also disadvantages, so consult your doctor about the possibility of using the product personally.

Beneficial features

  • Reduced sodium without sacrificing taste.
  • Anti-allergic properties.
  • Antioxidant properties.
  • Benefits for the digestive tract.
  • Benefits for the cardiovascular system.
  • Protein source.
  • The presence of enzymes and vitamin K.
  • Prevention of diabetes.
  • Source of female sex hormones.
  • Elimination of wrinkles.
  • Cleansing the face of freckles and age spots.
  • Giving volume and volume to hair.
  • Maintaining "women's" health.
  • Improving "male" health.

Harmful properties

  • Wheat as part of the ingredients.
  • High sodium content.
  • "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome".
  • Provoking a number of diseases.
  • Harm to pregnant women.
  • Dangerous composition.

Research sources

The main studies on the benefits and harms of [black cumin oil] have been conducted by foreign doctors and scientists. Below you can get acquainted with the primary sources of research on the basis of which this article was written:

1. Andarwulan N, Nuraida L, Madanijah S et al. Free Glutamate Content of Condiment and Seasonings and Their Intake in Bogor and Jakarta, Indonesia. Food and Nutrition Sciences 2. 7 (Sep 2011): 764-769. 2011.
2. Aoshima H and Ooshima S. Anti-hydrogen peroxide activity of fish and soy sauce. Food Chemistry, Volume 112, Issue 2, 15 January 2009, Pages 339-343. 2009.
3. Chai C, Ju HK, Kim SC et al. Determination of bioactive compounds in fermented soybean products using GC/MS and further investigation of correlation of their bioactivities. J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci. 2012 Jan 1;880(1):42-9. Epub 2011 Nov 17. 2012.
4. Chaudhari N, Pereira E, and Roper SD. Taste receptors for umami: the case for multiple receptors. Am J Clinic Nutr. September 2009; 90(3): 738S-742S. Published online 2009 July 1. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.2009.27462H . 2009.
5. Choi UK, Jeong YS, Kwon OJ et al. Comparative Study of Quality Characteristics of Korean Soy Sauce Made with Soybeans Germinated Under Dark and Light Conditions. Int J Mol Sci. 2011; 12(11): 8105-8118. Published online 2011 November 17. doi: 10.3390/ijms12118105. 2011.
6. Elbashiti T, Fayyad A, and Elkichaoui A. Isolation and Identification of Aspergillus oryzae and the Production of Soy Sauce with New Aroma. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition 2010, Issn: 16805194, Volume: 9, Issue: 12, pages/rec. No: 1171-1175. 2010.
7. Guidi LR and Gloria MBA. Bioactive amines in soy sauce: Validation of method, occurrence and potential health effects. Food Chemistry, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 24 January 2012. 2012.
8. Kobayashi M, Magishi N, Matsushita H et al. Hypolipidemic effect of Shoyu polysaccharides from soy sauce in animals and humans. Int J Mol Med. 2008 Oct;22(4):565-70. 2008.
9. Kobayashi M. Immunological functions of soy sauce: hypoallergenicity and antiallergic activity of soy sauce. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering, Volume 100, Issue 2, August 2005, Pages 144-151. 2005.
10. Kremer S, Mojet J, and Shimojo R. Salt reduction in foods using naturally brewed soy sauce. J Food Sci. 2009 Aug;74(6):S255-62. 2009.
11. Kwon DY, Daily JW, Kim HJ et al. Antidiabetic effects of fermented soybean. Nutrition Research, Volume 30, Issue 1, January 2010, Pages 1-13. 2010.
12. Lee CYJ, Isaac HB, Wang H et al. Cautions in the use of biomarkers of oxidative damage; the vascular and antioxidant effects of dark soy sauce in humans. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, Volume 344, Issue 3, 9 June 2006, Pages 906-911. 2006.
13. Lioe HN, Selamat J, Yasuda M. Soy sauce and its umami taste: a link from the past to current situation. J Food Sci. 2010 Apr;75(3):R71-6. review. 2010.
14. Mashilipa C, Wang Q, Slevin M et al. Antiglycation and antioxidant properties of soy sauces. J Med Food. 2011 Dec;14(12):1647-53. Epub 2011 Aug 23, 2011.
15 Masuda S, Yamaguchi H, Kurokawa T et al. Immunomodulatory effect of halophilic lactic acid bacterium Tetragenococcus halophilus Th221 from soy sauce moromi grown in high-salt medium. International Journal of Food Microbiology, Volume 121, Issue 3, 10 February 2008, Pages 245-252. 2008.
16. Matsushita H, Kobayashi M, Tsukiyama R et al. Stimulatory effect of Shoyu polysaccharides from soy sauce on the intestinal immune system. Int J Mol Med. 2008 Aug;22(2):243-7. 2008.
17. McGough MM, Sato T, Rankin SA et al. Reducing sodium levels in frankfurters using naturally brewed soy sauce. Meat Science. 2012 May;91(1):69-78. Epub 2011 Dec 22. 2012.
18. Murooka Y and Yamshita M. Traditional healthful fermented products of Japan. J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol. 2008 Aug;35(8):791-8. Epub 2008 May 7. 2008.
19. Nakahara T, Sano A, Yamaguchi H et al. Antihypertensive effect of peptide-enriched soy sauce-like seasoning and identification of its angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitory substances. J Agric Food Chem. 2010 Jan 27;58(2):821-7. 2010.
20 Yang B, Prasad N, Xie H et al. Structural characteristics of oligosaccharides from soy sauce lees and their potential prebiotic effect on lactic acid bacteria. Food Chemistry, Volume 126, Issue 2, 15 May 2011, Pages 590-594. 2011.
21 Yang B, Yang H, Li J et al. Amino acid composition, molecular weight distribution and antioxidant activity of protein hydrolysates of soy sauce lees. Food Chemistry, Volume 124, Issue 2, 15 January 2011, Pages 551-555. 2011.
22 Zhu XL, Watanabe K, Shiraishi K et al. Identification of ACE-inhibitory peptides in salt-free soy sauce that are transportable across caco-2 cell monolayers. Peptides. 2008 Mar;29(3):338-44. Epub 2007 Nov 19. 2008.
23. Zhu Y, Yang Y, Zhou Z et al. Direct determination of free tryptophan contents in soy sauces and its application as an index of soy sauce adulteration. Food Chemistry, Volume 118, Issue 1, 1 January 2010, Pages 159-162. 2010.

Additional useful information about soy sauce

How to use

1. In cooking.

Soy sauce can be used as an additive to dishes instead of table salt. It is combined with almost any food (rice, meat, fish, potatoes, pasta, etc.), suitable for dressing salads, preparing marinades. Soy sauce helps to diversify the taste of dishes. However, do not forget that this product is very salty and do not abuse it.

It is especially easy to get carried away when eating sushi, so keep the situation under control. Soy sauce, along with sugar, is part of the popular Japanese teriyaki sauce. Teriyaki is used for grilled beef, poultry and fish dishes. Thanks to him, the dish gets a characteristic “icing” and a rich taste.

How to choose

  • Choose certified organic soy sauce.
  • In the production of soy sauce in the United States, the use of GMOs and non-organic soybeans is widespread. Genetically modified soybeans make up 90% of the US market.
  • Producing countries Japan, Korea, China or Indonesia are more reliable suppliers.
  • Quality soy sauce should have a light brown hue. If the color of the sauce is very dark and even black, refuse to buy.
  • Carefully read the label, it should not have markers indicating an artificial or diluted product.
  • A quality product may have the word "fermented" on its packaging.
  • Quality soy sauce should be naturally fermented.
  • Buy only soy sauce, which is sold in glass bottles.
  • The protein content of soy sauce should be more than 6%.
  • A good product should be clean, free of sediment and floating flakes.

How to store

  • Soy sauce should be stored on the refrigerator door in its original packaging.
  • Its shelf life is several years.
  • Always keep the bottle closed. By blocking the flow of oxygen into it, you will retain the taste properties of the product for a longer time.
  • Soy sauce can be stored at room temperature, but its shelf life will be shortened.
  • Do not place the product in direct sunlight.
  • Soy sauce does not tolerate temperature changes.

History of occurrence

Soy sauce first appeared in China about 2.5 thousand years ago. European countries learned about it only in the 17th century. Like other soy products, soy sauce has a long and successful history of use in many cuisines, especially in China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Burma, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Over the course of several hundred years, the food fermentation process used to create soy sauce has become more popular both in China and beyond.

In Japan, the word shoyu has come to be used for soybean pastes that have been fermented. "Shoyu" is still the correct Japanese word for soy sauce in general (rather than specific types of soy sauce such as tamari, shiro, or koikuchi). In the earliest periods of the existence of soy sauce, it was consumed not in the form of a liquid, but in the form of an unrefined paste.

The word moromi was often used in Japanese cuisine to refer to this early spreadable form of soy sauce. Today, it is often referred to simply as "miso". To date, the production of soy sauce around the world is engaged in several thousand different companies. The world's largest soy sauce manufacturer is Kikkoman, headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. It sells over 500 million liters of soy sauce per year.

How and where is it made

Soy sauce is a liquid made from soybeans or a combination of soybeans and wheat. It can range from light amber to dark brown (although most of us are used to seeing dark brown soy sauce). One of its most popular types, tamari, gets its name from the Japanese verb tamaru, which means “to save,” “to save,” or “to be a reserve.”

The product we call soy sauce is the liquid that accumulates when fermented soybean mass is mechanically compressed and squeezed out. Due to the widespread popularity of soy sauce in Japan and the unique relationship between Japan and the United States, many Japanese names for soy sauce appear on US food labels. The most common word for soy sauce in Japanese is shoyu, and you will often find this word on the product label.

A very popular and common type of soy sauce in the US is somewhat less dark, less flavorful, and more viscous. It is made from a mixture of soy and wheat. Consider the traditional soy sauce fermentation process. First, whole soybeans are soaked and boiled.

The boiled soybeans are then cooled and inoculated with mold spores. This soy mold combination is then cultured for several days at room temperature.

The bean puree that is formed is mixed with saline solution. This mixture is aged for several months or, in some cases, several years. As the last step in this process, the liquid is squeezed out.

This liquid is soy sauce. As you can see, the soy sauce fermentation process is truly amazing: it involves mold, yeast, and bacteria and can take months or even years.

The many unique flavors found in different varieties of soy sauce reflect this complex microbial interaction. Unfortunately, there are products on the market that have not been produced according to traditional fermentation and cultivation methods, and do not benefit the body.

The largest soy sauce producing countries are China, Japan, Korea and the USA. In Russia, this product is produced by domestic companies Sostra and Katana.

  • Soy sauce was first exported to Europe in 1668. Then the Dutch sailors received permission to trade in this product in Nagasaki.
  • For the first time soy sauce in sashimi (thinly sliced raw fish) was used in 1736.
  • Soy sauce in cooking can replace not only salt, but also oil and mayonnaise.
  • This product is also called oriental ketchup. In Eastern cuisine, soy sauce is the number one condiment.
  • Soy sauce works wonders when added to dumplings and pilaf.
  • Soy sauce has a base flavor called umami. This taste comes from monosodium glutamate.
  • Umami was included in the list of basic flavors in 1908.
  • Every Japanese has 7 liters of soy sauce per year.
  • Soy sauce contains a small amount of alcohol.
  • The prototype of soy sauce in ancient China was a seasoning made from fermented fish, to which soybeans were added.
  • The French king Louis XIV called soy sauce "black gold". At the time, it was a very expensive condiment.
  • In Europe, by the middle of the 19th century, Japanese soy sauce was completely replaced by Chinese.

This product appeared on our market relatively recently. We will find out if soy sauce is harmful, what are the benefits and harms of the product for the body.

For a short time of existence on the market, he managed to gain popularity, because he is able to perfectly improve the taste of your favorite dishes. And if you use the product in moderation, then it will not only do no harm, but it will turn out to be useful women and men.

Is the sauce good?

First of all, it contains a certain amount of natural antioxidants. They help slow down the aging of the human body. Clinical examinations suggest that regular consumption of even a small amount of soy sauce can reduce the likelihood of developing cancer and other pathologies.

The presence of natural estrogens is beneficial for the female body. Due to the presence of these substances, a woman:

  1. Later discovers the appearance of wrinkles.
  2. Easier to endure pain during menstruation.
  3. Less likely to develop post-menopausal osteoporosis.
  4. Less intensively tolerates the transition to menopause.
  5. Has a lower risk of getting breast cancer.
  6. Tolerates menopause much better.

That is why gynecologists advise women over 35 years of age to consume small amounts of soy sauce as part of the principles of proper nutrition.


This product is made by fermenting soybeans with the help of certain bacterial cultures. Soy sauce contains:

  • B vitamins;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • vitamin A;
  • iron.

Quality brands such as Kikkoman or Sensei do not contain harmful synthetic preservatives and substitutes and have only beneficial features. Therefore, products are not harmful to health, unless consumed in liters. But the purchase of low-quality brands is harmful to the body, because all the raw materials on the basis of which the products are made are either of poor quality or artificial, created by chemical means and dangerous to health.

The effect of the product on the body

Regular use This sauce in reasonable quantities is beneficial to the human body. The benefits of fermented soybeans are as follows:

  1. They do not allow early aging of the body.
  2. Significantly reduce the risk of developing malignant neoplasms.
  3. They have a slight sedative effect.
  4. Able to deal with pain in the head and neck.
  5. Combat the negative effects of nervous tension.
  6. Prevent the development of edema, dermatitis.
  7. They support the heart and blood vessels and prevent the development of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.
  8. Reduce the risk of developing arthritis and osteoporosis.
  9. Struggling with the manifestations of seasonal beriberi.
  10. Improve mood in the off-season and prevent the development of depression.

The benefits of protein in the sauce

Without proteins, the human body cannot function normally. Unfortunately, some people have individual intolerance to animal proteins.

Thanks to soy sauce, you can partially solve the problem of lack of proteins in the diet. This does not mean that it can be eaten in large quantities: only small amounts of additives are allowed to be added to dishes to make them taste unusual.

Sauce and vessels

Despite the fact that it contains salt, moderate consumption of the sauce has a beneficial effect on the condition of the vessels. Even half a tablespoon of the product significantly increases the intensity of blood circulation. The use of this supplement in food contributes to:

  • increase the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • their cleansing of cholesterol plaques;
  • strengthening of blood vessels.

Doctors say that regular use even small quantities soy sauce helps prevent heart attack and stroke.

When is the use of the product indicated?

He may not only be delicious product food, but also medicine. It is indicated to be used in such cases.

  1. Women during the natural extinction of ovarian activity when it is impossible to use hormonal drugs (for example, in the case of the development of varicose veins).
  2. Intolerance to certain proteins that are part of animal products.
  3. Diseases of the heart or blood vessels. Even small amounts of this product help patients recover faster after a heart attack.
  4. Obesity is a reason to have a little sauce on the table every day as an addition to a weight loss dish. The calorie content of the product is small, which makes it a tool that helps to quickly normalize weight.
  5. As an additional maintenance therapy, the supplement can be used as food for people with diabetes.
  6. To prevent exacerbation of chronic cholecystitis, it is shown to add a teaspoon of soy extract to food every day.
  7. The supplement is used as an excellent alternative to laxatives. And all because they have a mild laxative effect.
  8. For people suffering from pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, this food supplement will be simply necessary.

In these and other cases, we can add soy sauce to food during cooking or in ready meals. Of course, the amount of additive should be within reasonable limits.

Some people are wondering if this sauce can be used on a diet. The product is used for dietary nutrition in reasonable quantities. Reviews of people who used it as a dietary supplement are positive.


It was said above that the sauce is good for health. Where do the claims that it is harmful come from? It's all about quantity. If you use it without measure, literally pouring it on dishes, then this will do more harm than good.

When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer. Quality products cannot be cheap. In its manufacture, unscrupulous manufacturers replace natural ingredients with their chemical counterparts.

The composition of soy sauce includes a large amount of salt and components that irritate the intestinal or stomach mucosa. So people suffering from cardiovascular pathologies, the content of this product should be limited.

It can only be used in limited quantities, which is what Asian chefs do. But for some reason, we have a common habit of adding it to almost everything, without exception, products, and even just drinking it. Due to the constant use of such a “culinary masterpiece”, a person may develop such diseases:

  • gout;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • inflammation of the joints;
  • arthrosis, that is, a progressive degenerative disease of the cartilage tissue of the joints;
  • chronic kidney disease.

A significant protein content in this product adversely affects the condition of patients with chronic kidney failure. There are cases when children developed allergic reactions precisely because of the use of even a small amount of soy sauce.

It contains estrogens. This product adversely affects the condition of pregnant women, because the unborn baby can be born with numerous brain pathologies. The product is contraindicated in persons with disorders of the endocrine system, liver. When breastfeeding, this product is best avoided.

It is forbidden to use an expired product.

Video: soy sauce - benefits and harms.

Is it possible to get poisoned by the sauce?

Cheap product samples may contain the following components:

  1. Dyes of artificial origin.
  2. Flavorings.
  3. preservatives.
  4. mineral acids.
  5. alkaline liquids.
  6. Genetically modified organisms.

The use of sauces in large quantities can cause allergies. The most dangerous of them is anaphylactic shock. People who abuse low-quality soy sauces develop hypertension, urolithiasis, and joint damage.

With the development of poisoning due to the use of a large amount of sauce, it should be treated as a normal food intoxication. The patient needs to induce vomiting by first drinking a large amount of warm water and pressing on the root of the tongue. Sometimes vomiting occurs automatically after drinking a liquid. Then you need to give a mild laxative and Activated carbon.

The first day after poisoning, dense food is not recommended. Plentiful drinking is shown (teas, fruit drinks, compotes). On the second day, you can slightly expand the diet. In the future, food is normal, but you need to remember that excessive consumption of the product will be harmful.

Soy sauce is an excellent addition to your favorite everyday meals. It not only changes their taste, but is an excellent tool for strengthening the body, preventing many diseases. All its useful properties are relevant when a person uses the sauce in reasonable quantities. Abuse of the additive leads to poisoning and the development of dangerous diseases.