How to cook crispy juicy nuggets at home: the best recipes. How to cook chicken and breast nuggets, turkey, pork, minced meat with cheese, fish, vegetables? Chicken nuggets like in McDonald's, CFS: recipes

Chicken nuggets are known to most Russians from the menu of the famous McDonald's fast food restaurant. Many housewives want to adopt the recipe, thereby saving their hard-earned money. This is not surprising, because tender fillet in a golden crispy crust will not leave anyone indifferent. If served with a sweet and sour or barbecue sauce, a delicious meal is guaranteed even for the most sophisticated gourmet. There are quite a few recipes that can be translated into reality on their own. Consider them in order, highlight the main features of the preparation of nuggets.

Rules for making nuggets

  1. Nuggets are not made from minced chicken, but from chopped pieces of chicken. To do this, the fillet must be washed, cleaned of the film and cut into pieces. Some housewives prefer to marinate meat in their favorite way (mayonnaise, spices, lemon juice, etc.). In this case, the duration of exposure in the marinade should not exceed a quarter of an hour.
  2. After pre-treatment of the chicken, the meat must be rolled first in flour, then in a beaten egg, and then dipped in breading. Depending on the method of preparation, breading is distinguished from crispy crackers (ground), flakes, crackers (cookies), semolina, etc.
  3. Many housewives prefer to add chopped greens (dill, parsley), walnut or almond, green or onion, chopped garlic, seasonings to the mixture. It all depends on personal preferences, the main thing is not to overdo it with the quantity.
  4. Nuggets are fried in 7-10 pieces, depending on the size of the dish. In this case, the pieces should not touch each other, otherwise they will stick together. Spread the meat in batter alternately with an interval of 2-3 seconds. The duration of deep-frying is 5-7 minutes. At the same time, if the pieces are completely immersed in oil, there is no need to turn them over.
  5. Some housewives prefer to cook nuggets in the oven, such a move is not forbidden. To do this, the device must be heated to 200 degrees, after which put the chicken pieces in batter and breading on a special grill. The device is placed on a baking sheet, then sent for 20 minutes in the oven.
  6. After cooking, line a flat dish or tray with paper towels. Put the nuggets on a plate, leave for a certain period until the fat drains completely. Wait a quarter of an hour for the final product to become crispy.

Chicken Nuggets: A Classic Recipe

  • vegetable oil - 430-450 ml.
  • chicken fillet - 750 gr.
  • flour of the highest grade - 60-70 gr.
  • breading (crackers) - 160 gr.
  • salt - 15 gr.
  • ground pepper (black) - on the tip of a knife
  • granulated garlic - 5 pinches
  • chicken egg - 3 pcs.
  1. Wash and dry the chicken fillet, chop it into pieces resembling nuggets in size. Break the eggs into a separate bowl, beat them with a fork until smooth. You can use a whisk, but it is important not to allow foam to form.
  2. Prepare the breading mixture. To do this, mix flour with granulated garlic, ground pepper, salt and your favorite seasonings (to taste). Mix everything, prepare the second bowl. Pour the breadcrumbs into it.
  3. Start processing the chicken fillet. First, dip each piece in flour with spices, shake off excess with your hands. Then send the nuggets one by one into the egg and immediately roll in breadcrumbs. Do the manipulations with each piece of chicken, put the prepared "raw materials" on a separate dish.
  4. Shake off excess grains of crackers, otherwise they will drown in oil and burn during frying. If you wish, you can freeze the prepared blanks on a tray, and then move them to a bag or container. After that, it is convenient to fry the nuggets without prior defrosting.
  5. To start frying, prepare a decent amount of vegetable (refined) oil. Pick up a cauldron or a tall pot / pan, pour in the product and heat it on medium power.
  6. After the oil warms up to the desired mark, put the prepared pieces of breaded fillet in it. Make sure that there is enough space for each piece, they should not touch.
  7. Fry on medium power for about 5 minutes until the pieces are golden brown. The duration of frying depends on the size of the pieces and the temperature of the oil. Once cooked, scoop out the nuggets with a slotted spoon and place them on paper towels.

Chicken nuggets on kefir

  • chicken breast (fillet) - 750 gr.
  • dried paprika - 15 gr.
  • ground black pepper - 6 gr.
  • kefir (fat content 2.5-3.2%) - 260 ml.
  • fine salt - 12 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 380-400 ml.
  • wheat flour (high quality) - 120 gr.
  • ground turmeric - 10 gr.
  1. Wash the chicken breasts, pat dry and cut into small pieces. Shake the yogurt, pour it into a deep bowl. Pour dried paprika, salt, pepper and flour into the second container.
  2. Dip each piece of chicken first in kefir, then in flour. After that, repeat the steps again to get a double batter breading.
  3. Pour the oil into a deep heat-resistant dish, heat it up, reduce the heat to medium. Lay out the nuggets for frying, bring to a golden crust.
  4. Prepare a flat dish and line it with paper towels. After frying, put the nuggets on a plate, leave to drain, blot with towels. Serve with garlic sauce, adding chopped greens.

Chicken nuggets with cheese

  • chicken egg - 2 pcs.
  • wheat flour - 125 gr.
  • chicken fillet - 700 gr.
  • breadcrumbs - 55 gr.
  • Parmesan cheese - 65 gr.
  • fresh dill - 15 gr.
  • ground black pepper - 7 gr.
  1. This recipe for nuggets differs from others in that the dish is prepared without adding salt. A similar feature is achieved by the content of Parmesan cheese, which is quite salty in nature.
  2. To start cooking, wash and chop the fillet into slices. Take two containers, the first will be used for egg batter, the second for breading.
  3. Break the eggs into a bowl, beat with a fork or whisk. Wash fresh dill, chop it very finely. Grate the cheese on a grater with small holes.
  4. Mix "Parmesan" with dill and breadcrumbs, add ground pepper. Roll each nugget first in flour, then dip in egg mixture and sprinkle with breadcrumbs and cheese.
  5. Fry the fillet in a saucepan, first bring the oil to a hot state. Ready time is 5-7 minutes depending on the size of the nuggets.
  6. After frying, remove the fillet with a slotted spoon, put on a dish lined with paper towels. Let excess fat drip off, blot the nuggets with paper towels if desired. Start tasting in 15 minutes.

  • flour - 115 gr.
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • chicken fillet - 480-500 gr.
  • salt - to taste
  • breadcrumbs for breading - 60 gr.
  • dry garlic in granules - 12 gr.
  • black pepper - 5 gr.
  • corn flakes (classic, without sugar) - 130 gr.
  • dried ginger - on the tip of a knife
  • ground turmeric - 1 pinch
  1. Remove the breast from the bones, remove the skin and film. Rinse the meat under the tap, dry with paper towels. Chop the fillet into small pieces, sized to form nuggets.
  2. Mix granulated garlic, turmeric, ginger, salt, crushed pepper into one dry mixture. Grate each piece with seasoning, transfer to a deep bowl and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Mash corn flakes in any convenient way, mix with breadcrumbs. Place the egg in a separate bowl, beat with a whisk or fork. Add some salt.
  4. Dip the chicken pieces in flour first, shaking off any excess. After that, dip in the egg mass and roll well in breadcrumbs with corn flakes. Remove excess again, start frying.
  5. Pour refined oil into a saucepan or deep frying pan (deep fryer). Dip the chicken pieces in one by one. Fry for about 7 minutes without turning. If there is little oil, processing is carried out on both sides for 4-5 minutes.
  6. After all the manipulations, put the nuggets on a dish lined with paper towels. Leave for a quarter of an hour to drain all the fat. Proceed to tasting after partial cooling.

Chicken nuggets with sesame seeds

  • flour - 135 gr.
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • chicken fillet - 650 gr.
  • sesame (white or black) - 45 gr.
  • fresh dill - half a bunch
  • breadcrumbs - 80 gr.
  • salt - to taste
  • ground black pepper - 3 pinches
  1. Prepare the chilled chicken fillet in advance: wash it, remove the films and skin, dry it with napkins. Chop the breast into small slices, rub first with salt, then with ground pepper.
  2. Whisk the eggs in a deep bowl until the mixture is smooth. In another bowl, mix the crackers with sesame seeds, add pre-chopped dill here.
  3. Sift the flour on a separate plate, proceed to the formation of the nuggets. First, dip the chicken pieces in the flour, then in the egg and breading with sesame seeds. Leave the blanks on a dish, start frying.
  4. Pour oil into the pan so that the chicken floats freely in it. Dip the slices into the hot mixture, fry until golden brown (about 6 minutes). After cooking, fish out the nuggets with a slotted spoon, leave on paper towels to drain fat.

  1. Do not rush to send the nuggets into the oil until you are sure that the composition has warmed up to the desired mark. To test, dip a piece of battered fillet into a frying pan with oil, evaluate the result. If you see that there are spots of golden color, start cooking. In this case, the oil should hiss and "gurgle".
  2. It is known that the main secret of the successful preparation of nuggets lies in the breading. If possible, do not use the purchased composition, bread crumbs can be prepared independently. To do this, dry the bread in the oven, mash it with a pestle and season with spices.
  3. To coat the chicken fillet with flour evenly, send the bulk product to a food container. Then add pieces of meat there, close the container and shake the container for 5 seconds. The procedure is carried out with 2-3 slices at the same time.
  4. To shorten the frying time, beat off the cooked fillet pieces a little. For color saturation, add ground paprika, black pepper and salt to the breading and batter. If desired, nuggets can be made in the oven at 200 degrees.

It is known that nuggets do not belong to low-calorie dishes. They are prepared by frying in a large amount of vegetable oil. For these purposes, a cauldron, a deep frying pan or a deep fryer is used. The hot oil should completely cover the chicken fillet so that it literally floats in the composition.

Video: how to make chicken wings like in KFC

At home, you can cook chicken nuggets like in your favorite fast food! Try new snack ideas!

We offer to compete with fast food by preparing mouth-watering chicken nuggets at home with a simple sweet and sour sauce. As a breading, we will give preference to ordinary hard cheese - when fried in vegetable oil, it will quickly melt and turn into a golden crisp.

  • chicken breast - 1 pc. (about 500-600 g);
  • egg - 1 pc.;
  • cheese - 100-150 g;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • flour - about 80 g;
  • vegetable oil - about 80-100 ml.

For sauce:

  • potato starch - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • drinking water - 80 ml;
  • sugar - 90 g;
  • ketchup (or tomato paste) - ½ tbsp. spoons;
  • vinegar 6% - 40 ml;
  • soy sauce - 30 ml.

We wash the chicken breast, remove the skin. Carefully cut the fillet from the bone and chop into oblong pieces about 3 cm long.

Sprinkle the blanks with salt, black or red ground pepper. Add your favorite spices as desired.

Cheese cut into pieces of arbitrary size. Put in a blender bowl and turn into small crumbs.

Beat the raw egg lightly with a fork, combining the protein and yolk. Add a pinch of salt.

Sift the flour into a suitable bowl. Each piece of chicken fillet is breaded on all sides.

Next, “bath” the meat in the egg mixture.

With the final touch, generously roll the workpiece in cheese crumbs.

We heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan, and then lay out our semi-finished products. Fry over moderate heat for about 6 minutes on each side (until golden brown). Next, reduce the heat to a minimum, cover the dishes with a lid and bring the meat to full readiness for 3-5 minutes. For frying nuggets, be sure to choose a pan with a high-quality non-stick coating, otherwise the cheese breading may stick to a hot surface.

Ready nuggets with cheese are immediately placed on paper napkins to remove the remaining vegetable oil.

We offer to complement the nuggets at home with a simple sweet and sour sauce. For its preparation, potato starch is dissolved in water. Mix with ketchup, soy sauce, sugar and vinegar. Bring the mixture to a boil and, stirring constantly, cook until lightly thickened. Remove from fire, let cool.

Chicken nuggets at home with cheese served cold or warm, accompanied by sauce.

Recipe 2: chicken nuggets at home in a pan

Anyone who has tried chicken nuggets at McDonald's at least once, probably begins to think about how to cook chicken nuggets at home. Interestingly, the history of nuggets is over 130 years old. The first nuggets appeared in America in the middle of the 19th century, just at the height of the gold rush. The word "nuggets" is translated "literally as a gold nugget.

Indeed, pieces of fried golden chicken fillet look like pebbles of gold. It's hard to attribute such juicy pieces of chicken with crispy breading to unhealthy fast food. In addition, if you cook them at home, and you yourself will see all the components that you use, there can be no question of any harm to the body.

The whole secret of delicious nuggets lies precisely in the breading. You can cook it on the basis of purchased crumbs from crackers, sesame seeds, semolina, cheese, semolina, corn flour. We will prepare a batter from eggs and flour and bread the fillet pieces first in egg batter, and then in breadcrumbs. How to cook chicken nuggets, we will now consider.

  • Chicken fillet - 400 gr.,
  • Eggs - 1 pc.,
  • Sour cream - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Breadcrumbs - 200 gr.,
  • Spices: paprika, black pepper,
  • Flour - 3-4 tbsp. spoons,
  • Sunflower oil.

Defrost chicken breast if needed. Rinse. Discuss. Next, it should be cut into cubes of 3 by 3 cm.

Crack an egg into a bowl (salad bowl).

Whip it up with a fork.

Add sour cream.

Stir the mixture again until smooth.

Add salt, ground black pepper and flour to the beaten egg. In addition to the batter, you can add 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of cornmeal, in which case the batter will be similar to the one used for the root dog. 50-60 ml should be added to this amount of flour. water.

Mix the batter until there are no lumps of flour in it. Please note that the consistency of the batter is similar to liquid sour cream.

In a separate bowl, make the breading for the nuggets. To do this, add breadcrumbs to a bowl. Add a pinch of paprika to them, which will give the breading a beautiful yellowish-orange color.

A beautiful golden hue can also be obtained thanks to turmeric and curry. Mix the breadcrumbs with the paprika. So, we have batter and breading for nuggets ready. You can start frying them.

Dip the chicken pieces into the bowl with the batter. Soak them in batter.

Then transfer to a breaded bowl. Roll on both sides in breadcrumbs.

Heat a frying pan with sunflower oil. At McDonald's, nuggets are deep-fried, which is why they have a beautiful golden crust, which can be obtained thanks to a large amount of oil. Place the breaded chicken pieces in the hot skillet.

Fry on one side for 2-3 minutes, then flip to the other side and also fry until cooked through.

Place the chicken nuggets on a plate lined with paper towels. This will help them get rid of excess oil and become less greasy. Ready-made chicken nuggets at home are served with spicy sauces. Well suited adjika, mayonnaise sauce, ketchup, mustard. A very tasty sauce is obtained from mayonnaise and Dijon mustard, mixed in a 3: 1 ratio. By the way, it is customary to eat nuggets with your hands, dipping them into the sauce. Enjoy your meal.

Recipe 3: Homemade Chicken Nuggets (Step by Step Photos)

Nuggets are juicy meat under a crispy crust that has a beautiful golden color. They are usually consumed with mustard, barbecue sauce, ketchup, cheese sauce, or any other. Chicken nuggets are cooked very quickly, and they always turn out even for a novice cook.

The most interesting thing is that you can cook nuggets in different ways, experimenting with shape, taste and technology. They can be made into squares, strips, circles or any other shape, they can be fried in oil or baked in the oven, you can marinate, add various seasonings to your taste.

Breadcrumbs are best for breading, but you can try breading in sesame seeds, chopped nuts and crackers. Nuggets can be served on the table as an independent dish, or they can be presented with a side dish or vegetable salad. So, today we are preparing juicy, mouth-watering chicken nuggets!

  • Chicken breast (it is better to take the fillet right away) - 400 grams;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • Flour;
  • Breadcrumbs;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Seasoning curry;
  • Salt.

Free the chicken breast from unnecessary bones, rinse well with water, cut into beautiful medium-sized squares.

Throw the chopped fillet into a deep bowl, season with salt and curry seasoning, according to your taste preferences. Mix well so that the seasoning covers each piece.

Roll the fillet well in flour.

In a separate bowl, beat the eggs, load a piece of fillet rolled in flour into it.

The last layer will be breadcrumbs. Do this with each piece, in turn load them into plates with the necessary contents - flour, egg, breadcrumbs.

Pour a generous amount of oil into an aluminum bowl or frying pan so that it covers half of the nuggets. Load chicken blanks into boiling oil, after 3 minutes turn them over to the other side, fry and remove from the bowl.

Put the chicken nuggets on a plate, after laying paper napkins there, which will absorb all the unnecessary oil, then transfer to a beautiful dish. It turned out very tasty! Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 4: how to cook chicken nuggets at home

How delicious are McDonald's chicken nuggets. This crispy crust and tender juicy chicken meat… It is simply impossible to resist. But they can be easily prepared in your own kitchen. So you will not only be sure of the quality of the products used, but you will also be able to save a lot, because dishes at McDonald's are not cheap. The process itself is extremely simple: cut the chicken fillet, breaded and fry in boiling oil. Chicken nuggets are the perfect solution for a children's holiday, everyone will certainly appreciate it and the dish will be eaten in a matter of minutes, especially if the nuggets are accompanied by french fries. So I recommend to cook them immediately more. And how exactly to make chicken nuggets at home, our recipe with step-by-step photos will tell.

  • chicken fillet - 300 g;
  • egg - 2 pcs;
  • breadcrumbs - 1 cup;
  • vegetable oil - 200 ml;
  • salt to taste;
  • ground pepper to taste;
  • ground dried garlic - 0.25 tsp;
  • flour - 3 tbsp.

Cut the fillet into oblong rectangular slices, the approximate thickness is 1.5 × 1.5 cm.

Sprinkle with salt and ground pepper, place in a sealed container and refrigerate overnight. If there is no time, you can leave for several hours at room temperature or skip this step altogether, but a well-soaked chicken will become even more fragrant.

For breading, take three shallow flat plates. Pour flour into one, breadcrumbs into another, break eggs into the third and shake them with a fork. For those who like "spicy" in crackers, you can add any spices, it is very good to use dried ground garlic and a mixture of peppers. Pour vegetable oil into a deep narrow container and put on fire. Roll the fillet piece first in flour, then dip on all sides in the egg.

And finally, sprinkle well with breadcrumbs.

Lay out on a cutting board. It is better to bread all the fillets at once, and only then proceed to frying. Such blanks can be frozen and cooked as needed.

Heat vegetable oil until a light smoke appears above its surface. Lay out a few pieces of chicken fillet and fry for a minute on each side. The crust should be slightly golden.

Homemade chicken nuggets are ready. Serve immediately with any sauce.

In extreme cases, you can make the nuggets in advance and then reheat in the microwave.

Recipe 5: Chicken Nuggets at Home in the Oven

The recipe is very simple. It doesn't get easier. In addition, this is a healthier version of the dish, since in this case, instead of frying in a large amount of oil, baking is used. Nuggets in the oven are no less appetizing than fried in oil.

  • Chicken fillet - 2 pcs
  • Breadcrumbs / Breading - 1 stack.
  • Wheat flour / Flour - 3 tbsp. l.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Spices - to taste
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs

I wash the chicken fillet and cut across the fibers into flat pieces of not large size.

For breading in a separate bowl, pour 3 tbsp. l. flour.

Separately break 2 eggs and lightly beat.

Separately, I pour out a glass of breadcrumbs, add spices to them and mix.

I'm breading the nuggets.

And transfer to a baking sheet lined with parchment.

I bake the nuggets in the oven at 200 degrees for about 20-25 minutes.

I take out the finished nuggets and transfer them to a dish. They turn out juicy, the main thing is not to overcook!

Recipe 6, step by step: homemade chicken nuggets

  • chicken fillet - 450-500 g
  • soy sauce - 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • seasoning Provence herbs - 1 teaspoon (or seasoning for chicken)
  • fresh eggs - 2 pcs.
  • salt pepper
  • breadcrumbs - about a cup
  • flour - 5-7 tbsp. spoons
  • vegetable oil

First of all, wash the chicken fillets and remove moisture with napkins. By the way, if you want to get even cutlets, you should choose thick, rounded fillets. But it doesn't affect the taste.

Cut across slices 8-9 mm thick. Pour over soy sauce, mix, marinate from half an hour to half a day, i.e. cook nuggets right there or make a preparation for them in the morning - for the evening.

Mix the flour with aromatic herbs (or seasoning for chicken), pepper, salt (but first try the fillet pieces for salt). Bread the nuggets in this mixture.

Beat the eggs with a fork, adding a couple of tablespoons of cream or milk, and prepare the breadcrumbs.

Nuggets dipped in eggs

and roll in breadcrumbs. If desired, you can make another breading, for a thicker crust: roll again in eggs and breadcrumbs.

The layer of oil in the pan should be at least half the thickness of the cutlets. Wait for the oil to heat up - and fry the cutlets, placing them freely in the pan.

For one side, 40-50 seconds is enough. Place each serving on paper towels to remove excess oil.

Recipe 7: Chicken Breast Nuggets at Home

I bring to the attention of users and guests of our culinary site a recipe for healthy chicken breast nuggets, which can serve as a main dish with a vegetable side dish, and as a simple and quick snack.

  • Chicken breast 500 gr.
  • Corn grits 200 gr.
  • Chicken egg 3 pcs.
  • Salt to taste
  • Black pepper to taste

First of all, turn on the heating of the oven to 180-190 degrees. We free the breasts from the bones and skin. Cut into medium pieces, you can smaller.

Toss the breasts, seasoning them with salt and pepper to taste.

Dip each piece in beaten eggs, then coat with cornmeal breading. Lay the nuggets on a baking sheet lined with parchment. We send the baking sheet to the oven for 20 minutes. When 10 minutes have passed from the start of baking, the nuggets will need to be taken out and turned over on the other side so that they are evenly baked.

Ready-made nuggets can be served with vegetable salad or your favorite sauce. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 8: Homemade Chicken Nuggets with Cheese (Step by Step)

  • Chicken meat (breast) - 400 grams
  • Hard cheese - 70 grams. We will be using Parmesan cheese in this recipe.
  • Breadcrumbs - 150 grams
  • Vegetable oil for frying. Approx 250 ml
  • Flour - 100 grams
  • Chicken egg - 3 pieces
  • Salt to taste

Let's start with the chicken breast. It needs to be prepared. To do this, wash well, dry and finely chop. You can pass through a meat grinder. Nuggets can also be made with minced chicken.

Salt the resulting minced meat. You need a little salt, as we will add cheese next. It is a salty product. Add 1 egg to minced meat. Mix well.

We grind the cheese. Grate it with a large grater. Add to meat and stir.

Now we need three separate plates. In one, beat the eggs with a fork, in the second there will be flour, and in the third - breadcrumbs.

We form molds in the form of cutlets from the prepared minced meat. Blind in advance and place on a cutting board.

During modeling, hands can be moistened with cold water so that the meat does not stick to the hands.

Put the resulting nuggets on a cutting board.

We take a frying pan. Pour vegetable oil. It is desirable that the oil completely covers the nuggets. Otherwise, you will have to flip. And you need to do this very carefully so that the cutlet does not fall apart. Heat up the oil and wait for it to boil. Lay the patties on the skillet.

BE CAREFUL! As you lay out, the oil will begin to splatter. Be careful.

Fry for 6-7 minutes. In fact, they cook very quickly, since the meat is chicken and, moreover, chopped. Try to touch them less so that a beautiful crust forms.

Lay out on paper towels or paper towels. You need to get rid of fat.

Chicken nuggets are ready. Serve with sweet sauce. An excellent appetizer that will decorate your table. You can decorate with greens and sliced ​​​​vegetables.

Recipe 9: Homemade Chicken Cracker Nuggets

  • 200 g chicken fillet;
  • 100 g salted crackers;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • ½ tsp black ground pepper;
  • ½ tsp salt;
  • 50 g hard cheese.

Grind crackers and cheese in a blender in a bowl with blades. You should get the smallest possible crumb, because it is in it that we will dip the cheese nuggets. Transfer the mixture onto a plate.

Be sure to wash the chicken fillet. Remove the liquid with a tissue. Cut into pieces, the size of future nuggets.

Break the egg into a deep bowl. Add salt and black and ground pepper. Shake with a fork.

Line a baking sheet with foil or parchment paper. Turn on the oven at 180 degrees. We take the blanks and alternately lower: egg mixture, breading, egg mixture, breading. Lay them out on a baking sheet. We repeat the procedure with each. Bake for about 25-30 minutes. The cheese nuggets should be golden brown and the sides of the cheese should be browned.

Now you know how to cook cheese nuggets. The recipe, as you can see, is simple and allows you to cook such a dish even for dinner, unlike the nuggets served in fast food. Sauce for nuggets is better to use cheese, it can be purchased at any store. Serve the nuggets with a salad of fresh vegetables dressed with olive oil and fresh herbs.

Anyone who has tried chicken nuggets at McDonald's at least once, probably begins to think about how to cook chicken nuggets at home. Interestingly, the history of nuggets is over 130 years old. The first nuggets appeared in America in the middle of the 19th century, just at the height of the gold rush. The word "nuggets" is translated "literally as a gold nugget.

Indeed, pieces of fried golden chicken fillet look like pebbles of gold. It's hard to carry such juicy pieces Chicken with crispy breading to harmful fast food. In addition, if you cook them at home, and you yourself will see all the components that you use, there can be no question of any harm to the body.


  • Chicken fillet - 400 gr.,
  • Eggs - 1 pc.,
  • Sour cream - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Breadcrumbs - 200 gr.,
  • Spices: paprika, black pepper,
  • Flour - 3-4 tbsp. spoons,
  • Sunflower oil.

Chicken nuggets at home - recipe:

  1. Defrost chicken breast if needed. Rinse. Discuss. Next, it should be cut into cubes of 3 by 3 cm.
  2. Crack an egg into a bowl (salad bowl).
  3. Whip it up with a fork.
  4. Add sour cream.
  5. Stir the mixture again until smooth.
  6. Add salt, ground black pepper and flour to the beaten egg. In addition to the batter, you can add 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of cornmeal, in which case the batter will be similar to the one used for the root dog. 50-60 ml should be added to this amount of flour. water.
  7. Mix the batter until there are no lumps of flour in it. Please note that the consistency of the batter is similar to liquid sour cream.
  8. In a separate bowl, make the breading for the nuggets. To do this, add breadcrumbs to a bowl. Add a pinch of paprika to them, which will give the breading a beautiful yellowish-orange color.
  9. A beautiful golden hue can also be obtained thanks to turmeric and curry. Mix the breadcrumbs with the paprika. So, we have batter and breading for nuggets ready. You can start frying them.
  10. Dip the chicken pieces into the bowl with the batter. Soak them in batter.
  11. Then transfer to a breaded bowl. Roll on both sides in breadcrumbs.
  12. Heat a frying pan with sunflower oil. At McDonald's, nuggets are deep-fried, which is why they have a beautiful golden crust, which can be obtained thanks to a large amount of oil. Place the breaded chicken pieces in the hot skillet.
  13. Fry on one side for 2-3 minutes, then flip to the other side and also fry until cooked through.
  14. Place the chicken nuggets on a plate lined with paper towels. This will help them get rid of excess oil and become less greasy. Finished chicken nuggets at home served with spicy sauces. Well suited adjika, mayonnaise sauce, ketchup, mustard. A very tasty sauce is obtained from mayonnaise and Dijon mustard, mixed in a 3: 1 ratio. By the way, it is customary to eat nuggets with your hands, dipping them into the sauce. Enjoy your meal.

How to make cheese nuggets

You will need:

  • 100 grams hard cheese
  • one egg
  • a couple of tablespoons of breadcrumbs
  • some pepper and salt
  • frying oil


  1. Nuggets at home it is easier to make with hard cheese, but you can replace it with such delicate varieties as Brie or Camembert. In this case, the breading layer should be slightly thicker so that the cheese itself retains its structure.
  2. To prepare homemade nuggets, cut the cheese into pieces no more than one and a half centimeters thick. These can be long rectangles or squares, if you have a special knife, you can make cheese balls.
  3. Beat the eggs with a fork until the whites and yolks are mixed, add a little salt to this mass. Can you use a small amount of favorite spices. You will need a recipe for chicken nuggets, because the method of frying is exactly the same: dip the pieces in an egg, then in breadcrumbs, again in an egg, and again in breadcrumbs.
  4. A thick layer of breading will make the nuggets tasty and will not allow the cheese to flow directly into the pan during frying. For this method of how to make nuggets, use a deep frying pan, small saucepan or stewpan.
  5. Cheese nuggets are more nutritious than chicken nuggets. You can use special types of cheese called fat-free, but they have a mild flavor and require additions in the form of a lot of spices.


Most likely, your children, at least once, asked for nuggets. Delicious and not too healthy. The motto of this recipe: say NO to diets!

Products required:

  • Chicken fillet approximately 700g (two halves of chicken breast, depending on the size, maybe three)
  • Lemon juice to taste. I cut a slice 0.5 cm wide and squeeze out the juice.
  • Unscented vegetable oil for frying
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Eggs 2 - 3 pieces
  • ground pepper


  1. Chicken fillet cut into thin strips. Width 1.5 - 2 cm, length - at your discretion.
  2. Lightly beat off the pieces, salt, add pepper or seasoning for chicken, lemon juice. You can also add a little garlic, passed through a press. Mix and leave to marinate for 10-30 minutes.
  3. In the meantime, break the eggs into a bowl, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of water or milk, salt on the tip of a knife and beat with a fork. A little more fluid may be needed. The consistency should be homogeneous, in appearance - like sour cream of medium density. What happened is called lezon.
  4. Pour the breadcrumbs onto a plate.
  5. Ideally, nuggets should be deep-fried. I cook in a pan, I just add a little more oil than usual.
  6. Breading will be double. This is necessary so that the juice does not flow out, and the meat inside remains juicy.
  7. Heat up the pan, add vegetable oil.
  8. We dip the pieces of chicken fillet alternately in the seasoning, in the breadcrumbs, again carefully - in the seasoning, in the breadcrumbs and send them to a well-heated frying pan.
  9. A lot of breading sticks to the hands. Some prick pieces of meat on a fork. It seemed uncomfortable to me.
  10. Therefore, I concluded for myself: I take the fillet by the very edge, do not intercept it until I finish breading and send it to the pan. A small part of the piece remains without breading, but this does not affect the taste.
  11. Grill over medium heat for about 4-5 minutes on each side. The fire should not be small, as it is necessary for the crispy crust to form quickly, otherwise the meat will lose its juiciness.
  12. We spread the finished nuggets on paper towels (if they are not available, you can replace them with ordinary white paper napkins) in order to get rid of excess oil.
  13. Nuggets are served with sauce. It all depends on your imagination. The last time we cooked this: mayonnaise, ketchup, a little garlic.

Nuggets. Recipe

Nuggets are a great appetizer when unexpected guests arrive and there is not much time for cooking. Don't know how to cook nuggets?

Today we will help you with this. Chicken nuggets are quite a common dish, there is more than one recipe for their preparation. They are very convenient to eat, they can be taken with you to work, to nature for a light breakfast or lunch. A crispy golden crust will immediately cause an appetite for anyone.

Ingredients for Nuggets:

  • 3 eggs;
  • 2 chicken fillets (breast);
  • flour;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • garlic powder (can be replaced with squeezed garlic);
  • curry (if you like);
  • vegetable oil.


  1. So let's start with chicken. Take the breast and cut it into small pieces. Pieces of meat must be salted, peppered, garlic and curry are added (curry is very often used with chicken, it will give the desired golden color, but if you do not like this seasoning, you can use other spices).
  2. In this form, we leave the chicken to soak a little, and for now we will work on the batter.
  3. For the batter, beat the eggs with a pinch of salt. Pour vegetable oil into the frying pan in which we will fry the nuggets and heat well. Dip chicken pieces first in eggs, then wrap in flour, then again in eggs and again in flour (so we get a double batter) and carefully put in heated oil.
  4. At this stage, you need to be very careful, because. the oil is very hot.
  5. Cover the pan with a lid for 2 minutes, then turn the pieces over and cover again.
  6. Do the same with the rest of the chicken pieces. Place the fried nuggets on paper towels to remove excess oil.
    Our nuggets are ready. Enjoy your meal!

Japanese nuggets

Tired of the usual menu? Want to add something original to your daily diet? Then I propose to cook nuggets according to a Japanese recipe. It is prepared quickly, and thanks to unusual ingredients, the dish will turn out spicy.


  • Chicken fillet 500 grams.
  • 2 chicken eggs.
  • Sesame.
  • Dill.
  • Flour.
  • Breadcrumbs.
  • Salt pepper.
  • Vegetable oil.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the fillet and cut into pieces about 3-5 cm.
  2. Beat the eggs until a homogeneous foam.
  3. Mix flour with salt and pepper.
  4. Mix sesame seeds with breadcrumbs.
  5. Finely chop the dill. Mix with eggs.
  6. Pour oil into a frying pan and put on fire.
  7. Roll the pieces in flour, then in eggs and then roll well in breadcrumbs with sesame seeds. Take sesame and crackers equally.
  8. After frying, sprinkle the finished nuggets with sesame seeds and dill.

Homemade Chop Nuggets Recipe

Nuggets prepared according to this recipe are perfect for children with their weak teeth or for the adult generation. In general, I want to say that the pieces are so tender that they just melt in your mouth. An excellent appetizer for the festive table and everyday. Cooking time about 10 minutes.


  • Chicken fillet.
  • Flour.
  • Salt.
  • Seasonings.
  • Vegetable oil.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut a piece of chicken fillet into 3-4 pieces and beat lightly with a kitchen mallet for chops.
  2. Salt flour and add spices for fish.
  3. Roll the pieces in flour and fry in oil.
  4. It can be served as a separate dish, or as an addition to mashed potatoes, pasta, rice.

Double breaded chicken nuggets with garlic


  • Chicken fillet.
  • 2 eggs.
  • Breadcrumbs.
  • Wheat flour.
  • Salt, pepper, garlic (preferably as a seasoning).
  • Vegetable oil.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the fillet into pieces. Salt and pepper to taste, leave for a while so that the meat marinates a little.
  2. Beat eggs until smooth and lightly salt.
  3. Mix dried garlic with flour.
  4. Roll the fillet piece in flour, then in the egg mass and then in breadcrumbs.
  5. Fry each piece in oil.
  6. Put the finished nuggets on a napkin or paper towel.
  7. Serve with fresh vegetables or any sauce. Homemade nuggets are very good both hot and cold.

Appetizing chicken pieces covered with a crispy crust are very popular today.

The dish is adored by men, especially when watching football.

Women, having gathered for a bachelorette party, are also not averse to enjoying such yummy.

Everyone knows that this dish, which is considered fast food, is not entirely healthy.

However, if you start cooking nuggets at home, then the harmfulness of food can be significantly reduced.

There are ways to cook without oil and salt in the oven. In addition, the use of natural products will turn the nuggets into a dish with a very acceptable calorie content. So, you can safely eat it, but, of course, know when to stop.

Nuggets at home - general principles of cooking

As a rule, nuggets are prepared from chicken fillet.

The meat must be cut lengthwise and then chopped into pieces about three by three centimeters. Slices can be marinated for fifteen or twenty minutes.

The meat is rolled in flour, eggs and breading. The main difference in cooking methods is a variety of breading. It can consist of crackers, cereals, bread crumbs, crackers. Dry spices, greens, nuts, and onions with garlic are added to the breading.

Basically, cooking nuggets at home is done by frying in a pan. There should be a lot of vegetable oil and you need to warm it up well. It is desirable that it completely covers the nuggets.

One at a time, nuggets are not laid out on a frying pan. You need to prepare all the pieces of meat and only then fry. Lay out the slices so that they do not touch each other.

If the pieces float in deep fat, you do not need to turn them over, fry for about seven minutes.

Hot nuggets are laid out on a plate with a paper towel. This is done so that the oil is glassy, ​​and the finished dish is not too greasy. They need to cool down a bit to be crispy.

Nuggets are also prepared in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. The workpiece is placed on the grate, under which there is a baking sheet. Cooking time - up to twenty minutes.

1. American breaded nuggets at home

Tender pieces of chicken fillet in fragrant spicy breading can be enjoyed not only on weekends, but also on weekday evenings. Such a dinner will be very useful if you are planning to watch your favorite sporting event.


Three chicken fillets.

0.400 l of sunflower oil.

100 grams of flour.

Two st. paprika spoons.

Ch. a spoonful of turmeric.

Ch. a spoonful of salt.

One teaspoon of pepper.

A glass of kefir.

Cooking method:

Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces.

Pour kefir into one bowl, pour flour into another.

Prepare spicy breading: mix spices with flour, add salt and pepper.

Fillet slices should be dipped in kefir, rolled in breading. Repeat the operation again. It turned out to be a double layer.

Put in a frying pan with oil heated to the desired temperature. When the nuggets are golden on one side, flip and fry for 5 minutes.

2. Japanese breaded nuggets at home

It's easy and fairly quick to prepare. Unusual breading will make the dish original and spicy.


Three chicken fillets.

Two eggs.

Half a cup of wheat flour.

3 art. spoons of breadcrumbs.

Four sprigs of dill.

Three tablespoons of sesame seeds.

Two pinches of salt and pepper.

Cooking method:

Cut the prepared fillet into small pieces. Salt and pepper well.

Lightly beat the eggs, mix the yolk and protein.

Prepare the breading: chop the dill and mix with sesame seeds and breadcrumbs.

Roll each piece of meat first in flour, and then soak in the egg. Lastly, you need to roll it well in breading.

Put the nuggets in a preheated skillet and cook in the usual way.

3. Italian breaded nuggets at home

The dish is prepared without salt, because there is salty parmesan in the breading. Thanks to him, the crust of the nuggets crunches in a particularly appetizing way.


Three chicken fillets.

Half a cup of flour.

One teaspoon of pepper.

Two eggs.

50 grams of parmesan and breadcrumbs.

Ten grams of parsley.

Cooking method:

Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces.

Prepare two bowls: for flour and for eggs.

Whisk the eggs. Grind the cheese with a fine grater.

Chop the parsley.

Prepare breading: mix parmesan with breadcrumbs and herbs. Spice up.

Follow the standard procedure: roll each piece of chicken in flour, drown in eggs. Lastly, roll in breadcrumbs.

Fry in a saucepan for seven minutes.

4. Homemade cracker breaded nuggets

The pieces of cracker will coat the slices of meat with a dense shell and make the nuggets juicy inside and crispy on the outside. In the finished dish prepared according to this recipe, there are no harmful ingredients and excess oil.


Three fillets.

Two eggs.

150 grams of salted crackers.

½ teaspoon salt and pepper.

Two teaspoons of ground and sweet paprika.

Cooking method:

Cut the chicken meat into small strips. Salt and pepper.

Place crackers in a zip lock bag and close tightly. Using a rolling pin on a wooden board, grind so that not dust is obtained, but small pieces.

Pour crushed crackers into a bowl. Mix with paprika.

Break the eggs and shake lightly.

Dip the chicken pieces into the egg mixture and roll in the crackers. Put the semi-finished products on the cutting board.

Prepare a baking sheet. Place a wire rack on it and lay the chicken pieces on it. Bake in the oven for fifteen minutes (200 degrees).

5. Homemade nuggets with corn flakes and garlic

The finished dish is spicy and spicy at the same time. A wonderful appetizer will decorate and diversify a weekday evening.


Chicken breast.

One egg.

0.100 kg of wheat flour.

Breadcrumbs - two tbsp. spoons.

Corn flakes without sugar - 150 grams.

Ch. spoonful of black pepper.

One and a half teaspoons of dry garlic.

½ teaspoon each of turmeric and ginger.

Cooking method:

Remove the bone from the breast and cut into small pieces.

Salt and pepper. Transfer to a deep bowl. Sprinkle garlic and turmeric with ginger. Mix.

Grind corn flakes. Mix with breadcrumbs.

Break the egg, salt and beat with a whisk.

Roll chicken pieces in flour, soak in eggs and roll out well in breadcrumbs.

Fry in the usual way in oil.

6. Nuggets at home in lush breading

The dish is cooked in the oven on the grill. This will ensure that the nuggets cook evenly on top and bottom. Lush breading will turn into a tender and fragrant crust, which crunches very nicely.


Chicken breast - 300 g.

A glass of kefir.

Bread crumbs - 100 g.

Three tablespoons of grated cheese.

One teaspoon of Provence herbs.

Cooking method:

Pour the pieces of meat with kefir and leave for half an hour.

Mix bread crumbs with cheese. Add Provencal herbs and continue mixing.

Remove chicken pieces from kefir and roll in breadcrumbs. You need to try so that she overlaid the slices quite tightly.

Bake on a rack in the oven for twenty minutes.

7. Nuggets at home with minced meat

The finished dish is saturated with the aroma of mustard and other spices. Onion fried in soy sauce gives the nuggets a slight smoky flavor.


The bulb is medium.

300 g fillet.

Two slices of wheat bread.

50 g grated cheese.

One yolk.

50 ml soy sauce.

Ch. a spoonful of mustard.

A mixture of peppers.

For breading:

One egg.

½ teaspoon of paprika and zira.

Two glasses of flour.

Three Art. l. crackers.

Half glass of milk.

Cooking method:

Cut the onion into half rings. Fry until golden brown. Pour in soy sauce.

Cut the fillet into slices. We chop the chicken in a food processor. Add slices of bread, pepper and mustard. Separate the yolk from the protein and also transfer it to the mixture.

Squeeze the onion in a strainer and add to the processor. Do not turn off the device for a couple of minutes. It turned out minced meat, not minced meat.

Add the grated cheese to the mixture and stir.

Mix eggs and milk with a whisk.

Mix flour with paprika and cumin.

We make chicken balls of any size with wet hands. We turn them into rectangles and roll in flour. Then dip into egg mixture and breadcrumbs.

Fry in a deep saucepan until golden brown.

8. Nuggets at home "Simple snack"

An easy homemade nugget recipe. The process is simple and fast. Suitable for those who want to get a tasty and satisfying meal without too much effort.


Three chicken fillets.

One egg.

Three st. spoons of flour and breadcrumbs.

Salt kitchen.

A mixture of peppers.

A pinch of coriander, turmeric and marjoram.

Cooking method:

Cut the meat into strips and beat off. Salt and pepper. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice into the fillet pieces. Set the meat aside for twenty minutes.

Break the egg and mix the yolk with the protein.

Pour coriander, marjoram and turmeric into flour, mix.

Dip each piece of meat in flour and egg twice. Roll well in breadcrumbs. In the same way, prepare all the fillet pieces and start frying them in a deep frying pan.

9. Homemade nuggets stuffed with mozzarella

Fragrant pieces of chicken in crispy and ruddy breading with hot cheese inside are a dish that is pleasant to treat friends and enjoy yourself.


Half a kilo of chicken fillet.

80 grams of mozzarella.

40 grams of walnuts.

One egg.

Wheat flour.


Ch. spoonful of paprika.

Two tsp. dried dill and parsley.

Cooking method:

Cut the chicken in the usual way. Salt.

Cut mozzarella into cubes.

Chop the walnuts. To do this, they need to be poured into a bag with a clasp and ceiling with a rolling pin.

Slightly beat the egg.

Mix breadcrumbs with dried herbs, paprika and nuts.

Make a slit in each piece of chicken and place a mozzarella cube in it. Roll first in flour, then in beaten egg and nut breading.

Fry on all sides until golden brown.

Nuggets at home - tricks and tips

    Before cooking, check the temperature of the vegetable oil. To do this, put a piece of fillet in a pan for a few seconds. If the meat is covered with golden spots - you can fry.

    The secret to delicious nuggets is breaded. It is better not to use purchased crackers, but to cook bread crumbs yourself.

    For rich color, paprika is added to the breading.

    You can evenly coat the meat with flour in this way. Place the fillet pieces in a bowl with a lid. Sprinkle flour and cover the bowl. Shake well.

    If you make the breading layer thinner and cook the nuggets in the oven, they will turn into an almost dietary dish.

    Fillet pieces will cook faster if they are beaten a little.

The insidiousness of tasty, but not quite healthy food is truly limitless! Even if you manage to refrain from visiting fast food cafes for several days in a row, frozen semi-finished products of appetizing and high-calorie dishes will lie in wait for you in the supermarket or even your own refrigerator. In the end, you can’t stand it and go to McDonald’s or another convenient and tempting, but not conducive to proper nutrition establishment. And we are willing to bet that you will order hot, ruddy and fried nuggets there. Although it is quite possible to cook nuggets at home. This will not make them less fried and will not lose breading, but you will be sure of the quality of the meat and the freshness of the oil that was used to prepare the dish. So instead of extra expenses and centimeters at the waist, we suggest you cook nuggets at home. Like McDonald's, but better, bigger and tastier.

What are nuggets? What are nuggets made of?
Nuggets are pieces of meat fried in breadcrumbs. Nuggets can be made from fillet, minced meat or minced meat. Sometimes there are nuggets made from fish and even crab sticks, but in the vast majority of cases we are talking about chicken breast nuggets. In the menu of cafes and restaurants, they are labeled as "chicken nuggets" and are served with sauce, in which the nuggets are dipped, taking it straight with your hands. In a decent establishment, it is better to use cutlery, but the fact of the matter is that nuggets are one of the most common fast food dishes. And if so, then the requirements for them are very democratic. At the same time, nuggets cannot be confused with other meat recipes. Nuggets have several characteristic features:
  1. Nugget size. Unlike schnitzels, chops and other whole cuts of meat, nuggets are very small. On average, each nugget can be easily placed in the mouth as a whole. Large nuggets can be cracked or cut in half. In general, from one fillet (half of a chicken breast) you get 5-6 full-fledged nuggets.
  2. Shape of nuggets. To make nuggets, the meat is cut across the grain. Since the chicken fillet initially has a complex shape, the nuggets turn out to be different: oblong, rounded, almost triangular. The more correct the shape of the piece, the better it will fry.
  3. Composition of nuggets. Despite numerous variations and adaptations, the classic nuggets are made with only white poultry meat. And since fine cuts increase the risk of overdrying during frying, thick breading and deep-frying is necessary. In this sense, chicken is preferable to even drier initially turkey. Fillets can be marinated dry or wet, or no marinade at all.
  4. The surface of the nuggets. You can bread nuggets not only in standard flour and spice mixture or breadcrumbs, but also in corn flakes, sesame seeds and / or bran fiber. After frying in boiling oil, the nuggets acquire a golden color and a crispy crust, occupying up to a third of each piece in a section.
  5. Serving nuggets. Despite the custom of eating nuggets from cardboard boxes with the logo of the diner, if you decide to cook nuggets at home, serve them on a plate with vegetable salad as a side dish. It is better to leave porridge for another meal, because nuggets are already high in calories. But the sauce is better not to neglect. In the best traditions of fast food, use ketchup or mustard.
How to cook chicken nuggets at home
The easiest way to make nuggets at home is to stop by the supermarket on your way home and grab a package of frozen ready-to-eat food with the word "Chicken Nuggets" on the label. Their preparation comes down to just a few simple steps, described on the back of the box: open, reheat, eat. But in the same place, on the packaging, you can read the composition of the purchased product. Most likely, there will not be so much pure meat in it, but for sure you will find starch, flour, various flavorings and preservatives in the list of components.

This is where it becomes obvious that it is better to cook nuggets at home. And how to cook delicious nuggets at home and not spend half a day and a lot of money on it, we will be happy to tell you. To get started, we offer a recipe for classic chicken nuggets:

  1. Take about half a kilogram of skinless chicken fillet (or a whole breast that you will have to peel yourself), 200 grams of hard cheese, 2 eggs, about 150 grams of premium flour, a pinch of salt and ground black pepper, and vegetable oil for frying. Take ordinary refined sunflower oil or other vegetable oil that can withstand high heat (peanut, corn, soy). You will need a lot of oil, because for the formation of a crust, the nuggets are fried almost in deep fat.
  2. Rinse the chicken fillet and cut it across the grain into small pieces of the same size. Each piece can be slightly beaten off, but it is better not to do this - the meat will be fried through and through.
  3. Cheese grate on a fine grater. Mix flour with salt and pepper. Beat the eggs in a deep bowl until smooth, but without foam.
  4. Dip each piece of meat alternately: in flour, then in egg, finally in cheese. Make sure that all these ingredients wrap each nugget evenly and on all sides.
  5. Pour oil into the pan to a height no less than the thickness of a finger. Heat it up and fry the nuggets on both sides until golden brown.
  6. Place cooked nuggets on paper towels to absorb excess oil.
Breadcrumbs can be used instead of flour. Salt, pepper and other spices to your taste can be mixed not with flour (crackers), but beaten together with the egg. But the amount of salt depends on the type of cheese - if it is distinctly salty, then you can generally do without additional salting of the breading. In addition, the taste of the finished dish depends on the taste of the cheese, so you can vary it at your discretion.

How to cook nuggets in the oven
Cooking nuggets at home means not only not doubting the quality of the ingredients, but also regulating the cooking process itself at your discretion. If you refuse deep-frying and do not use a frying pan at all, then you can significantly reduce the calorie content of the dish. Chicken nuggets out of the oven will remain nutritious, but they will not have excess fat - ideal for baby and / or diet food:

  • Take a pound of chicken fillet, 2 eggs, 60 grams of hard cheese and a pinch of salt and pepper. If you're making baby nuggets, reduce the amount of salt, and you can ditch the pepper entirely in favor of dried dill, basil, and/or other mild-flavored spices. We suggest replacing flour and breadcrumbs with crackers. For the indicated amount of meat, 150 grams of salted or tender crackers are enough. An interesting alternative is onion crackers.
  • Rinse the meat under the tap, remove films and excess fat. Cut into small equal pieces across the grain.
  • Whisk eggs with salt and spices. If using a salted cracker, reduce the amount of salt.
  • Cool the cheese and grate it on a fine grater. First break the crackers with your hands, and then turn them into crumbs in a blender or chopper. Put this crumb into a blender along with grated cheese and mix again.
  • Line a baking sheet with baking parchment. Preheat the oven to 200°C.
  • Dip each piece of meat first in the egg, then in the breading of cheese and crackers. Spread on a baking sheet at a small distance from each other.
  • Bake the nuggets in the oven for 20 minutes. A golden crust will serve as a sign of their readiness.
Homemade nugget recipes
In addition to traditional chicken nuggets, which are easy and quick to cook at least every day, there are many complicated and intricate versions of this dish. Here are the most interesting ones:
  1. Chopped nuggets with ham and chips. For a pound of chicken fillet, you will need 200 grams of any ham, 200 grams of hard cheese, 2 eggs, a large bag of potato chips with any taste or just salty, a pinch of salt and pepper, frying oil. Cut the fillet into small equal pieces. Grate the cheese. Cut the ham as small as possible. Whisk the eggs with salt and pepper, but not until foamy. Grind the chips right in the bag, and then completely turn them into crumbs with your hands or with a chopper. Make an incision in each piece of meat. Fill the incisions with ham and cheese. Carefully dip each nugget in the egg, then roll in the potato chip breading. Fry in a pan in hot oil or bake in the oven until golden brown.
  2. Fish nuggets in corn flakes. For a pound of dense boneless fish fillet (flounder, herring or any red fish is suitable), you will need a glass of unsweetened corn flakes (or muesli), a pinch of salt and pepper. Cut the fish into small equal pieces, wipe with pepper and salt. Roll each piece in cornflakes and place on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Preheat the oven to 180-200°C and bake the nuggets for 10-15 minutes until done.
Nuggets are a kind of popcorn in the world of meat products. They are eaten faster than cooked and never get bored. But this is not a reason to abandon nuggets - on the contrary, this is a good reason to cook nuggets at home as often as possible. With experience, skill will come, and cooking nuggets at home will be completely easy and easy for you. But the household will certainly be satisfied and full. Enjoy your meal!