Sweet dessert of Japanese cuisine. Sweet rolls

Step by step recipe with photo and video

Sweet rolls are a simple but spectacular dessert that will appeal to all connoisseurs of delicious food without exception. In fact, this dish is a fantasy on the theme of classic Japanese rolls. Keeping the traditional cylindrical shape of the rolls, we will wrap the filling in chocolate pancakes instead of nori, and instead of the salty filling, we use sweet cream cheese or curd mass and juicy fruit. In a few minutes, we will get a spectacular, unusual and incredibly tasty dessert. Let's start?!

Prepare the ingredients according to the list.

Beat the chicken egg for a few minutes so that the protein and yolk mix well.

Add milk, sugar, 1 pinch of salt and 2-3 tbsp. cocoa. Mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained and the sugar and cocoa are dissolved.

Portions of 1 tbsp. add the sifted wheat flour to the mixture of liquid components. Mix well. When adding flour, be guided by the consistency of the mixture, as soon as the flour is completely dissolved and you get a moderately liquid “pancake” dough, the mixture is ready. I add about 5-6 tbsp. flour. Place the finished dough in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes.

Heat up a frying pan and grease the bottom with a thin layer of vegetable oil. Pour in a portion of the prepared dough. Tilt the pan, spread the batter in a thin layer and fry the resulting pancake on both sides until done. Repeat the procedure with the remaining test.

Transfer the finished pancakes to a plate and brush with butter. In a Ø 28 cm frying pan, I usually get 6 not very thin pancakes.

For the filling, mix cream cheese or curd mass with powdered sugar. Optionally, add vanilla sugar or other spices to taste.

Prepare the fruit for the filling. Peel the apples, remove the seed pod and cut the apples into small pieces. Also peel and cut the orange into small pieces. In order not to peel each slice of orange from the partitions - after peeling the orange, cut the pulp between the partitions with a sharp knife (for more details, see the video version of the recipe).

The composition and amount of fruit filling can be adjusted to your taste. I love the combination of orange and sweet, juicy apple varieties with chocolate pancakes. The summer version of dessert I most often cook with strawberries.

Lubricate the prepared pancakes with cream cheese or curd mass. Add pieces of fruit, stepping back slightly from the far edge of the pancake.

Roll the pancake into a roll or roll it up, lightly punch down, and shape the pancake with a bamboo mat. Cover the prepared rolls with cling film and place in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours to cool.

Chilled sweet pancake rolls cut into portions, decorate according to your taste and mood, and then serve.

Enjoy your meal!

So, let's have some fun and prepare some very original sushi and fruit rolls! This dish is well suited for dessert, vegetarians and will surprise your guests. The recipe is very simple and doesn't take long to prepare.

Stage 1: Ingredients

  • banana
  • grapefruit
  • orange
  • mango
  • radish or jicama
  • sesame or chia seeds
  • lemon or lemon juice

You will also need some kind of plastic cylinder to cut the core. I used a glue stick lid.

Stage 2: Nigiri - Rice

The original recipe used the overseas vegetable Jicama, I could not find one in the store, so I had to replace it with a radish. I wonder if jicama or radish is used in Eurasia, does anyone know? Next time I will definitely try to cook with jicama.

Let's continue...

  1. We start by cutting off a slice 0.5 cm thick, approximately
  2. From this slice we cut out rectangles 5 cm long and 1.5 cm wide, approximately

Of course, I don’t think it’s worth measuring each piece with a ruler 🙂

Stage 3: Nigiri - Tomago

  1. Cut out a rectangular piece of mango. It should have the same dimensions as the radish in the previous step.
  2. Cut a corner with a bevel as in the photo.
  3. Place this mango slice on top of the radish slice we cut out in the previous step.
  4. Take a toothpick and moisten it with honey. Apply honey to the center of the mango.
  5. Sprinkle sesame or chia seeds over this honey strip.
  6. Use a second toothpick to get a straight line.
  7. Do the same on the sides.

Fruit sushi Nigiri Tomago (sushi with a special omelet) is ready!

Stage 4: Nigiri - Ebi

  1. Cut out a rectangular piece of melon. It should be slightly longer than the radish. Make a slanted cut at one end.
  2. Trim off the corners on the other side to give the rectangle a rounded look.
  3. From the middle of the piece, make a cut at an acute angle, as in the photo.
  4. In order to make a tail, cut a triangle from the thin side of a piece of melon so that it completely hangs over a piece of radish.
  5. To add texture, make cuts on the top side of the melon. A small incision at an angle, then a vertical one and then remove the excess part.
  6. We place the resulting piece of "fish" on top of the radish. All is ready.

Fruit sushi Nigiri Ebi (shrimp sushi) is ready!

Stage 5: Nigiri - Toro

  1. Take a slice of grapefruit and remove the white skin from it.
  2. Cut the slice so that it is the size of a piece of radish.
  3. Cut diagonally as shown in the photo.
  4. Place the grapefruit on top of the radish slice.

Fruit sushi Nigiri Toro (tuna sushi) is ready!

Stage 6: Rolls - Shell

  1. Cut bananas into small circles.
  2. Take a plastic cap of a suitable diameter and remove the core of the banana. It may be convenient to put plastic wrap or stretch inside the cap - it will be easier to remove the remaining banana from the inside of the cap.
  3. Remove the banana peel and dip the banana in lemon juice to prevent browning.
  4. Dip banana well in honey.
  5. Roll the banana over the chia (or sesame) seeds.
  6. Use a toothpick to remove or move seeds that are out of place.

Stage 7: Rolls - Innards

  1. Cut out round pieces of kiwi and melon to fill the center of the roll. If your rolls turned out to be high enough, then you can put a piece of the inside of the banana that you cut out in the previous step inside the shell, and place a kiwi or melon on top.
  2. Grapefruit can simply be placed in small pieces inside the roll until it is completely filled.
  3. Try different combinations of fruits to make colorful rolls with an original taste.

This is how relatively easy you can make fruit sushi at home. This is a great idea, for example for a child's birthday. Our children were delighted.

Yummy! Be sure to try!


● Milk - 500 ml;
● Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l;
● Egg - 2 pcs;
● Sugar - 2 tbsp. l (in the dough);
● Salt - a pinch;
● Flour - 8-9 tbsp. l. with a small slide;
● Cottage cheese - 400 gr;
● Sour cream - 7-8 tbsp. l;
● Sugar for curd filling - to taste;
● Fruits, to your taste, I have apples, kiwi, tangerines, bananas)

To prepare pancake dough, pour milk into a bowl and mix with eggs. Add sifted flour, sugar and salt. Stir the dough with a whisk or beat with a mixer until smooth. In terms of density, it will be like ordinary pancake dough - not very thick, but not quite liquid either. Pour vegetable oil into the dough, stir. The dough for pancakes needs to stand for about 10 minutes, then you can start frying pancakes.
Under the first pancake, coat the pan with oil. We collect the required amount of dough in a ladle (for a thin pancake), pour it into a pan and twist it in different directions so that the dough spreads in a thin layer along the bottom. Wash fruits, peel and cut into strips.

When all the pancakes are ready, we make the curd filling for pancake rolls with fruit. Mix the curd with sour cream and sugar until a homogeneous viscous mass. Leave for a while to melt the sugar, then taste. If the fruits are sour, make the curd mass sweet, if the fruits are sweet (canned peaches, for example), then it is better to leave the curd sour. Spread the cooled pancakes on a board or on a table. We cut off the edges on both sides so that the cut of the pancake rolls with cottage cheese and fruit is even. We coat about half of the pancake with a layer of curd mass. Place fruit in the middle. We turn the pancake into a tight roll, transfer it to a separate plate.

So stuff all the pancakes. If the edges unfold, we coat them with cottage cheese or sour cream. Cover the pancakes with cling film and put in the fridge for 30 minutes. Chilled pancakes cut into pieces of the same size and put on a plate vertically (cut up). For sweet rolls, you can prepare fruit syrup or whip cream with sugar, sprinkle pancake rolls with cottage cheese and fruit with chocolate or powdered sugar, or serve with jam syrup.


● 100 g sushi rice
● 300 g plums
● 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar
● 100 ml 20% cream
● 2 tbsp. spoons of rice vinegar
● Vanilla
For 2 rolls.

1. Boil rice, as for sushi. Spread in a thin layer on a mat covered with cling film.
2. Cut the plums in half, remove the pits, pour the cream over the pulp and boil over low heat until the plums become soft. Grind the mass in a blender, add sugar and vanilla to taste.
3. Put half of the sauce on the rice, roll up the rolls and cut into 6 parts.
4. Pour the remaining sauce onto a plate, place the rolls on top and serve

Instead of plums, you can use apples, pears, blackberries or strawberries. If there is no time to prepare the sauce, you can use any fruit jam or marmalade to your taste.


● 1 glass of milk
● 1 tbsp. cocoa spoon
● 2 eggs
● 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar
● 1-2 tbsp. spoons of flour
● 2 tbsp. butter spoons
● Vegetable oil for frying
● 1 cup cooked sweet rice
● 250 g mascarpone cheese
● 2 tbsp. spoons of honey
● 1/2 cup sugar
● 15 g gelatin
● 1 mango
● 2 peaches
● 5-6 strawberries
For 6-8 rolls

1. Grind the eggs with sugar and cocoa, add melted butter, milk and flour, knead the batter. Lubricate the pan with vegetable oil, heat well, bake thin pancakes.
2. Soak gelatin in 1/2 cup of water, leave for 20-30 minutes to swell, then dissolve in a water bath. Warm honey, add sugar and 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of water, boil for 1-2 minutes. Cool, add mascarpone and gelatin, beat with a mixer.
3. Peel the mango and peaches, cut in half, remove the stones, cut the flesh into thin strips. Wash the berries, dry them, cut into slices.
4. Lubricate the pancakes with cheese cream, put 1-2 tbsp on 1/2 of each pancake with wet hands. spoons of rice, spread evenly Put slices of berries, strips of fruit in the middle, grease with cheese cream.
5. Roll up the rolls using a mat. Place in refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. After the rolls, cut obliquely into 4-6 pieces. Put on a plate, serve with fruit syrup.


For rice:
● Orange 80 g
● Cinnamon sticks 1 stick
● Milk 500 ml
● Round-grain rice 150 g
● Sugar 80 g
● Salt 0.7 tsp.

For rolls:
● Canned pineapple 80 g
● Orange 1 pc.
● Bananas 1 pc.
● Coconut flakes 4 tbsp. l.
● Mango 1 pc.
● Almond crumb 1 tbsp. l.
● Fresh mint

1. Divide the rice in half and color one half with a teaspoon of beetroot juice. I grind the beets with a blender and squeeze through a cotton rag.
2. On the makisa wrapped in film, lay out the rice with diagonal stripes of white and pink so that you end up with a square.
3. Cut out a 1 cm thick block from a banana, put it on rice. Using the makisa, roll up the roll.
4. We shift the roll onto the coconut shredded with a blender into small crumbs, roll it so that the roll stops being sticky.
5. Cut off the edges with a knife to align the roll. Each time wetting the knife and removing the sticky rice with a wet napkin, cut the roll into pieces 4 cm wide. From this amount of rice, I got 2 large rolls, cut into 8 portions.


● 100 g cooked sweet rice
● 100 g camembert cheese
● 4-5 strawberries
● 2 nori sheets
For 2 rolls

1. Cut Camembert into strips. Wash strawberries, dry, cut into slices. Spread the rice on 2/3 of the nori sheet with wet hands.
2. Lay Camembert strips and strawberry slices in the middle. Roll up the rolls with a mat, cut diagonally into 4 parts.
3. Serve with vanilla ice cream, garnished with strawberry leaves.

To get thin rolls (hosomaki), put cheese and strawberries in one row. For thick rolls (futomaki), lay out the products in 2-3 rows.
Instead of camembert cheese, you can use feta or dor blue.
Strawberries can be replaced with blackberries, strawberries, raspberries.


● 150 g cooked sweet rice
● 3 nori sheets 10×18 cm
● 100 g cottage cheese
● 1 canned peach
● 2-3 tbsp. spoons of sugar
● 2-3 tbsp. spoons of blueberry jam
● Colored coconut
For 3 rolls

1. Grind the peach in a blender, add cottage cheese and sugar, beat for 2-3 minutes.
2. Wrap the mat with cling film for convenience. Lay a sheet of nori on it, over the entire surface, spread the rice with wet hands. Then carefully flip the nori over so that the rice is on the bottom.
3. Lay the curd cream and jam in the center. Roll up the roll with the help of a mat. Roll in coconut flakes, cut into 6 pieces and serve.

You can add a little vanilla sugar or cinnamon to the peach-curd cream for flavor.
You can use canned apricots or pears instead of canned peach.

Read also:

Desserts and pastries


Unusual crispy lavash appetizer: for those who do not even breathe evenly to chebureks!


  • banana
  • cherry
  • rice paper
  • soft cottage cheese or mascarpone
  • sugar
  • vanilla
  • cream or milk
  • cherry syrup
  • coconut flakes

In order for rice paper to acquire a beautiful pink color, instead of the usual water, we soak it in cherry syrup slightly diluted with warm water.

We cook rice using sushi technology, but instead of vinegar and soy dressings, we add sugar and vanilla, and instead of water, cream or milk. For 1 cup of rice, we take about 3 tablespoons of sugar and half a bag of vanilla.

We spread the sweet rice on the prepared rectangular sheet of rice paper. In the center of the rice sheet we put a whole peeled banana and cottage cheese, grated with powdered sugar or syrup. We can also add cherries inside or decorate the roll before serving.

Using a bamboo mat, wrap the roll and press firmly on top. Cut the roll into 6 serving pieces, sprinkle with coconut flakes and pour over with cherry syrup.


In separate containers, mix dry and liquid ingredients for pancake dough. Then gradually add the liquid mixture to the dry and stir the dough until smooth with a whisk. We fry pancakes in a heated frying pan greased with vegetable oil.

Soak gelatin in cold water. Mix cream cheese with yogurt and sugar. Honey is combined with gelatin and heated in the microwave for 20 seconds. Pour the resulting mixture into the curd mass and mix thoroughly. We send the filling to the refrigerator for three hours.

For the sauce, heat the cream and melt the chopped white chocolate in them. Let the sauce cool and put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Peel the fruits and finely chop. Lubricate each pancake with creamy chocolate sauce, then lay out the curd filling and chopped fruit. We wrap the roll with a bamboo mat and send it to the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Before serving, cut the roll into 6 servings, decorate with chocolate sauce and chopped nuts.


  • pancakes
  • mascarpone cheese - 100 g
  • powdered sugar - 1 tsp
  • frozen pitted cherries - 100-150 g
  • pear - 1-2 pcs.
  • strawberries - 3-4 pcs.
  • water
  • sugar
  • mint leaves

We prepare pancakes for rolls according to the previous recipe (chocolate rolls), but do not add cocoa powder.

To prepare cherry syrup, put frozen cherries in a saucepan, add sugar and water to taste. We adjust the consistency of the syrup with water and cook the liquid until it thickens completely.

Thoroughly mix cream cheese with powdered sugar. We spread the cheese filling on the pancakes with a thin layer. Finely chop the fruit and spread on a pancake with cheese. Drizzle the filling with cherry syrup and sprinkle with chopped mint leaves.

We twist the rolls and send them to the refrigerator for 10 minutes. Before serving, cut the dessert into equal portions, pour over with cherry syrup and decorate with mint leaves.


  • curd
  • banana
  • marmalade
  • sugar
  • vanilla
  • rice paper
  • cream

We prepare milk sweet rice for rolls according to the technology indicated in the first recipe. As a curd mass, we use a mixture of soft cottage cheese with sour cream and vanilla sugar or mascarpone with powdered sugar. We soak a sheet of rice paper in slightly warm water and give it a rectangular shape.

We spread the sweet rice filling on the rice sheet, leaving the edge of the sheet 2 cm free. Put the peeled banana and curd mass in the center of the sheet, add the marmalade cut into small pieces (you can use jelly bears).


Curd - 200 g
Sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.
Fructose - 2 tsp
Sesame - 2 tbsp. l.
Banana - 1 pc.
Kiwi - 1 pc.
Milk chocolate - 1 bar
Powdered sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

1. Mash the cottage cheese with a fork. Add a tablespoon of sour cream and two teaspoons of fructose (you can use powdered sugar). Mix well.
2. Roll out the mat, put cling film on it. Sprinkle the film with sesame seeds.
3. Put the curd mass and smooth with a spoon. So that the cottage cheese does not stick to the spoon, moisten with water.
4. Put fruits on the cottage cheese.
5. Gently roll up the roll and refrigerate for 20 minutes.
6. Cut with a wet knife. Decorate each slice with a nut, sprinkle with grated chocolate and powdered sugar. It will be very tasty with coffee or cocoa.

For test:

Eggs - 4 pcs
flour - 500 g

Butter - 100 g
sugar - 100 g
salt - about 1 tsp (don't take anymore)
vegetable oil - 50 ml
milk - 1 l
And now directly all preparation.

Fruit RollsEgg yolks separate from whites. After “separation”, the yolks are beaten with sugar, as well as salt (if you decide to add it). The flour is sifted, milk is added to the flour. The whole mass is thoroughly mixed. Then the yolks, previously whipped with sugar, are added to the mixed mass, and butter (already melted) butter “gets” here. Everything is mixed and very carefully (a crucial moment!) Whipped (of course, into foam) proteins are introduced into the resulting mass. Well, everything is gently mixed, vegetable oil is poured. Now let's start baking. 1 tsp of vegetable oil is poured into the pan, the pan is heated, the dough is poured. This is how very thin pancakes are baked.

Then ready-made pancakes are cut into strips. At the same time, cottage cheese is placed on the edge of the strip, previously rubbed already with sugar. You can put, if desired, sliced ​​\u200b\u200bkiwi, bananas or mangoes.

Cooking Japanese fruit rolls for children is as easy as shelling pears, and the idea itself is striking in its simplicity and accessibility. In the proposed recipe, the exquisite taste is created by combining fruit and special cheese, but in principle some ingredients are quite replaceable. Such fruit rolls can be prepared, as they say, in haste and at the same time impress guests with their culinary skills.

Japanese fruit rolls for children are made from the following ingredients:
. thin pancakes
. soft Philadelphia cheese
. powdered sugar
. pineapples
. kiwi
. Strawberry
. for watering jam or jam
. mint sprigs for garnish

Japanese fruit rolls for children are prepared as follows:
1. Add powdered sugar to taste to the cheese and mix thoroughly.
2. Cut the peeled fruit into strips.
3. Spread the pancake, evenly spread the cheese on one half of it and lay slices of each type of fruit along the strip on top of it.
4. Then carefully roll the pancake into a tube, cut into six parts (the edges can not be cut off) and put the rolls on a plate with the filling up.
5. Pour jam or jam over the rolls and garnish with a sprig of mint.
The material belongs to the site 1001eda.com
Recipe author Olga Ryvkina


Thin pancakes


Pancakes: 2 eggs, baking powder, boiling water, starch tablespoon and flour. A little bit of sugar so that it is not bland, and cocoa to taste (in this cocoa recipe) we make dough like pancakes, bake thin pancakes in a pan and butter.

Filling: I took mascarpone 250 gr + vanilla curd mass 250 gr.

It is necessary to put the pancake on a strip of foil, then grease with the filling, sprinkle with coconut flakes, and fold like regular rolls, leave in foil for at least 4 hours. Any filling can be added.


Pancakes, the most ordinary.

Fruits (banana, pear, kiwi).

Philadelphia cheese".

Fruit jam.

First you need to prepare a cream for rolls. Take Philadelphia cheese, add powdered sugar. All this must be mixed until a homogeneous mass. After that, you need to peel the fruit, cut them into medium-sized cubes. Fruits need to be mixed together, after which the resulting fruit mass is mixed with the cream prepared in advance. Put the filling in the middle of the pancake and spread evenly over the entire surface of the pancake. Then we wrap the pancake in a roll. When all the pancakes are ready, cut the rolls and put them on a plate. Top with fruit jam or syrup to taste and sprinkle with powdered sugar.


To begin with, you need to prepare pancake dough. Milk, egg, flour, sugar and cocoa, all these ingredients must be thoroughly mixed until smooth. The dough should turn out dark, if necessary, add more chocolate or icing to give the dough the desired color.

After the filling is ready, we spread the mascarpone pancakes, the curd filling is also ideal, put the fruit in stripes on the pancake and wrap it tightly in relics.

Ready rolls must be put in the refrigerator for 1.5 hours or, if desired, in the freezer for 30 minutes.

Then we take out the ready-made rolls and cut them in portions into pieces, after which we water them with syrup.


egg omelet
Philadelphia cheese"
powdered sugar
half kiwi
1/10 of a pineapple
various berries
Cooking method

Arrange all the ingredients in front of you on the table.
Everything is at hand
Place the egg omelet on a roll mat.
Omelet on makisu
Top the omelet with Philadelphia cream cheese.
Cheese stacking
Cheese must be aligned in one line.
intermediate stage
Sprinkle the cheese with powdered sugar to your liking. Check how sweet tooth you are.
Let's add some sweetness
You can not resist and sprinkle with powder and egg omelet :)

Sweets have no limits
Cut the fruits - peeled pineapple and kiwi - into cubes (it is better not to use the core of the pineapple), cut the grapes in half and remove the seeds from them.
Fruit preparation
Lay sliced ​​fruit on both sides next to the Philadelphia cheese on both the omelet and the cheese.
fruit stacking
Wrap the omelet with a mat.
Iron the roll on all sides.
Roll form a bar.
Preliminary result of our work.
Roll almost ready
Using the sharpest knife in the house, cut the rolls into portions. After each cut, wipe the knife with a clean cloth soaked in water so that the cheese does not smear on the end surface of the roll.
One step closer to the final
Place the rolls upside down on a plate.
A little bit more
Decorate the rolls with berries and the plate with syrup.


For one serving of Yuki-No Sweet Sushi you will need:

2-3 tablespoons white round grain rice
half a glass of cream
half a glass of milk
a teaspoon of vanillin
a tablespoon of sugar
rice paper sheet
mango slice
half a medium banana
quarter kiwi
2 tablespoons flaked coconut

bowl with warm water
sharp knife
mat (bamboo rug - makisu) + cling film

First of all, pour the milk and cream into one saucepan or bowl, put on the fire and bring to a boil. When your milk mass begins to boil, put pre-washed rice in water into it. Boil rice for 10-15 minutes until tender. Rice should be soft and not have separate crumbly grains, you should get something similar to our rice porridge. A minute before the rice is ready, add a tablespoon of sugar, and when the rice is completely ready, add vanillin and mix the resulting mass thoroughly. Next, let the rice cool.

While the rice is cooling, you need to cut the fruit into strips. Mango must be peeled and separated from the stone. For one sweet roll, you will need a quarter or even less of the whole fruit (depending on the size of the mango). Cut the sliced ​​mango into strips. We do the same with kiwi - we separate it from the peel and cut half of the fruit into strips. We peel the banana and cut one half of it in half and also into strips.

Before putting rice on rice paper, it should be slightly moistened with water to soften and make the paper more elastic. Otherwise, it will break, as it is very fragile. Next, we put a sushi mat on the table, after wrapping it with cling film, and put one sheet of rice paper on it. We spread the cooled rice on rice paper in a thin layer so that the paper is slightly visible through the rice. Also leave a border of 1-1.5 cm on the paper for further twisting of the roll. Then turn everything upside down with rice and spread the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruit pieces in the middle. Next, roll the sushi into rolls using a mat. Before cutting sweet sushi, it is necessary to roll the roll in coconut flakes. And at the end, cut the roll into equal eight parts.

Important! When you start cutting, always wet the knife with water. This will help the knife slide along the roll and prevent the rice from sticking to the blade itself.

So, we cut the resulting roll into eight parts: cut the roll in half, then the halves in half again and all the halves in half again. You should have 8 even pieces.

Sweet rolls can be served with vanilla sauce or simply garnished with a sprig of mint. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe from http://susi-college.com