How easy it is to make pancakes in a bottle. So you haven't made pancakes yet! A wonderful recipe for pancake dough in ... a bottle

It has long been a tradition in Rus' to bake pancakes. They then personified the sun, so they were often prepared for Maslenitsa. Today, this dish has not lost its relevance. Pancakes are made with the most different fillings: caviar, honey, berries, mushrooms, herring and so on. Of course, sometimes the dough may not turn out the way you would like, but there is some trick that will help you prepare a quality product. In this article, we'll talk about being in a bottle. Such a dish is quite simple to make, since all the ingredients are mixed with just a few shakes of the container. Men will be especially interested in cooking this dish.

Classic recipe for pancakes in a bottle

Ingredients: two eggs, six hundred grams of milk, ten tablespoons of flour, three tablespoons of sugar, half a teaspoon of salt.


This recipe for pancakes in a bottle is very simple. To get tasty original dish, it is necessary to insert a funnel into the container, pour all of the above components through it and shake well. Then the pan is put on medium heat, after pouring oil into it, pour the dough from the bottle in portions and fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown. Do the same with all tests. Ready pancakes are placed on a dish and served with various fillings and sauces. For example, you can rub hard cheese, mix it with crushed garlic and mayonnaise.

in the bottle

Ingredients: ten tablespoons of flour, three tablespoons of sugar, half a spoonful of salt, two eggs, six hundred grams of kefir, three tablespoons of vegetable oil, unsalted lard for greasing the pan.

Inventory: one and a half liter plastic bottle, funnel.


According to this recipe, Russian pancakes are made very simply and quickly. To do this, pour salt and sugar into the bottle through a funnel, flour in small portions, then close the container with a lid and shake it well. Then eggs and kefir are added and shaken again. AT last turn poured vegetable oil and shake the container well so that everything mixes as best as possible.

Some housewives make a bottle in advance and store it in the refrigerator. But in this case, the final product turns out to be less tasty, because it loses some of its useful properties like any semi-finished product. Therefore, it is recommended to start frying pancakes immediately after preparing the dough. For this hot pan lubricate with lard, pour a portion of the dough. In this case, the pan must be quickly rotated in order for the dough to spread. Pancakes are fried over low heat on both sides until they are browned.

Pancakes from a bottle "Openwork"

Ingredients: three hundred grams of unfiltered beer, two eggs, one spoonful of sugar, one pinch of salt, one spoonful of sour cream, three tablespoons of vegetable oil, half a spoonful of quick soda, two hundred grams of flour, chocolate.


As in previous recipes, all components are put into the bottle using a funnel. First, sugar and salt are poured, then flour is added in small portions, not forgetting to shake the container. Then put everything else in. To make pancakes in a bottle openwork, beer must be taken only unfiltered, or “live”. The container is shaken well until the ingredients are completely mixed. Oil is poured into a hot pan or greased with a piece of unsalted bacon, poured in portions ready dough and fry pancakes. After one side is browned, the pancake is turned over. finished product sprinkled grated chocolate and serve to the table.

Poppy seed pancakes from a bottle

Ingredients: half a liter of whey, two eggs, ten grams of vanilla sugar, one hundred grams of confectionery poppy, one tablespoon of salt, two tablespoons of granulated sugar, two glasses of flour.


Usually pancakes are prepared in a bottle with milk, but if it is not available, then it is quite possible to get by with whey. So, first, part of the whey, eggs, sugar and salt are placed through a funnel into a bottle, shaken well. Then poppy seeds are added and the container is shaken again. Then put flour in small portions, not forgetting to shake the contents of the bottle each time so that there are no lumps in the dough. Lastly, lay the rest of the whey and mix.

The finished dough should turn out without a single lump. It is poured in small portions onto a hot and oiled frying pan, Russian pancakes are fried on both sides until golden brown. Poppy seed pancakes are served with butter and honey.

Pancakes from a bottle on the water

These pancakes are great for those who are lactose intolerant. Also, this product is indispensable in fasting, only the egg will need to be excluded from it.

Ingredients: two glasses of flour, one egg, two tablespoons of sugar, a pinch of salt, two and a half glasses of water, two tablespoons of vegetable oil.


According to this recipe, pancakes in a bottle are prepared very quickly. To do this, first put all the ingredients in a bowl and beat well with a mixer. The finished dough is poured through a funnel into a bottle. The frying pan is well heated, greased with a small piece of unsalted bacon and the dough is squeezed out of the bottle, drawing circles, lattices or patterns in the form of a cobweb. Thus, it should turn out. They are fried on both sides, turning over with a spatula. When all the dough is used, a lettuce leaf is placed on each pancake, and mushrooms fried with onions are placed on top, wrapped in an envelope. You can, of course, use them with other fillings.

in the bottle

Ingredients: one and a half glasses of milk, four eggs, half a glass of sugar, two tablespoons of cocoa, three hundred grams of flour, vegetable oil.


Mix flour and cocoa. Sugar and salt are poured into the bottle through a funnel, shaken, then milk is put in, shaken again. Then gently pour the flour in small portions, periodically shaking the container so that there are no lumps. The dough should be the consistency of sour cream. Dough is poured into a hot oiled frying pan and pancakes are fried on both sides so that they are ruddy. The finished product is served with sour cream or jam.

Chocolate pancakes with yogurt

Ingredients: four eggs, sixty grams of dark chocolate, one glass of flour, one glass of milk, three quarters of a glass of natural yogurt, two tablespoons of chocolate syrup, two tablespoons of sugar, two tablespoons of soda, a pinch of salt, vegetable oil.


Chocolate is melted in a water bath, then it is poured into a bottle through a funnel and all other ingredients are added, constantly shaking the container so that they mix well and the dough is free of lumps. The finished dough is put in a cold place for ten minutes. The pan is well heated and pancakes are fried over low heat, turning them over with a spatula. Ready meal served with honey, sour cream, condensed milk or sweet syrup.

Chocolate pancakes with chocolate

Ingredients: five hundred grams of milk, eighty grams of dark chocolate, one tablespoon of cocoa, one glass of flour, three eggs, three tablespoons of liquor or rum, two tablespoons of sugar, two tablespoons of butter, salt to taste.


Chocolate is melted in a water bath, some milk and butter are added to it. The remaining whipped milk with flour, sugar, cocoa and salt are put into the bottle through a funnel, closed with a lid and shaken well. Then add the eggs and shake again. If the dough is runny, add more flour. Then chocolate and liquor are poured into the bottle, the container is shaken well and placed in a cold place for two hours.

After the lapse of time, the dough is taken out and poured in small portions into a heated and oiled frying pan. Pancakes are fried on both sides until the crust is golden brown. This delicacy is served with condensed milk.

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Cook delicious pancakes quickly and with a minimum of dishes? Yes Easy! And do not believe those who say: "Do not go into the bottle." Be sure to climb! Especially if you want to cook pancakes with it. Yes Yes! It is in the bottle that we will make the dough for our pancakes. It turns out homogeneous, and pancakes are very tasty. The entire cooking process only takes a few minutes! So, today we are preparing pancakes in a bottle, the recipe for which I offer.

- wheat flour - about 10 tablespoons,
- cow's milk whole - 500 milliliters,
- chicken eggs- 2 pieces,
- granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons,
- salt- ½ teaspoon,
- refined sunflower oil - 4 tablespoons.

How to cook with a photo step by step

We will knead the dough in an ordinary plastic bottle (1 liter or 1.5 liter) from under the water, so we wash and dry it in advance. We also need a funnel.

Pour into the bottle with a funnel wheat flour, granulated sugar, salt. Not great advice. In order for the flour to simply enter the bottle, you need to make a funnel out of paper. This greatly simplifies the process. Well, already liquid products add through a plastic funnel. Pour warm milk into the bottle, 40 degrees.
Crack the eggs into the funnel with a knife. Pour in odorless vegetable oil.

We cover the bottle with a cap, twist.

Then we begin to make movements that you probably saw while watching the bartender preparing cocktails. And to be more precise, we take a bottle and actively shake it (we make a kind of pancake cocktail).

Well, then - we bake pancakes. We put a frying pan on the stove, which is well suited for baking pancakes (thick-bottomed and flat), heat it up well, grease it with oil or lard. Pour the dough into a well-heated pan immediately from the bottle in small portions, without the help of a ladle. You will be surprised, but it is easier to do it from a bottle!

We quickly scroll the pan, tilting it alternately in different sides, so that the dough spreads evenly and forms a pancake. We put it back on the stove. Brown, turn over with a knife or a wooden spatula (if the surface is Teflon or ceramic).

We put the prepared pancakes in a pile, if desired, we coat butter.

If at the moment of “building a tower” from pancakes you suddenly realize that you already have enough food for today, you can simply stop this process. plastic bottle close the lid and put it in the refrigerator until tomorrow. Is it really convenient?

Serve cooked pancakes in a bottle on the table hot, with traditional snacks- honey, sour cream, ghee. It is very tasty to eat them with milk or sweet hot tea. We also advise you to get acquainted with the recipe. Eat for health!

Old Lesya

cooking recipes delicious pancakes

Looking for a custom recipe a simple dish? Prepare original, but simple and delicious pancakes in a bottle - look step by step photos and video recommendations.

1 hour

193 kcal

5/5 (3)

Pancakes in a milk bottle

Ingredients and preparation

Kitchen tools:

  • plastic bottle 1.5 l;
  • funnel;
  • pan;
  • silicone brush;
  • scapula;
  • wide dish.

Required Ingredients:

Cooking sequence

  1. We take a plastic bottle. You can take the usual mineral water or dairy with a wide neck.

    It is easier to add ingredients to the dairy, even without a funnel, but from the usual one it is easier to dose the dough in the future when frying. Therefore, I prefer the first option. It is better if the bottle is not from under colored drinks. Also try to find a bottle without cutouts on the bottom, as dry ingredients get clogged in them.

  2. Pour flour through the funnel, two tablespoons of sugar, a third of a teaspoon of soda, two teaspoons of baking powder, salt to taste.

  3. Shake the bottle well to mix the ingredients.
  4. Drive in the egg through the funnel, pour in the milk, two tablespoons of vegetable oil and the sprite. Instead of Sprite, you can use any other highly carbonated lemon colorless drink. If you do not like the specific lemon smell and taste, you can take ordinary mineral water.

  5. We close the bottle with a cap and shake thoroughly, like a shaker. When opening the bottle, be careful not to get splashed.

  6. The pancake batter in the bottle is ready.

    Important! First mix the dry ingredients and only then add the liquid ones. Otherwise, the flour will clump together, and it will be impossible to stir the dough in the bottle.

  7. We grease the pan with vegetable oil using a silicone brush. Put on medium heat and heat up.
  8. Directly from the bottle, pour the dough onto a preheated pan so that it evenly covers the bottom. After two or three pancakes, you will get used to it and will accurately guess the dosage.

  9. Fry until golden brown on one side. Then, using a spatula, turn over to the other side and fry until cooked through.

  10. Posting ready-made pancakes on a plate on top of each other. It is advisable to grease each layer with butter.

Pancakes can be served with jam, marmalade, preserves, as well as sour cream or whipped cream.

Pancakes in a bottle on kefir

Pancakes prepared in this way are more tender and airy.

You will need:

  • one glass of flour;
  • two glasses of kefir;
  • one egg;
  • salt;

Pancakes in a bottle is a name that can cause sincere bewilderment among inexperienced housewives. Nevertheless, in the process of cooking, they will definitely understand why they should use such a container for making dough. The thing is that pancakes mixed in a bottle are much easier to transfer to a pan. At the same time, you can not only bake round cakes, but also draw various patterns and figures, showing your imagination.

The main question remains - how to cook dough for pancakes in a bottle. In fact, there is nothing complicated about this. According to the recipe, it practically does not differ from ordinary pancakes, except that it turns out to be a little more liquid for the convenience of the cook. It contains fresh or spoiled milk, kefir and other dairy products. Also, eggs, flour, salt and sugar, a little vegetable oil are added to the composition. If desired, put a little vanilla in the pancakes (for an appetizing aroma) or cocoa - for color and chocolate flavor. In this way, you can cook both sweet and savory pancakes. You can also add greens to salty ones.

All the ingredients get into the bottle with the help of a special funnel nozzle, which every housewife will surely have. Then the bottle should be shaken well and start cooking pancakes in the usual way. Various openwork patterns will surely delight children, and adults will appreciate such a variety. Along with pancakes, you can serve any sauces, jams and jams, condensed milk, honey, syrup, etc.

Let's look at some simple and delicious options how to cook pancakes in a bottle according to recipes with photos.

In this recipe, the dough is kneaded in the usual way and only then goes into the bottle. If desired, you can immediately put everything in plastic container and just shake well. Each chef chooses his own perfect option cooking. Salt and sugar should be added at your discretion, depending on the further use of pancakes.


  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 50 g flour;
  • Salt, sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat the milk, but do not boil.
  2. Add eggs to milk, mix until smooth.
  3. Add flour, salt and sugar to taste, mix again.
  4. Pour vegetable oil into the dough, mix all the ingredients.
  5. Pour the finished dough into a clean and dry plastic bottle.
  6. Heat up a frying pan, grease it with vegetable oil.
  7. Pour the dough from the bottle into the pan and spread it evenly over the entire surface.
  8. Fry pancakes on both sides, transfer to a plate and brush with butter.

Interesting from the network

A very simple dough, which is probably familiar to many housewives. However, for this recipe, you will need to do it a little differently, using a bottle funnel. After preparing the dough, you can bake ordinary pancakes, or make a hole in the bottle cap and create any openwork patterns in the pan. The main thing is to get used to quickly draw “pictures” so that the pancake is evenly fried, and it doesn’t turn out that some part burns.


  • 10 st. l. wheat flour;
  • 3 art. l. vegetable oil;
  • 600 ml of kefir;
  • 3 art. l. Sahara;
  • ½ tsp salt;
  • 2 eggs.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour kefir and vegetable oil into a plastic bottle.
  2. Place a funnel in the neck of the bottle.
  3. Add the dry ingredients to the dough through a funnel.
  4. Whisk the eggs in a bowl and pour through a funnel into a bottle.
  5. Close the bottle with a cap and shake well so that the dough becomes homogeneous.

Now you know how to cook pancakes in a bottle according to the recipe with a photo. Enjoy your meal!

Pancakes in a bottle new way cooking your favorite dish, which will simplify and diversify the whole process. Many housewives will surely like this option of kneading dough more than usual. With those who first decided on such experiments, experienced chefs share their secrets on how to cook pancakes in a bottle:
  • Before cooking pancakes from a bottle, heat the pan well. You can grease it with butter or vegetable oil or a piece of unsalted lard;
  • Regardless of whether you are preparing sweet or savory pancakes, be sure to add both salt and sugar to them, just changing the proportions in the right direction;
  • If the dough is too thick and it is inconvenient to pour it into a bottle or pour it into a pan, just add a little warm water;
  • If you want to cook openwork pancakes, make a hole in the lid about 3 mm in diameter. This will be enough for smooth and beautiful lines;
  • Dough patterns must be applied to a well-oiled pan. If the dough gets on an unlubricated surface, the integrity of the pattern may be violated;
  • Add flour and other bulk ingredients to the bottle gradually, in small portions;
  • While adding the ingredients to the bottle, you can shake it several times.

It is simple and incredibly convenient to cook your favorite pancakes in a bottle, and what a beauty it turns out! See recipes and photos and try this method!

Pancakes cooked in a bottle - this is the minimum dirty dishes and maximum free time! The cooking process is so simple and fun that even a child will like it!

  • 1 glass of flour;
  • 2 cups of kefir;
  • 1 egg;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • soda;
  • vegetable oil.

We mix dry ingredients in a bottle through a funnel (flour, two tablespoons of sugar, half a teaspoon of soda, salt to taste) and mix well.

Add kefir, egg, one tablespoon of vegetable oil. Close the bottle and shake vigorously.

Pour the prepared dough into the right amount in a hot pan and fry the pancakes until cooked.

Put on a dish and serve with sweet or creamy sauce.

Recipe 2: pancakes in a bottle on the water (step by step photos)

  • Flour - 1 tbsp
  • Water - 1 tbsp
  • Sugar - 0.5 tbsp
  • Vegetable oil - 30 ml
  • Salt - ¼ tsp

We take everything we need.

Beat the eggs into the bottle, add salt and vegetable oil. Slowly pour in room temperature water.

Using a funnel, add sugar and flour.

Close the lid tightly.

Shake the bottle vigorously for 3-5 minutes until all ingredients are combined.

Heat oil in a frying pan. There should not be a lot of oil, it should lie in a thin film. Then even the first pancake will come out perfect!

Pour a certain amount of dough from the bottle so that it covers the entire surface of the pan.

When the dough starts to stick to the surface, turn the pancake over.

Ready-made pancakes can be smeared with butter, condensed milk or jam.

Recipe 3: how to make delicious pancakes in a bottle

A simple recipe for the most delicious pancakes for Maslenitsa and for every day. Dough for pancakes in milk is being prepared in an unusual way- using a plastic bottle.

  • Milk - 600 ml
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil "Generous summer" - 3 tbsp. spoons + for greasing the pan
  • Flour - 2 cups
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • Salt - 1 pinch

Pour dry ingredients into a clean, dry plastic bottle using a funnel: sifted flour, sugar, salt.

Add eggs to the bottle.

We add milk.

Add vegetable oil.

Close the bottle tightly with a cap and shake until all the products in the bottle are mixed until smooth. The dough for pancakes in a bottle of milk is ready.

Lubricate a heated frying pan with vegetable oil and pour the dough from the bottle onto it.

Spread the batter evenly over the surface of the pan and fry pancakes on both sides.

ruddy, fragrant pancakes ready for tea. Pancakes are best served with butter and your favorite toppings, such as fresh berries, jam and red caviar. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 4: openwork pancakes in a milk bottle

But today I want to propose to do not regular pancakes, and openwork pancakes in milk using a bottle. We will need a special bottle, although you can make a hole in the usual one with an awl. The beauty of this recipe is that the dough can be anything (the listed ingredients are only one of the options). Take your favorite dough as a basis, carry out simple manipulations and you will get beautiful openwork pancakes milk with a plastic bottle.

The filling can be absolutely anything. It is desirable, of course, that it can be cut into cubes. For example, bell pepper, cucumber and cheese. Or ham, cheese and cucumber. You can, for example, sausage, cheese and cucumber. In my version I used crab sticks, cheese, cucumber and lettuce. It turned out delicious, unusual. This dish is perfect as an appetizer or side dish.

  • milk - 650 ml;
  • brown sugar (you can do with the usual) - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • egg C-O categories or rustic - 3 pcs.

Break eggs into a bowl, add sugar, salt and mix well with a mixer.

Pour in 350 ml of milk and stir again.

Add flour, beat well with a mixer.

The dough should be a little thick.

Now add the rest of the milk and mix thoroughly again.

Everything! Dough for pancakes in milk in a bottle is ready!

Now the fun begins: take a bottle, pour the dough into it.

Put the pan on the fire, after greasing it with vegetable oil.

Empirically, I found out that the drawing is best done first in the center of the pan, and then along the perimeter. Pour the dough in random movements, trying not to make very thin lattices, otherwise they will become brittle and crumble. When one side is golden brown, carefully flip the pancake over to the other side.

Bake openwork pancakes from a bottle.

After frying all the pancakes, prepare the filling. Cut the selected ingredients into cubes.

Put a lettuce leaf on the pancake, put the filling and roll it up.

Openwork pancakes with milk from a plastic bottle are ready! Try and make it at home thin pancakes on milk in a bottle, a recipe with a photo step by step will help you easily navigate the process. Don't forget to leave your comments on the recipes! Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 5: pancakes in a plastic bottle (with photo)

This is not only a very tasty and easy-to-prepare dish, but also time-saving. After all, such a process of making pancakes not only facilitates the very moment of pouring the dough from the ladle into the pan, but also leaves your stove and dishes clean. I am sure that if you try to cook this dish this way once, you will never refuse to give a little more time for yourself.
  • Chicken eggs 2 pieces
  • Milk 600 milliliters
  • Wheat flour 10 heaping tablespoons
  • Sugar 3 tablespoons
  • Salt ½ teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil for frying

Pour flour, sugar, salt into a deep bowl, and also pour milk, 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil and break the egg. Using a hand whisk or a tablespoon, mix everything well until a homogeneous mass is formed and until the flour lumps disappear.

By the way, what you should pay attention to: if the dough turns out to be quite liquid, then you can add a little more flour “by eye”, pouring it into a bowl with a tablespoon. Attention: in fact, this is not an easy recipe, and in order not to dirty the dishes, you can insert a kitchen watering can directly into the neck of the bottle and add the ingredients to the container one by one. Then - close the bottle with a cap and shake the ingredients for the dough until a beautiful homogeneous mixture is formed.

I always use the first option for preparing the dough, since this is, firstly, a matter of habit, and secondly, I am 100% sure that the test product will turn out without lumps. Well, then it's up to you. If children came to help you in the kitchen, then for them this is a real cook game and it would be quite appropriate to give them the opportunity to walk around the room and play with the bottle.

So, who is more inclined towards the first option, then after preparing the dough with the help of a scoop, pour our liquid mass into a bottle using the same watering can.

So, put the pan on the stove and make medium heat. Pour just a few drops of vegetable oil into the container to pancake dough did not stick to the base of the container, but at the same time, so that our dish turned out to be not very greasy and did not float with oil in the pan.

After that, taking the bottle in one hand and the handle of the container in the other hand, pour the dough "by eye" so that it can spread over the entire surface of the pan and not leave holes and voids behind. And for this, we slightly scroll the container clockwise or counterclockwise (to whom, as convenient), slightly tilting the pan from side to side.

In just 1 minute it will be possible to turn this fragrant and tasty dish to the other side. The first pancake, as they say, is always lumpy! But still, we check it literally after 30 seconds with a fork, slightly lifting the edge of the pancake with it. If the dough is already browned on one side and has become golden in color, then it's time to turn the dish over to the other side. To do this, pry the pancake with a wooden spatula, with a quick movement of the hand, turn it over to the other side and fry for literally 30 seconds - 1 minute. Attention: the cooking time of pancakes may vary depending on the quality and consistency of the dough and, most importantly, the flour. So be sure to check your dish. If necessary, you can screw the fire to a minimum.

Using a spatula, transfer the finished pancake to a flat dish for serving. After the first “pancake is lumpy” is ready, add a couple of drops of vegetable oil and again pour the dough from the bottle into the pan. And so we repeat the process until we run out of test mixture.

Immediately after preparation, pancakes in a bottle can be served with all kinds of fillings, both sweet and savory. For example, any jam to your taste, condensed milk, as well as cottage cheese with sugar will be an excellent filling. Of the salty ones, for example, I prefer pieces of fried chicken fillet with mushrooms and onions or red caviar. After all, sometimes you need to treat yourself and your loved ones to such a delicious dinner or breakfast, especially after I was original and prepared pancakes that are not only delicious, but also time-saving. It also saves time cleaning the stove. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 6: how to make sweet pancakes in a bottle

It is in the bottle that we will make the dough for our pancakes. It turns out homogeneous, and pancakes are very tasty. The entire cooking process only takes a few minutes! So, today we are preparing pancakes in a bottle, the recipe for which I offer.

  • wheat flour - about 10 tablespoons,
  • whole cow's milk - 500 milliliters,
  • chicken eggs - 2 pieces,
  • granulated sugar - 3 tablespoons,
  • table salt - ½ teaspoon,
  • refined sunflower oil - 4 tablespoons.

We will knead the dough in an ordinary plastic bottle (1 liter or 1.5 liter) from under the water, so we wash and dry it in advance. We also need a funnel.

Pour wheat flour, granulated sugar, salt into the bottle using a funnel. Not great advice. In order for the flour to simply enter the bottle, you need to make a funnel out of paper. This greatly simplifies the process. Well, we add liquid products through a plastic funnel. Pour warm milk into the bottle, 40 degrees. Break chicken eggs into a funnel with a knife. Pour in odorless vegetable oil.

We cover the bottle with a cap, twist.

Well, then - we bake pancakes. We put a frying pan on the stove, which is well suited for baking pancakes (thick-bottomed and flat), heat it up well, grease it with oil or lard. Pour the dough into a well-heated pan immediately from the bottle in small portions, without the help of a ladle. You will be surprised, but it is easier to do it from a bottle!

We quickly scroll the pan, tilting it alternately in different sides, so that the dough spreads evenly and forms a pancake. We put it back on the stove. Brown, turn over with a knife or a wooden spatula (if the surface is Teflon or ceramic).

We put the prepared pancakes in a pile, if desired, coat with butter.

If at the moment of “building a tower” from pancakes you suddenly realize that you already have enough food for today, you can simply stop this process. We close the plastic bottle with a lid and put it in the refrigerator until tomorrow. Is it really convenient?

We serve cooked pancakes in a bottle hot on the table, with traditional snacks - honey, sour cream, cherry sauce, melted butter. It is very tasty to eat them with milk or sweet hot tea.

Recipe 7: Easy Pancakes Made in a Bottle

  • milk 600 ml
  • vegetable oil 3 tbsp. l.
  • egg 2 pcs
  • sugar 3 tbsp. l.
  • salt 0.5 tsp
  • flour 10 tbsp. l.

We take a washed 1.5-liter bottle of mineral water (or any drink). Insert a funnel into the bottle and add flour, sugar, salt, eggs, vegetable oil, milk and screw on the lid.

The bottle is very convenient to stir the dough! just shake it until the dough is mixed) Put the pan on the fire, heat it up and add a few drops of vegetable oil. Pour the dough out of the bottle, pour the dough into the pan and bake pancakes!

Ready hot pancake! And this is an empty bottle. It was much more convenient for me to pour the dough into the pan from a bottle than with a ladle. In addition, everything around was clean, no drops flowing from the ladle! Very practical, because having the dough in a bottle, you can put it in the refrigerator and bake pancakes as needed! I clarify - on the advice of the cook of the 5th category - it is not necessary to fry all the dough at once, put the bottle with the dough in the refrigerator and cook delicious hot pancakes for breakfast in the morning! .. Of course, do not keep the dough for several days ... Bon appetit Everyone!

Recipe 8: kefir pancakes in a bottle (step by step)

Choose your favorite pancake recipe. Today I decided to make kefir dough, because I love the taste of such pancakes on a par with brine dough. Prepared the necessary ingredients.

  • 1 liter of kefir,
  • 1 tsp salt,
  • 1 tsp soda,
  • 4 tsp Sahara,
  • flour (about 3 cups)
  • 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil,
  • 2-3 eggs.

The bottle is plastic, ordinary, clean. In my case, 1.5 liters. But in the future I will take 2 liters per liter of kefir, because it is more convenient in the mixing process. Funnel - with its help we will pour out the products through the neck.

Pour kefir into a bottle.

Then eggs, salt, sugar.

Dilute soda in a glass hot water, add to the bottle. Then there is vegetable oil and flour.

Flour can be added first and 2 cups. Then look at the consistency, if necessary, add more.

Then close the lid tightly and shake the bottle vigorously for a while.

As a result of such movements, the ingredients are mixed, the whole mass is whipped, and the lumps break up. Personally, it’s easier for me than getting a blender, nozzles, whipping: noise, splashes of dough.

After a while, the dough in the bottle seemed to have increased. You can see if there are no lumps.

Carefully open the lid. We release air (gases). In my case, kefir dough always gives small gases when shaken. After the lid was opened, the dough settled down. You can bake pancakes.

From the neck of the bottle, the dough flows in a small stream and you can control the thickness of the pancakes. I got a little plump and with holes, which is what I wanted.