Make pancakes from milk recipe. The most delicious and tender thin pancakes: a recipe with a photo of finished products

Hello dear!

This article comes out on the eve of Shrovetide, and what else to write about, if not about pancakes) Today I have thin pancakes with milk.

A few months ago, I finally found a recipe that completely satisfied me, and the quality of the pancakes delighted me! Now these are my specialty pancakes, which I usually cook for breakfast on weekends, my husband and son adore them. They were liked by everyone whom I treated, and three times I have already been asked for the recipe.

What are these thin pancakes with milk good for?

  • The most important - finished product quality. Pancakes are easy to make thin, the dough does not resist you, does not break. Very nice dough texture. Gentle, not "rubber", not dry. Delicious!
  • Highly easy to make dough, because Ingredients are accurately measured. This is important when you are just learning to bake pancakes and do not know what the consistency of the dough should be. It also matters when you have a lot of other things to do and little time. Then you measure flour, milk, butter without thinking, and the result is always equally good.

Ingredients for thin pancakes with milk

  • 2 eggs
  • 1 st. l. sugar (you get a neutral taste, if you want sweeter pancakes - put 2 or 3 tbsp.)
  • 1 tsp topless salt
  • 500 ml milk
  • 500 ml of water (250 ml immediately added to the dough, the remaining 250 ml will boil)
  • 400 g flour (it is advisable to sift the flour)
  • 0.5 tsp soda
  • 30 g butter

Thin pancakes with milk. Calories per 100 g: proteins - 5 g; fats - 3.9 g; carbohydrates - 23.3 g; calories - 150.7 kcal.

How to bake thin pancakes with milk

I highly recommend using real quality butter! It gives a creamy taste to pancakes, a golden hue and such a pleasant smell of melted butter.

First, prepare the liquid and dry ingredients.

Pour 500 ml of milk + 250 ml of water into one container. Sift 400 g of flour into another container.

Break 2 eggs into a bowl for pancake dough, add 1 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tsp salt, mix well with a mixer or whisk.

Pour about half of the mixture of milk and water into the bowl, then gradually add the flour and mix so that there are no lumps.

When the dough becomes so thick that it is difficult to stir, pour in the remaining liquid and pour in the remaining flour. Mix to make a smooth homogeneous dough.

We measure out 250 ml of water, boil. While the water is boiling, we will prepare an empty mug, soda, a teaspoon and a whisk, as further actions should be quick.

Pour boiling water into a mug, immediately pour 0.5 tsp into it. soda and stir quickly.

Pour boiling water with soda into the dough and also quickly mix with a whisk.

Now let the dough rest for a few minutes. During this time, the gluten of the flour will swell and if there are still small lumps, they will dissolve.

While the dough is resting, take a frying pan and put 30 g of butter on it. Put on fire to melt the butter.

It is best to use a special pancake pan with a flat bottom and low sides. I have a frying pan with a diameter of 20 cm, it is very convenient to work with it. You can start two such pans at once and bake on two burners at the same time - it will be even faster.

Pour the melted butter into the dough, mix with a whisk.

We return the pan to the fire and warm it well over high heat, until smoke appears. As soon as you notice the first light smoke - it's time to bake pancakes!

Pour the dough only on a very well-heated frying pan.

The first pancake will be a test pancake: it will collect the remaining oil from the pan, it will be the fattest and not the most beautiful. You can also track how much dough you need to collect in a ladle for one pancake.

We collect the dough with a ladle. Pour into the pan, with the other hand while tilting it in different directions so that the dough is evenly distributed in a circle.

You can see how the holes on the pancakes, loved by many, appear.

When no batter remains on the surface of the pancake, turn over with a spatula.

On the other side, it bakes even faster, 15 seconds is enough.

Transfer the cooked pancake to a large plate. You can do this with a spatula, or you can simply tilt the pan over the plate and the pancake will slide off by itself.

No more greasing the pan! Pancakes will not stick.

Ready pancakes can be lubricated with a piece of butter. There are many lovers who think that it tastes better this way. But also more high-calorie So it's up to you. I don't grease.

The rest of the pancakes are smoother and neater.

So one by one, about 25 pancakes are obtained (in a pan with a diameter of 20 cm).

We eat them with jam, condensed milk, yogurt...

Our favorite weekend breakfast, when no one is in a hurry in the morning, the whole family is together and the kitchen is so crowded

I write about pancakes with special love. I think it's some kind of special food. I have heard more than once how adults, recalling happy moments of childhood, spoke about the pancakes that my mother or grandmother baked. And they grabbed them and ate almost from the pan. Very cozy, family, uniting both adults and children at the same table, a delicacy...

But successful pancakes are not only a good recipe. Skill is also indispensable. And if you are just learning to bake them, then you need to be prepared for the fact that the result will please you not immediately.

But then cooking pancakes can become a pleasant and even meditative process. At least that's how it was for me. Perhaps, at the moment, making pancakes is the most enjoyable thing for me to do in the kitchen.

I sincerely wish you to find your best pancake recipe! I wish you to find your tricks and secrets of cooking, cook with love and pleasure!!

All the best to you!

P.S. More interesting articles for you:

And before our favorites were American thick pancakes -

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: 45 min

Tender pancakes with holes are a great dish for breakfast. Delicious thin pancakes with milk will certainly please your household. Not a single piece will be left on the plate. We bring to your attention a simple recipe with a photo step by step. I also prepared a simple one for you.


- milk - 500 ml.,
- wheat flour of the highest grade - 200 gr.,
- chicken egg - 2 pcs.,
- sugar - 2 tablespoons,
- salt - 0.5 tsp,
- sunflower oil - 2 tbsp.

Necessary information:
The cooking time takes approximately 45 minutes.

Recipe with photo step by step:

1. First, let's break the chicken eggs.
Tip: Do not forget to thoroughly beat the whites and yolks separately until smooth.

2. After pouring the warmed milk.
Tip: To knead a soft and elastic dough, slightly warm the milk on the stove.
Tip: The milk should be poured out gradually, constantly stirring from top to bottom, so that the foam is preserved.

3. Then pour out the sugar and table salt.
Tip: Stir until the sugar dissolves.
Tip: To enhance the taste and aroma, add vanilla sugar.

4. Pour finely sifted premium wheat flour.
Tip: Sifted flour saturates the dough with oxygen.
Tip: Do not add flour to liquid ingredients: we do everything in the order indicated in the recipe.

5. Add a little sunflower oil and beat with a blender mixer at a medium speed level.
Tip: The dough should be liquid without hard lumps like heavy milk cream. If the mass stands for 5 minutes, it will become softer.
Tip: You can dilute thick dough by adding water or milk, and, conversely, liquid - more flour.

6. Heat up a frying pan with oil, pour out a little dough (about the size of a ladle), spread over the entire circumference. Fry until light golden brown on both sides. Serve freshly prepared with jam, jam, sour cream, honey, condensed milk.
Tip: Pour in the oil just before frying the first pancake so that it bakes well.
Tip: Pour the dough only on a well-heated pan.
Tip: Flip the pancake when the edges begin to darken.
Tip: You can put a piece of butter on a hot pancake to make it tender.
Tip: After frying, you need to turn the pancake stack so that the first pancake is on top. It will do

Thin pancakes with milk are a favorite dish of the whole family. There are many recipes for making delicious pancakes, we have collected for you only the best, proven methods for making pancake dough with milk. It's quick and easy to prepare and delicious. Get ready to record!


  • 500 ml milk
  • 300 g flour
  • 3 chicken eggs,
  • 15-20 g sugar
  • 1⁄2 tsp salt,
  • 1-2 tbsp vegetable oil.


Crack the eggs into a bowl and stir in the salt and sugar. Pour in a glass of milk, stir well and add flour. It is desirable to interfere with a mixer, then there will definitely be no lumps.

Then pour in the rest of the milk and mix thoroughly. Leave the dough for 10-20 minutes so that the flour swells, then add the butter, mix, and you can fry the pancakes.

Heat a frying pan, grease it with oil and pour in enough dough so that it covers the bottom of the pan with a thin even layer. When the edges of the pancake are browned, carefully pry it off with a spatula and turn it over to the other side.

If the pancakes will be stuffed, fry them on one side, then put any stuffing on the fried side, wrap it in an envelope and fry in oil until golden brown.

Custard pancakes in milk with holes

A beautiful "perforated" effect on the surface of pancakes is achieved by brewing the dough with hot milk. Pancakes prepared according to this recipe are completely dotted with holes.


  • milk - 1 l
  • egg - 3 pcs.
  • wheat flour - 2.5 stack.
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp.
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • drinking soda - 0.5 tsp
  • refined sunflower oil - 7 tbsp.


All products that make up the pancake dough must be taken out of the refrigerator in advance so that they warm up to room temperature.

Pour milk, eggs, granulated sugar, salt and oil into a bowl. Beat with a blender, mixer or whisk.
Then, in small batches, introduce flour, previously sifted, into the resulting mixture.

After that, heat the rest of the milk on the stove or in the microwave until hot, but not boiling.
Pour into hot pancake batter in a stream and beat continuously with a mixer. We get choux pastry for pancakes.

Fry pancakes in a pan on both sides. If the pan does not have a non-stick coating, grease it with oil.
Most of the holes are formed when pancakes are baked in a well-heated pan, over high heat. However, you need to do everything very quickly, otherwise the pastries may burn.

Super thin pancakes with milk

Pancakes baked according to this recipe are very, very thin, elastic and tasty. From this amount of ingredients, 12-15 pancakes 20 cm in size are obtained.


  • Half a liter of milk
  • Flour - 4 tbsp. with a large slide (~ 150 g)
  • Starch - 4 tbsp. (~ 100 g)
  • Eggs - 4 pieces
  • Vegetable or melted butter - 30 ml.
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp


To make pancakes without small holes, you need to cook the dough without using a mixer.
To prepare the dough, mix flour, starch, salt and sugar.

Add eggs to dry mixture, stir. Gradually pour in, stirring constantly, warm milk.
Knead the dough thoroughly to get rid of lumps. If you are unable to get rid of them completely, strain the mixture through a sieve.

Add oil. Once again, mix everything well. As a result, you will get a rather liquid dough. Let it brew for 30 minutes.

This will allow the flour gluten to swell and your pancakes will be more elastic and will not tear when baking.
Lubricate the pan with oil only for baking the first pancake. All the rest - in a dry frying pan.

Custard pancakes in milk and boiling water

Despite the thin structure, pancakes do not tear during frying, they turn over perfectly and do not stick to the pan. The dough is based on milk, but during kneading it is additionally brewed with boiling water, which makes the finished pancakes thin and extraordinarily tasty.


  • 2 stack milk,
  • 3 fresh eggs
  • 1.5 stack. flour,
  • 1 stack boiling water
  • 3 tbsp vegetable oil,
  • 20 g sugar
  • 1⁄2 tsp salt.


Beat eggs with salt and sugar with a mixer on low speed. Add a glass of milk, all the flour, butter and mix until smooth. Pour in the rest of the milk and mix again.

Then turn on the mixer at maximum speed and, without ceasing to interfere, pour boiling water into the dough. Let stand for 10 minutes and bake pancakes in a hot pan, as usual.

Yeast pancakes with milk

For those who are allergic to eggs, this recipe is the perfect opportunity to indulge in delicious pancakes. In this case, the “perforation” of pancakes is given by boiling water brewed in yeast dough.


  • milk - 1 stack.
  • boiling water - half a stack.
  • fresh yeast - 10 g
  • wheat flour - 2 stack.
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp.
  • salt - a pinch
  • odorless sunflower oil - 2 tbsp.


If you pour in half a glass of milk more, then the pancakes will turn out super-thin. Also, keep in mind that compared to the previous 2 recipes, this one is not as fast. Yeast dough for pancakes should ferment, and this requires at least 30 - 40 minutes

Put salt, granulated sugar in a bowl, crumble yeast. Gradually add milk while stirring to dissolve the yeast.

Then add the sifted flour, break the mixture with a mixer so that there are no lumps. The dough should turn out like thick sour cream. Cover the dish with a lid and leave in a warm place for half an hour.

After that, pour boiling water into the dough with a stream, mix. Add oil and knead again until smooth. The dough for thin pancakes in milk is ready, you can start baking.

Despite the fact that these milk pancakes are without eggs, they are still soft, not “rubber”, due to the yeast base and boiling water.

chocolate pancakes


  • sugar - 20-30 g
  • milk - 3 tbsp.
  • flour - 300 g
  • cocoa - 2-3 tablespoons
  • eggs - 2-3 pcs.
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp.
  • salt - a pinch

How to bake pancakes:

Beat eggs with salt and sugar. Prepare the dough for pancakes better in a blender: it will turn out quickly and efficiently, homogeneous, without lumps.

Then pour a glass of milk into the resulting mixture and whisk again. Add flour, beat until there are no lumps left. While continuing to beat, gradually pour in the remaining milk into the dough. You will get a fairly liquid mixture.

Now you can bake pancakes. The dough should be different colors. Therefore, pour a third into a separate container - this is to create patterns for future pancakes. Add cocoa to the rest and mix very well so that the dough for pancakes becomes homogeneous, without lumps.

Preheat the pan well, pour in a little oil, evenly distribute in the pan and heat. Pour in a little, literally 1⁄2 scoop and spread throughout the pan. Bake a little.

Scoop some dough with a teaspoon and draw arbitrary patterns on the pancakes. Then turn the pancake over and fry on the other side. Remove from the heat, roll them with the patterned side up and serve warm, although cold pancakes are also extremely good.

When frying chocolate pancakes in milk, oil should be poured only once, during the frying of the first pancake. After the oil can not be added, the pancakes will not stick.

Delicious cheese pancakes


  • 30-40 ml olive oil
  • 250 ml milk
  • 1 st. wheat flour
  • 2 tbsp. l. sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 100 g hard cheese
  • 3 pcs. chicken eggs

How to cook:

  1. To prepare cheese pancakes, prepare all the products and put them on the table in advance.
  2. Combine milk with sugar and eggs. Salt a little.
  3. Add flour. Mix.
  4. Add cheese, grated on a grater with small holes.
  5. Add sunflower oil. Mix.
  6. Bake in a hot pan on both sides until golden brown.
  7. Ready pancakes served with sour cream.

Thin pancakes in milk with soda and citric acid


  • 750 ml milk
  • 3 raw eggs
  • 2 stack flour,
  • 1-2 tbsp Sahara,
  • 2-3 tbsp vegetable oil,
  • 1 tsp soda,
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice,
  • a pinch of salt.

Preparing thin pancakes:

Mix eggs with sugar and salt. Whisk. Sift the flour and gradually add it to the egg mixture. Dilute soda in a spoonful of water and pour into the dough, mix.

Add lemon juice and oil, mix and leave the dough for 10-15 minutes. Preheat the pan and start baking pancakes in vegetable oil. They turn out to be openwork with holes and ruddy.

Video: homemade pancakes in milk thin, lacy

Secrets of making thin pancakes

  1. the dough for such pancakes is quite liquid. It is more like water. Don't try to make it thicker by adding flour or starch.
  2. When frying pancakes, it is very important to choose the right temperature. Pancakes should cook fairly quickly. If the pancake is taking too long to cook, turn up the heat on the stove.
  3. if you don't have enough experience with frying pancakes, start with a smaller diameter frying pan. the larger the diameter of the pan, the more obvious possible problems become.
  4. super thin pancake recipe is designed to get very thin pancakes. If you pour too much batter into the pan, it will most likely be difficult for you to turn such a pancake without tearing it, and it will take too long to bake. You only need to pour in just enough dough to cover the pan in a thin layer.
  5. Dough with added starch is less “dense” and easier to tear during baking than regular pancake dough, so it is important that the pancake is sufficiently baked on one side and only then turn it over to the other side.
  6. Since pancakes made with starch dough have a lighter texture and tear more easily when baked, they need to be turned over with more care than pancakes made with regular dough.

Good day to all! Today, together with you, we will cook pancakes in milk - thin, with holes, with a crispy border. It's easy, fast and very, very tasty.

Cooking pancakes for carnival. Each housewife has her own recipe for pancakes. If we want thin pancakes, then they are cooked without yeast. Yeast dough is perfect for spring rolls and we will definitely consider it in our recipes.

In fact, there are a lot of recipes for making pancakes, and we will focus on the most delicious and simple recipes. Maybe you prefer, then I advise you to look into this section or pancakes on


How to cook thin pancakes with holes in milk

It is a pleasure to cook such thin pancakes with holes. The most important thing is that they turn over well and do not stick to the pan.


  • milk 3 cups
  • flour - 1.5 cups
  • egg -3 pcs
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • vegetable oil (for frying) - 3 tbsp. l


1. Break 3 eggs into a deep bowl, add granulated sugar, salt. Beat the mass with a whisk.

2. Add half of the milk from the total volume according to the recipe to the egg mass and mix well.

3. Add flour to the egg-milk mixture. Sift flour beforehand.

4. Stir the mixture well with a whisk so that there are no lumps.

5. Add the second half of the remaining milk and vegetable oil. Mix well again with a whisk.

The mass for baking pancakes should be liquid, not thick in consistency like 20% cream.

6. We start frying pancakes. Heat up the pan well. Lubricate the surface with vegetable oil using a silicone brush.

Pour the dough into the center of the pan.

7. To spread the dough over the entire surface of the pan, scroll the pan around by turning the handle.

8. Fry the pancakes on both sides to brown

9. Pancakes can be served hot or cold according to your taste.

Enjoy your meal!

Classic milk pancake recipe


  • Flour - 1.5 tbsp
  • Eggs - 2 pcs
  • Milk - 1 tbsp
  • Water - 1 tbsp
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml


  1. In a deep bowl, beat the egg yolks with a whisk with sugar and salt.
  2. Pour the milk and water into the egg mixture in a thin stream.
  3. Add vegetable oil and mix.
  4. In the milk-egg mixture, add the flour in small portions, while stirring constantly so that there are no lumps.
  5. Beat the egg whites, add to the dough and mix.
  6. Our dough is ready for baking pancakes. The dough should not be thick, in appearance it should be like cream.
  7. We heat the pan well, grease its surface with vegetable oil.
  8. Pour the dough into the center of the pan, twist it so that the dough spreads in an even, thin layer over the entire surface of the pan.
  9. Fry pancakes for 1 minute on both sides.
  10. Our pancake is ready. Fast and tasty.
  11. You can serve such pancakes with fragrant hot tea, with various types of fillings: with condensed milk, honey, jam or sour cream according to your taste.

Enjoy your meal!

A simple recipe for delicious pancakes with milk

If you want to learn how to cook delicious pancakes, be patient and start cooking with us with a simple recipe.


  • Flour of the highest grade - 2 cups
  • Eggs - 3 pcs
  • Milk (maybe a little sour) - 0.5 liters
  • Sugar -1 tbsp
  • Salt 0.5 tsp
  • Vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l


1. Break 3 eggs into a deep bowl, add salt and sugar and mix everything well until smooth.

2. Gradually add 1 tablespoon of flour to the eggs and stir immediately. You should get a thick homogeneous mass.

It is advisable to sift flour for pancakes in milk, then they will be tender and without lumps.

3. Milk should be slightly warmed up and poured in a small stream into a homogeneous mass, while not forgetting to stir constantly and well so that lumps do not form.

4. Be sure to add 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil to the resulting mixture. Our pancake mixture is ready.

5. We start frying pancakes. We heat the pan, then grease its surface with oil and pour the dough into the pan with a ladle. Fry pancakes on both sides until golden brown.

6. Serve with hot tea and jam.

Video recipe for making openwork pancakes

The video shows a recipe for beautiful openwork designer pancakes.

Thin pancakes for 1 liter of milk with soda

  • milk - 1 liter
  • flour - 270 gr
  • eggs - 2 pcs
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • flour - 270 gr
  • vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp. l
  • salt - on the tip of a teaspoon
  • soda - half a teaspoon
  • butter (optional) - brush pancakes


1. Pour 1 liter of milk into a saucepan and heat until warm. In cold milk, in this recipe, pancakes will stick to the pan, and when hot, eggs can boil.

2. Break 2 eggs into a deep bowl.

3. Add sugar, salt and soda to the eggs according to the finished recipe.

Adding soda will give the pancakes beautiful holes.

4. Mix eggs with spices.

5. Add vegetable oil 3-4 tablespoons and mix everything well.

6. Pour 300 ml of warm milk into a bowl with a thin stream and stir.

7. Then add flour in small portions and mix well until a homogeneous mass without lumps.

8. Pour the rest of the warm milk into the resulting homogeneous mass and mix.

The finished dough for pancakes should not be thick, like cream.

9. So that the dough is homogeneous, and also spreads well in the pan and does not tear, for this reason we leave it to rest at room temperature for 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes, mix the dough well again and you can start frying the pancakes.

10. Heat the pan over high heat, grease with vegetable oil.

11. Pour the dough into the central part of the pan and spread the dough over the entire surface of the pan with a rotational movement.

12. We see that the edge of the pancake has browned, holes have appeared.

13. Turn the pancake over to the other side, prying it slightly with a knife or spatula. Waiting for the other side to brown.

14. Remove the finished pancake from the pan and put it on a plate. If desired, you can grease it with butter while it is hot.

Be sure to try the first pancake to taste.

15. Periodically grease the pan.

16. We got such beautiful pancakes with holes thanks to soda.

17. Our milk pancakes are delicious and thin ready.

Enjoy your meal!

yeast pancake recipe

Let's get acquainted and bake real Russian yeast pancakes. Pancakes turn out tall, plump, in a hole. The real sun is ruddy, round and very tasty.

For these pancakes, we need time to put the dough and stir several times. What a carnival without real yeast pancakes. We will definitely bake them.


  • flour -400 gr
  • milk - 650 ml
  • eggs -2 pcs
  • butter - 50-100 gr
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. with a slide
  • fresh yeast - 20 gr


1. Prepare the dough. For sourdough, take half of all milk required according to the norm. Dough can be brewed both in water and in a mixture of milk and water.

Milk should be warm, but not hot.

2. We put the yeast in the milk, but do not stir it right away, leave it for 5-7 minutes so that the yeast is saturated with moisture, and then gently stir. Yeast should be completely dissolved.

3. Add a pinch of sugar to activate the fermentation process.

4, Then gradually stir in the flour until the consistency of a thin dough. Approximately to the consistency of sour cream or not thick porridge. We stir well, if lumps remain in the flour mixture, it's okay, since this is quite acceptable at the dough stage.

5. Stir well, if lumps remain in the flour mixture, it's okay, since this is quite acceptable at the stage of dough.

6. Sprinkle the dough a little with flour.

7. We close the dough with a film and leave it warm for 1 - 1.5 hours. During this time, the dough should come up and double in volume. The dough must be fermented until the moment when it begins to fall off.

8. Stir the approached dough. The dough turns out to be airy, porous.

9. Dissolve salt and sugar in the remaining milk according to the recipe.

10. We divide the eggs into proteins and yolks. We put the yolks in the dough, and put the proteins aside for now, we will introduce them into the dough at the very last turn before baking pancakes.

11. Pour in the melted butter and stir everything well.

Their thickness will depend on the density of the dough.

If you want the dough to be thinner, easier to spread, add water or milk to the dough. And if you want the pancakes to be plump, you can add flour, or you can leave it as it is, just add more dough to the pan.

13. We cover the dough and leave it for 1 - 1.5 hours until doubling in volume.

14. Stir the risen dough so that the dough settles, cover and leave for a second rise.

The second time the dough rises much faster. The second climb takes 30-40 minutes.

15. Stir the risen dough well, upset it, punch it down.

16. Beat the whites until stable. Add and gently fold into the batter. After that, leave the dough on the table for another 15-20 minutes.

17. We start baking pancakes. I will fry them in a regular dry non-stick frying pan.

I grease the pan just before baking the first pancake.

If you have a pan without a non-stick coating, then it will need to be lubricated before each pancake.

18. Pancakes should be baked on moderate heat so that they have time to fry.

19. Bake as usual, pour the dough into the center of the pan, and then spread over the entire surface, slightly turning the handle.

The dough for yeast pancakes spreads slowly.

20. Fry first on one side, then turn over to the other.

Put the finished pancakes on a plate and grease with oil. If desired, you can sprinkle the pancake on top with sugar.

Delicious pancakes with milk are the main treat and the main symbol of the week - Maslenitsa. We have already prepared. But there are never too many pancakes. Hundreds of ways to bake pancakes only in Russia, but how many in the world? Of course, they ate not only pancakes at Shrovetide, but also, we also prepared them already, and, and, and a lot of delicious things. So that the land is fertile, the harvest is rich, and life is happy.

Let's not deviate from tradition and start.

How to cook pancakes with milk? Recipes for pancakes in milk with photos step by step

Let's start with a test. The dough is of great importance. It depends on him what pancakes will turn out. Although thick, and liquid, with and without additives, each is delicious in its own way. Well, then a few recipes with a video of making pancakes.


  1. pancake dough


  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Milk - 3 cups
  • Flour - 2.5 cups
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp
  • Salt - 1/2 tsp
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tbsp.


1. Break the eggs into a deep container.

2. Pour a tablespoon of sugar, half a teaspoon of salt.

3. Pour in four tablespoons of vegetable oil.

4. Pour in three glasses of milk. Whip it all up with a mixer.

5. Beat milk with eggs, gradually add flour. You can pour out the first glass right away, just first stir in the flour by hand, without turning on the mixer, otherwise the flour may fly like ashes from a volcano all over the kitchen. Once all the flour is wet, you can turn on the mixer and add flour from the second glass little by little.

6. After pouring the second glass, check the consistency of the dough. If watery, slowly add the remaining flour, all the time checking to see if it's already enough. You can leave all the flour and a little less.

7. We picked up the consistency of the dough, approximately like a medium-thick cream, or like a very liquid store sour cream, it should not pour out of a spoon, but easily drain, pour, well, go ahead, fry.

So that everything works out for you!

    1. Video - How to easily and quickly prepare dough for pancakes

This is of course for students, but suddenly come in handy.

  1. Classic milk pancake recipe


  • Milk - 500 ml.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Wheat flour - 1.5 cups (250-300 gr.)
  • Sugar - 2 - 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Salt - 1/2 teaspoon.
  • Baking powder or soda - 1/3 teaspoon
  • Vegetable oil - 3-4 tbsp. spoons
  • Vanilla sugar - 1/2 tsp


1. Break the eggs into a deep bowl.

3. Add sugar. Always add sugar to taste. Like sweets, you can do more, do not like, less.

4. Pour 100-150 grams of milk, stir.

5. Add vanilla sugar and baking powder. If you stuff pancakes with cabbage, mushrooms, caviar, etc., vanilla sugar is not needed. Yes, and put less of it.

6. We begin to add flour. Be sure to sift the flour before this. pour it out gradually, in portions of 50 grams each. Stir the flour and add the next portion, stirring the mixture all the time. Thus, pour in 200 grams. Mix well. We have a thick dough.

7. Dilute the dough with milk. Slowly pour in the milk and stir and add again and stir again.

8. Now slowly, little by little, add the flour, stirring constantly.

9. Pour out the remaining milk. Mix well so that there are no lumps. For 500 g of milk, it took us 300 g of flour. It has a great consistency.

10. Pour in four tablespoons of vegetable oil. We set the dough aside, for 30 minutes. So that, as they say, breathe.

11. The dough is ready.

12. We put the pan on the fire, heat it up strongly and grease it with vegetable oil.

13. Pour the dough into the pan with a ladle, do not take a full ladle, pour the dough by lifting the pan from the stove, tilting and turning so that the dough is evenly distributed.

14. Fry the pancake on one side, about 1.5-2 minutes. See how the brown rim appears.

15. Turn over and fry also on the second side. Remove the pancake from the pan and put it on a plate. It is good to immediately grease it with melted, ghee cow's butter. Place the second pancake on top of the first. So we continue until the dough runs out.

16. Well, we baked a pile of pancakes. With this amount of dough, it turned out 15 pancakes.

Serve with honey, jam, sour cream, etc.

Enjoy your meal!

    1. Video - Simple classic pancakes with milk

This is the explanation for the video:

A classic recipe for simple pancakes. Everything is very simple: mix salt, sugar and eggs, then pour in half the milk and add flour, mix everything. Add the remaining milk and butter, mix again and start baking pancakes. Ready-made pancakes can be served with cream, jam or any other sweet filling.


  • Flour - 1 glass
  • Eggs - 2 Pieces
  • Milk - 500 milliliters
  • Salt - 1 Pinch
  • Sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar - 1 Art. a spoon

Enjoy your meal!

  1. Thin pancakes with milk - recipe


  • Milk - 500 ml.
  • Flour - 200 g.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.


1. Break the eggs into a deep cup.

3. Add sugar. We mix everything.

4. To avoid lumps, add milk and flour in parts, constantly stirring the mixture. Milk should be at room temperature.

5. Sift part of the flour directly into our mixture. We mix everything thoroughly. Pour the next part of the milk and sift the next part of the flour. so 2-3 times. Mix everything thoroughly so that there are no lumps.

6. Add vegetable oil. Let the dough stand for 20-30 minutes.

7. Lubricate the pan with vegetable oil and start baking pancakes. And so we lubricate before each pancake.

8. Fry pancakes over medium heat. 1.5-3 minutes on each side, until golden brown. Our pancakes are thin and tender. The thickness of the pancake depends on the thickness of the dough.

9. Fold the pancakes in a slide, put a piece of butter on each pancake and grease the pancake with it.

We serve pancakes with berries, sugar, butter and whatever you want.

Enjoy your meal!

    1. Video - Classic thin pancakes with milk

  1. Recipe for thin pancakes with holes in milk


  • Flour - 270 g.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Soda - on the tip of a knife
  • Salt on the tip of a knife
  • Sugar - 2-4 tablespoons
  • Milk - 1 liter
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.


1. Pour milk into a deep saucepan and heat until warm.

2. Again, break the eggs into a deep bowl.

3. Pour sugar and stir. Pour sugar to taste, if you like sweets, sleep 4 tablespoons. You can pour out less, for example two.

4. Pour in three tablespoons of vegetable oil. We stir everything again.

5. Add a little salt and about the same amount of soda, well, about 1/4 tsp. We stir.

6. Add, as always, part of the milk, mix. We leave the rest in reserve for now.

7. We begin to slowly add flour. They poured a little, whipped, poured some more, beat it. Your task is to get at the end the dough without lumps.

8. When all the flour is mixed, pour the remaining milk into the dough. And again mix everything thoroughly.

9. All our dough is ready. It turned out to be liquid. Freely poured from a spoon. Leave it for 20 minutes so that all the ingredients grab together.

10. Lubricate the pan well with vegetable oil. Can be lubricated with a regular napkin in two layers. We are waiting for it to warm up well. If you want the pancakes to turn out with holes, wait until the pan warms up to the maximum - it will heat up.

11. Second, do not scoop up a full ladle of dough, so the pancakes will be easier to move away from the pan.

12. Pour the dough into the pan as usual. It differs slightly from ordinary pancakes in that our dough is very liquid and spreads very easily in the pan. One turn of the pan around the axis. Holes immediately appeared in the pancake.

13. As soon as the edges begin to brown, turn the pancake over and fry on the other side.

Here we have such thin pancakes with holes. Well, very tasty!

Enjoy your meal!

Everyone knows how to make pancakes. How to cook delicious pancakes - many. Here I will post tips for beginners. How to cook so that the first pancake is not lumpy.

2. This is of course the right advice, but unfortunately it is often not executed. I also sometimes add flour to a mixture of eggs with milk and others. This makes it easier to find the consistency you want. In general, whoever is comfortable.

7. I have a small ladle left over from my mother, which fits the dough for exactly one pancake. Very comfortably.

If you follow these tips, then be sure that everything will turn out as you wanted.