Recipe for whole wheat bread in the oven. Whole wheat bread: the easiest and fastest recipe.

Useful properties and description of preparation. This bread is prepared from high-grade flour, which is not subjected to cleaning from "ballast substances". This product can significantly improve the overall well-being of a person, in addition, it protects the body from numerous serious diseases that occur due to metabolic disorders. You just need to include whole grain bread in your daily nutritious diet.

It contains a sufficient amount of dietary fiber (that is, fiber), vitamins of groups E and B, minerals (including zinc, iron and selenium), plant estrogens, antioxidants, as well as other useful components necessary human body to maintain health. All whole grains are high in complex carbohydrates bringing undeniable benefits to the body. Thanks to dietary fiber whole grains, products are purchased such positive properties and quality. In wheat, refined white flour, many useful substances are lost during grain processing, not counting only easily digestible simple carbohydrates.

How to bake whole grain bread yourself? Recipe for cooking at home.

To make 100% whole grain bread, you need to stock up following products:
    a small spoonful of table, finely ground salt; sourdough from whole grain flour- 200 grams; vegetable, refined oil - one large spoon; oat flakes- thirty grams (for sprinkling); half egg white(for lubrication); 250 milliliters of purified water; a large spoonful of natural flower honey; whole wheat flour - 350 grams.

The process for making homemade whole grain bread is as follows:

To start preparing whole grain bread, you need to start with the preparation of sourdough. To do this, you just need to “feed” the wheat sourdough with whole grain flour twice or thrice. For example, for 25 grams of sourdough you need 25 milliliters of water and the same amount of flour, then leave it for several hours at a temperature of 22-28C until it doubles in size. Then combine 75 grams of sourdough with flour and water (seventy grams of both), and again wait for it to rise. wild yeast and lactic acid bacteria are extremely fond of whole grain flour, so they begin to multiply rapidly, while releasing carbon dioxide. So, take two hundred grams of whole grain bread sourdough, and return the rest to the wheat form. Please note that it is not recommended to store such a starter because of its too rapid fermentation. All of the above ingredients, in addition to flakes and half the egg white, mix and leave for half an hour for autolysis. After swelling of proteins wheat flour, the dough will knead better. In one kneading cycle, you should get an elastic and soft dough. If necessary, you can add water or flour to it, bringing it to the desired consistency. If you do not like the sourness in bread, you can add a couple of pinches of baking soda while kneading. Form a blank. This product can be baked in a mold, in which case the dough must be made softer by additionally adding about fifty milliliters of water to it. After proofing in heat, the workpiece will double in size. Throw her out on parchment paper, grease with protein and sprinkle well with oatmeal. Bake whole grain bread at 230C in the oven, and after ten minutes, lower the temperature to 190C. In general, the baking process should take about forty minutes. Cool the finished bread, and then you can cut it and taste it.

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Whole grain flour is much more useful than white flour, since it contains particles from all grain shells, while white flour contains only ground endosperm - a source of energy, but not vitamins. However, whole grain bread is coarse, so making it tasty is not as easy as baking.

To get around this problem and bake both tasty and healthy bread, you can use the rule of the golden mean. In our case, this will be a mixture of white and whole grain flour. From white flour we get gluten and energy value, from whole grains - missing vitamins and trace elements.

Otherwise, the process of making bread from whole grain flour is normal - kneading, proofing (in one or two stages), baking. The only difference is that for “coarse” bread, the proofing time needs to be slightly increased.

Ingredients(for 750 g of bread):

  • 270 ml. water
  • 1 st. l. Sahara
  • 1.25 tsp salt
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 300 g premium wheat flour
  • 170 g whole grain flour
  • 1 tsp dry yeast


1. Mix water, oil, salt and sugar. Gradually introduce flour, adding dry yeast to its last portions.

Knead the dough until it turns into a smooth lump.

2. Leave the kneaded dough to prove in a closed container (you can cover it with a towel or cling film) in a warm place. Dough with whole grain flour does not rise very quickly, so the first proofing will take 2-2.5 hours.

3. Punch down the dough that has increased by 2.5 times and form a ball or loaf out of it, depending on the future shape of the bread.

4. Dust the surface with whole grain flour and place the dough in the proofing basket. If there is no basket, you can take any container of a suitable shape, put a linen napkin in it, sprinkle with flour and put the dough inside.

Homemade whole grain bread can be prepared by any housewife. It is prepared simply, without yeast, based on healthy natural products, it turns out fragrant and so tasty that in a fresh state it may well replace harmful confectionery from sweet dough.

Baker's yeast is prepared on the basis of GOST 171-81 and contains a lot of toxic substances that have nothing to do with food: technical ammonium sulfate obtained in the production of sulfur dioxide, orthophosphoric thermal acid according to GOST 10678, technical sulfuric acid according to GOST 2184, etc. (the list consists of 3 full pages). Yeast has a detrimental effect on our health, which dietitians have been writing and talking about quite a lot lately (see).

Previously, before the introduction of modern yeast into production, bread was baked for centuries based on sourdough, a product obtained in the process. natural fermentation, in which the resulting natural yeast died under the influence of high temperature. Modern yeasts are thermophilic, i.e. high temperature resistant. Once in the body, they continue the fermentation process, which has detrimental effects on health.

At home, sourdough can be prepared independently and baked on its basis. homebaked bread, there are many sourdough recipes.

If there is no time or desire to prepare a sourdough, then you can use ordinary baking powder or soda, the bread will also turn out to be tasty and healthier than any store-bought one made from yeast from refined flour of the highest grade.

Whole grain flour is a wholemeal flour (more about this flour -), in which all useful substances have been preserved. It was about bread made from this flour that they used to say: “Bread is the head of everything,” since in composition it was ideally suited to provide the body with everything it needs. useful substances.

Modern flour of the highest grade is purified from the most valuable thing that is in the grain, and contains empty carbohydrates. It does not give the body anything for its healthy functioning and only fills the stomach with cheap calories, which then most often turn into excess weight.

How to bake bread at home

Ingredients :

  • milk - 1 glass,
  • honey - 1.5 tablespoons,
  • Hercules (oatmeal) - 1 cup
  • whole grain flour (wheat or rye) - about 2 cups,
  • 1-2 tbsp any fatty product: sour cream, butter, melted fat, vegetable oil,
  • salt - about 5 tsp,
  • baking powder - 2 tsp,
  • spices as desired.


1. Rub honey with butter until smooth, then pour in the milk and mix everything.

2. Add oatmeal and 1 cup flour, as well as salt and baking powder (you can use soda slaked with vinegar), mix. For spices, I added cardamom.

3. Now pour in the rest of the flour in parts until the dough becomes steep so that you can make round bread out of it with your hands.

I want to note that I usually add bran to baking and flaxseed flour: they improve beneficial features product and slightly reduce its calorie content. In this recipe, I added 2 tablespoons of these products. Especially such additives are useful if ordinary premium flour is used.

Fans of baking from premium flour should think about the fact that it does not benefit the body, but it contains empty carbohydrates and a lot of calories, which then appear in the form excess weight. It is necessary to eat bread or loaves of flour with bran, which has retained the value of the grain germ and coarse shells.

What is whole grain bread

How to choose useful product in the shop? Maybe you should pay attention to the names: "Health", "Grain", "Dietary", "Cereal"? There is no guarantee that the benefits of whole grain bread are provided by beautiful words. A guarantee can only be given by the fact that the product is baked from unrefined flour, contains active biological components, fiber, which helps the body to work. It spares the pancreas, does not allow it to produce extra portions of insulin, it should be used in diabetes and obesity.

Whole grain bread - calories

For wholemeal bread low calorie because it contains a lot of fiber and ordinary water. If it is baked from wheat, then a 100-gram piece can contain up to 250 kcal. Rye has especially low rates, for example, Borodinsky has the least calories -190. But sometimes, due to fats and additives, the calorie content of whole grain bread increases to 290 kcal. . It can also decrease (200 kcal per 100 g) if you put pieces of finely chopped vegetables into the dough. Such pastries are even healthier and more beautiful - the photos show this well.

Whole grain bread - composition

Wholemeal bread can be sold everywhere. It is worth studying the list of constituent components, given that those with the maximum content are in the first place. Whole grain breads sometimes include cooking oil, hydrogenated vegetable oils, margarine. They enhance nutrition. If a whole grain bread recipe includes a lot of sweets that contribute to weight gain: sugar, sugar syrup, molasses, caramel, the product should be discarded. Salt is always added to bread products, but it should not be too much.

The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) is as follows: if 100 g of the product contains approximately 290 kcal, then carbohydrates are 52 g, protein is 8 g and fat is only 4 g. Proteins are the building material for the body, carbohydrates and fats are the source energy, minerals provide metabolism. Fiber absorbs harmful substances and normalizes digestion. Vitamins B1, B2, PP and E normalize metabolism.

How to make whole grain bread

Whole wheat bread at home, it is worth baking from natural products with homemade sourdough. But if the hostess does not want to cook it on her own, then baking powder, soda or yeast can be used, although their benefits are doubtful: they roam in the human body, it is unpleasant and harmful. The main thing in the recipe is coarse grain flour, since the product made from it is not only tasty, but also rich in nutrients.

Whole grain bread recipes

There are many recipes for whole grain bread. The main products for its preparation are flour with bran, yeast - dry or fresh, warm water, salt, sugar. If you wish, you can add oil, fats, herbs, grains, seeds, honey. Good bread cooked on kefir. You can bake it in an electric or gas oven, in a slow cooker or bread machine, strictly following all the instructions. It turns out simply, quickly, tirelessly. Sourdough baking will take longer, but it's worth mastering. The recipe with photos is below.

Whole grain bread in a bread machine

  • Cooking time : 240 minutes.
  • Servings Per Container: 6.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 240 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: breakfast, lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

How to cook pastries without much effort? Baking whole grain bread in a bread machine using yeast - great option. It is necessary to prepare the ingredients, load them and select the desired program. For those who have mastered classic recipe, it is worth baking a more time-consuming, but very tasty whole grain sourdough bread (starter). But we must remember that the main condition for success is compliance with the instructions for the bread machine.

Dough Ingredients:

  • flour - 105 g
  • water -110 g
  • sourdough - 10 g

Ingredients for making dough:

  • whole grain flour - 375 g;
  • water - 240 g;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tsp;
  • butter - 0.5 tsp;
  • salt - 0.75 tsp;
  • sugar - 0.5 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Mix 10 g of sourdough with 110 g of water (settled), add 105 g of sifted flour.
  2. Close the lid, leave to ferment overnight. The temperature is preferably room temperature.
  3. Pour 240 g of water into the dough, add flour, mix, cover, leave for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Add oil, salt, sugar to the resulting mixture, knead. Transfer the dough into a bag and refrigerate for 8-10 hours.
  5. Distribute it in a bucket of a bread machine, turn on the "Dough" mode. The mass will mix and rise twice.
  6. Then leave it alone for an hour and a half before starting the Baking program.

Whole grain bread without yeast

How to cook under conditions home cooking wholegrain unleavened bread? It's fast. unleavened dough mixed with kefir. In addition to wholemeal wheat flour, it is recommended to add hercules (oatmeal), rye flour. This healthy food but very tasty. This whole grain bread can be baked using conventional oven, but if you have a slow cooker or bread machine, the process is much easier.

  • Cooking time: 1 hour 20 min.
  • Number of servings: for 6 people.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 260 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: for breakfast, lunch, dinner, for making sandwiches, sandwiches.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.


  • whole grain flour - one and a half glasses;
  • rye flour - 0.5 cups:
  • oatmeal - 0.5 cups;
  • vegetable oil - 2.5 tbsp. l.;
  • kefir 2.5% - 250 ml;
  • baking soda- 0.5 tsp;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Mix flour, oatmeal, soda, sugar, salt,
  2. Combine vegetable oil with kefir, mix with flour.
  3. Lubricate the Redmond or Panasonic bowl with oil, sprinkle with breadcrumbs, lay out the dough.
  4. Start the program "Baking" for 30 minutes.
  5. Turn the bread over and set the same mode again.
  6. After half an hour, take out the bread, cover with a towel for one and a half to two hours.

Whole grain sourdough bread

It would be nice to learn how to make whole grain sourdough bread! It will definitely turn out tasty, it will look beautiful, beckon with a crispy crust, dense fragrant crumb. It is worth taking the time to make the sourdough successful. To do this, it will need to be “fed” in time, then natural yeast will raise the bread dough.

  • Cooking time: 3-4 hours.
  • Calorie content: 250 kcal.
  • Servings Per Container: 4kg.
  • Purpose: for breakfast, lunch, dinner, for a snack, for diet food.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: medium.


  • rye flour - 100 g;
  • whole grain flour - 2-2.1 kg;
  • water - 2-2.1 liters;
  • honey - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 9 tsp;
  • seeds - 150 g.
  • vegetable oil.

How to make sourdough:

  1. Mix 100 g rye flour from large grains and 100 ml of water. Cover with a damp cloth and keep warm.
  2. After two days, drain half of the mass and add 50 g of flour and water. This must be done for 14 days. The future sourdough will become larger, it will begin to bubble (see photo).
  3. Pour into a jar with a lid that has holes.
  4. Store in the cold, feed on time so that the starter (starter) is always at hand.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour into a deep bowl "starter" room temperature, add all the water, a kilogram of whole grain rye flour and a spoonful of honey. Mix, leave for 5-6 hours. Sourdough loves warmth!
  2. Set aside 500 g of starter culture for the next time. All that is left will go to baking bread.
  3. Add salt and honey, stir until they dissolve.
  4. Pour the rest of the flour, seeds of your favorite crops (sunflower, sesame, pumpkin), mix thoroughly
  5. Fill greased molds halfway with dough, sprinkle with seeds. Leave the dough for 1-2 hours - let it stand and rise a little. You can form round loaves directly on the baking sheet.
  6. Send the molds to an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes, then reduce the heat to 180 degrees and bake for at least an hour.
  7. Put the bread taken out of the oven on a towel, cover and wait until it cools down. Fresh whole grain bread is good with butter.

Whole grain bread in a slow cooker

  • Cooking time: 2.5 - 3 hours
  • Number of servings: for 7-8 people.
  • Calorie content: 240 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: for sandwiches.
  • Type of cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy

Modern household appliances will help you prepare bread from whole grain flour at home. good pastries makes Redmond. Whole-grain bread in a slow cooker with yeast will turn out well if you follow the rules specified in the instructions attached to the appliance. Do not neglect spices, herbs, seeds - they will add aroma and piquancy to the bread.


  • flour - 500 g
  • water - 300 ml
  • dry yeast - 1.5 tsp
  • sugar - 1.5 tbsp.
  • salt - 1 tsp
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix one tablespoon of flour, yeast, salt, sugar.
  2. Pour in warm water, mix everything. It will turn out a dough, it is best to put it in heat for half an hour or an hour.
  3. Combine the sifted flour with the dough, pour in the oil and knead the dough. It should not remain on the hands when kneading.
  4. Cover the dough with a napkin and let rise for 40 minutes, then knead again.
  5. Lubricate the bowl of the multicooker with oil, shift the dough, close the lid, start the "Heating" for 15 minutes.
  6. Complete the process in the "Baking" mode - 40 minutes.
  7. Then turn the bread over. Bake for 25 minutes in a special basket until golden brown.
  8. Ready in 10 minutes fragrant delicacy take out on a dish, let cool under a towel.

Video: whole wheat bread recipe in the oven

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When I saw it, at first I did not believe that it could turn out. How can it bake properly when it's basically just flour and water? It does not contain any yeast, no dairy products and eggs, even vegetable oil is not needed.

Since I treat store-bought bread with caution and prefer homemade bread, I decided to try it. I didn’t find whole grain rye flour, but I bought wheat flour (in a large hypermarket, a package with this flour was on the same shelf as ordinary flour).

For the bread I needed:

  • 2 cups of flour
  • 2 handfuls of oatmeal
  • 1/4 spoon of soda, slaked with 5% vinegar
  • 1 glass of warm water
  • 1 teaspoon without a slide of salt (maybe even a little less)

According to the recipe, nuts and dried fruits were added to the bread, but because. my children can't do this, I decided to put some oatmeal instead of them and did not regret it. I will add that this amount of ingredients is enough for a small bun. In order for the whole family of 4 people to have enough bread for 2-3 days, I increased everything by 3 times.

Making Whole Grain Bread Without Yeast

In a container convenient for kneading dough, put flour, oatmeal, add salt and mix. So the salt is evenly distributed in the flour. Next, put in a glass right amount soda, quench with vinegar (you can citric acid or even better lemon juice). Pour into flour warm water and mix with a spoon. The dough is kneaded very easily, a fairly neat lump is obtained even without kneading by hand. Next, wet our hands with water and put our lump of dough into the form. It practically does not stick to wet hands.

Separately, about the form. I tried the oven in a non-stick pan, it turns out a very thick crust. In general, it must be said that the crust of this bread is very tough. The next time I took a metal mold, but the bread was fried on it. Then I bought baking paper and put it in a metal mold. As a result, the paper stuck to the bread. I got out of the situation: I wrapped hot bread with adhering paper in wet kitchen towel and left to cool. When the bread cooled, the paper peeled off nicely and the tough crust became soft.

Let's get back to cooking. I baked bread in the oven at about 200 degrees for about 1.5 hours, and the recipe needed 40 minutes. If you bake less, then it did not bake in my oven. I think the question here is exactly what kind of oven you have. I may have used less soda because I don't like baking soda to taste too much.

After the bread is cooked, as I wrote above, it is better to wrap it with a wet towel until it cools completely.

Me and my family love this bread. No yeast, no butter, no eggs or dairy products. This is just a godsend in fasting, because you get enough of such bread very quickly.

Dinner Angel!

Ekaterina Solovieva