Soy sauce - benefits and harms to the body, calories, beneficial properties for weight loss. year - real soy sauce, made by natural fermentation

Some 10-15 years ago, few people knew about soy sauce in the countries of the former CIS, this product has always been widespread in Asia and the Far East, but in our cuisine soy sauce came relatively recently, but very quickly won the public love of both professional culinary specialists and simple home gourmets. But is soy sauce as healthy as many people think? In this article, I want to tell you all about soy sauce: How does the soy sauce production process take place? its benefits and harms, and, of course, how to choose the right soy sauce. When you have complete information about this product, you will be able to objectively assess whether it is worthy of being the highlight of your dishes or not.

And we will start with the most key point, which is decisive for any soy sauce, cooking method. How to make soy sauce affects its benefit or harm to human body .

How to make soy sauce

When making real quality soy sauce, ONLY natural way fermentation soybeans with wheat.

Stage 1 - soybeans are evaporated, and wheat grains are fried.
Stage 2 - beans and wheat are mixed into one mass, poured with water and salt is added.
Stage 3 - in special containers, this mass goes through a natural and long fermentation process, which takes at least one year (1-3 years).
Stage 4 - the finished fermented liquid is filtered and bottled.

This process is the ONLY correct and acceptable way to make real soy sauce, but nowadays, poor quality soy sauce manufacturers have found other ways to produce this product. A production process that takes at least one year is not economically beneficial for producers: too long to wait, and time is MONEY. It is for this reason that other, more quick ways production of soy sauce, some of which are very unhealthy.

Method number 1

This method is the safest of the "express methods". In order to speed up the production of soy sauce, special Aspergillus bacteria (Aspergillius) are added to the mixture of beans and wheat, which speeds up the fermentation process by 10 times. With this method, soy sauce is ready to eat after just one month.

Compare: 1 year and 1 month!

Of course, you should not be afraid of the harm from such soy sauce, but also the benefits. Further we will talk about the benefits and dangers of soy sauce, so soy sauce prepared in this way is significantly inferior in its useful properties to its true relative.

Method number 2

But the producers did not rest on this, the search for an even faster and cheaper method for the production of soy sauce continued, and soon such a method was successfully found.

Soybeans are boiled in a solution of SULFURIC or HYDROGENIC ACID, and then this solution is quenched with alkali. This process takes no more than one day. The very process of producing such a sauce is dangerous for the health of all workers, since sulfuric acid vapors can cause burns of mucous membranes and skin, cough, laryngitis, bronchitis and other diseases. respiratory tract. And what to say about the use of such soy sauce for food! ... It seems that it doesn’t even smell good here, does it?

Method number 3

There is another option, how to quickly and cheaply prepare soy sauce - this is hydrolysis soy protein under the influence of chemicals. Of course, such soy sauce is very different in taste, color, and smell from natural, but there is a way out - nutritional supplements.

The harm of such soy sauce is to simply add huge amount synthetic food additives ranging from artificial flavors to toxic preservatives.

Sauce prepared in this way often contains carcinogens dangerous to humans.

Well, let's sum up a little and compare how long the process of producing real soy sauce should take, and how much it takes for unscrupulous manufacturers.

  • 1 year - real soy sauce made by natural fermentation.
  • 1 month - artificial soy sauce made with bacteria that speeds up the fermentation process.
  • Day 1 - Artificial soy sauce made by adding sulfuric acid.
  • A few hours - artificial soy sauce made by diluting soy concentrate with water.

Now after you know what depends benefits and harms of soy sauce, you can proceed to consider its beneficial and harmful properties.

The benefits of soy sauce

Naturally, speaking of the benefits of soy sauce, we mean only real soy sauce, cooked according to all the rules:

the fermentation process takes at least a year;

 the absence of any preservatives and other food additives;

 the presence in the composition of only 4 components - soybeans, wheat, water and salt. Only such a sauce can rightfully be called SOY SAUCE.

And it is to this sauce that all those beneficial features, about which many have heard and know, namely:

 Soy sauce has powerful antioxidant properties (100 times superior to citrus fruits), due to which it improves blood circulation and contributes to better body resistance to various diseases;

 Contains natural phytoestrogens, which are useful for women, especially during menopause;

 Contains a high amount of protein - 6-7 g per 100 g of product;

 Almost all essential and non-essential amino acids are present in soy sauce;

 Does not contain cholesterol;

 It contains a small amount of B vitamins, iron, zinc and calcium, but if you consider how much soy sauce is used, then we can say that such a poor mineral and vitamin composition does not have any positive effect on the body.

This is where the beneficial properties of soy sauce end, and now we turn to the consideration of the other side of the coin. What is the harm to soy sauce, and ?

Harm of soy sauce

Most people think that soy sauce is the best substitute for salt, but few people know that in 1 tbsp. soy sauce (15 g) contains about 2 g of salt. Despite the fact that the norm of all salt per day is 10-15 g (here, the salt that is contained in food is also considered), and in pure form(table salt) - only 5 g.

Now remember how much you used to add soy sauce in the process of cooking or in ready meal? It is unlikely that this is 2 tablespoons a day ... Often a dish is poured with soy sauce without using any measuring instruments - all this is done right from the bottle.

To find out whether the use of soy sauce does not actually reduce salt intake, the scientists conducted an experiment: they selected 10 volunteers and asked them to season two bowls of unleavened rice, the first bowl of rice had to be salted with regular salt to taste, and the other was seasoned with soy sauce. It turned out that 8 out of 10 subjects poured 1.5-2 times more soy sauce in terms of ordinary salt compared to the first method - using regular salt. So giving up salt and switching to soy sauce is not a justified measure, which, on the contrary, INCREASES salt intake.

Therefore, the answer to the question is it possible to lose weight with soy sauce, will depend on two important factors:

1. Naturalness and quality of soy sauce - You can use only natural soy sauce, the production process of which took a year or more.

2. Amount of soy sauce - the norm of soy sauce per day 2 tbsp.

Now let's look at what harm soy sauce can do to the body:

 Frequent consumption of soy sauce in large quantities can lead to the formation of kidney stones, salt deposits and high blood pressure. This is due to the high concentration of salt in the sauce itself.

 "Artificial" soy sauce is hazardous to health due to the content of carcinogenic substances and chemical compounds in it: chloropropanol, monosodium glutamate, sodium benzoate, and dyes.

 The use of harmful food additives can slow down the metabolism by 15-20%.

 The addition of monosodium glutamate to the sauce increases appetite, provoking the consumption of both the sauce itself and the food with which it is seasoned, as a result of which the person overeats.

 Regular use of "artificial" soy sauce increases the likelihood of allergies, cancers, and for pregnant women, this is fraught with miscarriage.

As you can see, soy sauce is different from soy sauce. If you really love this product, then you need to study the following item very carefully.

How to choose real soy sauce?

I hope you have already understood that all the beneficial properties that are attributed to soy sauce refer exclusively to NATURAL soy sauce. But how to find such a sauce among the many options offered on the market? Now we will look at the main properties and characteristics, ranging from color to price, which are an indicator of what kind of product you have in front of you - a high-quality or cheap fake that is dangerous to health.

Criteria for choosing real soy sauce:

  • The label must be labeled "Product of natural fermentation".

  • The composition should have 4 components: soybeans, wheat, salt and water.

  • Additional components such as: thickeners (starch, molasses, gums) flavor enhancers (monosodium glutamate), preservatives (potassium sorbate and benzoant), sugar, glucose syrup, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, acidity regulators, etc. - they talk about the unnaturalness of soy sauce.

  • Real soy sauce should only be stored in a glass bottle. Plastic and other containers are NOT ALLOWED.

  • The color of the soy sauce should be brown, but not too dark. To check this, you need to drop a small amount of soy sauce on a white napkin and see what color the stain will be. A too dark color of the spot is often a sign that the soy sauce was artificially produced by hydrolysis or the addition of acid with a dye, while light brown, on the contrary, indicates the natural origin of the sauce.

  • The protein content is not less than 7%.

  • The term of a year of quality sauce should be at least two years.

  • The price of real soy sauce can't be cheap. The normal price starts from 200 rubles for a small bottle.

By the way, the last point is very important when choosing a sauce. A product that took at least a year to produce cannot be cheap! Remember: the more time it takes to produce a product (cheese, wine, soy sauce), the more money, labor and economical resources are spent on it, respectively, the more expensive this product will be in the end. This is the golden rule, which is logically justified.

Now let's look at two options for the composition of soy sauce.

The composition of low-quality soy sauces

Quality Soy Sauce Ingredients

At the moment, I can only recommend one manufacturer of really high-quality natural soy sauce - this is Kikkoman. Perhaps in a few years something will change, but today this company produces the highest quality soy sauce that meets all the requirements of a natural product.

So now you're sure which soy sauce is beneficial and which is harmful to the body. Be sure to read the label and ingredients of soy sauce before buying. Pay attention to the cost, and do not spare money for a really high-quality product, your health may depend on it. And about the question, can soy sauce for weight loss, then the answer will be positive if you adhere to the recommended consumption rate and exclusively NATURAL FERMENTATION sauce.

Sincerely yours, Yaneliya Skrypnyk!

Soy sauce has been used since very ancient times, but still remains in demand, especially in national cuisine distant Asia. It is a fermentation product of soybeans and some wheat grains, combined with specific molds of the genus Aspergillus. The finished sauce is a clear reddish-brown liquid with a specific, easily recognizable taste and smell.

Each Asian country has its own varieties of soy sauce prepared according to different recipes. They look similar, but differ from each other in color, density, flavors, aroma and salt content.

In general, classic soy sauce is a salty liquid with a very unusual taste. bright taste. It tends to emphasize and make harmonious and exquisite taste a wide variety of dishes. Monosodium glutamate contained in the Asian seasoning gives it this feature.

Chemical composition

100 g of a quality, properly prepared product contains: proteins - 6.3 g, carbohydrates - 6.8 g, fats - 0.04 g, fiber - 0.8 g and 15.3 g of ash. The rest (71 g) is occupied by water. In addition to these basic substances, soy sauce contains a lot of B vitamins, which are formed during the fermentation of soybeans and wheat:

  • thiamine (B1) - 0.03 g;
  • riboflavin (B2) - 0.17 mg;
  • niacin (B3) - 2.2 mg;
  • choline (B4) - 18.3 mg;
  • pantothenic acid (B5) - 0.3 mg;
  • pyridoxine (B6) - 0.15 mg;
  • folate - 14 mcg.

It also contains macronutrients: potassium (217 mg) and calcium (19 mg), magnesium (43 mg) and phosphorus (125 mg), but especially a lot of sodium (5637 mg). Of the trace elements in this Asian product, iron (1.93 mg), manganese (0.42 mg), copper (0.1 mg), selenium (0.5 mcg) and zinc (0.52 mg) are present.

What is soy sauce made of and how

Natural soy sauce, which has been made in Asian countries for centuries, should contain only 3 or 4 ingredients: soy, water, salt, and in some cases wheat. Such a sauce is called boiled.

If yeast, wine, sugar, vinegar, peanuts, spices, alcohol are added to the main ingredients, olive oil, honey, garlic and ginger powder or other ingredients, then this is no longer a classic soy sauce, but its varieties, which are called mixed.

The presence of dyes, preservatives, flavors or other synthetic substances indicates a cheap low-quality product obtained by an industrial method.

Traditional seasoning is prepared according to the following scheme:

  1. Soybeans are boiled in water or steamed.
  2. Then they add wheat flour, salt and leave the mixture to ferment.
  3. When the fermentation process is over, which can take from 40 days to 3 years, the sauce is filtered and bottled in glass or plastic bottles.

Thus, 2 main types of sauce are obtained: dark, thick and rich (long exposure) and light, thin and lighter in taste. Often in this form, the seasoning is used as a salt substitute and flavor enhancer for dishes that have a bland taste, such as traditional Asian boiled rice.

Product calorie content

Soy sauce is not included high-calorie foods, his the energy value is only 50-75 kcal. Moreover, this number of calories is obtained by processing in the body an almost equal proportion of proteins and carbohydrates. When splitting fats, which consist of oleic and linoleic acids, the body receives only 0.36 kcal.

The low energy value of soy sauce allows it to be used in the diet of people not only with normal weight, but also with excess weight. In addition, nutritionists even recommend adding it to diet meals as a substitute for butter, sour cream and mayonnaise to make their taste more pronounced and pleasant.

The nutritional value

Soy sauce is valuable not only for vitamins and minerals, but also for complete proteins, which are not inferior in quality to proteins of animal origin. They contain almost all essential amino acids:

  • leucine - 0.5 g;
  • arginine - 0.43 g;
  • lysine - 0.36 g;
  • isoleucine - 0.3 g;
  • phenylalanine - 0.33 g;
  • valine - 0.31 g;
  • threonine - 0.25 g;
  • tyrosine - 0.23 g;
  • cysteine ​​- 0.2 g;
  • histidine - 0.16 g;
  • tryptophan and methionine - 0.09 g.

Non-essential amino acids in soy sauce are glutamic acid (1.48 g), aspartic acid (0.67 g), proline (0.46 g), serine (0.36 g), alanine and glycine (0.28 g). ), tyrosine (0.23 g), cysteine ​​(0.11 g). It is thanks to the wealth of proteins, vitamins and minerals that the ancient oriental sauce is valued in many countries of the world not only as a delicious exotic seasoning, but also as an extremely healthy food product.

Benefits of soy sauce for the body

This product will be useful for those who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular (atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease) and nervous systems, metabolic disorders (obesity and diabetes), arthritis, cholecystitis, myalgia and edema.

Its effect on the body is expressed in improving blood circulation, normalizing sleep, the ability to prevent the appearance of tumors and delay their growth, and stop the rate of natural aging of the body. This seasoning is also recommended for people who are allergic to animal proteins.

For men, the constant use of soy sauce will help to avoid the occurrence of strokes and heart attacks, age-related degenerative neurological diseases and cancerous tumors.

The benefits of the sauce for women lies in the phytoestrogens present in it, which:

  • regulate the menstrual cycle and reduce its pain;
  • reduce the risk of breast cancer and osteoporosis;
  • allow women to stay young longer;
  • minimize the severity of negative manifestations of menopause.

Soy sauce is good for kids good source antioxidants, which are ten times more in it than in citrus fruits. But you can give it to kids only from the age of 3, and even then if there are no allergies and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Harm and contraindications

Seasoning is harmful when consumed in excess, as it contains a lot of salt. As a result of intensive intake, salt can be deposited in the kidneys in the form of stones or provoke hypertension. There is also a negative effect large portions sauce on the thyroid gland.

Even more harmful is a low-quality cheap product, which is obtained not as a result of the natural fermentation of beans, but by hydrolysis of soy protein, which speeds up the fermentation process. The benefits of it are doubtful, and the harm lies in the fact that carcinogens appear in it that contribute to the development of cancer.

Do not eat soy sauce for those who are allergic to soy or wheat proteins, gastrointestinal diseases, as well as pregnant women.

Soy sauce is now available in almost any supermarket or grocery store. But how not to make a mistake with the choice? To purchase a truly high-quality product, you must adhere to the following rules.

  1. The sauce should be poured into a clear glass container, not a plastic one.
  2. Be liquid, almost like water, not thick like syrup, and clear, completely without any sediment.
  3. The composition of the seasoning should include only soy, wheat, salt and water. All other ingredients indicate that this sauce is not prepared according to the classical recipe.
  4. The label must show at least 7% protein, which indicates that a sufficient amount of soybeans has been used to prepare the seasoning.
  5. The composition should not contain any artificial additives.
  6. A quality product cannot be cheap, so this indicator should also be kept in mind.

Kikkoman hollandaise sauce, prepared according to Japanese recipe, which is over 300 years old, as well as "Classic" Russian brand Sen Soi, "Classic" by the American firm Heinz.

How to use the product correctly

Dark aged sauce is used mainly as a marinade for meat, poultry and fish, or served with sushi and rolls.

Light and liquid added to salads, pasta, various dishes from seafood, vegetables, meat, fish as a liquid seasoning or make sauces based on it, such as mushroom, mustard, shrimp or fish.

DIY soy sauce

It is clear that it will be possible to prepare natural soy sauce “according to all the rules of art” only in the presence of a fungus, which in our conditions is quite problematic. But you can make it a simple and affordable variation, the ingredients for which can be found in every kitchen.

For its preparation you will need:

  • 100 g soybeans;
  • 1 st. l. flour;
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter;
  • 2 tbsp. l. chicken broth.

The cooking process is simple. First you need to boil the beans and grind them into a puree. Then add butter, broth, salt to taste and flour to the resulting mass. Mix everything thoroughly, put on fire and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. When the mixture has cooled, it can be served with rice, pasta, meat and other dishes.

Use in cosmetology

The sauce can be not only a food product, but also an ingredient for cosmetics own manufacture. To do this, just add a little liquid to homemade face or hand creams, after using which the skin will acquire a healthier color, become soft, supple and smooth.

Sauce in not in large numbers can be added to hair masks. After applying them, the strands will become shiny, silky and elastic.

Soy sauce is a masterpiece of Asian cuisine that deserves to be known better. This is an excellent seasoning that can be added to everyday dishes and give them a bright and unique taste. At correct use it can bring invaluable benefits to the body, but only on condition that it is natural and of high quality.

In contact with

The homeland of the sauce is Southeast Asia, where soybeans have been known for more than 5 thousand years. In Russia, this product became popular in the 90s of the last century. lovers Japanese cuisine arranged real soy baths for sushi and rolls, although the inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun themselves consider such an attitude to a dish of rice and seafood to be real barbarism.

Why is this fragrant seasoning so loved by the people and what benefits does it bring to the human body?

In Asian cuisine, various seasonings and spices are very common, designed to emphasize the taste of dishes and give each of them individuality. A special role is given soy sauce. There is evidence that the average Japanese consumes about 7 liters of this product per year. It is added to meat, fish, seafood, vegetable salads are seasoned with it. Five types of this liquid seasoning are considered traditional in Japan:

With all the variety of products offered, most buyers prefer traditional version soy sauce because it has harmonious balanced taste suitable for most dishes.

The classic recipe can be very different from variety of options cooking. Traditionally, the sauce as mandatory components should include:

  • soya beans;
  • wheat grains;
  • salt;
  • water.

Chefs around the world are trying to invent their own original recipe sauce. Dressings based on soy sauce vegetable salads, marinades for meat and fish dishes, gravy for side dishes. Often dill, garlic or other spices are added to the dark liquid, taken as the basis of the seasoning. Sometimes in the composition you can see caramel, starch, flour, meat broths, honey. Taking into account the presence of additional ingredients, it can be very difficult to answer the question of what soy sauce is made of, the composition of which is far from traditional.

Unscrupulous manufacturers of goods can add dyes, flavors or preservatives that are harmful and dangerous to the human body. This greatly reduces the cost of production, but the resulting semi-chemical liquid cannot be called soy sauce. Moreover, such production contradicts the entire centuries-old history of the creation of this seasoning. After all classic sauce from soy - natural product, created as a result natural processes fermentations that take from 6 months to a year or more.

The main disadvantage traditional recipe is the cooking time of the sauce. To speed up the process, a special starter is sometimes used, consisting of bacteria that promote fermentation. This reduces the production time to one month. At the same time, feel the difference in the taste of products cooked the classic way or according to the accelerated version, it is almost impossible for an ordinary person.

Calorie content and nutritional value

People who strive not only to eat healthy food, but also monitor their weight, are wondering how many calories are in soy sauce. It should be noted that soybeans themselves are not dietary product. 100 g contains about 360 kcal. Since water and other ingredients are also present in the sauce, in 100 ml finished product calories are much less - 53.

Concerning nutritional value, then most of all classic fragrant seasoning restrains carbohydrates - 7.61 g. This is 2.8% of the total daily allowance. In second place are proteins 6.28 g (4%). Fat only 0.04 g (0%).

Both the calorie content and the ratio of JBU depend on the type of sauce. For example, 100 mg of Tamari contains 60 kcal, proteins - 10.51 g, fats - 0.1 g, carbohydrates - 5.57 g.

Benefit and harm

Soy sauce is considered very useful product for the human body. It has a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system and circulation, liver and intestines. In addition, it helps to get rid of insomnia, relieves headaches, has a calming effect on the nervous system, and reduces the risk of cancer.

With more antioxidants in this fragrant liquid than in vitamin C and red wine, ladies can stay young and beautiful longer. To alleviate the symptoms of menopause, to reduce pain during menstruation, the phytoestrogens present in the sauce help women. It is because of the content of these substances that there is a lot of controversy about the advisability of drinking soy sauce by men. Scientists believe that the moderate use of liquid seasoning does not pose any danger to the representatives of the strong half of humanity.

Vegetarians love the product very much as a source of vegetable protein. In addition, the sauce is rich in B vitamins, iron and zinc. Due to the low calorie content, this liquid seasoning can serve as an excellent alternative to mayonnaise, which is very important for people seeking to lose weight. In addition, the sauce does not contain cholesterol.

Glutamic acid, which is naturally formed in the sauce, is completely harmless to the body. That's why liquid seasoning can replace salt in the diet for diabetics, but you need to get the approval of your doctor before using it.

In order for aromatic seasoning to bring only benefits, you need to remember that daily dose product for an adult should not exceed 1-2 tablespoons.

Unfortunately, all the wonderful properties of the product can be forgotten if the production technology has not been observed. Then, instead of being useful, he is able harm the body. From the use, especially excessive, the following diseases can develop:

  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • gout;
  • heart attack;
  • kidney disease.

There are people for whom adding aromatic spices to food is contraindicated. First of all, these are pregnant women and children under five years of age. In addition, the use of this product should be approached with caution by everyone who has diseases of the endocrine system.

How to choose a quality sauce

Since only natural seasoning can bring real pleasure to gourmets and benefit the body, the issue of buying a sauce should be taken very seriously. When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to the following points:

Another point to pay attention to is the price. Unfortunately, high-quality soy sauce is not a cheap pleasure. For example, 100 ml of a product produced by the Kikkoman trademark costs about 1 thousand rubles. This sauce is different. classic composition and the absence of non-natural ingredients, and its use is very beneficial for the body.

A Heinz product, the recipe for which provides for the presence of caramel as a dye, is sold at a price of 9 thousand rubles per 200 ml. This sauce is especially good as a marinade. It gives meat dishes a beautiful rich color and a pleasant enveloping taste.

At a more affordable price, you can purchase products from the Vietnamese company Umi. The composition of the seasoning is somewhat different from the classic, but contains exclusively natural substances. But the Maxchup product from Thailand, which costs 400 rubles per 200 ml bottle, is replete with preservatives, stabilizers and flavor enhancers.

Thus, before purchasing a product, you must definitely familiarize yourself with its composition and manufacturing conditions. This information should be presented on the label. Knowing the recipe for a natural sauce, making the right choice will be much easier.

Let this fragrant seasoning give new taste sensations and benefit the body!

Attention, only TODAY!

Store-bought sauces in their huge variety are now very popular. Most of them have a mayonnaise base. They are good in that they not only add piquancy to dishes, but are also stored for a very long time, while homemade mayonnaise unlikely to "live" longer than a couple of days. But why are these sauces so bad and is it worth buying them at all?

Why are store-bought sauces bad?
Main disadvantage store-bought sauces consists in a large number of additives - flavor enhancers, preservatives, stabilizers and dyes. Due to them, sauces not only acquire good taste qualities, pleasant color and consistency, but can also be stored for a very long time, sometimes up to a year.

These additives are detrimental to digestive system person. For example, sodium nitrite retains water in the body and causes swelling. Frequent use hot sauces leads to damage to the intestinal mucosa, causing ulcers and gastritis. Flavor enhancers in ready-made sauces regular use dull taste sensations by acting on the papillae located on the surface of the tongue. As a result, ordinary, unspiced food seems tasteless.

Are all sauces the same?
Of course, not all ready-made sauces in stores carry potential harm. For example, you can find many tomato ketchups and sauces based on it, which do not contain any preservatives or flavor enhancers. But with mayonnaise sauces- much more difficult.
More about supplements
Now I would like to talk in more detail about the main additives in the composition of store-bought sauces and their effect on the body.

Flavor enhancers

The most common and discussed flavor enhancer is monosodium glutamate (E621). In fairness, it must be said that the sodium salt of glutamic acid is an essential amino acid for the human body. Natural monosodium glutamate is found in meat, fish, dairy, vegetables, mushrooms and soy.

But manufacturers of ready-made sauces usually add synthetic monosodium glutamate to them, which does not have the properties of its natural counterpart. Food containing artificial flavor enhancers, over time, makes the most regular products tasteless to the receptors of the tongue.


Of course, preservatives that are hazardous to health are prohibited by law. But often manufacturers, using loopholes in the rules, indicate incomplete information on the packaging. For example, an “antioxidant” can be either natural or artificial (butyl hydroxytoluene or butyl hydroxyanisole). The second option can hit the intestinal microflora hard and ultimately lead to diseases of the liver and kidneys.


Thanks to emulsifiers, sauces have homogeneous mass and do not break down into their component parts. The most common natural emulsifier is soy lecithin. But the content of artificial emulsifiers in sauces is strictly limited, since in high concentrations they can be dangerous. Very common magnesium carbonate can cause heart problems and malfunctions. nervous system. Sodium carbonate in excess doses leads to allergic reactions and pain in the stomach. Potassium sulfate can cause indigestion and even poisoning.

Perhaps these three points are enough to rethink your attitude to purchased sauces and minimize their use, or better, completely abandon them.

Do you buy ready-made sauces? Share in the comments!

How is natural soy sauce prepared?

The benefits and harms of any product are due to the content of certain substances in it. The exotic oriental sauce, beloved by many gourmets, is obtained by fermenting beans.

They are crushed and mixed with ground wheat, then mixed with water and packaged in special bags. In the sun, the fermentation process begins, during which liquid is released. It is collected, carefully filtered, and the result is a classic soy sauce. The benefits and harms of the final product depend on compliance with the cooking technology. To speed up production, a starter culture is added to the mixture of beans and wheat, which does not affect the quality of the product. If there is an inscription “natural fermentation” on the glass packaging, then you have natural soy sauce in front of you. But if you find artificial colors or food additives in the list of ingredients, then the benefits of soy sauce are this case under great doubt. In general, if a product is not sold in a classic glass container, and in plastic bottle then it is most likely a fake. It is also worth paying attention to its color: the liquid, if it is in a small amount, should be brown, not black.

nutritional value and chemical composition soy sauce

The calorie content of this oriental seasoning is low. There are only 50 kilocalories in 100 grams of sauce, there is no fat in the composition of the sauce. Proteins and carbohydrates about 6 grams. Since the product is made from soybeans, it retains many of the vitamins, minerals, and amino acids from the plant. Classic soy sauce contains sodium, mono- and disaccharides and, oddly enough, a small amount of ash (5.5 gr.).

Longevity, health and soy sauce

The benefits and harms of this product are of interest to many lovers of Japanese, Korean and Chinese food. We have all heard about Eastern longevity. It turns out that one of the secrets of harmony and health of Asians is the regular use of soy sauce. Scientists have proven positive influence"black gold" on blood circulation and the cardiovascular system, as well as its ability to block free radicals, which helps slow down the aging process and prevents the development of cancerous tumors. Obese people and those who have allergic reactions to animal protein should generally take a closer look at soy and its derivatives. Often this sauce is recommended as an alternative to table salt for those who are on a weight loss diet.

Soy sauce: harm and contraindications

Despite the fact that this natural product has many useful properties, some should refrain from using it. Sauce is contraindicated for pregnant women, as it increases the risk of miscarriage, and also negatively affects the formation of the fetal brain. There is also an opinion that soy - the main component of this seasoning - has a bad effect on the human endocrine system. It is also better not to include soy sauce in the diet of children under three years of age, the benefits and harms of which for babies have not yet been fully studied.