Required calories. What is the difference between calories and kilocalories? Daily calorie intake for a person

Want to lose weight but don't know how many calories to eat? daily diet? Find out how many calories you need to eat per day to lose weight without harm to health!

The question of caloric content of food is one of the most important when planning a diet. It directly depends on the correct decision whether it will be effective weight loss and getting rid of extra pounds. Calories are units that measure the energy value of food. They take into account not only the overall nutritional value of dishes, but also the content of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in them. Thanks to calories, the vital processes of the body receive the necessary energy. They are necessary for normal mental and physical work of a person.

There is such a thing as a minimum calorie requirement per day. The numbers may vary, as the need for energy for normal life is different for everyone. What matters is body surface area, age, parameters such as weight and height, level of physical activity, etc.

Fighting overweight, based on reducing the caloric content of the diet, is based on the principle: you can lose weight if the calorie consumption per day is greater than their consumption. As a result, the mechanisms responsible for the consumption of body fat reserves begin to work.

Online calculator is your reliable assistant

A nutritionist can help you calculate the amount of calories your daily diet should contain. But it is much easier and faster to turn to an online calculator that will give the result, which will allow you to create a nutrition system aimed at getting rid of extra pounds. You just need to enter several parameters in the fields (age, gender, height and weight indicators, physical activity data) and calculate the result using different formulas.


Physical activity

Basal metabolism minimum / absence of physical. exercise 3 times a week 5 times a week 5 times a week (intensive) Every day Every day intensively or twice a day Daily physical. load + physical Job

Result in

Without changing the weight:

Weight loss:

Rapid weight loss:

The choice of menu and diet depends on what you want to get in the end. Weight can be dropped quickly or gradually, in addition, sometimes the goal is to keep the existing weight at the same level.

Which weight loss regimen will you choose?

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Rapid weight loss - 1000 calorie diet

This is a rather tough method that helps to quickly lose weight while meeting all the requirements. Recommended only for healthy people, ideally after consulting a doctor. There are two options for this diet.

The first option - it is allowed to introduce any dishes into the diet, sweet, fried, fatty, but in a very limited amount, so that the total calorie content per day does not exceed 1000.

The second option is to consume a specific amount of certain foods per day in any sequence and combination. Among them:

  • Fresh fruits- no more than 300 gr.
  • Vegetables (in any form - fresh or boiled) - up to 400 gr.
  • Low fat types meat - up to 160 gr.
  • Milk (non-fat) - up to half a liter.
  • Rye bread- 40 gr.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Cottage cheese or cheese - 30 gr. or 15 gr. respectively.
  • Creamy. oil - 15 gr.

The second option is optimal and simpler in terms of counting calories. Let's take a look at its menu.

Reviews about this diet are different. The advantages are the ability to quickly lose weight - up to 10 kg. But the diet is limited - both in terms of food volume and energy value. Therefore, negative health effects are possible. It is recommended that such a diet be observed for up to 3 weeks.

1200 kcal diet - restrictions without harm to health

Such a nutrition system will not harm your health and will allow you to steadily lose weight. Here sample menu, you can choose products from the list, roughly calculating the daily calorie intake within 1200.

100 kilocalories 200 kilocalories 300 kilocalories
  • Bouillon with egg.
  • A bowl of vegetable soup.
  • Stewed vegetables (without the use of fat).
  • Cheesecake (without sugar).
  • Decoction. potatoes - 1 pc.
  • Oatmeal. flakes - 2 tbsp.
  • Orange. juice - 1 tbsp.
  • Var. egg.
  • Tv. cheese - 50 gr.
  • Banana.
  • Apple (can be baked with 1 tsp honey).
  • Grapes - 20 pcs.
  • Almonds - 15 gr.
  • Ice cream - 80 gr.
  • Sour cream - 5 tablespoons
  • "Doctor's" sausage - 100 gr. or one sausage.
  • Fried eggs (2 eggs).
  • Slice of bread.
  • Cottage cheese - fat content not more than 1.8 - 100 gr. You can add some honey.
  • Vegetable soup with pasta - 200 gr.
  • Squash caviar- 10 gr.
  • Vinaigrette - 200 gr.
  • Pasta - 100 gr.
  • porridge or mashed potatoes- 200 gr.
  • Cutlets - 2 pcs. (small).
  • Pancake with cottage cheese - 2 pcs.
  • Stuffed cabbage - 2 pcs.
  • Cottage cheese - 200 gr. + berries.
  • Sausages - 2 pcs. Can be supplemented with cucumbers or tomatoes (2 pcs.).

Try to create a menu for the day, and you will understand that 1200 calories is not so little.

Meal plan for 1695 kcal

Such a diet must be combined with training. This is the only way to achieve results. Also follow these tips:

  • Always have breakfast. This will energize you. Caloric content - about 30% of the total daily diet. The best option is porridge. You can add coffee, milk, tea, meat to it, boiled egg, dried fruits, cheese, cottage cheese, nuts, fruits.
  • Always have lunch- This is 40% of the calories of the diet. Soups, fish or meat with vegetables, cereals, salads (vegetables), legumes and pasta are allowed.
  • Always have dinner- the main thing is 4 hours before going to bed. The best choice is vegetables and meat or fish. Protein should prevail. The share of calories is 20%.
  • Light snacks allowed between meals - 10% of calories. In the morning, it can be honey, nuts, berries, fruits, tea with a cracker. In the second - dairy products or vegetables.
  • Follow the drinking regime. Ideally - 2 liters per day.
  • Bring food to work. It is more difficult to choose something low-calorie in the supermarket.
  • Satisfy Your Hunger Hours Before Sleep, but if it is very difficult, you can eat green apple, carrots, drink a glass of yogurt.
  • Never overeat- this is the main reason for weight gain.

Trying to make a diet

meal Recommendations
Breakfast Half an hour before it - 1 tbsp. water.

Calorie content - 425 kcal.

Menu: oatmeal boiled in milk, 1 toast (allowed a small amount of butter), natural coffee.

After - an hour later - 1 tbsp. water.

Snack About an hour and a half after breakfast.

Calorie content - 170 kcal.

Menu: Tea or dried fruits or nuts. You can make cottage cheese with 1 banana.

Half an hour later - 1 tbsp. water.

After - 1 tbsp. water.

Dinner Calorie content - 500 kcal.

Menu: porridge boiled in water + a piece of fish or meat. Vegetable salad or vegetable stew(fill with sour cream or butter). You can have tea and a piece of bread.

3 votes
This calorie calculator allows you to calculate the recommended daily amount of calories (kilocalories) needed to maintain a constant weight, lose weight (weight loss) and also for weight gain. This calculator will help you lose weight and reduce weight with the correct calculation of calories consumed. In order to reduce weight by 454 grams per week - reduce your calorie intake by 500 calories per day. Reducing daily calorie intake below 1200, as well as reducing weight by more than 900 grams per week, is not recommended. For more balanced weight loss, cut your daily calorie intake by 250 calories and increase your exercise to increase your calorie expenditure by 250 calories per day. This approach will help prevent a decrease in the metabolism (metabolism) of the body and increase muscle mass.

Diet 1200 calories or 1200 kilocalories per day?
Energy value food products are indicated in kilocalories (symbol: kcal). However, for convenience, kilocalories are also referred to as "calories". Thus: 1200 calories = 1200 kilocalories (1:1). This rule is true for food products both in Russia and abroad, where kilocalories stand for Calories or Cal.

What foods to eat when losing weight (weight loss)?

What foods to cut or replace when you are on a weight loss diet:

First of all, reduce the consumption of sugar (chocolate, sweets) and fats (primarily margarine and solid fats - butter, lard, fats in meat products). Eat low-fat dairy products: yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese. Replace whole milk on milk with a reduced fat content, or completely skimmed. Fat cottage cheese replace with low fat. Reduce your consumption of starch and starchy foods: potatoes, bread, pasta, cereals.

What foods are good for weight loss:
Increase your consumption of non-starchy vegetables and fruits (cucumbers, tomatoes, Green pepper, cabbage, lettuce, carrots, radishes, beets).
Increase fluid intake - drink fruit tea, compote, tomato juice, plum juice, apple juice.
Maintain your normal intake of meat (no fat), poultry and fish (about 200g per day).
Fish oil capsules - 2 grams fish oil contain healthy omega fats, a sufficient amount for 1 day.
Multivitamins can be very helpful in dieting as they help maintain the body's resistance to stress caused by reduced calorie intake.
Calcium is essential for maintaining the health of your bones and teeth. If you can't meet your daily intake of about 1,000 mg of calcium per day (adults 19 to 50 years old), take calcium tablets. For reference: 1000 mg of calcium is found in approximately 750 grams of milk.

Recommendations for weight loss, weight loss.

Weigh portions on a kitchen scale (desirable error is not more than 1 gram).
- Weigh yourself daily and record your weight.
- Do not eat foods with unknown calorie content. If you were forced to use, write down the estimated amount (the most accurate in your experience).
- Carry calorie-calculated foods (lunches) with you to work, to the institute.
- Maintain or increase your daily physical activity (sports, walking, shopping, etc.)
- Don't believe in miracle diets and weight loss pills. To date, the counting diet daily calories is the safest method of weight loss (weight loss). The Kremlin diet (the Kremlin diet is called the Russian version of the Atkins diet - Atkins diet) based on the maximum reduction in carbohydrates is potentially dangerous for your body.
- Consider the calories in alcohol. It is best to stop or reduce your alcohol intake while you are on a weight loss/weight loss diet.
- Try to eat at least 3 times a day. 4 times or more is even better.
- Avoid margarine (hydrogenated fats). Margarine contains trans fats, which your body doesn't need at all. Trans fats are one of the factors in the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
- Write down your daily calories on a piece of paper and keep it with you when you leave the house.

An example of recording portions for a diet with counting daily calories (kilocalories):

Yoghurt (100 g, 1 pack) 50
Tea (1 teaspoon sugar) 15
Skimmed milk (250 g) 90
Apple (170 g, 0.65 cal/g) 110
Beef (57 g, 1.93 cal/g) 110
Potato (152 g, 0.82 cal/g) 124
Mushrooms (115 g, 0.21 cal/g) 24

Please note that counting your kilocalories consumed per day is necessary for correct use this daily calorie requirement calculator. remember, that main secret proper weight loss and weight loss is a reasonable reduction in the number of kilocalories consumed, do not resort to extreme restriction of your daily calories, calculated to reduce your weight by more than 900 grams per week.

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For many people, the problem of excess weight is the most urgent. In search of miraculous diets, trendy weight loss methods, we often forget that our body consumes a certain amount of calories every day. This is necessary to ensure its normal functioning. Proteins, carbohydrates and fats are the main elements that provide the main energy supply. Carbohydrates in the process of digestion are broken down into glucose, which nourishes the cells. They also provide 60% of the daily calories consumed. Protein is the main building material of our body. It makes up our muscles, hair and nails. Protein takes an active part in the work immune system. Fats are also a very important element for humans. With their help, the body is provided with important trace elements that are involved in metabolic processes and perform a protective function. They make up to 30% of the total calories.

How to calculate how many calories to eat per day

To correctly calculate your daily kilocalorie intake, it is important to know exactly your energy expenditure level. It is necessary to calculate the exchange, in which calories are consumed for the work of organs and the performance of various kinds of loads. Each person has a different level. It depends on the lifestyle. For those who have it inactive, the basal metabolic rate will be less than for active people. When calculating calorie intake, the term kilocalories is also often used. These two concepts can be considered similar, although the word "calories" has a narrower meaning, showing the amount of energy to heat one degree of water. However, it is used in calculations nutritional value products as well as "kilocalories". The number of calories depends on gender and age. This figure is higher for men than for women.

The easiest way to calculate is based on body weight. In order to start the fat burning mechanism, twenty-six calories per kilogram of weight should be accounted for.

How many calories should a woman eat per day

To determine the level of energy expenditure in women, the formula is used: 655 + (9.5 times the body weight in kg.) + (1.8 times the height in cm) - (4.7 times the number of full years).

Women aged nineteen to twenty-five are recommended no more than 2,000 kilocalories with a sedentary lifestyle. From twenty-six to fifty, this figure will be 1800. For older women, no more than 1600. With moderate activity, these are the values ​​\u200b\u200bof 2200, 2000 and 1800, respectively. Active women you need 2400, 2200 and 2000 kilocalories per day.

How many calories to eat per day pregnant

During pregnancy, a woman needs to eat a balanced and complete diet. It is very important for the development of the child, childbirth and breastfeeding. Pregnancy is accompanied by monthly weight gain. In the first trimester it is up to one kilogram, in the second and third trimesters up to one and a half kilograms per month. Weight gain by the time of delivery should be from ten to twelve kilograms. In the daily diet, the ratio of 30% fat, 50% carbohydrates and up to 20% fat is required. With a balanced diet, the number of calories per day should be close to 2000-2500.

How many calories should a man eat per day

For men, the calculation formula looks like this: 655 + (13.7 times your body weight in kg) + (5 times your height in cm) - (6.8 times your full years). The figure will be more accurate if the amount received is multiplied by the activity coefficient. With active physical exertion, it will be 1.4, and with mental exertion, 1.6. With moderate loads, the total calories should be multiplied by 1.9. With heavy loads, by 2.2.

With an inactive lifestyle, a young man under thirty years of age needs up to 2400 calories. From thirty to fifty years up to 2200. At an older age up to 2000. With moderate vital activity, these values ​​\u200b\u200bare at a young age of 2800, on average - 2600, at a mature age - 2400. If a man is very active and mobile, then at a young age he needs up to 3000 calories, average 2800, senior 2400.

How many calories should a teenager consume per day

Adolescents during puberty, the body's need for calories increases. Boys aged fourteen to eighteen years need about 3130 kilocalories, for girls this value is 2760. Specific values ​​​​are calculated taking into account age, weight and lifestyle.

To correctly calculate the number of calories for weight loss, you first need to calculate your costs to maintain the normal functioning of the body. Use the American Dietetic Association Muffin-Jeor formula:

9.99 X for your weight + 6.25 X for height and 4.92 X for age and 161. Multiply the resulting number by energy consumption:

With a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle - 1, 2;

Light exercise no more than three times a week - 1, 37;

Five-day workouts - 1, 46;

Daily sports - 1, 63;

Everyday classes several times - 1, 72;

Intensive classes or hard physical work - 1, 9.

Subtract 200-500 kilocalories from the total amount of energy.

How to count calories for weight loss

To count calories, you need a scale, a calculator, and a weight loss diary. A kitchen scale will help you weigh food. It is best to use an electronic scale for this. In the diary, number the pages by the days of the month and write down everything that you ate during the day every day. You can make tables with corresponding columns:

Name of products;

Weight of one portion;

Calorie content of one serving;

total calories;

Your weight at the end of the day.

In order to calculate the calorie content of cooked dishes, leave a few free pages.

Calculation of calories burned for weight loss

In the process of losing weight, choose dishes at your discretion. When counting calories, you can regulate your diet throughout the day. To reduce body weight for every kilogram you need to spend 7700 kilocalories. Write down all the results obtained, as well as the amount of food eaten. This will help you better control your diet. You also need to keep a notebook where you will write down all the loads. Make a table for the results of the lost weight. To calculate calories, use the food calorie table. It can be found and printed from the Internet. Pay attention to food labels, which contain information about the calorie content of a dry or cooked product.

How to burn calories for weight loss

You can also burn calories by doing your daily activities. Any physical activity requires certain energy costs. Young mothers do not even think about the fact that 2.2 kilocalories per kilogram of weight are spent on a walk with a child in a stroller. Dressing and feeding a child takes 2 calories per kilogram per hour. Driving a car consumes 2.1 calories per kilogram of body weight.

Physical activity is the most effective way weight loss. The hoop and the jump rope are the best way burning fat. Fifteen minutes can burn up to 200 calories.

Calories are fuel for the human body. After food enters the body, heat is released, its amount is measured in calories. A person needs to eat in order to live, but not vice versa.

As in everything, a measure is needed here, an excess of calories leads to obesity, and a deficiency leads to malnutrition, both of which lead to unpleasant consequences and diseases.

Calories are a source of energy, unused calories will remain in the body in the form of excess fat.

And in the event of a lack of energy, the body will begin to deplete itself, switch to an economical mode and will spend energy only on maintaining life, postponing other functions of the body until better times. Hair and teeth will begin to fall out, the girl's periods will stop.

basal metabolism

In order not to face these consequences, you need to know how much energy your body spends per day. Energy is spent even simply on the functioning of the body: the work of the lungs, digestive organs, brain, muscles.

The more and more intensively a person moves, the stronger his mental activity, the more calories he will burn per day.

So how many calories should you eat per day? First you need to understand how many calories the body consumes at rest.

One of the most popular formulas for calculating the required calories is 1 Kcal / hour per kg of body weight + 10%. For example, if a person's body weight is 55 kg, then the calculation according to this formula will look like this:

55 kg x 1.1 x 24 (hours) = 1452 kcal

This amount is the minimum, eating below which, you can undermine health. These are the so-called unregulated costs.

Controlled costs are already called individual characteristics energy consumption. Such as age, lifestyle, gender. The ratio of the initial and target weight also plays a role.

Daily calorie intake per day, taking into account individual characteristics

The required rate of calorie intake per person per day is individual. There are formulas to calculate it. It should be borne in mind that the norm is designed for a person with normal weight in order to maintain it.

For those who are losing weight and gaining weight, the norm will be different. The height unit in the formula is indicated in centimeters, and the weight in kilograms.

There are separate formulas for men and women. With age, the need for calories also decreases, which is taken into account in the formula.

  1. Formula for women: 9.99 x weight + 6.25 x height - 4.92 x age - 161;
  2. Formula for men: 9.99 x weight + 6.25 x height - 4.92 x age + 5.

Get the number of calories needed per day for a person with certain parameters. But now it’s worth taking note of his lifestyle and multiplying the resulting value by the appropriate coefficient:

  • Lack of activity: 1.2;
  • Low activity: 1.45;
  • Average activity: 1.55;
  • High activity: 1.7;
  • Increased activity: 1.9.

Girls in position and on breastfeeding consume more calories. A gynecologist will help you determine the exact rate, but usually pregnant women need at least 2600 calories and up to 3500 in the last stages.

Children from six months to a year usually need about 800 kcal, up to one and a half years 1300 kcal, up to three 1500 kcal, and so adding about 200-300 each year of life.

Again, this is all conditional and you need to consult a pediatrician, depending on the tendency to gain weight, the rhythm of life and individual characteristics.

Calorie consumption table

In addition to the fact that for weight loss calories can be consumed less, they can also be spent more. It is good if you are lucky and the rhythm of life is active by itself. What if it's an office job? Then you need to play sports and other activities.

In addition, there are many household activities that are quite energy-consuming. So, why not pick up a hobby more active than knitting. How many calories can you burn if you do a certain activity?

Here is a table of calorie consumption per hour for a person weighing 55 kg:

Kind of activity Calories burned per hour
Dream 50
Watching TV 55
Floor washing 96
Active sex 83
gardening 105
Ironing 110
dressing baby 110
stroller 121
Bathing a child 149
morning exercises 165
Surfing 165
hoop rotation 165
Truck driving 179
riding a horse at a gallop 220
Aqua aerobics 220
Chopping firewood 237
Belly dance 248
Harvesting 253
Sailing 275
Rafting 275
Outdoor games with a child 297
classical ballet 318
Roofing 330
water skiing 330
Canoeing 385
Diving 385
Press swing 406
Zumba 413
Cross-country skiing at an approximate speed of 4 km/h 385
Skating 385
luge 385
Jogging in place 440
Swimming breaststroke 550
Running at 9.5 km/h 550
Running at 12 km/h 688
Running up the stairs 710
Cross-country skiing at an approximate speed of 8 km/h 770
Running at 17.5 km/h 990

Calculation of the indicator for active weight loss

How many calories should you eat per day to lose weight? If a person is satisfied with his weight, then he should simply stick to the figure obtained above.

But if the goal is to lose weight, then you need to lower the number of incoming calories, otherwise the weight will simply stand still.

To do this, you need to subtract 15-25% from your own calorie intake, depending on the degree of the problem.

How to know if you need to lose weight and by how much

If you need to lose weight quickly, it is possible to increase the deficit, but in the end, the daily calorie content of a woman cannot be less than 1200 kcal, and men 1800 kcal.

It is believed that the weight healthy person should not exceed height - 100 for a man and height - 110 for a woman. BMI (body mass index) is more indicative, it can be calculated using the formula: “weight in kg / height in m² \u003d BMI”.

For example, if the weight is 80 kg, and the height is 165 cm, then the BMI will be 80 / 1.65 ² = 29.4. Next, you need to look at the table.

According to her, in a person with such parameters, an excess is on the verge of obesity of the 1st degree. A person needs to lose at least 12 kg. Based on it, it also follows that with a height of 165 it is better not to weigh more than 68 kg and less than 50 kg.

But such a calculation does not take into account age and people with very short stature and narrow bones. Therefore, narrow-boned, as well as women below 1.55 m and men below 1.68 m, need to subtract another 10% for an objective BMI result.

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About how to drink olive oil on an empty stomach in the morning, and is it possible to lose weight with it, read Very interesting and informative!

Decided to spend a fasting day on the water? Then read in which it is written how to do it correctly. Good luck!

The most common cause of excess weight is a sedentary lifestyle and excess calorie intake. Excess weight- this is not only an aesthetic problem, it provokes many diseases, reduces the duration and worsens the quality of life.

Therefore, if a person wants to lead a healthy lifestyle, he needs to keep a record of what he has eaten. Even exceeding the calorie content required by the body by 50 Kcal, a person will begin to gain weight.

If the product needs to be weighed at home, then kitchen electronic scales will come in handy, they are accurate to the gram, they are not so expensive and will be useful to the hostess in the kitchen if the recipes are followed.

If you count calories for several months, then it will be brought to automatism. And already by sight it will be clear how many calories are in a particular dish.

Also, do not forget to eat varied. Diverse - this does not mean that chicken today and turkey tomorrow, it means that all food groups must be balanced. The body needs both proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in approximately a 20/30/50 ratio.

The ratio is approximate, it is not necessary to adhere to it fanatically. But still, protein should not be consumed less than 20 grams per day, as it is a building material and is very necessary.

But the ratio of fats and carbohydrates can be changed if there is a goal to lose weight. But only by reducing the amount of carbohydrates, reducing the amount of fat is fraught with health, especially for women.

If the weight loss was fast enough at first, and then stopped, most likely this is a plateau. To disperse the plateau, it is advised to give the body a shake-up, let's say once a week to sharply increase calories.

This doesn't work for everyone. And in general, many of the tips given above may not suit absolutely everyone, then consultation with a specialist is necessary. And you should always listen to your body.

The only correct and effective way to reduce weight is sports and a balanced diet. proper nutrition. The rate of weight loss depends on the physiological characteristics of each person, his level physical activity(training), existing diseases, etc. If you want to lose weight, a woman needs to correctly calculate the daily calorie intake for a more effective and rapid loss weight and subcutaneous fat.

Why Calculate Calories?

A calorie is the energy weight of a food that is released by the body when food is digested. The balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and the caloric content of the dish are associated with working capacity and activity, health status.

With insufficient intake of energy in the body, weakness, apathy, deterioration of the skin, teeth, and hair are observed.

With an excess of caloric intake, fat accumulation in the body and an increase in body weight occur.

For healthy and safe weight loss, it is important to gradually reduce the calorie intake to the desired level. To do this, it is necessary to calculate the rate of individual calorie intake by the body, keep a food diary, which reflects all the foods and dishes eaten per day.

How to calculate daily calorie intake

The World Health Organization has recognized universal calorie norm data: for women, calorie content per day is 2000 kcal, for men 2500 kcal. However, these data do not take into account a number of factors that directly affect the daily calorie intake, such as gender, age, lifestyle, level of physical activity, etc.

The daily calorie intake for a woman when losing weight is calculated using special formulas.

The calculation consists of several stages:

The result is the metabolic rate (metabolic rate).

Multiplying this figure by the coefficient of the corresponding level of activity, we get the required calorie intake per day to keep the weight at a stable level.

To lose weight, a woman needs to reduce the resulting figure by 500 kcal. That is, if in the calculations the required daily calorie content turned out to be 1800 kcal, then in order to reduce weight, it is necessary to limit yourself to 1300 kcal.

To speed up weight loss, you can increase the number of workouts.

Calculation of ideal weight and minimum calorie intake for weight loss

Then multiply the result by:

For example:

Woman 28 years old, height 170 cm, normosthenic build with moderate physical activity. Ideal weight: 170 * 360 = 61.200 kg.

The norm of calories to maintain weight at a normal level: 61 * 33 \u003d 2013, i.e. 2000 kcal.

Mifflin-Saint-Geora Method

This calculation is the most optimal way when compiling a diet.

The disadvantage of the method is the lack of consideration of the ratio of muscle and adipose tissue in the body, tk. level muscle mass affects the rate of metabolic processes.

For example:

Daily calorie intake for a woman 35 years old, 160 cm tall and weighing 78 kg with moderately intense CFA: 78 * 10 + (6.25 * height in cm) - 5 * age (full years) - 161 \u003d 1444 kcal

1444 * 1.550 = 2238 kcal - daily requirement.

To lose weight, a woman needs to receive energy in the amount of 2238 kcal with food, but gradually reduce the rate to 2000 kcal.

Harris-Benedict Method

This method was developed in 1919. At present, the method is somewhat incorrect and has a calculation error of +/- 5%.

The daily calorie intake for men and women according to this method is calculated as follows:

For example:

A 33-year-old woman, weighing 65 kg and 173 cm tall, will need to maintain her normal weight:

655.1 + (9.563 * 65) + (1.85 * 173) - (4.676 * 33) = 1442.43 kcal.

Method of the World Health Organization (WHO)

According to this method, the calculation of the daily calorie intake is made taking into account CFA:

For example:

A 25-year-old girl weighing 55 kg with intensive CFA per day requires: (0.062 * 55 + 2.036) * 240 * 1.5 = 1960.56 kcal.

Ketch-McArdle Method

Calculations using this method allow taking into account the ratio of adipose and muscle tissue in the body. The disadvantage of the technique is the lack of consideration of gender, age and height in the calculations, which increases the likelihood of errors in the calculations.

According to the Ketch-McArdle method, daily requirement = 370 + (21.6 * weight in kg, excluding adipose tissue).

For example:

A woman weighing 60 kg per day needs: 370 + (21.6 * 56) = 1579.6 kcal.

By adhering to the rules of a healthy balanced diet, taking into account the required caloric content, a woman can keep her weight at a normal level. If a woman wants to lose weight, then 500 calories should be subtracted from the received calorie intake, but at the same time, the CFA level should be taken into account. A sharp decrease in caloric intake for fastest weight loss and an increase in physical activity contribute to the development of serious complications and diseases of the cardiovascular, endocrine, reproductive systems, slow metabolism, and reduce immunity.

Features of calculating the daily caloric intake

The daily intake of calories in the body for men and women is different. Men need more energy. For an accurate and most indicative result, the following individual features should be taken into account in the calculations:

  • age,
  • height,
  • body type,
  • lifestyle, level of physical activity,
  • type of employment (mental labor, hard physical labor).

When taking into account the level of physical activity, one should take into account the performance of household work (washing floors, dishes, washing, ironing clothes), walking up stairs or riding an elevator, the degree of movement in everyday life, the level of stress resistance.

So, a woman with heavy physical work needs more calories to maintain strength than a woman with the same parameters, but working in the office.

Calorie intake during pregnancy

A woman during pregnancy is strictly forbidden to diet, lose weight. Overeating "for two" is also not recommended. Given the interesting situation, a woman needs to calculate the daily calorie intake to maintain natural processes organism for the development of the unborn child.

Experts recommend gradually increasing the caloric intake with increasing gestational age from 2500 kcal in the first trimester to 3500 kcal in the third trimester. Gaining the necessary calories should be from plant foods, lean beef and chicken, fatty sea ​​fish, nuts, fruits, whole grains and breads.

The Importance of Proteins, Fats, and Carbohydrates in Calorie Counting

When calculating calories, it is important to consider what calories are derived from. The state of the body, the process of losing weight or increasing body weight directly depends on the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in food.

So, for example, the 2000 kcal necessary for the body, obtained from “heavy” food, will not benefit the body. But the same 2000 kcal obtained from fresh vegetables, whole grains, protein products, nuts, will help maintain balance in the body and, if necessary, lose weight.

Specialists use the universal ratio formula in the diet B (1): W (1): Y (4). However, when losing weight, you should increase the amount of protein and complex carbohydrates, and fats should be vegetable, polyunsaturated. It is also recommended to take products with high content potassium, magnesium, iron, iodine, calcium.

Carbohydrates are a source of energy and strength in the body. When losing weight, you need the intake of complex carbohydrates, which are digested longer by the body and give a feeling of fullness.

The intake of carbohydrates should be from the following sources:

  • oatmeal, barley, wheat, corn grits, bulgur, couscous,
  • legumes: lentils, beans, peas, corn,
  • whole wheat bread.

When losing weight for a woman, it is important to take into account the amount of complex carbohydrates, protein foods and fats in the daily calorie intake.

Possible errors when calculating calories

The main errors in calculating daily caloric content:

  1. Physiological features.
  2. Hormonal changes and disorders. So, hypothyroidism contributes to a slowdown in metabolism, causes a violation of the water-salt balance in the body (which is reflected in the form of swelling).
  3. Fluid retention in the body. Due to the use a large number salt, smoked meats, hot spices water retention occurs, swelling of the body appears. When losing weight, weighing will be incorrect, because due to excess fluid in the body, body weight will be greater than it actually is.
  4. CFA in the calculations are approximate. It is impossible to determine the exact number of calories burned during sports.

To avoid possible errors in the calculations, it is recommended to keep a food diary, which will reflect all the foods eaten during the day. So, observing the diet for 3-4 weeks, you can identify unnecessary and high-calorie foods interfering with weight loss.

A qualified specialist (nutritionist, trainer) will help you correctly calculate the daily calorie intake. Taking into account individual characteristics, gender, age, height and CFA level, a specialist will be able to more accurately calculate how many calories the body needs to consume and perform physiological functions.

Calculating and applying the daily calorie intake is a useful practice that allows you to lead a normal lifestyle and at the same time noticeably lose weight. Knowing how many calories are in each particular product, you can calculate the rate of consumption of BJU.