Complex for weight loss for a month. Secrets of proper weight loss at home

The busy schedule of the working day and household chores practically do not leave free time for visiting fitness centers. But physical activity and nutrition are the most effective tool in the fight against extra pounds. A monthly weight loss program for girls at home is a worthy alternative that provides a positive result in losing weight and keeping fit.

Program development rules

In order for homework to be effective in the fight against extra pounds, you should correctly plan. First of all, it is necessary to exclude health disorders that lead to an increase in body weight. You can't do without consulting a specialist in this matter. If there are no serious problems during the examination, it is worth developing a special one and choosing a set of physical exercises. These will be the main points of the weight loss program. Both factors play a decisive role, because they control the intake of beneficial trace elements and their processing. If the number of calories is calculated correctly, taking into account lifestyle and physical activity, then the body will look for the missing energy in deferred fat accumulations. This ensures a balanced diet, stimulation of metabolism and cleansing of the intestines from toxins and decay products.

The decisive factor in losing weight is the psycho-emotional state. A woman should not only want change, but also strive in every possible way to achieve her goal. With insufficient motivation, it is almost impossible to achieve results.

Factors to consider when drawing up a plan:

  • the goals set should be feasible and achievable (difficult tasks are best broken down into several stages in order to maintain motivation);
  • exercises at home are performed systematically and better at a certain time;
  • any changes in the program and load should be increased gradually, it is more important to gain a foothold in the achieved position;
  • timely use of water gives the body energy and strength, and also helps to cleanse the intestines;
  • proper nutrition saturates the body essential vitamins and nutrients, so to develop a diet, it is better to contact an experienced nutritionist;
  • classes at home should be carried out in a ventilated room after wet cleaning; when performing the complex, it is recommended not to be distracted by extraneous matters.

The lesson plan is determined by the physical condition. If a woman has not been involved in sports before, then the basic program is taken as a basis with 3 workouts per week without the use of additional weights. Own body weight for the first time will be quite enough. Girls advanced in fitness can use sports equipment at home (dumbbells, exercise bike, etc.), directing efforts to train certain muscle groups.

Each program has its own duration, during which you can get rid of a certain amount extra pounds. Duration can be 2 weeks, 30 days, 3 months, six months. As an example, consider a 2-week plan that guarantees weight loss by 10 kg.

Main points:

  1. physical exercises are performed in the gym or at home daily;
  2. daily diet is limited to 1500-1800 calories;
  3. in the morning -, in the evening - jogging;
  4. to stimulate the metabolic process, the use of special supplements is recommended.

If a monthly program is chosen, then the above example cannot be used, since another course differs in the intensity of training and, as a result, in the diet.

The minus 60 program is especially popular, which provides for the use of combined products and physical training 3-4 times a week. These are absolutely simple exercises that do not exhaust heavy loads. The main emphasis in the methodology is on the diet and restrictions on the time of eating.


The weight loss plan for the home program is supplemented by another important point, which concerns the preparation of a detailed menu, taking into account the days of training and without physical activity. This determines the number of calories consumed and their daily consumption. If the calculations are done incorrectly, the body may weaken as a result of a lack of nutrients or accumulate even more fat reserves.

The dietary intake must meet the following criteria:

  • when compiling the menu by day, special attention is paid to the ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates;
  • high-calorie foods should be completely excluded;
  • when choosing ingredients, give preference to plant foods;
  • you need to eat by the hour, dividing daily allowance for 3-4 receptions;
  • to replenish the water balance, use only purified water, green or herbal tea, decoctions or any other drinks for weight loss.

Almost all diets have a list of prohibited foods, they usually refer to unhealthy foods that contribute to weight gain. home program weight loss is no exception, so you should not include them in the menu.

Women after childbirth are advised to develop a diet with the assistance of a nutritionist in order to provide mother's milk with the nutrients necessary for the normal development of the child. At the moment, there are several options for home weight loss for new mothers, from which you can choose an acceptable method.

A set of exercises

Classes in the gym take place using various simulators and equipment. To perform exercises at home, you will need primitive items: a rug, a jump rope, dumbbells (3-8 kg). If other equipment is available, it can also be used to correct individual parts of the figure.

The basic program is designed for 5-6 months with 3 workouts per week (20-30 minutes each). Only after passing it is it recommended to move to another, more advanced level.

The program includes the following exercises:

  • lifting on toes (from 10 to 30 times with 3 approaches);
  • squats (from 15 to 30 times with 3 approaches);
  • lunges to the sides (from 10 to 25 times with 2 approaches);
  • push-ups from the knees (from 10 to 25 times with 3 approaches);
  • work with the press (from 15 to the maximum indicator with 2 approaches);
  • chair push-ups (from 10 to 35 times with 3 approaches).

Useful additions can be jumping rope and working with a hoop to shape the waistline. A separate mini complex is being developed for the neck, muscles of the arms and hips.

The implementation of the complex for 6 months guarantees:

- a surge of strength and energy;

- skin tightening;

- normalization of metabolic processes in the body;

- disappearance and significant reduction of subcutaneous fat.


Physical exercises provide a load not only on muscle tissue, but also on all vital systems. Therefore, experts recommend that people who have impaired work of cardio-vascular system or gastrointestinal tract, develop a home exercise program with the participation of a doctor. The program should be abandoned in case of any inflammatory processes in the body, as well as in the period after severe injuries and surgery.

Workout program for weight loss at home - how to understand where to start training at home, when to increase the load if you want to lose weight, when to rest, how many days a week to train, what muscles to always have an amazing figure and not die on a sports mat.

Now is the end of March and the preparation for the beach season makes us look at ourselves in the mirror more often, imagine ourselves in a swimsuit, strain our muscles and understand that it's time to pump them up, lose those extra pounds.

Is it possible to lose weight at home?

Let's start creating right now weight loss workout program at home Take a piece of paper, a pen and immediately write down your thoughts and reflections that will arise while reading the article.

Weight loss workout program at home or how to be in perfect shape 12 months a year

We decided to start again on Monday. You promise, to yourself and others, to exercise regularly, monitor nutrition and be more positive, summer is coming soon ...

Well, let's challenge ourselves and emerge victorious from it.

Today I walked with my daughter under the spring sun and realized that I have to tell you: “how to plan your training programs correctly. How to achieve your goals at the right time. How to manage to create your ideal figure for the summer, on New Year, For birthday".

Admit it, we constantly do "something for a certain amount, without understanding why."

Squats 5 x 40 reps, press 2 x 300 reps, jump rope 10 minutes. Well, we completed this load today, and what to do tomorrow, and what to do in a week.

Now I will talk about the real planning that professional athletes use. Those. this planning does not include the option "And quickly, in 2 weeks I will lose 10 kilograms."

Set the main task for 3 months

How many kilograms to change the weight, how to change the figure, in which specific parts of the body.

Now it is important to understand what you will do each month for your goal.

What are you doing now to achieve it, and with what actions are you digging "deep" and turning it into an impossible goal.

What do you need to give up, what to change in your regimen.

Each month, write down 5 mini goals that you will solve.

First month. Workout program for weight loss at home

First month it is necessary to start with a clear planning of exercises, load and monitor the dynamics of changes.

Now you are becoming your coach, and the award for winning the “Perfect Figure on the Beach” competition is now the hottest topic for which you want to try, change, reshape your daily routine, life, do more ...

So. Record...

1 month time for basic exercises that will tone all the muscles of the body.

The intensity of the exercises is moderate, since you need to prepare not only the muscles, but also all body systems for regular exercise:

- cardiovascular

- respiratory

- increase the overall endurance of the body.

“Sharp start - fast finish” is the rule of life. Do not start with a load that you are not ready for now. Plan rest days, without a full recovery, the body will fall into a state of stress and begin to accumulate fat.

Mon., Tue., Wed. : exercise in the morning and flexibility in the evening

Training style:

Interval training, which includes the work of all large muscles:

- leg muscles

- muscles of the buttocks

- back muscles

- Abdominal muscles.

The duration of the workout is 40 minutes. The task is to work out the muscles as efficiently as possible, to feel their work in exercises, to consciously increase the concentration of contraction.

Effect: You will increase your daily calorie expenditure through additional activity. The development of muscle fibers will allow you, with the same diet, to burn more energy every hour during the day. You will prepare the body for regular exercise.

You will again feel that movement, being strong and active is a natural need of the body.

Thu. - a day of long walks, 2 times a day for 1.5 hours. Optional flexibility exercises.

Isolated exercises for the press.

Goal for Thursday: Recovery of physical strength. But at the same time, we do not increase the caloric content of the diet. Often a rest day is accompanied by uncontrolled eating. Now, if your daily activity is lower than usual, you should clearly understand that the need for energy resources ( high-calorie food, complex carbohydrates, extra snacks) decreases

Fri., Sat.,: Morning - interval training for the muscles of the press and legs.

The duration of the workout is up to 60 minutes.

Purpose: Improving the quality of speed endurance of muscles. It is this training style that makes the muscles dense, their thickness increases, but the fat layer decreases. Due to this, in the future, in a month regular work, the first muscle relief will appear.

Sun. Day of rest and protein nutrition.

!!! Workout program for weight loss at home. There are 5 basic exercises that are important to master.

Naturally, the first month workout programs for weight loss at home, you work with your own body weight. In general, you don’t have to worry about the first half of the year, the load of your own body weight is enough for you to lose weight and get rid of the main excess weight.

- Static squat (hold 40 seconds - 1 minute) - up to 4 times. To restore the ligaments of the hip joints and the pelvic floor.

- squats with standing on toes - 60 times at a dynamic pace (to improve blood circulation and prevent varicose veins)

- plank 40 seconds - 4 times

- hold the half-bridge for 3-4 minutes - this is the leader from the best exercises for moms

it improves posture, relaxes the neck muscles and exercises the back muscles.

Its regular implementation will help to avoid "humped back" and lower back pain.

- twisting on the press

Today you will receive a video complex for working with abdominal muscles. The program is designed specifically for women.

Workout program for weight loss at home. Basic exercises for the abdominal muscles.

Watch the video. Plan a training program for the next week from them and wait for the continuation. Next week you will receive a video program " workout program for weight loss at home conditions with basic exercises for leg muscles "

Workout program for weight loss at home. Photo exercise for training on weekends.

Workout program for weight loss at home. Nutrition recommendations.

Day 1

From 100 g oatmeal cook porridge and add Art. a spoonful of raisins, black coffee or green tea. Do not put sugar. 360 kcal.
Kefir 1% - 1 glass, cereal bread - 2 pieces. 157kcal.
Boil, bake or stew skinless chicken breast - 100 g, boiled rice - 100 g, tomato - 1 piece, mineral water. 246 kcal.
afternoon tea
Yogurt without any fillers, 1.5% fat - 125 g, kiwi - 1 piece. 133 kcal.
Crab meat with arugula salad, mineral water. 196 kcal.

Day 2

Boil 100 g of buckwheat, add vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon, black coffee or green tea. 356 kcal.
Apple -1 piece, skinny cottage cheese - 150 g, tea or mineral water. 148 kcal.
beef steak with vegetables, mineral water. 364 kcal.
afternoon tea
Carrot or pumpkin juice- 1 cup, cereal loaf - 1 piece. 152 kcal.
Low-fat fish (stewed or grilled) - 200g, green salad seasoned with lemon juice, mineral water.
"The number of calories per day is 1192."

Day 3

Boiled egg - 1 piece, grain bread - 2 pieces, coffee or tea. 368 kcal.
Pomegranate, pear and unsalted nuts - 10 pieces, mineral water or tea. 162 kcal.
Soft cheese– 60 g, octopus salad, mineral water. 162 kcal.
afternoon tea.
natural yogurt(fat content 1.5%) - 125 g, green salad seasoned with lemon. 148 kcal.
From milk (fat content 0.55) and 2 proteins, green onions and tomatoes, fry an omelet, mineral mivoda. 169 kcal.
The daily volume of kcal is 1185.

Day 4

Grapefruit - 1 piece, oatmeal porridge (according to Monday's recipe), coffee or green tea. 345 kcal.
Cottage cheese skinny -200g, mix it with greens, radish and parsley, tea - green or black. 172 kcal.
Veal (boiled or stewed on the grill) - 200 g, green pea- 200 g, salad: fresh herbs and lemon juice, apple 1 piece, mineral water or tea. 134 kcal.
afternoon tea
Stew champignons (200 g) together with tomatoes and onions and season with 1 tablespoon of sour cream (fat content -10%), one apple, mineral water or tea. 134 kcal.
Salad of vegetables and parmesan cheese, mineral water. 182 kcal.
Daily calories - 1185

Day 5

Dried apricots - 60 g, cereals - 2 pieces, cheese (fat content 17%) -30 g, green tea or coffee. 336 kcal.
Egg, vegetable juice - 1 cup. 114 kcal.
Mineral water and mushroom risotto. 395 kcal.
afternoon tea
Apple, 150 g low-fat cottage cheese, green or black tea. 148 kcal.
Braised fish-200g, green salad with lemon, mineral water. 155 kcal.
Daily volume kcal - 1148

Day 6

Porridge from 100 g of buckwheat and 1 tbsp. spoons vegetable oil, green tea. 356 kcal.
Mozzarella cheese - 100 g, ripe tomatoes and basil. 148 kcal.
Low-fat fish (stewed or grilled) - 150 g, one boiled potato, greens and lemon salad and mineral water. 335 kcal.
afternoon tea
Orange, yogurt - 125 g, mineral water. 148 kcal.
Peeled shrimps - 200 g, greens and mineral water. 168 kcal.
The daily volume of kcal is 1155.

Day 7

Skinny cottage cheese - 200 g, berries (fresh or frozen) 100 g, coffee or tea. 254 kcal.
Yogurt (2.5%) - 1 cup, cereal -2. 129 kcal.
Kenyan beans, green salad with lemon, mineral water. 454 kcal.
afternoon tea
Boiled egg, tomato, apple, tea. 141 kcal.
Veal - 150 g, 100 grams of fresh cabbage salad, water. 163 kcal.
Daily volume kcal - 1141

Have a good day.

Try right now to write down the next 3 months and dates on which you want to be in perfect shape on a piece of your goal. Understand that you need to write a strategy-plan for how to achieve this, otherwise these goals may not be achieved.
And yes, such long-term planning for every day is especially important at the time of pregnancy planning or recovery after childbirth. You can clearly plan when you start working on the muscles in which mode, so as not to miss the moment of returning to your previous form.

P.S.: Here are all the step by step tutorials and reviews weight loss programs at home

Live Differently with Anastasia Bogatenkova It's a big friendly family. It has a place for all your goals, because you strive for them.
Become different, become stronger, better, wiser, “deeper in thoughts”, stronger in spirit. It's all about us, "otherwise living."

  1. Drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day, in addition to tea, coffee, compotes and drinking yoghurts. Start every morning with a glass of clean water. Take a bottle of water to work and keep it next to you so you don't forget to drink. In just a few days it will become a habit. But remember that you can drink at least an hour after eating.
  2. Cut out sweets, bread, fast food, fatty, fried foods from your diet. It is better to replace all this with fruits, baked dishes and vitamin salads. If without sweet it becomes completely dreary, it is allowed to eat a piece of dark chocolate. And yes, go to the store only full. On an empty stomach, you run the risk of being tempted by food that is contrary to the principles of proper nutrition.
  3. Breakfast, lunch and light dinner should be at the same time. Insert small snacks between main meals:, dried fruits, homemade yogurt, diet bread, low fat cheese, fruits and vegetables. So the body will not panic and try to stock up on fats for the future.
    Proper weight loss is a kilogram per week. That is 4 kg per month. Yes, you will lose weight slowly, but you will not gain it soon either. And this is a big plus.
  4. Get moving. If you do not play sports in specialized clubs, then try to walk every evening and do a certain exercise program at home every other day. Don't stay at work. Get up every 20-30 minutes and walk around the office. When you move, the body comes to life, gets rid of excess reserves and is enriched with oxygen.
  5. Forget about losing weight. Make it clear to yourself that you have switched to a healthy lifestyle that will help you become a better person. Enjoy the process and keep a positive attitude. Take a photo, weigh yourself and measure the main parameters of the body before starting the course to evaluate the results of your efforts.

Fitness program

You can do exercises every other day so that the body has time to recover. The workout is suitable for both women and men.

First, do a warm-up: light running in place, torso tilts to the right and left, squats (10-15 times) and arbitrary arm swings.

Then move on to the main workout. At first, each exercise is done in 2-3 sets of 10-20 repetitions. The pause between sets is no more than two minutes. Gradually, the load increases.

Press pumping unit

Starting position - lying on your back. Place your hands behind your head or on your chest. Spread your elbows out to the sides. Bend your legs slightly at the knees at an angle of 45-60 degrees and lift them off the floor.

Now start raising your head. Pull your chin towards your chest. Reach the maximum possible point for you and return to the starting position. If it gets difficult, move over to the couch and put your feet up on it. Or just bend your legs at a 90 degree angle.

Lie on your side, lean on your elbow. Then lift your body so that you get a completely straight line with no sagging or protruding parts. In this case, you should not feel pain, only tension. You need to perform the exercise on each hand in turn.

Lie on the floor, bend your knees slightly. Slowly lift the body and start twisting first in one direction, then in the other. Try to touch the opposite knee with your elbow.

At the bottom, do not lie completely on your back. Hold two centimeters from the floor. So you keep the tension in the muscles and work them more efficiently. Be sure to keep your hands behind your head.

4. Boat

Lying on your stomach, lift your chest and outstretched legs as high as you can. Hands at this time lie along the body. Then stretch your arms forward and maintain the accepted position for five deep breaths. Put your hands behind your back, grab your ankles and try to rock back and forth a little.

Block for pumping the buttocks and thighs

Lie on your back, bend your knees, and place your hands along the body with palms down. As you exhale, lift your hips up to the maximum possible point (usually this gives a strong muscle tension). At this point, you need to fix for a few seconds. Your back should remain straight. On an inhale, slowly return to the starting position.

Get on your knees and rest your forearms on the floor. The back is straight, slightly arched in the lower back, looking forward. Next, inhale and take one leg back, fixing it at the top point for a few seconds. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

Lie on your right side, lean your right hand on the floor, put your left on your waist or on the floor. The right leg is straight, the left is bent at an angle of 90 degrees. Pull the toe of your right foot towards you and lift it to the maximum possible point. Then return your leg to its original position.

Exercise must be done on both legs.

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended forward. Slowly start squatting. Lower your buttocks as if there is a chair behind you that you can sit on, that is, to a level where they are parallel to the floor. Now slowly rise, controlling every movement.

Arm muscle tightening block

Get on your knees. Take an emphasis lying down, placing your hands under top chest. The distance between the palms should be slightly more than the width of the shoulders. From the bottom point, begin to lift the body, leaning on your hands and knees, but at the same time keep your leg in weight and pull it up. The press and buttocks are tense. If it is difficult, you can do push-ups on your legs bent at the knees.

2. Rock climber

Make a plank. The body should be a kind of straight line, the press and buttocks are tense. Bend your right leg at the knee and pull it towards your chest. Place your toes on the floor, then return your foot to the starting position. Repeat the same with the other leg.

Stretch block

This block can be changed by adding a wide variety of exercises for before and after training.

Sit on the floor, bend your knees and press one foot to the other. Spread your knees out to the sides and place your palms on them. Gently pressing on them, press your knees to the floor, trying to achieve full contact on the entire outer surface of the leg. Hold for 10-15 seconds and release the pressure.

Sit on the mat, stretch your right leg, and bend your left at the knee and throw it behind your right. Then turn the torso to the left and rest the elbow of the right hand on the knee of the left leg. Hold this position for a few seconds.

3. Cat

Get on all fours, stoop with all your might. Maintain the accepted position for 15 seconds. Then arch your back and look up. Hold this position for 15 seconds.

4. Back riding

Lying on your back and bending your legs, try to get your chin to your knees, and your knees to your chin. At the same time, swing, clasping your legs with your hands. So all parts of the spine are stretched.

Menu for the month

To lose weight in a month, you need to be fractional, balanced and use quality foods. In no case do not starve, but do not overeat.

To do this, concentrate on the taste of food, its aroma, texture. Eat slowly and thoughtfully, without being distracted by the TV, computer or book. This way you will be satisfied with less food.

Overeating is partly a stress-eating and yearning for vivid emotions. Try to spend your free time as varied as possible. Meet friends, think about your favorite hobbies. After a working day, try to relax, take a bath, free your thoughts and concentrate on loved ones.

Lifehacker offers eight options for each meal. Combine them however you like. But remember a few rules:

  1. Salt is best eliminated from the diet or reduce its consumption. Salt retains water, which means it prevents the body from removing toxins.
  2. Store-bought sauces are high in calories and contain many artificial additives, and seasonings can whet the appetite. Therefore, it is better to cook on your own and, and.
  3. From drinks, in addition to pure water, give preference to green tea, vegetable and fruit juices. Limit your intake coffee drinks(latte, cappuccino and so on), purchased juices and tea with sugar.
  4. Remember that alcohol is a high-calorie drink that stimulates the appetite. Let's drink half a glass good wine once a week.


  1. Oatmeal and some dried fruit, low-fat milk and fruit.
  2. vegetable salad with olive oil. Hot sandwich from whole grain bread.
  3. Oatmeal porridge with a spoonful of raisins.
  4. Boiled buckwheat with a tablespoon of vegetable oil.
  5. Fried eggs, large tomato, cheese and black bread sandwich.
  6. Fat-free cottage cheese mixed with parsley, radish and herbs.
  7. Buckwheat with boiled chicken, lettuce leaf.
  8. Fat-free cottage cheese mixed in a blender with a banana.

First snack

  1. Fruit or crackers with cheese.
  2. Fat-free cottage cheese, fresh or frozen berries.
  3. One glass of kefir (1% fat) and two cereals.
  4. One apple, fat-free cottage cheese.
  5. Fruit or crackers with cheese.
  6. Low-fat cheese and diet bread.
  7. One boiled egg and a glass of vegetable juice.
  8. Mozzarella, ripe tomatoes with basil.


  1. Soup with chicken and vegetables. Chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, bell pepper, onion and lettuce with olive oil.
  2. Broccoli baked with cod. fresh leaf lettuce.
  3. Boiled, stewed or baked chicken breast without skin with boiled rice. Light salad from vegetables.
  4. Steamed veal with potatoes. Salad of tomatoes and cheese.
  5. Stewed or boiled veal. Salad from green onion, tomatoes and olives sprinkled with lemon juice.
  6. Vegetarian soup with a slice of second-rate bread. Vegetable salad dressed with olive oil.
  7. Grilled lean fish and boiled potatoes. Green salad dressed with lemon juice
  8. Stewed liver with buckwheat garnish. Vegetable mix.

Second snack

  1. One glass of curdled milk (2.5% fat) and two cereals.
  2. Oatmeal cookies, green tea.
  3. Natural yogurt (1.5% fat), dietary bread.
  4. Fat-free cottage cheese with honey.
  5. Low calorie yogurt, a few oatmeal cookies.
  6. Boiled egg, tomato.
  7. Kefir with black bread.
  8. A glass of drinking yogurt.


  1. Roasted bell pepper stuffed brown rice and minced beef. Cherry tomatoes with soft cheese and some greens.
  2. Fish fillet with vegetables. Natural yogurt.
  3. Grilled or stewed lean fish. Green salad dressed with lemon juice.
  4. Salmon with rice garnish. Sliced ​​tomato.
  5. of two proteins with low-fat milk, tomato and green onions.
  6. Casserole with cheese, lean veal and vegetables. Sandwich of second-class bread and pink salmon.
  7. Braised fish. Green salad dressed with lemon juice.
  8. Braised or baked veal. Fresh cabbage salad.

Strictly adhering to this menu and doing physical exercises, you can lose from 2-4 kg. Tune in that now a healthy lifestyle, a calmer attitude to stressful situations is your credo. Love yourself and be healthy!

Given the ever-increasing prices of gym classes, it is understandable that losing weight at home is becoming increasingly popular. Home workouts with the right approach can be even more effective. Therefore, do not belittle the potential of such activities, just do it and observe the result.

While exercising, do not forget that absolutely any exercise to some extent involves all the muscles. Therefore, you should not place a strong emphasis on any particular muscle group, so as not to pump over.

Start the complex with a few visits and a small number of repetitions, gradually bringing the number of repetitions to 50.


Get into a fours pose. At the same time, lift your arm off the floor, for example, the left one, and the leg located diagonally to it, i.e. right. The extended limbs should form a straight line. Repeat the exercise with the other arm and leg.

Balancing lying

Lie down on the floor. Press your hands to the body. On "once" - tear off your shoulders from the floor. Hold this position, trying to maintain balance as long as possible. Then relax and do a couple more passes.

active exercise

Stand up straight on the floor. On "one" - squat down, placing your palms on the floor. On "two" - jump your legs back. On "three" - return the legs with a jump to the place. On "four" - take the starting position. Do the exercise as actively as possible.

Twisting with a bike

Lie down on the floor. Clasp your hands behind your head. Raise your straight legs off the floor a few centimeters. Start in turn connecting your elbows with your knees, located diagonally to each other. In this case, the free leg should not be placed on the floor.

Leg and thigh exercises

Get on the floor. On "one" jump, spreading your legs in flight. When landing, squat deeply so that your knees form a 900 angle. With the help of a second jump, return to the starting position.

Effective jumps

Jump as high as possible, but not just like that, but pulling your knees to your chest. The exercise is not quite simple, but very effective, especially for muscles.

Exercise "thin waist"

Lie on your side. Lean on your arm bent at the elbow. Put your free hand on . The legs must be closed. Stay in this position for as long as you can. You can vary the exercise. Just start lowering and raising your hips, lightly touching the floor with them.

Home exercises for weight loss of the abdomen, thighs and arms

The safest exercise for weight loss and at the same time very effective is the plank. You need to take the right position and stay in it for as long as possible.

On the floor, take the starting position, as if you are going to do push-ups, only you should lean on your elbows. Stay in the accepted position for at least a minute, gradually increasing the time of the exercise.

Make sure that the body forms a straight line, does not bend or bend anywhere. It seems simple, which is very deceptive. In just a few seconds, the body will begin to shake, and there will be a temptation to stop - do not give in to it.

The advantage of statics is that with one exercise you work out every muscle in your body as much as possible. Imagine, devoting just 1-5 minutes a day, you will be able to give your body seductive forms in a short time.

A set of exercises for losing weight at home: video

In the end, how good it is to break the pattern - and start working on the dream body not from March, but right now. Moreover, winter is a period of weight gain. Someone puts up with this, wrapping themselves in voluminous sweaters and leaning on high-calorie foods. And you do everything correctly in order to immediately tune in to an active mood in 2015. Our strategy will help you stay on course.

First, study the responses to the various “I can’t” that interfere with fitness
(in the block "" on the 3rd page). Plus, take advantage of the training program from star trainer Adam Rosante, author of The 30-Second Body (“The Body in Thirty Seconds”).

The plan is designed for maximum calorie consumption in minimum time. Strength (3) and cardio (2) alternate for 5 days, but each takes only half an hour or less. In the remaining 2 days from classes, you can relax with a soul calm for the figure.

Power training

These vigorous exercises tighten muscles and save you a lot of calories.

How to practice

  1. Do exercises in pairs (1A and 1B, 2A and 2B, 3A and 3B).
  2. Completed a couple - rest 1 minute, repeat the same thing 2 more times. If difficult, take a breath until recovery and between movements within the couple.
  3. Then move on to the next program number.
  4. In single exercise 4, rest 60 seconds between sets (the last should also be 3).
  5. So you work out the first week, and on the second, reduce the breaks to 50 seconds, on the third to 40, and on the fourth to 30.

1A. Squat + press up

  • Stand up, holding dumbbells of 3-8 kg at the shoulder joints (bars of shells are parallel to each other): feet shoulder-width apart, socks slightly turned. Lower yourself into a squat, pushing your pelvis back (A). ( .)
  • Extending your legs, straighten up and push the dumbbells over your head (without changing the position of the bar). Press keep tense (B). Pause and return to position A is 1 repetition. Do 12 in total.

1b. Single leg row with bicep curl

  • Stand up, holding dumbbells of 3–8 kg in lowered hands in front of the hips (palms facing you): feet hip-width apart. Lean forward, lifting your right leg back for balance (A). Attention! Keep your back straight and your feet free.
  • Squeezing the gluteal muscles, straighten up, turn your arms palms forward and do a bicep curl (B). Hold at the top, then lower the projectiles. it
    1 rep. Do 6 on one side, then the same amount on the other.