Recipes for making fruit ice. Ice made from baby fruit puree

When it's hot outside, all a person can think about is how to quench their thirst. There are many different ways and one of them is cooking fruit ice.

This ice cream saves you from the heat and is considered healthy and refreshing, since it contains no fats or proteins, but only vitamins from fruit juices. But this will only “work” if you do fruit ice at home, without adding harmful preservatives. Therefore, if you are watching your figure and do not eat ice cream, ice cream, popsicles, then you can always make fruit ice. But store-bought fruit desserts contain additives and preservatives (such as dyes and acidity regulators) that are completely unnecessary for humans (especially children).

Making fruit dessert at home

Fruit ice is a dessert not only for children; adults also love this delicacy, and not necessarily during the hot season. Making ice cream at home is not at all difficult; you can use fresh, canned or frozen berries and fruits.

Popsicle ice cream is usually frozen in special forms (for example, for ice). Fruit ice can be made either single-colored or multi-colored. For this purpose, puree or juice of various fruits and berries is used. And if you need to make multi-layer ice cream, then the puree is poured into molds in layers: first, a little mixture of one color, freeze it, then another color and freeze again, and so on until the desired result is obtained.

In addition, you can make layers of different sizes. For example, first pour a 2 cm layer of strawberry puree, freeze it, then pour a 5 cm layer of cherry puree and freeze it. And if you pour different juices and purees into the mold at the same time, you will get an original ice cream design.

Ice treat recipes

Fruit ice is made at home according to the most various recipes. But even the most difficult of them can be handled by novice cooks - you just need to follow the instructions given in the recipe. Having tasted fruit ice at home, you can feel all its benefits: thanks to the beneficial vitamins it contains, it gives you good health and refreshes the body. So, how to make ice cream at home?

There is one very simple recipe. To do this, you only need a special form in which the ice cream will be frozen, and fruit juice. Alternatively, you can use a plastic yogurt cup, a regular cup, etc. So, first you should pour any berry juice into the mold and put it in freezer. When the liquid hardens a little, you need to insert a stick into it to hold the treat. After this, you should freeze the dessert until the end. In order for the ice cream to be easily removed from the mold, it should be lowered into warm water for a few seconds. Such a simple dessert will be even tastier if you make it not from store-bought juice, but from fresh homemade juice.

Another recipe for making an ice treat at home is to make ice from berries. You need to add sugar to the berries, wait until the juice comes out, mix it all, pour into cups and freeze.

More information about making fruit ice is described in the video:

Ice cream made with sugar syrup, yogurt and gelatin

The following recipes are more complex. For example, you can prepare a fruit treat using sugar syrup. To do this you will need 0.5 kg of berries, 100 grams of sugar, 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and water. First you need to pour sugar into a saucepan and pour boiling water over it. The syrup will be ready when the water boils and the sugar has completely dissolved. Then you need to wash the berries, mash them with a spoon, add lemon juice and mix it all. After this you need to add the cooled sugar syrup and mix again, and then you can pour the resulting mass into cups and put it in the freezer.

Another delicious dessert can be obtained from fruit yoghurt ice. For this you will need:

You need to beat the yogurt, then add apple juice to it and mix. The resulting mixture can be poured into molds, filling them 1/3, half or completely (depending on how many layers need to be made). If there are several layers, you should first completely freeze the previous mixture before adding the next one. You can combine layers of yogurt only with juices or immediately make a mixture with yogurt.

Another recipe for an ice dessert - with gelatin. To prepare this delicacy you will need:

  • 300 g sugar
  • 400 ml water
  • 250 g fruit puree
  • 6 g gelatin
  • Lemon juice.

First, you need to pour 3 tablespoons of gelatin into a saucepan, pour boiled cooled water over it and leave for 30 minutes. Pour sugar into the remaining water, bring to a boil and pour gelatin with water. The mixture must be boiled for 2-3 minutes (stirring constantly), then add the fruit puree and mix everything again. The resulting mass must be filtered through a sieve. When the mixture has cooled, add lemon juice, mix and pour into molds. After this, they can be placed in the freezer.

Strawberry and pineapple ice cream

The ice treat can be made from any fruit or berries you have at home. For example, from strawberries. For those who don’t know how to make this ice cream, there is a special recipe:

  • 0.5 kg strawberries
  • 100 g powdered sugar
  • 100 ml water
  • 1 lemon (or half a lemon).

First you need to puree the strawberries with a blender, then rub the resulting puree through a sieve and add lemon juice. Next, you need to pour water into the pan, pour into it powdered sugar, stir and bring to a boil. Then you need to boil the mixture for another 2 minutes and let it cool slightly. After this, pour the strawberry mixture into the syrup, mix again and pour into molds. When the dessert has been in the freezer and hardened a little, you need to insert a stick into each mold.

Another recipe for an ice treat is made from pineapple. For this you will need:

  • 0.5 kg pineapple (canned)
  • 600 ml water
  • 100 ml lemon juice
  • 400 g sugar.

First you need to cook sugar syrup from water and sugar. The amount of sugar depends on how sweet your ice cream is and whether you use fresh or canned pineapple. Next, cut the pineapple pulp into pieces, put it in a blender and puree it. Then you need to add sugar syrup, lemon juice to the pineapple puree, mix it all and pour into molds. If necessary, you need to insert ice cream sticks (at a time when the dessert has not yet completely frozen). After this, you should put the fruit treat in the freezer until completely frozen.

Another recipe for fruit ice is given in the video:

Lemon, cherry and pear ice cream

For the lemon ice dessert you will need:

  • 3 lemons
  • 120 g sugar
  • 120 ml water
  • 5-6 g gelatin.

First, you need to grate the zest of 1 lemon and squeeze the juice out of the rest. Next, you need to prepare a syrup from water and sugar, put the zest in it and cook for 5 minutes over low heat. You need to wait a little until the mixture cools down, and then strain it. After this, you need to add pre-soaked gelatin and stir it well. Then you need to add lemon juice, stir, cool, pour into molds and put in the freezer - the lemon delicacy is ready!

For the cherry ice treat you will need the following ingredients:

  • 700 ml cherry juice
  • 200 ml water
  • 1 cup of sugar.

For those who already know how to make such desserts, this recipe will be very easy. So, you need to cook syrup from water and sugar. When the mixture has cooled, add cherry juice to it, mix, pour into molds and put in the freezer.

And finally, pear flavored popsicles. To prepare this delicacy you will need:

  • 0.5 kg pears
  • 150 ml water
  • 100 g sugar
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice
  • Vanillin.

First, the pears must be washed well and cut into pieces, removing all the seeds and stems. Then you need to prepare a syrup from water and sugar. Place cut pears into the resulting mixture, add a pinch of vanillin and cook until the pears are softened. After this, the mass must be whipped with a blender and cooled. All that remains is to add lemon juice, mix again, put into molds and put in the freezer.

And finally, some practical advice:

  • To prepare the ice treat, you should only use fresh fruits
  • No need to add a lot of water to the puree
  • Do not keep ice in the freezer for too long.

In general, preparing an ice dessert is not difficult, and the result is wonderful ice cream, much tastier and healthier when compared to a similar dessert in the store.

Raspberries, currants, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries... The harvest grown with difficulty and care must not only be harvested, but also properly preserved so as not to lose taste, aroma, and most importantly, vitamins. The most famous, healthy and simple way to store berries and fruits is to freeze them.

How to make fruit ice: preparation methods

You can easily make your own delicacy such as fruit ice, which will save you from the heat, giving you a little coolness. In addition, it is a champion in low calorie content, it contains neither fat nor protein, and along with the treat you will receive healthy vitamins A, D, E, P, group B, as well as minerals.

  1. There are several ways to make your own fruit ice. The easiest way to prepare a treat is from juice, which is frozen in a special mold. After the liquid has frozen slightly, you can insert a wooden stick into the mold.
  2. The second method involves making fruit ice from berries with added sugar. to taste if sour berries are used. The resulting mass is poured into molds and then frozen.
  3. There is another cooking option, but it is a little more complicated than the previous ones. You need to grind 0.5 kg of berries in a blender or mash with a spoon. Add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice to the resulting mass. Add 100 g of sugar (at your discretion) to a saucepan with water, bring to a boil, then cool, and only then add to the berry mass. The resulting mixture must be poured into special molds, cooled, and frozen in the freezer.
  4. Independently besides fruit ice, you can prepare milky fruit ice. For this you will need natural yogurt and 0.5 liters of apple juice. Whisk 140 ml of yogurt and add juice to it. The resulting mixture must be frozen. Then pour blackcurrant juice onto the yoghurt layer, which has already hardened, and freeze again. Using a similar principle, you can prepare the famous traffic light ice: to do this, pour a new one onto each hardened layer, and so on until you get a real rainbow
  5. You can also use a blender to make puree from a wide variety of fresh fruits. They must be washed thoroughly, then cut into small pieces, rinse again. The resulting fruit puree is poured into molds or cups, sticks are inserted and placed in the freezer for 4 hours, after which the fruit ice is ready and easily separated from the molds.

This article does not list all the ways to make fruit ice; experiment, try and you will find your own individual recipe.

How to make delicious homemade popsicles?

However, let us finally give useful tips about how to cook better

  • Choose quality and fresh ingredients. The juice should be natural and slightly diluted with water. The most delicious is obtained from juice with highly concentrated pulp.
  • Fruit ice is an excellent substitute for a variety of cosmetic masks for the neck, face and tired eyelids. Pamper yourself and your skin with cryomassage sessions without leaving your home!
  • To ensure that your fruit ice always turns out beautiful and tasty, remember some rules. If the delicacy is stored in the freezer for a long time, it may harden excessively, so you should not cook it for future use.
  • Prepare juice and puree from berries and fruits immediately before freezing; they should not be kept in this form for a long time. Be sure to rinse all ingredients thoroughly. You can use ready-made fruit juices and purees.
  • More attractive and appetizing ice is obtained if you make it in 2 layers, for example, one of apricots and the other of strawberries, pouring them alternately into molds.
  • Fruit ice can be coffee or tea. If the puree or juice in the recipe is replaced with strong black coffee or tea infusion, then you can get coffee and tea ice, respectively. You can add lemon juice to it to taste.

Many people are interested in how to make ice cream from juice. What could be better than ice cream made from the juice of your favorite fruits! The aromatic fruit ice will appeal to both adults and children. After all, homemade ice cream made from... natural products, does not contain chemicals, which makes it safe and very tasty. Children always join the cooking process with pleasure, because fruit ice is one of their favorite treats.

How do you make ice cream from juice?

To make ice cream from fruit juice, you can use a natural drink, fresh fruit or berries. The recipe is very simple - you only need desire and a little imagination. Below is a detailed description of how you can make your own ice cream from juice at home.

Consider the recipe for Fruit Ice ice cream. To make fruit juice ice cream, you will need:

  • fruit juice, preferably with pulp;
  • sugar syrup;
  • lemon juice;
  • plastic or silicone molds.

This recipe is based on strawberries and kiwi, but oranges, cherries, pineapple and any other fruit can also be used.

How to make ice cream Fruit Ice:

  1. When choosing strawberries, you need to look not at the beauty and size of the berries, but at the ripeness and aroma. Beat them with a blender until smooth. The softer and more aromatic the berry, the better the quality of the ice. The same goes for kiwi. Preference should be given to soft and ripe fruits. And you shouldn’t skimp on fruit on homemade ice cream.
  2. Next comes the preparation of sugar syrup. The amount of sugar is added to your taste. To prevent the syrup from crystallizing, add a little lemon juice. Water and sugar are heated and stirred until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. In separate bowls you need to beat the strawberries and kiwi. Add cooled sugar syrup to each of them.
  4. Prepare the molds. There are special ice cream molds on sale that are very convenient to use. But if you don't have them, then any plastic cups with wooden ice cream sticks will do.
  5. The prepared fruit puree is poured into cups exactly halfway and frozen in the freezer. When the first part of the puree is ready, you need to put the sticks in the cups and fill them with the remaining mass. You can pour kiwi syrup on the strawberry part, and, on the contrary, red strawberry puree on the kiwi. All this is again sent to the freezer for several hours. As a result, you will get a striped assortment called Fruit Ice.

If you have difficulty removing the ice cream, you can lower it into a container with hot water and then it will easily come out of the plastic cup.

People, experimenting, add yogurt and various spices to the recipe. This does not change the cooking technique. Some homemade fruit juice ice cream recipes include stabilizers such as starch or gelatin. If you are a supporter of a softer ice cream, then you will need to add them to the juice.

The cooking process will look like this:

  1. Pre-soaked gelatin or starch diluted in water is added to the finished sugar syrup. Gelatin is soaked for half an hour in cold water at the rate of 6 g per 3 tbsp. water. Starch is diluted in cold water until completely dissolved. The syrup, with a diluted stabilizer, is heated until boiling with continuous stirring.
  2. After connection fruit drink The mixture with syrup must be filtered through a sieve or cheesecloth, then poured into molds and put in the freezer.

To make the ice cream white, you can use milk instead of water.

How to make popsicles?

Let's consider original recipe making ice from juice. Juice ice cream can be made into ice cubes for a variety of drinks. To make such ice from juice, you need shaped molds, preferably made of silicone. Such fruit ice is prepared from undiluted fresh juice, since these pieces of ice will be added to various drinks: lemonade, cocktail, etc.

To prepare ice cubes, both freshly squeezed fruit juice and ready-made ice cubes are suitable. natural drinks, bought in a store. For adults, frozen popsicles with wine added are ideal. This good addition for dessert.

It is prepared as follows:

  1. Add a little granulated sugar to the finished fruit juice and stir until completely dissolved.
  2. Next, white is gradually poured in dry wine. You need very little wine so that it does not overwhelm the taste of the fruit.
  3. If you are a fan of various spices, then you can add a little cinnamon or cloves, this will only improve the taste.
  4. The molds filled with the finished mixture are sent to the freezer until completely hardened.

If you have never made ice cream at home, then this advice will be useful to you: to make the ice cream fluffy and without ice crystals, you need to remove the molds from the freezer several times during the freezing process and beat the mixture thoroughly.

Ice cream or popsicles made from juice at home
What could be better than ice cream made from the juice of your favorite fruits! The aromatic fruit ice will appeal to both adults and children.


How to make popsicles at home.

A tasty treat for children is easy to make at home, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be ice cream - after all, in the summer there are a lot of different fruits and berries that can be used to make not only tasty, but also healthy ice!
Children really like homemade popsicles, so if for some reason you don’t want or can’t please your little one with regular ice cream on a hot day, prepare him this ice treat, it will perfectly replace the desired glass of ice cream, and the benefits of a stick of ice will be much greater!

A glass of warm boiled water
glasses of strawberry juice - I used natural juice,
letting the strawberries sit in a bowl overnight
granulated sugar - you can use less sugar if you like not very sweet desserts 6 g gelatin - I use sheet gelatin, 6 g is 2.5 sheets

Additionally, you will need an ice cream maker or disposable plastic cups.

Recipe for making fruit ice at home

Soak gelatin in cold boiled water for 10 minutes. For 2.5 plates you need 6 tablespoons of water. Pour a glass of warm water into a small saucepan, add granulated sugar and mix thoroughly. Bring sugar syrup to a boil over medium heat, reduce heat. Squeeze out the gelatin and carefully place it in a saucepan with the syrup, stirring constantly and boil over low heat for 2-3 minutes.
Stirring constantly, pour into syrup Strawberry juice, boil for another 2-3 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat, pour the contents into a bowl and cool. To cool quickly, you can place the pan with the syrup in a bowl of cold water. Pour the cooled syrup into the ice cream maker molds; they should be filled to the very edge.

Place the ice cream maker in the freezer for 7-8 hours, ideally overnight. If you don’t have a special ice cream maker, you can use regular disposable cups: pour the syrup into them and insert a teaspoon. To remove fruit ice after freezing, you need to cut the cup and pull it to the sides by the edges of the cut. The cup will break and the ice can be easily removed. As you can see, making popsicles at home is not that difficult.

How to make popsicles at home
A tasty treat for children is easy to make at home, and it doesn’t necessarily have to be ice cream - after all, in the summer there are a lot of different fruits and berries that can be used to prepare not only tasty


Popsicles are the most popular ice cream. It gives coolness and freshness. But its cost leaves much to be desired. Yes and useful substances it's not in it. Therefore, you can make fruit ice at home from natural fruits. Then you will immediately receive double benefits. There are several ways to create such a delicacy. And the simplest of them will be discussed below.

Making popsicles from juice

The easiest option is to create ice cream from plain juice. Take the juice with pulp and pour into molds, for example, into yogurt cups.

Put it all in the freezer. When the juice freezes a little, stick the chopsticks into it. After that, wait until it hardens completely. This will literally result in “fruit ice”.

But it will be too hard. To avoid this, gelatin must be added to the juice. This substance should be diluted in warm water and only then add it to the juice.

Fruit ice pops

Here, for example, is a recipe for fruit ice made from kiwi and strawberries:

  • Take half a kilo of strawberries;
  • Add 1 tbsp to it. a spoonful of sugar and beat in a blender;
  • Fill the molds halfway with this and place them in the freezer;
  • Cut the peeled kiwi into small slices;
  • Beat kiwi with 50 gr. orange juice;
  • Pour the kiwi puree into the molds and place back in the freezer.

This way you will get the most delicious and rich ice cream.

Features of making ice

Of course, anyone can make fruit ice at home, but there are several nuances to this process.

Do not store this dessert too much in the freezer. It will become too hard. It will be impossible to eat it.

When frozen, liquid expands. Do not fill the molds completely. They may burst.

Any berries or fruits are suitable for this dessert. Moreover, you can freeze them whole in puree.

Some people freeze coffee or tea. This is how you get coffee or tea ice cream, which cannot be bought in the store.

Some tips

Each yogurt is itself an ice pop. You can add some fruit to it and freeze it. It will turn out well.

A good combination in this delicacy is chocolate and watermelon. Watermelon pulp It is worth grinding in a blender, adding a little lemon juice and chocolate pieces. This way you will get the perfect taste.

And if you want to use pears, you first need to boil them in sugar syrup. This will make the ice cream more tender.

This way, everyone can create a summer treat. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment.

How to make popsicles at home?
Make popsicles at home. Simple recipes for fruit ice. How to make popsicles at home?


Many people, especially in the hot weather, were thinking about how to make ice cream. Popsicles are a more common type of cool dessert. It can be easily prepared even at home. This cold delicacy is available to everyone. Not only kids, but also adults adore it, especially since ice will lift your spirits not only in the heat. This dessert is low in calories and can be enjoyed by those on a diet; in addition, it contains fruits and berries, which means it contains a lot of vitamins and essential substances.

1) You can use both fresh and frozen fruits (berries). If you don’t have either of those, then canned ones are perfect.

2) You can add either gelatin or starch to the “ice”

3) Freeze in ice cream molds or bowls. Ordinary molds for making ice are also suitable. If there are none, then you can use cups (the most ordinary plastic ones).

Pineapple pieces – 500 gr.

Juice (lemon) – 100 ml.

Sugar – about 300 gr.

Manufacturing process: Cook syrup (sweet) using water and sugar. Cut the pineapple into pieces and use a blender to puree. Add syrup and juice to this mass, mix and pour into molds. If necessary, you can stick in sticks. Place in the freezer.

Strawberries – 500 gr.

Water – about 400 ml.

Sweet sand – about 200 gr.

Boil water and add sugar. Boil the strawberries in sweet syrup over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Beat with a blender, add starch diluted in water (diluted in a thin stream in a small amount), mix, cool and pour into molds. We put it in the freezer. Now you understand how to make popsicles. At home, if you have all the fruits, you can easily prepare it. Delight your children and family with a tasty, healthy and low-calorie dessert. And if it’s winter outside, then you can bring a drop of summer into the house.

How to make delicious fruit ice at home?
Live Notes: How to make tasty popsicles at home?


How to make popsicles at home?

Popsicles are essentially a type of ice cream. This ice is usually eaten...

Making fruit ice of various colors, tastes and shapes is not at all difficult, especially if you know a few secrets, have a sense of taste and have at least a little imagination. This healthy dessert you can cook not only from fresh ingredients, but also from frozen and even canned food. In addition to fruits and berries, gelatin, starch and even yogurt are sometimes added to ice. It is made either single-color, using one type of fruit, or multi-colored - in one layer or in several. Such ice is frozen in ordinary glasses, in ice cream bowls, in ice molds and in general in any baking form. Despite the variety of appearance and taste of this ice cream, making popsicles is very simple, interesting and quite fun! Without thinking about the question of how to make fruit ice, even a child can handle it. You just need to use your imagination, decide to experiment and try to make this ice cream yourself!

Principle of making fruit ice:

1. In order to make tasty, high-quality and healthy fruit ice, first of all, take your favorite berries and fruits, rinse them thoroughly, peel them from stems and seeds, and cut large fruits into small cubes.

2. Prepare the mold of your choice for the future ice cream and don’t forget about the sticks.

3. Grind the fruits and berries you have prepared with a blender or mash with a fork, or pass through a juicer, then place one-third in cups, add juice to the edges of the molds, freeze a little, insert an ice cream stick and put in the freezer for some more time.

4. Once your ice cream has set - carefully holding it by the stick, remove it from the mold and enjoy your work of art. Everything is fast, tasty and beautiful! How to make fruit ice is no longer a problem for you!

  • Before making ice, squeeze and dry all ingredients very well to prevent any remaining water droplets inside your ice cream from turning into crystals.
  • Always choose only quality and preferably fresh berries.
  • Do not store prepared fruit or berry juice for a long time, use it immediately for its intended purpose, otherwise it will quickly spoil.
  • Do not store finished ice cream for a long time - it will harden, turn into ice, and become ugly and tasteless.
  • You can use whole berries and chopped fruits for ice, you can take ready-made juice or puree prepared using a blender or juicer, or you can take ready-made juice purchased in a store.
  • Ice will be more beautiful, appetizing and very attractive if it is made in several layers.
  • Such ice may well be not only fruit, but also tea and coffee.
  • Fruit ice is not only eaten, but also used as a mask for the neck, décolleté and face.

How to make fruit ice in several layers?

To make your ice multi-colored and multi-layered, you need to use several types of fruits and berries. Needs to be filled into forms different juice one by one: first pour a little juice from one berry (about 2-3 cm), freeze it, and then pour the juice of another berry of a different color into the same mold and freeze again. You can do this several times and use it different variants fruits and berries, constantly experimenting with the play of taste and color. The layers can actually be made in different sizes and different forms. It is even possible to freeze the juice at an angle by placing the mold in the freezer at an angle. And by mixing the juices of different fruits immediately before freezing, or stirring them after they freeze a little, you will get very original and always unique patterns and patterns in your ice. Before freezing, add a whole berry or fruit slices to the juice or puree - and the ice cream will become even more beautiful and charming.

Simple recipes for making fruit ice:

Mango ice. Mix half a liter of prepared mango juice, 1 glass of pineapple juice with 1 yogurt. Place all this in a deep bowl, beat a little, pour the resulting mass into molds prepared in advance and put it in the freezer for a couple of hours. After about 40 minutes, you need to stick ice cream sticks into the slightly hardened ice and put them back in the freezer to completely freeze the ice cream.

Lemon raspberry ice. You need: 100 grams of raspberries, lime or half a lemon, 0.5 liters of orange or lemon juice and a few mint leaves. Cut the lime into slices and, together with several raspberries and mint leaves, place in molds for future ice cream. Pour juice over all this and then freeze.

Recipes using starch/gelatin:

Strawberry ice. Boil 400 ml. water and a glass of sugar. Add 500 gr. peeled, washed and dried strawberries and simmer over low heat for another 15 minutes. Then place it all in a blender, beat, carefully pour in the starch diluted in water, and mix. After the entire consistency has cooled, pour into molds and place in the freezer.

Pear ice. 0.5 kg. pears - wash, cut, remove seeds. Prepare sugar syrup as described above, put pieces of pears in it, add a little vanillin and cook until the fruits become soft. Then beat everything in a blender, pour in a little diluted gelatin, cool, add 2 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice, put into molds and freeze.

These are just some of the many options available. existing recipes making fruit ice. In fact, the process of making such ice cream does not require compliance with any strict rules and has absolutely no restrictions. You can always fantasize and create your own unique taste, appearance and a drawing of your ice cream!

How to make popsicles at home?
How to make popsicles at home? Popsicles are essentially a type of ice cream. This kind of ice is usually eaten... Prepare fruit ice in a variety of different ways

In hot weather, you can quickly refresh yourself with cool drinks and, of course, ice cream, especially if it is frozen juice. I want to introduce you to a simple delicious ice cream recipe based on strawberry puree. This kind of ice cream cannot be compared with the kind you can buy in the store. It can truly be called healthy and refreshing in all respects. As you understand, instead of strawberries you can use any other fruits and berries. Having become familiar with step by step preparation This is delicious, you will understand that there is nothing difficult about it. If you have an ice cream maker, then you can form portions in it. Or just use disposable cups. Serve so delicious and refreshing homemade popsicle ice cream recipe You can use a photo with your family or surprise guests with your masterpiece. So let's cook!

Ingredients for making popsicle ice cream

Step-by-step preparation of popsicle ice cream with photos

  1. Wash the strawberries, remove the stems. Grind using a blender.
  2. Pour sugar into a small saucepan and fill it with water, leaving 50 g. for diluting starch.
  3. In a separate bowl, such as a glass, dilute the starch with the remaining water until smooth.
  4. Place the saucepan with sugar syrup on the fire and, stirring, cook until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  5. When the sugar has dissolved, pour in the diluted starch in a thin stream and stir all the time so that no lumps form. Boil the syrup until thickened for 2 minutes. Then cool (you can put the saucepan on ice).
  6. Pour the strawberry fruit puree and lemon juice into the cooled sugar syrup and beat with a mixer to make the ice cream more airy.
  7. Place the container with ice cream in the freezer for 40 minutes, and then beat again with a mixer. This will get rid of ice crystals.
  8. Now you can pour our ice cream into cups. This amount of ingredients made 4 servings.
  9. Place them in the freezer for 40 minutes, then remove and insert the sticks into the middle of the mold and put them back in the freezer for 6-8 hours. Before serving the Popsicle ice cream, run it under hot water and then remove it from the molds.

This refreshing fruit ice cream will give you energy and strength in hot weather. Bon appetit!

It's nice to have a tasty and cool dessert on hand in hot weather, taste qualities which will not only help reduce the temperature, but also give a lot of indescribable, pleasant sensations. Popsicle ice cream made with my own hands, will be very appropriate. Moreover, you can prepare it at home, quickly and, most importantly, from the products and ingredients that you have on hand.

Unlike the usual ice cream, frozen ice is considered low-calorie product. The dessert usually contains frozen fruit juice, store-bought or concentrated. homemade compote. Dessert perfectly quenches thirst and quickly lowers body temperature.

The idea of ​​freezing fruit juice is not new. Even in ancient times, culinary specialists tried to create a cool and tasty dessert using natural juices from berries or fruits. This delicacy was especially popular among nobles, especially in the Arab East and in countries with hot climates.

Today, anyone can create a similar masterpiece with their own hands, having at hand a refrigerator, fresh fruit, homemade compote or a package of juice purchased in a store. You can use any fresh berries or fruits, packaged juice from the store, frozen fruits and berries. If you decide to do it entirely on your own, then strawberries or cherries are perfect for future ice cream. Frozen ice and watermelon or melon juice will taste original.

Having neither one nor the other on hand, you can solve the problem with juice bought in a store. IN in this case You can get the amazing flavor of tropical fruits by creating an exotic frozen cocktail. To complete the fruit mass, starch or gelatin is added as stabilizers before freezing. The resulting mass is poured into bowls or ice cream makers, special forms for ice cream for subsequent freezing.

One of the features of preparing frozen fruit juice is the ability to make variations with color scheme. Using the juices of different fruits, you can make multi-layered and multi-colored ice cream, where each layer has its own color and special taste.

Making frozen ice from fruit juice

Using your own imagination and necessary ingredients, you can quickly and easily create a unique fruit dessert, cold and tasty. The main ingredients for preparing one serving of ice cream are the following:

  • natural fruit and berry juice - 250 g;
  • granulated sugar – 300 g;
  • gelatin - 6 g;
  • starch – 20 g;
  • water - 450-500 ml.

Can be added to fruit mixture if desired citric acid, taste. You can get the juice yourself by squeezing required amount liquids from natural fruits and berries, using homemade compote or buying ready-made juice in the store,

The calculation of ingredients is given in relation to one kilogram ready ice, at the exit.

The cooking method is not particularly secret. Gelatin must first be soaked, and starch is diluted in cold water. Water for these purposes is taken based on the amount specified in the recipe. Sugar must be diluted in warm water, which is then brought to a boil. Add the stabilizers we have to the resulting syrup and boil for 2-3 minutes. After the syrup has cooled, it is mixed with the prepared juice.

After mixing, the liquid must be strained through a sieve or cheesecloth, cooled and poured into prepared forms. The finished portions are placed in the freezer and left there for 2-3 hours.

After the specified time, sweet and tasty cold dessert will be ready, which can be served directly on the table.

Video recipe for making popsicle ice cream