Yoghurt fruit salad recipe. Fruit salad with raspberries, pineapple and black currants

Everyone knows that sweet is harmful, but how it attracts! This is not surprising, because thanks to sweets, a person can, albeit not for long, become happier. Let's not talk about useless food like pastries and sweets, but there are goodies that you can eat without harming your figure. It's about a snack fruit salad with yogurt.

Everyone can cook this dish. And it doesn't matter what area you live in: make healthy dessert It is possible in any region from a minimum of products.

When is the best time to eat fruit salad?

Many people think that fruits do not have negative impact on the figure, and therefore fruit salad with yogurt can be eaten in any volume and whenever you want. This is not true. Fruits are natural sweets, and therefore healthy (unlike the same sweets and pastries), but, since they contain fructose, they can cause fullness if consumed immoderately. The norm for any person is no more than 4 fruits, if no other sweets are expected that day.

Eat a fruit salad in the morning - this way you will provide yourself with useful energy. This dish will be an excellent breakfast for you and your children.

What should be a fruit salad? Photos delight the eye with the brightness of colors and an abundance of ingredients. However, in fact, such a dish can be prepared even from one component, not counting fermented milk product, certainly.

Choosing yogurt for salad

Choosing the right yogurt is very important. "Can it be wrong?" - you ask. Yes, in most cases it is. Yogurt is unsweetened fermented milk drink, which tastes like a delicate sourdough. Sweet curdled milk with additives from natural fruits"- a product of the chemical industry that has nothing to do with real yogurt. Using such a sweet chemical concentrate for salad dressing, you will spoil the dish, reducing its usefulness to zero. Therefore, use natural yogurt, which can be purchased in supermarkets on the shelves with dairy products.

Several delicious recipes

Do you want to treat yourself and your family to not only delicious, but also healthy dessert? Prepare a colorful salad by following the recipes below.

Many are interested in whether and how to make a fruit salad from "our" products. After all, overseas fruits are repeatedly processed by various means to preserve the freshness of the fruit and its attractive appearance.

For this reason, there is nothing better than berries and fruits straight from the garden. If outside the window is a warm season, then it's time to create delicious and healthy salads.

1. Fruit salad with yogurt: berry recipe. You will need:

  • Black currant - 120 grams.
  • Red currant - 120 grams.
  • Raspberries - 150 grams.
  • Strawberries - 150 grams.
  • Yogurt - 350 ml.

Wash the berries well before cooking. Cut strawberries into 4-6 pieces. Lightly crush the raspberries with a spoon. Mix all the ingredients, pour over with yogurt and garnish with a strawberry leaf.

2. Fruit salad with yogurt: fruit recipe. Try to make a salad with fruits that are in every garden in summer and are sold inexpensively in stores in winter. You will need:

  • Apples - 2 pcs.
  • Pears - 1 pc.
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Yogurt - 220 ml.

Wash the apples and pears, remove the skin and cut out the core with the pits. Remove the peel from the banana. Cut all fruits small cubes and fill them with yogurt.

3. Fruit salad with yogurt "Exotic". To prepare it, you need to purchase:

  • Kiwi - 2 pcs.
  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Canned pineapple - 220 grams.
  • Yoghurt - 250 m.

Remove the skin from the orange and kiwi. Open a jar of pineapples, drain the juice. Mix all the ingredients and pour them with yogurt.

4. light strawberry salad with yogurt. Summer is not only a time for relaxation and sunbathing, but it's also the time to prepare a fruit salad with yogurt and strawberries. Take these components:

  • Strawberries - 450 grams.
  • Iceberg lettuce - 150 grams.
  • Yogurt - 250 ml.

Wash the ingredients. Separate the tails from the strawberries and cut each berry into 4 parts. Finely tear the lettuce with your hands. Mix the ingredients and season with a fermented milk drink.

Fruit salad with yogurt and cheese

The combination of sweet fruits and hard cheese salty varieties. Try this recipe:

  • Green grapes - 250 grams.
  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Kiwi - 1 pc.
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Hard cheese "Russian" - 160 grams.
  • Yogurt - 350 ml.

Wash the grapes and separate the berries from the stem. Remove the peel from orange, kiwi and banana and cut the fruit. Cheese also cut into cubes. Mix all the ingredients, pour them with yogurt and serve immediately.

Fruit salad with yogurt for weight loss

Fruit is not at all the product that can be eaten indefinitely when losing weight, but there is one recipe that will help you lose weight.

If you want to get rid of extra pounds, then for three days you can apply a diet based on this salad. Making it is not difficult at all - take one banana, cut into cubes and pour 200 ml of yogurt. Eat the dish three times a day (and nothing more), drink tea and coffee without sugar - and you will lose 2-3 kilograms.

Important! Do not use such a diet more than once a month, and after completing a few days, deny yourself sweet and fatty foods and do not eat after six.

Follow these tips if you want the dish to be not only tasty, but also healthy:

  1. Consume the salad as soon as it is prepared. Do not leave it for later - it will drain and lose its attractive appearance.
  2. The basis of fruit salad can be a banana. It doesn't matter how many other ingredients you have, or if you have any at all. Even if you just cut up a banana and mix it with yogurt, you'll end up with a tasty, satisfying meal. However, remember that these overseas fruits are very nutritious and contain a sufficient amount of fructose. The norm is 3 pieces per day for an adult.
  3. Fruit salad with yogurt may not be sweet enough for kids who are used to store-bought treats. In this case, it can be sweetened, but not with useless sugar, but with honey. Before pouring fruit with yogurt, add a spoonful of honey to it, stir, and then with this healthy sauce fill the base.
  4. Add dried fruits - raisins, dried apricots, prunes. However, remember that such an additive is very high in calories, and therefore do not get too carried away.

How to serve fruit salads?

If you decide to make fruit salad part of holiday table, remember that it drains very quickly. Therefore, it is best to serve it in portions in deep bowls. Unusual, but very appropriate would be a “plate” cut from the peel of a melon or watermelon. Cut the product in half, remove the pulp (pieces of watermelon or melon can also be included in the treat) and put the salad, already mixed with yogurt, into the resulting "container".

And one more nuance. Dressing fruit salad is best just before serving.

How to decorate it? A win-win option is a mint leaf. A handful of pomegranate seeds or candied fruits, grated chocolate, cream will also look great.

Fruit salad with yogurt is a fresh, sweet, dietary treat that is loved by both children and adults. It can be served as a dessert for the holidays or to please yourself and the children on a normal day. There are a lot of recipes for a delicious fruit salad with yogurt, so there will never be a problem that there are no necessary fruits on store shelves. And how many beautiful fruits grow in our dachas cannot even be counted. At harvest time, fruit salads can delight you at least every day.

In today's recipes, the main and unchanged ingredient of salads will be yogurt, which will be a wonderful flavoring addition and dressing for combining a variety of fruits and berries.

Read all our recipes and choose your favorite fruit salad.

Classic fruit salad with yogurt

This is one of the simplest and delicious recipes fruit salad. Thanks to the combination of fruits, its taste is perfectly balanced between sour and sweet, and therefore it is very popular with people of all ages.

For the salad you will need:

  • banana - 1 piece,
  • apple - 1 piece,
  • kiwi - 1 piece,
  • orange - 1 piece,
  • pomegranate - 1/4 piece,
  • classic yogurt.

Preparing the salad:

1. First of all, wash all the fruits thoroughly. Peel the banana and orange, cut off the skin from the kiwi and, if necessary, peel the apple if its skin is too hard or small children will eat the salad. If desired, you can remove the film from orange slices, it will take some time, but it will be easier for kids to eat such a salad.

2. Cut the banana into rings. Divide the kiwi lengthwise into four parts, and then cut into large triangles. Do the same with the apple. Divide the orange into slices and cut each slice into three parts.

3. Add two tablespoons of classic yogurt to chopped fruit and mix. Arrange the fruit salad with yogurt in bowls, cups or wide glasses. Top with another spoonful of yogurt.

4. Sprinkle the salad on top with pomegranate berries and serve. All households and guests will be delighted.

Do you know why this salad can be prepared at any time of the year? It's simple - these fruits are brought to us from warm countries and are available in stores almost all year round. fruit salad on New Year? No problem. Children's holiday in the summer? Lighter than easy.

Important secret! If you bought fruits for a salad, but realized that they turned out to be sour, which happens with oranges, kiwis, and even apples, do not be in a hurry to get upset. Fruit syrup will save your dessert. On the shelves of any supermarket there is a selection of delicious and sweet fruit syrups. Strawberry, raspberry, cherry, any of these and other syrups added to a salad will make it sweeter and more aromatic, as if you put real berries.

Fruit salad with grapes, persimmon and yogurt "Autumn"

When sweet fragrant persimmon ripens, juicy grapes are poured, the most right time make an amazing fruit salad with yogurt as a dressing from these fruits. You haven't tried persimmon salad yet, then be sure to do it.

For cooking you will need:

  • bananas - 2-3 pieces,
  • persimmon - one piece,
  • kiwi - 2 pieces,
  • red grapes - 1-2 bunches,
  • pear - 1 piece,
  • yogurt - 200 ml.


1. Peel banana and kiwi. Remove the core from the persimmon and pear.

2. Cut the persimmon into cubes. Of course, the best ripe persimmon, which does not knit in the mouth.

3. Cut the pear into pieces of about the same size. If the pear has a tough skin, it can be peeled. For a fruit salad, any variety of sweet pears, such as conference or duchesse, will do. Use fruits that are not too hard, as the rest of the salad ingredients are soft fruits.

4. Cut bananas into rings. Is it worth mentioning what is best to use ripe bananas, the flesh of which is not crunchy, and the skin is not green. Unripe bananas ripen well in a dark place, put them in a closet for a day or two and then use them in cooking.

5. Cut the kiwi in the same way. If this fruit is too sour and you're worried that it will spoil the taste of the salad, add a spoonful of honey when dressing. This will help balance the taste.

6. Grapes can be left uncut, but if it seems too large, then divide each berry in half. This will help the salad absorb more grape flavor and aroma. Use grapes that are seedless and not too thick-skinned, then the salad will be nice to eat.

7. And finish the fruit salad with yogurt. Yogurt can be either classic, unflavoured, or fruit or berry to your taste. You can also use low-fat yogurt for a diet treat.

If the salad is allowed to brew for some time, literally 15-30 minutes, then it will become even tastier, as the fruits will transfer their taste to each other and soak in the juices. Everyone will definitely like it. Bon Appetit!

Fruit salad with raspberries, pineapple and black currants

Another great option fruit salad with yogurt contains not only fruits, but also berries available in gardens a large number compatriots. In the summer, when currants ripen on the bushes, this salad can decorate a dinner on fresh air in the country. And it is absolutely not necessary to run for fresh pineapple, you can use it canned version, and syrup from it as an additive to yogurt when dressing.

  • pineapple - 200 grams,
  • raspberries - 100 grams,
  • blackcurrant - 100 grams,
  • strawberries - 200 grams,
  • apples - 2 pieces,
  • yogurt - 200 ml.


1. Peel the fruits. Cut the pineapple and apples into cubes. If you are using canned pineapple, do not pour the syrup out of the jar, you can season the salad with it if the berries and fruits are too sour.

2. Wash all berries carefully. Be sure to let excess water drain. Cut very large strawberries in half.

3. Put fruits and berries in bowls or cups in layers. The bottom layer is raspberry and blackcurrant.

4. Put the pineapple and apples in the second layer. Top layer of strawberries.

5. Pour the salad with yogurt and syrup to taste. Let the fruit salad brew a little in the refrigerator and you can serve it on the table, garnishing with a few currant berries.

You can also prepare a separate dressing from yogurt and berries by whipping them in a blender until homogeneous mass and already water it ready salad. You can also add sweeteners in the form of sugar or honey to such a dressing.

Bon Appetit!

Fruit salad with yogurt, tangerines and peanuts

Any fruit salad can be wonderfully complemented with the taste of nuts. Therefore, we present to you original recipe fresh lettuce with peanuts. Instead, you can take walnuts, and cedar, and even sesame seeds. Choose the ones you love the most. And of course ripe sweet tangerines. Such a salad would be very appropriate and for New Year's table and any other holiday.

For cooking you will need:

  • tangerines - 4 pieces,
  • kiwi - 1 piece,
  • pear - 1 piece,
  • peanuts - 150 grams,
  • yogurt - 100 grams,

You can watch the cooking video, where each step will be explained in detail.

On the eve of the most wonderful spring holiday on March 8, all men are racking their brains about what surprise to present and what to give to their beloved women. Of course, flowers and sweets in this case are a wonderful and win-win option, but you really want to surprise with something, because in the soul of a man, after all, incorrigible romantics. Therefore, trying to come up with something extraordinary, they selflessly decide to cook fine dining even those who don't really like to cook.

Dear men, don't turn the pages cookbooks,trying to find something like that. Just make fruit salads with yogurt - it's quick, easy, tasty, unusual and, most importantly, healthy. Almost all women just love fruits, and fruit mixes, combined in salads with delicate yogurt, will not only delight them, but also make them look at their man with completely different eyes.

It is advisable to serve fruit salads with yogurt not in ordinary salad bowls, but put, for example, in halves fresh pineapple, carefully removing and using the pulp, or in mango halves, removing the pulp with a teaspoon. If you don’t want to mess around, put the fruit salad in tall bowls and decorate it by all means. For this, mint leaves, orange, lemon or lime zest, thinly cut into chips, grated chocolate or crushed nuts are suitable. Do not forget that the success of a fruit salad largely depends on the type of cutting. Fruit for salad does not need to be cut too finely, you get porridge-malash. Fruits can be cut with a special vegetable cutter, giving them the shape of cubes with a wavy edge. Try to dry the pieces at least a little with a paper towel to remove excess juice, as the yogurt may separate.

By the way, here are a few recipes to help you, so as not to waste time searching, but to prepare in advance and meet the holiday, so to speak, fully armed.

Fruit salad with apricots

1 banana
2 apricots
5 pieces of prunes,
1 small melon
60-80 g milk chocolate,
2 tbsp almond,
80 g low-fat yogurt,
a few mint leaves.

Cut the pulp of the melon into small pieces, slice the bananas, and chop the prunes previously soaked in water into strips. Remove pits from apricots and cut into quarters. Chop the almonds and toast a little. Milk chocolate grate. Mix all the ingredients, season with yogurt, mix thoroughly and garnish with a few mint leaves.

"Rainbow of Taste"

8 plums,
2 tangerines,
2 kiwi,
1 pear
1 orange

200 g vanilla yogurt.

Cut the pear into thin slices, peeled kiwi, orange and tangerines into slices. Remove pits from plums and cut into quarters, grapes into circles. Combine all ingredients, pour over yogurt and mix.

Fruit salad dessert with cottage cheese

2 apples
200 g cherries
70 g grapes
100 g cottage cheese,
4 tbsp powdered sugar
50 g creamy yogurt.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve for airiness. Mix cottage cheese, yogurt and powdered sugar. Chop cherries and grapes (leave a few grapes for decoration) and mix with curd mass. Washed apples (leave half an apple for decoration too) cut into strips and mix with the rest of the ingredients. Put the finished salad in a salad bowl and put in a cool place for 40 minutes. Before serving, decorate the salad with grapes and apple slices.

fruit salad with creamy yogurt and strawberries

6 apricots,
1 orange
70 g strawberries
70 g cherries
1 tbsp orange peel,
2 tbsp powdered sugar
50 g creamy yogurt,
cinnamon - to taste.

Mix yogurt, powdered sugar and cinnamon to taste - this is the dressing. Cut fruits and berries into small pieces, mix and pour over the sauce.


1 banana
2 kiwi,
2 mandarin,
1 orange
100 g natural yogurt.

Cut banana into slices, kiwi into quarter-circles. Carefully cut the mandarin into slices. Also divide the orange into slices, if possible, separate the film and divide the slices into three parts. Dry with a paper towel, as the orange and tangerine juice must not get into the yogurt, otherwise it will curdle and the dish will be spoiled. Place the fruit platter in a salad bowl, pour in the yogurt and mix thoroughly (preferably with a non-oxidizing spoon).


3 kiwi,
2 oranges
100 g red grapes, seedless,
4 tsp cane sugar,
yogurt - to taste.

Thoroughly clean and coarsely chop the kiwi. Wash the grapes and pat dry. Peel oranges and cut into slices. Combine all ingredients, season with yogurt and mix. Put in a salad bowl and sprinkle with sugar. Let the salad rest for a bit before serving.

Fruit salad "Vitamin"

2 tangerines,
2 kiwi,
1 apple
1 pear
1 orange
1 lemon
8 plums,
100 g seedless green grapes
200 g vanilla yogurt.

Cut the apple and pear into thin slices. Peel kiwi, lemon, orange, tangerines and cut into slices. Remove pits from plums. Grapes cut into circles. Combine all ingredients, pour over yogurt and mix. Put the finished salad in a salad bowl and serve.

Fruit salad with apples, bananas and figs

2 apples
2 bananas
6 pcs. dried or fresh figs
200 g chopped walnuts,
2 tbsp grated coconut,
1 tbsp lemon juice
4 tbsp light honey,
125 ml of yogurt.

If you are using dried figs then soak it first in cold water for 1-2 hours, then drain and cut fresh or dried berries quartered figs. Cut apples and bananas into small pieces. Mix fruit, crushed nuts, grated coconut, lemon juice and honey, pour over yogurt and mix.

Fruit salad with walnuts

2 kiwi,
2 tangerines,
2 tbsp walnuts,
100 g low-fat yogurt.

Remove skin from kiwi and cut into cubes. Cut the tangerines into slices and remove the pits. Combine fruits, pour over yogurt and mix. Toast the nuts in a dry frying pan until fragrant. Sprinkle the finished salad with grated nuts.


1 banana
1 pear
1 kiwi
canned pineapples, strawberries, chocolate, mint - to taste,
low fat yogurt.

Cut banana into slices, kiwi, pear and pineapple into small pieces, strawberries into halves or 4 pieces. Grate chocolate on a fine grater. Put chopped fruits and berries in a salad bowl, pour over yogurt, sprinkle grated chocolate on top and garnish with mint leaves.

"Paradisaic delight"

1 banana
1 kiwi
1 pear
1 apple
1 orange
100 g canned pineapples,
100 g canned tangerines,
2-3 slices of melon
1 small bunch of grapes
½ stack blueberries,
½ stack strawberries,
2 tbsp coconut flakes,
1-2 tbsp liquid honey,
250 g vanilla yogurt.

Cut kiwi, pear, apple, orange, pineapple, melon into small pieces, banana into circles, separate grapes from bunches, divide tangerine into slices. Mix all prepared fruits and berries with honey and yogurt in a large salad bowl, sprinkle coconut flakes and serve immediately.

Italian fruit salad

300 g mango
100 g pear,
400 g Parmesan cheese,
200 g yogurt.

Cut mangoes and pears into small pieces, cheese into cubes, mix and season with yogurt.

Fruit salad with mango and oranges

1 kg mango
3 oranges
¾ stack. yogurt.

Cut the mango pulp into small cubes. Peel the oranges, divide into slices and cut each slice in half, removing the seeds. Mix crushed mango pulp with oranges in a salad bowl and pour over whipped sweet yogurt. Place in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes to cool.

Fruit salad with persimmon

4 persimmons,
2 bananas
3 tangerines,
2 tbsp lemon juice
¾ stack. yogurt.

Peel the persimmon, remove the skin, remove the seeds and cut into small slices. Cut bananas into slices. Divide the peeled tangerines into slices and cut each in half, also removing the seeds. Lightly beat the yogurt. In a clear glass salad bowl, mix persimmons, bananas and tangerines, drizzle lemon juice and let stand for 5 minutes, dress the salad with yogurt, and cool slightly before serving.


100 g prunes,
100 g dried apricots,
50 g almonds
yogurt - to taste.

Mix all the ingredients: dried apricots, peeled almonds, prunes, pour over yogurt and, putting this beauty in a salad bowl, serve.

Fruit salad with pistachios

4 kiwi,
8 apricots,
1 pomegranate
10 dates
⅓ stack. pistachio,
½ stack yogurt.

Crush the toasted pistachios. Wash the pomegranate, cut sharp knife, break it with your hands and carefully remove the grains. Cut the apricots in half, remove the pits and cut the flesh into small strips. Chop the dates. Peel the kiwi and cut into small cubes. Mix, season with lightly whipped yogurt and put the finished salad in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes.


1 mango
1 tbsp orange juice
50 g yogurt,
Sugar, mint - to taste.

Cut the mango pulp into cubes, put in a salad bowl, sprinkle with sugar to taste, sprinkle orange juice, pour yogurt on top and garnish with mint leaves.

"For the beloved"

2 oranges
2 bananas
2 lemons
1 walnut
2 tbsp chopped prunes,
2 tbsp honey,
125 g fruit yogurt.

Remove the skin from the fruit. Separate oranges and lemons into slices, which are not cut into large pieces. Banana cut into cubes. Split the nut and chop the kernel.
Combine the ingredients, add chopped prunes, season with a mixture of honey and yogurt and mix thoroughly. The salad goes well both as a dessert and as an appetizer with sweet wine.

Fruit salad with peaches, pomegranate and yogurt

2 peaches
2 oranges,
2 bananas
200 g grapes kishmish,
200 g pomegranate seeds,
100 g of yogurt.

Cut the peaches into cubes, peel and chop the oranges, cut the bananas and kiwi arbitrarily, leave the raisins whole, if the berries are small, those that are larger can be cut in half. Combine the ingredients, season with yogurt and mix. Decorate the finished salad with pomegranate seeds.


2 apples
2 pears,
2 plums,
2 canned peaches
2 tbsp raisins,
1 stack berries (can be frozen),
3 marshmallows,
2 cups of yogurt

Cut the fruit and arrange in layers on a large flat plate. The last layer is marshmallow halves. In three tablespoons hot water dilute the gelatin and leave to cool for 2-3 minutes, then combine with yogurt and, stirring thoroughly, pour over the fruit. Decorate the salad with berries and raisins.

"Fruit Bowl"

2 bananas
2 apples
2 grapefruits
200 g grapes
1 lemon (juice)
4 tbsp yogurt.

Cut the grapes in half, cut the peach, apples and bananas into cubes, leaving a little for decoration. Add yogurt and stir. Cut each grapefruit into two parts, remove the pulp, and cut the bottom for stability. Combine the ingredients for the salad, season with a mixture of yogurt and lemon juice to taste. Fill grapefruit bowls with fruit salad.

Fruit salad with hazelnuts

3 tangerines,
150 g apples
150 g hazelnuts,
3 tbsp yogurt,
lemon juice.

Cut peeled tangerines into small slices, also peel and core apples, cut into slices and sprinkle with lemon juice. Finely chop the nuts. Combine all the prepared ingredients together, season with yogurt and decorate the finished salad with mint leaves.

"Pineapple with a secret" (unsweetened)

1 small pineapple
100 g boiled shrimp,
3 tbsp mango pulp,
1-2 tbsp natural yogurt,
strawberries, parsley - to taste.

Cut the top off the pineapple and carefully scoop out the pulp. Cut the pineapple pulp into small cubes and mix with cooled shrimp, chopped parsley, mango pulp and yogurt. Stir gently and pour the resulting mass into the pineapple. Top with the cut off top. Serve salad plates to the table, on which first place fresh strawberries, cut into two parts, and then put pineapple salad in small piles between the berries.

And these proposed options are just a topic for reflection. After all, it costs you nothing, based on our recipes, to come up with your own fruit salads with yogurt and present them to your beloved women, naming your culinary creations in their honor by their names.

Larisa Shuftaykina

Fruit salad dressed with natural yogurt is the easiest dessert to prepare, which will be mastered not only by an adult, but also by a child. The composition of the ingredients can be changed depending on your taste preferences, getting new ones. original variants. The low calorie content of the dish allows you to use it for a snack and light dinner even during weight loss.

fruit salad with yogurt and watermelon

At the end of summer, watermelon is the most popular fruit that can be used in recipes for various desserts, including salads. Such a dish should be eaten immediately after preparation, since watermelon is a juicy berry, and if the dessert is long, it will look ugly.

For cooking, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 320 g of watermelon pulp;
  • 2 nectarines, pears and kiwi;
  • 110 g of hard cheese;
  • 1 st. yogurt, lime.


  1. We cut the pulp of the watermelon into a small cube, and the pear into thin strips. Peel the kiwi from the peel and cut into slices together with the nectarine;
  2. Separately, combine lime juice and milk product. We rub the cheese on a medium grater;
  3. In prepared bowls or in half a watermelon, lay out the ingredients, add the dressing and mix. Sprinkle with cheese on top.

fruit salad with yogurt and honey

The dish contains Exotic fruits, which allow you to get original taste and aroma. It can be served for any meal and for a holiday.

For this dish, you should prepare such products:

  • apple, mango, banana, kiwi, any nuts;
  • For filling we will use 1 tbsp. low-fat yogurt;
  • the same amount of orange juice;
  • 1 teaspoon honey and orange peel.


  1. First, we prepare the dressing, for which we thoroughly beat the dairy product with the addition of honey, zest and juice. The resulting mass is sent to the refrigerator for 10 minutes;
  2. We turn to fruits, for which we peel them. Then cut into cubes, transfer to a salad bowl and mix. Fill with prepared dressing. We decorate the dish with chopped nuts.

Fruit salad with yogurt and dates

Today, everyone can prepare the main ingredient for a salad at home. To do this, you should buy milk and the usual sourdough, which is available in almost every pharmacy. A dairy product prepared at home turns out to be as healthy and tasty as possible, and it also allows you to reduce the calorie content of fruit salad with yogurt.

For cooking, you should take such products:

  • orange, sweet apple, banana;
  • 10 dates;
  • 2.5 st. spoons of almonds and yogurt.

The amount of filling depends on individual preferences.


  1. Cut dates small pieces. Peel the citrus and banana. As for nuts, they need to be crushed in any way;
  2. We cut the fruits into a medium cube, add dates, nuts to them and season everything with yogurt.

fruit salad with yogurt and ice cream

This dessert is the perfect solution for children's holiday. Kids will enjoy the taste, and parents will be sure of the benefits of the dish. This refreshing dessert will help you cool off in the heat. If desired, ice cream can be replaced with whipped cream.

For this dish you will need such products:

  • a pineapple;
  • 2 peaches, mango, papaya, apple, banana, natural yogurt;
  • 2 teaspoons of honey and ice cream.

Fruits can be used both fresh and canned.


  1. We peel the fruits, and then cut them into small cubes. Put them in a bowl and mix;
  2. Separately, mix the dairy product with honey and pour the salad with the resulting dressing. Serve it in bowls with a scoop of ice cream.

fruit salad with yogurt and chocolate

Another simple recipe that even a child can master. Tasty dish both adults and children will like it. Depending on the method of filing, it is suitable for both family dinner as well as for the holiday.

For cooking, you need to take such products:

  • banana, apple, orange;
  • 120 g of seedless grapes;
  • 3 art. spoons of natural yogurt;
  • 1 teaspoon of powdered sugar;
  • 25 g chocolate.


  1. Peel the banana and cut it into strips. To do this, first we cut it into rings, and after that we make straws;
  2. My apple, wipe off excess water, remove the core and cut into strips, like a banana;
  3. Peel the orange and make a fillet, that is, cut the pulp without a film with a knife. After that, the resulting pieces are cut into triangles;
  4. Grape berries are cut off from the branch, washed and cut into halves;
  5. We combine all the ingredients, pour them with a dairy product and mix gently. Top everything with powdered sugar and grated chocolate.

fruit salad with yogurt and cereal

This recipe will appeal not only to sweet tooth, but also to people who monitor their weight, and all thanks to the use of healthy and non-calorie products. The cooking process is so easy that even children can be involved in it.

For this dish, you need to take such products:

  • banana, apple, kiwi, half a lime;
  • 4 prunes;
  • 3.5 st. spoons of natural fermented milk product;
  • 1.5 st. spoons of muesli and mint.


  1. To prepare a fruit salad with yogurt, peel the apple and kiwi, and then chop the fruit
    thin straw;
  2. Leave the prunes for 10 minutes. in boiling water, and then, thoroughly washed and cut into thin strips;
  3. Peel the banana and break into small pieces. We put them in a blender, add mint and grind until a homogeneous consistency is obtained;
  4. Put half an apple in a salad bowl and sprinkle it with lime juice. We put half of the prepared prunes and kiwi there. Spread one part of the muesli on top;
  5. Drizzle with part of the dressing, add the rest of the ingredients in layers. Add dressing again and garnish with mint. The dish should be put in the refrigerator for half an hour so that it is soaked.

  1. It is important to choose only fresh ingredients, otherwise the taste will be spoiled, and the benefits of such a dessert are doubtful. You can also use fresh-frozen and long-frozen foods. They must be properly thawed, leaving for some time at room temperature;
  2. You can lay out the dish not only in ordinary bowls, but also, for example, in half a pineapple, apple or watermelon;
  3. Dessert can be decorated with mint leaves, lemon or orange zest, grated chocolate, or chopped nuts;
  4. Another secret is the type of cutting. Do not cut the ingredients too finely, as the result will be an ugly mass that looks like porridge. You can use special vegetable cutters or curly knives, which allows you to get wavy or ribbed edges;
  5. To prevent fermented milk dressing from exfoliating, it is recommended to pre-dry the ingredients with napkins.

If desired, you can change the composition, supplementing them with your favorite fruits or berries. To improve the taste, you can use spices, for example, cinnamon or vanilla.

Imagine how delicious it is if sweet and fresh fruit add yogurt. You will get a tender and healthy dessert! will be a special dish to treat guests today.

If you want to try with the addition of chocolate and nuts, then feel free to choose this recipe. The dish, no doubt, will appeal to both adults and children!

What you need for a fruit salad with yogurt:

  • 70 grams of milk chocolate;
  • 1 banana;
  • 100 grams of strawberries;
  • 80 ml classic yogurt;
  • kernels of 5 walnuts;
  • 2 apricots;
  • 5 prunes.

Fruit salad with yogurt recipe:

  1. Peel banana and cut into cubes.
  2. Pour boiling water over prunes and let it brew for fifteen minutes.
  3. Then drain the water, rinse the dried fruits and dry.
  4. Cut prunes into pieces.
  5. Wash the strawberries, remove the stalks and cut the berries into 4-6 pieces (depending on size).
  6. Wash the apricots, remove the pits and cut each half into six pieces.
  7. Chop the chocolate into small cubes with a knife.
  8. Mix chocolate, banana, strawberries, apricots and prunes.
  9. Pour the fruit with yogurt, mix and decorate the salad with walnut kernels.

Tip: You can use any other nuts instead of walnuts. It can be almonds, cedar, macadamia, cashews, peanuts, hazelnuts.

fruit salad recipe with yogurt

This one with yogurt can be called original, since it will be collected in layers. Try to prepare a dish for your guests and you will see how surprised they are with the unusual serving of dessert.

What you need for a fruit and yogurt salad:

  • 1/2 grapefruit;
  • 4 kiwis;
  • 30 ml of yogurt;
  • 20 grams of oatmeal;
  • 3 tangerines;
  • 30 grams of honey;
  • 60 grams of chocolate;
  • 1 apple;
  • 1/2 lemon;
  • 90 grams of raisins.

Fruit salad recipes with yogurt:

  1. Peel the tangerines, remove all white threads as much as possible and cut the flesh into small pieces.
  2. Squeeze juice from half a lemon, we will need it so that the apple slices do not darken in the salad.
  3. Peel the grapefruit, remove the membranes and cut the pulp into triangles.
  4. Wash the apple, peel it and cut into cubes. Drizzle slices with lemon juice.
  5. Cut the chocolate into cubes or chop it with a knife almost into powder.
  6. Pour raisins with boiling water, leave for ten minutes.
  7. After that, drain the water, rinse and dry the dried fruits.
  8. Mix raisins with cereal and honey, then place the mixture in serving glasses.
  9. Mix apple, grapefruit, chocolate and yogurt. Add the resulting mixture in the next layer to our dish.
  10. Remove the skin from the kiwi and cut into triangles.
  11. Put tangerines and kiwi on top of the salad, then put the glasses in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.

Important: instead of chocolate, you can add ready-made chocolate chips, which is sold in pastry shops. It is better to store it in the refrigerator, otherwise the product will melt and stick together into one lump.

fruit salad recipe with yogurt

It is worth trying at least once to fall in love forever. You can no longer celebrate the holidays without this sweet dessert.

What you need for a salad with fruits and yogurt:

  • 1 orange;
  • 30 ml of liquor;
  • 1 pomelo;
  • 1 handful of pomegranate seeds;
  • 1 apple;
  • 10 ml maple syrup;
  • 50 ml of yogurt without additives;
  • 20 grams of cottage cheese;
  • 1/2 lemon;
  • 3 kiwi.

How to make fruit salad with yogurt:

  1. First you need to choose the right pomelo. The fruit should be heavy, correspond to its size. A light fruit will contain little edible pulp.
  2. Wash the pomelo and cut off its cap, take out the citrus pulp very carefully with a spoon.
  3. Remove some of the white walls if they are too thick.
  4. Remove the pulp from the films, disassemble into slices into small pieces.
  5. Peel the orange and also remove the films, chop the pulp.
  6. Squeeze juice from half a lemon.
  7. Rinse the apple, peel and cut into arbitrary pieces, sprinkle with lemon juice.
  8. Peel the kiwi, cut the pulp into small slices.
  9. Mix pomelo, orange, apple and kiwi.
  10. Mix yogurt with cottage cheese and liquor with a blender.
  11. Add dressing to fruit, garnish with pomegranate seeds.

Advice: maple syrup in the recipe is used for expressive aroma and taste of the dish. You can do without it or use honey as an alternative. /attention]

Fruit salad recipe with yogurt

The following fruit salad with yogurt recipe differs from the rest not only in the originality of the presentation, but also in the exotic ingredients that are included in the composition.

What you need for a salad with yogurt and fruits:

  • 2 passion fruit;
  • 15 ml of jasmine tea;
  • 20 ml of yogurt;
  • 150 ml of water;
  • 1 mango;
  • 30 grams of walnut kernels;
  • 30 grams of sugar;
  • 15 grams of lime zest;
  • 1 papaya;
  • 15 grams of ginger;
  • 1/2 pineapple.

How to make fruit salad with yogurt:

  1. Peel the ginger with a knife or spoon, grate the flesh.
  2. Mix jasmine tea, lime zest and ginger in a small bowl, pour boiling water over it. Cover with a plate and let stand for ten minutes, draining excess water.
  3. Add sugar to the ingredients and mix the resulting mass thoroughly. Set aside until completely cool.
  4. Wash passion fruit, grate.
  5. Wash the papaya, peel, remove the seeds and cut the fruit into small slices.
  6. Rinse the mango, cut the peel, cut into cubes.
  7. Pineapple to get rid of a hard peel, cut into arbitrary slices.
  8. Mix mango, pineapple and passion fruit. Add the cooled mixture of ginger, tea, sugar and zest. In a blender, make puree from the resulting mass.
  9. Nuts must be finely chopped with a knife or crushed in a mortar.
  10. In portioned glasses, lay the fruit mass in layers, alternating it with yogurt.
  11. Decorate each serving with papaya slices, sprinkle with nuts.
  12. Put the salad in the refrigerator for one hour, after which it will be ready to serve.

Tip: when buying fruit in a regular supermarket, remember that the pineapple should be brown (close to yellow) - this is a sign of its ripeness. Green pineapple will not be sweet as it is not yet ripe. The color of the papaya should be yellow or tinged with orange. A ripe passion fruit is always bright yellow or deep purple, with a shriveled skin.

Fruit salad with yogurt

More: light, healthy and nutritious. Fruit salads with yogurt are loved by both adults and children! They can be prepared not only on the occasion of the holiday, but also on weekdays.

What you need for fruit salad with yogurt:

  • 1 apple;
  • 130 grams of seedless grapes;
  • 1 orange;
  • 60 g raspberries;
  • 25 grams of chocolate;
  • 1 banana;
  • 50 grams of oatmeal;
  • 45 ml of yogurt;
  • 5 g of powdered sugar.

Fruit salad with yogurt recipe:

  1. Remove the peel from the banana, cut its flesh into strips or cubes.
  2. Wash the apple, peel it and cut into small pieces.
  3. Wash the orange, cut off the cap, the bottom of the citrus. After peeling and ridding the pulp of white streaks and film.
  4. Cut the resulting zest into small triangles.
  5. Wash the bunch of grapes, dry them and cut each grape in half.
  6. Chop the chocolate with a grater or chop with the blade of a sharp knife.
  7. If the raspberry is dense, large, then it can be rinsed. If it is small, then it is better not to do this, as the berries will turn into wet porridge.
  8. Mix banana, cereal, apple, grapes, orange, raspberries, chocolate.
  9. Add yogurt, powder to the components and mix.
  10. You can serve the salad to the table, having cooled it a little.

Classic yogurt is an excellent addition to sweet fruits, from which you can make excellent snack salads or more satisfying dishes. It all depends on what components to select in the composition of the dish.