Stocking of a reservoir. How to choose the right time to stock a pond

Below will be given tips on creating mini ponds with your own hands, examples of their stylish design are given.

Subject to all the rules, the water of an artificial pond will always be fresh and transparent, and comfortable conditions for growth and reproduction of offspring will be created for the fish.

Artificially organized ponds are a closed ecosystem that depends on many external factors. They require constant attention and care, and in return they bring not only aesthetic pleasure, but also real benefit in the form of a rich fish catch.

Recently, a peculiar fashion has arisen for artificially created lakes and ponds in personal plots. Their creation is carried out by special firms and companies that provide a full range of services from construction to settlement with all kinds of living organisms and subsequent maintenance.

You can take the arrangement of the site into your own hands and independently realize the idea of ​​\u200b\u200borganizing a reservoir. And so that the efforts expended are not in vain, and the artificial pond does not turn into an unsightly swamp, you need to approach the matter responsibly and familiarize yourself with at least the basics of the technical side of the matter.

Choosing a place for a reservoir

Before construction, it is necessary to determine the purpose of the future object. If the pond is organized for the purpose of stocking, then it will be important to comply with the conditions. For normal life, fish need a maximum influx of oxygen, which will be provided by increasing the area, and not the depth of the source.

The place for the water basin should be open, without large drops in relief. Free access is provided from all sides. The presence of trees nearby is undesirable, as falling leaves will pollute the water surface.

The ratio of light and shadow should be optimal. Water that is under the open rays of the sun all day is more prone to bloom from the active formation of green algae.

The location of the pond in a recreation area, near a gazebo or a meadow with a barbecue, would be optimal.

The optimal size of the reservoir

An artificial pond should organically fit into the existing site, so its size will directly depend on the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe territory.

For safe wintering of fish, a depth is provided slightly below the soil freezing index. Therefore, it is enough to deepen the pit by 1.5-1.8 m.

Necessary materials for the construction of a mini reservoir with your own hands

The choice of materials is great and will primarily depend on financial capabilities. A low-budget option would be to use a plastic pool. This method will save money and time, but the reservoir will turn out to be fragile and short-lived.

A pond with a concrete base will become a capital, reliable structure that will require a lot of effort and high material costs.

Stages of building a mini reservoir with your own hands

Determining the shape of the future pond and marking the site.

Digging a pit with a bottom slope of 1 cm per 1 m of diameter and sloping walls.

Device for waterproofing the bottom and walls of roofing material or a special film.

Preparation and pouring of concrete screed with reinforcement.

Waiting for a month for the screed to harden.

Rules for stocking a reservoir

The pond is populated with ornamental or commercial fish. For ornamental ponds, brightly colored fish that attract additional attention will be the best option. Goldfish, mirror carps and red crucians will become a real decoration of the reservoir.

lovers fishing you can release carp, carp, pike, bream, sturgeon and even trout into the water.

When purchasing fish, you need to pay attention to factors that are indicators of fish health:

  • integrity and appearance scales;
  • indicators of fish mobility;
  • liveliness of the eyes and the color of the iris;
  • dorsal fin standing straight.

For the first settlement, it is better to choose individuals that are unpretentious to the conditions of detention, such as crucian carp and carp. For twenty fish, 1 cubic meter of water will be enough.

Be sure to read

Unpretentious plants for an artificial reservoir

It is allowed to fill the reservoir with any water, but before stocking it is necessary that microorganisms settle down and multiply in it. They can be planted from an already inhabited reservoir or wait until they reproduce themselves.

The water in the pool for a comfortable stay of the fish should have a neutral acidity.

The temperature of the water in the pond must be equal to the temperature of the water in the fish transport tank.

Even the smallest pond is a whole world inhabited by various inhabitants, in which various processes are constantly going on. The bottom of the reservoir is covered with biomasses, which decompose over time, forming decay products. They displace oxygen from the water and lead to the formation of duckweed and an unpleasant odor.

If no action is taken, then the reservoir may simply dry out or turn into a swamp. Therefore, it is important to periodically clean the bottom of the pond from sediments.

Cleaning the reservoir from silt

There are three ways to clean a pond:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • biological.

Mechanical cleaning can be done by special mechanisms or simply by hand. The chemical treatment method consists in adding various reagents to the water that help normalize acidity, dissolve algae and saturate the reservoir with oxygen. The biological method consists in the use of special devices that clean the water basin.

Unique landscape design of artificial reservoirs

The main idea is laid down at the design stage. When choosing the outlines of the future reservoir, it is necessary to follow general architectural principles. If everything on the site is subject to symmetry and strict geometric shapes, then this direction should be followed when organizing a pond.

If there is creative chaos in the country house and the conditions are close to natural, then the pond should not create a feeling of artificiality. You need to choose a complex shape that resembles natural lakes.

It is necessary to choose a suitable frame for the pond. The shores can be decorated with stones or green and flowering plants. Diversify the sculptural compositions, organically inscribed in the overall idea.

The green hedge around the pond can be decorated with lighting or original lanterns.

When designing or at the beginning of construction, you can lay a fountain in the center of the pond. Splashes of water over the surface of the lake will create a unique mesmerizing view, and under certain conditions, a magnificent rainbow can be observed above the water surface.

There are a lot of design solutions. You can take ready-made solutions as a basis and create your own unique style.

Artificial ponds and reservoirs

Created on artificial pools are capable of performing many useful functions. They will become a favorite vacation spot, decorate the landscape and fulfill a practical role. An artificial pond will always serve as a fertile ground for creativity, changing depending on the mood and needs of the owner.

The reservoir to be stocked must be drainable or well-fished with conventional lava tools - seines, ravings, shovels, nets.

When preparing reservoirs for stocking, it is necessary to catch predatory fish from them: perch, ruff, pike and others that can eat laid eggs and fish planted for rearing. Low-value slow-growing fish, degenerate small crucian carp, bleak, gudgeon, etc., consuming food needed for farmed fish, are also removed from the reservoir.

The stocked reservoir should not be polluted with poisonous wastewater from factories, plants and other industries and enterprises.

In the presence of yearlings of carp or carp with a unit weight of 25-30 g, the reservoir is populated with them, in the absence of yearlings, stocking is carried out with fry of these fish with a more thorough preliminary catch of predatory fish from this reservoir. In the absence of carp and carp, the reservoir is stocked with tench, fast-growing crucian carp or other valuable fish.

When searching for fish stock and fish spawners, local water bodies that were previously stocked with carp and other fish should be caught. Caught juveniles, as well as fish spawners, can be used for stocking other water bodies, and marketable fish can be sold.

With a lack of fish stock in special fish hatcheries, it is advisable to organize its cultivation on the spot, using reservoirs in which it is possible to grow juveniles, fry, fingerlings during the growing season and save yearlings during the wintering period with their subsequent transplantation in spring into feeding ponds and other reservoirs for growing marketable fish . For growing fry and underyearlings of carp, carp and other fish, shallow 1.75 m high-feeding reservoirs are used, and for the wintering of these fish, exclusively non-marginal reservoirs with depths of up to 3 m are used, in which waterfowl are not allowed to walk.

Ponds with bottom outlets, where waterfowl are allowed to walk, are annually stocked with fish only with yearlings based on the natural productivity of water bodies and the planned feeding with the obligatory catch of grown fish before freezing.

Ponds that do not have bottom outlets used for paddling waterfowl, it is advisable to stock with fish yearlings based on natural fish productivity only after the mandatory cleaning of the reservoir from stumps, snags, shrubs, hard vegetation and planning their bed, ensuring free fishing with seines, logs, nets in all parts of the reservoir.

Ponds and other bodies of water are stocked with carps mainly in the spring, as soon as the ice melts, so that the feeding period has a longer time and thus there would be a greater increase in fish.

With a long delay and crowding of fish in the spring in wintering ponds, poor in natural food, the growth of fish is delayed, it loses weight and weakens, which causes significant waste, especially during transportation, and leads to a decrease in its piece gain by the end of summer, therefore, this is necessary. avoid.

Spawning. In spring, as soon as the ice breaks, carp spawners are caught from wintering ponds; sick fish are culled, healthy ones are transplanted, separately males from females, into mother ponds filled with water to a depth of 80-100 cm; planted approximately at the rate of 2-3 producers per 100 square meters. m of water surface. It should be borne in mind that when the water temperature rises to 18 °, female carp, even in the absence of males, can spawn (spawn). Therefore, in a pond where females are kept at a water temperature above 15 °, it is recommended to change the water level (especially downward) or artificially create waves 20 cm high to prevent spawning for a while. Fresh vegetation is not recommended to be filled with water above the originally set water level.

Selecting males and females of carp, at the same time they reject producers with vaguely expressed sexual characteristics. In spring, females have a fuller abdomen due to developed eggs than males. By the time the eggs ripen, the genital opening of the female swells and becomes pink. When the female lowers her head down, the calf, moving towards the thoracic part, causes the formation of a longitudinal indentation (groove). In the male, on the lateral surface of the body, and especially on the frontal part of the head and on the gill covers, there is a roughness, which is called the "nuptial dress", the abdomen is less pronounced than in the female, the genital opening is narrow, pale. Passing a hand along the abdomen of the fish from the thoracic part to the posterior opening and easily squeezing the abdominal cavity, milk is produced in males. Friendly spawning is facilitated by feeding producers during the period of separate keeping before spawning.

In order to create favorable conditions for the development of soft meadow vegetation, on which, as soon as the snow melts, eggs will be laid, it is necessary to clear the drainage ditches and completely drain the bed of the spawning ponds. Grooves should be cleaned especially carefully in cases where spawning ponds are located in areas with high groundwater. Simultaneously with cleaning, the beds of spawning ponds are harrowed or combed with an iron rake. On the bed of ponds located in low places and areas with groundwater close to the surface, it is imperative to add quicklime at the rate of 40-60 g per 1 sq. m bed, and treat the grooves with a solution of lime at the rate of 100 g of lime per linear meter of the ditch. Such liming of the bed should be carried out about a month before spawning, and the grooves should be treated with a lime solution 2-3 days before the ponds are filled, and then washed with water. On the bed of drained ponds, it is advisable to drive domestic ducks, which willingly eat frogs, tadpoles and other pests of fish that are often found here. Spawning ponds should be fenced with brushwood or reeds to prevent frogs from entering them. Spawning ponds can only be filled with water through a filter that prevents tadpoles, predatory and weedy fish from entering them. At the same time, water is released early in the morning so that by 6-8 pm the producers can be planted in ponds for spawning.

Spawning in unstable weather with cooling often leads to the death of fry from sharp fluctuations in water temperature and from a delay in the development of natural food in ponds. Spawning must be timed to coincide with the period of warm, stable weather that sets in in the European part of the USSR by the end of May or early June. At that time, the water temperature in the ponds reaches approximately 18°.

Carp lay their eggs on fresh, water-filled vegetation. In spawning ponds, prematurely flooded with water, the vegetation becomes covered with mucus, gets wet and decomposes, which sharply worsens the conditions for spawning or stops it.

It is advisable to plant one female and one or two males per 0.1 ha of the water surface of the spawning pond. If the area of ​​the spawning pond is much smaller (0.01-0.1), you can connect two spawning ponds with the same water level.

In spawning ponds, after spawning, it is necessary to raise the water level by 15-20 cm, otherwise the growing vegetation, together with the eggs laid on it, may partially leave the water, and the eggs will dry out and die. Raising the water level will prevent this and protect the eggs during matinees from the influence of sharp temperature fluctuations in the surface layers of the water.

Carp eggs are especially sensitive to temperature fluctuations in the first days after fertilization. Cooling delays the development of embryos in eggs and the hatching of fish larvae. Before hatching from eggs of fish larvae, water is supplied to spawning ponds only in the amount necessary to replenish its loss. After spawning, it is advisable to remove spawners from spawning ponds. To this end, carefully so as not to damage the developing eggs, spawners are caught with small vents or other fishing gear in grooves.

Sometimes it happens that spawning does not occur, despite all the seemingly favorable conditions for it. The delay in spawning can be caused by the immaturity of spawners, their exhaustion after a long winter starvation, bruises during transplantation for spawning, filling of spawning grounds with polluted water and, as a result, siltation of vegetation on which eggs are laid, as well as strong winds, rain, cold snap that occurred after planting of spawners for spawning, etc. In the event of a delay in spawning, it is necessary to partially or completely replace the spawners. To do this, it is necessary, by lowering the water from the ponds, to catch all the producers, after which, having filled it, place other producers in it. The replacement of spawners must be carried out within one day, since the lengthening of the spawning period negatively affects the development of fry and their further growth in nursery ponds. If the vegetation covering the bed is heavily silted, it is advisable to dry the pond, leaving it without water for 1-2 days, and in those parts of the bed where carp spawning is most likely to be placed in the form of small areas (0.5-1 sq. m) pieces of well-sprouted turf. In such areas, juniper branches or sheaves of soft meadow vegetation can be attached to the bottom of the pond, put on pegs, which should not have sharp ends that could injure producers during spawning. Having thus prepared the bed, the pond is filled with water and spawning is carried out.

A day after spawning, well-rotted horse manure in the amount of 1-1.5 kg per 1 sq. m of fertilized area to ensure the cultivation of live food (daphnia).

On the second day after spawning, a mash prepared from fresh cow feces is evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​​​the pond in such a way that for every 10 square meters. m of water surface accounted for 2 kg of feces. To prepare the talker, they take 2 kg of feces and mix it with 6 liters of water, preventing an increase in the amount of manure and feces, as this can cause a sharp lack of oxygen dissolved in water, especially after sunset, and lead to the death of juvenile fish.

On the third day after spawning over the entire area of ​​the spawning pond, it is advisable to evenly spread over the surface, having previously dissolved in water, mineral fertilizers - potassium salt or sylvinite, and, in addition, superphosphate per 1 ha: potassium salt 15 kg, superphosphate 30 kg. Potash and phosphorus fertilizers can be replaced with ash that has not been previously exposed to water.

On the seventh day after hatching from eggs of carp larvae, organic fertilizers in the form of rotted wet manure are applied in the same amount to previously fertilized areas of the pond.

On the eighth day after the hatching of the carp larvae, a mash of fresh cow feces is again evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the pond in the amount indicated above.

Large daphnia are bred in one of the spawning ponds. When the remaining spawning ponds are filled with water, they are transferred to them in buckets or daphnia are transferred from this pond through the connecting groove. The latter is filled with water 15-30 days before spawning and fertilized. For this pond, daphnia sires are taken from stagnant puddles, diggings or other small reservoirs, in which in the spring, with good heating of the water by the sun and with a significant presence organic matter Daphnia usually develop in masses. This pond, after draining water from it and airing it for one or two days, can be used for spawning. Using such a fertilizer for the purpose of breeding daphnia, T. 3. Patyak in the Fastovets fish hatchery of the Krasnodar Territory received up to 400 g of live food per 1 sq. m. m of the area of ​​the pond, and the output of fry and one female ranged from 134 thousand to 376 thousand pieces. At the same time, the fish productivity of spawning ponds, which were flooded for only 25-30 days, amounted to 250-384 kg of fish per 1 ha of water surface.

It is possible to recommend the use of pond fertilizers according to the method of L. N. Mamontova - by fractional application of ammonium nitrate and superphosphate to the ponds in order to ensure the development and growth of protococcal algae, due to which, eating them, daphnia grow and develop perfectly, serving as food for fish.

Cultivation of carp fingerlings. If there is a sufficient number of daphnia in spawning ponds, fry are sometimes transplanted into rearing ponds at the age of 15-18 days and later.

Fry from spawning ponds are caught with traps. The catcher is a wooden box measuring 0.4×1 m, covered with a metal mesh. It is installed in a diverting ditch, behind the waterway sunbed.

Growing ponds are filled with water 7-10 days before fry are planted in them. Ponds are filled with water through a mesh trap or gravel-pebble filter, in addition, they arrange a filter by driving stakes in two rows at intervals of 1 m, filled with brushwood, branches of spruce, juniper or other. If there is a water drop between the water supply channel or trays and nursery a pond, then they put a trash trap made of a metal mesh.

In the event of the same water level in the pond and in the ditch draining the water discharged from the pond, as well as the impossibility of placing the trap at the end of the deck, the trap is connected with a tarpaulin to the end of the deck. From the spawning pond, water, together with the fry, enters the trap, from which they are caught with gauze nets. The latter can be caught fry and on the influx of fresh water.

With a measuring cup with a mesh bottom, fry are counted. Count one by one three to five times at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the catch of each spawning pond. Thus, the number of fry that fit in a measuring cup is specified.

To obtain underyearlings of the same weight, each rearing pond is stocked with fry during one day, releasing them evenly throughout the coastal zone.

To count 8-12-day-old fry, they are caught with gauze rods, gauze rackets on the inflow of water or with a trap installed below the spawning pond. The caught fry are placed in a bath of water placed next to the catchers. 3-4 buckets of water are poured into the second bath, placed on the dam. The volume of water in the bucket is pre-calculated with a ladle (large pouring spoon). A bath with fry is taken out to the dam and placed next to the second bath, into which measured water is poured. Fry with a racket are quickly transplanted from the first bath to the second and left alone for 1-2 minutes. At the same time, the bath with fry must be protected from the sun with a tarpaulin or canopy, this causes a uniform distribution of fry in the water. Then, with the same ladle that was used to measure the volume of water in the bucket, they scoop up water with fry three times from different places in the bath and accurately count them. Determine the average number of fry in one ladle. This amount is multiplied by the number of ladles of water in the second bath and find out how many fry are in the whole bath. A bath with fry (10,000-15,000 pieces) is placed on a trolley or stretcher, covered with a tarpaulin, and delivered to a rearing pond to be stocked with fish. Here, the fry are carefully released into a gauze cage (a wooden frame covered with gauze).

Such a count is allowed only under the condition of a uniform distribution of fry in the bath. Large fry are distributed unevenly in the bath, therefore, they cannot be counted in this way, since a large error in determining the number of fry can be made. Small fry can also be distributed unevenly in the bath if it is unequally lit. The stay of fry in the bath before counting should not exceed 15 minutes. Otherwise, due to a lack of oxygen, the fry begin to rise to the surface of the water, and the uniformity of their distribution is disturbed. With a sufficiently uniform distribution of fry in the bath, their number in samples taken with a ladle from different places in the bath should be approximately the same. But even in such cases, the error in the calculation can reach 10%.

A more accurate count of fry is achieved by a volumetric method using a counting vessel of the Solovyov system in the form of a cone-shaped teapot, which is made of galvanized iron or tinned sheet. The edge of the drain spout should be at the level of the narrow opening of the funnel.

The calculation is made as follows. Excess water is poured into the counting vessel through a funnel, the latter is allowed to drain through the spout, after which a beaker (graduated glass cylinder) is placed under the spout. With a gauze spoon or scoop, 200-500 fry without water are collected into the vessel, controlling that the water displaced by the fry flows into the beaker. The volume of displaced water that has drained into the beaker determines the number of fry per unit volume (for example, corresponding to one division of the beaker). Subsequently, fry without counting are placed in the vessel and their number is determined based on the volume of water displaced by them. It is advisable to place small fry in advance in a small basin or bowl with water in the amount of 100-200 milliliters. Water, together with the fry, is poured into a counting vessel. The volume of added water is subtracted from the total volume indicated by the beaker.

The dimensions of the vessel depend on the scale of the work. For a quick transfer a large number fry use vessels with a capacity of 10 liters. Such a vessel holds up to 10,000 pieces of 8-12 day old fry or up to 500 pieces of 40-45 day old fry. The duration of the countdown (filling the vessel) should not exceed 5 minutes.

Using any method of counting, and especially volumetric, it is necessary to strictly ensure that litter, tadpoles, insects, etc. do not get along with the fry. under the flow of water. The flow rate of water in the purifier is controlled by a valve. Fry placed in the cleaner tend to swim against the current and accumulate at the front grate, from where they are scooped out for counting. The rubbish flows towards the back grate, which is cleaned from time to time.

To account for the waste among fry after transportation, they are released into a gauze cage installed in the rearing pond. Lowering the edges of the cage into the water, they let the live fry go into the pond. The remaining dead fry are selected and counted individually or in a measuring cup.

Spawning ponds after catching fry from them and draining the water are subjected to drying. In case of insufficient development in spawning ponds of vegetation on which eggs are deposited and incubated, it is recommended to plow them shallowly and fertilize with rotted manure at the rate of 50 tons of manure per 1 ha, then sow with foxtail.

Fry ponds are usually fished at the end of June. In the first days of July, 25-45-day-old fry are transplanted into nursery ponds.

The catch of underyearlings is carried out in autumn. By this time, they should reach a piece weight of 25-30 g and have sufficient fatness in the presence of fat in the body in the amount of 5-6%. Underyearlings are caught in a lowered pond with a delirium, and with a full descent, leaving water only in a ditch and a fish pit, with nets. For easier fishing, fish traps are used.

In order to avoid traumatic injuries and other adverse effects, fishing and replanting of fish must be completed before the onset of stable frosts and ice cover.

When stocking feeding ponds, determine required amount carp yearlings. With a pond fish productivity of 200 kg per 1 hectare, 400 carp or carp yearlings are practically planted in it for feeding for each hectare of the pond area. In the same pond, with mixed stocking, carp fry are planted, and with additional - also tench, goldfish - in total, about 1000-1500 pieces per hectare. With a fish productivity of a pond of 300 kg, about 700 fish are planted, and with a fish productivity of 400 kg, about 1000 fish. carp yearlings per 1 ha. Such planting of carp yearlings with a piece weight of 25-30 g makes it possible by autumn to bring their weight on the natural food of ponds even without feeding up to half a kilogram in 1 piece.

Each body of water is planted for growing or feeding fish, based on the calculation of its fish productivity and the desired production of its piece increase.

In order to accurately calculate how many carp yearlings need to be planted in the pond, the water area of ​​the pond, the natural productivity of the pond, the average weight of one fish planned by autumn and the average unit weight of carp yearlings before planting in the pond are taken into account. It is usually assumed that the output of fish by autumn, by the time of their final catch, in the ponds will be 85-90% of the number of planted yearlings.

Suppose the area of ​​the pond is 10 ha, its productivity is 200 kg of fish per 1 ha, the average unit weight of fish planned for autumn is 0.525 kg, the unit weight of planted fish is 0.025 kg. In order to determine how many carp yearlings need to be planted in a pond, we use the following calculation:

10×200×100 =4706

Therefore, in our example, 4706 carp yearlings need to be planted in the pond (the numbers 100 and 85 mean percentages).

When stocking a pond, a fairly simple and at the same time accurate calculation of the planting of carp yearlings can also be made as follows: suppose that the natural productivity of the pond is 400 kg, i.e. 400,000 g per 1 ha, and the growth of each fish over the summer is planned to be 460 g. Then 400,000 are divided by 460 and get the number of carps in pieces. Another 10% is added to this number for waste during the summer, i.e. 400,000: 460 \u003d 870 + 87 \u003d 957 pieces. Therefore, in this case you need to plant 957 carp yearlings per hectare of the pond.

Here is another simple calculation. For example, the productivity of the pond is 300 kg, i.e. 300,000 g, the growth of each fish over the summer is planned to be 500 g. Then, dividing 300,000 by 500, we get the number of carps, to which we add another 15% for their departure during the summer (300,000: 500 \u003d 600 + 90 \u003d 690 pieces).

Therefore, for each hectare of this pond, 690 carp yearlings should be planted.

Such planting of fish in ponds given above with the expectation of growing it only on natural food is called single or normal. If fish are fed, then the density - planting density is increased by 2-3 or more times, calling it two-fold, three-fold, etc. Many farms, using multiple plantings, feed fish with waste grain, industrial, vegetable crops and potatoes. Food is placed on tables immersed in water, or on the ground of the coastal zone of the pond at a depth of about 0.5 m.

For stocking backyard ponds annually it is required to purchase fish seed - fry, yearlings or fingerlings, larvae. The amount of this material is from several tens to a thousand pieces, which depends on the food supply and the conditions of the reservoir, its area.

Before you start growing fish, you need to know in what conditions it will grow, how to purchase planting material, the route for its transportation, and the rules for transporting it.

The amount of water needed to transport fish depends on the air temperature, the distance of transportation, the amount of oxygen dissolved in the water, the species and age of the fish. The most favorable water temperature for heat-loving fish is 10-12°C in summer, 5-6°C in spring and autumn. In winter, all types of fish can be transported at a water temperature of 1-2°C. Water for transportation is taken from a river, lake or pond. Its temperature should be the same as where the fish was and where it is released. The difference should not exceed 1-2°C, otherwise the temperature must be equalized and only after that the fish should be released into the pond. You can not take water from springs, wells or plumbing, as it is poor in oxygen.

It is best to transport fish in cool weather early morning or evening. When transporting during the day, you need to stock up on ice (at least 5 kg per 100 liters of water).

Ice in a barrel should be put only wrapped in burlap or gauze. Change the water gradually: let it out of the transport container, while adding fresh water. With a sharp change in water temperature, normal breathing is disturbed in fish and it can die from temperature shock.

First, ditches and depressions are poured (water should gradually soak into the soil), which contributes to an increase in nitrate nitrogen in the soil by 2-3 times. The process of aerobic decomposition of organic substances is enhanced. With rapid filling, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium compounds penetrate into the deep layers of the soil and become inaccessible to phytoplankton. Before stocking, vegetation thickets are destroyed, the pond is limed at the rate of 3-20 centners of lime per 1 ha until it is filled with water or over water. On flowing ponds on the drain, fine-mesh dust traps are installed, and on the discharge, a barrier grid is installed to prevent fish from leaving the pond.

c - mass of planting material, kg / piece;

p - fish yield in autumn, in % of stocking.

In one pond, you can grow fry and marketable fish in a ratio of 3:1. On the natural food base of the reservoir, which depends on many factors (quality of water, soil, availability of biogenic materials, organic substances, water temperature), 1.5-3.0 thousand fry and 500-800 yearlings can be planted in a pond per 1 ha .

In a number of reservoirs with an unfavorable oxygen regime, planting goldfish (60-80%) justifies itself.

Stocking of ponds with yearlings should be carried out in April, and with fry in June-July. At the same time, it must be remembered that when fish of different ages are grown together, they exhibit cannibalism, so it is better to plant grown fry for yearlings. If there are weedy fish in the ponds (perches, perch, roach, gudgeon), then predatory fish are planted; however, they must be smaller in size than the first.

When breeding carp, crucian carp, tench, several nests of producers are planted in the pond. For better spawning, artificial spawning grounds are arranged from pine, spruce, and juniper branches.

The growth of fish is monthly recognized during the control fishing, using small logs or a fishing rod for these purposes.

As top dressing use the remains of bread, crumbs, various cereals, cake, wheat, barley, peas, corn, mixed fodder. On average, for 1 kg of growth, you need to spend at least 5-6 kg of feed.

In the warm period of summer, feed at least 3 times a day. Feed is placed on feeders, which are arranged in places with a favorable oxygen regime at a depth of 0.6-0.8 m. all parts of the pond. From organic fertilizers in shallow areas, it is recommended to apply humus at the rate of 1 t/ha, dried vegetation up to 3 t/ha, bird droppings 5 ​​c/ha in the spring and early summer periods.

Stocking of reservoirs with fish today is a popular and demanded service. Our company offers its customers high-quality services for settling a pond with live pond fish at the best prices. A wealth of experience in this field, as well as an attentive attitude to the individual wishes of the customer - this is the main credo of our professional activity. Do you want to make sure of this? Order the stocking of reservoirs in our company.

We offer fish settlement not only in artificial, but also in natural reservoirs of any size, as well as various options service at the request of the customer. When settling a decorative reservoir with fish, the main emphasis is on the aesthetic component this process and individual taste preferences of the client. As a rule, the choice of customers falls on the brightest types of fish. This is quite reasonable, because they will look most appropriate and spectacular in a decorative pond.

For the possibility of further organization of a full-fledged fishing or breeding, more simple fish designed for fishing. Such types in without fail should correspond to their intended purpose and be suitable for fishing - first of all, in size.

You should choose fish of medium and large sizes: carp and grass carp, crucian carp and pike, etc.

And this is not surprising, because by ordering live fish for your pond, you get the opportunity not only to ennoble it and turn it into a small world of wildlife, but also give yourself a unique opportunity to organize first-class fishing.

Why can you safely order a service of settling a reservoir with fish in our company and be sure of the high quality of our services?

Firstly, we are always happy to provide our clients with competent and professional consultations of an introductory nature. You need to understand that organizing your own pond is not only pleasant, but also troublesome and very responsible. To do everything right, you need to take into account a lot of different nuances. We have rich experience in breeding the most different fish. Many years of successful practice helped us to collect a lot of valuable information related to different types fish. We are always happy to advise our clients on such important issues as: competent feeding of fish, rules for feeding and catching, the possibility of interaction various kinds fish in one area, etc. Obviously, without this fundamental knowledge, it will be very, very difficult to make a stocked pond on your own.

In addition, the specialists of our company will help you choose the most competent assortment of fish that fully meets your wishes.

In our company you can order the settlement of the pond with elite live fish, presented in a wide range (you can find it in the catalog).

When ordering a service from our company, you get not only first-class service, but also a guarantee for all purchased fish.

Before selling fish, we carry out a thorough preliminary control, which includes not only quality, but also quarantine control. As a result, our customers receive not only beautiful, but also healthy fish, fully prepared for adaptation to the new territory.

Settlement of fish in the reservoir

The settlement of a reservoir with fish in private, summer cottages is today a very popular and demanded service. And this is not surprising. Just imagine how pleasant it is to sit near your own pond on a warm summer day and admire beautiful fish or organize excellent fishing with friends on a day off. Do you think these are fantasy dreams? Not at all! All this will become real and possible if a competently populated reservoir appears on your site - in accordance with all the rules and taking into account all technological requirements.

Before you start, you should understand in what conditions the fish acquired for these purposes will grow. Every detail is important here, from the amount of water and natural light to the temperature of the water.

Another important question: what kind of fish to choose for stocking ponds? If you are a fan of diversity, remember: you can stock several types of fish together, as long as they are not nutritional competitors. There are several proven combinations: carp and carp, tench and silver carp, etc. If there are weed fish in your pond, it is recommended to plant a pike.

What to feed the new inhabitants of the pond?

This is another important question. It all depends on the feeding system of the various fish species present in your pond. For top dressing, it is good to use the remains of bread or crumbs, all kinds of cereals, grain or compound feed. As a rule, for one kilogram of growth, about 5 kilograms of feed are consumed. AT summer time you need to feed the fish at least three times a day. Feed can be placed in special feeders. To improve water quality, it is recommended to apply lime from time to time during the summer season at the rate of 120-150 kg/ha, evenly distributing it over all parts of the reservoir. There are really many nuances. But for your private pond to be complete, you need to take into account all these points.

Obviously, not only the settlement of the reservoir, but also the further maintenance of fish is a painstaking and complex work that requires attention and a sufficient amount of knowledge. That is why it is best to trust the stocking of reservoirs to qualified specialists who are well versed in all the nuances of this issue. In this case, you can count on the fact that your reservoir will fully and harmoniously develop. In addition, you will receive a lot useful advice to take care of your pond.