The best Japanese mushrooms for health promotion. "Japanese mother"! This is why thousands of Japanese women drink kombucha infusion without fail

About 2 years ago I saw a jar of kombucha in my friend's kitchen. He treated me to a cool, tart drink. A distant memory from childhood, a taste that cannot be confused with anything! I was surprised, of course, that he is the happy owner of such a miracle, but was distracted by an interesting conversation, forgot to ask about the infusion ...

More recently, I stumbled upon fascinating research and regretted that I had not asked a friend for a piece of the mushroom. Having learned what is the benefit of kombucha, I want to start growing it, putting aside all other earthly affairs.

"Japanese uterus", "Manchurian mushroom", Japanese mushroom, jellyfish, medusa mycete- whatever they call it. In Japan, medical science has long recognized that kombucha has a positive effect on female physiology, even helps to get pregnant, so Japanese women respect this tart infusion.

properties of kombucha

Kombucha is rich acetic and lactic acid, as well as yeast cultures. Special enzymes contained in the fungus create a fertile environment in the body! Therefore, all those suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract need a healing infusion, like living water.

The effect of the use of infusion during the recovery period is especially noticeable. after taking antibiotics. Antibiotics kill all the beneficial microflora in the intestines, and thanks to the miracle drink, it recovers very quickly!

Infusion reception is shown kombucha in diseases of the liver and pancreas. It is incredibly useful to drink it for metabolic disorders, obesity, hormonal imbalance! Kombucha will help you lose weight, because the normalization of the stomach plays a huge role in the process of losing weight. Also, the infusion helps to calm the nervous system and cope with constant headaches.

Here detailed instructions which will help grow kombucha from scratch at home. It's time to get busy, all for the sake of improving health!


  • clean liter jar
  • 5 st. l. black leaf tea without additives
  • 0.5 l boiling water
  • 7 art. l. Sahara
  • gauze


  1. Brew tea leaves in a teapot, as usual, let it brew. Add sugar.
  2. You are my liter jar baking soda to kill all harmful microorganisms. Fill the jar halfway with tea leaves strained through gauze.
  3. Tie the jar with gauze and place in a dark place. After a few weeks, the brew will begin to emit a characteristic vinegar aroma, and after a month and a half, a thin mushroom will grow on the surface of the tea! It must be carefully removed and placed in three-liter jar filled with weak tea.

It turns out that kombucha infusion is recommended to rinse hair for special softness and strengthening, wipe the face with it as a tonic, and even treat wounds that do not heal for a long time! Watch this educational video. I'm sure you'll discover something for yourself.

Regular use infusion of kombucha- half a glass 3-4 times a day - will help to cope with hypertension and reduce blood cholesterol levels. It is recommended to drink the infusion at night for people suffering from atherosclerosis. Before dinner, drinking a glass of infusion is recommended for those who suffer from anemia.

Kombucha is a living medicine! If you like its taste, I can also recommend sea rice, the drink from which also resembles kvass. Wonderfully cleanses the body of toxins and renews it!

There are also contraindications to taking a healing infusion: these are diabetes mellitus, gastritis, low blood pressure and systemic fungal infections. In other cases, definitely drink! Wish good health you and your family.

The name "kombucha" is known to many since childhood. The popularity of this mushroom in the eighties and nineties of the last century was huge not only in our country, but throughout the world. It is not for nothing that many popular names have been assigned to this strange living product: Japanese mushroom, tea kvass, medusa mycete, tea jellyfish. In the United States, kombucha was called "kombucha", in Spain and France - "hongo". In Japan, it is called "kotya-kinoko", which translates as "kombucha".

Medusomycete is a product consisting of yeast fungi and acetobacteria. China is considered the birthplace of this mushroom, since the first information about it appeared in Chinese writings as early as the third century BC. Tea kvass gained worldwide popularity in the twentieth century. He came to Russia after the war with Japan.

The tea jellyfish looks very much like a real sea jellyfish. Once in any container, Kombucha grows over the entire surface of the nutrient medium, which is. When grown for industrial purposes, this fungus can reach enormous sizes and weigh up to 100 kg.

Mechanism of action

The fungus begins to grow as a result of the reproduction of yeast fungi and acetic acid fermentation of the nutrient medium. Medusa mycete microorganisms use molecules of caffeine and tea tannins to build their framework, which consists mainly of cellulose.

In the course of their life, they break down to carbon dioxide, and the acetic acid bacteria present in the environment convert ethanol to. As a result of these chemical transformations, a slightly carbonated drink with a sweet and sour taste is obtained - tea kvass.

Chemical composition

The origin, growth and development of kombucha is largely determined by the type of tea used. This will depend on chemical composition received tea drink. So, a drink obtained when using black tea as a nutrient medium will contain more tannins, and green tea - vitamins and caffeine. In addition, there will be more purine bases in green tea kvass.

The drink obtained as a result of fermentation of tea infusion contains:

  • carbohydrates (, cellulose);
  • (acetic, glucuronic, phosphoric, kojic, pyruvic);
  • (amylase, lipase, protease, carbonic anhydrase, catalase);
  • lipids ( fatty acid, );
  • and purine bases;
  • pigments (, xanthophyll);
  • antibiotics;
  • tannins;
  • alcohols and aldehydes;
  • resins;
  • alkaloids;
  • glycosides;
  • vitamins;
  • minerals.

The use of only 100 ml of tea kvass can provide the human body with the daily intake of vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) and vitamin D (ergocalciferol).

Beneficial features

The richest composition of kvass from medusomycete provides a huge range of properties that are beneficial for the human body, which it exhibits when ingested and applied externally.

For the digestive system

The tea drink stimulates the production of digestive juices, thereby promoting digestion. The enzymes contained in it reduce the load on the digestive glands (salivary, gastric, pancreas, liver).

The vitamin composition of tea kvass inhibits the reproduction of pathogenic intestinal microorganisms and maintains normal intestinal microflora. Due to its high concentration, Japanese mushroom kvass improves immunity and body resistance.

Regular consumption of this infusion in food reduces inflammatory reactions in the organs of the digestive tract. and other polysaccharides of the drink prevent absorption from the intestines, absorb and remove toxic substances and toxins from the body, prevent bloating and normalize stools.

For the condition of the heart and blood vessels

Tea kvass, when taken orally as a remedy, normalizes heart rate, reduces heart rate, lowers blood pressure, tones the walls of venous vessels and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Its components help to reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood. Due to the anticoagulant effect, the drink improves microcirculation in tissues.

For the general condition of the body

Tea drink normalizes metabolism in the body, which has a positive effect on the general condition of a person, increases his vitality and improves mood. Drinking the drink at night in a warm form has a calming and hypnotic effect.

Promoting hematopoietic functions, kvass from jellyfish increases the amount of hemoglobin in the blood and immunity. The intake of a tea drink inside has a powerful antioxidant and detoxifying effect on human body. Literary sources contain information about the anti-cancer properties of this kvass.

External products based on this drink improve the condition of the skin and its appendages (hair, nails), relieve inflammation, and reduce allergic dermatological reactions.

Harmful properties

The active substances that this drink contains in large quantities, in some diseases and conditions, they can also exhibit harmful properties.

In order not to aggravate the patient's condition, the use of tea kvass is contraindicated in inflammatory diseases internal organs in the acute phase.

Possessing high acidity, the infusion of jellyfish is contraindicated for use in gastritis with hyperacidity, gastric and duodenal ulcers in the acute stage.

The drink is contraindicated in gout and urolithiasis because it contains oxalic acid and purine bases.

You can not drink the Japanese mushroom infusion before work that requires a quick reaction and concentration, for example, driving a car, operating conveyors and conveyors.

The sugary compounds that make up the drink increase the concentration of glucose in the blood, so its use is not recommended for diabetics.

The active compounds of kvass can interact with the active ingredients of various medications, so its use is prohibited simultaneously with painkillers, antipyretics, sedatives, hypnotics, tranquilizers, antacids, anticoagulants and antiaggregants.

Contraindications to the use of this drink are reduced blood clotting (deficiencies of coagulation factors, thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia).

The acids of the tea drink are easily oxidized and can react with the dishes in which it is infused, so the Japanese mushroom cannot be grown in ceramic, metal or earthenware.

Tea kvass, due to the content of alcohols and aldehydes, is contraindicated in childhood, during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The use of the drink is prohibited for individual intolerance and allergies.

Application in traditional medicine

The multiple beneficial properties of the drink based on the Japanese mushroom allow traditional healers to successfully use it in the treatment of various chronic diseases:

  • ENT organs and upper respiratory tract (bronchitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis media);
  • digestive organs (gastritis with low acidity, pancreatitis, bile stasis, constipation, dysbacteriosis);
  • organs of the excretory system (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, cystitis);
  • various forms of tuberculosis;
  • iron, folic and B12 deficiency anemia;
  • exhausted states.

The influence of the components of the drink on vascular tone and heart rhythm makes it possible to use it for atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, arrhythmias, transient disorders of cerebral circulation, multiple sclerosis, senile dementia, migraines. The anticoagulant effect of kvass is useful for thrombophilia, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis.

Benefits for weight loss

It is recommended to introduce a drink from medusomycete into the diet of people who are struggling with overweight. The substances contained in it improve the breakdown and absorption of nutrients, which normalizes the digestion process and heals the intestinal biocenosis. Fiber and other polysaccharides in kvass prevent constipation, which often accompanies the process of losing weight.

In order for the Japanese mushroom to contribute to weight loss, the infusion on it must be taken, adhering to certain rules:

  1. You need to insist a tea drink for a diet on green tea.
  2. Drink one hour before a meal or two hours after a meal.
  3. Single dose - 1 glass (250 ml), maximum daily dose - 6 glasses.
  4. The duration of the continuous course should not exceed 1 month.
  5. A break of at least one week is required between courses.
  6. Drinking a drink does not replace diet food and physical activity.
  7. drink should be taken into account when calculating the daily calorie content (according to the glucose content in 100 ml).

At correct use tea kvass in one month you can get rid of 7 kg of weight.

Outdoor use

The use of a drink from Japanese tea as a remedy for external use is indicated for inflammatory diseases of the eyelids (conjunctivitis, barley on the eyelid), skin (dermatitis, furunculosis), burns, purulent wounds, trophic ulcers, varicose veins. Tampons soaked in tea kvass are used for hemorrhoids. The organic acids of the drink soften dry calluses and reduce the pain of heel spurs.

The imposition of compresses with an infusion of kombucha is indicated for mastitis, subcutaneous abscesses, bruises, arthritis, insect bites. Tea kvass is also often used in cosmetology for the manufacture of lotions, tonics, masks, balms for problem skin, hair, and nails.

How to grow

Kombucha bacteria are aerobes, meaning they cannot live without oxygen. Therefore, in the process of growing jellyfish, it is very important that the infusion has constant air access. The process of growing kombucha looks like this:

  1. Wash and rinse thoroughly glass jar(preferably 3 liters).
  2. On purified boiled tea, you need to prepare weak (black or green) tea with sugar (2 tsp tea, 1 liter of water, 50 g of sugar). Strain so that the infusion is transparent.
  3. Tea should be large-leaf, without flavors, dyes. Sugar must be completely dissolved in tea.
  4. Put a Japanese mushroom on the bottom of the prepared container, pour tea room temperature.
  5. Cover the neck of the jar with gauze. Leave in a lit place, avoiding direct sunlight on the mushroom.

At first, the jellyfish will lie at the bottom of the jar, but as it grows and matures, it will rise to the surface. The drink can be consumed no earlier than after 7 days. Until then, it contains a lot of sugar. It is also not worth overdoing the infusion for longer than 10 days, since acetic acid will progressively accumulate in it.

After draining the kvass into the jar with the mushroom, it is necessary to add freshly prepared tea. Every week or every two weeks, a new layer will appear in the jellyfish. Layers can be separated: this is how its reproduction is carried out.

If in the process of growing a jellyfish sank to the bottom, it needs to be treated. To do this, it is taken out of the container, while the old infusion is drained, and the jar is thoroughly washed. The body of the fungus is examined. The dark layers are separated and discarded. The remaining jellyfish is dried, and then lowered into a freshly prepared tea infusion room temperature. If after a few days she did not rise to the surface, this means that she died. It is strictly forbidden to use tea kvass obtained by insisting on a dead mushroom.

If the drink is planned to be made for regular consumption, then it is better to prepare two glass containers at once: the mushroom will grow in one and the drink will ripen, and the finished tea kvass will be stored in the other.

How to drink

For medicinal purposes, it is necessary to take the drink in a warm form (but not hot) half an hour before meals or 2 hours after it. The volume of the drink consumed per day is about 0.5 liters, which must be divided into three doses. The course of treatment is 1.5-2 months with a further monthly break.

Tea drink can be combined with other folk remedies(with decoctions or infusions of medicinal herbs, beekeeping products, with mummy).

The drink should be slightly carbonated and sour. The appearance of a sharp sour taste, the smell of alcohol or vinegar indicates that the fermentation process has been disturbed. Such a spoiled drink should not be drunk.


Kombucha (medusomycete, Japanese mushroom) is a popular remedy in folk medicine. In addition to good taste, a drink infused with jellyfish has many useful properties. Admirers of traditional medicine recommend drinking tea kvass for diseases of the digestive tract, circulatory system, kidneys and urinary tract. Its use is also useful for metabolic disorders, to improve the composition of the blood, to increase the tone of the body.

The Japanese mushroom promotes weight loss, allowing, under all conditions, to lose up to 7 kg of excess weight per month. On the basis of this drink, various products are made for external use in diseases of the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and joints. In cosmetology, with its use, cosmetics are prepared to improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails. For a Japanese mushroom drink to bring maximum benefit, it must be grown properly. With proper care, tea kvass will be useful and effective. healing drink for all family members.

Some components that make up the tea drink are harmful in certain diseases and conditions, which must be considered before starting to use it.

It has long been known that all mushrooms have not only nutritional, but also medicinal value. However, the leading position in abundance useful characteristics belongs to the Chinese and Japanese shiitake mushrooms. China is considered to be the birthplace of shiitake, and the name comes from the Japanese "shia" (dwarf chestnut tree, a favorite place for growing mushrooms) and "take" (mushroom). If translated literally, it turns out that shiitake is a mushroom that grows on chestnut trees. Its description, composition and useful properties, as well as possible harm Let's look at it later in the article.

Botanical description

Shiitake has gained immense popularity due to the fact that they are one of the most studied medicinal mushrooms by scientists. This is well deserved, since these mushrooms have been used in practical oriental medicine for more than two thousand years, as evidenced by written evidence of those times and the results of archaeological excavations of contemporaries.

In ancient times, oriental healers at the court of Chinese emperors used the healing properties of mushrooms to treat, prolong the youth and longevity of emperors and their families. That is why shiitake is called the imperial mushroom.
You can also find other names for the mushroom, including: edible lentinula, monarch or king of mushrooms, Japanese or black forest mushroom, sleeping Buddha mushroom, elixir of life, ginseng mushroom. The Chinese mushroom got its last name by comparing it with ginseng in terms of quantity. healing properties.

Did you know? Shiitake mushroom entered the Guinness Book of Records for great amount useful properties described in various publications. Over 40,000 papers have been published worldwide.

In Europe, America, Russia, China and Japan, shiitake is grown in special rooms - enriched sawdust, rice husks or chopped straw are used for this, they create the necessary temperature and humidity. The harvest of such mushrooms is used for Food Industry, the number of useful elements in it is minimal. For medical needs, it is necessary that mushrooms grow in natural conditions, that is, on stumps or trunks of fallen trees - only such conditions can provide Chinese mushrooms with a full range of healing properties.

Recently, in order to increase the yield and meet the demand for medicinal mushrooms, grafting trees with shiitake spores has been practiced. This is quite acceptable, since the main conditions - the symbiosis of dead wood and live fungus, as well as the natural lighting regime - are observed.
The chestnut tree, which gave the name to shiitake, is not the only habitat for mushrooms. In the natural environment of Japan, China and Korea, shiitake grows successfully on logs of many hardwoods, including oaks, maples, walnuts and alder.

On the territory of Russia, in the Far East and in the Primorsky Territory, shiitake are found on oaks, birches, maples, chestnuts, poplars, hornbeams,.

The size of the fungus is from 3 to 20 cm, the color is from light to dark brown with white spots, like a young deer, with small cracks, thickenings and dents. The cap is lamellar, and the stem is fibrous with a protective membrane that ruptures when the spores mature. The flesh of the cap and legs of the mushroom are white, darken and turn brown when pressed. The dried mushroom acquires a dark brown, almost black color. The cap of the dried mushroom looks like old cracked skin.

Mushrooms are considered the most useful, the caps of which do not exceed 6 cm in diameter and are open by no more than 70%, having a dark brown color and a convex velvety cap.

Important!Brown spots on the inside of the mushroom indicate the aging of the shiitake and the loss of beneficial properties.

At present, practical Japanese agree to pay no more than 8 dollars per kilogram for industrially grown mushrooms, and up to 30 dollars for wild mushrooms.

Chemical composition

The reason for the fantastic healing properties of the Chinese mushroom is its rich in vitamins, amino acids, macro- and microelements chemical composition.

Consider what useful elements are contained in 100 g of edible lentinula.


  • - 35 mcg;
  • - 0.015 mg;
  • - 0.217 mg;
  • - 3.877 mg;
  • - 1.5 mg;
  • - 0.293 mg;
  • - 13 mcg;
  • - 4.15 mcg;
  • - 0.4 mcg.

Did you know? As a result of a three-hour exposure to sunlight on shiitake, the content of vitamin D in it increases by 2.5 times. Naturally grown mushrooms contain more vitamin D than cod liver.

  • - 112 mg;
  • - 304 mg;
  • - 2 mg;
  • - 20 mg;
  • - 9 mg.
Trace elements:
  • Mangan - 230 mg;
  • Cuprum - 142 mg;
  • - 5.7 mcg;
  • - 1.03 mcg;
  • Iron - 0.41 mg.
Also in the composition of Chinese mushrooms are present:
  • vegetable proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
  • cellulose;
  • fatty acid;
  • amino acids;
  • polysaccharides;

And this is not a complete list of useful substances contained in medicinal mushrooms.

Important! Despite the richest chemical composition of shiitake, its constituent elements(as well as any other mushrooms)are poorly absorbed by the human body, especially if there are disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Lentinula edible is an ideal protein due to the fact that it contains ten amino acids that are indispensable for the human body. The main ones are lysine and leucine, amino acids that are practically not found in cereals. By the number of amino acids, mushrooms are superior to soy and corn. In terms of protein content, lentinula edible is not inferior to beans, therefore it can serve as a worthy substitute for animal proteins for vegetarians.

Energy value and calories

100 g of fresh mushrooms contains:

  • water - 89.74 g;
  • carbohydrates - 4.29 g;
  • fiber - 2.5 g;
  • proteins - 2.25 g;
  • ash - 0.73 g;
  • fat - 0.49 g.
The minimum amount of fat, as well as the property of normalizing carbon metabolism, makes lentinula edible dietary, low-calorie product, which can be recommended to people who want to lose weight. The Japanese method "yamakiro" has been developed, which promotes weight loss through the systematic use of three types of Japanese mushrooms: shiitake, meitake and larch tinder.

Did you know? An interesting property of shiitake has been discovered - the use of mushrooms in food reduces the body's need for sweets.

Lentinula edible can be eaten different ways: raw, fried, stewed, boiled, dried or pickled. The calorie content of mushroom dishes directly depends on the method of preparation. Below is their approximate calorie content and energy value:

  • raw- 34 kcal (141 kJ);
  • boiled and stewed- 48 kcal (199 kJ);
  • fried- 54 kcal (224 kJ);
  • dried- 300 kcal (1244 kJ).

Beneficial features

In terms of the number of healing properties, lentinula edible is not unreasonably compared with ginseng. You will be convinced of this by reading the list of useful properties of shiitake offered below:

These miraculous mushrooms also treat: childhood measles, headaches, back and joint pains, rheumatism, gout, constipation, pancreatic disorders, poor eyesight, myopia, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, stones in kidneys, alcoholism, anemia, beriberi, colds, non-healing wounds, weakness and even mushroom poisoning.
In addition, shiitake has a rejuvenating effect and “delays” the onset of old age, restores strength after heavy physical exertion, long-term illnesses and injuries. No wonder the Japanese call this mushroom "the elixir of life."

Treatment and prevention

Treatment and prevention of edible lentinula in most cases is based on the main property medicinal mushroom- stimulation immune system organism. Most diseases penetrate the human body, revealing weaknesses in the immune system. That is why the healing properties of shiitake are legendary as a panacea for all diseases. Let us consider in more detail the mechanism of the influence of imperial mushrooms on the human immune system.

Stimulation of the immune system

Pharmaceutical scientists discovered decades ago that the protective functions of the immune system directly depend on the amount of protein produced in human blood - interferon, which prevents the reproduction of bacteria and viruses.

Interferon is isolated from the blood of donors or synthesized chemically, after which it is introduced into the composition of immunostimulating drugs. This protein, produced in chemical laboratories, is poorly absorbed by the body, while natural (from donor blood) is absorbed better, but can cause allergic and other adverse reactions.
To stimulate the immune system, shiitake does not introduce interferon from the outside, since it does not contain it in its composition. But the medicinal mushroom is rich in complex carbohydrates - polysaccharides, which, when they enter the biological body, activate macrophages and T-lymphocytes, which stimulate the production of interferon by the body itself. Thus, the human immunity is always in a state of "alert", and the likelihood of catching a viral or bacterial infection is significantly reduced.

Cholesterol Reduction

The amino acid erytadenine is responsible for cholesterol levels in the human body. This amino acid stimulates the process of converting low-density lipoproteins into high-density lipoproteins, thereby accelerating the process of removing cholesterol from the blood. Eating edible lentinula, which contains the amino acid erytadenine in its composition, helps to regulate cholesterol levels.

Japanese scientists conducted studies in which 460 people took part. During the week, people took 9 g of dry mushrooms. As a result of the study, cholesterol levels decreased in different subjects by 6-15%. Thus, it can be argued that eating shiitake has a preventive effect in the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Fight against cancer

Initially, the effectiveness of shiitake in the fight against cancer was revealed in the late 60s of the twentieth century by experience. Research was conducted by Japanese scientists on laboratory mice infected with malignant sarcoma. Sick mice were fed with a decoction of edible lentinula. The results shocked the entire scientific world. So, from 100% mice:

  • 59% - fully recovered, the tumor resolved;
  • 22% - did not recover, but the tumor decreased slightly and stopped producing new metastases;
  • 19% - remained unchanged, the drug had no effect.
Scientists began to study even more carefully the effect of medicinal mushrooms on cancerous tumors. In the composition of lentinula edible, a substance called lentinan was identified.

Did you know? The unique polysaccharide lentinan, which takes its name from the mushroom's Latin name "Lentinus", can make up 1/3 of the mushroom.

It is this polysaccharide that helps fight tumors, and in two directions at once:
  • By strengthening the functions of the immune system. The polysaccharide lentinan, contained in the mushroom and shiitake mycelium, activates T-lymphocytes, which stimulate the body to produce interferon protein. Interferon destroys viruses and pathogenic microbes penetrating the body, thereby forcing the body to fight all aggressive influences, including cancerous tumors.
  • By stimulating the body to produce perforin. The substance perforin daily destroys diseased cells in the body, including cancer cells. Cancer cells are present in any organism, but the perforin enzyme detects them, invades the cytoplasm of the diseased cell and “explodes” the nucleus. The production of perforin by the body is significantly reduced after 35-40 years. The body's defense weakens, mutated and cancer cells begin to accumulate in it, and malignant tumors form.
Thanks to the use of a medicinal mushroom, the cause of the disease is eliminated - reduced antitumor immunity. Regular consumption of edible lentinula, its water or alcohol infusion serves as a prevention of cancer or, in the case of a disease in the body, gives an impetus to the body to heal itself. Do not forget that any disease is easier to prevent than to cure.

Strong antioxidant

Antioxidants are substances that neutralize free radicals. Free radicals are "sick" molecules that have lost one or more electrons. Once in the human body, free radicals take electrons from healthy and full-fledged molecules.

At the same time, free radicals are not able to renew their structure, and a once healthy cell that has lost an electron due to the fault of a free radical tries to replenish it at the expense of another full-fledged cell. This is how a chain reaction occurs, as a result of which a person’s health weakens, as his cells become unable to work normally and perform their functions.

Through the efforts of American scientists in the composition of edible lentinula in 2005, the antioxidant L-ergothioneine was identified.
It was previously believed that the leaders in the content of the antioxidant L-ergothioneine are chicken liver and wheat germ. Now the palm belongs to the medicinal shiitake mushroom.

The antioxidant L-ergothioneine prevents premature aging and disease, and also helps to cleanse and improve the body.

For skin beauty

It is known that Japanese geisha used shiitake face masks, which allowed them to surprise everyone with their beauty and youth for many years.

Beneficial features Shiitake are widely used in modern cosmetology. Products for the treatment of skin defects, creams, masks, lotions, face serums of well-known brands are produced. Cosmetics, containing edible lentinula extract, perform the following functions:

  • Provides nutrients to dry skin.
  • Normalize the oil balance of oily skin.
  • Narrows the enlarged pores of problem skin.
  • They give a healthy look and natural matte to any skin type.
  • Stimulate the regeneration of the epithelium, fight wrinkles and other signs of aging.
  • Prevent the growth of moles, the appearance of freckles and age spots.
  • Treat dermatological diseases, skin rashes, pimples and acne.

There is only one drawback of skin care products based on shiitake extract - their price, which, unfortunately, is far from democratic.

Harm and contraindications

Shiitake grown for the food industry can, like any other mushroom, cause stomach heaviness, digestive upset, bloating or flatulence. Therefore, mushrooms should be consumed in moderation. You can’t get poisoned by Chinese mushrooms if they are grown in proper conditions. Since mushrooms, like a sponge, absorb all substances from the surrounding nature, the place in which they grew up plays a large role in the benefits or harms of shiitake.

The intake of edible lentinula, which has grown in natural conditions and has all the medical characteristics, is not recommended:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • persons suffering from individual intolerance (allergies, persistent diarrhea);
  • children under 12;
  • patients with bronchial asthma.

Important! Medicinal shiitake mushroom is combined with any medication, except for aspirin and aconite tincture.

There are no data on the practical use of shiitake by pregnant women, but it is better not to experiment. The active components of edible lentinula can affect the hormonal background of a pregnant woman, which can negatively affect her well-being.
It is strictly forbidden for lactating women to take this medication, since some of the active substances through breast milk can get into the digestive tract of the baby, which is still being formed.

The digestive system of children under 12 is not yet strong enough, and the pancreas does not produce enough enzymes to digest mushrooms. In the future, a new exotic product can be introduced into the diet in small portions and no more than once a week.

At the slightest sign of an allergy, you should stop using a previously unknown product.

Important! Before using medicines based on shiitake for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, it is necessary to consult a qualified specialist.

How much to use per day and method of administration

There are many recipes for preparing shiitake dishes - these are seasonings, soups, main courses, as well as drinks, sweets and yogurts. Mushrooms can be boiled, fried, stewed, baked, marinated, grilled. The cooking process is not long, no more than 5-10 minutes. If you cook shiitake for a long time, they can become “rubber” or, conversely, boil soft and lose their shape.
Chinese mushrooms, when cooked, are successfully combined with many products - meat, fish, poultry, vegetables.

In the countries of the European Union, the interesting taste qualities of Chinese mushrooms were appreciated. In the EU, up to 4,000 tons of shiitake are grown and consumed annually.

A person who does not have abnormalities in the work of the gastrointestinal tract can eat up to 200 g of fresh or up to 20 g daily. dried mushrooms. In the presence of diseases of the stomach or intestines, it is recommended to use mushrooms no more than 1 time per week.

In the homeland of shiitake, recipes are common mushroom broths with ginseng and ginger root. Such a broth is considered a good general tonic, effective for colds and during a flu epidemic.

In pharmacies, shiitake extract can be found in the form of powders, capsules, tablets, and infusions. These drugs should be taken in accordance with the instructions and prescription of the doctor.

Important! Among the medicines created on the basis of shiitake mushrooms, there are fakes that you need to be wary of: they do not bring a healing effect.

In folk medicine, water and alcohol infusions, teas, oil extracts, etc. are used. Below are some recipes for medicinal preparations based on edible lentinula.

Healing infusion for recuperation


  • 0.5 g dried shiitake powder;
  • 1 glass of warm water.

Stir, leave for 8 hours. Drink within one day for 3 doses, mix before use.

Restorative tea


  • 1 teaspoon dried shiitake powder
  • 200 ml of boiling water.

Pour the healing powder with boiling water, leave for 40 minutes. Drink tea 20-30 minutes before meals 1-3 times a day. Course duration - no more than 90 days.
Tincture for cancer


  • 5 g dried shiitake powder;
  • 150 g of vodka.
Stir, insist in a cold place for two weeks. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

Water infusion for the prevention of a decrease in the body's defenses


  • 1 teaspoon (without top) dried shiitake powder;
  • 100 ml warm water.
Stir, wait 15-20 minutes, then mix again and drink all the contents. Take 1 time per day on an empty stomach 30 minutes before meals. The course of prevention - 30-60 days, is carried out 2 times a year, preferably in spring and autumn. If there is a need to raise immunity, this procedure should be repeated 2-3 times a day, and the course of treatment extended to 3-6 months.
Wine tincture for influenza


  • 3 tablespoons dried shiitake powder;
  • 750 ml of quality Cahors.

Stir and infuse in a cool place for 2 weeks. During the spread of respiratory diseases, take tincture 1 teaspoon 20-30 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

Universal prophylactic infusion


  • 1 tablespoon dried shiitake powder
  • 150 ml of vodka.
Stir, insist in a cool dark place for 2 weeks. Take 1 teaspoon on an empty stomach, preferably at bedtime. Can be mixed with warm tea or juice.

Oil extract for the treatment of hypertension, ulcers, kidneys, joints, etc.

  • 20 g dried shiitake powder;
  • 500 ml olive or linseed oil.
The oil is heated in a water bath to 37 ° C, mixed with mushroom powder. The mixture is tightly closed and insisted in a warm place for 5 days (you can put it on a battery), after which 5 days in a cool place (you can in the refrigerator). Before use, the oil extract must be shaken.

Important! A detailed indication of dosages should be given by a specialist fungotherapist, taking into account the disease and the individual characteristics of each organism.

Slimming tincture


  • 4 teaspoons dried shiitake powder;
  • 500 ml of vodka or cognac.
The mixture is heated in a water bath for 2-3 minutes, and then infused in a dark place for 2 weeks, shaking daily. Take tincture should be 3 times a day for 1 teaspoon.
Lotion for oily porous skin prone to acne and redness (Japanese geisha recipe)


  • 1 part fresh shiitake mushrooms;
  • 2 parts water;
  • 1 part alcohol.
Mix all the ingredients and insist in a dark place for 7-10 days. In the morning and evening, wipe the skin of the face with a cotton swab dipped in lotion, excluding the area around the lips and eyes.

Storage conditions

Features of storage of shiitake mushrooms depend on the form in which they are. Mushrooms can be:

  • Fresh. Store them in paper bags in a cool place for no more than three weeks.
  • Dried. They are stored in a dry place in their original packaging. The shelf life should not exceed a year (until a new harvest of mushrooms).
  • Marinated. Be sure to store in the refrigerator, after opening the jar no more than 2-3 days.
  • Frozen. The shelf life of frozen mushrooms is indicated on the packaging, usually it should not exceed 6 months, subject to the correct temperature regime.
  • In the form of a medical product(tablets, capsules, powder extract). Expiration dates and storage conditions are indicated in the instructions for the drug. The extract is usually stored for up to 2 years at a temperature of +5 to +25 °C.

The inhabitants of Japan believe that the shiitake mushroom is the elixir of life, which develops the strength of the spirit and rejuvenates the body. Perhaps the time has come when it is worth looking for cures for ailments not of chemical origin and not on pharmacy shelves, but to turn to our origins, to mother nature and her gifts.

It is a yeast fungus and acetic acid bacteria of various types. all the same, there will be a mushroom for all mushrooms. With its help, in many regions of our country they prepare a special and quite popular carbonated drink - tea kvass.

Japanese kombucha is one of the oldest organisms used by man. True, some call it “kombucha mushroom”, others call it “Manchurian mushroom”, others call it “fango”, in Europe kombucha mushroom is often called, and because it looks like a jellyfish, it is officially called jellyfish (Medusomyces Gisevi) . But no matter how you call this miracle organism, it has been used since ancient times not only as a refreshing, pleasant-tasting drink, but also as remedy. Its infusion serves as an excellent means of preventing many diseases, and unlike pharmaceuticals that have unpleasant side effects, Kombucha restores normal conditions in cell membranes without any side effects.
Chemical composition
Enzymes were found in the infusion of kombucha: amylase, zymase, carbohydrase, catalase, linase, protease, sucrase, levansucrase, tryptic enzymes, lipids: sterols, phosphatides, fatty acids, vitamins C and D, thiamine, various organic acids (malic, citric, lactic, oxalic, kojic, gluconic, acetic, pyruvic, phosphoric), sugars: monosaccharides, disaccharides, pigments: chlorophyll, xanthophyll, contains antibiotic substances. In addition, traces of tannins, cellulose-type polysaccharides, aldehydes, fat-like substances such as choline, fatty and resinous substances, alkaloids, and glucosides were identified.
Application in medicine
The history of the origin of kombucha still remains a mystery, and the ways of penetration of kombucha culture into human life are also unknown, although a person has long been using its infusion as a drink that helps with many diseases: atherosclerosis, anemia, sore throat, typhoid fever, headache, hypertension, hemorrhoids, gastritis, influenza, purulent wounds, dysentery, dyspepsia, diphtheria, blood pressure, intestinal infections, eye conjunctivitis, urolithiasis, neurasthenia, digestive disorders, acute catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, otitis media, burns, frostbite, poisoning, edema, paratyphoid, diarrhea, gout, cancer, angina pectoris, scarlet fever, tuberculosis, severe stomatitis, diseases of the ear, throat, nose, furunculosis, cholecystitis, chronic constipation. Scientific studies have shown that kombucha infusion reduces cholesterol levels in human blood, especially kombucha honey infusion. Such a drink is recommended as a means of treating atherosclerosis and calming nervous system. Kombucha infusion stimulates the functions of the gastric glands. As a result of exposure to infusion in the intestines, E. coli, yeast and gram-positive bacteria are suppressed while increasing the number of lactic acid bacteria and anaerobes, and the infusion stimulates the body's defenses. Being harmless to the human body and animals, the infusion is at the same time active against a large number of pathogenic microbes.
Kombucha infusion has a positive effect on various wounds, cuts, abscesses, burns, hangnails, abscesses, breast mastitis, boils, bruises, tumors, non-healing and festering wounds after operations. It helps with the bites of wasps, bees, animals, with pain in the heels, heel<шпорах>, with fractures, trophic ulcers, with hemorrhoids, with chronic rhinitis or sinusitis.
To obtain an infusion of the mushroom, place the mushroom in an absolutely clean and sterile three-liter jar and keep it constantly covered with gauze. Periodically, the mushroom should be washed with warm water. Feed him once every two days with infused weak tea (preferably green) with sugar at the rate of: 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar per 3 liter jar. Insist at a temperature of 25-30 degrees for 1-2 weeks. During this time, yeast fungi will actively ferment sugar, turning it into alcohol and carbon dioxide, and various types of acetic acid bacteria will turn alcohol into various acids, enzymes and other useful substances.
With angina (drink 1 hour before meals 4-5 times a day, and also gargle).
Apply the mushroom to wounds, with the deposition of salts - after removing the cones, after gypsum.
With the help of kombucha, you can restore a shrunken voice if you drink the mushroom for at least 3 days.
It is used to strengthen hair (moisten hair for 20-30 minutes).

Shiitake mushroom grown in the garden on pieces of wood.

This is how shiitake mushrooms are grown in a film greenhouse on a substrate from a mixture of sawdust with various additives.

Shiitake (or more correctly, shiitake) is an exotic mushroom for Russia. It grows on the dead wood of the shea tree, somewhat reminiscent of oak and other broad-leaved species. It is also known under the names "Japanese" or "black forest mushroom". Its Latin spelling is lentinus (Lentinus edodes).

Under natural conditions, shiitake grows in Japan, Korea, China and some countries of Southeast Asia, where it has long been used in folk medicine and is considered the "elixir of life". On the territory of Russia, it is occasionally found in the Far East, in the Primorsky Territory.

Shiitake cultivation was first started in Japan about 2,000 years ago. It was from there that it spread throughout the world. Currently, the annual world production of shiitake is about 500,000 tons, of which at least 150,000 tons are produced in Europe: in England, France, Holland. It is also grown in North America - Canada, USA. But the main producer is still Japan, where this product is among the most important export items.

Shiitake - woody agaric. The color of the cap is brown, from dark to light; along the edge is lighter, creamy, with a fringe; the entire surface is covered with whitish scales. Diameter - from 5 to 25 cm. The pulp is white. The plates are not attached to the stem, they are white, turn brown when pressed. The leg is cylindrical, 1-2 cm in diameter, creamy, with a fibrous surface and hard flesh, turning brown at the break.

The taste resembles a cross between champignon and white, and its protein contains a complete set of essential amino acids, but there is no cholesterol in the composition of fats. Therefore, shiitake is one of the gourmet foods. Use it fresh in salads or in the first and second courses.

In addition to the taste qualities, shiitake attracts many pharmaceutical properties. And there are a lot of them. Patents from Japan, France, Germany, Great Britain confirm that the fungus has antitumor, antiviral and anti-AIDS effects. The polysaccharide lentinan, isolated from the fruiting bodies of this fungus and having antitumor properties, has received the greatest fame. Its action is associated with the stimulation of the human immune system. The antiviral effect of shiitake is explained by the fact that the mushroom forms a biologically active substance that promotes the production of interferon (antiviral substance) in the body. The effect of the fungus on lowering the level (or concentration) of cholesterol in the blood has been studied quite well, which leads to a slowdown in the development of atherosclerosis, a decrease and stabilization of blood pressure. From Shiitake Derived medicine eritadenine (synonym - lentinacin), normalizing blood pressure. The mushroom also contains provitamin D, which, under the influence of ultraviolet rays, turns into vitamin D 2.

Wide demand in Japan is found for both fresh and dried mushrooms. Unlike other cultivated mushrooms, shiitake keeps well. At temperatures from 0 0 С to +2 0 С and air humidity from 85 to 95%, mushrooms remain fresh for two to three weeks. But still, up to 80% of grown mushrooms are used in dried form.


Mushrooms can be grown in two ways: extensive - in the open air on pieces of wood and intensive - in film greenhouses or other premises on a substrate made from a mixture of sawdust with some additives.

For outdoor cultivation, pieces of wood (oak, beech, alder) 1 m long and 10-20 cm in diameter are harvested. Freshly sawn wood or aged for one month in the air in a shaded place and laid out so that the pieces do not touch is suitable. Humidity in this case should be at least 60-75%.

Holes are made on the segments with a depth of 1.5 cm and a diameter of about 2 cm at a distance of 20 cm from each other. Shiitake grain mycelium is added to them. To prevent the penetration of bacteria or mold fungi, the holes are sealed with wooden plugs or wax. The sown segments are placed in shaded, well-ventilated and cleared places. To protect against drying out and direct sunlight, the "crops" are covered with branches.

For the germination of mycelium into wood, a temperature of 13-27 0 C and an air humidity of 78-85% are required. Light at this stage is not required, but access fresh air necessary. Covered with straw mats or transferred to the basement, logs with mycelium overwinter even in central Russia, especially in its southern regions, in particular in the Krasnodar or Stavropol Territory.

Overgrowing logs with mycelium usually occurs within 6-12 months. After this time, the pieces of wood are placed for 24-72 hours in cold water, and then they are installed vertically or obliquely in a shady place, leaning against wooden racks. At an air temperature of about +20 0 C, mushrooms begin to appear after 7-11 days. In the open air, two waves of fruiting are observed within 3-5 years - in spring and autumn. Productivity from 1 m 3 of wood is 200-250 g per collection, or 800-1200 g of mushrooms from one piece of wood.


In film greenhouses, mushrooms are grown in containers on a sterilized mixture of sawdust or shavings with bran. Instead of sterilization, you can be content with a milder heat treatment of the substrate - pasteurization hot water within 8-12 hours.

The basis of the substrate is sawdust, mainly hard hardwoods - oak, beech.

Four parts of sawdust or shavings are mixed with one part of rice or wheat bran, rice straw, wheat or other grains. Among the additives can be a wide variety of ingredients, including tea leaves, yeast, straw of various grain crops, cotton linters. It is desirable to add 3% gypsum or chalk to the mixture.

The finished substrate is treated with hot water and slightly dried (substrate moisture 70-90%). Then they are filled plastic bags with a capacity of 3-5-7 kg and into the "channel" (hole) made through the entire thickness of the bag, grain mycelium is introduced in an amount of 4-5% by weight of the substrate. The bag is loosely tied. The left neck is closed with a cork - cotton or cotton.

At a temperature of 20-30 0 С ( optimum temperature+25 0 C) the block is overgrown with mycelium within 30-60 days. Then the bag is removed and the block is placed for 24-72 hours in cold water. After that, it is transferred to a greenhouse or other bright room with an air humidity of 85-90% and a temperature of about 20 0 C. The room is ventilated 2-4 hours a day, and after 7-14 days, "rudiments" of fungi appear, and after two weeks - the first mature mushrooms, ready for harvest. Mushrooms appear every 2-3 weeks. Fruiting lasts 8-12 and even 16 weeks. Productivity for the period of fruiting - 15-20% of the mass of the substrate.

Amateur cultivation of shiitake is just beginning, so there may be failures. It is better to start with an extensive method of growing mushrooms on pieces of wood, and in the case of intensive technology - from small containers weighing about 2-3 kg, which will allow you to pasteurize the substrate well and thereby protect the slowly growing mycelium from molds.