Useful and medicinal properties of gooseberries. Recipes for the use of gooseberries for cosmetic purposes

Good afternoon, dear readers. We all use the berries of various plants and are familiar with their advantages and disadvantages. Today I would like to discuss with you an interesting topic that is not related to fruits “gooseberry leaves, useful properties and contraindications”.

Species and varieties

To get acquainted with the properties of the leaves, I want to talk about the gooseberries on which they grow. The plant belongs to the Kryzhovnkovye family and has 160 species. Of these, about 50 are considered wild.

You can meet them in North America. There are wild varieties in Russia, for example, the gooseberry is rejected, the homeland is the North Caucasus. Needle gooseberry - Siberia, Central Asia. In the Far East - Bureinsky gooseberry.

Each type of gooseberry is the ancestor of new varieties. Currently, they number up to 4000. Conventionally, all varieties are divided into 3 groups:

  1. Hybrid. The berries of this group are large with a pleasant taste.
  2. American. The taste qualities of the fruits are slightly underestimated, small. They have a high resistance to fungal diseases.
  3. European. The berries are large. Low resistance to infectious diseases. It reproduces with great difficulty.

It will take a lot of time to describe all the varieties. Therefore, I will describe the most popular:

  • "Salute" is a winter-hardy and drought-resistant variety. The bush is very compact and of medium size. The berries are oval in shape, large in size (3.5 g). When ripe, the color of the fruit changes to dark red. The aroma is absent.
  • "Russian". The bushes are tall with an average ripening period. High-yielding, winter-hardy variety. The plant is not susceptible to diseases. Spikes of medium height. large berries of red color.
  • "Eaglet". The variety does not have thorns. The bush is disease resistant, medium in size and spreads moderately. hallmark are black berries with a wax coating.
  • Moscow Red. The variety has a high yield, winter-hardy. Oval-shaped fruits, dark red color. When ripe, the berries have a purple hue, very fragrant, with a dessert taste.
  • "Cossack". The variety is drought-resistant, mid-season, not susceptible to diseases. Ripe fruits acquire a dark plum color.
  • "Commander". Winter-hardy variety with high yield. The fruits are medium, reaching a weight of 4.2 g. Bush without thorns, high resistance to powdery mildew.
  • "White Nights". Winter-hardy variety with early ripening. Spikes are medium. The berries are not very small in size, with a yellow tint, sweet in taste.
  • "African". The name speaks for itself, the variety is drought-resistant, frost-resistant, high-yielding. The bush is medium spreading, resistant to powdery mildew disease, without thorns. The berries are small in size, having a black wax coating, with a sweet and sour taste.

All of these varieties are unpretentious and productive. The green crown of the plant can serve as a decoration for any garden.

If we talk about traditional medicine, then the beneficial properties of gooseberry leaves are not inferior to berries.

I am sure you will also be interested in my previous articles about the benefits and harms of berries such as, and.

The use of the leaves as a medicine

Do you know what preparations based on gooseberry leaves can bring to the body? It turns out a lot positive properties, thanks to the components inside them:

  • tannins of the leaves perform the following properties: bactericidal, anti-inflammatory hemostatic;
  • malic acid improves metabolic processes, the immune system, blood circulation. Cleanses the body of toxins, promotes fat burning;
  • citric acid helps to reorganize the energy balance, increases resistance to a negative external environment, activates brain cells, increases efficiency nervous system;
  • flavonoids strengthen the walls of blood vessels, neutralize the work of free radicals and the leaf works as an antioxidant.
  • Decoctions have positive properties in skin diseases
    strengthen hair;
  • rinsing the mouth with a decoction helps to maintain a healthy microclimate in it;
  • remove stones from the kidneys and help to recover;
  • decoctions and tinctures are used for tuberculosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis;

I advise you to take brewed young leaves instead of a cup of coffee and tea. The drink perfectly tones the body in the morning. Also read about.

Contraindications of the drug on gooseberry leaves

The use of decoctions and tinctures on gooseberry leaves is not available to everyone. This applies to people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract). Peptic ulcer of the stomach, duodenum, enterocolitis, colitis can worsen.

Individual intolerance.

Kidney disease - use drugs with care, avoid overdose.



  1. Grind gooseberry leaves (1 tablespoon), put in a thermos and pour boiling water (1 cup). Everything is infused for about 30 minutes. Then, strain and drink 3 times a day.
  2. Dosage: 1/3 of a glass before meals for 30 minutes.
  3. The infusion is effective for tuberculosis, obesity, osteochondrosis, arthritis.


Connect 3 tbsp. l. leaves with 3 cups of water and put on fire. Boil for 6 minutes. Cool and strain.

The decoction is useful for mouth ulcers, dysentery, diarrhea. On a hot day, the product perfectly tones, refreshes the body, and prevents dehydration.

Decoction contraindications. Let's say that you have surgery, a few weeks before the operation, you need to stop taking it. Since it can cause bleeding during or after surgery.

As you can see, leaves have much more positive properties than negative ones. Therefore, you can stock up for the winter not only with berries, but also with leaves. To do this, collect them, rinse under running water. Dry in the shade.

Gooseberries are a valuable dietary product. It is used as in fresh, as well as various blanks. The berries are rich chemical composition. According to the content of some substances, gooseberries are simply unique.

Gooseberries - delicious and useful berry, medicinal properties gooseberries are used for anemia, for healing the intestines, stimulating bile secretion. The ratio of potassium and sodium in gooseberries is 11:1, which determines its decongestant properties.

gooseberries contain (in%): sugars 8-11, organic acids 1.2-1.7, pectin substances 0.88; vitamins C (30-60 mg per 100 g of juice), B1, P, provitamin A (carotene), iron salts, phosphorus. Due to its rich content, gooseberries are widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of many ailments and diseases.

By the abundance of vitamins, gooseberries are superior to many others. There is a lot of vitamin C in gooseberries, vitamin P, which prevents internal hemorrhages and strengthens blood vessels (moreover, in red gooseberries it is 4-10 times more than in green and yellow fruits). There is also a lot of hematopoietic folic acid, useful for patients suffering from anemia and blood loss.

Many people know that gooseberries are quite useful for our health, and all thanks to them. valuable composition. But not everyone knows what the beneficial properties and contraindications of gooseberry leaves are. But in fact, in fact, this part of the plant is highly valued in folk medicine, since it is in no way inferior to fruits in terms of the content of important substances.

The gooseberry leaf will compete with the berry in terms of the quantity and strength of its medicinal properties.

Application in medicine

How does the use of gooseberry leaf preparations affect the human body?

  • Reliable protection against anemia - the leaves of this plant are rich in organic acids, in particular folic acid, and trace elements that fight anemia.
  • Improves blood circulation and metabolic processes due to the presence of malic acid, which is famous for its positive effect on human body and the ability to strengthen the immune system.
  • The work of the digestive system returns to normal, fat deposits are burned and the body is cleansed of harmful substances - malic acid is responsible for all these processes.
  • Energy exchange is restored, the functioning of the nervous system improves, brain cells are activated and the body's ability to withstand negative external factors increases, since gooseberry leaves contain valuable citric acid.
  • There is a strengthening of the walls of blood vessels due to the content of flavonoids, which are also able to neutralize the activity of free radicals; Thanks to them, the leaves of this plant exhibit an antioxidant effect.
  • The presence of tannins allows gooseberry leaves to exhibit several medicinal properties at once, including hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal.

In addition, preparations of this part of the plant are often prescribed in complex therapy. urolithiasis- they help to remove stones from the kidneys and restore the activity of this organ.


Healing infusion:

  • finely chop gooseberry leaves with a knife, separate a tablespoon;
  • put raw materials in a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water;
  • close tightly and leave for 30 minutes;
  • after this time, filter the infusion.

Take the finished product 30-35 minutes before meals three times a day. This infusion is highly effective in arthritis, osteochondrosis, obesity and tuberculosis.

  • Grind 2 tablespoons of raw materials and put in a saucepan;
  • pour 3 cups of water and set the container on fire;
  • bring the contents of the saucepan to a boil, reduce the gas supply to the minimum mark and cook for about 5-7 minutes;
  • remove the broth from the stove, let cool and filter.

The intake of such a remedy becomes relevant for ulcers in the tongue and in the oral cavity, as well as for diarrhea and dysentery. In addition, this decoction is perfectly refreshing on a hot day and helps to avoid dehydration.

Important! A decoction of gooseberry leaves has a rather serious side effect: It increases the risk of bleeding during and after surgery. Therefore, the use of this drug should be abandoned at least 2 weeks before surgery!

As you can see, the range of useful properties of gooseberry leaves is quite wide. For this reason ethnoscience it is recommended to harvest them on a par with berries. They will positive influence on metabolic processes in the body, eliminate joint pain and even improve the general condition in such a serious disease as tuberculosis.

In addition, the use of gooseberry leaf preparations for internal use does not end. Decoctions and infusions can strengthen hair roots and cure some skin diseases.

Attention - contraindication!

Like any other medicine, gooseberry leaf is not good for everyone. Decoctions and infusions based on it have the only contraindication for use - diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Use the gifts of nature competently and carefully, and they will definitely bring only benefits! Be healthy!

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

In the common people, gooseberries are called "northern grapes", they love him for their pleasant taste qualities and The berry grows on thorny bushes. The fruits are bristly and smooth, spherical in shape and sometimes reach 40 mm. The color palette is diverse: green, purple, yellow and even black.

It can be eaten fresh. Also, gooseberries make very tasty and savory jams, marmalade, compotes, jams and wines. Widely used in cosmetic and medical purposes. It is also valuable as an early honey plant. The berry grows in the middle lane with a temperate climate. There are approximately 1500 varieties of fruits in the world.

Origin story

Gooseberries were brought to Russia from Western America. It began to be cultivated in the 11th century. In those distant times, it was called Bersen-kryzh. A little later, in the 17th century, landowners began to grow it on their estates for the preparation of elite wine and jam, which was distinguished by exquisite properties and taste.

Today, its thorny bushes can be found in the Caucasus, in Central Asia, Europe and Ukraine. Everywhere it is bred by avid summer residents and gardeners on their plots. Rarely, a berry can be seen in wild forests.

Composition and calories

Organic acids, mono- and disaccharides contain gooseberries. How useful is the fruit for the body? First of all, it is low-calorie - 45 kcal per 100 g. It is recommended to be included in the diet of nutritionists around the world, as the berry is a valuable dietary product.

In addition, it is rich in a group of vitamins B (B1, B2, B6, A, E, C, PP. It contains a lot of macronutrients that are beneficial to the body, such as: copper, iron, manganese, ash, calcium, iodine, sodium, fluorine, copper, phosphorus, potassium It also contains an important trace element - molybdenum, which is involved in the formation of hemoglobin and is responsible for the exchange of amino acids.

With loss of blood and anemia, gooseberries are prescribed. What else is useful, you ask? This is one of the few berry crops that contains a predominant amount of copper. It is rightfully considered the best antiradiant, since it contains 1.5% pectin, which reliably protects a person from radiation waves. It also regulates cholesterol levels Airways and digestive system.

Gooseberries are rich in chemical compounds. How useful is the medicinal composition of the substances present in the berries? Coumarin, found in gooseberries, prevents thrombosis, anthocyanin lowers leukocytosis, serotonin helps regulate blood pressure, improves mood and is an antitumor agent. Beneficial features gooseberries are priceless.

No wonder it is so actively used in medicinal purposes. Fresh, it is indicated for iron, phosphorus and copper deficiency. Decoctions from fruits saturate the body with vitamins. Gooseberries are used as a diuretic.

What is the fruit useful for and for what diseases is it recommended?

Useful for kidney disease, chronic constipation and gastroenterocolitis. An amazing combination of trace elements helps to increase immune system. This product has a firming, hemostatic, tonic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Infusions are used to normalize menstruation, and leaf decoctions help with tuberculosis. With lichen and psoriasis, lotions from pureed fruits help well. Care oily skin you can use extracts from these berries or make nourishing masks with the addition of whey and yogurt.

Gooseberries will help get rid of acne and inflammation on the face. Its useful properties are great - this is a real royal berry. The fruits are used to treat many ailments.


With enterocolitis and colitis, accompanied by severe diarrhea, it is contraindicated to use gooseberries.

Gooseberry is a deciduous shrub.It grows up to 1.8 m high and about 1.2 m wide. Most varieties have thorns.

  • The size- from 1.5 gr. up to 12 gr.
  • Color skins- from green to pink, red, purple, white and yellow.
  • Taste from sour to very sweet.

Gooseberries are eaten fresh, but can be made into jams, jams, and drinks. The fruits ripen from mid-June to mid-July.

In Russia, Poland and Germany, gooseberries are grown in large commercial plantations and household plots. The average yield of berries is 4-5 kg ​​per bush.

For a long time, the spread of gooseberries around the world was hindered by its susceptibility to diseases, for example,.

AT last years gooseberries began to grow more often. The reasons are unpretentiousness during cultivation, the beneficial properties of gooseberries, resistance to cold winters and the emergence of varieties with better disease tolerance.

The composition and calorie content of gooseberries

The calorie content of gooseberries is 43 kcal per 100 gr. Fruit contain more than 80% water.

The composition of the gooseberry includes protein, fiber, carbohydrates, organic acids, phenolic compounds, minerals, vitamins and lipids.

Vitamins in gooseberries are presented:

  • group B - 0.06 mg;
  • A - 33 mcg;
  • PP - 0.4 mg.

Lots of minerals

  • calcium - 22 mg;
  • sodium - 23 mg;
  • magnesium - 9 mg;
  • iron - 0.8 mg.

Biologically active components in gooseberries are responsible for the beneficial properties of gooseberries.

For bones and joints

Vitamin C promotes the formation of procollagen and its transition to collagen. It strengthens bones and joints.

For the heart and blood vessels

Vitamin C strengthens the walls of blood vessels, dissolves cholesterol plaques, normalizes arterial pressure. Phenolic acids reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

For vision

Carotenoids and vitamin A improve eyesight.

For the intestines

Gooseberries are often included in weight loss diets. It improves metabolism.

For the pancreas

Chlorogenic acid increases insulin levels and lowers blood sugar levels.

For the kidneys

The medicinal properties of gooseberries are manifested in its diuretic action.

For skin and hair

Vitamins A and C in gooseberries have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

For immunity

Gooseberries strengthen the immune system and prevent cancer.

The benefits of gooseberries for pregnant women

These properties of gooseberries have been known for a long time. Berries improve digestion and relieve swelling due to the diuretic effect.

The use of gooseberries during pregnancy will help to prevent iron deficiency anemia.

Harm and contraindications of gooseberries

The harm of gooseberries is insignificant compared to its beneficial properties for the body:

Gooseberries have different sugar content. When consuming sweet varieties, diabetics need to monitor their overall blood sugar levels.

How to choose gooseberries

When buying dry, frozen berries or finished products from gooseberries, follow the integrity of the package and the expiration date.

How to store gooseberries

The state of the berry does not change when stored in the refrigerator for two weeks. At room temperature it is stored for up to 5 days, but temperature changes and direct sunlight should be avoided.